mycryptosuite · 2 years
Magic Lotto 2Sure National For 06/08/2022
Magic Lotto 2Sure National For 06/08/2022
Magic Lotto 2Sure National For 06/08/2022 Magic lotto 2sure national – national lotto prediction for today for magic lotto predictor, national magic lotto 2sure for today’s draw. National magic lotto 2sure for 5th of January, 2022 with ghana national lottery 2 sure for today Ghana Lotto Forecaster, Two Sure for National Lotto Today, Ghana Lotto Forecast for Today. National lotto magic banker for…
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sirjustice288-blog · 4 years
Uses of flower
Buy mini-fruit juice extractor like of sugar cane as well and with ya planted sugar don’t take to the factory 4 minimal pay but call 1 who can make sugar in the boom process b4 u pay him to reap huge profits
Cut flowers are used to make paints, wedding cakes, viscos women clothes like blouses, pants or bra, men panties and vests as well, napkins and handkerchiefs, rubber, plastic accessories like with electric accessories like switches, stereos bulbs etc, sandles, candles, plastic wares like kitchen utensils, artificial leather, glasses, plastic equipment like tapes or chairs, while cooked cabbage of much water grinned, makes like nylon type of clothing both for men and ladies and even socks, tissue, soviet, hand bags and purse etc. Mfalme wa yawhodi to bring out reality of what Christ meant and most so ways to finish Britain and where the source 4 the above raw materials like Kenya.
When Turkey got tea, the EU members will not leave turkey and opt 4 African tea as many prefer coffee to tea as well as densely Asian nations like Pakistan will buy much from India or china as well as Indonesia from Malaysia more than Kenya as they are 1st in racism or sell them more cheap than the next country to them than yours and with the boom process how will u market more tea to make ya economy big if u don’t use the gimmicks explained below to kill their soil, like with dredger and sprinkling chemicals in dark snowing time to reduce soil fertility to produce low quality tea in low amount so your step in. Dude how will it happen knowing in mind many nations produce tea. Stop dude and resort to reality!!!
Cut flowers even makes candy and bubble gum when placed in cuddled milk solution or yogurt in the boom process, every kind as with different smells of the petal of the flower.
The seats in the link below if u got them in ya house increases longevity and can make ya go to hell if u u bar people from ya house as most people are turned off when they see such seats in ya house and the urge to live long as well can make ya land in hell fire. We should live like the birds of the air to avoid the above or resorting to every-now and then prayers of repentance.
The laws that Killed stepheson were made in Jo’burg, that led to his being stoned now the location at the corner of Migosi pri school from dala hera church where if i pass makes ya love good things of this life as changes ya mind. If u give same in judgement day in life after death may acquit ya of hell fire if u did not know but heard it prior to ya death or past sins 4given b4 u got the data. The Narrow path along the school wall leave the big 1 and the Kondele supermarket, newly opened makes u hate good things, if u had known why could u get there and hate good things of this life will be the question that day, better say u did not know the same or u had to pass the former road of making ya love good things, but those who sees ya knows dude to tell more of ya a/c if at all used the roads, so take heed dude.
In making of roads and buildings such as sky-scrapper, garbage inserted in sewer water can replace the wires, and bolts/nuts inserted as previously explained in the boom process.
With bond 7 u can place cut sukuma wiki inside b4 hurling with piss, saliva or cold water or hurl the same using kale water or seldom apple fruit seed mixed with water and boom ya liqour formed or any other as u try with every procedure laid in tumblr a/c sirjustice199.
The city of Athens killed Plato and  as to me he is a prophet cause most of his poems, writings and sayings were taken and still used to date lubricated in others own as in the tumblr a/c above and even most of the wise teachings of the bible and Swahili sayings and proverbs as well as songs. King of the jew to remind us of the truth and who to that city built on the hill as it will be more tolarable the sidion and tire than it at the judgement day. Now bankers were saying they are benin blooded which aint a lie but now Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia and Tz making as well planes and many nations havent posted their yet, so how many nations now u want to claim allegiance b4 now u sponsor crime as most workers wants even ya food as they have seen realities of Liquid cash being eliminated. Kuna kupanda na kushuka mwanang’u, u want us to respect u and demands people to dress good, now its u to learn to dress moderately as no other well paying job need ya attires like hotel, Casino bouncer, insurance and ministerial low paying jobs or be a dignitary which is 1 man job or dress that way on Sunday. Stacked dude. U wezi chesha na kebi both in Sex and in real life as the song link below, kinda r stucked on kebi wanting him to tolerated their weird character men as explained above, sawa gani, die if u cant hustle, me aint ya papa or kid, Govt or God who created ya.
They falsify crime and now resorted to petty theft to raise that bail cash 4 ruto to later put in their own investment as the public are blind not to reason as kebi while the many Kikuyu knows the exact above and Ruto cheats his tribe they got difference with The President to make more people contribute to the bail even it means getting out money off their pockets. The politician followers, if u r poor u are poor, accept reality and move on, stop such gimmicks taking the nation no-where. Putin even if u succeed in life hell fire awaits ya, that’s what i can say, as a pit latrine is emptied the on the other hole with the emptied refuses soil and leaves added not to diffuse and smell or 1 fall into the same way when hell is full is done that way and another location found, which if u dig came out like magma and mostly those areas vegetation around them are dry. So fellows mark those location as the 1 in Minneapolis is almost full looking 4 another place, Malachi 4 to remind us of the truth. Believe it or not dude, u of insane mind, the women wont help ya cause now its point blank u cant win them with empty hand dude resorting to shifting your being furious to poor citizens. Take ya arousal to ya motherfucking mothers or family, u ugly of no money when investigated.
UAE, Saudi Arabia 1st made airplane in the link below and Norway, Israel passenger plane
Kenya Good than USA and why after one food like wild dogs even wanting to put up a fight in disguise with another reason, eti “waacha, set aside“ u poor but blind to see
When people are ill against ya and u don’t see or join the bad as with women, as being warned to stay away from a man with those seducing himto be his gays then, kinda, if u take a close look at that woman or man, kinda, u see spatted saliva on his face as 1 spits heavy and thick saliva on his face vindicating they are mad as masai blooded are found of that character, disassociating from the good if its against their wish as their flower sector finished using other mechanisms to make the same as well explained above in following tumblr a/c of sirjustice199. That was their pride of being 4gotten now wants to eat in others houses claiming is their land employing many yet them sidelined.
With ya window security, it can be made like with 3 - 4 like 1 cm hard metallic bars emanating from below or above to close the window so no intruder gets in as it can be automated with 1 main switch. The same can be mounted on side walls of the window either from outside or from inside or within the wall width that houses the window as the window frame. To avoid African style that gets into the head making u furious which Africans were eyeing the west to buy out of the killings in-house and theft never thinking technology can bar them like with laser lights and motion sensor alarms/lights. So they wanted to create market by making eye attracting windows 4 the same but alas their efforts are crushed into jeopardy leaving them stranded dude as in the below link pals
The Most buildings of USA and Europe where not built by the white-man rather green-man long time ago b4 they left 4 other planets 4 the white man to come and occupy while the remedy to making such buildings stay afloat is sprinkling from a chopper rice in the dark as they call 4 curfew to do the same and even with bridges and many roads but 4 big skyscraper African-american will see the emanating lights and see the building collapse even among those who transfigure thus robs them their dignity and pride and now even Africans have learnt how to make the same without involving laborours or machine in the boom process which now its like a poison to them heading nowhere and those buildings now old and more are above them in style so want to demolish them to build new as their is the times they can be refurbished with rice lest if u continue it collapse and the time is due now so wants to bring the crafty in mind Africans to Africa to enable the above to be done, saying this and that is rich or poor yet not the course as the course is embedded in the truths explained above if u did not know and even encourage people to share food. Stop even the African Americans now know how to make the same and its futile dude. Worker and vineyard parable to bring out reality dude.
Come Mr white-man with ya women u have planned 4 me and i show u dust, if u dont shoot me then a stone will fall in ya face synonymous with King David telling us ya character as their will be no understanding either u shoot as tresspass or if u got no gun hurl stone like him. Come on dude in daylight is see what u got or ya face not in the darkness of the night. Saying they locate peoples houses as kalenjin do to clain alergiance not knowing tea can be made in boom process bought from other tea producing nations not necesarily Kenyan 1 as in the link below
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sirjustice223-blog · 4 years
Some reality
Whites don't want to lock their doors as away as they even kill those of to u good character but in secrecy do the above. When u close ya doors, kinda, takes out ya mind as the vice versa which opens ya mind and that's the secrecy dude if u never know. Some selling drugs taking oath to do the above 4 some period of time promise to leave shortly b4 the deadline thus hampering shoot out as they said the above be done to them as well as saying the drug was washed in the rain while has given a colleague who sells to give him some parts to make him now lazy not wanting to works or the drug was stolen and he has it. Dude don't get into things u know not even as in a road carnage maybe just organized as they have seen u coming to get to know u, just pass by at watch as u pass in a glance to indicate good character, they don't want people doing such and can lead to a shoot out like in the varsities and cinemas.
Dont make holes like with Minneapolis to avoid hard times in crossing over the road to the other side as this reduces knock down esp in kids and snarl ups 4 vehicles wanting to get to the other side. Use drones as in the link below which are automated in that if the no of people weight amounts to like 1000KG it sense and starts the protocol as well people are employed to take care of the same to get u to the other side as pedestrians. Or to avoid such in 1 big city do decentralization to de-congest your cities as now u have learnt how to make buildings, roads and many machines which make up a city dude. Such are above are mostly seen in big cities like NY, Landon, Beijing or Tokyo and more
Drone parcel delivery, you place ya order and what we do, is to drop it.
The container the drone carries can be made of thick plastic or aluminum to increase more weight it carries and made like American football ball shape to reduce friction in air to increase speed where such is used to transport goods between nations or overseas as between continents.
Forcing a fellow with sales job who says such jobs aint shit as those who do it, supplement their livelihoods with money gotten online which if was not their could not be doing the same to create a picture outside they are doing good though looked down upon which u if u try without such above knowledge u leave that job long ago b4 even lapse of 1 month. He got back and was doing sales of bank cards which he brought 2, 4 3 months where he did not meet his target of 10 cards monthly where he was sent home again to appease the bankers who forced him with that job, took the salary a usual and directed it to his investments. Dude stop wanting from people leave ya own life dude and get the above to make an halt bro
If u stay with things of this world so much in ya house can land ya to hell, sell to thrift store to help another who cant afford the new ones of such. Satisfy their appetite making them want to live more and a blessing to ya and the reason why many whites don't stay with home appliances and cars to get to reason cause they have helped some1 indirectly. Some even organize theft with their own stuff to buy new, cause if they buy new again the public will criticize them b4 they call the police as actually it was crime.
Eu other nations, we want to know if they got sense or insane as other African nations join them not they are pro-them but investigating the same. Now that u have known how to make every gadget and every nations cash, why cant u place money online like the Kenya TSC PAYSLIP, or just want corruption and all said about the DNA as mother still alive, Bro an advice, read the parable in the link below to guide ya and warn Russia and the G-20 nation to divorce their plan and hearken to the truths of sirjustice199 tumblr a/c or what u want dude. Even if u kill 1, the bottom-line is that every nation has got a piece of the script he has written u want to delete to make yours and have made those gadgets as per the googling thing described below or even if u manage to hack or delete, likes of china and Italy has made those gadgets, so its high time to leave 1 alone so far as he has gone on lower cadre in his life
Ecclesiastic sweet ES, dude, Gik Maleny as shiny like a snake skin products, i mean supple outer case like most yesterday china products, should be all eradicated as their is now a feasible plan of repayment even 4 long 4 the poor to still own the same product the rich can buy on sport. The above supple products can kill ya faster and can take ya to hell as u did not give back promptly to ya society as it helped ya all along and that's why many who were not frustrated and gone oversees without giving much or back to the society as it made ya during ya childhood and teenage life can land ya in hell fire b4 u r released shortly if u fail to repent fervently as in the link below to create emphasis and truth that i warned ya. Many around me to many lived an awkward life which many says in awe or disgust that they thought they will never die but to them their souls are rested as have evade hell fire, as it will be an excuse at judgement time that they did the above to warn me not to do the same and warn as tell people not to do the likewise 4 it to end altogether forever not to be seen again as without showing such to me could have been a habit. With the above they are acquitted from hell fire, samehewa as 4given dude. Dont portray u know much yet u know little dude as with the Hindu, Whom the white man cheats to go ahead in judging people yet the judgement place is in Minneapolis, which such lies the Hindu should leave the white-man alone, question has he not been able to seen whats going on in that judgement house in MN or at that bearing he is blindfolded. Answer me dude, if u cant get back to ya home period bro!!!!
Wakenya, nabonga kama dem, sindiyo, mimi mtu mbaya, an-ng’ama rach dong!!! Most Kisii grown ups now transferring their hunger to kids as wanting to fight with them, out of reality of good life they did not achieve when young and handy with the young generation, so faces middle life crisis which with their big faces cant camouflage to such hence the anger above. Timbe na doom, n’gwee donge, Haaaaa!!!, kendo, Haaaa, haaaa, haaaaa!!!
Kebi nyiso n’gani kaka eloso simu, to giloso Infinix but they dont submit to kebi words of giving him 100 women, they just join hands in frustrating him, wablo nyono dhoge as in the below link
Kikuyu blooded tribes got the blood of play and not relenting in play of the tribe/nation described below. Loving katikati things or things that fall in the middle even with nations, from Turkmenistan maybe, mfalme wa yawhodi and worker and vineyard parable to bring out reality. If u don't love ends/corners as coastal lands more, get it dude. Playing, jokes or tugo/jest in luo as well
Trained birds and those who transfigure into rodents and other animals like goat came and pick ya grain b4 recollection to form a heap to feed the wanting g to be 1st society but poor as the above done to keep that image of “we are still here“
With whats in Tumblr a/c sirjustice199, it shows u did not build America and the civil rights leaders like MLK and X can get to hell out of the messages as above they said as white men took them tyo jail to rethink as even now African nations and China have known how to build roads and houses using snow flakes, hay, chaff, crop remains and more as described in the boom process to change now that they took the negro to the USA as prey as u eat them you became inventive in science which aint the case as explained in tumblr a/c of the above described tumblr.
Folks USA was build as now u know how to built houses, make clothes, tissue, artificial food, auto-cars, internet, decoder Tv and more. So stop the slogans of like Mlk which identity are hidden to avoid the above as incitement which can make u land in hell in saying what u dont know yet at that time people who marched with ya some died out of shootings, others developed cancer out of the poisonous gas directed to them in protest time and water canyon.
Me aint king and sermons not mine as what i explain in tumblr a/c above much are laid on how gadgets are made and leaving Mr white man alone as opposed to the reverse of King wanted to belong as be identified with Mr White-man. So take heed dude, never claim things u know not dude. Such houses above are built with hay, sugar cane husks, garbage or sewer water as explained in tumblr a/c sirjustice199. Get this straight dude and stop disturbance bro
Google per country in Africa, Latin America and Asia like “Pay tv, home appliances, military vehicle, smartphones, speedboats, automated vending machines, jets, drone, helicopter, office appliances like photocopier and not least but last hospital equipment made in like Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Uganda, Tanzania, Bangladesh, MEXICO, N and S Korea Indonesia, SA, malaysia, Thailand, Philippines,CONGO, Burma, Somali and any other nation u know to ascertain they have learnt the same, so cant bet big on selling yours to them as they got theirs“ Yesterday their were markets 4 S-Korea, Japan, China, Germany, UK, USA, Brazil made goods, so the challenge is they have known how to make the same, so where will the above nations sell to meaning shrink economy as recession synonymous with USA.
In an Economy when things have been explained like above and still wanna disturb people with ya kids the below is done when they persist with that character even after being of age as in the link below
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sirjustice203-blog · 4 years
Hiccups employed
Who has the goodies of how to make machines parts and artificial food as well as other stuff, u or me, answer me dude, its purely me and why do u want me to join ya wicked ways then u rush to say, let him alone as if i will or going to regret shortly as u enjoy and to join ya later will be utter shame, yet is u who want from me not to mention my food, click the song link below 4 more
So now they have put another face, cashing into others private stuff like daily without stoppage not knowing like kids its tired and sickening dude. Grave tough exhumation measures imposed to bar the same, so their is no food 4 them, guys if u never knew their anger. U can go out in life investigating the same to no avail like in the link below and their deals known of making stuff with others so cutting out the revenues they used to get like yesterday. Dude is that it or am i lying dude. Now graves dug deep and being monitored hard to exhume 4 ya so resort to the above hiccups homey.
When E-motorbikes introduced like in the links above, then woman will be empowered not to disturb men again with their ill-gotten kids as they can organised a franchise to take 2 or 3 a woman to work in the morning and drop the same home at dusk to raise cash to feed their above kids as this affirms affirmative action. And ya body temple of Christ, if u denature it like in a road carnage like above can land u into hell and equals blasphemy if u dont give proper mishaps that led to the above and even road deaths related to such accidents. Rich-man and Lazarus parable, u got Moses green plant on the wall which to commemorate him was named after him as he was born in Kansas very temperate 4 tropical weed to grow, so never say i did not warn ya. Take heed in advance homey!!!!
Images of 1st Passenger aircraft made in Ghana in the link below taking to skies as well as her Nigerian counterpart made airplane
Nigerian submarine and warship just hidden as in the link below
South Korea submarine images in the link below, SA and Collin submarine type
First sa Made umkhonto MISSILE images in the link below carried in submarines
The SA owned internet as shown in the link below
Uganda internet in the link below and switching off from Eu or American social medias to their own
Turkey made submarines in the link below as well as 1st japan passenger airplane
Sing as if u live in the world not sent to live long, compare the songs in the links below
Epl is no-more, in fact they have gotten the sirjustice166 all explanation, Britain is poor so we cant afford to condom their weird acts, the seats of our pubs are empty dude, printing money 4 other nations and other nations who imported their machines have their own brand to use at home, so saves the country export.
With the car lock that is key-less like described below that uses, body temp or fat composition as much as pulse rate, when the battery atrophies i will be cumbersome to open the same, so both positive and negative cathodes can be placed like from the bottom of the car so if the above happens u take another battery and connect and still works as much as with houses
Those who love adulating lands loves prays as fellowship and known that way, 4 the land is beautiful so can take ya 2 hell so such above gets into ya, GOD made it that way, so they think u can get to heaven bro
With the 6-12 DC geared motor now our blenders and air-blowers can be made that way and even with the 240 V bulbs can be made in a such way the small many lights of 12 DC bulbs which takes much time to spoil placed inside as u tell the devil to give equal brightness not knowing is 12 DC powered, very hard to distinguish if its 240 v or 12 Dc. Like in the link below
You will not eat with my stuff, Kebi telling hooligans and the lazy blindly, how? Many thought he will open fight but he tells it this way, rather tell groups of all nations to make much from many sources to be cheap like china many company electronics/machines. With how to make artificial foods, machines,clothes, shoes and building materials as well as stationery ware as explained in tumblr a/c sirjustice166, u wanted to consolidate the same by killing me so u alone make it but alas!, Guys i have made it public, even if i die u will not benefit to cement the truths above. He told the Negros categorically who got no-sense in later wanting to be with ya and even the masai, luo and kikuyu communities as well as kisii, Tanzanians and Ugandans who equally aspire to get free things by bring kids to him he knows not who as well wants the best of him yet him to date has led not all that pleasing life in-terms of sanitation and cloths and them they want the same from me at tender ages meaning they cant work 4 themselves and even most bankers got that bad trait. Bro die ya own death dude
Am the inventor of Ae technologies described in Kevinelson mondy FB a/c, my temp is 37, BMI 26 currently, Blood group AB and pulse rate 67, friends they want to take this away from me, the likes of Nelson Emeka and kevino nelson of Kericho, friend lets have the machines that measures the above to ascertain truth.Women they want to play dice with me as with my destiny and if they manage kill me or leave me as a laughing stock or at all means ride on my back as wanting to eat my food and be with me all the times which i want not dude and cant afford that rather 1 can harm another, so best to tell ya. Looking 4ward 4 ya help dude, best regards, Mr Nelson smith as Kevin Dawe friends with Joseph Jeswin of Kuwait and WSU or Humphrey eteni and Melani, Donna Hughes, Chalmers Lynn Deborah, Corey Hurl, Jeff Ester, de-Colbert Carlos, Wilson Williams and Lynnette Garthenji who denied him pussy.
Artificially made breads as described in the tumblr a/c above crumbles the booty to look like sagging and a hard pad as the side effects, so dude make ya own bread by buying ya mini-bread making machine or make sure u buy cooked 1 u see like nowadays made in the supermarkets as shown in the link below
The real semi-translucent mirror is made this way, collected hay or fallen leaves mixed with ice or cold water then pure human fecal matter straight from the toilet hurled unto it and boom that real-brown mirror which solve every single doubt of ya bad looking to give u confidence in life as opposed to the current mirrors we have inculcating the opposite above among people, Glass 2 way Mirror
The power bank that need no charging can use the manual cooker timer technology to turn the magnet like in a made more small but compacted stater comb technology to power ya phone b4 u turn it again when the set time lapses without having a battery as in the link below leads to it, maybe engineers are dilly dallying. At-least a break-through in sudden smartphone battery pop ups that leave ya frustrated in areas without electricity synonymous with alternator generator replacing electricity.
Click the links below how white men will be done finally esp German or Negros
How white men will be done in Africa as Much as Negros or a local tribe wants to control ya in the city with their sick and silly traditions which has come up with nothing, synonymous dude!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZfHZZHKsmc, toy drone with LCD screen
Drone with camera in-front of the remote to not put ya head up on ya drone location on the atmosphere as u can see it in the LCD screen
Images of new China low cost durable house more than its sold in Kenya 3 times, Folks a house that costed $ 200,000 now under the same technology costs quarter that amount so rethink if u wanna sell ya-house
Play the Game below to win, in the below link
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sirjustice273-blog · 4 years
Tumblr sirjustice272 comment
The seats in the link below if u got them in ya house increases longevity and can make ya go to hell if u u bar people from ya house as most people are turned off when they see such seats in ya house and the urge to live long as well can make ya land in hell fire. We should live like the birds of the air to avoid the above or resorting to every-now and then prayers of repentance.
The laws that Killed stepheson were made in Jo’burg, that led to his being stoned now the location at the corner of Migosi pri school from dala hera church where if i pass makes ya love good things of this life as changes ya mind. If u give same in judgement day in life after death may acquit ya of hell fire if u did not know but heard it prior to ya death or past sins 4given b4 u got the data. The Narrow path along the school wall leave the big 1 and the Kondele supermarket, newly opened makes u hate good things, if u had known why could u get there and hate good things of this life will be the question that day, better say u did not know the same or u had to pass the former road of making ya love good things, but those who sees ya knows dude to tell more of ya a/c if at all used the roads, so take heed dude.
In making of roads and buildings such as sky-scrapper, garbage inserted in sewer water can replace the wires, and bolts/nuts inserted as previously explained in the boom process.
With bond 7 u can place cut sukuma wiki inside b4 hurling with piss, saliva or cold water or hurl the same using kale water or seldom apple fruit seed mixed with water and boom ya liqour formed or any other as u try with every procedure laid in tumblr a/c sirjustice199.
The city of Athens killed Plato and  as to me he is a prophet cause most of his poems, writings and sayings were taken and still used to date lubricated in others own as in the tumblr a/c above and even most of the wise teachings of the bible and Swahili sayings and proverbs as well as songs. King of the jew to remind us of the truth and who to that city built on the hill as it will be more tolarable the sidion and tire than it at the judgement day. Now bankers were saying they are benin blooded which aint a lie but now Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia and Tz making as well planes and many nations havent posted their yet, so how many nations now u want to claim allegiance b4 now u sponsor crime as most workers wants even ya food as they have seen realities of Liquid cash being eliminated. Kuna kupanda na kushuka mwanang’u, u want us to respect u and demands people to dress good, now its u to learn to dress moderately as no other well paying job need ya attires like hotel, Casino bouncer, insurance and ministerial low paying jobs or be a dignitary which is 1 man job or dress that way on Sunday. Stacked dude. U wezi chesha na kebi both in Sex and in real life as the song link below, kinda r stucked on kebi wanting him to tolerated their weird character men as explained above, sawa gani, die if u cant hustle, me aint ya papa or kid, Govt or God who created ya.
They falsify crime and now resorted to petty theft to raise that bail cash 4 ruto to later put in their own investment as the public are blind not to reason as kebi while the many Kikuyu knows the exact above and Ruto cheats his tribe they got difference with The President to make more people contribute to the bail even it means getting out money off their pockets. The politician followers, if u r poor u are poor, accept reality and move on, stop such gimmicks taking the nation no-where. Putin even if u succeed in life hell fire awaits ya, that’s what i can say, as a pit latrine is emptied the on the other hole with the emptied refuses soil and leaves added not to diffuse and smell or 1 fall into the same way when hell is full is done that way and another location found, which if u dig came out like magma and mostly those areas vegetation around them are dry. So fellows mark those location as the 1 in Minneapolis is almost full looking 4 another place, Malachi 4 to remind us of the truth. Believe it or not dude, u of insane mind, the women wont help ya cause now its point blank u cant win them with empty hand dude resorting to shifting your being furious to poor citizens. Take ya arousal to ya motherfucking mothers or family, u ugly of no money when investigated.
UAE, Saudi Arabia 1st made airplane in the link below and Norway, Israel passenger plane
Kenya Good than USA and why after one food like wild dogs even wanting to put up a fight in disguise with another reason, eti “waacha, set aside“ u poor but blind to see
When people are ill against ya and u don’t see or join the bad as with women, as being warned to stay away from a man with those seducing himto be his gays then, kinda, if u take a close look at that woman or man, kinda, u see spatted saliva on his face as 1 spits heavy and thick saliva on his face vindicating they are mad as masai blooded are found of that character, disassociating from the good if its against their wish as their flower sector finished using other mechanisms to make the same as well explained above in following tumblr a/c of sirjustice199. That was their pride of being 4gotten now wants to eat in others houses claiming is their land employing many yet them sidelined.
With ya window security, it can be made like with 3 - 4 like 1 cm hard metallic bars emanating from below or above to close the window so no intruder gets in as it can be automated with 1 main switch. The same can be mounted on side walls of the window either from outside or from inside or within the wall width that houses the window as the window frame. To avoid African style that gets into the head making u furious which Africans were eyeing the west to buy out of the killings in-house and theft never thinking technology can bar them like with laser lights and motion sensor alarms/lights. So they wanted to create market by making eye attracting windows 4 the same but alas their efforts are crushed into jeopardy leaving them stranded dude as in the below link pals
The Most buildings of USA and Europe where not built by the white-man rather green-man long time ago b4 they left 4 other planets 4 the white man to come and occupy while the remedy to making such buildings stay afloat is sprinkling from a chopper rice in the dark as they call 4 curfew to do the same and even with bridges and many roads but 4 big skyscraper African-american will see the emanating lights and see the building collapse even among those who transfigure thus robs them their dignity and pride and now even Africans have learnt how to make the same without involving laborours or machine in the boom process which now its like a poison to them heading nowhere and those buildings now old and more are above them in style so want to demolish them to build new as their is the times they can be refurbished with rice lest if u continue it collapse and the time is due now so wants to bring the crafty in mind Africans to Africa to enable the above to be done, saying this and that is rich or poor yet not the course as the course is embedded in the truths explained above if u did not know and even encourage people to share food. Stop even the African Americans now know how to make the same and its futile dude. Worker and vineyard parable to bring out reality dude.
Come Mr white-man with ya women u have planned 4 me and i show u dust, if u dont shoot me then a stone will fall in ya face synonymous with King David telling us ya character as their will be no understanding either u shoot as tresspass or if u got no gun hurl stone like him. Come on dude in daylight is see what u got or ya face not in the darkness of the night. Saying they locate peoples houses as kalenjin do to clain alergiance not knowing tea can be made in boom process bought from other tea producing nations not necesarily Kenyan 1 as in the link below
Kikuyu like portray themselves as not pissed of often and not tired in their undertakings so they can be employed many in the courier services to facilitate the stealing on household accessories using those who transfigure b4 giving the items to them but alas as we got light dimmers and motion sensor alarm lights to bar the same so left puzzled and perplexed. The Kenyan economy like 60% is from taxation and like 20% of the 60% is of vehicle parking and those fined in town as Nairobi CBD receives like 200, 000 parked cars daily paying like $ 3, so calculate that amount not to mention in other towns as well not given the figure and if the govt adopt light rail system and drone system or eradicate traffic snarl-up to make many go on buses will reduce that amount which we cant bank on unless the city commuter with the latest E-buses are govt owned. When u think of what placed in dough of rye to make the E-airplane in the links below if it aint original as the metal in it are bristle not durable, kinda, the ripple effect is directed to ya teeth, u feel ya incisor teeth twisted as breaking/crushing and with every gadget, so where is rye in Africa and they want to get to Temperate lands to even steal such from firms to bring to their nation if the above nations refuses to sell the same to them as artificial rye also got the incisor teeth twisting effect. Much is laid with promised lands, wanna make durable machine parts of airplane or want to place ya passengers life in danger by making bristle easy to crush metal parts aero-plane when every-nation has learnt the gimmicks of making the same as with home appliances and smartphone or Motor-car and bike. The luo long time blood which the st Lucia people got of helping hand and Portuguese, rearing to go but after reaching destination, kinda, u see u will treat other bad with wealth then u dismount not like with Kikuyu who are up-to that wealth without forfeiture bro. The former blood is with me as i want equity in wealth sharing but not equality as people of a nation cant be equal as the vices or socialism where it takes ya well-being as sharing food leading to a dead nation. Promised leader from former Bethlehem as Minneapolis, MN, EATING CORPSE to warn us as they wanna say its a culture and making money out of maka/charcoal as if u use artificially made 1 brings joy in family and increases longevity more that using electricity. Maka Region Mr as in the link below https://www.oneplace.com/ministries/watchman-radio-hour/read/articles/the-promised-ruler-from-bethlehem-micah-515-13422.html Automated vending machine 4 drinks like milk, beverages and sodas  tied with mini-digital temperature readers to tell u the temperature of the drinks on display to select bro, not try and error as in the links below https://www.jumia.co.ke/generic-or-lcd-refrigerator-freezer-fridge-digital-thermometer-temperature-50-110-c-8911474.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyxzCKqWW-A If u are stuck as always in 1 place as am reminded, society dictates u be around big bodied women as u will be able to direct their kids as they are bad in that, their male counterparts are always lazy when not in wealth as vice versa with small bodied men who are outgoing, u need small ladies as well and the reverse applies to big bodied men with small ladies and big bodied women. Lazy need small bodied ladies and vice versa All are written in 1 a/c and even the 1 not yours but persistently claiming it yours but like with the E-airplane that carries more than 100 passengers not your how comes bro, but happy are we, when like all nations have learnt the same u will not be tolerated as it is taking ground as new nations are coming up with their own 1st made innovation. If domestic tourist counted in the USA, lets pretend they were independent states then USA tourism could surpass Europe France or Spain 1 as most visitors are just from withing Eu block but counted not as with 1 USA state with others. As in the below links dude, compare 4 ya country with another b4 u say the figures are falsified or cooked as your no
With the explained above, if Uhuru wa Kenthnyatta cant shut up his bicks, then he is insane and needs a medical check up and with any world leader like Trumputin
The seats in the link below if u got them in ya house increases longevity and can make ya go to hell if u u bar people from ya house as most people are turned off when they see such seats in ya house and the urge to live long as well can make ya land in hell fire. We should live like the birds of the air to avoid the above or resorting to every-now and then prayers of repentance.
The laws that Killed stepheson were made in Jo’burg, that led to his being stoned now the location at the corner of Migosi pri school from dala hera church where if i pass makes ya love good things of this life as changes ya mind. If u give same in judgement day in life after death may acquit ya of hell fire if u did not know but heard it prior to ya death or past sins 4given b4 u got the data. The Narrow path along the school wall leave the big 1 and the Kondele supermarket, newly opened makes u hate good things, if u had known why could u get there and hate good things of this life will be the question that day, better say u did not know the same or u had to pass the former road of making ya love good things, but those who sees ya knows dude to tell more of ya a/c if at all used the roads, so take heed dude.
In making of roads and buildings such as sky-scrapper, garbage inserted in sewer water can replace the wires, and bolts/nuts inserted as previously explained in the boom process.
With bond 7 u can place cut sukuma wiki inside b4 hurling with piss, saliva or cold water or hurl the same using kale water or seldom apple fruit seed mixed with water and boom ya liqour formed or any other as u try with every procedure laid in tumblr a/c sirjustice199.
The city of Athens killed Plato and  as to me he is a prophet cause most of his poems, writings and sayings were taken and still used to date lubricated in others own as in the tumblr a/c above and even most of the wise teachings of the bible and Swahili sayings and proverbs as well as songs. King of the jew to remind us of the truth and who to that city built on the hill as it will be more tolarable the sidion and tire than it at the judgement day. Now bankers were saying they are benin blooded which aint a lie but now Nigeria, Ghana, Ethiopia and Tz making as well planes and many nations havent posted their yet, so how many nations now u want to claim allegiance b4 now u sponsor crime as most workers wants even ya food as they have seen realities of Liquid cash being eliminated. Kuna kupanda na kushuka mwanang’u, u want us to respect u and demands people to dress good, now its u to learn to dress moderately as no other well paying job need ya attires like hotel, Casino bouncer, insurance and ministerial low paying jobs or be a dignitary which is 1 man job or dress that way on Sunday. Stacked dude. U wezi chesha na kebi both in Sex and in real life as the song link below, kinda r stucked on kebi wanting him to tolerated their weird character men as explained above, sawa gani, die if u cant hustle, me aint ya papa or kid, Govt or God who created ya.
They falsify crime and now resorted to petty theft to raise that bail cash 4 ruto to later put in their own investment as the public are blind not to reason as kebi while the many Kikuyu knows the exact above and Ruto cheats his tribe they got difference with The President to make more people contribute to the bail even it means getting out money off their pockets. The politician followers, if u r poor u are poor, accept reality and move on, stop such gimmicks taking the nation no-where. Putin even if u succeed in life hell fire awaits ya, that’s what i can say, as a pit latrine is emptied the on the other hole with the emptied refuses soil and leaves added not to diffuse and smell or 1 fall into the same way when hell is full is done that way and another location found, which if u dig came out like magma and mostly those areas vegetation around them are dry. So fellows mark those location as the 1 in Minneapolis is almost full looking 4 another place, Malachi 4 to remind us of the truth. Believe it or not dude, u of insane mind, the women wont help ya cause now its point blank u cant win them with empty hand dude resorting to shifting your being furious to poor citizens. Take ya arousal to ya motherfucking mothers or family, u ugly of no money when investigated.
UAE, Saudi Arabia 1st made airplane in the link below and Norway, Israel passenger plane
Kenya Good than USA and why after one food like wild dogs even wanting to put up a fight in disguise with another reason, eti “waacha, set aside“ u poor but blind to see
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jaeyloaded · 4 years
What Mr Eazi’s Father, Captain Ajibade, Has To Say About His Son
Not much is known about Captain Alexander Olukayode Ajibade who retired from the Nigerian Air Force as a Squadron leader.
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But his son, Oluwatosin Oluwole Ajibade, better known as Mr. Eazi will ring a bell in the ears of many Nigerians or lovers of Afro beat. Even though being a celebrity parent has its perks, Captain Ajibade, as fondly called and his wife chose to remain off the scene as their first son, Mr Eazi swept through cities after cities with hit records, using his style of ‘Banku Music,’ touring and striking deals across the UK, US and other markets as one of the smartest African musicians alive. Two days before meeting Captain Ajibade at his Lagos home, I put up his name on Google but nothing came up, nothing linked him with the singer except during one of the music star’s video shoots, where Mr Eazi disclosed that Kpalanga, a military-themed music video was inspired by his pilot father’s absence from his family life. The video features the singer and a troupe of backing dancers dressed in camouflage fatigues, reflected the “toll” his father’s absence took on their relationship. He recalled meeting his father for the first time when he was two. As we sit down in his plush living room, I start by asking why they were not out there despite the fact that their son is arguably one of Nigeria’s most commercially successful artistes at the moment, especially in the international market. From sold-out concerts to making huge streaming revenue, Mr Eazi can be said to have successfully cracked the code on how effectively break into the international market. He has generated more than 900 million streams worldwide, including over 226 million plays on YouTube alone. From his tone, his reactions, one will definitely doubt that Captain Ajibade who hails from Ayetoro, Ogun State, once worked in the military. He is calm and cool, a rare trait to see in a military man. “I have always been a very private person, let Mr Eazi do his things and we do our things here too”, he replies before narrating a scenario to support why they chose to remain private as Mr Eazi’s parent. “I think it was in the news that Mr Eazi’s father was kidnapped, people who saw the news were trying to reach me. It was on Sunday and I got back from Church early so I was sleeping at home and my phone was off. By the time my wife got back and they called her, she said my husband is here. “So they kidnapped the wrong person,” he narrated. Upon our arrival at his home, Mr Eazi’s parents just filled up a car with cooked meals heading to somewhere in Agege to give them out to the less privileged. A week earlier, the parent through Mr Eazi’s foundation – emPawa Foundation, had donated food items to residents in Sango Ota in Ogun State, and also visited Little Saints Orphanage in Lagos to support vulnerable children with food items. Initially, Captain Ajibade did not plan to follow the family to Agege to distribute the food but when we arrived, he had to take us in his car and waited, and after we were done, we headed back to his home and there I told him about our mission. “I thought you guys will want to interview Mr Eazi not me and he’s not around right now,” he said. I told him “we are here for you for now sir.” After we settled down, he took us back to his military and religious journey as well as other things he ventured into at the same time. “I don’t believe in titles. People just refer to me as Captain Ajibade, simple. I remembered when I was in Liberia, people call me Chaplain rather than addressing me by my rank, I retired as from the Air Force as a Squadron leader, in some circles they call me reverend, some call me pastor. In fact, there is a renowned Bishop in this country that always addresses me as a prophet.” After leaving service, Captain Ajibade did not stop rendering service to his country,“And to the Glory of God, I fly more or less for fun now, training Police pilots with no charge,” he says. “I fly helicopters that are rare, that when you go round the whole of West Africa, you will only see one or two people that can fly that type of helicopter. So that’s basically the person I am. Captain Ajibade has worked with notable people in Nigeria in the aviation sector, “I retired after 19 years in service of Nigerian Air Force, since then I have worked in several places. Bristow Helicopters, Adenuga’s Southern Airlines through Chief Makanjuola who owns Caverton Helicopters because he was the one paying us. “As I said, I still fly, my dream is that one day I have my own helicopter, not necessarily because right now I’m at the retirement age of even flying but then seeing some young ones growing, doing it and I love imparting knowledge on people, whether religious knowledge, spiritualism or knowledge as per aviation because after forty-something years in the military, you know I have something to offer. Captain Ajibade was also in Sierra Leone for ECOMOG for three years, a West African peacekeeping force that was founded to stop the bloodshed and ethnic killing. “All those experiences shaped me and my perception about life,” he added. Captain Ajibade and his son had a weird relationship because of absence in his life while growing up. “I think I didn’t see him for about 12 months after he was born,” he says as I asked him about his relationship with his son. “15 months, it was 15 months,” Mr Eazi’s mother, former banker now a pastor and an entrepreneur who was sitting at the dining table observing the interview from afar chipped in. “I actually met my wife in the bank where she was working,” he had told me earlier. “Well you know women do keep accurate date and time,’’ Captain Ajibade added as he flashed back to those struggling times to serve his nation and leave his family. “I was to go to Liberia during the civil war, I only waited for some time to do the naming ceremony and I left. It was a tough time for me because he doesn’t know me, he won’t listen or speak to me,” he lamented, “it was after I retired from the service I finally found time to work on our father and son relationship.” Mr Eazi’s father is from Yewa constituency in Ogun State while his mother is from the South-South region of Nigeria. The couple met in Port Harcourt where Mr Eazi was born, but how did Ghana came into the picture? I asked Captain Ajibade. Mr Eazi’s musical root has always been traced to Ghana, the singer once told Rolling Stone Magazine that “My music started out in Ghana, moved to the U.K. and then to Nigeria. To this day, the U.K. is my Number One streaming location on Apple Music and Spotify.” Mr Eazi had his growing up years, from 15 to 22 in Ghana for his educational endeavours, enrolling in the mechanical engineering programme at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). He later proceeded to Coventry University, United Kingdom. Helping people has always been Mr Eazi’s mission, “it was during his time at KNUST, he started doing MC, DJ and booking artistes to perform at college parties using the money to help students,” says Captain Ajibade. He did not start making music to make money.” Mr Eazi would later contribute vocals to the track “My Life”, a song that gained traction and became a popular record at KNUST. It was during his time as show MC that he got his stage name. “When he is MCing at the party, he always cautioned people at the event to take it easy, easy easy je je which now becomes Mr Eazi,” Captain Ajibade reveals, adding that his name was Easy Easy Jeje at first. Mr Eazi went on to pioneer Banku music, a fusion sound he describes as a mixture of Ghanaian highlife and Nigerian chord progressions and patterns. It is a sound characterized by percolating rhythms and laid-back vocal delivered in Ghanaian Pidgin English. Expanding his community service beyond Nigeria, Mr Eazi launched a talent incubator programme ‘emPawa Africa’ in 2018, with the goal of investing in promising artists early so they could develop self-sustaining careers. Each artiste will receive a $10,000 grant to go towards a music video, along with mentorship from professional singers, producers, and video directors. Captain Ajibade, while reacting to that nodded in affirmation, “that’s how all my children were brought up. It is not that he is rich to sponsor all those artistes, he has sponsors, some people are also supporting him.” “Mr Eazi always told us the story of the $1,000 investment someone made in his career and how that made a huge difference,” E Kelly, a music producer and close collaborator, told Rolling Stone in 2019. The strategy seemed to work for singers like Joeboy, J. Derobie, and others who scored hits last year after connecting with emPawa. I asked at what point did Mr Eazi showed interest in music, the father did not give me a specific answer but disclosed that all his children have access to many musical instruments at home and they listened to records he would play for the family while having breakfast. Giving the fact that Military men are always strict, Captain Ajibade is far from strict, he’s actually the one we should be calling Mr Eazi. As a man of God, he believes people should do what they are passionate about and be fulfilled. Speaking about his kind of private lifestyle, Captain Ajibade who doesn’t always attend his son’s shows and will remain in the crowd for the once he attends, said “that’s where all the fun is actually,” while his son will announce that his father is around but won’t get him noticed because he does not take life too serious because of experience while growing up. In his words, “There are always two angles to human beings. There is spiritual and there is physical and when you have experienced both, you just know that there is nothing to it. He went on to narrate how things were hard while growing up, “I say extremely rough, right from my primary school days, I even had ulcer but reading the bible and following the scripture, it impacted on my character and my way of life.” Captain Ajibade also had a little stint in politics, he contested Federal House of Rep for three times and lost all. Prior to that, he boasted to have built more than 200 boreholes across the country as a way of giving back to the communities. While narrating how his third attempt in the National Assembly made him quit politics, he agreed that it has always been like that in Nigeria politics. “The one that I won, those who have money bought it and that’s politics,” he says “At one point I was wondering that how can I win someone in his polling unit, in his ward, in his local government and yet at the end of the day, I still lose the election?” But for someone like Captain Ajibade who believes in God, took the situation as part of the training of life, “it shows how people can go into a lot of diabolical means to win elections and what I told the man was that. I said the way the animal that went to sacrifice suffered and died, that’s the way you will end up your life, and that was what happened. He was in the House of Rep three times consecutively, but he rotten to death, I was not happy about it but there is nothing you sow in life you will reap it, whether here or hereafter.” Captain Ajibade started his political career from Alliance for Democracy, AD, and migrated to People’s Democratic Party, PDP, “and that was when Gbenga Daniel started his campaign in Ayetoro with some of my projects. I moved all my followers from AD to PDP and I have always contested under PDP, though I am not an active PDP member anymore,” he reveals. Despite his contribution to his communities and having a good plan to represent them at the National level, Captain Ajibade’s efforts were not appreciated. “In fact I stopped been active in politics after my third-time attempt. I have come to realize that people are not ready, maybe for those who believed in divine intervention, maybe we will look for divine intervention, but the attitude of the people cannot actually bring an effective change,” he concluded. Read the full article
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princedukemedia · 5 years
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Future Africa Media, Presents. Future Africa Leaders Talk Show. - Ghanaian Women Empowerment in Progress. - President Akuffo Addo has appointed Madam Akosua Manu aka Kozie as Deputy CEO of National Youth Authority in charge of Finance and Administration. - Her appointment comes on the heels of the dismissal of the previous officials of the NYA, encapsulating the Chief Executives Officer Emmanuel Asigri and his two deputies on allegations of procurement breaches. Akosua Manu, fondly called Kozie has charred an enviable and trail blazing path in social marketing, a career she has demonstrably exhibited significant knowledge and expertise. - An alumnus of Wesley Girls High School and the University of Ghana, Kozie started her work life as a banker in GCB. She joined as a National Service conscript and then as a permanent member of staff and holding the portfolio of systems and back office administrator, a job she performed creditably. - With the new portfolio as deputy CEO of NYA ,trust Kozie to live up to expectations. She is a trailblazer, workaholic and goal-oriented young woman. Kozie is not only a tower of hope but also someone who has success as her middle name. - • #princedukemedia #entrepreneurlife #futureafricamedia #mentor #mentoring #onemillionentrepreneursmentorship #futureafricaleaderstalkshow #leadership #entrepreneurship #startup #tslife #cbdskincare #entrepreneur #entrepreneurs #financialfreedom #selfemployment #business #youth #empowerment #innovation #endpoverty #africa #ghana #ucc #ug #knust #legon #kumasi #tema #accra 🙏🏿🇬🇭✌🏿 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2dNs8Jpr2F/?igshid=gp8g02djypjl
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apocalypsolollipop · 5 years
I wish Americans would leave their racism at home...
On Saturday I was at a friend’s house for a birthday BBQ. Eclectic mix of guests. She from an Swiss affluent yet working class background (caterers / cooks etc.), but who is a scientist and professor. She is an avid surfer and lived in California and Australia, where she met her aussie husband... We’ve been friends with her whole family for 20+ years...
So me and my little family are there and we get the job to entertain the englishspeaking guests, as most guests will talk Swiss and we’re fluent in both. So we sit at the table with a US banker, very likeable guy and his very nice Aussie girlfriend. We chat about many things and suddenly when my white husband is gone they start prodding me with questions about racism. I felt so uncomfortable. I was not the only poc at the party, the Swiss are very diverse as people with native Swiss sometimes being darker than people from India e.g. Why would you bring that up? What’s wrong with these people? There were also other Americans and they were all awkwardly tiptoeing around us.
The best Swiss Cheese maker is originally from Morocco.
The CEO of a Swiss bank is from Côte d’Ivoire. (Ivory coast). We have many brilliant people from Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Moçambique etc. thriving in our country. Many have married into Swiss families, so it’s very likely that in every second Swiss family there are some happy brown faces! :)
One of the most popular Swiss traditional sports champions in a black farmboy with Ghanaan roots.
I am a rural Swiss farmgirl and scientist who owns a fruit orchard and produces jam and I am originally from India.
Many Swiss farmers are part Thai.
You become Swiss by oath not by blood and that since 700 years. There is quite a bit of African, Jewish, Italian, German, Thai, Portuguese, Brazilian, Turk, Serbian blood in most Swiss. If you ask us where we’re from: we’re Swiss. We’re colorful and Swiss.
In our famous national story of Heidi, she was described as having dark curls and very tanned skin. The look of descendants of Roman-African mercenaries in the alps.
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mastcomm · 4 years
Captain Ajibade, Mr Eazi’s father opens up on son
Captain Ajibade retired as Squadron chief from Nigerian Air Drive. Picture by Ayodele Efunla
By Taiwo Okanlawon
Not a lot is thought about Captain Alexander Olukayode Ajibade who retired from the Nigerian Air Drive as a Squadron chief.
However his son, Oluwatosin Oluwole Ajibade, higher often known as Mr. Eazi will ring a bell within the ears of many Nigerians or lovers of Afrobeat.
Although being a celeb mum or dad has its perks, Captain Ajibade, as fondly known as and his spouse selected to stay off the radar as their first son, Mr Eazi swept by cities after cities with hit information, utilizing his type of ‘Banku Music,’ touring and placing offers throughout the UK, US and different markets as one of many smartest African musicians alive.
Two days earlier than assembly Captain Ajibade at his Lagos residence, I Googled his identify, Nothing got here up, nothing linked him with the singer besides throughout one of many music star’s video shoots, the place Mr Eazi disclosed that Kpalanga, a military-themed music video was impressed by his pilot father’s absence from his household life.
The video options the singer and a troupe of back-up dancers wearing navy fatigues, mirrored the “toll” his father’s absence took on their relationship. He recalled assembly his father for the primary time when he was two.
Mr Eazi taking pictures Kpalanga video
As we sat down in his plush front room, I requested why the Squadron chief and his spouse weren’t on the market although their son is arguably certainly one of Nigeria’s most commercially profitable artistes in the meanwhile, particularly within the worldwide market.
From sold-out live shows to creating large streaming income, Mr Eazi may be stated to have efficiently cracked the code on tips on how to successfully break into the worldwide market. He has generated greater than 900 million streams worldwide, together with over 226 million performs on YouTube alone.
From his tone, his reactions, one will certainly doubt that Captain Ajibade who hails from Ayetoro, Ogun State, as soon as labored within the navy. He’s calm and funky, a uncommon trait to see in a navy man.
“I’ve all the time been a really personal individual, let Mr Eazi do his issues and we do our issues right here too”, he replied earlier than portray a situation to help why they selected to stay personal as Mr Eazi’s dad and mom.
“I believe it was within the information that Mr Eazi’s father was kidnapped. Individuals who noticed the information had been attempting to achieve me. It was on Sunday and I bought again from Church early. So I used to be sleeping at residence and my telephone was off. By the point my spouse bought again they usually known as her, she stated my husband is right here.
“In order that they kidnapped the fallacious individual,” he narrated.
Upon our arrival at his residence, Mr Eazi’s dad and mom simply stuffed up a automobile with cooked meals heading to someplace in Agege to provide them out to the much less privileged. Per week earlier, the dad and mom by Mr Eazi’s basis – emPawa Basis, had donated meals gadgets to residents in Sango Ota in Ogun State, and likewise visited Little Saints Orphanage in Lagos to help susceptible kids with meals gadgets.
emPawa Basis distributed meals to the much less privileged in Agege, Lagos. Picture by Ayodele Efunla
Initially, Captain Ajibade didn’t plan to observe the household to Agege to distribute the meals however once we arrived, he needed to take us in his automobile and waited, and after we had been executed, we headed again to his residence and there I instructed him about our mission.
“I believed you guys will need to interview Mr Eazi not me and he’s not round proper now,” he stated.
I instructed him “we’re right here for you, for now sir.”
After we settled down, he took us again to his navy and spiritual journey in addition to different issues he had ventured into .
“I don’t imagine in titles. Individuals simply confer with me as Captain Ajibade, easy. I remembered after I was in Liberia, folks name me Chaplain quite than addressing me by my rank. I retired from the Air Drive as a Squadron Chief. In some circles, they name me reverend, some name me pastor. In actual fact, there’s a famend Bishop on this nation that all the time addresses me as a prophet.”
After leaving service, Captain Ajibade didn’t cease rendering service to his nation, “And to the Glory of God, I fly roughly for enjoyable now, coaching Police pilots with no cost,” he says.
“I fly helicopters which can be uncommon, that while you go spherical the entire of West Africa, you’ll solely see one or two folks that may fly that sort of helicopter. In order that’s mainly the individual I’m.
Captain Ajibade has labored with notable folks in Nigeria within the aviation sector, “I retired after 19 years in service of Nigerian Air Drive. Since then, I’ve labored in a number of locations. Bristow Helicopters, Adenuga’s Southern Airways by Chief Makanjuola who owns Caverton Helicopters as a result of he was the one paying us.
“As I stated, I nonetheless fly. My dream is that in the future, I’ll have my very own helicopter. Proper now I’m on the retirement age of even flying however then seeing some younger ones rising, doing it and I like imparting information on folks, whether or not spiritual information, spiritualism or information as per aviation as a result of after forty-something years within the navy, I’ve one thing to supply.
Captain Ajibade was additionally in Sierra Leone for ECOMOG for 3 years, a West African peacekeeping pressure that was based to cease the bloodshed and ethnic killing. “All these experiences formed me and my notion about life,” he added.
Captain Ajibade and his son had a bizarre relationship due to his absence in his life whereas rising up.
“I believe I didn’t see him for about 12 months after he was born,” he stated .
“15 months, it was 15 months,” Mr Eazi’s mom, former banker now a pastor and an entrepreneur who was sitting on the eating desk observing the interview from afar chipped in.
“I truly met my spouse within the financial institution the place she was working,” he had instructed me earlier.
“Properly girls do maintain correct date and time,’’ Captain Ajibade added as he flashed again to these struggling instances when he served his nation and left his household.
“I used to be to go to Liberia throughout the civil struggle, I solely waited for a while to do the naming ceremony and I left. It was a tricky time for me as a result of he doesn’t know me, he received’t pay attention or converse to me,” he lamented, “it was after I retired from the service I lastly discovered time to work on our father and son relationship.”
Mr Eazi’s father is from Yewa in Ogun State whereas his mom is from the South-South area of Nigeria.
The couple met in Port Harcourt the place Mr Eazi was born.
However how did Ghana come into the image? I requested Captain Ajibade as Mr Eazi’s musical root has all the time been traced to Ghana.
The singer as soon as instructed Rolling Stone Journal that “My music began out in Ghana, moved to the U.Okay. after which to Nigeria. To at the present time, the U.Okay. is my Quantity One streaming location on Apple Music and Spotify.”
Mr Eazi had his rising up years, from 15 to 22 in Ghana for his academic endeavours, enrolling within the mechanical engineering programme at Kwame Nkrumah College of Science and Know-how (KNUST).
He later went to Coventry College, United Kingdom.
Serving to folks has all the time been Mr Eazi’s mission.
“It was throughout his time at KNUST, he began doing MC, DJ and reserving artistes to carry out in school events utilizing the cash to assist college students,” stated Captain Ajibade.
He didn’t begin making music to become profitable.”
Mr Eazi would later contribute vocals to the monitor “My Life”, a track that gained traction and have become a well-liked report at KNUST.
It was throughout his time as MC that he bought his stage identify.
“When he’s MCing on the get together, he all the time cautioned folks on the occasion to take it simple, simple simple je je which now turns into Mr Eazi,” Captain Ajibade revealed, including that his identify was Simple Simple Jeje at first.
Mr Eazi went on to pioneer Banku music, a fusion sound he describes as a combination of Ghanaian highlife and Nigerian chord progressions and patterns. It’s a sound characterised by percolating rhythms and laid-back vocal delivered in Ghanaian Pidgin English.
Mr Eazi wears a JW Anderson sweater. (Photographed by Seye Isikalu for Billboard)
Increasing his group service past Nigeria, Mr Eazi launched a expertise incubator programme ‘emPawa Africa’ in 2018, with the aim of investing in promising artists early so they may develop self-sustaining careers.
Every artiste will obtain a $10,000 grant to go in direction of a music video, together with mentorship from skilled singers, producers, and video administrators.
Captain Ajibade, whereas reacting to that nodded in affirmation, “that’s how all my kids had been introduced up. It isn’t that he’s wealthy to sponsor all these artistes, he has sponsors, some individuals are additionally supporting him.”
“Mr Eazi all the time instructed us the story of the $1,000 funding somebody made in his profession and the way that made an enormous distinction,” E Kelly, a music producer and shut collaborator, instructed Rolling Stone in 2019.
The technique appeared to work for singers like Joeboy, J. Derobie, and others who scored hits final yr after connecting with emPawa.
I requested at what level did Mr Eazi present curiosity in music.
Ajibade didn’t give me a particular reply however disclosed that each one his kids have entry to many musical devices at residence they usually listened to information he would play for the household whereas having breakfast.
Giving the truth that Navy males are all the time strict, Captain Ajibade is much from strict.
He’s truly the one we must be calling Mr Eazi.
As a person of God, he believes folks ought to do what they’re captivated with and be fulfilled.
Talking about his personal life-style, Captain Ajibade stated he doesn’t all the time attend his son’s reveals.
When he attends, he will soften with the group.
“That’s the place all of the enjoyable is definitely.”
His son will announce that his father is round however received’t get him seen as a result of he doesn’t take life too severe due to his expertise whereas rising up.
“There are all the time two angles to human beings. There may be religious and there may be bodily and when you will have skilled each, you simply know that there’s nothing to it.
He went on to relate how issues had been arduous whereas rising up, “I say extraordinarily tough, proper from my main faculty days, I even had ulcer however studying the bible and following the scripture, it impacted on my character and my lifestyle.”
Captain Ajibade contested the Federal Home of Rep for thrice and misplaced all. Picture by Ayodele Efunla
Captain Ajibade additionally had just a little stint in politics, he contested Federal Home of Rep thrice and misplaced all.
Previous to that, he boasted constructing greater than 200 boreholes throughout the nation as a manner of giving again to the communities.
He stated his third try to the Nationwide Meeting made him give up politics.
“The one which I received, those that have cash purchased it and that’s politics,” he stated.
“At one level I used to be questioning how the individual I defeated in his polling unit, in his ward, in his native authorities and received the election on the finish of the day. ?”
However for somebody like Captain Ajibade who believes in God, he took the loss as a part of the coaching of life.
“It reveals the extent folks can go, together with going into diabolical means to win elections.
“I instructed the person that the way in which the animal that went to sacrifice suffered and died, that’s the way in which you’ll find yourself your life, and that was what occurred. He was within the Home of Rep thrice consecutively, however he died I used to be not glad about it however there may be nothing you sow in life you’ll reap it, whether or not right here or hereafter.”
Captain Ajibade began his political profession from Alliance for Democracy, AD, and migrated to Individuals’s Democratic Get together, PDP, “and that was when Gbenga Daniel began his marketing campaign in Ayetoro with a few of my initiatives. I moved all my followers from AD to PDP and I’ve all the time contested below PDP, although I’m not an energetic PDP member anymore,” he reveals.
Regardless of his contribution to his communities and having a very good plan to signify them on the Nationwide degree, Captain Ajibade’s efforts weren’t appreciated.
“In actual fact I ended been energetic in politics after my third try. I’ve come to comprehend that individuals are not prepared, possibly for many who believed in divine intervention, possibly we’ll search for divine intervention, however the perspective of the folks can’t truly carry an efficient change,” he concluded.
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com.ng/news/captain-ajibade-mr-eazis-father-opens-up-on-son/
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mycryptosuite · 9 months
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olaluwe · 5 years
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Not too long ago, the President of the United State of America Donald J. Trump described Nigeria as a country of amazing people doing amazing things. Is he saying anything new? Certainly not!
Again that cannot be another political masterstroke from the usually ascorbic and combustible American number one citizen to effect of swaying Nigeria and Nigerians to his side comes the next Presidential election.
On the other hand, you can say it without any fear of contradictions that neither he nor America in any existential equations needs Nigeria as much Nigeria and Nigerians need them.
Therefore, it is perhaps the loudest testament yet from a world leader in that bracket to the sterling qualities Nigerians have come to be known for over the years, though, the situations at home may appear a bit off tangent.
Kemi Olufunto, in case you are still wondering, is the Nigerian to join the growing and exclusive club of illustrious Nigerians to have been appointed into a high profile position in a foreign country.
She was recently appointed a minister of children affairs in the United Kingdom by the newly elected Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
And so she joins eminent personalities like the banker and billionaire business mogul Bayo Ogunlesi who was appointed a member of the economic team constituted by President Donald J. Trump immediately after his victory at the polls in 2017.
The was also the mercurial billionaire business mogul Dehinde Fernandez who until his death was an ambassador plenipotentiary and the permanent representative of the Central African Republic at the United Nations.
Many Nigerians were also both foundational and developmental expatriates in some African countries owing to the shortage of manpower during their post-independence era and gave a good account of themselves and the country.
I can go on and on with the names of Nigerians who had excelled in honorary, elective, and appointive capacities both in Africa and the wider world.
Olufunto 39 was born in Britain to Nigerian parents. But she spent parts of her growing up years in Lagos and only returned to Britain when she was aged sixteen.
She has been a member of parliament since 2017.  And while making a post-appointment speech in the parliament makes mention of her difficult childhood growing up in Nigeria.
She specifically related how she lived without a regular supply of pipe=borne water and reading with candlelight. Meanwhile, congratulatory messages have continued to pour in for her on the account of this feat of hers from different quarters.
She has been charged by President Muhammadu Buhari in his congratulatory message heralded by his senior special assistant on media and publicity Mallam Garba Shehu to justify the confidence reposed in her by giving her best at all time.
In the midst of this outpouring joy and congratulations, some people instead are quarreling not with her appointment but with her narrative of her experience.
They see it as an unwarranted and gross misrepresentation of Nigeria's present realities. And they labeled it also as an attempt to make Nigeria looked less developed than it really is and makes the international community sympathetic towards her course.
Though it has been twenty-three years now that she went back to Britain where she had stayed ever since until her appointment as a cabinet minister, things, of course, are not the same as when she was here.
Twenty-three years they argued is a sufficient time for a lot of transformations to have taken place she might not be aware of. Things are much better now they reasoned compared to the Nigeria of in which she grew up.
And they cynically added that she perhaps needed another visit to upgrade her outdated experiences and realign her understanding with the present improved situation of things.
And that I considered not only most uncharitable but hypocritical from people who rather have decided for reasons best known to them to gross over the hard-facts of our reality as a country which nonetheless is still categorized as a third world country.
Without sounding self-deprecating and being economical with the truth, perhaps the critics of Olufunto's right to owning  her experiences must be reminded that by the nomenclature  of a third-world country Nigeria is not only underdeveloped but ranked very low on some of the most fundamental developmental indices behind countries like Ghana, Rwanda and the likes.
Even as we speak and twenty-three years after Olufunto's re-emigration back to Britain the state of Nigeria's power sector is still nothing to sing hurrah about. The power outage is not only rampant in Nigeria, but we also have communities and children who have never seen electricity all their lives.
Pipe-borne water is on the same crouching pedestal. In Lagos which remains Nigeria's most developed city-state millions of households still rely heavily on boreholes and other unclean sources for their daily water needs simply because the public water corporation is functioning well below the expected capacity. Charges sometimes are arbitrary and supply inadequate and undependable.
In the FCT, on the other hand, public water corporation has not been able to develop a technology adapted to the rocky topography of the environments and so many communities outside the metropolis suffered a shortage of water supply.
In fact, one of the most thriving businesses here is borehole engineering services. Trucks belonging to water engineering companies are a common sight and sound from their drilling activities can be heard from the distance each time you step out.
Basically, we're still where we were twenty-three years ago if not worse off since the likes of Olufunto left the shores of the country.
With the bulk of our commonwealth stole and kept in vaults of foreign banks, it is little surprising we are still stuck in the past and would remain a lot dicey for the country to attain many of its developmental goals and objectives even with a government which pride itself with being parsimonious in power.
I'm not saying it is all grim and final. But the progress has been damn too slow and doesn't speak too well to our potentials as a people. The bottom line is we are not where we ought to be and no attempt should be made on the ground of ay patriotic necessity to paper over what was, what is and may probably continue to be until some ting drastic is done.
No attempt also should be made to coerce anybody into substituting their experiential narrative with a doctored spin to suit any diplomatic necessity and image laundering either. The facts of our situation are already in the public domains and cannot be edited to appeal or massage our national pride if there is anything like that.
Let’s go to the significance and lessons of Olufunto's appointment and portfolio. The Nigerian child one cannot over-emphasize is going through a lot. If they are not being sexually violated, they are being sent to the streets to hawk and as beggars.
As we speak, many of them are being trafficked into either prostitution or as house helps to relatives and no-relatives nearby or far off and the monies due to they are not even paid to the parental or guardian facilitators. 
Another of their fates is many of them having been caught up in the cross-fire of the fight against insurgency and being used either as a human shield or as suicide bombers. What is more, they are out of school in their scary numbers. And yet there is nothing like the ministry of children affairs. All there is is the ministry of women affairs.
Whereas it is a fact that combine the two are the most endangered and vulnerable groups not only in Nigeria but the world over. What concerned the Nigerian child or youth if you like is lumped together in the ministry of youths and sports and maybe in the ministry of health in a country where inter-ministerial and inter-agency collaborations are still at a foundational level. 
Even the sporting side of the ministry of sports has been left to chance over the years. Whereas sports in addition to entertainment are what Nigerian youths are passionate about?
Yet all the developments you see there are down to their innovative and daring spirit of the Nigerian youths and not as a result of any deliberate reforms by successive governments over the years.
The domestic football league is professional only in name. All other things are either semi, quasi in functionality. Or how do you explain for instance, a situation whereby teams shipped out an entire squad of say twenty or thirty-something players and bringing in  fresh legs all in the name  repositioning the team for greater performance.
However, if properly done the two industries have the capacity to absorb substantial numbers of our youths.
So, if Britain deems it fit to have a ministry of children affairs even when children over there are not suffering what their counterpart in Nigeria suffers and still saddles a Nigerian with the responsibility of overseeing such, it is only appropriate we toy the same line and do the needful.
Nigeria needs a ministry of children affairs if you ask me, and there is no better time than now when all doesn't seem to be going well for the Nigerian child.
It may be too late in the day for the government of President Muhammadu Buhari to make amends but such a plan can be set in motion with a view that by this time next year all would have taken shape and the implementation shall be smooth sailing.
By so doing, many challenges confronting the Nigerian child can be properly looked into and resolved. And posterity will never forget such government that makes such a laudable idea comes to past.
P.S: Once more, I say Congratulations to Kemi Olufunto for her appointment as a minister of children affairs in Britain. 
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How God Called Me to “Give Myself Wholly”
...GIVE THYSELF WHOLLY to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.
1 Timothy 4:15
...throw yourself into your tasks so that EVERYONE MAY NOTICE YOUR IMPROVEMENT AND PROGRESS.
1 Timothy 4:15, TLB
At the end of 1990 the Lord spoke to me. He said, “From now on, I want you to give yourself wholly to my work.” I knew what that meant. He explained that if I gave myself completely to the work of God my “profiting” would appear to all. That meant that people would see my progress in ministry.
Armed with this Scripture, I launched into full-time ministry in January of 1991. I have been in full-time ministry, totally dedicated to kingdom business since then. I can say that my little progress and improvement has become evident to some people. The fact that you are reading this book attests to this fact.
Unfortunately, many give themselves half-heartedly to the ministry. That is why they do not make significant strides in it. If you suggested to your boss that you would come to work twice a week in the evenings, do you think he would accept you? Certainly not! The inputs you can make by giving a couple of evenings is different from what you can do when you spend the whole day working. Suggest to your boss that you will work for him only on Sunday afternoons and see if he will keep you. Your value to him would drop sharply.
By this same logic, your value to God is reduced if you are available to Him only on Sunday afternoons. God wants to have people who work for Him during the day and not only in the evenings. Why do you want to be a night officer for Christ?
To give yourself wholly to the Lord means to give everything you are and everything you possess to Jesus. How do you give everything to God? What does it mean to give yourself wholly to the Lord?
1. “Give thyself wholly” means to give your heart.
Many people who work in the secular world have not given their hearts to what they are doing. To give yourself wholly means you must first of all give your heart. Whilst working in the government hospital, I noticed that many of the doctors did not give their hearts to what they were doing. Most of them were looking for an opportunity to leave the country.
Prostitutes give their bodies to their clients but they do not give their hearts. One of the rules of prostitutes is to never kiss a client. Doing something physically does not mean that your heart is in it. Full-time ministry is not something you can do without giving your heart.
This is why full-time ministry is not the same as taking up another secular job. It is the giving of your heart to God. It is the pouring out of your soul into God’s work and leaving nothing behind!
People who work in the bank are not pouring out their souls. They are merely looking for more money and higher positions. When you give your heart to the Lord’s work, you will see the difference.
2. “Give thyself wholly” means to give your mind, intelligence and ideas.
Full-time ministry involves bringing your intelligence to bear on God’s work. Intelligence is not only required in banks, hospitals, science laboratories, political parties, factories, law firms, farms and consultancies. Intelligence is required to do God’s work. God’s work is not the lowest calling. It is the highest calling! It is the greatest job! Maybe you have despised God’s work and given your intelligence and ideas to the building of earthly institutions.
Instead of God’s kingdom benefiting from your clever suggestions, it is political parties and banks that do. They make more money and accomplish more of their goals by using your ideas. God could equally use your intelligence and creativity.
I did very well in school. In 1982, there were hundreds of applicants for the only accredited medical school in Ghana. In order of merit, I was the fifth person in the whole country to be interviewed for entry into the medical school.
Whilst in medical school, I earned a distinction and won a prize, which was given to the two best students in the fifth year. God had truly blessed me with intelligence through which I became a medical doctor.
After seven years of medical training and a year of housemanship, God called me to apply the intelligence He had given me to ministry. After all, it was the Lord who had given me everything I had. It was the Lord who had made me excel in school. As the Scripture says,
For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?
1 Corinthians 4:7
The kingdom needs intelligent, educated people who can make a difference. To be successful in ministry you will need more than the anointing and miracles. You will need intelligence, good ideas and creativity. I believe that throwing in the numerous good ideas and thinking abilities God has given me has made a difference to the ministry.
God has blessed me with a number of highly educated and intelligent professionals who make a lot of difference to the ministry. Actually, these clever people are gifts given to me by the Lord. They make such a difference to all that happens in our church. They have humbly acknowledged that what they are is just a gift from God.
Indeed, it is a privilege to be called upon to serve the Master with the intellect He has given you.
3. “Give thyself wholly” means to give your education and training.
After being educated and trained by Pharaoh, Moses launched out into God’s will and built Israel into a nation. Obviously, he was trained in Pharaoh’s palace to rule and to govern nations. Your education and training will be useful to God.
When I entered full-time ministry, people were aghast, saying, “How could you abandon your medical profession and become a pastor?” They said this only because they despised God’s work.
Sadly, the kingdom of God is despised and is esteemed to be worthy of only emotionally unstable and uneducated people.
Five Doctors Become Presidents
As I write this book, I know of five medical doctors who have launched campaigns to become the president of Ghana. One of them is an obstetrician/gynaecologist who used to live and work in America. Another is a cardio-thoracic surgeon who used to live and work in Germany. The third one is a pathologist who used to live and work in England. The fourth is practising medicine in the U.S.A. The fifth of these has his own medical practice in one of the cities of Ghana.
It is interesting that these highly trained specialists are not criticized for leaving their field of training to jump into politics. Even though politics is what we know it to be, no one seems to think that it is a waste of their education and training. The ministry is an even higher calling. It is a demanding job, which requires intelligent, well-trained people to give of themselves. Currently, I work with some twelve medical doctors who have set aside medicine for the ministry.
Their training in medicine makes them more capable to do the tasks set before them. I am proud of them and blessed to have such noble people join me in this great calling.
I also have at least eight lawyers who have set aside their law practice to take up ministry.
The list goes on and I could tell you of pharmacists, architects, engineers, IT consultants, bankers and accountants who work full-time in the ministry. They are fully engaged in building God’s kingdom by applying their education and training to their new tasks.
4. “Give thyself wholly” means to give your personality and temperament.
God has made us all differently. Some people are choleric, others are melancholic, others sanguine and yet others phlegmatic.
A choleric is good at work involving leadership. A melancholic person is good at work involving details and administration. A sanguine is good at work that involves human relations and the phlegmatic is the best at steady and monotonous jobs. All these features are God-given and are important for the progress of any venture.
Businesses, banks and corporations employ people based on these natural abilities. Temperament tests are done routinely by Human Resource Departments.
To give yourself wholly is to take whatever temperament you have and apply it to the church. There are several areas of work, which require your particular temperament. I place people mainly according to their temperaments.
Why do you want to give your God-given temperament to the world? Is it not the greatest opportunity to give something back to God? Do you feel that giving it to the world is more worthwhile? It is time to stop despising the church. Let’s give ourselves wholly to the Lord.
God made me choleric and melancholic. When I was in school, I was not seen as anything special. I was never chosen to be a prefect or a leader. But God who created me and put within me my temperament, chose me to be a leader for His people. I could have used my God-given ability to build a bank or a nightclub.
He Built Nightclubs
I recently met a young man who had great leadership abilities. He had built a well-known computer firm and was doing very well. One day, I needed to see him and we set up an appointment in his office.
When we got there, I asked him, “What goes on here? I thought this was your office.”
He answered, “Actually, this is a night club as well. Daytime for certain things and night-time for the night club.”
“Wow,” I said. “I did not know you were into night clubs. Does your wife come here sometimes?”
“Not really, she does not enjoy night life much,” he answered.
Some weeks later, I happened to be in another town ministering in one of our churches. When I looked out of the window, I saw a building with a familiar sign and I asked. “What is that building and what do they do there?”
“Oh, it’s a night club belonging to so and so.”
To my amazement it belonged to the same person. I realized that this man had built a chain of night clubs.
The question is, what will you use your God-given temperaments and abilities for? You can use your gifts to build nightclubs, banks or businesses. I choose to use my abilities to build churches!
Melancholism at Work
God made me melancholic. I often find myself analyzing things and thinking deeply about issues. This ability helped me to analyze loyal and disloyal behaviour, even when it was not obvious.
It has contributed to the things that I have taught over the years. A conversation, which means nothing to someone, becomes a revelation to me because of this analytic gift.
I also find myself arranging and reorganizing what needs to be reorganized. This melancholic nature has helped me to administer and manage churches in different countries of the world.
I have been able to organize many things at the same time because of this “grace” of melancholism. To give yourself wholly is to pour everything you are into God’s work until the benefits are seen.
5. “Give thyself wholly” means to give your family.
To give yourself wholly also means to give your family to the Lord. Sadly, there are many ministers who do not want their children to be in the ministry. The Levites served the Lord with their entire families. Their wives and children belonged to the service of God’s tabernacle. Give your husband, wife and children to God! Some ministers withhold their wives and use them as a business outreach to make money on the side. They fulfil their secular and business dreams through their wives.
It is important that we examine our hearts and see whether we have given ourselves wholly to God’s will. Ask yourself: “If ministry is a good thing, why do I not want my child to be a minister?”
Why do you want him to be a pilot or a lawyer rather than a minister of the Gospel? Do you not believe in your own profession?
6. “Give thyself wholly” means to give your background.
Everybody has a family. We all come from somewhere. This fact was seen even in the life of Jesus. The genealogy of Christ goes to great lengths to describe his origins and heritage. He was the lion of the tribe of Judah and not the lion of the tribe of Benjamin. Christ came from Judah and not from Reuben. Where do you come from? It affects you and your calling!
To give yourself wholly means to allow all that is in your background to help the ministry advance. Your background is one of God’s gifts to you. It will enable you to do things that no one else can.
The Half-Caste
I am half-caste. Because of this background, there are certain things I cannot do. In my home, Ghanaian languages were not spoken. English was the language my father spoke to my mother. This limited my ministry’s entry into certain areas of the country. It was difficult to establish churches where English was not spoken. It took us years to make a headway in these places.
However, the English-speaking nature of our ministry gave me great access to international fields. I found myself easily establishing churches in other countries. After a while, I realized that my background had played a role in what I could accomplish.
7. “Give thyself wholly” means to give your time.
Many people who work in the secular world do not give themselves wholly to their work. They look forward to the end of the working day and yearn for holidays. When I worked in the hospital, I longed for the end of the day.
I longed to get away from the wards and the clinics. I dreamed of holidays where I would not have to come to this dreary hospital. I counted the available holidays in the year and complained about the brevity of the leave period.
Giving God a daily ten-minute prayer time and a weekly two-hour Sunday morning service is not full-time ministry. Full-time ministry is much more than that. It is to give all of your time to the Lord.
One brother who had worked in a gold mine for years remarked, “I had never worked so hard till I came to work in the ministry. When I worked for the gold mine we would close at five o’clock and I would drop everything and leave. I never thought about the office until I got back the next day.”
He continued, “Now, I take work home with me and the work never ends. It’s day and night and it goes on and on.”
That is how full-time ministry is. All of your time is given to God.
My ministry does not end when I walk out of church. My mind is always on God and His work. There is nothing like a closing time for me. Every moment and everyday belongs to Him now. I do not think of going on leave anymore, neither do I think of retirement.
8. “Give thyself wholly” means to give your money and your assets.
When I began in the ministry, my car was the church bus. My personal stereo became the church’s public address system. You have to put everything into the ministry if it is to work. There is a certain throwing in of everything that is necessary for success in ministry. What are you withholding from the Lord?
Looking back at my life, I realize how much I have thrown into the ministry. I threw in office equipment that I owned. I used my father’s office as the church’s office. I made all my money and everything I owned available for God’s work. I believe that all this is part of giving thyself wholly.
9. “Give thyself wholly” means to give your energy.
You will experience tiredness in ministry. But I call it sweet exhaustion. You are tired but there is joy bubbling in your heart. It is said that the world is run by tired men. I can assure you that real ministry involves much hard work.
A Foolish Death
One day, a friend of mine visited Sierra Leone. He told me how he found several of the peacekeeping soldiers involved in different businesses. Some of them had become taxi drivers and others were involved in diamond mining. So I asked, “How do soldiers who are supposed to be fighting and keeping the peace become taxi drivers and diamond miners?”
He answered, “They don’t want to die a foolish death.”
I asked, “What is a foolish death?”
He explained, “They are frustrated with a hopeless war and see no reason why they should die for a worthless cause.”
You see, these soldiers sensed the inconsequential nature of the battle they were involved in. They knew that if they were to die they would have sacrificed themselves for nothing.
In the ministry, that feeling of chasing worthless goals goes away. The emptiness that comes with heaping up unusable treasures is gone. There is a great motivation to pour out your energy and your very life for an eternal cause.
10. “Give thyself wholly” means to give your life.
Many people have died on their jobs. Some of them died at work and in the course of duty. Soldiers die at work! Police officers on duty are killed all the time! Numerous doctors are infected with viruses and germs from their patients!
Businessmen and politicians die of stress and heart attacks. Pilots die in plane crashes and the list goes on. All these deaths are related to their jobs.
To give yourself wholly means to work for God even if you lose your life. It means to be ready to die doing His will.
When you give yourself wholly, you will be prepared to be a missionary in dangerous countries. There are many things in the ministry that will expose you to danger but in full-time ministry you can give yourself wholly to dangerous things.
The Airline Steward
Some time ago, I offered a job to an airline steward. He accepted the ministry opportunity but said he would have to speak to his father. His father was not happy that his son would work in a church and indicated that he would like to talk with me about it.
This man wanted to talk me out of his son’s employment. But I refused to speak to the young man’s father.
I made it clear that I would be prepared to speak to the father if it was about salvation, the Holy Spirit or any spiritual problem.
But if the discussion was about his son’s employment then I would not to speak to him. My reasoning was simple.
How God Called Me to “Give Myself Wholly”124
When this steward applied to work for the airline his father did not ask to see the Managing Director of the airline.
Apart from being almost bankrupt, this airline was known to be dangerous and poorly maintained.
Was it not more dangerous for his son to work for this airline than for him to work in the church? Why did this father want to speak to me to prevent his son from working for the Lord? People simply have no respect for the church!
People risk their children’s lives everyday and take no thought of it. Many do jobs which are dangerous and life-threatening. They do these heartily and without a second thought. However, when it comes to the work of God, the risks seem to be too high! Giving yourself wholly to God includes giving your life to the Master even if you lose it.
by Dag Heward-Mills
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mcvan · 6 years
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22nd October, 2018 For Immediate Release “GOV’T CREATING SAFE AND SECURE CYBER SOCIETY” – PRESIDENT AKUFO-ADDO The President of the Republic, Nana Addo Akufo-Addo, has reiterated the commitment of Government to creating a safe and secure cyber society for the country. Speaking at the 2018 National Cybersecurity Awareness Month event, on Monday, 22nd October, 2018, at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), President Akufo-Addo noted that whilst his Government is putting in place measures to digitise Ghana’s economy, it is also mindful of the dark side of digitisation. “As we scale up e-connectivity, as part of government’s digitalization agenda, we will, certainly, witness an upsurge of criminal activities, if we do not put in place precautionary measures to forestall such eventualities,” he said. With 10 million Ghanaians connected to the internet, of which 4.9 million are Facebook users alone, the impact of any cyberattack on the nation’s e-business platforms or on mobile telephony, he said, would impact negatively on businesses and on the lives of Ghanaians. As a result, President Akufo-Addo noted that Government is increasing efforts at increasing public sensitisation, capacity building and investment in a fit-for-purpose cybersecurity infrastructure, to help make the country’s digital experience safe and secure. As part of measures to make the country’s digital experience safe, the President, later on Monday, launched the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) for the telecommunications sector to co-ordinate incident response within that sector. “Also, a Security Operations Centre (SOC) has been set up at the Bank of Ghana to facilitate cybersecurity incident monitoring and cyber threat information sharing amongst players in the financial sector,” the President said. He continued, “The Bank of Ghana, working hand-in-hand with the Ministry of Communications and the Ghana Association of Bankers, will, this afternoon, launch a Cyber and Information Security Directive for the financial sector, in view of the persistent cyber-attacks targeted at this sector.” In pursuing international co-operation engagements, https://www.instagram.com/p/BpQ-4c-h5LT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q64mypcdrot2
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newssplashy · 6 years
NEW YORK — During the fiscal crisis of the 1970s, New York City’s once-robust manufacturing sector was shrinking, but a handful of young furniture factories were ramping up, tapping into the mod aesthetic of the day with acrylic chairs, tables and lamps.
Under names like Lucite and Plexiglas, acrylic resin was an invention of the early 20th century. The crystal-clear substance was used in World War II to make airplane cockpit bubbles.
It began turning up in high-end furniture in the 1950s, but demand exploded into the residential market in the 1960s and ‘70s.
“In the 1970s, people became interested in modern,” said the designer Tony Ingrao, who lived in Manhattan in the ‘70s. “It was a reaction to the free love and hippie movement. Everyone wanted to be free and let loose. Why not free up furniture?”
At its plexiglass peak in the 1970s, the city had 10 to 20 factories that specialized in acrylic furnishings and accessories. But over time, rising rents, high costs, cheap imports and changing tastes forced most of the manufacturers to relocate or to close. Now the city is down to a lone survivor: Plexi-Craft Quality Products in the Bronx.
Through a combination of business savvy, family work ethic, a prescient real estate purchase, three relocations and the 2016 sale to a passionate new owner, the more than 50-year-old company has remained in business. It has gone from making clear trash cans for suburban families to producing $15,000 office desks, shelving for Sarah Jessica Parker’s shoe stores and furniture for Sean Combs’ living room overlooking Central Park.
Back in 1972, George Frechter, a pet food salesman from New Jersey, was flipping through The New York Times classifieds. When he spotted an ad for an acrylic fabricator on the Lower East Side, his wife, Marlyn, saw the potential. A few months later, Plexi-Craft was his.
In the beginning, Plexi-Craft made translucent accessories like tissue holders and cigarette cases as well as simple furniture like nesting tables. By the early ‘80s, the Z-shaped chair, made from a single slab of acrylic, had become one of the company’s hottest sellers. It showed up in a Playboy magazine centerfold and, some 20 years later, in a promotional photo for “Sex and the City,” said Allen Frechter, the youngest of George’s three sons, who would eventually run the business.
The showroom on Chrystie Street was open seven days a week and was staffed on many weekends by George’s nieces, nephews and teenage sons. When business was slow, the boys would assemble products or pack up shipments in the back. When the family drove in from New Jersey, they would park in a weedy junkyard at Chrystie and Houston, down the street from what is Whole Foods today.
George eventually bought a three-story building in Chelsea at 514 W. 24th St. and shifted the factory and showroom there.
“Our customers were middle- to upper-income people from the suburbs,” Allen Frechter said. “They had nice homes and wanted quality stuff.” Most furniture pieces cost less than $200, the equivalent of $1,600 today. “It wasn’t like shopping at Target for furniture,” he said. “More like going to Crate & Barrel.”
Interest in translucent furniture petered out in the late ‘80s as decorating turned traditional. Demand lagged until 2002, when the French designer Philippe Starck introduced the $900 Louis Ghost chair, said Julie M. Muñiz, a California-based curator and historian specializing in 20th- and 21st-century decorative arts.
During acrylic’s slow period, the company survived largely by catering to high-end clients. But 2007 brought new challenges: The elder Frechter died, followed by the financial crisis. By the end of the year, Plexi-Craft’s revenues had dropped 40 percent. In 2008, Allen and David, the middle son, put the West 24th Street building on the market and relocated to a rental in Long Island City.
Allen, a technology and telecom consultant, would shuttle in almost weekly from the Boston suburbs to run operations. David, who ran a travel company, focused on design and marketing, mostly from his home in North Carolina. After nine years of commuting, Allen wanted out. His accountant mentioned the company to another client.
Hans Kretschman, a former commercial banker in his 50s, wasn’t exactly looking to buy a niche furniture company. But when he toured the factory in Long Island City, he was flabbergasted. “There were people with masks, odors and dust. I’m used to corporate offices,” he said. “I saw them doing things you would not think were still being done in this country, much less New York City.”
He was intrigued: “What was coming out of that factory door was some of the most gorgeous furniture I’d ever seen in my life.”
He sought advice. It wasn’t encouraging.
“Anyone who knew anything about manufacturing in New York City, anything about numbers, anything about acrylic furniture — they all told me to stay away,” he said.
Undeterred, Kretschman completed his purchase of the company in June 2016. The first order of business was to find Plexi-Craft a new home. The company had been bought out of its lease in Long Island City, which housed both the showroom and the factory.
Kretschman selected the New York Design Center at 32nd Street and Lexington for the showroom. For the factory, he signed a 10-year lease on an 8,500-square-foot space in the Bronx’s economically challenged West Farms area. It was affordable, convenient for employees and visiting designers, and it was close to public transportation and highways.
Perhaps most important, Kretschman said, “I wanted to be able to continue to say ‘Made in New York City.'”
Plexi-Craft is tucked among a sanitation cleaning station and a high-rise housing complex that’s under construction. It employs 18 people, including Phillip Sookhai, the shop manager. Sookhai started as a machinist 24 years ago. He said that while quality and efficiency have improved over the years, the manufacturing process has changed little, and that makes all the difference in the final product.
“There are still a lot of people out there who just know quality just by looking at a piece of furniture. Like acrylic chairs, some of those from China are very light. You could pick one up with one finger. The chairs we make are very heavy. Our lightest chair is 40 to 50 pounds,” Sookhai said.
Interest in acrylic spans budgets. Walmart’s chairs and tables can run less than $100. Design websites like 1stdibs and Chairish list vintage pieces that cost thousands of dollars more. The home remodeling and design site Houzz said searches for the word “acrylic” increased 38 percent from October 2015 to June 2018.
Despite the uptick in demand, acrylic fabricators continue to close locally and nationally. Kretschman said that since he purchased Plexi-Craft two years ago, three other local factories have closed, left the city or shifted to other materials. Chad Phillips, director of merchandising at the Brooklyn Museum, estimated that there are about 10 remaining such factories nationwide.
Because its manufacturing process is so labor intensive, Plexi-Craft does not compete with chain stores that sell mass-produced furniture when it comes to pricing. Plexi-Craft’s heavier pieces, however, are unlikely to break or yellow and can be up to 8 inches thick. Cheaper imports will likely max out at about 1 inch and can be held together by screws or scratchy glue lines.
And clean lines can be important when it comes to interior design. Acrylic does not compete with other furniture “because it is clear, so it cannot clash,” said Dina Bandman, a San Francisco designer who has worked with Plexi-Craft since the Frechters’ time. “It provides an opportunity to mix classical elements with more modern design, and can have a beautiful balancing effect in a room.”
Two years ago, Moon Kim, who lives with her family in the East 70s, bought a Plexi-Craft side table. “I wasn’t really sure what acrylic was, but it fit with my aesthetic,” she said. “I like it because it’s clear and transparent — it’s less obstructive.”
While much has changed since the Frechters parked in an empty lot on Houston Street, Plexi-Craft remains a family affair. Paulette Massaro works alongside her husband, Kretschman, while their four sons pitch in, too: Austin, 9, cleans and polishes furniture in the showroom; Luke, 13, also cleans furniture and hands out brochures at trade shows; Christopher, 15, helps with social media, works trade shows and has designed a chess table; and Justin, 17, designs furniture and coaches his father on Instagram.
“No matter what happens,” Kretschman said, “Plexi-Craft’s future is in good hands.”
This article originally appeared in The New York Times.
Hillary Chura © 2018 The New York Times
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outrospecting-blog1 · 7 years
For Day 1 introductions, we were asked to name one place we call “home”
I call SoCal home... but what is home?
I was back for a week this month, and it was familiar yet also strange - Orange County is a one-of-a-kind place... of tight cultural enclaves, of clear cut social groups defined by age and religion and race, of distinct expectations and inequalities, etc.. definitely felt like I didn’t belong there anymore, this time around (not a bad thing, just how it is)
A while ago I decided that home isn’t necessarily a place, but maybe just a feeling - I feel home when I’m with my closest friends even in an unfamiliar place, or when I’m biking past the Schuylkill at night // 
Watched this Ted Talk recently called Don’t ask me where I’m from, ask where I’m a local, and it hit the nail on the head --
“... Our experience is where we’re from. So, where are you a local? I propose a three-step test. I call these the three “R’s”: rituals, relationships, restrictions.
First, think of your daily rituals, whatever they may be: making your coffee, driving to work,harvesting your crops, saying your prayers. What kind of rituals are these? Where do they occur? In what city or cities in the world do shopkeepers know your face? As a child, I carried out fairly standard suburban rituals in Boston, with adjustments made for the rituals my mother brought from London and Lagos. We took off our shoes in the house, we were unfailingly polite with our elders, we ate slow-cooked, spicy food. In snowy North America, ours were rituals of the global South. The first time I went to Delhi or to southern parts of Italy, I was shocked by how at home I felt. The rituals were familiar. "R" number one, rituals.
Now, think of your relationships, of the people who shape your days. To whom do you speak at least once a week, be it face to face or on FaceTime? Be reasonable in your assessment; I'm not talking about your Facebook friends. I'm speaking of the people who shape your weekly emotional experience. My mother in Accra, my twin sister in Boston,my best friends in New York: these relationships are home for me. "R" number two, relationships.
We're local where we carry out our rituals and relationships, but how we experience our locality depends in part on our restrictions. By restrictions, I mean, where are you able to live? What passport do you hold? Are you restricted by, say, racism, from feeling fully at home where you live? By civil war, dysfunctional governance, economic inflation, from living in the locality where you had your rituals as a child? This is the least sexy of the R’s,less lyric than rituals and relationships, but the question takes us past "Where are you now?" to "Why aren't you there, and why?" Rituals, relationships, restrictions.”
(This next part was more so food for thought, especially going abroad -- )
"I'm a local of Lagos and Berlin," suggests overlapping experiences, layers that merge together, that can't be denied or removed. You can take away my passport, but you can't take away my experience. That I carry within me. Where I'm from comes wherever I go.
It's possible that without realizing it, we're playing a power game, especially in the context of multi-ethnic countries. As any recent immigrant knows, the question "Where are you from?" or "Where are you really from?" is often code for "Why are you here?"
Then we have the scholar William Deresiewicz's writing of elite American colleges."Students think that their environment is diverse if one comes from Missouri and another from Pakistan -- never mind that all of their parents are doctors or bankers."
I'm with him. To call one student American, another Pakistani, then triumphantly claim student body diversity ignores the fact that these students are locals of the same milieu.The same holds true on the other end of the economic spectrum. A Mexican gardener in Los Angeles and a Nepali housekeeper in Delhi have more in common in terms of rituals and restrictions than nationality implies.
Perhaps my biggest problem with coming from countries is the myth of going back to them. I'm often asked if I plan to "go back" to Ghana. I go to Accra every year, but I can't "go back" to Ghana. It's not because I wasn't born there. My father can't go back, either. The country in which he was born, that country no longer exists. We can never go back to a place and find it exactly where we left it. Something, somewhere will always have changed, most of all, ourselves. People.
“roots and wings” comes to mind
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mycryptosuite · 10 months
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