#Fixing the economy with furry commissions
renonv · 2 months
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it’s either this or nothing sorry papa has been on sketchbook grind lately
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irbcallmefynn · 4 months
Pinned Post for 2024!
A new year calls for a new pinned! Hi! I'm Fynn!
Bigender Transfem Thing (She/He/It/They) furry, artist, almost certainly audhd+ocd+some sort of anxiety disorder (undiagnosed) so bear with me. I'm 20, so I may be adult on here sometimes! I do have an 18+ sideblog but I don't wanna tag it here. Find it yourself if you want it that bad (if you really can't find it but want to see it message me). I will tag things to the best of my ability when needed.
DNI if you're a piece of shit. Zoos, Pedos/Maps/whatever, Nazis, Queerphobes (any of them. No Arophobia allowed), Antifurs, Racist, Sexist, etc. Basically if you're on the DNI list of most queer furries you're on mine. So go step on some Lego someone spilled glass on.
I'd be careful if you're a minor. I'd suggest blocking "#nsfw" so you don't see things you shouldn't. Aside from that you're probably fine? Especially since I have a separate 18+ blog now. If I do slip up and either forget to tag something or accidentally reblog something to or from the wrong account please let me know so I can fix it!
I'm Aegosexual (I experience sexual attraction but am repulsed by sex), Polyamorous (taken <3 <3 <3), and Demiromantic (got three friends I love so so much) <3 <3 <3
I'm Therian to some degree. I know I'm not a wolf or anything. Never have been. But I really wish I was anything other than a human. So Therian it is! I'm also Plushie-kin and Program-kin. Just feel like there's a lot in common between plushies and what I want to be like, and the dependence betwern programs and the machines they're on is my ideal type of relationship. I'm also Alterhuman, Please refer to me as a wolf or dog or puppy or bug or plushie it makes me happy :3 you can find my kinlist thing here
The U.S government sucks ass and so does the economy. Expect me to complain about that a bit on here I guess. Or at least reblog things with tags saying I hope the elite all explode.
I have three main OCs: Fynn is a he/him half demon wolf thing who magicked his mouth off and is basically the mascot of the blog. Nauno is a he/they avali and is extremely gay and very kleptomaniac and I love them. Euphi is a she/heart protogen that happens to be immortal for some reason. Click on their names to see their reference sheets! Click here for a link to the lore doc all about them and the world of Cosme! And click here for my truesona's ref sheet!
And now, some tags. "#fynn art" is for all of my art things. Pictures mainly, little bits of music here and there maybe. "#oc lore" is for when I talk about the lore of my ocs (or worldbuilding for them). "#bedposting" is something I do every night, just kinda whatever's on my mind before bed (may be very weird so heads up). "#art rb" is just for when I reblog art, if I keysmashed a whole bunch in another tag it means I really love it :3
I am into weird shit but probably don't expect much here. Maybe some tagged Transfur/Plushification art. Most of that shit is going to the alt blog babey.
FAQ (frequently-ish asked questions):
Do you take Commissions? No, and I have no plans to. I don't want to make money off of my art. I create for the sake of creating, not for fame or fortune. Related,
Can you commission me? Also no. I have no means of paying people at all. On the topic, don't come up to people and ask them to commission you. That's rude. If they want to commission you, they'll come to you.
What does the IRB stand for? My real initials. My legal first, middle, and last name. It's a force of habit. If/When I get my legal name changed I will change the blog name.
Thanks for reading! Now you should hopefully be at zero risk of being blasted by my death lasers (the block button)!
If this site goes belly up maybe I'll make a Spacehey. More than likely though, I'd be giving up on social media. Sorry!
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