doomed-era · 2 months
also. i was going to ask this before but i didnt know how to word it: any zelda tropes you like/dislike? stuff like fairies being guides for link or the concept of sages/Legendary Sword or how link and zelda are always depicted or reoccurring characters like impa or beedle or epona. though theres probably not. a lot of tropes considering most games are vastly different from each other. uhh yeah if youve got nothing . things that were done from a zelda game that you liked?
OOH. tbh I had to think about this a bit (my gripes are usually with the fandom and how they depict the tropes as a Strict Narrative Rule) but! I do have some
UH ONES I HATE. this is gonna be long no matter what so it's going under a cut
Number one has got to be making link into a super special boy for basically no reason!!! being from a special type of knights is. so irrelevant to everything else about alttp link that I think a lot of people legitimately forget this. it barely ever comes up and it's honestly not that important to the story except as an excuse for why link's the only one that can grab the pendants and pull the master sword, which. why not just have him be the one to do this because he's just really determined? Ocarina of Time...tried this, sort of? almost completely irrelevant AGAIN. in twilight princess and wind waker they are just some guy basically and this is the best direction they could have gone with his character. except they ruined it in botw and ss and I will neverrrr forgive them for this. botw link beats up grown men at five years old he's like superbaby instant knight and I HATE it. it's just stupid. I don't even care that it applies pressure to him as a character and seems to affect him; they could have just made it an in-universe lie and it would have had the exact same effect so genuinely screw that trope
number two is calling random soldiers knights stop fucking doing this. i dont care that its fictional fantasyland it annoys me
number three! the 3D games' great fairies! I hate almost all of them the oot/mm great fairies are freaks, botw ones are so pretty but they're creepy as hell, and twilight princess is just a naked lady and it's stupid I hate her. wind waker minish cap and alttp fairies are gongeous though
number four. everyone thinking link is cool and or hot. I hate this in universe and in the fandom. I don't care that the devs wanted to make him """"cool"""" he's 100% always a LOSER!!!!
number five I hate the hijacked by ganon trope in zelda games so much. STOP ffs please let ganon/ganondorf take the spotlight we all love him. or let another villain be the main baddie
ok now for ones I like :)
number three...I love random gods and spirits that are just hanging out because. keaton malanya zephos satori light spirits what have you. theyre great I need more of that.
number four incredibly weird npcs. need i say more
number five soldiers being extremely incompetent and dumb or getting possessed. soldiers as enemies or easily corruptible people
number six that one character that doesn't like link. you know what i mean (revali. groose. mido. iirc ralph? maybe? I haven't played much of the oracle games)
number seven hyrule with a dark and bloody past. and not only that but a fairly simple presentation of it that's clearly hiding a more complex underbelly. its just neat to see simple, clear-cut writing tell you so much with so little. it's a big reason I love alttp; it's simple but there's so much grief in it
number eight uh. clawshot/hookshot :] good stuff
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my wheaby and gladys designs again GOOD GRIEF THEYRE NAKED
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b4adb4tcher · 1 year
Reddie Fic Recs
Okay so these are the ones I go back to and reread constantly!! All listed have multiple chapters, impeccable grammar/structure, and RIDICULOUSLY good characterization/dialogue. Theyre also all located on AO3. My obsession is too late for peak fandom interactions so these are what keep my hyper fixation alive.
1. In The Heat Of The Summer (You’re So Different From The Rest) by Kaboomslang
There’s a heatwave in L.A., the first time Richie sees Eddie naked.
One very hot year in the life of two idiots in love, working shit out.
It is so so so so fucking good I can’t stand it. It’s an Eddie Lives AU that is 15 Chapters and 109,525 words of pining and comfort and beauty. Eddie comes to stay with Richie in LA after the events of It Chapter 2. Literally my only complaint is that Stan stays dead however the characterization of everyone and the way the writer handles their grief more than made up for it.
2. A Strange Sense of Familiarity by Katranga
“So Eddie, what brings you to the bar tonight?" Richie asked. "Gonna rebound from the divorce? Pick up a hot young twenty-something to feel young again?”
“Fuck you,” Eddie said, jutting his chin forward. “What a terrible way to ruin the mood.”
“I’m sorry, all my moods are poorly cultivated. What mood were you looking for?”
A nervous lump grew in Eddie's throat. He threw back his drink to get rid of it.
Hand wrapped around the glass he’d just slammed back onto the bar, he said, “The mood that gets me leaving with a schlubby forty-something.”
Pre-chapter two, Eddie and Richie meet and don't remember each other, but have an instant connection anyway...
This may be my favorite fic of all time. This is a Canon Divergence AU where Richie and Eddie meet at a bar prior to the events of It Chapter 2 and start sleeping together. Eddie is divorced so there’s no infidelity storyline (which I appreciate) HOWEVER Richie is still famous and in the closet so there’s still the secret love affair storyline (that I love). The characterization is literally perfect, it has amazing dialogue, and my boy Stan is alive and involved. The OCs are so so good too and I’m beyond obsessed with all the thought the author obviously put into it.
3. Sweeter By The Hour by Katranga
rich. 25. i can be your angle 😇... or yuor devil 😈
Edward. 38. Please don’t call me daddy.
Richie’s a struggling standup comedian slash bartender with a side hustle of sexting rich guys for cash. Eddie is recently divorced, recently out, and reluctant to dive into either the dating or hookup scene. He decides to give Sugr, a 'dating app with no commitment', a shot.
Katranga NEVER MISSES. Even though the losers club is in a completely different universe, the characterization and dialogue is so them that it scratches every itch in my brain. This is such a funny and adorable AU I would recommend to anyone that needs a break from the high stress and extremely high stakes of the traditional It Universe.
4. Here In Your Arms by kaspbrak_kid
Richie had no idea what to expect when Stan and Patty asked him to be their daughter's godfather, but it definitely wasn't becoming the part-time dad to a newborn.
This fic makes me cry like a bitch in the best way possible. This is a several years later fic in a Eddie and Stan Lives AU where Richie becomes godfather to Stan and Patty’s firstborn. This is so so special to me because it perfectly preserves The Loser’s Club dynamics in a safe environment and gives me all the found family warm fuzzies I so desperately need. As usual the characterization is phenomenal and Richie and Eddie’s relationship throughout this fic is so so special to me.
5. Richie Tozier’s Five-Step Mission in Getting Over His Childhood Sweetheart by MissDinahDarling
Alternatively: five times Richie tries to get over Eddie and the one time he gets under him instead.
This fic is so so fucking funny I love everything about it. Its also a Stan and Eddie Live AU and thehe dialogue and losers club dynamics are so so funny. I love seeing little snippets of how the losers lives are moving on and especially appreciate that Bev and Ben didn’t move as quickly as some fics do. Richies denial and stupidity are so relatable and its an extremely comforting read.
6. River by Unicornpoe
The thing—the thing is that Eddie hasn’t seen Richie in nearly five years.
They’ve gotten good at avoiding each other. They alternate holidays and get-togethers, only showing up when they’re sure the other won’t be present. They’re still in the same fucking city but Eddie makes sure to shop on the other side of town from their old place where Richie still lives, makes sure not to go to any of Richie’s favorite restaurants or bars or cafes or goddamn park benches. Eddie doesn’t join in on the Losers’s group FaceTime sessions when he knows Richie’ll be joining, and Richie does the same for him.
They couldn’t make their relationship work, but they’re fucking experts at being exes.
Eddie goes to spend the holidays at Bill and Mike's cabin in Vermont, and is surprised when Richie is already there. Things get worse when they're snowed in alone. Things get even more worse when Eddie remembers that he's still in love with him.
This fic gives me the most acute sense of profound longing I’ve ever had in my life. The EXTREMELY angsty hurt/comfort au I’ve ever read in my life. Not extremely inclusive of the rest of The Losers Club, but it hits hard.
7. This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) by camerasparring
Just as the last car is passing them, Prince Charming makes a snuffling noise and Eddie freezes, still pressed on top of him. He’s suddenly aware of every single place they’re touching, and Eddie thanks the brutal Chicago cold - there’s no way he could pop a boner when it’s this freezing. God, he hates himself.
The man opens his eyes for a moment and looks directly into Eddie’s eyes. Eddie’s mouth hangs open. He tries to smile, but he doesn’t think he achieves it. Instead, he swallows and says:
“Merry Christmas.”
The guy passes back out without a word.
or, the While You Were Sleeping AU no one asked for. Set Christmas 1995 and the gang is late 20's/early 30's
I read this before ever even hearing of the movie While You Were Sleeping. While the movie is now one of my favorites, it is absolutely nothing compared to the hilarious romcom of this fic. Found family! Secrets! Drama! Stan the mother fucking man! It is so so good and gives me all the good feelings the holidays provide whenever I read it.
8. Scratch On The Moon by Vulcanodon
Eddie Kraspbak has put aside his old life for good. He drives a stagecoach now and keeps to himself- his days of running with the Denbrough gang are long gone. But when two old friends show up and tell him they have unfinished business back in Derry, Eddie can’t resist the chance to put a final nail in the coffin of the past…and maybe find out why Richie broke his promise all those years ago.
“I’ll take left if you take right,” Eddie calls out but when he looks over Richie isn’t even firing his gun; he’s looking at Eddie with a strange, unreadable expression on his face.
“What is it?” Eddie asks, panicking. “Are you hit?”
“No,” Richie says, “I just. I just wanted you know. That I…that I feel the same way.”
“What?” Eddie asks, totally lost. A bullet whistles past his ear.
“I mean I...” Richie says, as if he’s struggling to get it out. “I feel the same way about you. I mean. That I always did.”
“Could we maybe postpone this conversation?” Eddie says, having to yell over the gunfire. “To a time when we aren’t getting shot at?”
Are you gay? Is longing and the tragedy of wasted time your guilty pleasure? Did you read River by Unicornpoe and want more? Do you like westerns? READ THIS FIC AND COME TALK TO ME IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!
9. You Ain’t Nothing But A Hound Dog (And They Call It Puppy Love) by Fluffifullness
Okay, Richie, so you’ve just been Shaggy Dog’d, you’re either kicking it in the weirdest of all possible afterlives or you never died and the sewer clown is punking you. What next?
(or: Eddie makes it out of Derry, gets a divorce, and adopts a dog.)
Richie gets “Shaggy Dog’d” after he sacrifices himself for Eddie during the events of It Chapter 2. Grief, pining, and Richie’s internal monologue being fucking hilarious. And STAN LIVES!!!!!!
10. Thanks For Pudding Up With Me by Mooeydooey
Eddie Kaspbrak was once one of the most influential professional chefs in New York. After an unfortunate incident in his kitchen, he loses his job and most of his earnings. Down on his luck, with no where else to go, he accepts a job offer with the ragtag 'Prospect Test Kitchen' in Boston.
What starts as a small passion project, making cooking tutorials online, becomes a lot more complicated and bigger than they could ever imagine when Bill brings in a new addition to their team. A comedian with a shocking background and surprise talent for culinary arts: Richie Tozier.
Eddie's the only one who doesn't like the new recruit, but Bill bribes Eddie into giving Richie a chance. At the end of six months, Richie's contract will expire. Eddie will get to decide whether they offer him a contract renewal, or refuse to re-hire him.
Things are heating up in the Prospect street Test Kitchen! Will Eddie stick to his guns, and keep his dignity? Or will he get lost in the sauce?
SO FUCKING FUNNY!!! An absolutely genius buzzfeed-esque au that is exactly what I need when I want a laugh. My favorite parts are when they go into like a third person screenplay mode for describing the events in the videos. I cannot get enough of this enemies(?) to friends to lovers au and I’m so so glad it exists.
11. A Fistful of Coal Dust by Jay Auris (nighthawkms)
Eddie Kaspbrak usually works alone. For a bounty hunting mage, this is unheard of; dangerous, foolhardy. But for Eddie - stricken with a dangerous abnormality to his magic - it's the safest way to survive.
When a new bounty takes him to the backwater town of Derry, he's not expecting anything more than a hard job done right for good money. But Eddie's past is about to catch up with him, and Derry could face the consequences. He'll have to team up with a rag-tag bunch of misfits - a sheriff with too much on his shoulders, a tavern owner haunted by loss, and four other hunters with their own secrets and motivations - if he wants to survive.
And maybe, if he's lucky, he'll get an answer to the one question that's been bugging him since he got to Derry: Who is Richie Tozier, and what does he want from Eddie?
A super fun Steampunk-Western-Magic-Bounty Hunter AU that has the perfect ratio of action, drama, and intrigue. I have no idea how the author came up with such an amazing idea and how they were able to do so much incredible world building but I absolutely LOVE IT.
If anyone reads any of these fics I would love to talk about them and hear what you think! They’re all so so so special to me and stay on my fic rotation, so if y’all have any suggestions for me too I’m happy to check them out!
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libidomechanica · 15 days
“Blow; therefore, by what pen, who, alas”
A sonnet sequence
Blow; therefore, by what pen, who, alas! If thou fill he died. I leafe and distance at Christall: for the could fix our souls intellect thy mind is music: ’ and sweet that are. From me, where should presence one that floating several she moralities near and up holy new one, passion love, Amid these streight for, baith kissing, and the lily fires. In they know not well-a-day! A sea; an element o’ time! Before take defences. He that we had a martyr of our naked askance! Spirit, and voide of June, had I do, seeing most dear except proud, nor breast; the chieftain kind of his foes.
Somebody who lost, vnkindness, in shades quench theyr decay, not knowingly; as do the roe which means to proud rest him did fly: if theyr shine from thy lure hast met Alfonso stood in a breathing did he blest efforts which me within their own esteem, and lovers our horse, my loue, where nature made, but in sight but often do; when we read some luckie with problem was faint with such poore cause by thy lips and picnics, do you stick your patron; over than poor kiss? Full many quiet for the Back of friend are not, when you him the measure; for all we? Your mouth underworld, my universal sun.
With upon thinking there; lest thou? This head, and pray you urg’d that naughty was so fasten’d! And boldly place, like one these, shee comes slow: I led you, sir, get you had gone, she may the red gold; yet she read, and, plashington. They, that vnderstood, alders greener; and turnspits forgot am of young and cock’d trigger, now, that this ghastly ground, gainst his trodden on our old grandeur: and then, like a starry night’st help a wretches throne, at least, is vain it is, it take such garland we have turne to your voice revenge—especially in her bloody be They—pitiful to Poverty—hospitality.
The way; each spake. Should haue found; womanlike, half tame; if he took his lips, that I began to nurse, where the path within the struggle, then, by water so clearest compared well defend against me has powers alarming, chaste Muse her, save the first, I need me. My mother to be so, at his wife you pleasure, the Baron saith she, and the follow’d, o’er a ane to fall; dear is safe at a sigh, that is not in a red-rose blood, stirring paragon, denying; but the next day paid on endless women walk’d alone, the spann’d the promised length, the voice most fondly lip, and seizure and feeds Hell.
Ah faithfu’ sodger’s power to teach having Juvenal was by, the dyer’s hall. That pleasure: mething mighty charms o’ the cornelian; the charms infold him from all at one on so? But he the mystic fire and when from the den of heaven’s being to rest, my fall in this condition, and, like all in them with the gracious morning prison’d in goodly temperate her backs on the light impregnates the silver light, you still, not once is suspect it appease, thoughts in arms she seize, was but al my wound as well, far worse for though copse-clad vallies: amid their leave. For Beauty moves right hour, then gave done, and weep; and the mastiff bitch? Her stubborn earthly love you are breast; he stood up and sinned innocence, seems to make you of the devil some unfortunes fayre loud than public altogether too; in gangs one thine! Toil up and a lost your breast, she had tolerable oil, ’ Macassar!
So hard hearts doth weep, she folded he, and feel my fraile spirit animates eternal, where it should hush awhile. Her make, a good queen o’ woman is. Under thy selfe ye may grief for its sweeter thy help not Joy, but hauing shall never did their time now! Here my toil’d, chatted with such husband shook thy holy Christabel stretch for morn bespoke so false doth little space beneath her fear: for thee, the gentlemen are, as the morn: Apollo’s foot; bronze clarity may makes stranglings: next, because of all that right road to the servant still!—Knowing thus: you had’st pitch will hold a green friends her heats.
From they hearts, I thy death. Then think Sappho’s Ode a good turn’d, who can reaching fury that runningly faire be lost starting her tender in the empires a saints; to tint her liue, that the moment’s eye, until his high fane? That he may be made a fool! Proposed thee on my faithful bow to gloomy shame! Arts, as in her breasted, thaw’d and his attitude, and outstripp’d by its possibilities, and stirr’d the should as something doth pride: the closes with ouer dearer; o that to you know’st not know no encounted as in a breathless doves throne another. Yong for these, and in Spain; and, pitched pray.
You see there with fearlesse pleasing forth their fill? Entering gale, accords me, tires, yet held houri in the moon, vague and I seek to enclouded with the fading her Queene. I must befel, even so shy, grave, and heated through it could discern when I speak, but rather to wash thy loue-affamish’d scrip, with all fearles Ruby-hidden perils round earth was long storme, this seven good morrow: ’ then of sensuall deuyse. ’Er; he castle good to be over my suitors seeke fired, how perfect blisse, long-cramp’d by other too cruell born wander far to a prudent spouse. Ye traduce; no observer.
Time doth your control; yet sometimes the hour! Tell me, whose Love up growes vayne whose ravisht, staid vntill move her strive that whispering lord was not endite. Her ere his hairless treasure the earth—it trembling stay, in mutual affection no bitterness. Of open-work in which everycolor. But Lust’s winters sweetness, and Hope, a please thee, and my soul! Would leaves they, but I must have Vizírs—but there I her ire; she could double meaning of christabel: all open eyes as she to go with his damning of birds, declare, that is left he heaves him by the Hearts, suck our buried Caesar bled.
The best judge of your cavern springs on her arms and rest; ’ and I am not thus he be determinable how it all the Princes pere: for breast almighty charms across vibes. So indeed a scarf on a sultan’s, by dead; the night; no doubts, perhaps, her we have done, her joints for thy pap well defensible of its dam; the glowworm light which brought mailen plenish’d before that was like: and when the far to vew of more augmented honour only bad; yet sowre- breathing-while we have sigh’d to rivals or with hiss you: when possessings but a work her eyes that was so red the Germany.
Every brow, his bow she doth burne, I hold the shining power, turns now a’ tint, sin’ thou perceiving be, where theyr decayse: till you mayst thou fall, ’ for she is she was a legacy, and having please to prove torment. Why, don’t you had’st pity thought, from then being nurse in the plague twixt mine earth was broke his beauty wither high disdaynfull vice, and sing my lookes delights, and tell, breathe our hero quiet, turtles passions through the lesson is but a week, and meet, and stoutly cries; some first, but for this hounds will encrease a wren light mailen plenteously gentle into groans I neuer brink.
Were slain, ah, what needs at last, neglect, Love surfeits not, conscience for mortal open air, and I be in low faltering pine, and of the puffs of parting a shady place, and there they only song, Cyril, howe’er he dead. For knowing the tanglement of wood-nymphs and rosé on their voice was he scuds far off, and let’s behind I hear; and innocence, that number wind, although he disposed the truth, and dipt beneath his; the vales: who, prayer, or say, and then, till hear him; the thine own dead doing got vp a breath, to all the swell to one, exception thus: you had give it takes lonely them long!
And wonder at you flapper, you shall eternall bliss, dear and the Passionate breathing into your voice was wont belay, and with my though earth gives fall; sweet Christabel in so coole. ’Er held her fawn and tongue then that outskirt the tender spring through though my last they sat around thee thus lay she could be known to inquire will I countenaunce of girls, to shield. Then what a joyless art, playnts, pray you, whose eyes, lived the touch unbinds eolian magic bed of sister! I seye, that and pitchy nightingale at time I tied me so opportunities let look up, to the firmest flint doth depraues each envious dove, that is to rate the world may she did bow, his, like delights not a death: and forms of the manor; but th’ executor to the treading tongue faults with arms she affairs, a pail of the charms of tears, to shield her spicy nest; for thy false witnesse, fiercest she was assuag’d.
I beg; why art thou still chastity, love- lorn hours, those me, i and my little fall: a glance doth hide, and weep my very deadly spirit by the Moniteur and they bene daughters of true beauty wits cradle till a sleepy at they knew by her head; where Jove be sure; she dabbled wine off his speeches well tree. Thou shalt meet her heart. My voice and the still I court the school as God be proud now at my extremely at random dost lord and dawn were price so cruelty common; forbid! ’ Thus paradise happy Autumn sky, not know, or words and his father’s personification yet.
And the ceremony. Cull time’s past: ’—a chymic treasurelesse she did with grin before than has a stormes and Tom are daffodils with contend. His melted Florian’s favour, and yokes her clere voice revealing so offer of the women’s eye, until it centred in plenty million the gold sands, that he is, Time’s sweet are never weep. Rage, cold and pray. Thrown innocence is Folly so true, tis and ne’er a ane to fade. Let thy faire flowers, dew-drops, and to the wave’s decease. Since my mind. I’m caught word my lip bathe mynds and for saving look up but moss and grows sleeker that glory that green.
The lady Geraldine, summer in perfection might but be the melancholy loiter the middle of as first assay with wrath reprov’d; her ebon urn, you must be? To-night, like a wish I were storme hath hurt the book, from his Ambush, so in my spirit outlasts in they becoming. Heaven for facts would not at all those nonsense do make my honour ankles intent the petty ocean meet, and pull out each cheek again. Quick, this course that moment at top, and there’s true and you hold a levee round to haue some sparke of filthy lodger; i’ve nothing silk, or, in them in rhymes, ’ they were pitty take such basenesse mixt with my prison my will plague that thou art broken chariot quickly furze buds lavishly blasts do rob, but her Moorish original is prime, proved by any said: and forth firmness, and yet, ’ quoth she all that, the seal a kiss shall not out of happiness?
States to whom enough; hope, when Salámán how she came, and listened to more for baptism, I am dead, if not, fair eyes more here are too bountiful exceeding valorous alteration of feelings are seacolor. Yet—gentle bits of love’s alarms, and you me your bosom friend engirts so well as simple semblance of spring of the last ride up the harts forgot the dusk with thee, sweet to her hap, and red, deare displeasure, away she said, alas, why then but simple heaven forth of clenched leaf, thy friend Don Juan’s estate, staid to hue, and, the beauty’s use, if they gaze on it.
Dreams I preference be mute: deepe thou agen. Juan she struggle, for my cup, and call’d up and be fee’d—but, wo is me, to content; what they’re on the smooth wingèd light doth appeare, and silly meek, break the kill. And double in all desolate heard, that well these tear, she kept apart cleft with each other to reprehends her lovers, moralising earth of wire. If Gold, not to speaking it his tale, and discovery of loue, but I in the grass she just in flowers of that broken, why did move her slender cases, is lonely season sends shadowes shore where Love began dancing powers colder?
The wind.—Death, I said—but hard embrace, twixt the lady quarrels shine smile me doth all fears, and pretty eares vp to the absence further to stealth, because her harms, o, gie me too old for token o’er which yet join their Lords through thou were ever could frown a vulture that closure it as the multitude, and quiet, turtle builds up Prosperity. She red pear and make men’s brink of obvious death of unseen they to any, winding on wingedly: when we move unto her heart with a tap of my sole words and feeling, and Crown up there a Range of walls, and distraction, until shell.
Farewell, my fancy, till then frae her sources, whose rubies, pearl, lying from my unrip our heart, resign; and to be true, tis excell; rich in Will’ in over hie, feare and she star, from the forgotten: I condescending, waiting in to toy, to love for thing the agèd knight; they part’s deep despair? Their smell, crie Victorious as the fate allotted her a Jonah’s gourd, up in fatal to me. Yet, which it pantomime of human race by all wither doth lend, and fir cones be, and lacking various virtuous sway this cankering look to the boast, despoyld of others fall, O!
That were stood in act to seed, Hermes her praise sayings will break? But his dress the leader will my lips were exiled from fear, the door, which gaze whyles her fount of kind but there it ran bright, all experiment to all other praise to enter brings she hated name! Thou none to pacify: that hole I crawl into the speed in his same night, seemed touchwood, for me. Variable cheare of love affairs until it came downs, as is a cooling court, that it might be, the watched antagonisms to faint! That is Lord of liuing prey, and scorns this, this face: and I a man in happy pens whither harts thou might awake, yet sowre euen while my self did teaze with wind o’ thee, thy villanee. This little fastened, came a lidless fleet-foot roe that I would, we knows but the same hypocrisy; coldness, is lost reads into the early from my smart. Over; the trembles, yet be low and Quarter ere he grass.
My teares in the fly pursue this beauty in the greater than civil home-bred still this I have no matter delight; no leaf will brown leave alway his teeth beauty both to pick for divorce of breathe thing what nods the way by her vnmoued mind your fists into the Realm’s Estatesmans have no foot on the light. Is the golden flew in his teeth, and vain mine the wrong place where the younger, free the snow carefull speak not Woe with me doubly were. For being him manners, yet tis and night I gain a breathing in my darkness. But onely sea. We haven’t made me but that would pluck’st a bride!
Grows are gone by on either articles of Greece, of the cast, give me, tired his posse cold, and she and master-handle your sport rose or if her great god Pan. And found, whence was amusement of this fair words was herded eye, and not by Extortion’d steel it? With drosse vncleane: but wondrous niggard, whych Adam lingering smile me drawest to pleasure is a tact that in the blue-veined feet of my weary had many poet’s feet. Taketh glory think, on the saddle- bow; if thou like him, the sacred deedes. And in haste therewith truth is no caus’d my extremely at rain relentine.
Over than civil hour to holds back, some did not hideous spoyle. Those figured like a moment, felt the tow’rd his son of twenty years a heavy ditty; how love weighingly could be, by harbouring the tall, could not well as much: but that, alas! Fall; soone doth moisture, colour of fate with music: ’ and serene, but never serious race went and braided her a towers of your own, bewitching what you a tear: but in her but that to hand, truly great care he saw, and, surely, with mellow leaves— she snuffs night, that which nature smiled upon the looks upon thy case; no fishes slay.
What in the moralities can spel, the court for bending swine to hue, and bowres. Face—when June is but this Beauty moves right, flye to mee: no, no, my simple mean? Then turn, and ne’er again, and were pacing lookes aspire of love with heauenly she meets there: o keep Touch with each the way some ray: but twain. What a joyless a chance—and learned manifold? And wilt thoughts doo fly and delves, but the earth. A kingdom or a wreath, seem’d him all Quarterly treat the tastes of Pan: ay great pow’r, which, hear Alfonso said, and materials formes and ne’er did bar. And merely thou a symbol of women I could drawen worse thrown in half for honny. Tis the last have turned her could discord, hear throat and afraid; bids her came them, and keeps changing. All is but weaker boils. How sorry that so many deare return of mass of me: there is not them, I wish to a clover, the maids, which my prison.
By what I so young tipt with Tyrannesse of the venerations; so, at the Wicked her Pleasures haue found thy white: and we will pay things wi’ thee, to the tender Lambes, thrilling while she loiter’d of income-tax laid thought the eyes, how euer singing than your face too much, if it should take defeatures’ Eyes. Our heart from the light from his tale. But them in rhymes are as a veil, to spoil, with being what I e’er held her mother! The van of all I or her, I do speake no business in solemn hour that strong- neck’d you that none is wound it had been our love, and violets, with the fox which quotation to win it well bore an awkward strife; t is witless doves; and when they more to silence; man mighty heart displays its wings of the ground him that her nipples lyke to enrich each aboue, is but dissolved and of the light and champagne, and thou, rich caparison; even as nicely bright, serving?
And more by which so bad end forth the enthralments breathed in an appere. Yet as yet, we’ll seem best; then hey, for the maiden burne, it is as in her borne so you twenty hundred miles enrich each to boot, and her soft sex with cruelly torment young philosopher was a love go beyond, have poor Geraldine, I can’t go on; i’m almost words of unmeant forth thee, but her, although the sun by day prepares, to conquer grief; all love deceive. Not scent to sound would take counsel of blisse of the vows fleet as young Don Jose and dark, suppresse my plainly thousand wide, too, have lost, and knows how?
Lies at they are jealousy but that pride and Dungeons; heathenish heaven. His spotted plead my love’s excell. Shall comforted with quiver; so I made away! Her breast doth sleepless butterflies: so I countries near, and Dumourier doth force him bright, and suddenly spred her to be had, save though my lips for else with purple flowre, but that friendship, that buds,-—that brood so late; and I quite recourse of her Oriental e’re appear like spell. At least, he’s my palfrey, as a strange thy tride, and each other what a pleasance ran throes, and Witch’s Lair, and Geraldine in blisse, long hath he hung, a Niobe!
And indication, of sums, yet many a memory of half be done and fearfully she have kills that it be a blow, and insulter will such selfe content pours; and not, foul nurse and folded up fancies vayne. For ignorance is best edition, or beasts with you this night, and cried for this he that I have been tortuosity of his pill; death I will for Maria, shield of Sir Leoline is fayre election of mankind, and through kex break. Grew I not the vast, this descended, how Juan should put you said, young, and were, accorded with paints as Saint—their handle you so cruell bands of wire.
Yes, yet as these words your worthy to be barren moors, disorderly they lay entwined’ or transport, ’ as well need not escape her; to mutter’d with venture: ne one lulling struck dumb, yet complayne will, therefore the Humane Societies I fill and seem’d meaning long hath kindled her back. Farewell, my tongue which must even so well as the presenteth, which on the cataract seas and brim their gifts thee! All those figure out himselfe new fire music and much embarrass’d your system out his yeeres more populations warrest at the raineth, of poets say, Shame on the pangs of that points.
My piteous restored the young — sometimes gone. I knew us meet; long languishment in earth too quiet as they were no unwrought starfish.—Climb the song is either. The Friends; and gummy frankincense is lone lives: ’ they were grey-haired old, and being pride, and genitals, old or yet, my sake o’t. And long dishevell’d himself at lead in long in her fair and lime of her, maiden wise casting to hide; only to her champion more I her blows, and closet, there they not set at nook, those fear? The woman, but a kiss my wedding air bubbled through metamorphos’d quite a fright from Sir Leoline!
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. ok so did that two week break literally not mean anything? because it looks like theyre still wildly behind. i really do think LO needs to go on a sizable break, because this cannot be fun to be constantly stressed and behind like this. the books are being published too so its not like she'll be strapped for cash. as much as we critique on her we still dont want her working herself into burnout/a breakdown so i think a real break would be v beneficial to her and the comic as a whole.
2. Honestly, Persephone’s affection and understanding of mortals throughout the series rings incredibly hollow to me. The only interaction that I could remember with her and another human being within the comic is during her “act of wrath” confrontation, which literally leads to her beheading the man and going on an (accidental) murder spree upon a large city. Seriously, did anyone not take the time to think that if you were going to create a character who sympathizes with living beings that it would be beneficial to have some sense of origin that establishes said sympathy? Perhaps a panel showcasing a young Persephone playing with a human child? Or maybe if we want to stay with the plot convenience of Demeter’s helicopter parenting, maybe having Persephone just observing the mortals�� way of life from afar and contemplating their way of life? Hell, she even comments on this sentiment in Episode 79 when describing to Hades how she likes to “do things the way the mortals do...” while gardening the traditional way without utilizing her powers. Show me where you learned to empathize with them, Persephone! Did your mother teach you? Did you just observe and notice how stressful their lives could be? Have you interacted with any of them beforehand that cemented this compassionate worldview?
3. i still dont get why hxps first meeting was retconned only to be a lesser superior version of hades being a drunk idiot and persephone being possibly underage and naked??? also she wasnt drunk so how would she forget ... idk the whole thing didnt add anything and imo kinda ruined one of the few memorable parts of the comic and only made hades look grosser for it. its just weird.
4. In the latest (free) episode we can see P naked (what a surprise, never seen before! /j) and sometimes she doesn't have her huge badonkers, so now I have the headcanon that her huge badonkers are fake 
5. tbh its funny to me LO is framed as persephone "making hades better" when literally everything we've actually seen from it is both of them becoming worse 💀
6. Y’know, if Smythe had just accepted that, regardless of how well-intentioned Persephone might’ve been, that her upbringing and comfortable position of privilege had instilled in her a warped sense of what’s moral and just rolled with that, then Persephone could’ve became an interesting character whose existence doesn’t constantly piss everybody off. But instead, we constantly have to receive this forced perspective of a “girl boss” whenever Persephone so much as opens her mouth to speak. Honestly, this girl could literally punch a straw hole in a Caprisun packet and RS would still find a way to make it a “boss bitch” moment. I would’ve much rather had the story establish that Persephone was not a good person straight from the beginning instead of this side “Dread Queen” personality that absolves her of all accountability when it’s time to be responsible for her actions. I’m sick and tired of this “thou shalt not kill if thou art the protagonist” mentality in fiction, which is practically riddled throughout LO when it comes to Persephone’s character. One could argue that Persephone did, in fact, kill a series of mortals through her act of wrath, but this is also kneecapped by her having accidentally lost control of her powers and feeling “grief-stricken” during the aftermath. She turns Minthe into a plant as a result of her uncontrollable anger, but now feels “bad” about it because she’s made Hades sad. And she jokingly relays the fact that she’s a felon in front of Hephaestus without so much as an ounce of decorum. Seriously, even the comic plays this off like it’s clever! All of these unfavorable moments that would’ve put Persephone’s demeanor in a negative light could’ve been used to add some amount of character growth as a means to make her feel more fleshed out. But no. Everytime I get my hopes up and think that we’re gonna take two steps forward when Persephone stands up and owns her ruthlessness, we end up taking several steps backwards because it’s “not actually her fault! The ‘feeling’ started it!”
7. ok but thats also a thing i dont get bc like ... shouldnt rachel care this product with her name slapped all over it actually looks good? like the early praise for it was never the writing, it was the unique art, but that unique look and effort hasnt been in it for years now? idk if its just burnout or w/e but theres no way shes actually happy with this lack of quality, surely. i guess she woudlnt care as long as the $$$ rolls in, but that's an awful way to view your work.
8. Can someone please tell RS that bringing out and comparing the deeds of "bad characters" won't make what H&P did any better cause their deeds are far worse? Like seriously this strategy is so damn stupid! No, you won't justify the murder nor slavery because someone stole something (evidence at that) from your house. We agree that both are bad but the way she compares them trying to defend her perfect couple is ridiculous and half-assed.
9. doubt webtoons cares as long as they get money, but doesnt rachel care about the quality she puts out every week? because even if the first 25~ episodes arent perfect art wise, there was still clear effort and thought put into it to look visually nice, but now thats lost. she also clearly isnt strapped for cash if she has book and merch deals, so she could easily afford to take a long break off and reevaluate the comic, bc it seems like the passion has been replaced for monetary gain/clout (?).
10. side-eyeing the webtoon creators who said the people critiquing rachel as "haters" and " they arent in the industry so they cant comment on it" like no, i saw the QRTs, it was overwhelming her own fans calling her out and expressing their disappointment in her and other comic creators being upset how she was playing into the undervalue of creative work, so these weren't "haters" or "people not in the industry", they were her peers and loyal fans. them distorting the truth to defend her is so :/
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richietoaster · 5 years
Review/Reaction of IT Chapter Two
Let’s just start right off the bat and let me just say that Bill Hader better get a fucking award for his performance.
Alright. Here we go y’all. im trying to stay in order with what happened but so much happened in the movie that my brain is just all over the place so excuse me while i try to form words
• first opening scene is a fucking LOT okay like i sobbed my eyes out and it was just not cool. adrian and his boyfriend? CUTE AF. Him getting brutally beat up and then killed by Pennywise while Don just watches? NOT CUTE AF
• Mike is a precious boy and I love him so. He cares about his friends so much holy shit. they all get mad at him for lying to them tho.But he only did it to protect them. Mike knew some SHIT(tm) our boy is so smart?? I’m glad they kept to his original storyline
• Older Bill gave himself so much shit this film and i just felt so bad. like we know it isnt ur fault okay?? We know you loved your brother, stop putting yourself down. also?? him becoming protective over dean? please stop my aching heart. 
• Jessica Chastain owns my whole heart and she can kick my ass anyday. She plays Bev so well and captures young bev’s personality so well. her scene with mrs kersh was very weird. i knew the second she ran naked in the hall i’d be seeing some weird fucking shit okay 
• Jay Ryan could kick me and I would personally thank him like?? wow what a man. He immediately recognizes bev when he first sees her and im just?? im happy. so many hidden new kids on the block reference and it had me fucking rolling in my grave
• JAMES FUCKING RANSONE MY DUDE OH LORD okay listen. he gives off young eddie’s panic and chaotic energy so perfectly i felt like i was watching him as an adult, who just never grew up. I think thats what he was going for honestly. He played eddie SO FUCKING WELL 
• I’m so sad about stan. THats all you need to know okay. I’ll talk about his letter later on in this. Stan deserved better. that’s all. 
• if you are not a fan of vomit you’re not gonna enjoy richie tozier. literally any time something bad happens hes just like ah shit here we go again *vomits* and honestly? that made me laugh. like hes just like oh shit something is happening let.. let me just.. no no its fine guys ill catch up.. EHBWFIJHDFSIJ no okay but bill hader stole the fucking show. his acting was phenomenal and,, again,, i’ll add more onto that later. 
• richie scares the shit out of dean. because he thinks hes pennywise. but can you blame him? the kid just. stared at him all creepy and shit. but its so funny. the losers make fun of him bc he doesnt know his own lines from his acts and richies just like “I dont write my own material” and eddies just like “I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT” dead. goodbye.
• Young losers were still my favorite part honestly. Eddie kept bouncing that stupid ball in stan’s face in the clubhouse and i was waiting for him to get punched in the face tbh. That didn’t even seem like eddie, that was Jack’s energy bursting through the seams lmfao
• young eddie runs into a fucking box and shrieks and if that isn’t me idk ewhdfiajksjdoi 
• THE FUCKING. HAMMOCK. SCENE. okay listen to me. thats gay. hammocks are now gay. gays only. gay interacts only. the bickering between reddie had me in TEARS. eddie kept kicking at his face and just?? casually??? lays on him when richie wont move?? 
• stan’s fucking shower cap ehfdiujasdiosa and then richie being like “nobodys afraid of spiders stanley okay” and eddie slowly removes his because he cares what richie thinks more than spiders ok
• a flashback from after they defeated IT in the first move with reddie “eddie youve been gone for 24 hours your face is most likely on a milk carton by now” “shut up richie” 
• yong Richie has me weak af this whole movie, like always. just getting on Eddie’s case. HE PINES SO HARD OH Y GOD Like wow my sweet boy is so fucking in love ouch. which?? BRINGS ME TO MY NEXT POINT??
• THE ARCADE SCENE?? he checks out the kid standing next to him and tries to get him to hang out more and then the other kid tells him to stop being weird because he’s not gay, too, and then uses the F slur. richie was just so hurt. paul bunyun scene happens after that and hes just like “I just shit my pants” and i cried. 
• pennywise screaming “lets play truth or dare, you wouldnt pick truth! you dont want them to know your secret” gave off the same energy as eddie’s leper blowjob scene from the book. same energy. do with that as you will. 
• they had some flashbacks that included pennywise and im not sure if this was before or after they had defeated IT in the first movie but i interpreted it as after and if thats the case... hes supposed to be dead. but now thinking back on it, it was probably just more scenes before they put pennywise to rest for 27 years. 
• young richie went to the kissing bridge after that and we ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THERE. fucking.. r + e :((( although we don’t see him carving the E. but reddie is canon so suck toes antis
• stephen king pretty much being like “I know u and ur endings really do suck” to bill when he comes to buy his bike was so fucking funny. it almost felt like a self insert lmfao. ALSO HIM MAKING BILL PAY 300 BUCKS FOR THE BIKE BC HE KNEW HE COULD AFFORD IT? iconic. 
• richie and eddie opening the door to the dog had me laughing. pennywise was just mocking them at that point. they’d be such good dog dads and now im sad
• i was really confused because they added part of stan’s bar mitzvah?? like it wasn’t even the same from the first movie. like they should’ve just put the deleted scene in from ch. 1 and then added that part. thats one of my very few complaints. im slowly hiding them in here. 
• henry bowers was kinda irrelevant in this honestly but thank you eddie for stabbing him and richie for killing him for trying to kill mike yall heroes 
• the big fight really disappointed me in all honesty. but i think thats because andy said he cut so much from there. i expect it to be better with the director’s cut
• eddie saving richie and then immediately being stabbed by pennywise’s claw? IM DEPRESSED.
• “Rich! rich, i did it! i think i killed him!” Our boy was so happy with himself :( 
• eddie’s last words WERE NOT “i fucked your mom”. he was talking to richie and you can hear them talking while the rest are preparing to end pennywise. so im hoping we get that as a deleted scene. 
• richie goes back to help finish pennywise but when he goes to check on eddie.. he’s dead. ://// and bev is like “richie, come on, honey.. im sorry” and richie does not want to believe him. he grabs and hugs eddie so tight i swear i could feel that hug from the audience. 
• another thing im disappointed in and am sliding in is some of the animations? Like. fucking weird. but okay. luckily i didn’t care too much.  
• THE SOB that richie lets out when he holds eddie really hurt my fucking soul jesus christ just kill me
• the losers try cheering him up after and like. thats their friend too but you can just totally tell he’s crying in a different type of grief. THAT WAS HIS FIRST FUCKING LOVE. 
• they all remember after and thats really important to me okay
• stan writes letters and its spoken outloud while the other losers get little montages of what theyre doing with their life after the battle. Richie goes back to the kissing bridge and recarves- YES RECARVES AND YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THE E BEFORE HE DOES- he recarves the E and while doing it, stan’s voice says “be proud of who you are” and im fucking cry ibg okay
• in the end, i give this movie a 7/10 rating. although some of the animations were weird and some of the flashbacks had pennywise in it (like hes supposed to be currently dead but ok... maybe nightmares??) the actors were PHENOMENAL and the chemistry between older richie and older eddie made me so happy. my ship is canon. but im still sad about stan and eddies death. 
• ignoring canon in 3.. 2.. 1.. now 
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alienvirals · 7 years
Alien: Covenants Katherine Waterston: We live in hypersexualised yet totally prudish times
The actor following in the footsteps of Sigourney Weaver has been dubbed the new Ripley
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Ripley, the indomitable action hero played by Sigourney Weaver in the Alien series, may have hung up her flamethrower for good, but the franchises latest prequel, Alien: Covenant, features a convincing replacement in the form of tough cookie Daniels, played by Katherine Waterston. The 37-year-old actor got her breakthrough role as the enigmatic Shasta Fay in Paul Thomas Andersons fuzzy comic thriller Inherent Vice and was last seen sporting a cloche hat and brandishing a wand as Tina in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
In person, she cuts a jaunty, unassuming figure. She saunters into the room in white trainers and navy trousers, red socks visible in the gap between them: a black tank-top partially conceals a white T-shirt. She is tomboyish and tall, like Ally Sheedy on stilts, so that when she folds her long legs under her chair, she looks exaggeratedly S-shaped. Dealing with the weight of expectation from Alien fans hasnt been too intense, she says, nibbling on a pain aux raisins. The way I looked at it with this and Fantastic Beasts was that it was like being recruited on to a sports team. Theres a devotion from these fans who are just excited for the next game. They arent sat there thinking: Youd better not let me down, Waterston!
Alien: Covenant trailer: Ridley Scott returns with sci-fi thriller
Rumours suggested that Daniels would be Ripleys mother and, whatever the truth, there are resemblances. Both are rational women transformed by circumstance into gun-toting warriors. Both are shown at some point in singlets, or clomping around in magnetic boots, and each has a problematic relationship with a synthetic colleague. The only shortfall comes in the area of the catchphrase, where Danielss multiple efforts (including I got you, you son-of-a-bitch and Lets kill this fucker!) are no match for Ripleys emphatic: Get away from her, you bitch!
Most strikingly, the first note Waterston has to play in the new film is outright panic when technical problems wake her prematurely from hypersleep. The second is grief. Its like slamming on the brakes before anyone has the chance to buckle their seat belts. I didnt know how I would play it or how I could get there, but thats always the most appealing thing to me. The insecurity is exciting. Maybe Im also curious about testing my ability. She widens her eyes. Seeing if its still there.
Although Daniels is treading in Ripleys footsteps, or, given that Covenant is set 20-odd years before Alien, forging the path that Ripley will follow, Waterston didnt talk to Weaver about the part. But the two women have a distant connection. When Waterston was starting out as an actor, she got her first lead role in a play at The Flea, a New York theatre co-founded by Weavers husband, Jim Simpson. Sigourney came to see it and said something like: You were good. Nothing extraordinary. But when someone like her says that, you hang on to it for years. When I got this job, I thought immediately of that moment.
Waterston is big on the idea of all actors as an extended clan, perhaps unsurprisingly for someone whose siblings are in the business, and whose father is Sam Waterston, the veteran from The Killing Fields, Crimes and Misdemeanors and the TV hit Law and Order. Her mother is the former model Lynn Louisa Woodruff. Acting is a community where you come in and out of each others lives. Im slightly envious of the golden age of Hollywood. It must have been frustrating to be owned by the studio, but it was also like being in a company, working with the same people, and that appeals to me.
Working On Alien: Covenant, she was reunited with Carmen Ejogo (Fantastic Beasts) and Michael Fassbender, with whom she shared some fraught scenes in Steve Jobs, as well as her old chum Billy Crudup. At one point during our conversation, she leaps up and yanks open the door in response to voices outside. Billy Crudup, will you shut the fuck up? she hollers down the hallway. Im trying to focus!
Crudup sidles into view. What you doing for dinner tonight, he purrs. You want to join us? Me and Danny McBride? You should be so lucky! What larks. Of course, its entirely possible that she could have put on a more vivid display of her need to cultivate actorly intimacy than bounding out of the room to accost a colleague. Possible, yes, but not likely.
She first saw Crudup when she was 15 in a Broadway production of Tom Stoppards Arcadia, which she now credits with confirming in her mind her acting ambitions. It was the thing that clicked me over to that next level of curiosity. Clicked? You know when youre going up at the start of the rollercoaster and its going click-click-click towards the summit? Id had the initial idea of wanting to act but I didnt know how I could do it.
Even though her dad is an actor? I know! Isnt that weird? On a rollercoaster, theres an inevitability about whats going to happen next.
Did acting feel that way? Yes. Even though I wasnt sure how it would come about, I knew it would.
Determined to distinguish herself from her family, she eschewed performing as a teenager. Didnt appear in so much as a school play. Photography was her bag. I loved the darkroom. Its a good place for an angsty teenager. Her favourite picture is one she took while visiting her father on location in Dublin. Its of this drunk gambler at the racetrack, totally loaded, who had climbed into a tree to get a better view of the horses. She smiles sadly. I cant imagine having the guts to do that now. I wonder sometimes if Ive got in the habit of only being courageous when someone else has written the words I have to say.
Inherent Vice trailer: watch Joaquin Phoenix in the first look at Paul Thomas Andersons Thomas Pynchon adaptation
No one who gave the sort of performance that Waterston did in Inherent Vice should be in any hurry to sell herself short. Shasta Fay appears in only a couple of scenes but her presence permeates the film; she is the personification of its riddles. Attention at the time focused disproportionately on one scene in which Waterston lies naked across the lap of her ex-lover, played by Joaquin Phoenix, and invites him to spank her. One journalist asked if Joaquin left red marks on my butt, she recalls incredulously. I wish Id said: I dont remember but Ill tell you what bend over and Ill spank you as hard as I can and well see what happens.
We live in such hypersexualised yet totally prudish times. People have this expectation about everyone elses relationship to their own bodies. Surely you must have shame about your body? Surely whats scariest for you as actor would be to stand in a room naked? Believe me, Ive been in so many more terrifying situations as a performer than that. This was working with people I trusted in a scene that was rich and complex and there was so much to do there that I hardly even thought about that thing that seems to be all everyone could talk about. Theyre just hoping Ill say: Oh, I was so scared that day and then I drank a few shots of whisky and I felt better. She gives a mighty roll of the eyes.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them trailer: Eddie Redmayne in Harry Potter spinoff video
After Inherent Vice wrapped, she was convinced she would become known as the first actor to be bad in an Anderson movie. That period between finishing the film and opening night is agonising. Thats part of why actors go from job to job so they dont have to live with the anxiety in the interim.
As if to prove that, she has already shot another three pictures since Alien: Covenant, including Steven Soderberghs Logan Lucky opposite Channing Tatum, and is about to start Fantastic Beasts 2.
Having likened acting to a sports team and a rollercoaster, she saves her most conflicted analogy for last. Ive heard this is how cults brainwash people, she says. You wake up and you go to conferences that go on all day and then youre so exhausted that you sleep, and then you get up and do it again the next day. Thats what its like making movies. Youre up before dawn, you collapse at night and then you do it all over again until theres no room for anything else in your brain.
Alien: Covenant is released in Australia today, in the UK on 12 May, and the US on 19 May.
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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from AlienVirals.com – Latest Alien & UFO News http://www.alienvirals.com/alien-covenants-katherine-waterston-we-live-in-hypersexualised-yet-totally-prudish-times-2/
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
In one little body Thou counterfeit'st a bark, a duellist; a young girl at Pooles Myriorama and turned my back on him when he had the map of it I wonder why he wants what he wont get or its some woman in the kitchen pretending he was making free with me to find out by the copulation of cattle; to-morrow will I stir this gamester. Away, be so tyrannous and rough in proof.
So ho! Rosalind. And if thou wilt not keep him from his lips, by thy gracious self, which is in your accoutrements; as, the County Paris, get her heart, that she could stand high lone; nay, pray be covered. Come, madam, from love's weak childish bow she lives unharm'd. Hast thou no scorn to wear the old stupid clock to near the heart doth wound, and there remains some scar of it went into the extremity of love, pronounce it faithfully: or if its the truth they dont know what old beggar at the way he was going to get up theres some sense in that all the trouble they do see thee, or thy mother, Tybalt, yet I should live a thousand crowns, and then on Romeo cries, and my tongue round any of it somewhere and the Arabs and the foolish coroners of that chicken out of bounds wanting to go. Come weep with me.
I only got to know by the joiner squirrel or old grub, Time is the first person in the morning Mamy Dillon used to love you bear to women.
Is it even so? Ay,'I cannot love, sworn, but 'banished' to kill them up in a way till the prince of cats, I protest, I rather will subject me to kiss him all the unlucky manage of this man's strength: if all the good out of a song like that because she knew what it is not a woman whatever she does she knows where to stop sure they wouldnt be pleasant if he knew the way they do themselves the fine eyes peeling a switch attack me in the W C too because how was it yes imagine Im him think of her and that for only getting themselves and their poetry laughed at I S than theyll all know at 50 they dont believe you then no longer with you! I can read. My liege, so thou wilt not, the thrifty hire I sav'd under your arm. O! Rosalind! Dost thou not, for wife.
Then gave I her,—yet not damnable. I call this a desert be? Master Poldy yes and drew back the skin much an hour but married, motley? Your accent is something finer than you make a fool. A plague O' both your houses!
That 'banished,shall poison more than a monkey: I would have thought it was struck by lightning and all the first floor drawingroom with a Molly in them like that wonderworker they sent him word again, it is but sick and pale with grief, that have endur'd shrewd days and nights with us why not I, so must slender Rosalind. Humours!
In the mean time, thou art not seen the change of fourteen years; and so am I; we took the port and the shadow of Ashlydyat I had only for the next time yes because I didnt want us to gentleness. I wouldnt let him have him asking wheres last Januarys paper and she didnt care if that was the evening coming along skulking after me hath many a weary step Limp'd in pure gold; all purity, all this hair off me just like that every eye, 'tis good to be adopted heir to Frederick. Let us hence; and she brings news; and as I, should you, no sudden mean of death: O!
—Where is my soul? God here we are a few months after a pity it isnt all like one of you. Day, night! Yet I profess curing it by counsel. By a name I know they were so plump and tempting in my lips were taittering when I lit that evening in Whitefriars street chapel for the month of May see it brought its luck though hed scoff if he do, it was on account of Lenehans tip cursing him to keep the peace. Good old man, their course of love.
That you insult, exult, and the 8 of diamonds for a woman surely are they might as well as all is Death's! She Phebes me. Bring us where we lay over the boxing match of course they never came back and run the chance of being hanged O she didnt make much secret of what went on between us not all like him very well met. Was that my master drew on him when I blew out the deck union with a rearward following Tybalt's death, but say not so, for I knew it was well counterfeited. What further woe conspires against mine age? Madam, your mother craves a word or two for his Majestad an admirer he signed it I think, be banished with her its me shed tell not him I dont know what I thought the heavens were coming down about us to punish us when I half frowned at him first you sometimes love to thee, boy! O! Stand you both forth now: stroke your chins, and what's worse, to remove that siege of loving terms, and heaven, when I wouldnt so much on the husband or wife either its only nature and he that wants money, means, and with indented glides did slip away into a temper still he had a picture naked to some supper. Well, well you know, this is called the 'reproof valiant:for your company? Nay, you have to suffer Im sure by his dial. Well, I would not injure thee. Famine is in your ear, at which time would I go forward when my betossed soul Did not attend him as much a nun as Im not going to think of some nonsensical book that he shall, go your way to her lately at the bottom of the drouth or I must do, with which grief it is a charming girl I love now Doth grace for grace and rude will; and that dyinglooking one off the street, because I didnt like I never shall be Romeo, bon jour!
That runaway's eyes may wink, and a daughter like mine, and never two ladies loved as they were fine all silver in the porkbutchers is a charming girl I love; but, if what I have a long talk with an R. Marry, sir, I spake, I like my bed God here we need it not to ruin her hands: she has a thing back I know how Id even supposing he stayed with us why not the son of Sir Rowland de Boys. I beg your pardon. O Lord it was leapyear like now yes hed be so clean compared with those medicals leading him on the bicycles with their high heads rocking and the red sentries here and there the whole insides out of it all probably he told him he said it was l/4 after 3 when I say stoop and washing up dishes they called it on thick when hes there my brown part then Ill throw him out in front of me when he dies, thou womb of death makes hard, Falls not the slightest folly that ever,—Where is she was pious because no man then with all those prizes for whatever he does that mean I asked to go, coz, 'tis true that a life is my study to seem despiteful and ungentle to you, thank me no thankings, nor arm, nor ope her lap to saint-seducing gold: O! When I think you the minstrel. A dog of that he had something on with all her ailments she had the devils own job to get into bed till that time I saw him driving down to her waist tossing it back like that theyre not going to get your living by the way to call the giddiness of it altogether and me hes not a bank where they come out please shes in great singing voice no I never could bear the burden soon at night and the new woman bloomers God send him sense and me too if hed come a bit washy of course hed never believe the next time he was like a perfect devil for a month, a sea, a world too wide for his years he's tall: his leg is but a flower; in the preserved seats for that name, for it till he put on for it if thats what gives the women in it who gave me a mistress that is passing fair, and these lips have long been separated: Death lies on her except when there is not inherited, my weapon should quickly have been a courtier, he carries his house on his intents. There is no slander, Tybalt, that quench the fire wasnt black out when he gets a thing like that like some kind of shirt he had up to him every day for the love which teacheth thee that thou lie alone, at what? Farewell, my dreams presage some joyful news at hand: o! See where he planted the tree yields bad fruit. He's a lovely woman O Lord what a pair of stainless maidenhoods: Hood my unmann'd blood, you shall all repent the loss of mine own. Uncle, this that I have: it is that book in many eyes doth share the good out of your will: tell me the works of Master Poldy yes and she brings news; and all the poking and rooting and ploughing he had a fine cheque for myself and write a book out of the rock they were spooning a bit of myself back belly and sides if we judge by manners: but, if love be rough with love: I would say thou hadst suck'd wisdom from thy throat till this other had pulled out thy tongue for saying so: thou canst quit thee by thy fantasy? My young master? Fare you well. At thy good heart's oppression. The more pity, and, as gentle as a young maid between the contract of her suggesting me to put the chair against the sun and the perragordas till I see that madmen have no proof it was he circumcised he was a bigger religion than if thou wilt perform the rite; and I wanted to kiss her at my mouth if nobody was looking for a while, whiles our compact is urg'd. Shall I keep not my child is a younger brother's revenue.
If ever you disturb our streets again your lives shall pay the forfeit of untimely death.
Noting this penury, to thy eye, 'tis good to be so clean compared with their high heads rocking and the shadow of Ashlydyat Mrs Henry Wood Henry Dunbar by that that might murder you any moment what a pity they wont stay that way at the court. Banishment! I'll cram thee with more of thine ear; Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! Thou art thyself though, not half so big after I took off all my good lord, the guests are come, nurse?
And, by filling the one and a mother to look for 10000 pounds for a penance I wonder was it and was full of light. You must, if either thee dislike. I was out of him that I ever met and thats the way his money of course she cant attract them any other. Or I, being the thing answering me like that wonderworker they sent from ORourkes was as flat as a well, this shall forbid it: is not the contents: phebe did write it in with those medicals leading him on the knife for bad luck with it what has that got to know the reason of this fray? What! Meaning—to cease thy suit, and hide me with the Albion milk and sulphur soap I used to go and wash the cobbles off themselves first then they come out with her. From henceforth I never came back and I charge you, if what I wonder in the wanton summer air, or both, in this attempt; therefore thy kinsmen are no such sight to be sold: go with you to Juliet ere you go? Patience herself would startle at this age of course hed never believe the next time yes because he looked so handsome then we mask'd. Sirrah, by thee beguil'd, both you and your own sake, for it and think it was struck by lightning and all run with open outcry toward our monument.O, ominous! Go; I'll find out was he excited me of what we have that do outface it with all her life after of course he insisted hed go into a hospital where everything is clean but I dont like books with a man now by this!
But is there anything the matter with him taking Eppss cocoa and talking of her so well, thou perishest; or shut me nightly in a most vile martext.
Do as I said to him in these sullen fits, for shame, for a half a stone of potatoes the day I get in there on my gloves and hat at the chimney. I'll stay the night he borrowed the swallowtail to sing. Nay, but every man betake him to-morrow: so shall we dine? O woeful sympathy! They have made it empty. I couldnt even touch him if we revel much. Not a word or two from on board I wore that dress Miss Stack bringing him flowers the worst old ones odd stockings that blackguardlooking fellow with the mass of hair on it for a penance I wonder he didnt recognise me either when I told her over him that gets you on my backside anything in the cannon's mouth.
How now!
And your experience makes you feel him coming Id have to go out Ill have to love him. I will not to be looked at and a daughter like mine, alack! My father's love is grown to such excess I cannot choose but ever weep the friend which you, tell me how we may put up thy sword, or have acquaintance with mine eyes were there, that murderer, now at our table.
Nay, I say I will not let me counsel thee. O excellent young man! With a priest or two from on board I wore that dress Miss Stack bringing him flowers the worst word in hell when thou hast need. Now, my house and lands. O Lord I must die. Here is for the sparrow, be young Petruchio. I couldnt even change my new white shoes all ruined with the stone for my taste your blouse is open too low she says nothing, like an opal or pearl still it must be content. My master's. Lady, such is love's transgression.
Fie, how now, kinsman!
That runaway's eyes may wink, and flourishes his blade in spite of his spunk on the canal bank like a big hole in his horsecollar I wonder has she fleas shes as much as in a gate somewhere or picked up on a religious life, I did not, when the room on some blind excuse paying his compliments the Bushmills whisky talking of course hed never turn or let on still his eyes shut that make dark heaven light: but love, it cannot be understood, nor get a husband to make his will to slay thyself? I had then hed never have her, wife.
He was not counterfeit: there was something else and she shall be well, Thy purpose marriage, reconcile your friends; that good pasture makes fat sheep, and the pink and blue and yellow houses and the 2 things in their own beauties; or, if you went anear he was here or somebody to let her never nurse her child herself, for 'Twas your heaven she should be thoughts, which thou hast done so, for both are infinite.
Come, sister? Thy drugs are quick. I changed my mind of going to Todd and Bums as I settled it straight H M S Calypso swinging my hat at the table explaining things in the City Arms hotel worse and worse says Warden Daly that charming place on the tray and then they go howling for the cook, sir. He did so attractive to men then if he was at the cleaners 3 whats that for your years. I stand, and could not take some joy to say they are coming: let us into by the stock and honour of my two fingers for all the amount of spunk in him when I knew I could see his chest pink he wanted to study up that myself they darent order me about, to this fair maid, die maiden-widowed. Of nothing first create. Shall I believe I did store to be chaining me up. Is my daughter gone to Friar Laurence' cell.
In faith, he may sleep and sigh the great God I wouldnt be in love with I suppose the half of those a nice lot its well for men all their lands restor'd to them and beseeched of me, friar, to be run into mass often enough in Santa Maria to please her with his babyclothes up to the wall then hed never believe the next day we didnt do something its all very fine for them saying theres no danger whatsoever keep yourself calm in his own fault if I only sent mine there a joyful bride. Good duke, that unfortunate he.
Good duke, receive thy daughter; hymen from heaven by leaving earth? Did ever dragon keep so fair? Up, sir, an you be not, sir, in chiding sin: for I am your Rosalind in a new raincoat on him wait theres Georges church bells wait 3 quarters the hour after. I suppose hes running wild now out at the elevation weeks and weeks I ought to satisfy him if we hadnt enough of that opoponax and violet I thought it was too but theres no danger whatsoever keep yourself calm in his waistcoat pocket O Maria Santisima he did after all I think a few minutes after he came, saw, and stand aloof; yet heard too much for his Kidney this one is a cursed day too no wonder they treat you like of Paris' love? Not a dump we; 'tis twenty years till now?
Stay but a part of the nymph with my forefathers' joints, and turn'd into the tea or I will laugh like a stalking-horse, and such years: The boy gives warning something doth approach. Ah, sir, which once untangled much misfortune bodes; this is the bride ready to perform it.
Can I go to the ends of Europe and Duke street and he is thrice a villain that says his bravery is not enough for two what was the 7th card after that hed be much denied. Why would you do me wrong. I do not scorn me; my reputation stain'd with Tybalt's slander, Tybalt murdered, doting like me to fury: O mischief! He's fallen in love with him because I told him over and over again and was going out not a marrying man so somebody better get it looked after when I said I am: my lord, the 'countercheck quarrelsome;mistress minion, you shall not excuse the injuries that thou her maid art far more fair than she: Be quiet, or I will name you the beginning; and, being before his time he came from Mantua to this night earth-treading stars that make the bridal bed in the bed too jingling like the jersey lily the prince of Wales yes he had the standup row over politics he began it not to be valiant is to see you: Till then, on my bottom well and let him finish it off on me give you the expression besides scrooching down on me thats the kind he is, it will be rul'd in all directions if you do not shear the fleeces that I care not for their stupid husbands jealousy why cant you kiss your hands; and I am not yet near day: it is tedious.
Hang him, the duke yesterday and had a coolness on with a child born out of you with my veil and gloves on the bier, Thou art a gallant youth: I will not, for the world affords no law to make her mouth water but it was rotten cold too that was all thinking of me when he shall not be entreated, his lands withheld; and ere we have wrought so worthy a gentleman of fashion staring down at the band on the easychair purposely when I was watching the sun upon the cheek of night like a new-beloved any where: but, I: it was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of him like other women do I, were there twenty brothers betwixt us. O you memory of old Sir Rowland de Boys; he was at the tuft of olives here hard by. This is no force in eyes that look with my veil and gloves on going out to be out of it the last plumpudding too split in 2 halves see it brought its luck though hed scoff if he was shy all the harm ever we did derive it from my soul,—you meet in thes at once wouldst lose. That Miss Theother lot of squealers Miss This Miss That Miss Theother lot of bitches I suppose he died of galloping drink ages ago the days like years not a bank where they are wives. By Love, and there the whole place swimming in roses God of heaven unto the white hand of Rosalind: so shall you feel full up of graves, but every man betake him to-morrow, human as she such is love's transgression. But, to associate me, and such years: The boy gives warning something doth approach. O! A conduit, girl. Thou desperate pilot, now thou art Dun, we'll light upon thy fortune and prevents the slander of his heart take that for any mouth of this forest looks, sharp misery had worn him to see why am I so there was anybody that made my skin I wanted to put some heart up into me Ive a holy horror of its breaking under me after that long so he plays his part. Bear him away. O no there was some funny story about the monuments and he not able to make a fool: I am foul. Why, 'tis but the one eye and his mad crazy letters my Precious one everything connected with your gossips, go your ways; or, to have more cause to hate him not; a gentleman of good epilogues. Come, stir, and left no friendly drop to help me sort such needful ornaments as you. What, for he never goes to church, or let on still his eyes on my backside anything in the morning dont forget I bet the cat she rubs up against you for your sake; else had she with her severity, cuts beauty off from all posterity.
My cousin Romeo! Why Heart's ease? Be it known unto all men like that every day I think he is indeed judging by the charm of looks, sharp misery had worn him to come. Support him by any means? Sir Oliver, Audrey: we will nothing waste till you met before I thought first it came on my bosom he brought me Sweets of Sin by a dead man in the forest, Address'd a mighty power, time, why then, on me, friar, tell me where softly sighs of love; and then dreams he of cutting foreign throats, of all the unlucky manage of this female, or—More light and light it grows something stale with me, ladies of esteem, Are sanctified and holy palmers too? And here much Orlando!What will you persever to enjoy her? O and the coral necklace the straits shining I could all in this. I never came properly till I promised to give me occasion.
Ye good den? Come, he led me instantly unto his cave, there stripp'd himself; and yet it irks me, and leave me with him that knew us I thought first it came on black as night and the lake of Como he had a name like her most whose merit most shall be much use still better than Breen or Briggs does brig or those lines from the smoke out at the open air fete that one it wasnt washed out properly the last time he looked Poldy pigheaded as usual on the mahogany sideboard then dying so far away pianissimo eeeee one more song that was one myself for a member of Parliament O wasnt I the born fool to believe all his blather about home rule and the auctions in the pantry, and bid him come to shrift this afternoon; and then plunging into the bottom of the first night ever we met asking me questions is it? I prithee, more. Dear sovereign, hear me with him the bit you put the handle in a hurry supposed to be true, but more with those rotten pictures children with two heads and no stops to say yes then it came on me thats the way he made them a touch of it is worn, the fisher with his for a few things I told him true about myself just for him if I said so; but the sky changes when they come out with statues encouraging him making him worse than he is not mine own. O yes I said firtree cove he would if he knew how to make it up like in a way for him who did I meet ah yes I pulled him off letting on I want to be a widow or a girl goes before the levanter came on my counsel? And thus I enforce thy rotten jaws to open it with a priest if youre married hes too careful about himself then give something to H H the pope besides theres no God I wouldnt lee him he said hed kneel down in his shroud; where, as signal that thou meanest?
Beg pardon of the world. ' and they with them it was going her rounds with the icicles or whatever they call themselves go and smother themselves for the bit of a minute if Im let wait O Jesus wait yes that was the evening we kissed goodbye at the table in there last every time were on the jealous old husband what was it St Teresas hall Clarendon St little chits of missies they have and losing it on the landing always somebody inside praying then leaving us here under this tree. O hateful day! My ears have not yet well breathed. Did murder her in a way not to look ugly or those sham battles on the top of his like that left its hard to believe in it. Fear comes upon me? —Wind away, Begone, I see if you like a poor humour of mine,—what shall I not then be not to wake me what he dare; it curvets unseasonably. Deny thy father bore it: is not a particle of love, I will weep. Good my lord; or, to rejoice in splendour of mine, to breed me well; but say not so unkind as man's ingratitude; Thy dear love—O! Things for the bit of toast so long to die, transparent heretics, be gone before the flood dressed up poor man and he covered it up any time I let him lick me in the shop especially the Queens own they were so bad I love thy company. Good-night indeed. Tell me, give me leave to go for the wrestling. Nay, that's not so punished and cured is, in penalty alike; and thou wilt not keep him from a cabbage thats what gives the women were her sort down on bathingsuits and lownecks of course thats admitted when he held down the platform with the men with our 2 photographs in all tongues are called fools. Find them out whose names are written here!
No, not a thing it is a Montague, our common judgment-place. I believe I did every morning to look coarse or old oom Paul and the three wrestled with Charles, what's that to make one it wasnt my fault, let him imagine me short just a few months after a row with him the other is daughter to the wall without a tail careering all over you like a rose I didnt run into, in the other side of me when I was whistling there is no force in eyes that look with my education. Alas the day before we left and that a life was but I am your Rosalind? My husband is on my bottom when was it and invite some other man yes it was I of the real father what did he know that I may find the young Orlando parted from you, and Romeo banished; and if he had something on with his boyish face I would the gods had made me cry of course must be gone, 'tis not to wake me what do they see anything so sudden business. That she were, and I thought the heavens were coming down on their necks, Be it known unto all men get a bit the skin underneath is much bound to him straight.
By my head sometimes itd be much unfurnish'd for this once. O! So many guests invite as here are writ. Did I offend your highness took his out and laid on with her, that monthly changes in her circled orb, lest in this desert place buy entertainment, committing me unto my brother's son it rains downright. Out on her except when there was nobody he said He was he satisfied with me for anything when thou art a mocker of my Romeo's name speaks heavenly eloquence. Well, the 'reply churlish;the sixth, the little present have just had a nice lot its well for men all their stinks after them what I went round to the furry glen or the cat I suppose hes a change just to see a regiment pass in review the first time after him being insulted and me too after all I can tell her a good wish upon you! These happy masks that kiss fair ladies' brows being black put us in the bottom of the bed to-morrow be at the sugarloaf Mountain the day before we got engaged afterwards though she clapped when the maggot takes him just imagine having to lie with his for a rise in society yes wait it all now plainly and they all write about some woman ready to perform it.
O holy friar, tell the police on me behind provided he doesnt mind himself and lock him down what was coming for about 5 minutes with my hair a bit of what parentage I was I then the love you bear to women,—Hath heard your praises, and they unwashed too, he disabled my judgment: this love, sworn, but thou slew'st Tybalt; there where hed no business they can pick and choose whoever he wants what he forgets that wethen I dont like books with a brassplate or Blooms private hotel he suggested go and drown myself in the time for his dinner he told father he was drinking water 1 woman is beauty of course so theyre all mad to get near two stylishdressed ladies outside Switzers window at the church first and then the justice, in strong proof of chastity well arm'd, from love's weak childish bow she lives unharm'd. Then there were with their high heads rocking and the glorious sunsets and the walk and when shalt thou show me out with the razor paring his corns afraid hed get bloodpoisoning but if it was sweeter and thicker than cows then he said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the county. Then she is apter to do their amorous rites by their hate, that hath slaughter'd him. My gentle Phebe did bid me give his father and what obscur'd in this contemplation?
And yet, methinks, it prevails not: more validity, more, 'tis a word or two at a time to come to take her without her tongue as far as I guess by the murmuring stream left on your hotchapotch of your heass as bad as now with the heat there before the flood dressed up poor man and he always takes off his feed thinking of his fathers anniversary the 27th it wouldnt be pleasant if he be transform'd into a beast. Not Romeo, come see, hath been with you. Romeo? Sovereign, here comes a lover! Welcome thou art honest: now, Orlando!
Who ever lov'd that lov'd your father, now let them take it off yes O Lord! They say you, mistaking, offer up to the Gaiety though Im not going to Howth Id like to know for when I blew out the Hebrew on them he might have been madly in love with I suppose he used to love you bear to men then if he wrote me that well he sent her where she is driven; and the last time she gave me the Italian then hell see Im not an ounce of it in print; by mine honour, if you will, consents.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2017
0 notes
libidomechanica · 7 months
Untitled Composition # 10622
And look, O shines so court meal, to hold, to razed eyes!     Often reached in sacrifice: thy mortal, naked and I, o white? No! The hand—just as     mind another tack’d, from then, she feel myself, a shook there myself to proud. As therefore     bridal which dearest! Open the grasse not revealed plain, as here, will adore the soone a     virgin sacks—a moderate kind only
line’s the waters who say, like delicate ancies     graceful smiles there in the dropped away. Remembrances, in pierce with air is comes on.     Now all in these did not aspired inward, I shall I dare not, but here! And if the Base.     Since decrees: what I though a ditty not love were thee, the wide, progress of that recess,     pulled tongue does is sire on ruining.
The breed her with me to set Designs here a     tale here they fled—my spread, how crude and of heauens, nay all this and seated my father my     very heart-beat wide with grief of delight: but, her of the morning plums reading into     the flow’d—for I stood was accompact, you along to hint thou go with turn the blue. I     pass before than sin—except my self.
Too, which with his hand, art my good play with loue, one     or poetess forth of hatred as at seemely that I am surely deigning the     deep-drawn sight, as a mourney to conscious grace for love were in the freedom far in other     will deadly can I do, ’ said him her vp those folds—nor dreary caves, as with its that     is cannot by this head more end, then
blood. That I have set them to wise discover if     to take the shown, as has been in me is a poised look down, far over has made must long     sun slowly thou don’t do like way we can now answer will, I am a shells, tend hit     merry-winged match, and they have done these actions his verse; but faces were saw my turn and     impious Gods; and throne: in pleasure;
some bay, and pavements progresse, where is as lost,     oerchantresse, vpon some first looking, thousand from while not what a thou here! Through he once vnto     Mahomet! The words, with longer of golden far away, and walls gave it had doth leaves. A     glazed upon a welcome to me was served, the pleasure! My loue, or you any touch     immortal straue to lives about dotes
them late fruit. And left to fear the very path, and     of even they? The verse can form and horses daunce, fire the to melts inters to the wet     friends. Solemn and in the boye no better the bowers in lonely beautifull we says     No: ’ he which is notes, when if e’er crost to live, he sadly yels, unless grave here has ruffled     by reflection, but as and eke
the more dangerous airy goal of gold, ooz’d slow,     and as birds and rushes. Again; yet each to me. To all Quartered deem to keen in     his our ioy and thou go without my Lady Blancholy. Of the river sickle my     own, and thou say? Communing on early cured thee speak, breast the end of rose tufts, in that     is, purcharg’d with evening disparted
if I do them bent my heaven’s voices vnto my     tomb; and age, enwrapped an image on thing down. In the fall stand, and yeeld that thou would     supper nostrils small fret. A womanhood, and, at last half-drowne, and let than any sequent     worthy Christian quell its toy! Cherry- isle, with turn my minute’s serve whale-bone misse, with     vain wild white doves, not theyr chaos: and
next she great Tirynthia, ten to musickening     faith thine, now came alone, as soon he height and woof, i’m this treach tender might for Pyramus,     a family-like realms of yore, to make so that dreamful deceiu’d their feet the words—Ah,     having simpling till and glitter, quickering is no more likewise who look upon     occasion. Whose stare, vpon vs resist?
Turning, to makes sever. Strife as my verse; but she     cast no more lower, where will I fear less storm. To you tyranny, my cool, and keeping     to help’d against me. Then the mighty Poets free. Said through come to sing, ne let arms, were     mistrust as his meant: which made, you dream away, started, and pleasant doom I will I did     seeke with the tempest dress? When ope to
me, from the palms, sicke legend if their sleep. He step.     Foreign of truth of the others made fields, far more pleats. Casts words oft and fingers. I have     life of me! A crown instead of Wisdom of beauty thee safely terms or said: I need     the place, the may do twinnes that’s me. Where air immortal bowe and night! Forgotten-times     rest. A moment as the same in shouldst
more of the rose alone, as if it word. To labor     and still remity of like me no falling homeward in either things and made you     a good found thy Protean, pays. And trammel’d backgammon’s hanging ordures do charge,     thou better day behold is for the upburst, when the red rose. And strong and I will then,     with the sill the faults. Were t aughters?
’ Mothers at they may light, as the kitches, few stept,     kind and ’gan to testify the dyer’s mast? My tongue back’d, into the day for low, If the     lands, I breathing warm, and each insufficial art of his hear, was far best: so to the     pleaseth of the hearts strangled upon my work of cloud than the which I would apples soft     and thus. Not much to be socks that had
an ocean street, then a flake foaming was doubly,     where, but soon as twixt a maiden, safety of lonely majestic to thy wracke beam, whethere     all the woods shall the wind, and none its cased; or form, by Suwarrowly bowstrings;     my grieved, the woods may still fare: yet loue why my own dear life and as containing     Of all this vein of this sin in mast?
0 notes
libidomechanica · 4 years
I wish that Gaudy Flower, or lookes the
 By some shall still breaking all men proud,   some her to read,  not Living all me Papa. “you are,   Banisht man, tis Phillis, tis thus reply,   Fearless to the trembled.   Talking.   and groups under   let in his Sould draw their sweet musike giuen hate a dumpy woman is not in the stormes are Reservd, no Enemy can tell me, what may charm. When through the river Kiang, pleasing home, as being both my dark spright,   all Command,   dissimulation now my visits her count thou art gone another shrill triumphant so small old time had resolvd and in the bound; whereon concernd; the balance deckt,   yet them: to deck.  When I am sure marcheth she succour dearth! That would short before unkindly, shining to Build and frown light glances, no doubtful deeds which chink of the heard heart, weell turned,—and some to masculine persuaded that Sages steed refreshment didst deposition.   Or chose through we inhabit soon will he disaster. Where only two years full pryde, which heauenly spring I was almost removed. For every Royal Youthful morne,   and tooke as once in the man that creature. Against youth as lies at his Title notion than Hybla drops, as true, perhaps ’‘t is no number, not thy AEgis oer, as Greece will seasons train’ scatter to my selfe, all   prepare a whiles must be shed,   and so, that of Platonic squeezed then my vein be good truth:   she is death theyr wrath—I must now dead: to grant young fawne that Gods-smiths could wonderment, to mark the longer ready quill. S in thy pipe too late: and stone. But with awfull flock as Israel. Naked neck like golden fruit, and creast; yet his her part were now dark webs, her heart as she leaf, in trust, which, well thy painful eyes a boatswain swore,
nor do aspire,   in what sweet favour or deformd it would be the anvil of apology, exception every moment at home, and strength all this obedience,   my loues sweets dost go down, downe ioyous day within her smock: she flatter when the sea of some one Abydos; since ye doe him by its dispense with that did ioy among the lodestar of the yellowing words   enough,   so farre,   and beastes of baser think, my pretty, to which the offend. And leaves the brought the longer wings, think for years betrays        but specks, mote soften her eye; the Flame him? By nature? And sin:   but an end to hear the window, should I paint Woes blaw in your voices doo:   but care, or plunge ‘in medias res’   (theres music of thirty yeare for a word— all Day we whisperd his hooves    mothers Arms—   their checks the cause, up the gushing fame; nor glory and dying.   But how they gaze too much upon the words he was throwings, but certes, but once ye dayly such or with Jealous of her for their resolves—alas! Thus Natures court, the voice most richest and Juan, half the might shadows deep griefe content, how that frantic Ocean on t 1000 he dusk through my hand to Cupids mild pleasant that cheap hotels and wonderous and Fortune and for wishing suddenly twelve golden lilies review—the Brenta)   I wish that al my line: but larger was so long   a husbands life? The old Man pausd and deep pleated in my companyde within my heart their handsome the time when those epoch my thoughts the Flame,   her hearts: their perspective less still with Sally Brown! When King his pious to work.”
0 notes
libidomechanica · 5 years
Untitled (‘And grow’)
And grow. I marvellous thine accumulated, sprawling beautie, that all upon their passeth, the thou shame has been wondering flockes doe offer’d—Perish in Comparison— Is it for ardour
mute, has a punk; chaste to heere. Oure Hooste shrewe, Jhesu Crist ne went from that he that and the bright, theyr ecchoes sounding behind me, and man, he koude byte and belabour’d
from her warriour doth in mildnesse of a lost my skiff w hen he had it not one; as if the bitten off the General who had not wel what your dears
shiny beautiful as being’s right grace, thought thus the desecrated each good, as befits this is to promise to read. For Time, nor mouses or e’er look’d on
his pride and grief. Thinke how the sound up for joy to haue pyped erst so fayrer weary than that secrets struck at his left. — He hadde me. But for my loue: in which
when thine eyelashes spare, with the hour of Princessant babe the armies and faults of Cupid fourthe hour of rage, by the langer day. I stand the fayre
Idea of years for pursu’d, Scatter’d as taken break her feeling still, as do the firme in view? nor hadde seten her slim hand to entered, fecund, and fell a-weeping
naked tree againe enured, mine would say: I would still to extend, at my hear ye lie, ye ill we returned and in spite its birth doth projected, touch of glory Eyes—but hart more will
luve am I; into the then! when the marine cloudes is cruelty, for woman is the Turkish batteries are lyke dying overmuch, the
delighter that any chaunges troublous thoughts, sold chearful, were beside the past,— this way-wandering heap of giusts, and also trewe wyf, dame Alys, and feel her roome strip mall, I am
all the dead? In the battery; but none sees all were furl’d in this dame from Glaucus every bole, a stings of wommen v inolent in upon the tree. I answers
that is lent, and some of the splendour. Its road sons; with heauy spring as she of a thousand rich. Where you, tell me, haue wrought vpon the last obey, even
in the chord of your elegies and shell-borne King. — No, nor lost; and emerge in this world and in loue doth tears over-turn through one, to drink-offerings. I do
0 notes
libidomechanica · 5 years
At this darken, and to give me
They stung! The cloud in night winds
blow, fixed by now there hate, as I Undying Life provide Leden al hir lovers, and now that those please and land with a ruby large enow. fresh petals or craft that I have a garden-trees, Let it struck by Child than when theyr peace, that those out my happier people of the alleadg’d Gods word for thee. and pitie to meaning: nurses nod the hearth after my woes before
I lived, the bad many hour; but she’s grown common day; happy youth doth him intendeth, sleep he is immense and certes brow, feeds of you.
Whan the lief, to live in mossy hill. And many a coral grace, as wyves two! Even al the dark, silent toil all day; and comes from their timidly am serve the grass. To my daughter, this small mingle on my life all that othere wants a cod: i’ll come to thee a glooms. So I made his flow? And losse rewardeth, which public griefe I dye, I have leave the solid
stone, unbothere was as he! Herdgroome. Do but sweep thyn herte, for syk unnethė myghte she chamber-melodious winds. Than that blindfold her throated mother the naked mornings of the high poems! Her airy as that giu’st no belt and the distant points, secure all who; that he there with rose wild girl keep good and goon a-caterwaul at midnight, and daub his Visage with Asian elephants: onward to see. Then the scope, with light.
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