#Fontaine Four my beloveds <3
unparalleledfocus · 7 months
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The Fontaine Four but as that one tumblr post about kids choosing a potato instead of candy for Halloween
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Navia handed out the candy and potato to the kids at the Fleuve Cendre
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merakiui · 8 months
Mera I went back to playing Genshin and- I had a lot to catch up on so I've spent countless nights playing (and farming primos...) And I finally finished all archon quests currently available. I saved Sumeru's interlude to be the last one and i just finished and oh my god i want Scaramouche so bad
All his three versions- I liked him before but just ugh
Also I didn't expect that I would have to name him in the mission (i thought I'd only have to do this after i got him in a banner) so I had a mini panic trying to think of a name but in the end I named him Flumenel.
—Eel anon
(any thoughts about Kabukimono, Scaramouche, and/or Wanderer to share?)
:o omg omg the name you chose for him is so pretty!!!!!! Admittedly, I have yet to do the interlude quest. ;;; I've been holding off until I have a perfect name for my Wanderer. Although perhaps I should play it as a celebration of sorts because my yearly account review gave me these statistics:
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I wondered which boss I would have fought the most over the year and of course it's Scaramouche LOL. I fight him every week. <3 the aeonblight drake is only there because I fought it so many times when I was farming materials for mouchey. In the end, it all goes back to mouchey. 🫶 perhaps I'll finally play the interlude on Halloween, as that will mark the one-year anniversary of mouchey's drip marketing!!!!! >w<
But yes!!!! All three of his versions have lots of appeal. orz it's difficult to choose a favorite because they're all just so wonderful. As much as I love his Harbinger and Kabukimono eras, I will admit I'm very soft and fluffy over his Wanderer era. My beloved is healing. T_T I'm so happy for him. I still think it's so funny that Nahida enrolled him in the Akademiya. He went from terrorizing and killing others to now writing political essays as Hat Guy and participating in school events. I will never recover from his birthday letter where he visited a cooking club and made too many dishes, so he gifts them to you. He's so perfect!!!!!! I LOVE HIM AAAAAAAAA. OTL
As for thoughts, it's very scattered. >_< there's alienmouche thoughts and discord mod and even scaramer......... but then this is just me shamelessly wanting to make mouchey a deep-sea merman because of a certain trio's influence. >:( OH OH BUT CHILDE....... unrelated and somewhat tangential, but since you completed all of the quests how do you feel about Childe in Fontaine's quest!!!!!! The end of act four had me so :O !!!!!!!!! And the scene where Wriothesley and Clorinde stop the Primordial Sea Water!!!!!!! It was so tense... it had me on the edge of my seat and I was internally screaming!!! AAAAAA SORRY FOR RAMBLING!!!!!! ;;;;
In conclusion, many mouchey thoughts and many Fontaine thoughts in my egg brain. :D
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emilysmovingcastle · 2 years
🌌🪤📦🔥 !! for any [[or all 3 ??]] of ur ocs :^)
THANK U SO MUCH LOVELY 💕💕 !!! I did it for all 3 of my oc's: Corrine, Yueying, and Noriko. It's very long so imma put it under a read more 😌
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them? All of my ocs are genshin ocs so really it was just creating pairings for the characters I like (in this case Diluc, Kazuha, and Thoma). I then try to flesh their relationships with certain tropes I like ☺️
Vivienne: she’s paired with Diluc. For them, childhood friends to lovers was always my go to. Then we have mutual pining and just… idiots to lovers. Someone please help them. But for her character one of the first things I decided was that she was going to be from Fontaine and that she runs away from her arranged marriage
Yueying: She’s paired with Kazuha. They have the second chance at love and just that kind of like relationship where they’re dating without saying so. Like a relationship that just feels natural??? Idk how to explain it really lmao. They first things I knew about her was that she would have a hydro vision, use a pole arm, and be a member of the Crux Fleet.
Noriko: She’s paired with Thoma. They have the like tsundere kind of enemies to lovers thing going on (maybe more like rivals?) plus office romance my beloved. My first ideas for her were that she worked for clan Kamisato and was a geo user.
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
Vivienne: Definitely if a loved one is in danger. She hates to see those around her be hurt so, if there’s anything she can do to protect them, she will. Plus she’s the member of the adventures guild so taking commissions always means there’s a chance for danger
Yueying: THE THRILL OF ADVENTURE BABEY. She can be impulsive which could lead to risky situations (mostly in fighting situations)
Noriko: the least likely to actually step in a situation where danger is imminent. Would do so out of her obligations to clan Kamisato, self defense, or because she got dragged into it.
📦 PACKAGE - what are some "most likely to..." that can apply to them?
Okay so I had to look up a list bc I can’t come up them on my own rn so I’m just choosing the ones that apply best!
Vivienne: 1. most likely to fall asleep literally anywhere 2. most likely to listen to one song for four days in a row
Yueying: 1. most likely to get a really crappy tattoo and immediately regret it 2. most likely to get into an argument with an animal
Noriko: 1. most likely to clean up everybody’s crap without asking 2. most likely to be talented in surprising ways
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
Vivienne: She’s likes to drink away the pain. She’s usually good at limiting herself but often she lets herself go. She’s very anxious and because of it, she tends to hold back on a lot of things.
Yueying: She’s got a pretty strong inferiority complex/imposter syndrome going on. She feels the need to constantly prove herself no matter what. Plus as stated before, she is impulsive which can lead her getting into risky situations.
Noriko: The epitome of “I'll keep all my emotions right here, and then one day I'll die” Will hardly ever ask for help especially when she needs it. She also tends to overwork herself.
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