daydreaming-jessi · 3 months
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Wow, people really liked the last Baph post. So here’s her with her aunt and uncles and Murmur. She was real mouthy as a baby, not great when you can summon demon teeth as a baby. She eventually chilled, but left lots of scars in her wake.
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tsikli · 1 year
Ðusyþ word of the day #196
hseng (bed)
/ˈhseŋ/ [ˈs(ʰ)eŋ]* ⟨xu'sang⟩
*Standard Dialect
Descended from Old Ðusyþ xù'sang (bed), from xù's (to sleep) + ang (place).
hsenao xö'akyfhy'ailao, ek ekmi'ödsn, it ek ekakyfhy'ailao'ym. bed-GEN.1 stand-room-COLL-GEN.1 because COP-NEG-3SG-big but because COP-room-GEN.1-small. My bed takes up my whole room, not because it is big, but because my room is small.
2. more generally, a place of rest or recovery
ekFirynghseng. COP-Firyn-bed Firyn is a place of recovery.
3. a sleepover, an overnight stay
Derived terms include:
hsenaf - bunk bed (two beds)
ngölndusxeseng - mattress (bed's floor)
hsembybrif - plushie, stuffed animal (friends of the bed)
riþzhseng - to be charitable, to be hospitable (to give a bed)
hsaimer - bedsheet, duvet (pertaining to a bed)
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Two girls on a date and Markus pining after whoever you want because there are too many ships
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bogkeep · 7 years
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it's still mermay, time to draw the firyns from the fantasy au @aisomon made.......
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katrani · 7 years
Walk in the Woods
The woods were serenely quiet as the three women followed one of the old trails, engrossed in a conversation that broke the peace. Inien had one hand on her hip, the other gesturing forcefully as she spoke. “Look, all I’m saying is that it’d be a lot easier to believe all of you if you could agree on terms.”
“Yeah, well, tell that to Thog,” Ashe answered, glaring at the witch. “Even though we scammed the Copyrighter pretty easily, he’s so scared of him that he won’t let us call the jackethingy by its actual name.”
“The jackelotare, you mean-” Firi provided.
“Yes, that, thank you!” Ashe said, before quieting as the blonde continued-
“Did we scam him, though? I thought that was aggressive haggling.”
Ashe chuckled to herself. “In most places, that is scamming.”
“Oh. Good to know.”
“Of course,” Inien said, her smirk matching Ashe’s, “When dealing with the Alaranni, any haggling is fair game.” They passed a bridge, and Firi paused, raising one hand to her cheek as she recognized something. The air here was chill, moreso than the night had been so far, and it clung to her, as if she’d put her clothes on too quickly after a bath.
Fox King, she thought, with longing, and then, Aryn. She remembered filling her journal with sketches from the swordswoman’s tales, and asking the spiritfolk to model for them both. Harsh words exchanged when she accidentally drew Aryn’s ire, and gentle arms embracing her afterwards, apologies placed upon her skin with the softest of kisses. She thought of comfort brought by the broadest knowledge, and the surety encased in details.
A hand on her shoulder startled her. Firi turned, a flash of white making her look up, before she realized that the one before her was amber-eyed instead of brown, the scars those of magic instead of fire.
“Are you alright?” Ashe asked, her voice quiet with worry.
“You’re being spacier than normal,” Inien added, from her other side.
Firi smiled at them, closing her eyes for a moment while she refocused her thoughts. “Of course. Sorry, I just got distracted for a moment. This place is really interesting!” She took a few steps away from the bridge, trying to ignore the sense of added weight tugging at her, knowing that once they weren’t under a tree’s shadow it would go away. “There’s a lot I can’t wait to see.”
Inien scoffed at that. “The Shrouded Isles aren’t any more interesting than anywhere else,” she said, earning her a glare from Ashe. “What? It’s true- other places are equally as boring as here.”
“You can’t ever let up, can you?” Ashe said, rolling her eyes. “You only say the world is wonderful when you’re trying to make a point, it seems.”
Firi giggled, and followed them, letting them both get a few paces ahead. When she was sure they were too caught up in arguing with each other to pay her much mind, she turned back towards the bridge and waved at it, hoping that it was enough for now. Then she hurried to catch up with Ashe and Inien, her heart pounding at how close those she valued truly were.
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oakwyrm · 7 years
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Happy birthday to @unicorngender who is seriously one of the nicest people I know.
Here’s a modern firyn aesthetic.
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selfsaving · 5 years
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set  within  an  original  campaign   !     (   all  arcs  are  currently  untagged   )
CHILDHOOD  ARC.  although  ara  is  hardly  a  child  any  more ,  he  is  still  treated  so  by  the  elves  that  raised  him.  living  in  a  closed  society  in  the  forest ,  he  struggles  to  be  taken  seriously   &   longs  for  adventure.
BANDIT  ARC.  it’s  by  luck  he  comes  among  the  —  the  bandits  that ,  at  first ,  sought  to  attack  him.  now  he  is  a  quarter  of  the  party ,  seeking  to  expose  corruption  in  the  elves.
ALONE  ARC.  well ,  the  elves  were  overthrown ,  but  at  the  COST  of  his  party.  with  true  heritage  known  now ,  alyeras  isolates  himself.  not  wishing  to  see  the  people  he’d  held  closest  to  him.
HAPPY  ENDING  ARC.  he  returns  to  the  forest  months  later  and ,  despite  a  fight  that  threatens  everything ,  differences  are  reconciled.  alyeras  is  HAPPY  now  —  a  famous  musician  within  the  rebuilt  society ,  a  great  friend  of  the  two  new  queens ,  and  OCCASIONALLY  adventuring  with  his  partner  now  all  arguments  are  over.
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longlostpath · 7 years
tagged by @birdmombeck ;3c
relationship status: dating one (1) girl
favourite colour: blues and greens
lipstick or chapstick: im just a straight up disaster
last song i listened to: i’m just listening to the album ‘dear wormwood’ by the oh hellos on repeat for hours
last movie i watched: hidden figures!!!!
top 3 tv shows: thrilling intent (YOu cAN PLAY IT ON A TV...), avatar: the last airbender, wander over yonder
top 3 ships: gregorzal, firyn, fishe :T
books i’m currently reading: tilfeldigvis arial footlights forhistorie
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igggmbh-blog · 7 years
NEWS Beitrag von SEO & Google Marketing - Businesspläne - Finanzierungsvermittlung
New Post has been published on http://www.igg-gmbh.de/die-jungen-unternehmer-guerilla-aktion-am-kanzleramthubertus-porschen-politik-setzt-auf-staatsverschuldung-und-rentengeschenkedie-zukunft-der-jungen-generation-steht-auf-dem-spiel/
DIE JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER: Guerilla-Aktion am KanzleramtHubertus Porschen: Politik setzt auf Staatsverschuldung und RentengeschenkeDie Zukunft der jungen Generation steht auf dem Spiel
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Projektion auf dem Kanzleramt \”Werde Germany´s next Bundeskanzler/in\”. Weiterer Text über ots und www.presseportal.de/nr/57012 / Die Verwendung dieses Bildes ist für redaktionelle Zwecke honorarfrei. Veröffentlichung bitte unter Quellenangabe: \”obs/DIE JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER/Mario Firyn\”n
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Berlin (ots) – In der Nacht vom 6. auf den 7. Juni wurde am Kanzleramt eine Guerilla-Aktion des Verbands DIE JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER durchgeführt. Mit einem überdimensionalen Projektor wurde das Logo der aktuellen Kampagne \”Germany´s next Bundeskanzler/in\” an das Gebäude geworfen und den Slogan auf die Fußwege vor den Parteizentralen der großen Parteien gesprüht. Gemäß dem Motto des Altkanzlers Schröder \”Ich will da rein!\”, soll das Feuer für Politik bei der jungen Generation wieder entfacht werden. Die Macht der \”Alten\”, auf deren zuverlässige Stimmen die Politik vertraut und die auf sie zugeschnittenen Wahlprogramme sollen eingedämmt werden. Mit dem Online-Contest sucht der Verband die Stimme der jungen Generation, die die Interessen der Erst- und Zweitwähler am besten vertritt.
Hubertus Porschen erklärt: \”Egal, ob es um die abschlagsfreie Rente mit 63 oder die Mütterrente geht: Größter Profiteur der Politik der Bundesregierung in dieser Legislaturperiode sind die Rentner bzw. die in den nächsten Jahren in Rente gehen werden. Diese einseitige Politik liegt im Trend, denn die Wähler werden immer älter. Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte sind mehr als die Hälfte aller Wahlberechtigten über 50. Diese Altersgruppe hat auch die höchste Wahlbeteiligung. Währenddessen bleibt die Staatsverschuldung auf einem sehr hohen Niveau. Sie liegt mittlerweile bei 2 Billionen Euro. Die Zukunft der jungen Generation steht auf dem Spiel! Wir wollen sie dazu bringen, ihr Wahlrecht zu nutzen und ihre Interessen lautstark einzufordern!
Seit dem 1. Juni können junge Menschen im Alter zwischen 18 und 25 Jahren auf www.gnbk.de am Contest teilnehmen und selbstgedrehte Videos einstellen. Die Kandidaten müssen in drei Runden politische Challenges bewältigen. Die erste Herausforderung: \”Was wäre deine erste Amtshandlung als Kanzler?\” Die Online-Community kann dann jeweils für ihre Favoriten Stimmen abgeben. Die letzten fünf Finalisten werden Anfang September ins Kanzler-Camp nach Berlin eingeladen, wo sie gecoacht und auf die Probe gestellt werden. Eine renommierte Jury mit Top-Journalist und Autor Nikolaus Blome, YouTube-Star LeFloid, dem jüngsten Mitglied im Bundestag Ronja Kemmer und dem Bundesvorsitzenden der Jungen Unternehmer Hubertus Porschen entscheiden über den Sieger oder die Siegerin.
Den Trailer zur Kampagne mit Youtuber LeFloid können Sie unter www.gnbk.de abrufen. Schirmherr der Kampagne ist Kanzlerenkel und Familienunternehmer Patrick Adenauer.
Die Fotos zur Guerilla-Aktion finden Sie hier: nhttps://www.junge-unternehmer.eu/pressefotosnHier gibt es den Film zu sehen: https://youtu.be/mX-8soLNwqonHier einige Schnittbilder: nwww.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZuDgsUwFJdda3W8qzF7w-5urzC_2NdQG
DIE JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER sind das Forum für junge Familien- und Eigentümerunternehmer bis 40 Jahre. Unter dem Motto Freiheit, Eigentum, Wettbewerb und Verantwortung bezieht der Verband klar Stellung für eine wettbewerbsorientierte und soziale Marktwirtschaft sowie gegen überflüssige Staatseingriffe. Die Verbandsmitglieder sind Inhaber oder Gesellschafter eines Unternehmens.
Renz Peter Ringsleben nPressereferent n nDIE JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER n nCharlottenstraße 24 | 10117 Berlin nTel. 030 300 65-430 | Fax 030 300 65-390 [email protected] | [email protected] nwww.familienunternehmer.eu | www.junge-unternehmer.eu n nFolgen Sie uns auch auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/JungUnt nAuf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DieJungenUnternehmer/ nUnd auf YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/jungeunternehmer
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daydreaming-jessi · 5 months
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A big ol post of random cotl doodles, we’re just having fun.
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daydreaming-jessi · 12 days
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I was talking to my friend about cult of the lamb and the fun stuff happening in the fandom, including the growing Leshy and yellow cat ship. He asked if their title was ‘catnip’
Anyways I’ve written about Pura here, Leshy is not a fan of her, and she doesn’t like him. It’s what happens when two manipulative bitches cross paths I guess. She’s gonna learn real quick though that the bishops are not all bark and no bite tho 😬 Wish these jerks would leave poor Firyn alone, he does not deserve their nonsense.
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daydreaming-jessi · 2 months
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“There’ve been many souls that have come and gone from the flock, some are just more memorable than others.”
Decided to doodle some cultists I’ve come up for in fics, had in my actual game, or a cool idea i came up with on the spot. Oh and Sozo and Webber are here too :D This is by no means the entirety of the cult, and there may be future followers that stand out too, but for now enjoy these guys. Feel free to ask about them I guess lmao
I will be putting down my written notes under a cut since they’re so small and scribbly ^^;
Brother Tyr, head priest, he/him: The Lamb's 3rd closest. Very stressed despite doing his job for 200 years. Tries and fails to be a peacekeeper in the cult. Tyr and Nari argue a lot.
Brother Narinder, head mortician, he/him: Don't piss him off. The Lamb's spouse. Best source of info on the crowns and outside world. Can do any job around the temple and will. When the Lamb isn't around.
Sister Merbre, temple organizer, she/her: Helob loves her. The main reason the temple runs when Lamb is gone. Has a surprising realist view. Everyone loves her. Romantic at heart.
Yeon, general worker, she/her: Has to let loose in demon form or else. Together with Julno. Friends with Narinder. Seeking absolution from her past crimes. 'Encouraged' Narinder to court Lamb.
Tyna, assistant mortician, they/them: Cult's head goth. Runs the slam poetry night. Also does piercings and tats.
Nanaon, retired missionary, she/her: One of the Lamb's most faithful. Insists she's not that old and can still work. One of the few mortals to earn the respect of both Deaths.
Firyn, farmer, he/him: A worker. Great with people and plants. Born after the fall of the Old Faith. Leshy's companion. Doesn't know the horrors yet. People tend to underestimate him.
Pura, general worker, she/they: Likes Firyn. Likes to manipulate things to her benefit. Doesn't like Leshy. Doesn't realize what being an ex-bishop means. Genuinely respects the Lamb.
Almer, refinery worker, he/him: Shamura's friend. Easy going. Wants a big family. A good confidant. Gives great hugs.
Grayden, silk sorter, they/them: Shamura's friend. Quiet but a beautiful singer. A shy pushover, but will snap.
Julno, farmer, he/him: Came with the 'coward' trait. Still scared of the Lamb, and Yeon's 'bestie' Narinder. Together with Yeon. Doesn't know her murderous urges.
Poppy, she/her: Best friends with Webber, youngest of the cult. Brave and tenacious Webber, he/them: Best friends with Poppy, youngest of the cult. Gentle and curious.
Dr. Sozonius, researcher, he/him: Amnesiac. Lamb is helping him find home. Extremely well educated about biology. Does not like the spider stalking him, or the mushroom.
Keeper, record keeper, she/him: Face is always obscured. Hates the Dark. Doesn't talk about his past. Has a strange locket that ticks. Always smells of salt.
Joobre, refinery worker/tailor, he/them: Loves working with silk. Has tea with Berith. Likes gold jewelry.
Thorty, bartender, he/him: Fights with Nari a lot. Short temper. Best with the drunks.
Bregrear, smith, he/him: Quiet. Knows his way around weapons. Old hat at this point. Hopes to retire in peace.
Harbre, smith apprentice/missionary, any pronouns: Hot tempered. Looks up to Bregrear. Married to Bathin, chases off suitors neither of them like. Longs to master their craft. Protective.
Anar, miner/lumberjack, he/him: Distrusting. Hard worker. Doesn't exactly trust the Lamb, but willing to give the cult a shot. Starts fights.
Fun-Gui, researcher assistant, they/them: Weirdly obsessed with Sozo. Self proclaims as his assistant. Other mushroomos don't like them. Always goopy and dripping.
Hajal, traitor, she/her: Left the cult. Status unknown.
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bogkeep · 7 years
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smorch the scars
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bogkeep · 7 years
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second batch of soft requests :0
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bogkeep · 7 years
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first batch of the soft requests. decided to do them as pencil sketches hope that’s okay
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bogkeep · 7 years
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sorry for the angst earlier, here are soft happy draws
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