starzpsychics · 2 months
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How to Read Tarot Time and the Elemental Dignities
To understand tarot time, you must understand the four suits, and which season they represent, the four suits are: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles
Subsequently, to establish which season events are happening in the basic rule to remember is:
Pentacles represent Autumn.
Wands represent Spring.
Cups represent Summer.
Swords represent Winter.
So, for a general understanding on just how to read tarot time and the elemental dignities.
Each of the four elements is associated with a compass point – the following directional quotes are true for the Northern hemisphere, therefore if you are in the southern hemisphere then the opposites will apply.
So, what are the elemental dignities of the four tarot suits:
· Earth - Pentacles
· Air - Swords
· Water - Cups
· Fire - Wands
Let’s look at how you are going to read tarot time and the elemental dignities of the four tarot suits and how they interact with each other. This requires a simple formal using the four elements.
So, for example - An excess of cups - water cards would typically be painting an emotional picture and that things are generally passive.
Read More: https://starzpsychics.com/.../how-to-read-tarot-time-and...
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probably-unreliable · 2 years
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The DO and DON’T of handling Firewand
DO keep your finger on the trigger, the faster shot win the fight.
DO shoot at any noise, dangers lurks everywhere.
DO eat the firedust, they taste delicious.
DON’T point the firewand at the ground, you may shoot at your feet.
DON’T check if the firewand is loaded, you can easily tell by the weight.
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moonstar-mush · 1 year
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Tendaji has been learning a special style of firewand martial arts from a Solar xe met named Guada cal Despa Nagat who is a giant mutant six-limbed lizardman. Tendaji of course has naturally taken one look at this grumpy old coot and decided, “oh he’s my grandpa now.”
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brontes-anvil · 1 year
Martial Arts of my Sidereal OCs
Actually turns out it's harder than I thought even with several books out each with Martial Arts detailed. Here's my best attempts.
Captain Yurena (Journeys): There's no nautical-themed firewand styles, but I like Righteous Devil in juxtaposition with her job of ferrying doom. Failing that, I imagine fighting chain arts (Throne Shadow) and an artifact rope.
Porter (Serenity): Likes to pose as a bartender or party organizer and probably has martial arts that let him operate in social situations (Dreaming Pearl Courtesan, Throne Shadow) with Crane being his non-subtle kind of Martial Arts. Probably Seven Drunken Gods (from the supplement) and Emerald Aeons.
Unquenchable Azar (Battles): All the sword styles so far are either dual-wielding or iajutsu, which I don't see for Azar. Probably going to have a few spear martial arts (Golden Janissary), Melee Charms and hitting up Prismatic Arrangement immediately.
Ashen Tome (Secrets): Almost always weird and/or esoteric Martial Arts, even one's he wouldn't especially be good at. Dreaming Pearl, Nightingale, Black Claw (Why do you have Black Claw, Ash? That's a messed up art for messed up people. Who do you love that badly?).
Simony (Endings): Ebon Shadow and White Veil seem apt for the illusion of being unassuming.
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ckejack · 2 years
maybe instead of a firewand they shoul call it a "Toast cooker" #normalMansThoughts
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keirangoldenwatch · 1 year
Secret Santa 2022
How the fuck is it December already???
Anywho, let's go!
I'm putting up the party Lunars for the art-ing this year--since Seren got such lovely art last year! They're both great characters and I adore them, so I look forward to whichever of them gets picked!
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Theron Ruinseeker - No Moon Caste, Toad Totem - Necromancer Tomb-Raider
Theron Ruinseeker, birth name Theron Freeborn, was the son of slaves in Great Forks whose intelligence got the attention of the noble class. After a successful career in the House of Lore, he and his entire graduating class were trapped in a horrible haunted tomb that killed everyone but him, and his survival earned Luna's blessing. He's become much more cautious--and guilt ridden--in the following years, but at least he's got a perfectly safe and sane bondmate to make things better...or not.
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Neiko Whisperstep - Half Moon Caste, Tabby Cat Totem - Firewander's Feline Thief
Born on the streets of Nexus' least forgiving sector, Neiko found a gang of thieves who were happy to take her in and teach her the tools of trade. Even though she never lived an easy life she still loved her gang, and the thrill of robbing the nobles wasn't too bad either. But one poor heist got her caught by a Guildsman and nearly sold into slavery, and she barely escaped by the skin of her teeth. Her escape her earned Luna's blessing--and a fluffy tail. She and her gang are still thieves, but she's brought the party to Great Forks to follow her bondmate, and to perhaps find something in her life beyond robbing the rich.
They're both such good babies. I love them both. Enjoy!~
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vaultsofthefirstage · 6 years
Business and Pleasure (Orichalcum Devil Casters ***)
These are inspired by @theuncrucified. While Koh’s character is in 2e, I loved the story and the artifacts and asked the author if it would be ok to turn them into some neat 3e firewands. If you haven’t read it, you absolutely should.
Found in an archeological dig turned betrayal by the Merchant Prince Ahrun Vadras, the twin weapons of ancient craft, forged of the demon-gold Orichalcum were inherited by his daughter, Kalara Vadras, the Uncrucified as she fled Nexus under false accusations with the Unconquered Sun’s protection leaving all speechless staring at the newly born Anathema.
The tale of the flame firing weapons did not tie itself to the name of the one bountiful Guild merchant however, but rather tales spread of the Bandit King, Koh, the Righteous Devil who freed the slaves of the East and spurred them towards the free city. And the free city was managed by the Pristine Guild and its head, the daughter of a merchant who would never again let the Guild hide its shame in her light.
She burned her enemies to ash and from those ashes rose Dinas Rhydd, the free city that would change the future of Creation.
Attunement: 5m Type: Medium (+1/+5/+3/+1/-1 ACC, +12L, OVW 4) Tag: Lethal, Archery (Short), Flame, Slow, One-handed, Mounted Hearthstone Slots: 2 Era: Dreams of the First Age
Evocations of Business and Pleasure
Forged before the fall of the First Age, Business and Pleasure’s golden hues shine brighter in the hands of the Solars they were forged for. A Solar Exalted pays no additional motes to attune to both weapons. Exalted who are not resonant with orichalcum instead pay a 2m surcharge to attune to both weapons. Exalted who are dissonant with Orichalcum must attune to both firewands separately (10m total). 
In addition, the two weapons burn brightest together, not alone. Anytime the Solar reloads one devil caster, she may reload both with the same action.
Chains Melt Away
Cost: 6m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: Dissonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: None
Like the nails that melted to slag in the palms of The Uncrucified, with a gout of heavenly fire, the Exalted condemns the bonds that bind herself or others. This charm creates a single attack that automatically destroys mundane locks, shackles, or other implements holding a target captive. In combat, if one of her opponents could somehow contest her action, she must succeed at a Gambit (Difficulty 3). Chains, locks, and bonds made from the five magical materials are never fully destroyed with this, but instead the Exalt must make a difficulty 5 (Dexterity + Archery or Martial Arts) check to cause them to open under the extreme heat. This never harms those the Exalt frees with this evocation, but the Exalt must have at least one hand free to melt her own chains.
Special Activation Rules: As long as the wielder is not dissonant with Orichalcum, this evocation awakens at no cost after attuning to both weapons.
At Essence 3+, this evocation can be repurchased by anyone not dissonant with Orichalcum. This allows the solar to make a difficulty 5 (Dexterity + Archery or Martial Arts) check to “break” magical bondage, such as a demon’s binding or a Yasal Crystal’s hold on a spirit or even the spell Corrupted Words.
Inner Hearth Bellows
Cost: -; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite: None
Firedust serves a firewand only so well, but the Exalt has no need when she herself is the flame that purifies enemies. Each of the Exalt’s firewands can be fired up to double her (current Anima Level) times in a round before needing to be reloaded, however after each action, she must still reload. As such, she may use multi-attack charms that the Slow tag would otherwise prevent, as long as she makes no more than that many attacks. For example, using Trance of Unhesitating Speed at the Dim level, she could make up to two attacks between her two devil casters or up to six while she was iconic.
Freed Heart Flames
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Decisive-Only, Resonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Chains Melt Away, Inner Hearth Bellows
Like the Unconquered Sun opened his heart to Kalara, the Exalt learns to open her heart and fire its flames from her weapon. This charm enhances a Decisive attack that supports one of her intimacies, adding bonus dice to the raw damage equal to the strength of that intimacy.
Resonant: A solar, while at the iconic anima stage, may let her entire soul fill Business and Pleasure. For each level of anima she reduces herself, she may choose to apply an additional intimacy to boost her raw damage, though she may use only one intimacy of each strength (for a maximum of 9 bonus damage from drawing on a Defining, Major, and Minor intimacy).
Silver-Tongued Devil Style
Cost: - (10m, 1wp); Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Mute
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite: Chains Melt Away, Heart-Eclipsing Shroud (Exalted 400)
Inside each of the firewands is the story of Koh, the Bandit King. This evocation creates an immediate persona for Heart-Eclipsing Shroud that does not count against the Solar’s maximum number of personas. While players may choose to add additional intimacies, he always has the following
Defining: I will end the profits made on the scarred backs of fellow men
Defining: The slave trade of the Guild will be brought to an end
Major: The Guild is full of real monsters
Major: My heart knows the fire’s path and my enemies are purified in its flames.
Major: The people, are the perpetuators of change. Their dreams will shape the future of Creation.
Minor: I am possessed only by my own passion. I am no Anathema.
In addition, Koh lives in the legend of the Righteous Devil. The Exalt may learn Righteous Devil Style charms without a tutor, however these charms may only be used while adopting the persona of Koh. Should the Exalt find a proper tutor, she may spend the normal training times to use these charms equally across any persona she dons, including her original self.
Golden Devil Castigation
Cost: 7m, 4i, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Resonant, Dissonant
Duration: One Round
Prerequisite: Freed Heart Flames
As the Exalt takes a moment to simply stare down at her foes down the barrel of a devil caster and they freeze up. She does not enslave them, they bind themselves in the chains of their own twisted sins. The Exalt rolls (Charisma + Presence) against the Resolve of all targets out to Short range. If they defy one of her intimacies, she gains that many bonus dice to the roll. If she is successful, she may initiate an immediate grapple gambit upon all of them, rolling her full initiative and using Charisma + Presence in place of Strength + Brawl. The Exalt may act normally and is not restricted by this grapple, nor is her defense penalized. Targets who would be considered innocent by the Exalted or who the Exalt holds a positive intimacy towards are unaffected, even if they currently stand against her. While her foes still take the -2 penalty to defense, -1 (or -3 for two handed weapons) to attack, and are incapable of moving until the end of her next turn, the Exalt may not take any normal grapple actions against them.
While the Exalt’s anima is displayed at the iconic anima level, these chains become visible golden constructs binding her foes. 
Resonant: Resonant wielders extend the range of the grapple effect to Medium range.
Special Activation Rules: This evocation cannot be awakened with experience points. Instead a non-dissonant Exalted must complete a Major, Defining, or Legendary Social Goal that is compatible with the intimacies of Koh, the Bandit King (see Silver-Tongued Devil Style). Dissonant Exalted cannot awaken this evocation by any means.
Golden Devil Judgement
Cost: 5m, 3a; Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Decisive-Only, Resonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Golden Devil Castigation, Silver-Tongued Devil Style
Resonant: Only wielders resonant with Orichalcum can learn this evocation.
Seeing the chains that bind those who stand against her, the Exalt aims Business and Pleasure down and burns them away. Those caught in the blaze burn only from their own wrong-doings. This charm can only be used the round after Golden Devil Castigation while the Solar is iconic. All opponents caught in the grapple are immediately consumed in a golden fire, a special savage attack made by this evocation that gains the benefit of Freed Heart Flames automatically.
This evocation can only be used once per story unless reset by completing a major, defining, or legendary social goal compatible with the intimacies of Koh, the Bandit King, though the Solar may wear any persona to perform the deed.
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blackmodelsunite · 4 years
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@blueflamefireperformer • • • • • • Cordova, Tennessee Happy Saturday from @blueflamefireperformer @blueflameburlesque #HAPPYSATURDAY #FIREEATER #firedancer🔥 #fireperformer #fireperformance #fireart #memphiscircusarts #memphisbirthdayparties #memphisgotshootas #blueflameflowartist #aieshiadickeythemodel #flowarts #flowartscommunity #firewands #blackwomeninmedia #blackwomeninentertainment #blackentertainment #fireentertainment #promotionandmarketing #Repost . . #blackmodelsunite https://www.instagram.com/p/CHTD8j3Hjsp/?igshid=19717sqk17ofx
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talulahblue · 7 years
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FIRE by @digi_mechanic www.talulahblue.com #fireperformer #fire #fireeating #firewands #burlesque #burlesquelife #burlesqueperformer #showgirl #showgirls #showgirlcostume #vintageshowgirl #costumes #costumier #costumedesigner #vintage #vintagestyle #vintagelife #stylist #fashionshoot #photoshoot #talulahblue #talulahbluecreations #performer #entertainer #corporateentertainer #circus #circusperformer #gypsyshowgirl #festivalperformer (at Leicester, United Kingdom)
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clearly Doverae knows how to have fun. but can she fight?
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“I graduated from the top military academy in the empire, can’t do that if you’re helpless~ If I’m expecting long distance engagements, I bring my bow, Heartsong, while I keep a flamepiece on hand for reminding people why us marksmen aren’t helpless up close.”
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paonsuicide-blog · 6 years
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Pulse Nightclub is having it's Grand Re-opening this weekend!! Don't miss out on drink specials, sexy women, and ONE HOT FIRE SHOW, by yours truly!! 🔥🔥💋💋 Come Party with me!! 💖. #pulse #checkyourpulse #pulseofpeoria #heartbreakers #heartstoppers #partytime #grandopening #grandreopening #itsapleasure #fireshow #firedancer #fireperformer #fireeater #firewand #showgirls #yesastripper #exoticdancer #adultentertainer #adultentertainment #drinkspecials #bottomsup #becauseboobs #letsparty #featureentertainer #featuredancer #comeoutandplay #peorianightlife #clublife (at Peoria, Illinois)
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probably-unreliable · 2 years
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Possible Evocations of an Orichalcum/Red jade Grimcleaver ~
The character is a pirate so there are gonna be some anti-ship effect in there.
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moonstar-mush · 1 year
Exalted Secret Santa Journal Post
Excited to be participating in this for the first time! It's nice to meet other fans of this game outside of my regular playgroup.
(ping for @shiftingpath )
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Entry 1: Tendaji Greenwich Twilight Caste Solar Exalt (Bureaucracy Supernal) Pronouns: She/Her, Xe/Xyr, or They/Them Age: 22 (been a solar for less than a year) Ht: 5'8"
Other References: 1 (anima & firewand) 2 (artwork from campaign's start) 3 (adorable wiggly gif i commissioned) also look at the #tendaji tag on this blog
Description: Once a low-ranking bureaucrat for the Urim Civil Service Corps, Tennie had aspirations of becoming an architect someday. Everything changed when a near-death in a bridge collapse caused her exaltation. As an anathema on the run, she is adrift in a world she’s terrified of, with powers she’s only barely comprehending, and unpacking a decade of bureaucratic programming of the very system that would now reject her if they knew what she really was. But lucky enough for her, she's found community amongst a diverse assortment of fellow misfits, and has formed something of a family with them. Now she'll do anything to keep that family.
Anima: Instead of appearing on xer forehead, Tendaji's castemark is actually situated on xer left eye, which turned teal upon xer exaltation. They manifest the Sun's command over the cycles of night and day, which essentially means they have time-powers. Tennie doesn't just build things, they push forward the hands of time to a project's completion. They don't just move quickly, they skip through time in a series of glitchy leaps and teal after-images. The nature of their exaltation is a bit overwhelming, and the more they use their powers, the less control they seem to have over what they're doing, slipping into a trance-like state and babbling in First Age tongues.
Anatomy Notes: Tendaji lost xer right arm in a battle with an Abyssal who shot an arrow the size of a dachshund into her shoulder. It was a pretty awful experience, but the upside is that later on down the line, she got a new replacement! A liminal necrosurgen attached a new arm to Tendaji, and said arm was generously donated to her by her boyfriend (also a liminal so he was okay). So if you're drawing Tennie in a sleeveless outfit (something she actually does a lot now bc she's so grateful for the new arm and likes to show off the scars) take a look at the references above to see how it should look. Other small notes on appearance: Tennie is narrow but a little top-heavy (like a lollipop body-shape); they wear a small bit of eyeliner; their hair falls a bit below the shoulders when not put up; they have very good posture.
Motifs: Teal & Yellow; clocks, watches; hourglasses, sundials and other assorted time imagery; architecture and city layouts; sunflowers & honeybees; paperwork, pens, sketches, and blueprints; when theyre having a bad time: glitchiness and intense shadows.
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Entry 2: Mokshi Bodhisattva Compassion No-Moon Caste Lunar Exalt (Carpenter Bee Spirit Shape) Pronouns: She/Her Age: 22 (exalted a year or so ago) Ht: 5'2"
Other References: 1 (hybrid form/limit break) 2 (another color reference & bee mode) 3 (alt outfit) Also check out the #mokshi tag on this blog
Description: Technically not my player character, she's an NPC in the game I play Tendaji. That's bc Mokshi and Tennie are a Lunar/Solar pair. A kid during the fall of Thorns, Mokshi lost her parents and her home and fled to Jiara. There she became wrapped up in a local criminal syndicate as a burglar. One night while breaking into a house, she encountered Luna and became one of her chosen (the exact details of this encounter have yet to be revealed by the GM). Tendaji and the party rescued Mokshi from her mob family when they started turning against her, and has joined their funny little freak brigade ever since. Mokshi and Tennie couldn't be more different as people, as she's boastful and reckless as opposed to her Solar counterpart's carefulness and timidness. The pair of them are having a tough time figuring out what exactly they mean to each other, but hopefully they'll work it out someday.
Anima: Like Tennie, Mokshi's caste mark doesn't appear on her forehead, but rather on her eye. Specifically her left eye, which turned bright yellow upon her exaltation (mirroring Tendaji's heterochromia). When using her essence in displays of lunar power, the classic silver is overpowered by ambery-gold hues of honey. At higher anima levels, an amber moon hangs behind her like a halo, and spectral yellow bees swarm like a hive.
Anatomy Notes: Upon exaltation, Mokshi received a pair of bee wings attached to her back, they normally aren't large enough for true flight unless she's in hybrid form. The bee wings and the exoskeleton of her hybrid from are primarily glossy black like a carpenter bee. Other small notes on appearance: Mokshi is fat and curvy, so if you're drawing her please try to depict her body type accurately (no skinny Mokshi's please!); she wears pretty pronounced eyeliner and eyeshadow, and has glossy black lipstick; feel free to give her a lil fang or pointy teeth or two, as a treat. Also she has moonsilver tattoos, but i havent really gotten around to designing them so don't worry about it, except i will say that she has moonsilver knuckle-tats that say "BUZZ" and "KILL"
Motifs: Yellow & Black; bees, honey, and hives; honeycomb & hexagonal grids; goth aesthetics; fashion & clothing; comics and very sketchy pencil doodles; knives; money and burglary imagery; finger guns
anyway, thanks for reading! Can't wait to get started!
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#fireWand #PhoenixWand #magic #witch #wizard #wands #craft #wandshop #wandmaker #Robertalovelifemagic #woodenwands #wandmaking https://www.instagram.com/p/CFpWC2ypjYh/?igshid=1ld9dse0a81xc
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Long stemmed firewands- copper stem with option to take a part to transport #pyro #fireplay #firewand http://etsy.me/2CJ5lUQ
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controlkris · 2 years
Check the equipment of the whole party.
Their inventories are checked.
- SpookySword
- Shield
- SpookySweet
- Cell Phone
- Egg
- Egg
- Axe
- Cell Phone
- Firewand
- Pie Slice
- Ketchup, somehow
- Egg
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