#French press
mumblelard · 3 months
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rhonda or last night i dreamt of cracking eggs into a glass to scramble and each one i opened contained an embryo more developed than the last. the final egg held a fully grown sparrow struggling to escape the amniotic grasp
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littlealienproducts · 2 years
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850 mL Glass French Press - Verde by YieldDesignCo
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noorisabiq · 1 year
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more-relics · 1 year
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Pink Floyd  They are not extraterrestrials. Here is the proof. (Gare du Nord, Paris - Animals Tour 1977).
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thegoodmorningman · 2 years
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guzzle it
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omanatascha · 7 months
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(via GIPHY)
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New pic (March 23, 2023), Malibu.
" Que le beau gosse de 62 ans soit désormais un chanteur rock folk et un écrivain à succès nous avait complètement échappé. Pourtant, il a déjà sorti trois albums. En tapant ces lignes, on écoute le classique et efficace Hell or Highwater, qui nous plonge dans une sorte d’Amérique masculine éternelle"
" Surtout, il est devenu écrivain, avec cinq romans en huit ans qui figurent sur la liste des best-sellers du New York Times."
"Tandis que la pluie tape sur nos fenêtres parisiennes, David Duchovny nous accueille par écrans interposés dans ce qui semble être sa cabane au fond du jardin. Il porte un hoodie vert, la barbe du matin, et boit un liquide non spécifié dans un mug. Il est 9 heures à Malibu, en Californie, la maison s’éveille . "
"On entend une sonnette, puis quelques rires, il s’excuse un instant, il doit aller ouvrir à la photographe. Après notre discussion, il pose sur son patio, devant sa maison moderne aux grandes baies vitrées et aux matériaux naturels foncés, entre des coquelicots orange et un wagon de train remis à neuf et peint en noir."
"On lui demande si ses enfants le traitent de boomer, ça le fait rire. «Ma fille a 24 ans, mon fils 20 et ils ont été éduqués et ont grandi en plein dans ce changement culturel majeur des dernières années. On a des discussions très intéressantes et parfois on a des points de vue différents, mais c’est sain.»"
". Il paraît apaisé. Il s’intéresse toujours au cinéma, adapte un de ses livres, Bucky F*cking Dent où il tient le rôle principal. Et il persiste dans l’écriture. Avec modestie : il sait qu’il ne publiera pas Ulysse de Joyce ou le grand roman américain de demain, mais il aime ses histoires, s’isoler entouré de sa documentation, griffonner à l’aube dès 5 heures du matin, quand tout le monde dort. On y devine une forme de soulagement, une manière de tromper la mélancolie qui semble pointer parfois derrière son regard "
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commonobjects · 3 years
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I ordered test prints from Printful, and they arrived yesterday. Man, did they exceeded my expectations! The packaging: professional and discrete. The paper: matte and thick. The colors: sharp and vibrant. Overall quality? Outstanding. My previous experience with print-on-demand services has been pretty much hit or miss. Zazzle’s print quality is great, while Society6 is inconsistent. For example, Society6 prints are good, but the posters are, well… not so. And Printful? They’re in a league of their own. So it’s resolved: I’m going to open a print shop with Printful as my printing and fulfillment service. I feel overwhelmed by how much I have yet to do, but at the same time, I know it’s going to be a lot of fun, and I’m totally looking forward to it.
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smokersarea · 3 days
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sipologie · 1 year
Moka Pot Coffee Vs. French Press Coffee: Which One is Better for You?
If you're a coffee enthusiast, you know that the brewing method you use can make all the difference in the taste and quality of your coffee. Two popular brewing methods are the Moka pot and the French press. While both methods produce delicious coffee, they have their unique characteristics that make them suited to different preferences.
In this blog, we'll explore the differences between Moka pot coffee and French press coffee, and help you decide which one is right for you.
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Moka Pot Coffee
The Moka pot, also known as a stovetop espresso maker, is a traditional and popular brewing method in and around Europe. It's a small and portable pot that brews coffee by passing boiling water through ground coffee beans. The resulting brew is a strong and concentrated espresso, perfect for those who love their coffee with a kick.
One of the significant advantages of using a Moka pot is that it produces a strong and full-bodied coffee with a rich aroma. It's also an affordable option compared to investing in an expensive espresso machine. However, the brewing process requires a bit of skill to get the right consistency and flavour. It also has a limited capacity, usually only 2 – 3 cups, which may not be suitable for larger groups or families at one go. Additionally, the brew can be too strong for some people's taste.
Find  Moka Pots here: https://sipologie.in/products/sipologie-roma-3-cup-moka-coffee-brewer-red
French Press Coffee
The French press, also known as a press pot, plunger pot, or cafetiere, is a classic and popular brewing method that produces a full-bodied and flavourful coffee. It consists of a glass carafe/ cylindrical pot, a plunger with a filter, and a lid. The coffee is brewed by steeping coarsely ground coffee beans in hot water for a few minutes and then pressing the plunger down to separate the coffee from the grounds.
One of the significant advantages of using a French press is that it produces a rich and full-bodied coffee without the strength of an espresso. It's also an easy-to-use brewing method that requires no paper filters and has a large capacity suitable for brewing coffee for a group. It's also an affordable option compared to drip coffee makers. It's also not as portable as the Moka pot, making it less convenient for outdoor activities or travel.
Find our French Press here: https://sipologie.in/products/sipologie-vintage-copper-french-press-coffee-maker-600ml
Which One is Better for you?
When it comes down to it, the choice between Moka pot coffee and French press coffee depends on personal preference. If you prefer a strong espresso, the Moka pot is the way to go. It's also a more portable option than the French press, making it great for camping or traveling. However, it can be challenging to master the brewing process, and it has a limited brewing capacity.
On the other hand, if you prefer a rich and full-bodied coffee without the strength of an espresso, the French press is the better option. It's easy to use and has a larger capacity, making it ideal for brewing coffee for a crowd. It's also an affordable option compared to drip coffee makers. However, it can sometimes produce coffee with sediment or sludge, and it's not as portable as the Moka pot.
In conclusion, both the Moka pot and French press are excellent options for coffee lovers who want a rich and flavourful cup of coffee. It ultimately comes down to what you like and what works best for you. Whichever brewing method you choose, make sure to use high-quality coffee beans and experiment with different ratios and brew times to find your perfect cup.
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percivalias · 11 months
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"French Press" speed study from personal photo ref (~20 minutes?). I've found that this type of quick study can be a great way to brush up on foundations without too big of a time commitment.
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kickdrumheart68 · 2 years
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mumblelard · 1 year
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rita or not today, monday
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whatthefoucault · 1 year
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An assemblage of coffee things, because I like coffee a normal amount. I wanted to focus on some of the ingenious methods of making good coffee at home. Lately I’m enjoying a cozy little pour over - I like the way it requires you to take a few meditative minutes to prepare, but that cleanup is the work of moments, and it produces such a lovely coffee - assuming the beans are good, of course. (I’m enjoying a nice washed Colombian gesha at home right now - it’s so lovely and bright!) What’s your favourite coffee making method?
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meddyowo · 3 months
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is it normal for coffee grounds to stick to the filter like this in a French press???
ill shake it around some to knock them loose but they just float back up and stick again
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Got to have a perfect slow morning, it’s Monday and rainy and cold. I treated myself to a French press and some lemon meringue left over from my birthday.
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