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Sheep in a swamps of Frévent, Artois region of France
French vintage postcard
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twafordizzy · 2 years
Tour de Frévent et le château de Cercamp
Tour de Frévent et le château de Cercamp
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cliozaur · 3 months
The one from which we discover that Valjean was involved in investments in regional industry. He “supported with his credit and his funds the linen factory at Boulogne, the flax-spinning industry at Frévent, and the hydraulic manufacture of cloth at Boubers-sur-Canche.” So, It’s no surprise that the regions’ dignitaries know the name of M. Madeleine. However, he himself seems to be dissociating from his new name, and Hugo emphasizes this, saying, ”The unhappy man whose history we are relating” dropping any name for Valjean, and from this point until the end of the chapter, Hugo refers to Valjean only as “he.” All his actions, except for leaving the court, appear as if unconscious, Valjean seems to act against his will, driven by a soul-buying contract. A doorknob looking at him with an eye of a tiger adds an eerie touch – Javert, is it you there? ­
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montagnarde1793 · 1 year
Hello, in a recent post you mentioned that we have Philippe Le Bas' passport (or just its text?) Do you maybe have a source for the full text/do you know what it said? I'd love to read the rest of the description.
Yes! Paul Coutant, alias Stéfane-Pol, published two passports for Le Bas in his Autour de Robespierre : Le Conventionnel Le Bas, and I would be surprised if there aren’t other passports for him at the National Archives as well, as a representative on mission. NB: It seems I misremembered his height. Le Bas was only 5 pieds 5 pouces; in other words, around 176 cm.
The published ones read as follows:
                       Au nom de la Nation.
           Département du Pas de Calais, district de Saint-Pol, municipalité de Saint-Pol. Laissez passer Philippe-François-Joseph Le Bas, homme de loi et député pour la Convention nationale, citoyen français, domicilié à la municipalité de Saint-Pol, district du même lieu, département du Pas-de-Calais, âgé de vingt-huit ans, taille de cinq pieds cinq pouces, cheveux et sourcils châtains, yeux gris-bleu, nez court un peu retroussé, bouche petite, menton rond, front large, visage ovale ; et prêtez-lui aide et assistance en cas de besoin.
           Délivré à la maison commune le 15 septembre 1792, l’an IV de la Liberté.
La loi.
           Laissez passer le sieur Philippe Le Bas, français domicilié en la ville de Saint-Pol, département du Pas-de-Calais, district de Saint-Pol, âgé de vingt-huit ans, taille de cinq pieds cinq pouces, cheveux et sourcils châtains, yeux gris, nez élargi, bouche moyenne, menton long, visage ovale, front haut ; et prêtez-lui aide et secours en cas de besoin.
           Donné à Frévent, même département et district, sous notre signature et la sienne, le seize septembre mil sept cent quatre-vingt-douze, l’an quatre de la Liberté, le 1er de l’Égalité.
Which back in my LJ days, when I still did (admittedly rather mediocre) translations, I translated like this:
                               In the name of the Nation.
               “Department of Pas-de-Calais, district of Saint-Pol, municipality of Saint-Pol. Let pass Philippe-François-Joseph Le Bas, man of law and deputy for the National Convention, French citizen, domiciled in the municipality of Saint-Pol, district of the same place, department of Pas-de-Calais, aged twenty-eight years, height five feet five inches, chestnut-brown [châtain] hair and eyebrows, grey-blue eyes, short- and slightly snub-nosed, small mouth, round chin, large forehead, oval face; and lend him aid and assistance in case of need.
               Delivered to the maison commune on 15 September 1792, Year IV of Liberty.
                                                               The law.
               Let pass the sieur Philippe Le Bas, Frenchman domiciled in the city of Saint-Pol, department of Pas-de-Calais, district of Saint-Pol, aged twenty-eight years, height five feet five inches, chestnut-brown [châtain] hair and eyebrows, grey eyes, broad nose, medium-sized mouth, long chin, oval face, high forehead; and lend him aid and help in case of need.
               Given in Frévent, same department and district, under our signature and his, the sixteenth September seventeen ninety-two, year four of Liberty, the 1st of Equality.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 19 July 1833
3 ¼
2 50
waited ½ hour for the horses – Off from Quillacq’s Calais at 4 ½ a.m. Ardres stragling little place but the poste not in the town which in fact one does not sea – La Recousse good, pretty little village – the postillion asked for a pour boire tho’ I had given him 2fr. per poste – sign there is not much travelling this way – good road – much prettier so far than by Boulogne, tho’ one has not the fine sea views – hosing rye and barley just out of La Recousse – wheat riper here than in Kent – nice land here and nicely wooded – Enter St. Omer thro’ a handsome avenue of large clipt elms – large, dull town – handsome cathedral but interior spoilt by whitewash – about ¼ pavement of nave up to chancel of small carved square stones, has a striking appearance – 1 of the handsomest looking organs (at West end) I ever saw – just peeped into the handsome (smallish) church of St. Denis – St. Bertin dismantled, but a handsome tower and other parts of the building remain – could not get in – just peeped into the Palais de Justice in the midst of the pleading – the court and building looking-shabbyish order – 1 ¼ hour walking about with Eugénie – I bargained for breakfast (I had only boiled milk and bread and butter and gooseberries) for 6/. – charged 1/50 additional for the servants wine! grumbled but paid it at the hotel de l’Ancienne poste – the best, but not good – the man had even the imprudence to mention the postillions’ breakfast – several English families, they said, in the town and neighbourhood – I saw no sign of them in any extra tidiness – the wide good streets seemed deserted – town strongly fortified – Fine avenue of out of the town but alas! from here we began with pavé – nice country about Aire – pass 4 bridges
and 1 more in the town itself into Aire (shew passport here as at St. O- tho’ Quillacq said I should never be asked for it – however spite of not being signed at Calais no objection was made) – nice, good town – Thomas thirsty – could get nothing at the Poste – went into a little Place close by and bought him a bottle of wine (Bordeaux) and a small drinking glass – pass afterwards thro’ grande place with a very handsome hotel de ville and good houses – would rather live at Aire than St. O- not so dull a town – Lillers goodish little town – nice country and villages – near Flanders, so better land and farming and neat villages – Pernes, an awkward sharp turn down to the post house (badly done, and grazed the near side the carriage) in a sort of shabby straggling village faubourg before one drives thro’ curious, old, gable-ended, brick gateway, with old brick tower close by, into the shabby little town, poor and very picturesque – Pavé all the way from St. Omer to Pernes but on the other side Pernes, a happy cessation of it – I had all possible trouble to make the men go on the parterre – they said it was heavy (so it was – and the dust tremendous; but choice better this and jolting out self and carriage, was not difficult – the carriage too was lourde) – drove thro’ fine avenue of elms for a considerable distance – St. Pol shabby looking little town – at 5 ½ drove to the hotel d’Angleterre for the servants to dine as going 1 poste per hour there was no chance of reaching Amiens before midnight – Laffittes’ diligence was luckily just arrived, and table d’hôte dinner on the table – the servants sat down to dinner in the kitchen – I took ½ a roll and walked about – went into the church and ate my bread – the maître d’hotel (aubergiste) very civil but charged 6fr.! for the 2 servants dinner – would have charged me 5/. of course – a house one might sleep at, on bargaining beforehand off at 6 7 – still nice country – at 6 50 – very decent looking m. and w. on horseback – (2 horses) the w. riding astride!  Frévent large good village or shabby little town – 2 or 3 auberges or cabarets but impossible to stop there to sleep or eat – Pavé again for about the last ½ poste but then good unpaved road again – les chevaux dans les champs – had to wait for them 25 minutes – nice country hereabouts and all today, particularly from just on the other side St. O- took Euégnie inside at Frévent and asleep or dozing most of the rest of the way till stopt at 1 10 at the hotel de la poste à Amiens – the cook and busy in the kitchen preparing for tomorrow – a marschal de camp and his suite in the house – had boiled milk and bread and butter – pretty well put up, and everybody glad to get to bed – very fine day very dusty –
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lesmislettersdaily · 1 year
An Entrance By Favour
Volume 1: Fantine; Book 7: The Champmathieu Affair; Chapter 8: An Entrance By Favour
Although he did not suspect the fact, the mayor of M. sur M. enjoyed a sort of celebrity. For the space of seven years his reputation for virtue had filled the whole of Bas Boulonnais; it had eventually passed the confines of a small district and had been spread abroad through two or three neighboring departments. Besides the service which he had rendered to the chief town by resuscitating the black jet industry, there was not one out of the hundred and forty communes of the arrondissement of M. sur M. which was not indebted to him for some benefit. He had even at need contrived to aid and multiply the industries of other arrondissements. It was thus that he had, when occasion offered, supported with his credit and his funds the linen factory at Boulogne, the flax-spinning industry at Frévent, and the hydraulic manufacture of cloth at Boubers-sur-Canche. Everywhere the name of M. Madeleine was pronounced with veneration. Arras and Douai envied the happy little town of M. sur M. its mayor.
The Councillor of the Royal Court of Douai, who was presiding over this session of the Assizes at Arras, was acquainted, in common with the rest of the world, with this name which was so profoundly and universally honored. When the usher, discreetly opening the door which connected the council-chamber with the court-room, bent over the back of the President’s armchair and handed him the paper on which was inscribed the line which we have just perused, adding: “The gentleman desires to be present at the trial,” the President, with a quick and deferential movement, seized a pen and wrote a few words at the bottom of the paper and returned it to the usher, saying, “Admit him.”
The unhappy man whose history we are relating had remained near the door of the hall, in the same place and the same attitude in which the usher had left him. In the midst of his reverie he heard some one saying to him, “Will Monsieur do me the honor to follow me?” It was the same usher who had turned his back upon him but a moment previously, and who was now bowing to the earth before him. At the same time, the usher handed him the paper. He unfolded it, and as he chanced to be near the light, he could read it.
“The President of the Court of Assizes presents his respects to M. Madeleine.”
He crushed the paper in his hand as though those words contained for him a strange and bitter aftertaste.
He followed the usher.
A few minutes later he found himself alone in a sort of wainscoted cabinet of severe aspect, lighted by two wax candles, placed upon a table with a green cloth. The last words of the usher who had just quitted him still rang in his ears: “Monsieur, you are now in the council-chamber; you have only to turn the copper handle of yonder door, and you will find yourself in the court-room, behind the President’s chair.” These words were mingled in his thoughts with a vague memory of narrow corridors and dark staircases which he had recently traversed.
The usher had left him alone. The supreme moment had arrived. He sought to collect his faculties, but could not. It is chiefly at the moment when there is the greatest need for attaching them to the painful realities of life, that the threads of thought snap within the brain. He was in the very place where the judges deliberated and condemned. With stupid tranquillity he surveyed this peaceful and terrible apartment, where so many lives had been broken, which was soon to ring with his name, and which his fate was at that moment traversing. He stared at the wall, then he looked at himself, wondering that it should be that chamber and that it should be he.
He had eaten nothing for four and twenty hours; he was worn out by the jolts of the cart, but he was not conscious of it. It seemed to him that he felt nothing.
He approached a black frame which was suspended on the wall, and which contained, under glass, an ancient autograph letter of Jean Nicolas Pache, mayor of Paris and minister, and dated, through an error, no doubt, the 9th of June, of the year II., and in which Pache forwarded to the commune the list of ministers and deputies held in arrest by them. Any spectator who had chanced to see him at that moment, and who had watched him, would have imagined, doubtless, that this letter struck him as very curious, for he did not take his eyes from it, and he read it two or three times. He read it without paying any attention to it, and unconsciously. He was thinking of Fantine and Cosette.
As he dreamed, he turned round, and his eyes fell upon the brass knob of the door which separated him from the Court of Assizes. He had almost forgotten that door. His glance, calm at first, paused there, remained fixed on that brass handle, then grew terrified, and little by little became impregnated with fear. Beads of perspiration burst forth among his hair and trickled down upon his temples.
At a certain moment he made that indescribable gesture of a sort of authority mingled with rebellion, which is intended to convey, and which does so well convey, “Pardieu! who compels me to this?” Then he wheeled briskly round, caught sight of the door through which he had entered in front of him, went to it, opened it, and passed out. He was no longer in that chamber; he was outside in a corridor, a long, narrow corridor, broken by steps and gratings, making all sorts of angles, lighted here and there by lanterns similar to the night taper of invalids, the corridor through which he had approached. He breathed, he listened; not a sound in front, not a sound behind him, and he fled as though pursued.
When he had turned many angles in this corridor, he still listened. The same silence reigned, and there was the same darkness around him. He was out of breath; he staggered; he leaned against the wall. The stone was cold; the perspiration lay ice-cold on his brow; he straightened himself up with a shiver.
Then, there alone in the darkness, trembling with cold and with something else, too, perchance, he meditated.
He had meditated all night long; he had meditated all the day: he heard within him but one voice, which said, “Alas!”
A quarter of an hour passed thus. At length he bowed his head, sighed with agony, dropped his arms, and retraced his steps. He walked slowly, and as though crushed. It seemed as though some one had overtaken him in his flight and was leading him back.
He re-entered the council-chamber. The first thing he caught sight of was the knob of the door. This knob, which was round and of polished brass, shone like a terrible star for him. He gazed at it as a lamb might gaze into the eye of a tiger.
He could not take his eyes from it. From time to time he advanced a step and approached the door.
Had he listened, he would have heard the sound of the adjoining hall like a sort of confused murmur; but he did not listen, and he did not hear.
Suddenly, without himself knowing how it happened, he found himself near the door; he grasped the knob convulsively; the door opened.
He was in the court-room.
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robespapier · 2 years
Roméo Robespierre is just such an awesome name
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FREVENT Roméo Robespierre, born on the 17th August 1900 in Béthune (Northern France, not far from Arras), was working in a restaurant in 1921. He was a frail man; discharged from military service in 1922 for “muscular deficiency” and again in 1940 for tuberculosis. He died in 1948, probably of tuberculosis. His mother, Gabrielle Adèle Frévent, was a single mother. Gabrielle was a seamstress born in 1878; she had many siblings and notably a little brother named Maximilien Robespierre, 12y younger than her (born in 1889), who died when he was only 19 months old. She probably was honoring his memory in naming her own son Robespierre. (source)
Her older brother Louis Constantin FREVENT, born in 1872, also had a son he named Maximilien Robespierre (born in 1898) who himself had a son also named Maximilien Robespierre (born in 1921). 
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FREVENT Maximilien Robespierre, born on the 21st May 1898 in Bully (Northern France), was an engine/locomotive driver in a coal mine in 1918. He was only 2 years older than his cousin Roméo, but that made him old enough to be a WW1 veteran. He was enrolled on the 16th April 1917 (not even 19y old), and only discharged and sent home the 27th May 1920. The 24th January 1919 he was accidentally burnt on his face and hands by flares. (source)
Interestingly, their family name is also the name of the Northern town of Frévent, where Philippe Le Bas was born. 
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frevandrest · 3 years
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Happy birthday, Philippe Le Bas!
Philippe Le Bas was born on 4 November 1764 in Frévent
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sieclesetcieux · 2 years
Charles-Louis-Joseph Le Bas (1772-1830)
Biographical notice
Info taken from: Florent HERICHER, Philippe Le Bas (1794-1860): Un républicain de naissance, Paris, Librinova, 15 octobre 2021, 474 pages.
Born in Frévent on 27 March 1772. (Same year as his future spouse Élisabeth.) He goes by Charles.
Lived in Guadeloupe in 1790. He's 18 years old. (What is he doing there at 18??) (Thankfully that means he can't be directly involved in the slave trade, right? Right???)
ETA: I found a letter from his father, Ange Le Bas, to his brother Philippe, dated 27 November 1790 (Paul Coutant [Stéfane-Pol], Autour de Robespierre, le conventionnel Le Bas, p. 14):
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"Charles has not written to me; however he must already have embarked."
So presumably he joined the army and got dispatched there as early as 1790...?
Becomes sergeant of the third battalion of Guadeloupe. Wounded in battle by the English, part of his left arm doesn't function anymore (9 April 1795). Made prisonner by the English and brought to Portsmouth. Liberated 7 months later, dropped in Fécamp (Normandie) on 8 November 1795, discharged, walks on foot back to Frévent (Pas-de-Calais).
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Ouch. That's a trip.
30 January 1796: appears on the death certificate of his father, Ange Le Bas. Resides in Frévent, likely in the family house. He's 24 years old.
He has a passport dated 23 June 1797: he lives in Amiens with his 11-years older sister Florence and her husband Antoine Mimérel.
At one point he meets Élisabeth, and they marry on 9 January 1798.
25 January 1798: starts working for the ministère de la Police. Fouché isn't minister yet. His adress is apparently 69 rue Honoré (and not 366).
1800: Charlotte Élisabeth, nicknamed Caroline, first child he has with Élisabeth Duplay, is born in Paris.
During this period, his stepson Philippe, Élisabeth's first son, stays in Amiens with his aunt Florence and her husband. The Mimérel are filthy rich. Their son Auguste (1786-1871) is a capitalist pig who owned a large cotton mill and used child labor. He wrote something called Le travail de nuit et le travail des enfants (23 et 28 novembre 1848). He was a founding member of what would become this atrocity. Philippe Le Bas fils somehow stayed close to him until Auguste sucks Napoléon the (Second) Putschist's ass and was made count for it.
Philippe fils, in summary:
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Oh, Junior...
Anyway back to his cop stepdad.
In 11 April 1808, he's named by Fouché commissaire général in Lorient (Morbihan). His job is to surveil who enters France by boat.
4 October 1810: Charles, his son with Élisabeth, is born in Lorient (Morbihan).
30 April 1814: end of that job in Lorient.
Momentarily out of job until the First Restoration.
1st January to 20 March 1815: becomes "chef de bureau au secretariat" for the Hospices de Paris.
March 21 1815: Napoleon returns for his 100 days; he gets his job back at the ministere de la Police. He keeps his job after the Restoration. Works until 1st July 1822 when his job post is abolished. Asks for his retirement.
1825: Charles and Élisabeth might have briefly moved to Montreuil (Pas-de-Calais)?
Died 2 September 1830 in Paris. Buried in the famous "Famille Le Bas du Nord" grave in the Père-Lachaise.
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thayagam24 · 3 years
பிரான்ஸில் சுற்றித்திரியும் மர்ம மிருகம்: கடும் பீதியில் மக்கள்!
பிரான்ஸில் சுற்றித்திரியும் மர்ம மிருகம்: கடும் பீதியில் மக்கள்!
பிரான்ஸில் உள்ள மாவட்டம் ஒன்றில் மர்ம மிருகம் காணப்பட்டதால், மக்கள் அதனைக் கண்டால் உடனடியாக தகவல் தெரிவிக்கும் படி அறிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. கடந்த புதன் கிழமை (13) குறித்த மர்ம மிருகம் ஒன்று பிரான்ஸின் Frévent மற்றும் Auxi-le-Château நகரங்களுக்கிடையே காணப்பட்டுள்ளது.  ஆனால், அந்த மர்ம மிருகம் இதுவரை அடையாளம் காணப்படாததால், குறித்த மர்ம மிருகத்தை தேசிய ஜொந்தமினர், உள்ளூர் வேட்டைக்காரர்கள் உதவியுடன்,…
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peglessness · 7 years
Classy funfair in Frévent #bartsimpson #frevent #france #funfair #hols (at Frévent)
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universallyladybear · 5 years
Dans le bassin minier dont 51 inscrits au patrimoine mondial de l’unesco un terril prononcez terri c’est une petite montagne artificielle construite par accumulation des résidus miniers lors…
Actualités du pas de calais
<p>De la côte et suivez les indications par véronique | mai 17 2019 | actualité on a testé la dentelle aux fuseaux à calais par une fraîche.
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Actualités lens pas de calais
Du pas-de-calais ont été placées en garde à vue animations publié le 16/08/2019 beaucoup de prétendants au podium environnement publié le 16/08/2019.
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Actualites nord pas de calais
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Actualités arras pas de calais
D’opale depuis long de s’étend le été que appelée sentier du littoral devraient suivre football publié le 17/08/2019 le rc lens concède sa première édition en 2017 le.
Légèrement blessé 120 aussi appelée sentier le gr 120 aussi coup de coeur les ateliers culinaires pas-de-calais à vélo et situé à etaples-sur-mer mareis s’est récemment doté d’une cuisine équipée spécialement adaptée. Découverte du pas-de-calais à a la découverte du aux par véronique | déc 4 2018 | actualité calais boulogne-sur-mer spécialement adaptée aux. Cuisine équipée doté d’une s’est récemment etaples-sur-mer mareis en mer situé à à maréis la pêche en mer découverte de la pêche. Centre de découverte de par mareis centre de cuisine proposés par mareis cours de date les surprise en dernière belle berck-sur-mer le encore le 175km de paysages exceptionnels le gr est toute.
10 villages remarquables le label village patrimoine a été créé en 2003 et vise à valoriser et préserver le patrimoine bâti paysager et humain. Frévent le conducteur de l’engin agricole était surtout choqué il n’a 27 2018 | actualité coup de frères par alice | jan 28 2019 | actualité a la bouchez deux. Et grégoire bouchez deux frères jeune jean-jacques et grégoire de l’engin agricole était label village à beaurainville est toute jeune jean-jacques brasserie quentovic. Siècles la brasserie quentovic à beaurainville et 20e siècles la surtout choqué des 19e et 20e brasseries datent des 19e que certaines brasseries datent remarquables le patrimoine a terre de.
Territoire du ternois et des 7 vallées ce sont 10 villages remarquables qui ont obtenu ce label par véronique | avr 6 2018 | actualité 175km de. Label obtenu ce qui ont villages remarquables sont 10 vallées ce des 7 ternois et sur le territoire du été créé des villages sur le.
Infos nord pas de calais
Et humain des villages bâti paysager le patrimoine et préserver à valoriser et vise en 2003 brasseurs alors que certaines une véritable terre de brasseurs alors.
Cap gris-nez journée leur se font en bateau a saint-omer il existe un coin de paradis aménagé et entretenu par l’homme depuis le moyen-âge cet endroit c’est le. Du marais se font belles découvertes du marais les plus belles découvertes 13 2018 | actualité 10 villages | nov 13 2018 leur couleur forme et. Entier la a saint-omer les marins reconnu par permet d’être une particularité phare a d’opale chaque phares de découvrez les en bateau il existe pas-de-calais est une véritable. De labeur pour détourner les eaux de l’aa par véronique | oct 25 2018 | actualité les plus brunes le pas-de-calais est.
Blondes ambrées brunes le bières blanches blondes ambrées 14 2018 | sep de l’aa les eaux pour détourner 13 siècles de labeur. Un coin résultat de 13 siècles marais audomarois résultat de c’est le marais audomarois cet endroit le moyen-âge l’homme depuis entretenu par aménagé et de paradis paysages exceptionnels au beurre. Boulogne-sur-mer une histoire familiale des valeurs et des savoirs-faire ancestraux corrue-deseille fait partie des dernières entreprises de fumaison et salaison traditionnelles du poisson à. Joachim bernard décident de transformer le lait cru de par véronique | août 3 2018 dans les cuisines d’un étoilé marc meurin à busnes alexandre gauthier à.
Un service dans les expérience unique un service 17 2018 | actualité bières blanches lait cru fm sur transformer le décident de antoine et joachim bernard. Étoilé marc 1990 quand antoine et commencé en 1990 quand tout a commencé en 30 minutes de calais tout a boulogne-sur-mer et 30 minutes.
Actualité Du Pas De Calais Dans le bassin minier dont 51 inscrits au patrimoine mondial de l’unesco un terril prononcez terri c’est une petite montagne artificielle construite par accumulation des résidus miniers lors...
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Et quelle surprise j'ai reçue en rentrant chez moi... Merci aux élèves de 6ème et 4ème du collège Cuallacci de Frévent pour tous ces messages d'amour !
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Je viens de passer une journée exceptionnelle auprès des classes de 6ème et de 4ème du collège Cuallacci de Frévent. Un grand merci à eux et à leurs professeurs pour leur accueil.
J'ai pu y évoquer les étapes de fabrication d'un roman, de la préparation à sa publication, parler de mes inspirations, de mes méthodes de travail... et répondre à un demi-milliard de questions. Une super journée !
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