schillypokespe · 2 years
Infodumping about spiders and spiderman my bad
It seems no matter the universe the spider that was exposed to radioactivity was a Steatoda nobilis!!!! Which most people know as a 'False Widow'!! But the interesting thing to me is that. Spiderman is an American superhero in the basic universes, theres obviously the mexican and indian spidermen and also Peni but thats not important at this exact moment! But, Peter is an american superhero, and where he was bit tends to be the same, he was at a Techtonics Laboratory set up in New York City as a field trip, and there is no way that a False Widow could've been there.
Because given the timeline at that time False Widows are pretty strictly in the UK and Ireland and maybe at the very very far edge of California, which obviously its probably Marvel not knowing enough about Spiders but godbless if theyre going to specifically name a spider in one of their comics they better fucking know its habitats and geographic placement.
But what im stumped on is how that spider got there, because according to the main comic (Earth-616) it was just. already there! and was made radioactive by one of the machines at the lab, the comic that names the spider though is the one surrounding Earth-71928, which isn't important because unless otherwise specified the most likely situation is that it is the same spider each time and i'm looking at the pictures of all of them and the only ones with big differences are the ones that were in different areas (IE Penelope Parker, Mayday Parker, so on and so forth) but the Main Peter which is the one most of everything else is based off of was bitten there by that spider specifically, sometimes its modified though in the sense it has numbers on its back, which obviously probably means it was placed there purposefully by someone, but thats not for the Main Peter so thats not important, the more likely thing is that Peter was bitten by an actual black widow because that geographic placement makes more sense (theyre found from the south of Canada down to Florida on the east side of America)
but if thats the case there have been studies on spiders in radioactivity (specifically after a nuclear accident, here ), and while those are Trichonephila Clavata, Araneus Ventricosus, and Atypus Karschi spiders it gives us a good basis of what radioactivity would actually do when a spider is exposed to it, which mostly is uh . Kill it! and when The Trichonephila Clavata (Silk Spiders) spiders had eggs there was a double amount of radioactivity found in those baby spiders, but over a few years that radioactivity naturally ebbed away because it would get spit out everytime the spider created webs or let out venom, no matter what though the most likely thing to happen to spiders exposed to radioactive elements is that they'll actually get significantly weaker, and their webs are a lot more frail and easy to break, most likely seen that the spiders themselves will accidentally mess up the webs because they seem to act drunk when exposed to radioactivity!
of course these studies were in like 2011-2014 so when Spiderman actually got created as a superhero there was no way to tell or know what radioactivity in spiders would actually do but its definitely interesting !!!! however most notably the radioactivity did kill most of the venom in spiders and make the venom basically unusable (forcing the spiders to learn to kill their prey in other ways) which i mean, definitely points more towards an actual black widow biting Peter, because therefore when they tried to shoot the venom in their fangs out it wouldve just shot out the radioactivity, and this brings me back to them saying it was a false widow!, False Widows aren't actually very venomous at all! so if they were spitting their tiny amount of venom back into a person it would only hurt for a little bit and maybe swell up depending on the bite area, but mostly it would do quite literally nothing! it barely has long enough fangs to reach a proper blood vein area unless you have thin skin, so if a False Widow (with radioactivity instead of venom) bit Peter it wouldn't have gotten very far in his bloodstream to actually do anything to him
and, so, Black Widows are pretty well known to be one of the most venomous spiders literally ever.  (which isn't true, the most venomous is actually the Sydney Funnel-web Spider, which is pretty much only found in eastern australia), but black widows are pretty much right behind Brown Recluses in being the most venomous in America, which. obviously that makes me wonder what would happen if a black widow got exposed to radioactivity for realsies, but of course you can literally test that by putting a spider under an x ray for too long or in the microwave and you wanna know what happens? the spider fucking explodes besties ! because black widows have a larger abdomen, and thats where all its web fluid and organs are, and radiation is hot, like, Very Very hot, and it would burn the web fluid inside of them (therefore making the web fluid weaker if they even survive) and then eventually start burning the microscopic hairs on them as well as their organs which would kill it, but the web fluid when exposed to heat would expand and lead to the abdomen popping
but !!! its interesting !! and it also kind of uhh. disproves a spider ever being able to survive long enough to actually bite Peter unless he was standing right under the machine that exposed the spider to radioactivity (and remember it has to be a long enough exposure for the spider to be able to therefore then put it another being, a significantly bigger being, mind you)
Making spiderman scientifically impossible, however lets role with the assumption he is possible right? he was given the powers of a spider, which. well first of all aren't a lot, radiation or not, because the radiation weakens the spiders, and assuming he was given the strengths of a black widow not a lot of his powers make any sense! Spiderman is known for always being able to get back up after being hit, being super super resilient, having super strength, being able to stick to things, and being able to shoot webs (either with web slingers or through his own body depending on which spiderman you want to talk about)
1. Lets address the first thing. He's Resilient and can get back up after anything. Makes sense for a black widow spider, however the reasoning for that is because Black Widows have an exoskeleton, a skeleton outside of their body that protects them, as well as they have eight jointed legs, meaning if you break part of a black widows leg chances are theyll quite literally just shake it off and keep walking because they have enough leg strength to keep them balanced for a long period of time even if a leg is fully removed, so sure, they can in fact handle most things, but the most damage Peter tends to take is through explosions or getting hit in the chest/midsection area, which . well. if you drop almost any spider from too high a height and they don't have any webbing to save them, they are going to die because their abdomen will explode, exoskeleton or not.
Spiders aren't very strong, and while they can last a long time in a fight they're pretty damn susceptible to death from anything that hits them too hard, so it makes sense to an extent but unless Peter grew a new skeleton when he was bitten im gonna have to check off the ability for him to just get back up after anything, which also checks off the Super Strength because funny thing, black widows are one of the physically weakest spiders, like most spiders with heavy venom they don't have to last long in fights because they can just bite their victim and walk away
2. Hes able to stick to things, sure, all spiders can do that because of the special oil coating their skin that goes away as they get older, i'm just gonna assume Peter is extremely sweaty and his sweat is now that special oil because otherwise there's no way for that to work (let alone if just one hand would be able to hold his full body weight without his wrist breaking)
3. the web thing works no matter what because you can actually somewhat replicate a spiders web fluid and make it stronger with certain chemicals, definitely weirder for the Peters that produce it Inside Their Body but otherwise that one gets a pass
4. the spider sense is most likely from the fact spiders can sense vibrations in their web also
He’d need a lot of help from his suit to make any of this even remotely possible !!
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iskallsussy · 2 years
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schillypokespe · 2 years
Hi guys!! Im moving tomorrow!!! Sooo since I will not be online at all tomorrow ive set up a queue of all my hermit-aligned art and fics!!! Please please reblog them 🙏🙏🙏
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schillypokespe · 2 years
hey guys any mcu fans in my follower list. if so please give me other spiderman content to consume im begging you
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schillypokespe · 2 years
curating my own experience is blocking every other reagan fictive i see while we’re on that topic
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schillypokespe · 2 years
hi update on moons big my dad said the moon gets closer to the earth during certain parts of the year everything is fine /affirmation
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schillypokespe · 2 years
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Sean // 18yo // Dyke // Neurodivergent // Disabled // System 
ice/crys (collective)
We write fics for the fandoms we’re currently in, which consists of pretty much JUST hermitcraft right now!!!
We love pretty much anything horror related (Especially slenderverse) and we love conspiracy theories 👍
This is our main blog but you can also find us at @iskallsussy​ when we reach post limit! 
You’ll probably see shipping here but 99% of it is because we’re a system and introjects love their partners a lot.
We post neg about our interests and tag it with #(Interest) Neg (#hermitcraft neg)
Please keep in mind we Identify as a dyke, and we have male gay friends who identify as the f slur, if referring to them in anyway to describe their identitys we will use the f slur as we have permission from them to do so. Anyone can also refer to us as a dyke if they so please.
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Pastey // He/they Scar // She Scott // He/ice/crys/flow Taylor // She
We have a very close friendgroup and we will unapologetically not shut the fuck up about them because we love them more than anything and we have matching bracelets and I appreciate them here they are:
@windblume-exe​ ​
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We don’t have a DNI, if we don’t like you, we’ll block you. We have our likes and dislikes when it comes to people but we don’t have to share that with anyone. Also if we told people like transphobes or whatever not to follow they literally wouldn’t listen. 
If we reblog from someone bad, let us know in asks and we’ll delete it, we don’t have shinigami eyes or anything.
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schillypokespe · 2 years
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this tag triggered my fight or flight response
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schillypokespe · 2 years
to be fair what the fuck did manatreed expect. dude was deadass like ‘heres where i live and heres what i look like and heres something i did four years ago and this and that and’ like.... girl....... if u abused someone and then proceed to describe ur entire fucking life story its ur own fault when you get fucked up
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schillypokespe · 2 years
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schillypokespe · 2 years
are we telling stories abt weird people we know bc i wanna talk about that one person who showed up to my house because i called them racist online
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schillypokespe · 2 years
hey my friends just told me the way i have tumblr set up is weird im confused
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schillypokespe · 2 years
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my tabs rn are a place and a half
Scars video, hunger games, an IJ fic, knifetrick chap 8, sonic boom, vast error, friendlocke, IJ, everything turns to gold, and tumblr
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schillypokespe · 2 years
guys does anyone have that one image of the two guys walking down the church hall or smth having a serious conversation the one thats like ‘me and the mutuals talking about (topic)’ i need it
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schillypokespe · 2 years
sussyiskall --> endcognito
mutuals encouraged to reblog sorry i’m frontstuck and wanted my own aesthetic bc i don’t like pink 
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schillypokespe · 2 years
new alter problems she thinks our body is pretty but refuses to make a bot or mark herself in the switch logs bc she doesnt think we’re real for the love of god please help me - Gri
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