#GW2 Sirens Landing
grumpy-salad · 1 year
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bluebudgie · 2 years
ALRIGHT all maps tier list!! Provided by @dasozelotvonnebenan, check out the original post here
I tried to sort the maps by release in their respective rankings so the viewing experience is hopefully a little less messy than it could be.
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This may look a little incosistent with my earlier core tyria only ranking but that is because I had to reevaluate and set slightly different priorities with all these new choices added.
Opinion subject to change at any point, as always. Oh also I left out the guild halls bc I've only been to 3 of them and only spent more than 5 minutes in one of them so idk.
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 years
first of all, sending <3, exams are a ride and i very much understand your pain. second, nyra brainrot! :D i feel like i'm going to word this weirdly, but does she have specific thoughts on any of the six gods? like ones she feels closer to, or relates to more or less, or literally just any thoughts at all? (we talk a lot about balthazar but less about the others, and i've been thinking a lot about the gods in general, so...ye! if you feel like talking about that go for it xD) @kerra-and-company
We talk abt Salty Balty a lot bc he is, well, salty. But Gods and Nyra is a topic I'm always down to talk about :>
So first in the order of business, Alysannyra quite literally means "To Lyssa (be) the glory" in older Ascalonian (and the male version of her name is Lyssen, btw.) And I'm not saying this just for the fun, it's actually foreshadowing of her discovering she was one of Lyssa's humans when she was a small child.
And she's closest to Lyssa because of it. In season 3, in Siren's Landing, Lyssa actually expressed that yes, Nyra's the daughter of chaos and one of Lyssa's people. She calls her little Lyss, which at the time was kinda painful bc she's still grieving for Traho, whose nickname for her is Lyss, but does the goddess care? No. Little Lyss stuck, what little they've had the chance to talk. I imagine Lyssa's like "THAT'S MY GIRL GO FUCK THEM UP" in the Mists lmao
She's also fond of Dwayna, as a traditional guardian deity and the one who, she believes, can soothe all wounds, physical or otherwise. The fact she never really received that immediate soothing doesn't matter here, this is a matter of faith that she potentially could someday.
She's lowkey scared of Grenth now, so there's that. I mean she's bound to have a really interesting conversation about her coming back from the dead at some point and for all my PS brainrot mutuals, the Reaper in the Temple of Grenth on level 80 asks you to kill in Grenth's name and they'd help you so, she's been.. lowkey killing in Grenth's name, nice
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hawkepockets · 1 year
best gw2 map
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resonatingfern · 1 year
Somewhere, half a world away, another Dragon fades. Time is running out for Vasche.
(Just a little short thing since I haven’t wrote any gw2 fic in so so long)
Vasche woke up gasping for breath.
Something burned in his chest, a flame fanned by venom and bile and whatever ichor was left in his body. He coughed up a mouthful of it, spit it out onto the ground beneath him. Claws caught on the rough cotton of his shirt, tearing it away as he scrambled to subdue the squeezing pain that left him breathless.
It was only when his eyes adjusted to the dark, when he saw high above him the half-withered trees finally, finally sprouting buds, that he took a lung full of air and kept it.
Then let it out.
Another breath, another exhale. Slowly, slowly coming back.
Thudding back on his makeshift bed of blankets, Vasche listened to the sounds of Siren’s Landing. The distant crash of waves, the low call of a night bird, the buzz of insects and the flapping of moth’s wings. The sounds of life.
It had soothed him to sleep for years, now. Years he spent rebuilding his ancestral home. Years spent ignoring the slow decay of his body, held so loosely together by the last shreds of dragon magic within him.
And now, just tonight, another sharp rip and rendering. Half a world away something was ending, and with it another tether to Vasche’s existence faded.
It wouldn’t be long now, he knew. Zhaitan was long, long gone. As were his brothers and sisters, and as of only moments ago, so was his mother. There was little left to keep Vasche clinging to life.
Maybe it was time, anyway. Vasche followed the branches of the tree above him, gaze lingering on the pink buds. Soon to be flowers. Soon to be spring. He’d seen a thousand springs, but none as beautiful as this one. Here, in this half drowned, recovering world.
He’d done his duty. He’d protected Orr as well he could, and he’d lived long enough to see it begin to thrive again.
Maybe it was time to say goodbye.
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brightwingedbat · 6 months
oh my god researching more on release dates of around PoF on gw2
Living World Season 3, Episode 5 - Released May 2nd 2017
Living World Season 4, Episode 6 - Released May 14th 2019
We got; Draconis Mons Siren's Landing Crystal Oasis Desert Highlands Elon Riverlands The Desolation Domain of Vabbi Domain of Istan Sandswept Isles Domain of Kourna Jahai Bluffs Thunderhead Peaks Dragonfall
THIRTEEN maps. All within 2 weeks off of 2 years. And that's not even counting raids. Only 5 of them needed to be bought.
It's no wonder anet devs were crunched so hard, bloody hell that is too much.
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You've reminded me how much I miss GW2, so: 9, 11, and 17 please?
Thank you for the ask! :D
9. Do you remember any specific times when the game made you go “oh shit” in a good way?
The honest answer would be no, but that's memory issues 😅😂
Oh! I remembered one! I was in Orr, and I looked up, and I saw just how freaking high some of those towers were!
I was in Blazeridge, climbing on top of ruins, and the dragons swooped by.
Climbing the sky trails in the Desert Highlands and seeing the palace in the sky.
Glint's Lair, and Istan, and the boiling sea in Draconis Mons.
Doing current events and suddenly everywhere were those sad, shiny, naked dudes sobbing and vanishing.
Hopping into WvW (when I could still be bothered) in the evening to grab something and end up defending borderlands until 5 am with like 5 people.
Soloing the last 25% of Lupi on a build not made for it after everyone died, because I wanted to rub it into the pug's face.
Going EotM to grab a WvW daily, and while capping a reactor, a second player joined, and we looked at each other, looked at the tower (which as also daily) and were like: Wanna try?
3 hours later, the two of us had capped everything on the whole map, single-handedly, including the two enemy keeps. Most epic moment of my gaming life. Never saw them again.
11. What’s your favourite feature that’s been added to the game since you started?
Since I had another 11, this time I'll say gliding. Movement in this game is ON FUCKING SPOT, and I have never felt as satisfied in any game than I did jumping off some high cliffs and going swoosh.
Mounts really are a close second to gliding.
17. Favourite location?
I really do like Divinity's Reach (I'm boring), the district with the carnival and the confetti flying is <3 I also love Bitterfrost, I spent too much money back then on getting the vantage point teleport item and worst of all, I don't even regret it. Just chilling under a cherry blossom tree.
But my fav gotta be Orr. Oh hey *wanders back to question 9*
I don't know what it is. The weird architecture (I mean, cool stone arch, bro, but did you, you know, build houses?), the theme of the gods, the rainbow shimmering corals and glowing orbs, Arah, which I am very fond of.
When One Path Ends was announced, I was SO excited 😂 I do love Siren's Landing as well.
*deep sigh*
The world is so pretty, yet here I am, fangirling over post apocalyptic oil spill wasteland full of monsters.
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fireskarr · 7 years
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Adventures of Pacifist Milo: Siren’s Landing
Completion: 88% Renown Hearts: 2/5 Waypoints: 1/1 POIs: 17/17 Vistas: 4/4
Milo travels back to Orr, and learns of the Dirges of the Gods. And he meets a pretty bird :)
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Completing renown hearts in this area without killing anything was a little tricky. Many of them require killing ley-line scavengers for the ley organs, so it was pretty much a case of waiting around for other players to kill the scavengers first and picking up the ley organs before they disappear. The exception was Dwayna’s Reliquary, it was super easy to complete as you can just fly around clearing up the pollution in the air.   I bought Milo a new backpack from Dwayna’s Reliquary too, and he picked up a Dirge of Dwayna somewhere along the way which he put to good use in helping out a player who had gotten into some trouble at Balthazar’s Reliquary.  Overall, this map isn’t too bad. Just a little frustrating at times, having to wait around for other players. I do enjoy that huge jumping puzzle though :)
Next map: Time to go somewhere sunny!
[ Pacifist run rules n stuff ]
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virtue-of-justice · 3 years
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gglitchshit · 3 years
tell me you love istan without telling me you love istan. i’ll start-
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talk-of-tyria · 4 years
Orr - Siren’s Landing - Abaddon’s Reliquary Explorer Hiffa: ♪ La-de-da-de-da ♪ Explorer Hiffa: ♪ She's the greatest explorer in the land! ♪ Explorer Hiffa: ♪ Hiffa lee, la dee dee! Hiffa! That's me. ♪ Explorer Hiffa: Kerrsh's got nothin' on me!
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Thought the new outfit would suit Lei, apparently was right. The Salad is ready for a mission.
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bluebudgie · 7 months
I heard it's GW2 map hours
And just because I feel like it. An appreciation post for LS3. The story throughout that season may have been a little choppy, but man if it didn't deliver in the map department.
Bloodstone Fen. Absolutely tiny and gimmicky. And so much fun. A new map aesthetic we've never seen before. Introduced new gliding masteries that felt somewhat relevant on release. Evading obstacles while flying? Getting adventurous now! Map completion in <15 minutes? Say no more, your ultimate keyfarm friend is here. Best experienced without mounts.
Ember Bay. A giant SKULL SHAPED volcano. Probably the most brutal jumping puzzle in the game. Doesn't get more metal than that. Introduced a new way to travel around the map. Which wasn't optional. You had to use it to get to places. Mounts made that obsolete though.
Bitterfrost Frontier. Another tiny one. Had that one mechanic where you had to craft a tonic to be able to enter a part of the map bc otherwise you'd freeze to death. Literally noone liked that mechanic but if you get into the freezing place and move to the right part of the mountain you get an absolutely gorgeous view. Also great forest section. And that one cheesy cherry tree lookout that used to be restricted but can now be flown into with mounts.
Lake Doric
Draconis Mons. Do I even need to say anything about that one. Oakheart Essence. Explore the map by becoming spider man. Absolutely gorgeous map with a fun layout and tight meta bosses. An amazing jumping puzzle that seems confusing at first, but once you figure out the clever hints that point you in the right direction becomes an absolute feast to complete. They truly didn't do anything quite like this map since 😔Best experienced without mounts.
Siren's Landing. Hey it's Orr! But it's less deadly and more varied. (ilu OG Orr no hatred here). First time we got a weird waypoints-that-aren't-waypoints mechanic. Trying to get up to the stupid spider boss with updrafts only was.... interesting. (Or was it a mastery point? Was it both?). Another amazing jumping puzzle! A perfect breather after the two complex puzzles in the maps before, but still posing a decent enough challenge.
LS3 had sooo much variety. Hell pit swamp! Fire! Ice! Jungle! Each map had such unique features. Absolute top tier season for map design.
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i-mybrunettelady · 2 months
gw2 screenshot ask game
Do we have gpose/photo capture mode? No, unfortunately, but it doesn't stop us from taking beautiful screenshots and gifs and making beautiful kiddos and dressing them up! In honor of that, I'm borrowing an ask game I once saw on the ff14 side of things - send someone a character you'd like to see and one of these prompts below! Screenshots and gifs are all welcome! I'll try to cover most of the game, too! Let's show how gorgeous Tyria and gw2 can be <3
Screenshot associated with base game (Central Tyria maps)
Screenshot associated with LWS1 (Southsun Cove)
Screenshot associated with LWS2 (Dry Top and Silverwastes)
Screenshot associated with Heart of Thorns (Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, Dragon's Stand)
Screenshot associated with LWS3 (Bloodstone Fen, Ember Bay, Bitterfrost Frontier, Lake Doric, Draconis Mons, Siren's Landing)
Screenshot associated with Path of Fire (Crystal Oasis, Elon Riverlands, Desolation, Domain of Vabbi, Desert Highlands)
Screenshot associated with LWS4 (Domain of Istan, Sandswept Isles, Domain of Kourna, Jahai Bluffs, Thunderhead Peak, Dragonfall)
Screenshot associated with Icebrood Saga (Grothmar Valley, Bjora Marches, Drizzlewood Coast)
Screenshot associated with End of Dragons (Seitung Province, New Kaineng City, Echovald Wilds, Dragon's End, Gyala Delve)
Screenshot associated with Secrets of the Obscure (Skywatch Archipelago, Wizard's Tower, Amnytas, Inner Nayos)
Screenshot associated with racial cities (Hoelbrak, Divinity's Reach, Rata Sum, Black Citadel, Grove + Lion's Arch)
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hawkepockets · 1 year
best gw2 map
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hydrowing · 3 years
Experiment A-114: Feline Enlargement Ray Instead of growing larger, the subject disappeared in a puff! The unexpected loss of Furbert has left me distraught, unable to ponder the Eternal Alchemy.
I was in shock.
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