#GG Fans just gotta be Patient!
gear-project · 11 months
Further down the Road: EVO
Based on the recent ARCLive, we can expect more content at EVO.
And it's nothing we don't already know, but just to remind everyone that THEY ARE TAKING FEEDBACK AND LISTENING.
So keep that in mind for future...
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calzona-ga · 7 years
BWW TV had the chance to catch up with several members of the GREY'S ANATOMY cast on the Paleyfest Red Carpet and then get some scoop from the official Panel discussion. Here is a transcript of interviews with: Jerrika Hinton, Jason George, Kelly McCreary, James Pickens Jr., Giacomo Gianniotti, Chandra Wilson, Caterina Scorsone and Debbie Allen and some tidbits from the panel.
Jerrika Hinton (Dr. Stephanie Edwards) BWW TV: So Stephanie had an interesting solo surgery that quickly turned devastating! Will that affect her confidence level? Will we see it impact her moving forward?
Jerrika Hinton: I'm not sure if it's the confidence level that's affected, but its just kind of questioning the approach to the job and just 'what is it that we're doing'. It's a bigger question than just personal confidence and like how this is affecting me. It's one of those existential questions. That's the zone that she goes into.
Jason George (Dr. Ben Warren) BWW TV: I've noticed that Ben has become the guy who, in the middle of a surgery is the one to tell the others to stop bickering and focus on the patient. What is it about Ben that makes him that guy?
Jason George: I think more than anything, Ben is a grown-ass man! (Laughs). Ben was a doctor already. He's been through a version of this before-granted, not for surgery but for anesthesia. So I think having been there, you know, a lot of these folks were his peers as opposed to his teachers...and then he went back to school. So to a degree, he's got that weird balance. It's the same thing that causes him problems when problems come down the line. By the way, once you face the full on raging Bailey, he is kind of ready for anyone or anything.
Kelly McCreary (Dr. Maggie Pierce) BWW TV: So...Maggie's mom is coming back! What can we expect from that? Can you share anything?
Kelly McCreary: Well Maggie's going to find out that her mother has been sick and it's a double wammy-there's the fact that she's sick, which is frightening and scary and sad, but there's also the fact that she hasn't known...and other people have.
BWW TV: And that's bothered Maggie in the past about other things.
KM: Yes! And Maggie really struggles with that.
BWW TV: Ok, I love the Sister Lady Chief Trifecta. Can we expect more scenes with the three of you?
KM: Yes! You know, in times of trouble, people lean on our family and so when Diane comes in, it's a time for everybody to really rally around Maggie.
James Pickens Jr. (Dr. Richard Webber) BWW TV: The look of utter heartbreak on your face when you walked into that room and saw Arizona...
James Pickens Jr.: Oh ya...
BWW TV: Is Webber going to have a friend to lean on?
JP: He will. Obviously that was a little betrayal there. He felt it was a betrayal. But I think the bigger picture is trying to get these doctors in line. Obviously the insertion of Eliza Minnick and her way of teaching is obviously diametrically opposed to mine. But I think in the end, we both want the same thing. We want great doctors. She's going about it her way and I'm going to go about it my way. I feel very strongly that my way is the best. And she does as well with her way. I think it will play out with me trying to bring her into my fold. I think it will come to a happy medium.
BWW TV: It will be exciting to see how you get there!
JP: Thank you.
BWW TV: So our Broadway World readers would love to know-Do you have any plans to hit the stage in New York any time soon?
JP: I would love to! I would love to. I've been away for a little while. That's where my background is...on Broadway and I'd love to get back there and do something. Always [the issue] with me, it's been the window of time [needed], but I'd love to get back there!
Giacomo Gionniotti (Dr. Andrew DeLuca) BWW TV: So on a scale of 1 - 10, how big is Andrew's crush on Jo.
Giacomo Gionniotti: Twenty.
BWW TV: Do you think she knows
GG: She definitely knows. I think we've seen that she knows on the show. He's sort of hinted at it with "you deserve better" and all that.
BWW TV: I mean, you shared a sandwich with her!
GG: Ya (laughs) Camilla and I joke that every scene we have together, we're eating and that by the end of the season we're just going to be these enormous cows.
BWW TV: That's amazing! That's right! There was a scene with cookies too!
GG: So ya, I think she's aware that he likes her, but since he hasn't out-right forced her to deal with it, like "hey, I like you...what do you think about that?" He hasn't been that direct, that we haven't really seen it come to fruition. I think by the end of the season, we're going to see that be resolved.
BWW TV: Any scene you're in now with Alex is automatically awkward and interesting. Are we going to see more of them? I just love that dynamic now.
GG: It is. It's fun to play, certainly when they are forced to be together in a room and obviously they would love to be in any other room but that one. I'm hoping that they can sort of repair that because before that, he was a really great mentor for him. It seems like [Andrew] is a natural in Pediatrics and obviously Alex is amazing in Pediatrics so I think there could potentially be a great teacher in him and then a great student teacher relationship [could come] out of that.
Chandra Wilson (Dr. Miranda Bailey) BWW TV: So..Bailey's had an interesting season. I don't think she regrets the decisions she's made but do you think she regrets the way she went about doing it or do you think she's like "No. I'm a Dragon, and this is right for the hospital"
Chandra Wilson: She doesn't regret a single thing! (Laughs). Decisions have to get made and sometimes they're hard and it doesn't matter if there's some Katherine influence in there. It's very important for her to stand firmly in the position that she's in-firmly in the title, and it's very important that as far as everyone else is concerned, these are her decisions and she's gonna stand by them and everyone else is gonna come along-even if it's kicking and screaming.
BWW TV: She is the Chief!
CW: Yep!
BWW TV: So our Broadway World fans would love to know-Any plans to hit the stage any time soon?
CW: Oh my gosh. I can't wait for whenever the next opportunity is. I'd love to get back and work (laughs) so whenever I can find the time to get in!
BWW TV: Are you directing any more Grey's episodes this season? I loved the last one you directed, episode 5.
CW: I do have my next episode is coming up in about 3 weeks I think. I do two a season. I believe the next one is 19 or 20.
Caterina Scorsone (Dr. Amelia Shepherd) BWW: What can we expect to see next with the Owen and Amelia situation?
Caterina Scorsone: I think it can't get much worse so it's gotta get better...right? I mean, we've gotta do something! (laughs). I know that in the episode that's coming up next, they make contact. They do end up talking about their stuff for the first time. I don't think they're going to get all the way through it in the next five minutes, but at least they're in the same room and they're starting to kind of discuss.
BWW: So I believe Amelia may be the only character in the history of TV to start out as a main character on a spinoff and then move to the original show!
CS: Really! That's incredible!
BWW: There are also almost 2 types of Grey's fans...the ones who are intimately familiar with your character's backstory and then the ones who aren't...
CS: I think for the people who didn't watch PRIVATE PRACTICE there's a lot more frustration and consternation about how unavailable [Amelia] is to Owen right now, and I think they're really upset about it, but the people who have watched PRIVATE PRACTICE are like 'No no no you don't understand! The trauma is huge" and so there's a lot more patience for her journey from the people who have watched PRIVATE PRACTICE. But, a lot of the people who have only watched GREY'S have now gone back to watch PRIVATE PRACTICE and there's this whole kind of lovely secret story that they get to explore and they get to see the evolution...Though I had someone tweet me the other day and they were like "I'm watching PRIVATE PRACTICE. How is this the same person?" And I think the key to why she's the same person is that she started as this very kind of adolescent character on PP and through the course of that show and all the things that she went through...it changed her as a person. And then she shows up in Seattle having been through all of this stuff and she kind of packed it away and moved on with her life and now with Owen, she is kind of forced to revisit the trauma that she thought was safely stored.
During the same interview, Ms. Scorsone was asked by another news outlet about the longevity of the show...
CS:These characters have become so real to people and real to the actors who play them, and so just like you and I continue to evolve throughout our lives-its not like "ok 3 seasons, I'm done" I think these characters have become friends for the audience and so we want to keep checking in with them as they go through maturing and getting married and getting divorced and having children and having tragedies and overcoming those tragedies. We love them and we want to keep finding out how they're doing. So who knows, that could go on for eighty-nine years (laughs).
Debbie Allen (Dr. Katherine Avery) BWW TV: Broadway World loves you!
Debby Allen: I'm happy about that!
BWW TV: First question for you...Is there a greater punishment than withholding "Hamilton" tickets from a loved one?
DA: (Laughs) YES!!! He's not coming home! I'm in bed alone! Come on! I'm the one being punished!
BWW TV: This is true. And she gets to go with April and that's an interesting new friendship!
DA: Ya but I'm not sleeping with April! (Laughs)
BWW TV: Fair enough!
DA: It's been a dry season! (Laughs)
BWW TV: Oh dear! (Laughs). Do you think he's coming home shortly?
DA: I hope so! I hope so! I mean I'm not allowed to reveal too much , but it's in the cards for us to be together.
BWW TV: So you wear many hats on this show. [Executive Producer, frequent director, and guest star].
DA: I do.
BWW TV: Are you there just about every second of every day?
DA: I'm there usually at like 6 or 6:15 every morning. I start in the makeup and hair room-cuz that's gonna tell us how the day is gonna go! And then we go from there...from either directors that are prepping or directors who are shooting. If we have a younger director, I'm with them all the time. Ellen just directed and I was with her every moment...and she was amazing.
After the Red Carpet, the Paleyfest audience was treated to a screening of the episode that airs on March 20th, entitled BE STILL MY SOUL. It was Ellen Pompeo's directorial debut! No spoilers, but this one is guaranteed to make you laugh and cry..and it was very cathartic to do so in the Dolby Theatre with hundreds of GREY'S fans!
Following the screening, Moderator Henry Goldblatt introduced the cast. Every main cast member was present with the exception of Camilla Luddington. The panel was light and fun and the actors seemed to genuinely appreciate all the fan love they were receiving after 13 seasons. Justin Chambers (Alex Karev) pointed out that the show had not been to Paleyfest since season 1 or 2 and so it was pretty incredible to see the fan response that they received today.
Here are some other tidbits from the panel:
*When asked about what was most challenging in her directorial debut, Ellen Pompeo stated that she was not really all that nervous because she had been part of this show for so long and had the support of Executive Producer, Debbie Allen then entire time. She said that the technical stuff was certainly more challenging than directing the emotional scene work because she was so familiar with the scene work over the course of 13 seasons and she had a great deal of trust in the talent of her cast.
*When asked what aspect of his character he would like to explore more, Martin Henderson (Nathan Riggs) had the cast and audience in hysterics. "Just...you know...WHO HE IS would be good!" He added that he has enjoyed playing a polarizing and mysterious character.
*Jesse Williams was commended on his performance in the latest episode. Mr. Goldblatt asked him about the storyline of Jackson meeting his biological father. Williams pointed out that what he enjoyed the most about those scenes, were that Jackson was simultaneously provided this "great support system" by "best friend" April and also meeting the man who was this "absolute failure" (of a support system).
*Sarah Drew loved filming the Jackson and April centric episode (directed by Kevin McKidd) and said it felt like shooting a movie. It was filmed at the same time that other GREY'S episodes were being filmed, so they actually filmed with the crew of SCANDAL.
*When asked about that Jackson and April scene in the latest episode, and what this meant for them moving forward, Drew admitted that she did not know if long term their relationship would once again become romantic or not, but that this does show that no matter what, "they have so much love and respect for each other...they know each other so well...they will be ok" and "they will always be each other's person".
*Kevin McKidd (Owen Hunt) was asked about Owen experiencing his "greatest nightmare" all over again, now that Amelia (like Cristina) apparently no longer wants to have kids. He said that Owen is "really struggling" and is a "tortured guy" who really wants to have a baby and seems to believe that things in his life will be fixed by having a family,..but that Amelia does not want to have a family right now. Co-star, Caterina Scorsone interjected to emphasize the "right now". He stated that Owen loves her and "we will see what happens".
*When asked about her favourite thing about Amelia, Caterina Scorsone pointed out that between PRIVATE PRACTICE and GREY'S ANATOMY, Amelia has "been hit hard by life" and that her first large scale tragedy occurred at age 5 "and then they just kept coming". She stated that what she admires most about her, is that "through the most dire of circumstances, she has managed to pick herself up off the ground every time and continue in a way that tries to be of service." "She's trying to save lives. She's trying to bring life to people (even) though life has been taken from her so many times". She stated that she loves the "heart and tenacity" that her character has.
*When asked about the most challenging scene to film in all 13 seasons, Chandra Wilson stated that it was the scene where she gives birth.
*When asked what his hardest scene to film was, Justin Chambers stated it was "finding out that Jo is married", He stated that he is hopeful that Jo and Alex can make things work.
At the end of the panel, the cast stuck around to take pictures with their adoring fans. Fun times were had by all!
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tarajenkins · 7 years
Looks like the bads of the Steven Universe fandom are trying to sink their hooks into Overwatch again. Literally the same people--seriously, I get a twitch every time I see a gem name on the OW forums now, or even a Tumblr icon--with the same hypocritical arguments, and the same bullshit tactics.
I was thrilled when Blizzard revealed their mascot character is a lesbian, with a promise of more queer representation to come. It could have been a more minor character, but Tracer! And just look at those cuties go in Reflections! But two voice lines later that tease a ship they don’t like (”Gency”, in this case), and the Tumblr kids are back to sending death threats, collecting dubious “receipts”, and branding the company as--you guessed it --“lesbophobes”.
Over another goddamn fictional ship. Cue the ever-moving goalposts as they try to stick a buzzword on the ship that makes it “problematic”! So, anti-shippers, it’s been a while, let’s hear it. ”Lesbophobia!” You know how you’re trying desperately to convince yourself those chocolate lines were platonic? The same could be said of those lines you swore made Pharmercy canon. It’s interpretation, and it’s open to everyone. Just because you ran with it doesn’t somehow give you dibs on what the creators decide is going to be canon. It’s their creation, contrary to one poster who thought fan work somehow gives them a claim. Your ship may not have made it this time, big shmeal, there is still AU, and there are a hell of a lot more ships in this ocean.
But I gotta say, when Blizzard made the face of the game a lesbian, AND promised there is more queer representation to come (not necessarily lesbian, because you know, there ARE other letters in the acronym, learn to share), it’s a hell of a note you’d try to pull that card. Also, I gotta love how platonic relationships and bisexuality are suddenly your best friends when you’re trying to salvage your ship. When I had bisexual headcanons in Steven Universe, I was just “making excuses to ship with a man”. When my squish had platonic ace headcanons, it was “lesbophobia” because it’s all about the sex, sex, sex, amirite? 
When you anti-shippers do it, though, it’s to save a poor, poor girl from TEH MENS. Reading that biphobia loud and clear, kids, because we’re trash to you, “boring hets”,  whenever we’re with someone who is male aligned. And some of you call US greedy, lmfao. Get stuffed. My sexuality isn’t your escape hatch.
“Well, it’s patient/doctor! That’s a power imbalance!”
....the entire premise of Pharmercy was always the healer/fighter synergy. Like, the ship was quite literally founded on it. Guess that’s problematic too--oh, wait, no, you LIKE that one. “W-well, white savior!” If you really want to go that route, same problem every time Mercy saves Pharah’s ass in your precious fanfics, try again.
“Genji is just a self-insert! Ew!”
Ah yes, I forgot, only you folks are allowed to see a character as a fucking avatar so you can RP/draw/whatever your little personal fantasies. Can you just admit you don’t like the ship and you’re just pulling shit from your ass to try to make people afraid to speak out about it, like you did with Steven Universe? “No I don’t like the ship so it’s wrong and ur a bigot I’m making a callout post on u. :C” Sigh. “I’ll boycott the game!” Excellent! 1) We really, really, REALLY won’t miss you, and 2) You already lost the fucking game anyway.
gg ez wp
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro (8-31-2018)
Friday Night Pyro August 31st, 2018: Pyro Concord, California
Match card: M1: Golden Bryce vs Milk Man M2: Steve Blackman vs Vinny Testaverde [No lImit Tournament] M3: Slayer vs Champagne Clausen M4: Croyle & Edwards w/ Olaffub vs Taka-Naka M5: Kalalikial'i w/ Romeo vs GG M6: XPWEW Tag Titles - Jake & Jaques vs 1776
Opening segment: Clausen speaks on how he can’t change The Truth Infantry 5 count rule
Troy on Truth Infantry -nothing I can do -i would like to fire all of you but i think that would be too easy -injuring robbie williams was the most disgusting this i have ever seen
Truth Infantry appears
Blackman explains his hatred an thirst for revenge against Awesome I got vent up frustration against you for telling me when you signed me in 2011. Saying don’t worry Steve, we’ll make you a comedy act Troy, I can still go I am Steve black-man the greatest xpwew world champion ever and i will out Jake, Slayer, Jaques anybody
*1776 interrupts “can’t believe we still gotta stay in this liberal shit-hole of California for another month…” “All the fans booing me right now should do what Jason Sensation wanted to do Monday night” ISDA CHEEP HEEET “We are bringing back traditional values to this country, to that wrestling ring! We want the tag team championships and we wanna know where are they
*Slayer and Marc Snow interupts “I made Jake Awesome tap out twice if anything he should be the 32nd contender for the world title!” “I should be world champion, not Jaques Dudley, not your doofus son. ME!”
*Slayer gets up in Troy Clausen’s face
Troy: Well last week I did announce that Jaques was the number one contender and I’m announcing right now that Jake Awesome is the number 2 contender (crowd reacts)
This parlays Troy to reveal Jaques is the number one contender for...The Tag Team titles and so is Jake taking on the #2 contenders 1776
Slayer is relived wow so then I’m the number 1 contender right
Blackman speaks: no I am
Clausen explains that the actual world title belt…isn’t ready yet. Its still in customs
Olaffub calls out clausen for being stupid, careless and a weak contract negotiator. Blackman calls out Clausen for forcing him to do Headcheese and be a comedy act
Clausen says fine Blackman you wanna spill dirty laundry out in public. First off we’ve always been good friends and i didn’t MAKE you do comedy, I made things easy. I respect what you’ve done for this industry and so I gave you a lucrative contract to take things easy and now you go and align yourself with this jackass Olaffub
Croyle calls 1776 clowns - speaks up to Troy why aren’t we in the tag team title picture
Fine - tonight you’ll face Taka Naka - happy
Slayer looking bored patiently sits back “are you done yet?” All i hear is Blackman bitching Croyle bitching Edwards looking like a bitch Olaffubs ponytail is somehow bitching somehow but where oh where is the title Do I have to beat Steve Blackman? is that what is being set-up here
Blackman: smiles at Slayer…this ain’t what you want boy
Slayer: ooooh what are you gonna do Steven, you gonna nunchuck me, you gonna ask me what my favorite type of cheese is. Listen dude my brother was always a better performer than you were and I’m not gonna argue with a failed dog the bounty hunter
Steve Blackman: Slayer, your lucky you aren’t on my list right now…
Slayer (school hall spooky fingers)
*Infantry leaves the ring
Golden Bryce hits the ring cuts a promo on the importance of physical fitness Milk Man interupts and says “don’t forget to drink your milk” Golden Bryce: *cough* excuse me Mr. Man? Actually milk is a terrible choice, it’s actually been proven to be a horrible choice to the human reproductive system. Honestly, you should switch to Almond Milk it’s a great substitute for that mid-evil substance (chuckles) Milk Man attacks Bryce from behind as the bell rings
M1: Golden Bryce def. Milk Man
Backstage: Mick Foley finds Jake Awesome and says listen Jake I wanna have a public human resources session with you in that ring tonight. Jake rolls his eyes not really taking this seriously.
M2: No Limits Tournament First Round Steve Blackman w/ Olaffub def. Vinny Testaverde *Blackman makes quick work of Vinny.
Steve Blackman calls Jake Awesome out. Awesome I will end your career and that is a promise. I will get my revenge on what you did to me and you know what you did. 10 years ago when I was the flagship champion of this company for over a year. It was you who not only took that title away from me. You nearly ended my career throwing me off the stage at Guilty As Charged 2008. I did not forget. I’ve already plotted my revenge, you’ll figure it out soon enough.
*Jake Awesome music!*
*Jake Awesome enters the stage staring down Blackman who is standing in the ring until Mick Foley steps in front of Jake as if to separate them
*Blackman/Awesome star at each other as they both walk up and down the ramp. Olaffub in front of Blackman and Mick Foley in front of Jake. and they slowly walk around
PUBLIC HUMAN RESOURCES SESSION *Ring segment: Mick Foley with Jake Awesome *Mick: Now Jake I understand you might be feeling a lack of confidence Jake: I’m honestly not. I lost to a good competitor, I’m not perfect. Mick to be honest every week you keep approaching me with this lack of confidence, are you ok, Yes i’m ok, Yes - Mick I’m fine Mick: The old Jake Awesome wouldn’t have tapped out Jake: I’m not perfect. Mick, you of all people. Mick half of your career was a loss. Alright - I lost 2 matches. Tonight I’m gonna win the tag team titles. It’s all good I’ll win the tag titles with Jaques I’ll squash that has-been Steve Blackman Mick: Jake do you think you have ring rust Jake: what the hell did you just say to me? (Jake proper offended) Mick: (rushes on) Jake, I have someone back there you need to talk to. Jake: (insulted still about the ring rust comment looks confused) Mick: from your hometown of Terrace Florida Jake this is your mother Delisa Alfonso!!!
Entrance: Delisa Alfonso appears and Jake Awesome’s actual mother is here on Friday Night PYRO
Mick Foley: I looked her up all over the internet and Jake I found your Mom and I think nothing is better than a mother-son bond and she has something she wants to tell you
Jake: Jake greets and hugs his Mom. (kind of unsure, feels like an intervention)
Delisa: You all know him as Jake Awesome but I know him as my son Anthony Alfonso. goes on long diatribe about jake as a child. Delisa: Jake, you’ve had a successful career and you’ve made lots of money and son I think it might be best, if you consider making not doing this wrestling thing anymore
Jake: Mom, I’m fine Delisa: Anthony I think you are going to get hurt and I’ve spoke with Mick Foley and he tells me that he doesn’t think you are competing at the same level that you used to. and son I don’t want you to throw your life and able body away for these fans. I’m sorry (crowd boos) Jake: Mom, I’ve lost 2 matches this is ridiculous. I’m not perfect. I lost. I haven’t lost a step? I’,m still the mammoth and I will be YOUR XPWEW tag team champion tonight Mick: ENOUGH!!!! You know what I see Jake, I see me in you. I see someone who doesn’t know how to quit! I was that person and now I can’t walk without a limp, I can’t run, I can’t jog, I can’t get on the floor and wrestle with my kids. This fdamn industry changed my life….I’ll never forget the horrors I suffered in Japan, I’ll never forget the ear being stripped from my head in Germany, I’ve lost years off of my life because of these ropes. and you with the good looks, a model wife, a 5 year old daughter at home. I don’t want you to throw your life away for this. I wanna see Jake Awesome do movies, I wanna see Jake Awesome become an actor, make millions not hurting yourself Delisa: Anthony, don’t listen to these people, they don’t love you, they don’t want whats best for you Jake: (silence) kisses his mother on the cheek, shakes Mick Foley’s hand and walks out and then up to the ramp puts the mic to his face “and your new XPWEW tag team champion of the world..Jake Awesome” (walks behind curtain)
M3: Slayer w/ Marc Snow def. Champagne Curt Clausen via helm sharpshooter
Interview: Kandi Khaos with Jaques Dudley about how he thought last week when Clausen called him the #1 contender he thought it was for the world title but he’ll become tag team champs with Jake nonetheless. Slayer sweaty after his win over Champagne talks smack to Jaques about who should be world champ, good luck with those 2nd tier belts. Also good luck because if you are teaming with Jake…be prepared to lose on his behalf
M4: Croyle & Edwards w/ Olaffub def. TakaNaka *after many close calls of 4 counts Taka Naka could not get a 5 count over the truth infantry ultimately Croyle would pick up the win over Masato Tanaka
In ring: Tanahashi appears wearing a pink suit looking really dapper is with a woman standing next to him in the ring. She’s dressed in a business dress holding a clipboard and is the official English translator for Tanahashi Feebe Kinoshiba translates the Tanahashi promo and declares Tanahshi wants to give you what you have been wanting. At Anarchy Rulz Hiroshi Tanahashi wants a dream match. Tanahashi wants JOHN CENA!!!! (huge pop) Tanahashi smiles in approval
*Backstage: Troy Clausen knocks on the door of Romeo Roselli’s locker room. A huge Hawaiian man answers the door Troy: Who are you Huge hawaiian man: ……. Troy: How many translators do we need around here Romeo: Oh hi Troy, you look great. Got a tan. Joel you look…fit Troy: Romeo listen last week you brutally attacked GG our lead cameraman and I’m suppose to be here to suspend you for 30 days without pay Romeo: WHATTT Troy: No no listen. I can’t have my talent attacking production staff okay. But no fear GG actually spoke to me and said he wants to drop the charges and he’ll drop them if he received a talent contract. And we got him trained, he’s pretty green but he wants to live his dream of being a professional wrestler Romeo: Oh well if he wants a piece of first he’s gotta get through my poona right cheer. Troy this is my “Protecter” This is Kalaliki’al’i and tell GG to meet him right now Clausen: Well he’s actually standing in the ring (they look over at monitor with GG jumping up and down getting himself hype in the ring) Kalaliki’ali’i *swift kicks monitor off the table*
M5: Kalaliki’ali’i def. GG in about two minutes
(crowd gives GG standing ovation despite big loss. GG exits through the loving crowd and starts an X P Dub chant)
Troy Clausen and Joel Gertner hit the ring and unveil the NEW XPWEW Tag Team Championships White straps, they look nice. Updated belts
*Mick Foley, Steve Blackman and Will Olaffub join Joey Styles and Shane McCoy on commentary
(during commentary Blackman tells Foley, you should convince Jake to end his career now before I end it
M6: XPWEW World Tag Team titles 1776 vs Jaques & Jake Awesome
*1776 cuts off Jake to their corner of the ring
*Jaques is the only bright spot for the team honestly
*However after a double spine buster finisher Leonard and Dennis pin Jake Awesome and after multiple saves Jaques can not save the match and
1776 is the new tag team champions
Clausen and Gertner wrap the new titles around the waist of 1776 as they start emotionally reacting to the win to a sea of boos
Mick Foley walks up to the apron and looks at Jake somberly
Jaques walks up the ramp shaking his head
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gear-project · 2 years
A Tale of Two I-Nos:
As you may or may not be aware... I-No was killed by Sol Badguy.
But is she really dead?
Time Paradoxes might suggest otherwise.
Axl once threatened to bring Megumi in to the "present time" if it meant destroying I-No (even if it would destroy his own existence as well).
But because of I-No's destruction, somehow... Megumi was brought in to the modern 2180s Era.
But what happens to the "real" I-No?  Is she stuck in Time Paradox Limbo?
Happy Chaos seemed to be able to speak with her despite her situation... but that might just be an after-effect of her powers .
It may very well also be that I-No is a mere "echo" of her former self...
But, that begs the question: what about the REAL Happy Chaos... not Happy Chaos the "Broken Messiah"... but Happy Chaos Valentine... the final Valentine that was under construction by Asuka R. Kreutz.
What if Happy Chaos Valentine... or should we simply call her "Chaos Valentine" for shortened convenience... what if I-No's "paradox self" (her original soul) were to merge with this new body?
What if Megumi and Chaos Valentine (I-No) could exist in the same world?
It seems possible... from a speculation perspective.
But would it actually happen?  That's the big question!
Even bigger question: would I-No be the same person in that situation?
What if Chaos Valentine's body completely transforms I-No in to a new entity entirely?  Would she be like Justice?  Would she be a completely different Valentine?
Would she pose a threat?
At the end of the day, this is just a wall of speculation.
But, Guilty Gear Strive's roster is still tentative... there's lots to think about moving forwards...
For now, we are tortured by the prospect of WAITING for future announcements.
As I always say: GG Fans just GOTTA be patient!
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gear-project · 2 years
Do you think that Ishiwatari will have to redesign Sol in his new attire and/or without a limiter to reflect Strive's recent story developments going forward? Or re-address the degeneration process occurring within Asuka's body that seems to be making him more youkai/gear-like?
Going based on how they handled Zato in the past… there's probably going to be some excuse for why Sol is still a strong fighter in the roster.
It might sound like a cheap excuse, but at least in Zato's case it was used as a reasonable plot device.
Of course, they didn't use the same tactic for characters like Justice and Kliff, unfortunately… much less a character like Bedman.
If anything, Ramlethal replaced Justice, while Leo replaced Kliff (to an extent). As for Bedman, we'll have to wait and see.
And, as for Asuka… again, we'll have to wait and see.
Asuka's over 170 years old… and he already used Raven's assistance to re-transfer his memories after regenerating his body twice already. Add the fact he merged his body with the Tome of Origin means certain aspects of him are no longer human anymore, anyway.
Speaking of Limiters though… we still haven't learned the full mystery behind Sin's eyepatch, so there's that to look forward to.
There's plenty of other aspects to the characters (and world) they need to take in to account for the game, but I get the feeling that it won't be expressed the same ways as previous games have enjoyed.
If they're going for a larger roster, that means they can't focus on too many characters at once. That also means the story will get broken up in to separate chunks spread out over a longer period.
Even how they handle Arcade Mode (and anything else they happen to add), will probably also be very different as well.
I don't want to say it, but things are in an unpredictable state right now… so all we can do is be supportive and patient (or, at the very least… contribute feedback in a reasonable manner).
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gear-project · 2 years
Technical Difficulties
The current patch 1.19 of Guilty Gear Strive isn't working on my PC (it soft locks at the title screen).
I have reported the issue to ARC System Works, but it just means I won't be playing Strive for a while except on my PS4 if I am so inclined.
Hopefully they will use my report and fix the game for PC use in 1.20 later on.
Until then, I will probably be busy with other games/projects.
Don't worry, this doesn't affect my knowledge of GG Lore one bit. I've been called a "Walking GG Dictionary" for a reason, you know~...
I know there are some people who still think I share controversial "offensive" opinions on GG characters, but just know that the views I've given are based on older factual information that has since been updated/retconned.
In other words, the views that bother some people have actually changed a lot since GG Strive's release (particularly with the release of Testament).
In other words, ARC System Works have been more open-minded in their writing of characters in recent years, so anything I've said in the past is just how said characters were represented by them "at that time" and have since been redacted/changed to better suit what fans (and what Team Red) expects of their characters.
Granted, there are some areas where people find censorship and changes to how characters were reflected to still be "up for debate", but it's not nearly as bad as it was in previous entries of the series.
I just want people to know that I don't just "state my opinion" on characters as though it was fact. I go based on what was reflected of the character at the time they were created.
Anyway, with all of that out of the way... I am, as you all are, eager to see what they come up with for Season 2... but for now we play the waiting game.
As I always say though: "GG Fans just GOTTA be Patient!"
That's how we've always got through things!
So hang tough, and Rock OUT!
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gear-project · 2 years
What is a pretty interesting is when Happy Chaos is doing his intros on Baiken and Nagoriyuki, they never glanced at him like everyone else. They just kept staring forward.
Ishiwatari stated in previous interviews that they weren't able to add as many character-specific interactions and nuances this time around compared to previous games (due in part because of the planned roster size and production details).
I personally would not read too much in to any perceived nuances as yet… as we don't really know what the final game will look like yet.
In other words, they might add things later on that we haven't seen just yet... including character rivalries.
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gear-project · 3 years
It's a shame that no one questioned Ishiwatari about Ki-Overflow Syndrome and if it correlated with Japanese "Awakening" (or Faust's progress in discovering an actual cure for it). Or how Delilah became aware of Happy Chaos and why she holds a grudge against him.
It's probably hard for anyone to get a clear explanation from either Ishiwatari or Katano, since they still have some stories in the works, not to mention DLC to announce.
Also, it's rather amazing that Chipp and Anji were able to make contact with someone like Delilah and her connection with Bedman, especially since Answer considered Bedman an enemy previously. I'm sure there's a whole story behind that that has yet to be told!
That said, I'm sure Faust and Kum Haehyun are doing everything they can to solve the issue with Ki Overflow Syndrome on their end... it's just that Faust went through a whole lot since those events. I'm also certain Baiken is doing everything she can to help her own people, since it's not just about revenge anymore.
And, of course, I personally would like to know the fates of Mizuha and Tyr, who haven't been seen in a great many years since they left the Colony for Zepp!
We'll just have to wait and see what Ishiwatari and Katano come up with!
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gear-project · 2 years
. . .
If "getting your hopes up" is hoping for Justice to be playable in Guilty Gear Strive.
Then "Shattering All Expectations" would be like putting Happy Chaos and Leopaldon in King of Fighters XV.
Just sayin'....
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gear-project · 3 years
I read an interview from NoisyPixel that Daisuke intends to create short episodes of story DLC for the characters not in the main story. Is this implying that characters such as May, Faust, and Ramlethal are getting their own solo-episodes or could this be the 'Another' Story that doesn't directly focus on Sol Badguy?
The exact way he phrased it was:
--------------------------------------------- "Every character in the game has their own lives, and each of them can be a protagonist for the users who love them. Even if the story that originated from the name “Guilty Gear” has ended, their world and story may have a new beginning. At the very least, I’d like to create something for the characters, who didn’t appear in the story this time, were doing behind the incidents as short episodes." ---------------------------------------------
While it's something he 'wants' to do... how he goes about it would be rather unclear at this stage.
Based on what we know so far Arcade Mode is centered around what happens to Nagoriyuki following the main events of Story Mode, but nothing thus far has indicated a continuation or following up of that story yet. (Basically everyone is chasing Nagoriyuki but no one actually catches him.) Even I-No's Arcade Story is somewhat vague.
The only piece of information we know for certain is that a Side Story is in the works for next year (2022). We do not know how many characters are involved or if this next story will center around one character in particular.
That being said, we still haven't seen Jack-O's content in Arcade Mode yet, so there's a chance it might clue us in on what Team Red has in mind.
But, I personally would not get my hopes up just yet if I were you.
There's still a lot of things to expect, and we still have a third DLC character coming sometime in Fall of this year.
It's not like they're going to keep us in the dark, but I would think that they are still working hard on future content, so we should give them some patience and leeway.
They'll announce more details in due time!
As I always say:
"GG Fans just gotta be patient!"
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gear-project · 6 years
Hello, there seems to be tale of a new Guilty Gear installment rather than an Xrd addition from the recent anniversary interview. Honestly I'm a bit saddened by this especially considering the statement made for newer games to be simpler (I also really just wanted Testament to eventually show up in Xrd with all its crazy mechanics rather than a new game). But anyway, can you confirm how true this rumour is?. Is it really that Xrd has come to an end after what feels like a short time?.
Since Baf0’s conversation on Twitter on the Dengeki Report kinda blew it up, I’ll reiterate it here (since Dustloop posts don’t last forever… full translation courtesy of RedSilverSnake):
—The password to unlock Testament and Dizzy in the arcade version of X was “misosoup,” apparently because a programmer working on the game was overheard saying, “Now I want to drink some miso soup…”[I mentioned this earlier.  FYI GGX also had a button code in the console versions.  Look it up at GameFAQs.]
—The development team was casual with naming conventions at the time, to the extent that one of the ideas of what to call what became roman cancels was “cosmetic galaxy.” [I explained some of GGX history, Roman Cancels are wordplay for Roman Candle, a Firework… this symbolism actually transferred all the way to Revelator when Sol talks about Fireworks in one of the closing chapters of the story.]
—There was a question about Fanny from GG Petit, but Ishiwatari says he can’t answer anything about her because he wasn’t involved in her creation. [Sammy Staff were part of the people who assisted in her creation, but the GG character poll suggested that Ishiwatari wasn’t above putting her in a future game if players still wanted her to appear.]
—Advance had a unique move for Venom that Ishiwatari meant to hide, but it somehow made it into the game. [They describe it as a Bomb technique, which I think was hinted at in Night of Knives as well when Millia clashed with Venom.  There’s an item called Calvados Bomb in MOM Mode that generates poison which might have stemmed from that idea.]
—Not everyone who worked on XX knew that Bridget was a boy, which led to a shocked exclamation from a designer. [Story Mode states officially that Bridget is Male and identifies as Male, wishing to become more “manly” as part of his interests. 4chan be damned.]
—When the topic of the series’ bosses being women came up, it was mentioned that Leopaldon’s gender is unknown, but Ishiwatari says that he thinks the dog piloting it may have been female, thus keeping this tradition unbroken. [Gears can be considered “gender neutral” in some cases, because of their DNA, but yes the Dog inside Leo’s mouth COULD be Female, but we don’t know for sure!]
—Leopaldon’s designer did the effects for Jam’s new super in Xrd. [It was also said that Da Eun, Kum Haehyun’s Head Maid was the girl who appeared in Korean #Reload’s original stage.]
—Overture’s total development time was five years, so Ishiwatari says he has a lot of memories about it. [Black memories, I assume, given the reception. >_>]
—The name of Overture’s genre, melee action, has a double meaning; the “melee” part is homonymous with the Japanese word 命令/meirei, which refers to orders, like the ones you give to servants in the game. [Hopefully they’ll do something more improved in a Crusades-like setting someday ala God Eater.]
—Ishiwatari was fixated on how roman cancels could be changed in Xrd, and Pachi recalls racking his mind over the suggestion that they be possible at any time, even during a downed state. [FYI the only way to cancel a knockdown is to recover before it!  BlazBlue has Emergency Rolls and Quickrise motions for this reason, also there was a hack in Accent Core (PSP version codes) that could allow for unlimited cancels in to anything at one point, so the coding is there for it!]
—One idea that was tested during Xrd’s development was being able to roman cancel KOs, but this caused a bug among certain characters where they’d just fall right after getting up following the RC.[This is where the idea of Resurrection came from (related to the Gill boss character from Street Fighter III).]
—Bridget was #1 on the Revelator poll to decide the next playable character until the very last day, when Dizzy got a sudden boost. [Poor Order-Sol…]
—The staff had specific ideas for other characters in the poll, such as Izuna dashing rather than having a regular walk (like in Cross Tag Battle). [I’m sure he’s still in the works for the next game as Izuna was mentioned in Revelator.]
—One of Haehyun’s attendants actually debuted in the Korean version of #Reload, having been added to one of the stages. [Her name is Da Eun, and she is voiced by Elphelt’s VA in Kum’s Episode!]
—Ishiwatari also says that Xrd is probably finished as of Rev 2, and maybe hints that work has already started on the next real sequel.
Now, on to THIS:
As I said, GGXrd Revelator (excluding the add-on Rev2) is technically the SECOND of the Xrd Series… Rev2 (while it is a standalone game now), is the equivalent of “X Plus” to Guilty Gear X.
Most likely there is production for a THIRD XRD game… Revelator’s story hints at it, AFTER STORY hints at it, even the GUILTY GEAR BEGIN novel suggests something’s going to happen after REVELATOR…
So you KNOW something is gonna happen.  Basically the statement is “We’re done with Revelator Add-ons”, is what they’re saying.
So the next GG is gonna be BIG.  That’s all you guys need to know.  Keep supporting ARC System Works, and maybe (JUST MAYBE) the next GG will get a dub like BBTag has!
All we have to do is support any releases (including GG1 and Accent Core for the Nintendo Switch, Steam, and PS4 releases).  Guilty Gear The Missing Link should be coming in the next few months along with Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R.
I’m banking on this because HAPPY CHAOS (a hinted character) says so!  So you should believe in HAPPY CHAOS!
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gear-project · 7 years
Waiting is downright torture sometimes. Hurry up, Daisuke!
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gear-project · 7 years
A Poem by Gear Project.
GG is Red.
BB is Blue.
Combos are sweet.
ARCSys'll update 'em soon...
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gear-project · 3 years
Developer's Backyard Volume 7 is here...
After reading this, it certainly answered a question about the Infinite Burger Sheriff! So he's Goldlewis' older brother!
Also it looks like they're going to be doing a late-August rebalance patch (dunno how permanent that will be depending on how many characters get added to the roster, so don't be too concerned just yet.)
They also plan on fixing a lot of offline features, so I'm looking forward to that.
I hope they give us more gameplay modes in the future as well, since it seems like this game could stand to use more entertainment.
I will consider making a GG+Bio for Strive characters later on when I'm not busy, so please hang tight. This blog is due for a lot of additional updates and content.
We got lots to look forward to in the next few months, so patience is a virtue!
As I always say, "GG fans just gotta be patient!"
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gear-project · 4 years
When does the beta become playable again?
That will likely be determined by a number of things:
1. Peoples' responses to the Developer's Backyard, and if it even becomes necessary to "test out" other factors of the game between now and the Spring 2021 Release Projection.
2. By "other factors" I mean new mechanics, new features, netplay aspects, and even (dare I say it) NEW characters that get announced along the way (we should hear an update by August soon enough).
3. This is as much a game we want as the developers of Team Red want to achieve, so if certain things need further trials and testing, it's possible to expect further delays if things don't shape up the way they envision them to.
4. Not only is this a game meant to appeal to GG fans and veterans, but it's meant for new players and new demographics, so depending on how non-players respond to future news updates and aspects that get revealed might also affect when the game is released, or if we get another beta session.
But, above all else, this isn't something you should get your hopes up for... as a GG game it's still highly experimental in nature and is still getting lots of feedback for in the meantime.
Other things, like Story Mode, M.O.M., Survival, Missions, and other extras notwithstanding... I'll just say what I keep repeating:
GG Fans just gotta be patient~!
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