#Fudoin Temple
chitaka45 · 2 years
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京都 狸谷山不動院 🔥火渡り祭🔥
kyoto tanukidaniyama-fudoin
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thekimonogallery · 1 year
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"On a quiet night in Tanukidaniyama Fudoin" [a temple in Kyoto, Japan.]  Photography by Ryota,F @Kyoto_Ryota_F
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japanicus-nerdus · 3 months
Photo of the Day: Inari Torii
The Fushimi Inari Taisha is famous for its tunnel of torii. However, this photo was taken at Buddhist temple, Tanukidani-san Fudoin. Inari, the kami worshipped at Fushimi Inari Taisha is associated with Shingon Buddhism. The founder of Shingon Buddhism in Japan, Kukai, chose Inari as the protector of a temple in Kyoto, Toji. Since then, one can often find shrines to Inari on the grounds of…
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tokyoshrine · 1 year
Japanese people whose names are not known Beautiful men and women from 100 years ago
Mototoku Inari Shrine and Tsunashiki Tenma Shrine
This is a small god tucked away in an urban street corner. It had a forest-like atmosphere with birds chirping pleasantly. Kawamura Tokuemon released the mansion god enshrined at the shrine to the common people, and later, the shrine received a branch spirit as the mansion god of a feudal lord and was enshrined together with the nearby Tenjin-sama. The history of the shrine reveals that after the Meiji Restoration, the landowners changed several times, and the shrine has survived the changes and become the sanctuary it is today. I am grateful that the shrine is now located here.
Introduction to the neighborhood of Mototoku Inari Shrine and Tsunashiki Tenma Shrine 4 min. walk from Kasama Inari Shrine Tokyo Annex 4 minutes on foot Matsushima Shrine 4 minutes on foot Kiyomasa-koji Temple 5 minutes on foot Suehiro Shrine 5 minutes on foot: Ohiro Shrine 5 minutes on foot Suitengu Shrine 6 minutes on foot Chanoki Shrine 8 minutes on foot Ginko-Hachimangu Shrine and Ginko-Inari 8 minutes on foot Daikanonji Temple 9 minutes on foot Sanko Inari Shrine 10 minutes on foot Koami Shrine 12 minutes on foot Izusai Inari Shrine, Iwashiro Inari Shrine 12 minutes on foot Yagenbori Fudoin Temple 13 minutes on foot Sugimori Shrine 13 minutes on foot Nihonbashi Hie Shrine 14 minutes on foot Tokiwa Inari Shrine 14 minutes on foot Kabuto Shrine 15 minutes on foot Takao Inari Shrine 16 minutes on foot Hatsunemori Shrine 18 minutes on foot Shinkawa Grand Shrine 20 minutes on foot Fukutoku Shrine (Meibuki Inari Shrine)
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nobuyukikakigi · 3 years
早くも秋が終わろうとしていますが、今年は木々の色づきを楽しめる秋晴れの日が多かったような気がします。今月の中旬の週末に、広島の三次の尾関山公園で紅葉を見て回ったのは、よい気分転換になりました。公園の展望台から江の川と中国山地を望む風景にも味わいがあります。別の日に、用事のついでに訪れた広島市内の不動院の庭の紅葉は、ちょっとした発見でした。十六世紀から残る不動院の唐様の金堂は少し厳めしいのですが、内部をのぞくと微かに笑みをたたえた薬師如来がいました。 三次の尾関山公園にて 今月は、こうして広島の紅葉を見て回った以外は、福岡で講義の準備などに慌ただしい日々を送っていました。そうしたなか、ベンヤミンの言語哲学を出発点に、言葉の可能性を問う研究についてお話する機会を、二度も得られたのは幸いでした。まず11月3日の夜には、8月末に完結したEnglish Journal…
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Day 277: When working on JET, I'd stay after school for art club and make work with my students. They'd often provide feedback and offer suggestions.
Of all of the pieces I've made in art club, my triptychs of Japanese temples and scenery have been some of their favorites. As such, one of my students requested a triptych of some of my favorite temples in Japan.
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itsmarjudgelove · 4 years
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Tanukidani Fudoin Temple, east Kyoto
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gardenofthefareast · 5 years
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Dennis A. Amith Takaosan Betsuin Fudoin Buddhist Temple
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recentanimenews · 7 years
FEATURE: Anime vs. Real Life – “The Eccentric Family 2” [Part 2]
Anime vs. Real Life’s focus is once again going to be on Kyoto in this week’s installment, after the city was already the stage of Tsukigakirei’s class trip episode last week. However, this time it’s all about The Eccentric Family 2 again.
A big part of what makes the show so great and unique is how well it utilizes its setting, and Kyoto’s already quite marvelous real-world locations create the perfect venue for such a whimsical contemporary fantasy like The Eccentric Family 2. I already covered most of the real-world locations that appeared in show’s first episode, but Yasaburo has of course somehow managed to get him roped into many more (mis)adventures throughout the city since then, so let’s take a look at these new locations!
  *All images were taken with GOOGLE STREET VIEW (images I shot myself are marked ‘WD’)
    In the second episode, Yasaburo gets asked to investigate a strange phenomenon occurring above the Teramachi Shopping Arcade. The long stretching shopping arcade runs all the way from Oike Street down to Shijo Street, and is packed with restaurants and shops. It’s also always quite amusing to see how anime alters certain brand names, like Tully’s Coffee getting called Tony’s Coffee here. 
    Daishin has been appropriately changed to Tanukin and the Trading Pose shoe shop gets called Trading Test in the anime.
    Teramachi Shopping Street entrance via Shijo Street. 
    But things don’t go all too smoothly for Yasaburo with the deceitful Tenmaya, who tricks him to go rampant as a brown bear in the Teramachi Shopping Arcade. Luckily, Kaisei manages to diffuse the situation.
    Later that night, Yasaburo is on his way to a dinner with the Thursday Club, a group that advocates against the tanuki hot pots traditionally eaten by the Friday Fellows Club. The meeting takes place in Otsu, Shiga Prefecture, which is situated to the east of Kyoto.  
    Yasaburo and Professor Yodogawa are about to cross the Lake Biwa Canal here, which was constructed during the Meiji Period, and still gets used today for supplying water, generating small amounts of electricity, and for firefighting. 
    The spot is only a couple minutes away from Miidera Station.
    On their way back, they get startled by a Tobidashi Boy sign blocking the road. While not located directly in the middle of the street, the sign can also be found at that intersection. These child-shaped signs (tobidashi means jump out) get installed along school routes to call attention to drivers, and have already been getting implemented since the 1950s during the Showa era. 
    But hiding behind the sign was the cunning Tenmaya. The whole episode completely plays out in the dark of the night, which further establishes his shady character.
    The stairs leading up to the main temple buildings of the Tanukidani Fudoin, where the Shimogamo’s grandmother resides. 
    The intersection of Karasuma Street and Rokkaku Street. 
    Close by the intersection is the kimono shop/museum, Shiorian. And located right behind the museum in the anime is supposed to be Nidaime’s new apartment. Unfortunately, the apartment complex with its sheer endless rooftop does not exist in real life. 
    In the fourth episode, Yasaburo heads to Kyoto City Zoo, where he pretends to be the zoo’s captive tanuki, because the Okazaki family is on vacation. The relatively small zoo opened as early as 1903, making it the second oldest one in the country after the Ueno Zoo in Tokyo.
    Located inside the zoo is also a small amusement park.
The Tanuki Shogi tournament is hosted by the Nanzenji tanuki family, which resides in the Nanzenji Temple. The temple is already over 700 years old, and counts as one of the most significant Zen temples in the whole country. Pictured above is the temple’s massive Sanmon entrance gate. 
    And this is the Shimogamo family’s home, the Shimogamo Shrine, which I already talked about in my last article.
    And last but not least, our two lovey-dovey furballs, Yaichiro and Gyokuran, are enjoying a quiet game of normal shogi, amidst the Mitarashi stream. Located at the end of the stream is the Mitarashi Shrine, which is located within Shimogamo Shrine’s compound.
    The Eccentric Family 2 has been an absolute blast for me so far, and embodies everything that made the first season so special and unique. What are your thoughts on the second season so far? Sound off in the comments below!
You can follow Wilhelm on Twitter @Surwill.
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ambarawanihonkurabu · 7 years
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50 Tempat Wisata di Kyoto Yang Tidak Memenuhi Ekspektasi Menurut Wisatawan
Kyoto adalah kota dan prefektur di Jepang dengan banyak kuil dan tempat wisata alam yang menarik dan menakjubkan. Meski sering dipromosikan di berbagai media maupun di dunia maya, ternyata ada beberapa tempat wisata di Kyoto yang menurut para wisatawan terlalu berlebihan dalam promosinya dan tidak memenuhi ekspektasi mereka saat mengunjunginya.
Untuk mengetahui mana saja tempat wisata di Kyoto yang tidak memenuhi harapan para wisatawan tersebut, Goo Ranking baru-baru ini melakukan survei terhadap 500 orang dengan perbandingan 50:50 antara pria dan wanita yang berusia antara 20 dan 39 tahun. Berikut adalah hasilnya dilansir dari whatjapanthinks.com.
1. Kyoto Tower – 113 suara
2. Kyoto International Manga Museum – 31 suara
3. Philosopher’s Walk – 30 suara
4. Dreamton Village – 28 suara
5. Ginkakuji (Silver pavilion) – 27 suara
6. Kiyomizu Temple – 22 suara
6. Nijo Castle – 22 suara
6. Kinkakuji (Golden pavilion) – 22 suara
9. Kamo River
10. Tandenan (Kuil Graffiti) – 17 suara
11. Otabe confectionery factory shop – 16 suara 12. Kyoto Aquarium – 15 suara 12. Hassaka Shrine – 15 suara 14. Shakuzo Temple (Kuginuki Jizo) – 14 suara 14. Eiga-mura – 14 suara 16. Kyoto City Zoo – 13 suara 16. Togetsukyo Bridge – 13 suara 16. Bamboo Grove Road – 13 suara 19. Byodoin – 12 suara 19. Japanese Oni (Demon) Exchange Museum – 12 suara 19. Maizuru Brick Park – 12 suara 19. Nanzen Temple – 12 suara 23. Ichijo Modoribashi Bridge – 11 suara 24. Fushiumi Inari Shrine – 10 suara 24. Tadasu Forest at Shimokamo Shrine – 10 suara 24. Nishiki Market – 10 suara 27. Sagano Scenic Train (Sagano Torokko Train) – 9 suara 28. Kifune town – 8 suara 28. Otagi Nenbutsu Temple – 8 suara 30. Saiho Temple – 7 suara 30. Hanami Koji Dori – 7 suara 30. Kennin Temple – 7 suara 30. Sannin Saka – 7 suara 30. Adashino Nenbutsu Temple – 7 suara 35. Kurama Temple – 6 suara 35. Seimei Shrine – 6 suara 35. Tanukidani Fudoin – 6 suara 35. Daiunin Temple – 6 suara 35. Tenryu Temple – 6 suara 40. Suzaku-mon – 5 suara 40. Renge-o-in Sanjisangendo – 5 suara 40. Manpuku Temple – 5 suara 40. Kifune Shrine – 5 suara 40. Toji Temple – 5 suara 40. Kyoto Prefectural Domoto-Insho Museum of Fine Arts – 5 suara 46. Suzumushi Temple – 4 suara 46. Kyoto Railway Museum – 4 suara 46. Kayabuki no Sato/Kitamura – 4 suara 49. 三千院/Sanzenin – 3 suara 50 – Kamo-wakeikazuchi Shrine – 2 suara
The post 50 Tempat Wisata di Kyoto Yang Tidak Memenuhi Ekspektasi Menurut Wisatawan appeared first on Japanese Station.
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travelvouchers-blog · 7 years
Juyoh Hotel
Located in Asakusa, this hostel is within 1 mi (2 km) of Fudoin Temple, Sensoji Temple, and Asakusa Shrine. Tokyo Sky Tree and Tokyo National Science Museum are also within 2 mi (3 km).
Click the banner to get it at ONLY: EUR49.97
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At this point, I've lost track of how many of these triptychs I've done.
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Daily Photo of Japan: A common scene I come across when I'm about to head up the hill to my apartment is the Fudoin temple tucked in Japanese suburbia.
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Daily Photo of Japan: The Fudoin temple during the spring time.
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Daily Photo of Japan: I went down to the Fudoin temple over the weekend to take in some of the lovely sakura trees scattered around the temple grounds.
It's sad to think that in a couple of days these trees will be rather barren.
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Day 187: In honor of my trip in Sapporo, I’m working on a winter inspired series of drawings.
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