#For better or worse Bal is basically his whole world
arcxnumvitae · 1 month
🧪Have you ever felt fear, Mhoirbheinn? What is it that you fear the most?
@thewolfisawake || Truth Serum || Accepting
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"Of course I have, Despite what many may think, I'm not an unfeeling monster." Even if it offered its own benefits if most believed that. He had felt scared plenty of times as a pathetic and helpless child in the manor. Even in the militia, he had rarely felt fear. Death didn't scare him. Maybe it was due to whatever pieces of him broke that one bloody night in the manor, but the prospect of dying had never been one to make him tremble. However...
Mhoirbheinn's gaze soon dropped, his expression sobering. "I still think back on it sometimes, when Bal nearly reverted. He's the strongest person I've ever met, but everyone has their limits. Even him. I fear that one day he may reach too far, let his confidence reign too strongly. How can I make him understand that he can be just as fallible as any other man? I can do my best to save Bal from every sword and arrow that is sent his way, though I fear one day I may fail in that too, but how can I protect my love from himself?"
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fangirl530 · 3 years
Baloo’s Lost Cargo
This is basically an AU where everything in Ducktales is the same, but all the Talespin characters are there (though they don't all appear here) and they're the same ages they were in the original. Like what they did with Darkwing when he first appeared! 
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A couple months ago…
“I wonder why those archaeologists were so cagey about what we’re delivering?” Kit wondered aloud. Baloo shrugged.
“I don’t know, kiddo. All Becky could get out of em’ was that it was some kind of rock.” he snorted. “Imagine, paying for express delivery for a rock.”
“Come on Baloo,” Kit pushed. “It’s gotta be somethin’ more important than that- didn’t you hear who we’re delivering it to?”
“No,” Baloo admitted. “I sorta zoned out while Becky was lecturing me.” Kit rolled his eyes.
“It’s going to Scrooge McDuck, the-”
“The richest duck in the world?!” Baloo yelled, turning to stare at him with wide eyes. “That’s who this rock is goin’ to?!”
“Uh huh.” Kit glanced down at the map, grinning slightly at Baloo’s reaction. “And after that, we’re delivering those farm animals to-”
“Who cares about them, Lil’ Britches!” Baloo laughed, tussling the cub’s hair under his hat. “We’re gonna meet Scrooge McDuck!” Kit laughed with him, reaching up to shove the hat out of his eyes.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be-” the laughter dried up in his throat. “Pirates!”
“It’s gonna be pirates?” Baloo blinked at him. “Is that some new sort of slang?”
“No, Baloo! Pirates!” he pointed out the windshield. “Up ahead!”
“Whoa!” Baloo swerved to avoid the oncoming plane. “Hold on, Lil’ Britches, I’m gonna try to lose them!” as he turned, hooks sunk into the back of the sea duck, the radio crackled to life.
“Hello, Baloo and Kit Cloudkicker!” a voice said. “Prepare to be boarded by-”
“Sorry Don Garbage, I’m afraid it’s not a good time,” Baloo said. He and Kit laughed as the pirate gave a yell of frustration.
“It is Don Karnage! I am here to steal your cargo!”
Baloo smirked. “You mean these chickens?” he asked.
“Don’t forget the goat!” Kit added, snickering. Baloo grinned, glancing back at the animals in question. Their cages had broken open during Baloo’s turn, but the animals themselves were unharmed.
“Yeah- you’re welcome to em’, if you want them that badly!” he said cheerfully.
“No! I am here for the stone!” Karnage yelled.
“No can do, Karny!” Baloo said. “We’ve got a very important buyer who we’re supposed to be deliverin’ it to!” With that, he spun the plane to the left, taking out the planes attached to them and Karnage. As the flipped back right side up, both pilot and navigator laughed- neither noticing the flash of light behind them.
“You sure showed him, Baloo,” Kit said, grinning.
“Of course, no sky pirate’s gonna out fly me,” Baloo said with a smug smile. He glanced back again to check on how their cargo took the spin, and gasped.
“What? What is it?” Kit spun, peeking over the top of his seat. When he saw what Baloo had seen, he gasped too.
Behind them was- was-
“It’s a chicken goat!” Kit yelled.
“It’s hideous is what it is!” Baloo replied. “I don’t remember loading that on the plane!” The creature bleated and charged at him, pecking at him aggressively. Baloo screamed, shoving at it- only for his hands to get pecked violently.
“Get it off, get it off, get it off!” he shouted, scrambling for the Seaduck’s controls. He pulled a lever, opening the cargo door- and both the creature and the stone flew out of the plane.
Panting, Baloo closed the hold and turned the plane around.
“Baloo!” Kit protested. “The stone fell down on that island!”
“As far as I’m concerned, the chicken goat can have it! No delivery is worth bein’ attacked by that thing again!”
“Well, what are you gonna tell Miss Cunningham?” Kit pressed.
“I don’t know, Lil’ Britches- help me figure somethin’ out!” he chuckled. “She’ll never believe us if we told her the truth.”
“Well, you’re right about that,” Kit admitted. “Okay, I’ll help you.” The pair made up a story to tell Rebecca when they got back, and tried to put the horrifying creature out of their minds.
As the plane came to a full stop, Della smiled at Dewey in a way which she hoped was encouraging.
“Not bad,” she said. “But maybe less crashing next time?”
“Agreed,” Huey said, stumbling up behind them and leaning against Della’s seat, a daze expression on his face.
“Less crashing,” Dewey agreed. “After all, I can’t be Dew-mazing if I just crash the plane! That’s Launchpad’s thing!”
“Not what I meant, but we’ll discuss that later,” Della said. She glanced at the building and grinned. “Look on the bright side, at least you got us to Higher for Hire! let’s get out of here and talk to the pilot that delivered the stone!” she opened the door and jumped to the dock, then turned and held out her hands for Huey.
“Oh my goodness!” A woman cried, running up to them as she pulled him over. “Are you all okay?!”
“We’re fine,” Della assured her, reaching for Dewey and pulling him onto the dock as well. “Right, kids?”
“Just a few bruises,” Huey confirmed.
“I told ya they were probably fine, Beckers,” a bear said, ambling out of the building. “I’ve had worse crashes than that and walked away without a scratch!” the woman ignored him, smiling at Della instead.
“I’m Rebecca Cunningham, owner of Higher for Hire,” she said cheerfully. “Can we help you?”
“Yeah,” Della said, eyes brightening. “We’re looking for the pilot- we need to ask about a delivery they made a while ago.”
“Was there an issue with the delivery?” Rebecca asked, her smile growing tense. Behind her, the bear winced. Della shook her head.
“No, we just want to know the status of the item that was delivered,” she said. “Where it ended up.”
“Alright,” Rebecca said. She glanced at the bear. “Baloo?”
“Right,” Baloo said, nodding. “I’m the pilot- could ya describe this item to me?” he asked them.
“Better, I can show you,” Huey said. He took out Isabella Finch’s journal, opened it to the stone of what was, and held it out to Baloo. He leaned down and peered at it.
“Yeah- yeah, that looks familiar.” he stood, rubbing his head. “Hold on, let me think… ah! Got it!” he snapped his fingers. “That stone fell out of my plane while my navigator and I were deliverin’ it. Hold on, I’ll go talk to ‘im and find out where it fell. Be back in a bit.”
He walked over to a yellow plane, and Rebecca gestured for them to follow her.
“While he talks to Kit, why don’t you all come inside?” she led them up to the building and went in, chatting with Della the whole way.
Dewey stopped at the window as they went in, a tv catching his eye. He gasped as footage of a young bear came on the screen. He was surfing the clouds on some sort of metal board, a wide grin on his face. ‘
“This can be my thing!” Dewey said, his eyes shining with excitement. He could just imagine it- surfing over the clouds, doing all kinds of awesome stunts, crowds screaming his name…
“Dewey!” Della called, snapping him out of his daydream.
“Coming!” he yelled, hurrying inside.
“The stone was supposed to go to my uncle,” Della was saying to Rebecca. Rebecca’s eyes widened.
“Scrooge McDuck is your uncle?”
“Yep! In fact, he’s the one who sent us to find out what happened to it. It’s…” she glanced down at Huey and Dewey. “Kind of important.”
“Well, I’m so sorry it was lost,” Rebecca apologized. “Baloo doesn’t normally lose cargo- he said they ran into some trouble on the way there, and they weren’t able to retrieve it.”
“Well…” Baloo’s voice said, sounding sheepish. “That’s not exactly true.” they all turned, seeing Baloo and a younger bear standing in the door. Rebecca frowned, but before she could ask what Baloo meant, Dewey let out a loud and dramatic gasp.
“You’re my idol from the video I only just saw a minute ago!” he said, rushing up to Kit and shaking his hand.
“Um, thanks?” Kit said, sounding confused and wary. “But… why am I your idol?”
“I saw that thing you were doing! With the silver board!” Kit’s eyes lit up.
“You mean Cloudkicking!”
“Yeah, that!” Dewey grinned. “I think it could totally be my thing! Teach me EVERYTHING you know!”
“I’d be happy to!” Kit looked up at Baloo. “Is that okay, Baloo?”
“Sure thing, kid,” Baloo said, smiling. “You can show ‘im on the way to the island where the stone ended up.”
“Oh,” Della cut in. “That’s alright, we can fly there on our own! We just need the coordinates.”
“It’s no trouble-” Rebecca started. Baloo cleared his throat.
“I think your plane could use a bit of tuning up,” he said, aiming a thumb at the Cloudslayer, which was sinking below the waves. “Our mechanic will take a look at it while Kit and I fly you out.” Della sighed.
“Great! Right this way!” Baloo marched out of Higher for Hire, a hand on Kit’s shoulder. “We’ll have ya there in no time!”
On the Seaduck
Dewey poked his head into the cockpit, causing both bears to turn and look at him.
“Soooo… can you teach me cloudkicking now?” He asked Kit, tapping excitedly against the door frame. Kit looked at Baloo questioningly, and he chuckled.
“Sure thing, Kiddo. Can ya get your mom in here for me? If Kit’s gonna be teachin’ you, I’ll need her to navigate our way to the island.”
“Sure!” Dewey disappeared, and moments later, Della appeared in his place. Kit slid out of his seat.
“Here’s the map,” he said, handing her the paper. “The island we’re going to is circled.” he watched as Della sat down, a doubtful look in his eyes. “Are you sure you can handle it?”
“Of course!” Della said dismissively. “I plan my own flights all the time!”
“Okay,” Kit said. “Just call me if you need help!” he left the cockpit, and was immediately met by an extremely excited Dewey.
“So where do we start?” he asked eagerly.
“Well,” Kit began. “The best way to learn is by doing it.” Dewey gasped as Kit pulled out his airfoil and handed it to him. “Let’s see what you can do! Just take this rope-” he gave Dewey the handle he always held on to, and opened the cargo hold with a lever. Gesturing to the opening, he smiled. “You just, jump- once you’re out, try to balance on the board, and keep your knees bent.”
“Got it!” Dewey jumped, immediately being caught by the wind and whisked out as far as the rope would let him.
Kit watched him thoughtfully. His form wasn’t bad- a little stiff, but he’d loosen up as he got more comfortable. That could be worked with easily. The problem was… Dewey was screaming. He did not look like he was having fun, which Kit thought was the whole point.
“Uh, maybe we should practice inside first!” he shouted, hands cupped around his mouth. Dewey didn’t respond, and Huey came to stand next to Kit.
“Did you hear that, Dewey?” he shouted. “You can stop!”
“No way, I love this!” Dewey yelled, a tense smile on his face. “The freedom! The wind in my mouth! The sky pirates!”
“Sky pirates?!” Huey and Kit shouted, eyes widening in alarm. Don Karnage grinned as he flew his plane closer.
“Miss me?” he crowed, swinging his sword at Dewey, who thankfully ducked just in time.
“I wanna stop now!” The duck yelled. Kit cupped his hands over his mouth.
“Dewey, you need to start pulling yourself in! Grab the rope!” Dewey screamed in response, and Kit groaned. “Gah, he’s screaming too loud to hear me! Hold on Dewey, I’m coming!” he turned to Huey. “Once I’m out, pull that lever and draw the rope back in- it’ll take that and us pulling to get in as quick as possible.” after Huey nodded, he jumped onto the rope and slid along it to Dewey.
“Be careful Kit!” Baloo called from the cockpit, his teeth clenched as he held the wheel steady.
Kit waved to show he’d heard him, jumping onto the board. He grabbed Dewey with one hand and the handle with the other. Dewey wrapped his arms around the bear, and Kit grabbed the rope and started pulling.
“Flip the lever, Huey!” he yelled. The other boy nodded, and Kit turned his attention to Dewey. “You can stop screaming now,” he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. Don Karnage flew between them and the plane with an evil laugh, slicing the rope with his sword. Kit’s eyes widened. “Scratch that. You can keep screaming.” They dropped, and as Dewey’s screams increased, Kit winced (Dewey was screaming right into his ear) and angled his airfoil so it caught the wind, bringing them as close to the shore as possible before they hit the water. They both took a deep breath before they were plunged beneath the surface. Dewey’s arms didn’t loosen, thankfully- Kit couldn’t open his eyes to see him if he’d let go.
The waves washed them safely ashore, and they simply laid there for a moment, both breathing deeply. After a moment, Kit stood and held out a hand to Dewey.
“Are you okay?” he asked, pulling him up. Dewey gave him a shaky thumbs up.
“Totally,” he said. His shaking voice said otherwise, but before Kit could comment on it, the Seaduck was landing next to them.
“Dewey!” Della cried, jumping out before the plane had even stopped moving. She ran to them, picking him up and holding him close to her. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re alright!”
“Mom,” Dewey said, sounding embarrassed. Kit laughed quietly, and turned away, not wanting to intrude on their tender moment, and looked at the Seaduck instead. He smiled when he saw Baloo and Huey hurrying over. He took a step toward them, but was stopped by Della. She swept him into a hug and squeezed him tight.
“Thanks for saving Dewey-” he blinked, barely having time to awkwardly pat her shoulder before she was dropping him. “-from the danger you put him in!” she finished, scowling down at him with her hands on her hips.
Kit took a step back, alarmed by the sudden anger, and Dewey came to stand next to him. He glared at his mom, but before he could say anything, Baloo was there.
“Hey now,” he said, putting himself between them and Della. He glared at her, putting a hand on Kit’s shoulder. “Your boy wanted to learn cloudkicking, and Kit taught ‘im. How was he supposed to know the pirates would show up?”
“Yeah!” Dewey said, throwing his arm around Kit’s shoulders. “It’s not Kit’s fault!”
Both parents ignored him, in favor of glowering at each other. Huey shoved his way between them.
“Let’s focus on finding the stone for now,” he said patiently. “Okay?”
“Fine,” Baloo muttered. Della crossed her arms, but nodded.
“Any chance you saw where on the island the stone fell?” she asked Baloo.
“Nope, sorry.” Baloo shook his head. “We were to high up- and we didn’t exactly wait up. We were trying to get out of there as quick as possible.” Della narrowed her eyes at him as Huey knelt on the ground, examining a pair of tracks.
“Hey,” Huey called, before he replied. “Check this out.” Kit knelt next to him.
“Tracks?” he asked.
“Yeah, but they’re weird.” Huey frowned as Della came up behind them. “I wonder what kind of animal made them.”
“Uh…” Della put a hand on his head, turning it to the right. “I think, that kind.” a strange creature came out of the bushes, and they quickly backed up to Dewey and Baloo.
“It’s some sort of… rhinosarilla!” Della said.
“Or a gorillaocerous,” Baloo offered.
“Gorilihno!” Dewey suggested. The creature roared in anger, and Della ran, yelling,
“We’ll decide what it’s called later, RUN!” they all followed her, sprinting through the jungle. The creature stayed hot on their heels, unrelenting in it's chase.
Dewey pulled out Kit’s airfoil, grinning. “Baloo! Launch me at him!” he said, holding it up.
“Er, great idea!” Baloo said. “But I’ve got a better one.”
“So do I!” Della snatched the airfoil out of Dewey’s hand, hurling it at the creature. It bounced off it’s head and knocked it down a hill, where it got its horn stuck in the cliff.
The airfoil flew back, and as Baloo caught it and handed it to him, Dewey crossed his arms.
“I mean… my idea would have worked just as well,” he said, frowning.
“What is that thing?!” Della yelled, gesturing at the creature.
Baloo shuddered. “It’s just like that awful chicken goat,” he said. “Remember, Kit?”
“How could I forget?” the boy replied, shivering.
“The what?” Della asked, turning around to glare at them.
“Oh… did we forget to mention that?” Baloo asked.
“You did,” Della said, gritting her teeth. Baloo shrugged.
“But where did it come from?” Huey asked, cutting off any further arguments. He walked through a couple of rocks into the bushes, and they followed (but not before Della shot another glare at Baloo).
The game to the edge of a small cliff, and below them was the stone of what was and Don Karnage. The pirate was ordering a member of his crew to lift the stone. When she did, there was a bright flash of light- and she suddenly had the lower body of an ant.
As she screamed and Don Karnage groaned, Huey flipped through the journal.
“What was once two becomes anew!” he said. “The stone of what was! It must combine two things into one!” the pirates continued trying to grab the stone, but each one who tried was combined with an animal who had happened to be touching it at the same time.
“Alright!” Della said. “What was eight pirates is now four pirate abominations- much easier!” she walked to the edge and started climbing down. “I’m going to get a closer look- stay right here.” she pointed at Baloo. “You, stay further over there.” she pointed behind the kids, and he held his hands up in surrender.
They all watched as Della climbed down, gasping when she started sliding- just barely catching herself before she fell off.
“Oh man, mom’s in trouble!” Huey said worriedly.
“This is my chance!” Dewey said, grinning. “I can take the pirates out with my sick cloudkicking skills, while you-” he pointed at Baloo. “-steal one of their planes and use your piloting skills to make off with the stone!”
“Well, I am an ace pilot,” Baloo said with a smug smile. Kit elbowed him, and he coughed. “But uh, maybe you should let Kit handle the pirates? He has more experience than you do.”
“I can do it,” Dewey insisted. “I’ve dealt with Don Karnage before!”
“I meant- wait.” Baloo held up a hand. “You’ve met Karney before?” Dewey nodded, and Baloo sighed. “Alright, if you’re sure-”
“Hold on,” Huey said, stepping between them and looking at Dewey. “This is a dumb, pointless risk!” he said as Dewey pulled out the airfoil. “I’m begging you not to do this.” Dewey shook his head.
“Already Dew-sending!” he called, leaping off the edge. Baloo, Kit, and Huey cringed as he dropped, smashing onto the ground. Still, it was a distraction. Baloo hurried the kids down to the ground, and over to the planes.
“Get in, quick!” he said, climbing into one. He started the engine, drawing the attention of the pirates. Don Karnage pointed at them.
“Someone stop them!” he shouted. The pirates didn’t listen to him- most of them were too busy panicking. As Baloo pulled the plane out, there was a loud roar.
“Uh… guys?” Kit pointed to where Della was sitting on a bear with butterfly wings. “I think we have another problem.”
“Oh boy,” Baloo said. “I better help her!” he leapt out, calling over his shoulder- “keep the plane running!”
Huey and Kit watched as the bear ran around the clearing, roaring at pirates. It then came face to face with Baloo.
“Don’t worry,” Kit said to Huey. “He’ll help your mom!” Baloo and the bear stared at each other for a moment, and then Baloo screamed and bolted. Kit dropped his head into his hands.
“Wait, look!” Huey pointed, and Kit looked up. The bear was tangled up in the ropes attached to the stone, and it was lifting it into the air. Baloo leapt onto the stone, flying along with them. he climbed up onto the bear with Della.
"well, this is one way to get the stone back!" he said, grinning at her. as they flew up, the remaining pirates hopped into their planes and went after them. Kit jumped out of their plane, quickly followed by Huey.
“Come on!” he yelled as they ran past Dewey. “We need to get back to the Seaduck and follow them!” the three kids ran back through the woods to where the plane was waiting.
After they got in, Kit sat down in Baloo’s chair. “I’ll get the Seaduck up into the air,” he said, turning the plane on. “But someone’s going to need to distract the pirates- I don't think the bear can fight them off."
“I will!” Dewey volunteered. “I can cloudkick out there, and save my mom and Baloo!”
“That’s enough!” Huey yelled, yanking the airfoil out of his hands. “Why don’t you both just do your thing!” Kit turned to look at him, confused, while Dewey scowled.
“This is my thing!" he said, gesturing at the board. “Flying straight and boring isn’t going to save them! Anyone can do that!”
“Wait,” Kit said, drawing both ducks’ attention. “Dewey, you can fly a plane?!”
“Yeah, so?”
“So? That’s great!” he stood. “I’ve been learning, but I’m nowhere near ready to fly on my own. Until I’m old enough to take real lessons, I’m best at being Baloo’s navigator. So you being able to fly well enough to keep a plane this size in the air, and keep it steady? At your age?” he grinned. “That is amazing, and it's exactly what we need right now.”
“Besides,” Huey said, smiling. “If I know you, you’ll make flying as special as you are. No one will be able to fly just like you.”
“Okay,” Dewey said, a smile blooming across his face. He sat in the pilot’s chair.
“Let’s Dewey this.”
With Dewey flying, they quickly and effortlessly caught up to Della and Baloo. As they got closer, they saw that Don Karnage had a harpoon stuck in the stone, and was reeling it in.
Kit opened the hatch and grabbed the rope. Even without the handle, it would work.
“Keep it steady!” he called to Dewey. Dewey gave him a thumbs up, and Kit jumped. He flew over to the cable, using his sudden weight to push against it and dislodge it from the stone.
“Argh!” Don Karnage yelled, dodging the hook as it flew back at him, taking out the cannon in the process. “How dare you, you little rat!”
Kit shot him a smug grin before flying to the other planes. He quickly took out their engines with the crowbar Baloo kept in the Seaduck, forcing them to head for the water before they fell.
“Wow,” Della said, staring at him. Baloo chuckled from his place behind her.
“Isn’t he amazing?” he asked, pride in his voice. He cupped a hand around his mouth.
“You’re doin’ great, Kit! Keep it up!” Kit waved as the Seaduck flew up to them, Dewey in the pilot’s seat.
“Mom! Baloo!” he yelled. “Jump on!”
“Get the stone first!” Della responded. She pulled out a pocket knife to cut the rope, while Baloo did his best to untie the knots. Between the two of them the stone was soon free, and it dropped onto the nose of the Seaduck. They both watched, breaths held, as it rolled to the edge. Thankfully, Dewey was able to steady the plane and keep it in the center.
“Yes!” Huey said, laughing. “I knew you could do it!” Dewey grinned.
“Thanks, Huey,” he said. He moved the plane closer to Della and Baloo so they could jump on.
“Look,” Huey said, pointing to where Kit was fighting with Don Karnage. The bear had just spun the pirate’s plane around, spinning him down into the waves below. They both cheered, and Kit grinned up at them, waving.
“I’ll go reel him in,” Huey said, putting a hand on Dewey’s shoulder before walking to the back. Dewey nodded, then turned to look at Della and Baloo. Della was looking at Dewey through the windshield, beaming.
“I’m so proud of you!” she yelled. She did a cartwheel. “Look how steady it is!” Dewey grinned, but Baloo did not look amused.
“Whoa,” he said. “I’ll admit this is pretty impressive, but maybe save the cartwheels for after we’re safely inside?” Della nodded.
“Fair point,” she said. The bear flew up to them, and Della smiled and scratched it’s fur. After a second, Baloo gave a small smile and did the same. The bear licked both of them, and Baloo gagged as it flew away.
“Gah, it licked my teeth!” Della laughed, wiping the spit off her face. She looked at the bear.
“Be free, my noble friend,” she said, waving at it. Baloo rolled his eyes, ushering her inside. Once they were in, he went to the back where Huey was pulling in Kit. After he was in, he drew the boy into a hug.
“Great job, Lil’ Britches,” he said, grinning.
“Thanks Papa Bear,” Kit said, smiling back. He fist bumped Huey, and the three of them walked up to the cockpit.
“You’re doin’ great, kid,” Baloo said to Dewey, walking up behind him. “But I can take over now.”
“Aw, let him fly us home Baloo,” Kit said. “He’s a natural- he can handle it.” Baloo looked down at him.
“Alright,” he conceded. “If you trust him, then so do I.” he looked at Dewey. “Just be careful with my baby, okay?”
“He will be,” Della promised. She elbowed him. “I let him fly my baby, and- well…” she coughed. “He crashed it into the ocean. But he’s not gonna try to do any stunts this time!”
Baloo laughed. “She’s been through worse than that- Just so long as we get home in one piece.” he looked at Dewey thoughtfully. “One more thing, though.”
“Yeah?” Dewey asked, keeping his eyes on the sky.
“Do you know how to get back to Higher For Hire?”
“Uh... no,” Dewey admitted sheepishly. “I guess that’s a problem, huh?”
“Nah,” Baloo said dismissively. “That’s why I have a navigator! Kit?”
“On it, Papa Bear,” Kit said, hopping into the navigator’s seat. he smiled at Dewey.
"Are you ready to... Dewey this?" he asked. Dewey smirked.
"I am so ready."
Once they were back home, Baloo lifted the stone off the Seaduck’s nose and into the spare crate that Rebecca had waiting for him.
“There,” he said, putting the lid over it. “You’re good to go!”
“Thank you,” Della said, smiling as Huey, Dewey, and Kit pushed it into the Cloudslayer. “We really appreciate the help.”
“No problem,” Baloo replied. “It was the least we could do- considering we lost the cargo in the first place.” Della shrugged.
“Eh, it happens. Uncle Scrooge’ll understand when we tell him what happened.” Baloo blinked.
“Uncle…?" he asked, before his eyes widened in realization. "Scrooge McDuck is your uncle?!” Della snorted.
“Yeah, who did you think sent us? Speaking of which-” she reached into her pocket. “He said that if you could get us stone, I should give you this.” she gave him some money. “It’s what he owed you for the cargo when you were originally delivering it.”
“Whoa, thank you!” Baloo grinned. “Becky will be happy- she was mad when we came back without this before.” after tucking it into his shirt pocket, he held out a hand. “It was nice to meet you,” he said.
“Likewise.” Della grinned, shaking it. “Maybe we’ll see you around?”
“Maybe,” Baloo agreed. He smirked. “If ya ever need anything else delivered.” they laughed together as the kids came up to them.
“The stone is loaded, Mom,” Huey said.
“Okay, then we should probably be getting back to Duckburg.” she and the boys climbed in the plane, waving one last time before shutting the door.
“Dewey gave me his address,” Kit said as they flew off. “So I can write him and see how his flying is going.” Baloo put an arm around him.
“That's great, Lil' Britches." he hummed thoughtfully. "You know, if you wanted, I could start taking you out on the weekends to fly.” Kit gasped.
“Really, Papa Bear?” he asked, looking up at Baloo with wide eyes. Baloo grinned.
“Really. I have a feeling both of you could be ace pilots someday.”
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shadowturtlesstuff · 5 years
Stolen kiss
Guess what bitch decided to write. (Me!) it has taken me forever to truely write some fan fiction
I basically got bored in my Spanish and science lessons (again) and asked my friend @diamonds12girl to pick a prompt for me and at first I didn’t know what to do with an elain and az but I think I have something decent so enjoy
Her shadows were on edge, they wanted help but wanted to be alone too. His shadows wanted to help but not knowing how to. It was a dance, a taughting and unending dance. A to and fro, both shadows wanting to merge to calm the other but both being jolted away.
It only lasted a few minutes until her shadows broke. They cowered away, hading the pain she was holding. That meant she was crying. Again. She cried all night and only had a few hours of sleep. His shadows kept awake, watching and waiting and not understanding how to help. Not risking it either.
Elain has a mate who would be able to tell through their bond that she was crying but if that was the case then she’d have stopped hours ago and have actually gotten sleep.
A year after the war she started speaking to Lucien more and they did start dating, but she hadn’t accepted the bond according to rhys. They were living together in the house of wind; taking a bedroom near the back overlooking the mountains. Azriel has avoided the house and Elain. But their shadows refused to ignore each other. At times when Elain was upset or in pain it broke his heart. She never called for him anymore so he never went, just listened to her pain.
“Please...” His whole body froze. He sat up in his bed, eyes wide. His shadows froze too as hers reached out. “Az...”
“Elain?” He whispered into the dark. Every please broke him.
“Please. Az. Take me.”
“Save me.”
He rushed out of his bed, stumbling to his discarded clothes. Elain wasn’t in any physical danger but he knew better than anyone that your own mental danger was worse.
“How Elain. Breathe.” Her shadows were racing, a consistent motion, showing her constant tears streaming down her face.
“I can’t. Az, Az please.”
He was gone. His heat was nearly bursting with his own pain. He was flying towards the house of wind. “Where Elain?” He has to get to her. She was having some sort of panic attack and considering her shadows were moving at speeds he’d never gone to, he knew she was in trouble.
“Ba. Bal, balcony. Please.”
Then he was soaring past the side of the building and around to the back. And then he saw her. She was crumpled down, a nightgown pooled around her and her head burning in her hands, hiding her red and blochy face. If she stayed out here in her state nylonger she was bound to catch a cold.
Azriel landed next to her, their shadows finally together, dancing in a perfect manner. Slowly she looked up and he took in her devastating state. Messy, uncombed hair that cling to her, the creased beige nightgown hung loose on her fragile body. The sight of her broke him even more. It has been months since theyd been together but Azriel has told himself it was for the best. Elain deserves the world, more than that even and he knew he just couldn’t give it to her. Her mate was the one, picked by fate, to do so.
Her breathing was rapid, trying to gulp down enough oxygen and failing. “Elain.”
“Please.” She whispered. Her shadows moved in a diliberate way, moving to hug his own. He stared as she whispered again and again until he understood. Slowly he walked towards her and enveloped her into a hug. His scarred hands rested in her back as her face moving to rest in the crook of his neck as she tried to stop crying.
After a short while Azriel let go and looked at her. Her golden brown eyes was still flooded with tears. All his thoughts were about this magnificent woman who was left alone to cry.
“I can’t anymore Azriel it hurts.”
Azriel swiped along her cheek, brushing away a runaway tear. “What hurts?”
“My heart!” She exclaimed taking herself out of my hands. “You, you left me! I was trying to figure out my feelings but you left.”
He was speechless. His mouth opening and closing. “I thou-”
“No you didn’t you ass! Your my best friend who I love with all my heart-”
“You have a mate El. I couldn’t.”
“I can Az, I choose who I love and then you left leaving me no choice. I can’t hurt Lucien but I can’t choose him either.” Her hands reached up to brush his cheek and keep his head from cowering away from her.
“It was always you but you left me and I thought, I thought you hated me for having a mate. For not picking you.”
Azriel closed his eyes and rested his head on Elains, their nose inches apart, mouths so close they were sharing breaths. “Oh el. I left you to be happy. To be happy with your mate and not some illrian bastard.” His wings curled around them, blocking away the crips air, his hands moved to rest on her shoulders.
“But I would’ve picked you if you gave me time you bastard.”
Azriel couldn’t help but chuckle softly. Whenever Elain swore it always made his smile. It was so out of character. “I am a bastard. I am so, so sorry.”
“For leaving or for being a bastard?”
Elain moves back as if she’d been struck. Her brows furrowed and her hands moving to rest on his chest. “Never. Never apologize for being you.” She moved, her lips finding his cheek. “For your shadows.” Theme he other side. “And for being a bastard.” she gave a small smile that he wouldn’t returned had his body not frozen. “I love you az.”
The she kissed him. A soft press to his lips. His grin grew as he looked at Elian. He love of his life truely loves him back. So he kissed her and they moved closer as their kiss became more than light kisses and more passionate.
“Elain?” It was a new voice. Lucien...
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@mis-lil-red @highladyofthesith @sleeping-and-books
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jaylos · 7 years
i hated descendants 2 and here's why
a collection of reasons why i am utterly disappointed in this sequel.
warnings: there will be swearing and negative commentary about these ships: Mal/Ben, Evie/Doug, Carlos/Jane. (so basically all the canon pairings lmao)
buckle up this is gonna be long and salty. (also spoilers, duh) (and i take artistic liberty in the capitalization of words and i like to be dramatic)
also check out other rant posts i made bc they kinda tie in with all of this (reading not required in order to understand it tho): magic ban Rise of the Isle of the Lost my thoughts during my first time watching it Bal
1. Characters
Ok i need to go back to d1 for a second: they already did a bad job on introducing the characters to us there. For exapmle: Carlos and technology. He does that thing where he locates the museum or when he turns off the alarm, but without the first book (the isle of the lost) the fact that he is supposedly a tech genius would've flown over everyone's heads. And this is the problem: the movie(s) rely on spin-off media (the books, wicked world) to explain the characters to us. A movie shouldn't have to do that in the first place, but what makes it worse is that the books and the webseries are inconsistent like no tomorrow and also contradict each other on several occasions. Now that wouldn't be so bad if the movies were enough to solidify the characters, but they're not. They also try to patch up plot holes in the books so they don't have to deal with it in the movies. But someone who hasn't read them might wonder how the pirate crew got their ship, and they're offered no explanation in the movie whatsoever. (i'm pretty sure this could've been avoided with a few tweaks to the script tho??)
What I think happened here is that they simply had too many characters and so basically all of them fell flat because they didn't have time to explore them properly. And what did they do in d2? they dragged that problem with them, introduced more characters who's arcs they could half-ass and got rid of what little personality the original characters had.
We don't actually know shit about them. What are their hobbies? What are their interpersonal dynamics like? What are their struggles in Auradon after a life of abuse and neglect? (i'm convinced that that last one can absolutely be dealt with in a child-friendly manner, but instead they brushed it off almost completely. I say almost because we got a few tidbits here and there but those were about as deep as a puddle on a sidewalk)
1.a. Jay
Why is he depicted as a main character when he has less lines & relevance to the plot than Jane?  Even the gotdam dog had some purpose. wouldn't change a thing if Jay wasn't there at all.
l i s ten i love Jay for the character that i made him out to be in my head and through some of the things the fandom has contributed but in canon he is redundant as all fuck.
Also i'm not gonna go into the outfits in this rant bc that's too subjective and is not what contributed to d2 being a bad movie but let's just say i found most of his looks kind of.. off-putting. why they didn't take advantage of Booboo Stewart's beauty is a mystery to me. Especially since his looks are supposed to be Jay's strong suit.
2.b. Chad
He was a completely different character. Not only did his personality shift from deceitful to moronic but his morals changed?? like in d1 he didn't actually play by the rules - he let other people do his homework, and he didn't tell on Evie because he found her cheating wrong but because he wanted payback.
And in d2 he suddenly cares about rules word for word because the writers and the (young) audience already hate him so he can be sexist too i guess. Instead of making him a meaningful threedimensional character that offers a different perspective as the child of a disney hero he was turned into the comic relief and the overdone trope of the jock that lost his status and is now laughed at. Groundbreaking. you hate him i get it i g e t i t. (also stay tuned for the sexism part i'm not done with that)
1.c. Carlos
to get super subjective again: i absolutely hate the direction they went in with his character. why not make him even more nerdy now that he has the freedom to do so? the only thing that referenced his tech stuff was that he supposedly improved their 3D printer. wow. his new hairstyle, the golden headphones etc. were things that don't fit into the impression i got from the first movie and/or the books at all. they didn't even show him tinkering with some device or whatever? how tf am i supposed to believe that he's a techie???
Also in Rise of the Isle of the Lost he is anti-magic for some goshdang reason, but in d2 he asks Mal to help him with magic, which is one of those inconsistencies i was talking about.
1.d. Evie
here's what i would have done with her instead: make 4 Hearts less relevant (do show her sewing and talking about commissions) and let her care for the remaining isle kids from the very beginning. her introduction in d2 could've been her talking about wanting to bring them over, but having difficutly to make it happen (maybe the royal council pushes back or whatever).
instead she spends 6(?) months doing jackshit about the isle kids and only remembers it like halfway through the movie.
1.e. Ben
he just pisses me off. not only is he dismissive and ignorant of Mal's struggles and blames her for when she fails to be perfect, but he is also incompetent as a king, at least when it comes to the Isle. Why the fuck did it take him so long to bring more isle kids over? and why does he need to hear it from Evie first? it was his idea in the first place but then he completely forgets about it for some reason even though he is literally dating a vk. "i guess i've just been busy" with what? being a fuckboy? (also sidenote: there it is again with the "tell don't show" that i've already talked about in the rant about Rise linked above. it's one of the biggest problems i have with the storytelling across all installations in this franchise. Ben is not shown being busy one single time. We're just supposed to believe it because they said so.)
(another sidenote: why the fuck does he have those beast traits, by which i mean all that redundant roaring like i get they want to reference beauty and the beast but do the writers realize that his father was cursed he does not actually have those furry genes)
1.f. Jane
? per s onalit y ?¿?? literally who is she
There's not much to say about the others (some i will cover later when i talk about relationships). Do you know that thing when a character's potential is wasted? In descendants this happens with every last one of them. They're like those cakes that are just for show: they look amazing and tasty but when you take a bite it's cardboard.
2. Plot
pretty basic for the most part, but i personally found the suspense curve really weird. it has two climaxes (? what is plural): 1. the sword fight and 2. at the cotillion. Also i hated that it took place over the course of like 2 days, but that might just be my personal taste. There are some plot holes of varying degrees of annoying. For one, Maleficent probably starved to death in that box because Mal and the writers forgot about her. And her moped is gone, it left, like i should have as well, good-fucking-bye.
Then there's the fact that Mal didn't go back with them because she learned some kind of lesson or grew as a peson or whatever but because she didn't have a choice and they never talked about her initial struggles except "my hair and dress are purple again so it's fine". i mean yeah she said her piece about not fitting in or whatever but we don't actually see it working out after all that trouble?How did the dynamic in their relationship change? who knows.
Then there's the fact that Uma is somewhere in the ocean, she's a giant monster and 100% capable of using magic but no one gives a shit??? at this point i'm willing to bet that in the next isle book it will be explained what happened to her so it doesn't have to be dealt with in descendants 3 and i will scream.
By the way i didn't understand what it was that Ben said that convinced her to retreat, his speech was so lame.
Also the octopus/dragon "fight" was ridiculous. they didn't do shit? Uma was just wiggling around and Mal was floating, which looked stupid because she made flying/gliding motions but stayed in the same spot.
And one thing that really annoyed me is how they only made 5 smoke bombs and then also needed exactly 5. b better prepared u idiots. that whole thing was so weird anyway bc the point was to avoid a fight but it didn't work. maybe it would've worked if they had made more than 5 who knows. and the plan to make them in the first place came completely out of the blue. (-plan? -smoke bombs -k)
Also why did Uma expect the wand to work under the barrier? The only explanation I can think of is that it's because the wand was what created the barrier (although the whole thing about the Isle is that magic Does Not Work and we should have been given an explanation as to why the wand is an exception) but 1. How would Uma know that and 2. If it had been the real wand they could've used it to knock the pirates out or whatever and Uma should've expected that. This whole trade-off thing was sketchy and holey as fuck.
You know what was one of the best things about d1? The parents. I mean this was probably a budget issue but the parents were arguably one of, if not the, most entertaining aspects. and boy could it have been interesting to see the confontation between them and their kids...
The isle was really weird and underwhelming btw. i saw people say it was great bc we got to see more of the isle but did we really? it was just a bunch of disjointed locations and we still have no idea how anything is located in relation to one another, how big it is, or how and how many people actually live there. And why did no one there give a shit that the rotten four were back? most of all Mal, whom the people hated the most for betraying them and becoming a princess. Also why did Mal not go back to her old home instead of this building that was a.. warehouse? their gang hangout?? that came out of nowhere??? correct me if i'm wrong but do they say something along the lines of  "we used to hang out here" even once? why was there a bed in there
And hey remember tourney? It's not even like roar was necessary so that they'd have swords? Also it could have been mentioned like "now that tourney season's over we're focusing on roar" but no?? Let's just forget about it like the writers did.
3. Music
not really much to say, except that they used way too much autotune but i guess overall it's an improvement compared to the first movie but it's whatever. the only thing that confused me about what's my name was that in the movie (as opposed to the music video on youtube etc) there was this weird echo that made it sound like it was playing in another tab with a slight lag??
and another thing that stuck out to me was it's going down: the rap parts were already hella uncomfortable to watch but when ben started singing i just about died of secondhand embarrassment it's so bad lmao.
4. The Thing With Lonnie
Don't get me wrong, i love that she got a bigger part and that she's a good swordfighter and whatnot.
First of all, why is it even a thing that the roar rule book has gendered language like that? i mean aren't there countless women in auradon who have proven over and over again that they're just as capable as man? why does Lonnie need to prove anything. especially since her mother is mulan of all people???
listen, the exploitation of gendered language has brought forth some great moments (eg: lotr "i am no man") but it's getting old. Girls and women have proven countless times that they can do "anything a boy can". how many times more does it have to happen until we can take the next step?
And it wasn't even handled well in d2. Sure, Lonnie's captain now, but do we really have to wait until d3 (or god forbid the next book in the isle series where the movie can lean back and let the book do all the storytelling work) for something to actually change in a system that is still misogynistic for whatever goddamn reason??
for this sideplot not to fail miserably like it did, what should have happened is that Lonnie changes the rules so that anyone can join the team, because as we were left it was still "captain and 8 men". we did not see the actual change happening and this was a half-assed attempt at this tired old "girl power" shit.
in this kind of storyline we only ever see the first step, we never see the actual progress that follows. it's always just "huh, i guess girls aren't useless after all" it's 2017 get with the program and move the fuck on.
OR just drop this overdone trope and have a team consisting of different genders from the very beginning.
It's time to tell girls that they don't need to prove themselves in order to be respected.
5. Relationships jesus christ here we go
okay okay there is a number of things that get my blood b o i l i n g and one of them is lazy fictional heterosexual romances and boy oh boy is this movie a fucking gold mine in that regard.
5.a. let's take a look at janelos first (don't worry i will talk shit about bal and devie individually as well): it's boring, shallow, if it was a spice it would be flour. look, if you ship it, by all means be my fucking guest. i even encourage you to write fanfiction or do something to make something out of this bland ass mess of a supposed romantic relationship.
it's a perfect example of what is wrong with this kind of fictional romance. first of all i will disregard the books bc 1. the movies shouldn't need the books for that, yadda yadda and 2. they don't do much to save it anyway. so. it's the easy route, the tried and true formular, and that's the problem. he was a boy, she was a girl, and that's enough to make their interest in each other believable, right? the answer is no. it's lazily written and i am tired™. why, how, when did they fall in love? are they even friends? what do they have in common? what activities do they enjoy together? those are all things we don't know, this relationship comes out of nowhere. how did they go from not even so much as look at each other in the first movie to being head over heels for each other? and not to mention, was it worth sacrificing their personalities for? you guessed it the answer is no yet again. Neither Carlos nor Jane receive any character development whatsoever. None. They could have done so much with them (if you hear a strange sound it's me weeping).
And it is replaceable. Change their names and it won't make the slightest bit of difference, because this relationship does not have one single distinguishable trait (in fact it has no traits period) compared to the 87632947 others out there. it is so. generic. and frankly i don't understand how people can settle for it. i mean i get how people can just watch the movie and not care bc why would they, but how does someone look at this and go "yes, this is a well-written romance" ????? ? ? up your standards people.
and now some predictions that came (somewhat) true from that Heterosexual Romantic Subplot Bullshit Bingo i wanted to make for d2 but never finished:
- by the end their relationship won’t have developed like at all, but they dance together to show us that they’ve come sUcH a LoNg waY
- one wants to ask the other out/they both want to ask each other out, but they’re too shy and also the plot keeps interrupting them.
- it will take away screentime they could have used to give them actual character development.
- jane won't receive an arc besides being and obligatory love interest.
- carlos tries talking to her but he stammers and it’s supposed to be cute.
5.b. Devie
Like i get that Doug is jealous bc of his own insecurities but what is hip with the kids in the year of our lord 2k17 is mutual trust and communication. To think that Evie would cheat on him is such an insult tbh?? And why did Evie not tell him where she was going in the first place? i mean granted i could think of a few reasons why she wouldn't but we don't even see her give a shit bc Doug is irrelevant in her quest to go and sing a duet with the person she'd rather be dating. She probably just forgot about Doug like I, the viewer, did the second he left the screen.
Also it's just the same bs again. We don't know shit about their relationship. What is it like? What do they enjoy doing together? What is their dynamic? Doug could literally be a pair of Pradas and it wouldn't make a difference.
But for real tho can we go back on how he accuses her of cheating?? like wow dude that's so gross  pls don't present that to young viewers as cute because i assure you it is not.
5.c. Bal (h e r e w e g o)
Ben is such a bad boyfriend omg. I mean i get that he couldn't possibly understand what Mal is going through, but he isn't even trying. She changes everything about herself and he doesn't get suspicious in the least. And apparently they don't talk about anything that matters because 1. Mal can't be honest with him (she dragged all that shit around with her for ~6 months!!!) and 2. he would know more about the isle (but he has no clue).
out of all the relationships in this movie this is the one they should've put some effort into. i mean they succeeded in making Ben look like a dick but that wasn't their intention so i just ended up feeling sorry for Mal for being stuck with him bc it's ~true love~ .
Mal to Ben: "you've always known who we were" he didn't tho?? just bc he gave her a purple dress in that stained glass picture? he could've just told her that instead of letting her suffer for months bc she thought he'd leave her if she was more like herself. and that's the resolution, Mal shouldn't have been worried oh how silly of her! i guess everything is fine after all!
but you know actually their love for each other is totally believable bc they had an emotional and heart-wrenching duet together - oh wait.
A big reason why Sofia Carson and Dove Cameron got a duet is probably because they're professional singers and Mitchell Hope apparently can't get out a single correct note without 10 layers of autotune but when the story is about true love saving the day shouldn't that aspect get a little more attention? i mean don't get me wrong i like that the duet between mal and evie is there at all (but hey @disney make it gay you cowards) bc the friendships between the characters and especially the vk's don't get nearly as much attention as they should.
not to go on a tangent about how hand-holding and forehead-touching can totally be platonic but put next to Ben and Mal who Do Not Do That it makes their romantic relationship even less exciting. like, i don't know why i should care about it.
also while typing this i realized that it's not really that different from other movies and i thought hey, maybe i'm being too hard on it, but then i remembered that 99% of all canon heterosexual romantic relationships are bland and boring and i need writers to try harder (or try at all) because i am bored to death by the same shit over and over again.
i know i'm wasting way too much energy on this but i was already too invested in descendants so might as well go all the way amirite. i just had to get it all off my chest. if you need me to elaborate on anything feel free to message me.
and the first movie wasn't all that good btw, it is trashy in a way that was enjoyable, but the second one is just trash.
so yeah all in all that script was just straight up a pile of garbage consisting of washed-out tropes and no amount of bright colors or catchy songs can save it.
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