#Game of Thrones season 8
blanchettblue · 10 months
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gwendoline christie being a literal goddess
game of thrones season eight premiere
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house-of-daenerys · 9 months
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thisonetimeinmeridian · 9 months
Honestly? Still kinda ticked Gendrya didn't end up together and that all the surviving Stark children were BY THEMSELVES at the end of the series even the whole point of their story was their love for their family and wanting to find their way back to eachother
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growingstrong2019 · 2 months
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If only Dany had listened to her and not Tyrion, she could’ve took Kingslanding without losing missandei and Rhaegal. And probably wouldn’t of gone insane and burnt Kingslanding to the ground.
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lovl3igh · 2 months
what are three words you would use to describe daenerys' council?
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movie-magic · 8 months
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thisonegirl · 22 days
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toadpeee · 2 years
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S8 Screenshot redraw to practice color and mood.
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kor-ee-an-door · 9 months
You know, it would be quite redundant to see King's Landing after Daenerys' destruction again after we already see it from Jon's perspective. But! For more than anyone, that city was a bad place for Sansa, it's where all of her hopes lived and died and I would have loved to see her react to all of it.
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glassheartstonesoul · 7 months
I just watched the GOT finale and I’ve got a lot of opinions but one thing I hated that I don’t see talked about enough is the direction the writers took sansa in I love that she’s queen of the north but her apprehension with daenerys was smart and justified yes at times it seemed like she was determined to hate dany but overall sansa was right so who cares the thing that makes me mad tho is that originally sansa’s reasons for disliking dany were out of concern for the north she didn’t have an ulterior motive (despite many characters thinking she did although I personally believe she didn’t) but later when bran became king sansa was insistent on keeping the north independent because “the north can’t bend the knee to anyone anymore” when in reality the north would be happy to bend the knee to one of their own to a stark !!! it made it seem like sansa’s motivations for keeping the north independent were actually born out of her own thirst for power when I feel like sansa isn’t power hungry or at least not that power hungry sure she wanted to be lady of winterfell which she should be and deserves to be but to go as far as making yourself the queen ??? i’m just pissed that they made her look power hungry instead of an intelligent and now grown up woman ready to accept her duty as lady of winterfell which she should’ve been !!!!!!!
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just-some-fiction · 1 year
You know what the problem with Season 8 of Game Of Thrones was? Besides the writers being completely incompetent….
They created unnecessary conflict and no resolution. Every single turn it was tension, shock value and death. There was no substance to the writing or to the story. Everyone was timid, reduced to one liners or just not themselves. The one good scene in the entire show was when Jaime knights Brienne. It was wholesome and then they decided to turn Jaime into a fucking pussy again.
The one scene that had so much potential or two scenes, between Dany and Sansa - I still think the conflict there was dragged out and unnecessary, Sansa could have helped Daenerys with Cersei and Daenerys could have used Sansa as an advisor because Tyrion was being stupid. Then the scene between Jon and Dany, just communicate, talk about it.
And Sam suddenly wants to be sad about the father who literally told him he was gonna kill him???
The most best way to have ended GOT of they wanted shock value would have been a post apocalypse like ending. The Night King decimates everything, Cersei blows up Kingslanding and somehow our heroes build a new world starting from the ashes.
I’m getting back into writing for Game Of Thrones and currently working through some of my anger at the butchering of a great show with great actors and a great world. So stay tuned.
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sophiemariepl · 1 year
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Another problem with the rushed narrative in HotD is that the series is in many ways not understandable to a viewer who is not already familiar with the source material. And that is a bad sign. Because the point of a good adaptation is that it conveys the story in a way understandable to a viewer who meets this story for the first time.
Like, sorry for anegdotic example, but I realized that when I watched HotD for the first time - with my mom. Her whole experience with Martin’s universe is reading “A Game of Thrones” 10 years ago when GoT season 1 aired. She stopped reading the book in around 25% due to lack of time. She continued to watch the show tho, and she understood the plot well.
Meanwhile, when we watched HotD, I literally had to explain the plot to her so many times, I think that at some point we had to pause every 5-15 minutes so that I could explain to her what other part of crucial information was cut out from the series.
And of course, this is the fault of cuts made due to the budget being eaten mostly by CGI for dragons, which in turn is a by-product of David and Dan’s failure with GoT season 8, which left HBO not being as willing to fund this universe as much as before.
Now think how great HotD could be if David and Dan did not f**k up GoT.
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house-of-daenerys · 4 months
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𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝓇𝒶𝑔𝑜𝓃 𝒬𝓊𝑒𝑒𝓃 & 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐵𝓁𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒬𝓊𝑒𝑒𝓃
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lovl3igh · 2 months
"we needed her, we needed her army, her dragons" immadietaly followed by "i don't need many allies" must be the stupidest thing d&d put in arya's mouth through the whole series right after "i know the killer when i see one"
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thatkarleesidraws · 1 year
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“I am not here to be Queen of the ashes.”
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the-wanderer · 3 months
I know Season 8 (and Season 7 somewhat) of Game of Thrones is widely hated, as it surpassed the books it was based on and failed to deliver, but we did get some good moments, such as -
• Arya wiping out House Frey - Tell them The North Remembers. Tell them Winter came for House Frey
* Samwell Tarly healing Jorah Mormont of greyscale
* Arya sees Nymeria again
* The poetic justice of Cersei killing Tyene in front of Ellaria Sand in the same way she had Myrcella killed
* Tell Cersei, I want her to know it was me - Olenna Tyrell
* House Stark reunion
* Arya trains with Brienne
* The Battle of the Goldroad
* The Exposure and Death of Littlefinger
* The Lone Wolf Dies, but the Pack Survives line
* I enjoyed Daenerys and Jon's relationship (at least before she went mad and he killed her)
* Jon riding a dragon
* Talking about Jon and Daenerys - 'You gave up your crown to save your people. Would she do the same...'
* Knighting Brienne
* Sam giving his family sword to Jorah
* Sandor saving Arya in King's Landing. Showing her that revenge will be the death of her, but she has a chance to leave and live.
* The Hound Vs The Mountain (Cleangebowl) {that's what we mean by it doesn't have to be a happy ending, as long as it's satisfying and true to the characters}
* Destroying the Iron Throne
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