davidosu87 · 2 years
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This is a found footage horror movie that piqued my interested when I heard about it. That would be through podcasts. What works for me here is that it makes sense why they're recording and why they would continue as they investigate this potential miracle. Where this goes sucked me in as well. Have you seen this one? What did you think? My thoughts are up on @davidosu87’s blog or the link below: https://horrorreview.webnode.page/news/final-prayer/ #finalprayer #theborderlands #foundfootage #lovecraftian #cosmichorror #religion #unitedkingdom #horror #horrormovie #horrormovies #horrorfilm #horrorfilms #horrorfan #horrorfans #horrorreview #horrorreviews #horrorreviewer #filmreview #filmreviews #filmreviewer #nothorror #horrorcommunity #horrorfamily #hashtag https://www.instagram.com/p/CelK9efuaYy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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psyche13 · 3 years
So whenever I watch a new movie I like to record my thoughts and reactions just for fun. Since I’m writing stuff for the Final Prayer I thought I would post what I wrote when I watched it for the first time.
-They are not speaking English yet, oof that guy is angry at the camera man.
-Chasing sugar with red bull is a total mood
-teehee he locked himself out in the most British way possible. I already love him.
-“We’re sharing?” Haha too funny.
-wait a minute wait a minute…the sharing guy is the guy from the beginning who yelled at the camera. What’s he doing here I thought this was found footage from the recorder they found in the wall?
-“I’ll put the kettle on” is just about the most British thing I have heard all day. Love it.
-Deacon looks really familiar…where have I seen him before *pauses movie to look up imdb.com* yessssssssssss Sherlock, must watch that episode later…omg AND Robin Hood? Okay I gotta watch this show now and also Richard Armitage it’s a sign that I will most definitely love it.
-why are they cutting to black when it is a found footage movie? Who is watching this other than me, the viewer? Can anybody log into the Vatican website and watch investigations go forward in real time?
-Chill about the head cam, dude.
-WTF is a betting shop? *pauses movie* I’m not from the UK so…yeah Im guessing it has something to do with fishing? *looks it up on google* oh duh betting like gambling guess that makes sense.
-have you just bought booze is also such a mood.
-Aww he’s teaching him about the map, that’s kinda sweet. Also Ball….combe :P
-hahaha the puzzle and “See you around March”, this movie is kinda funny, I like it :)
-church bells remind me of when I was living in Rome.
-those people outside are kinda creepy, getting paranormal activity vibes.
-teeheee delicate equipment
-man they are awkward car drivers.
-are we there yet? Point for sarcasm 👍
-have a cracking good day mate haha
-is that really what the tapes are used for or is he just being sarcastic? Maybe a point for sarcasm?
-OMG Gray you NEVER eat in a church, hearing that sound is giving me anxiety. Growing up I would have been whooped good if I was ever caught eating during church.
-Haha the cow thing was funny. Is that how British people smoke cigarettes? When I went to London I didn’t see anybody do that…. But then again I was only there for 2 days and it rained the entire time. Not that that has anything to do with smoking. Man, what a trip that was.
-Barry is totally another mood.
-Whats happening now? Oh wait this is a flashback awwww look its a baby! EARTHQUAKE!!!! Why isn’t anybody running? Do they have earthquakes in England?
-Fancy a drink eh? More British talk, I love it.
-What’s stigmata? *pauses movie* oooohhhh ouch. Poor girl.
-No offense to him or anything but Mark is being kind of a dick right now….if he was delayed then why didn’t he call them? So rude.
-Wait wait, so Mark got to the cottage and then just decided to snoop in Deacon and Gray’s room without them? And touch their stuff? Once again, how rude.  And the fact that he is treating Gray as just a techie and not an important member of the investigation. I feel ya, Gray sometimes that’s how I feel at work too.
-Fish n chips, awkward strangers eating dinner vibe going on.
-Mark definitely made it seem like in his report that Deacon had been the one that killed the sheep.
-Who puts water in a coffee mug? Sorry I’m judging just a little bit.
-So I think Gray’s shirt is of a knight riding an ostrich. Would that make Gray a fan of the game Joust? *inner geek squeals*
-Gray is wearing a gold wedding band, and Deacon has  a silver pendant necklace and a watch. Im always curious about jewelry choices in movies. I wonder if they will mean anything near the end?
-Mark really doesn’t know what earbuds are?
-Yeah, I’ve heard that sound before and do you know what is it? It is a RAT in the wall just crawling around. Those MFs can get huge, and it takes forever for them to die and that’s just if you are lucky sometimes they decided to live there and have millions of rat babies. I hate rats.
-Priests most definitely are an uptight bunch but they sure do know how to party. Trust me, I went to catholic school.
-Okay so that dog actually looked really friendly, I could see his tail wagging.
-Ouch, poor mark that look like it hurt a lot.
-Gray’s concern is so sweet, and he is right Mark should really go see a doctor. Bleeding ears are not good!
-Okay so what is he saying about Belem? Curse my hearing loss for making it so difficult for me to understand what anybody is saying without the freaking subtitles on….rewinding now.
-I think I get it now, when Deacon was telling Gray the story of what happened in Belem he made it seem like he wasn’t there, that he was at the Vatican receiving reports from Renaldi but never was in Brazil.
-Haha the bottle trick was cool. How did he do that?
-Krellick is getting kind of weird, and what is up with all the earthquakes at the church? I think they need to talk to a seismologist.
-That baby crying doesn’t seem to be coming from a baby monitor.
-Oh no….not Father Krellick! That was very unsettling and I am going to have to update the DDD report to include suicide. Damn.
-Those kids totally got what the deserved.
-Okay here we go again, what are they saying? Gotta back up and put on the subtitles again. Why won’t my stupid ears work right?
-Sorry about this bit I kinda tuned everything out because I was painting my nails and also it got scary way to fast for my liking.
-DEACON WATCH WHERE YOU ARE DRIVING! Oh never mind he is the passenger I forgot they were in England.
-this is the last time that any of them are ever going to see the sky, and that’s kind of sad.
-Gray and Deacon kind of sound like an old bickering couple…..I totally ship them.
-He actually sounds really scared, poor darling. I would be scared too, caves are terrifying and I have probably the worst claustrophobia ever. Should I really be watching this movie when my MRI is tomorrow? Nahhh I’ll be fine (UPDATE: I was not fine).
-WTF was that? That’s it? That’s the end? NO it can’t be the end. WHY?! OMG that’s such an awful way to die. Why would they do that? So this isn’t the same church that was in the beginning? That’s so confusing, so then who found the cameras? I must watch again but this time with the subtitles on through the whole thing.
-*while walking the dog* why did they go down there when Gray saw that father what’s his face was dead in the church?
-*while driving to work* OMG the orphanage was there so they could sacrifice the babies to the pagan god monster.
-FOUR DAYS LATER at 2:30AM *pulls up blank word document* muahahahahaaaaaa this will be fun!
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ryanwreckless · 7 years
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"Meet me in the dark." 📸Photo Shot By The Homie: @archivalgrams 🔥⛪️🔥 Tee Provided By: @crmc_clothing ⌚️Billy Bones Watch Provided By: @ma_ga_london_ 😈Devils Rings Provided By: @tokyo_humanexperiments #RyanWreckless #LasVegasModel #PrimalTitan #Inked #ConnectInk #CRMCclothing #Model #TokyoHumanExperiments #PublishedModel #InkRoyalty #Ink #Savage #Style #TattooedMensFashion #AllBlackEverything #StayEvil #InkedVandals #MensFashion #Dark #DarkArtists #DarkArtistries #FinalPrayer #MaGaLondon #MensAccessories #KillinIt #LasVegas #SinCity
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piouscatholic · 3 years
Feast Day- October 12🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Our Lady of the Pillar Novena
Prayer # 1
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving.
Mary, Our Lady of the Pillar,
we give you praise
because you opened the door of the human race,
to allow the coming of your son,
our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
We give you thanks for through your response,
born of a humble heart,
you draw the spirit upon us.
We acknowledge you as the ever Virgin,
Mother of the True God,
who conceived without stain of original sin,
assumed into heaven, body and soul
and crowned as the Queen of the Universe.
With joy and gratitude we likewise acclaim you
as the Mother of the Church
and the Mother of us all.
Praised be your name forever.
Holiest Virgin of the Pillar,
Mother of God, with my whole heart and with my whole soul
I consecrate to you my body with all its powers,
and worship you above all the angels and saints in heaven
as the Daughter of Our Eternal Father who is in Heaven.
Holiest Virgin of the Pillar,
Mother of Our Lord Jesus,
I adore you and glorify you above all the angels and saints
in paradise as the Mother of your only begotten Son,
Our Savior, who redeemed mankind from sin,
and consecrate to you my body with all its senses.
Holiest Virgin of the Pillar, refuge of sinners,
and worthy of all the veneration and tenderness
of angels and of men, with my whole soul
I venerate you above all the angels and saints in Heaven
as the beloved Spouse of the Holy Spirit,
and consecrate my heart to you all its affections,
praying to you, my dearest Mother to obtain for me
from the Most Holy Trinity all the heavenly graces
I need for the salvation of my soul.
Most Holy Virgin of the Pillar,
Immaculate Mother of God,
to your blessed trust and special protection
and into your bosom, I commend my soul and my body
every day of my life on earth
and in the final hour of my death.
To you my ever Virgin Lady of the Pillar,
I entrust to your care all my problems,
worries and miseries, my life, and end of my life,
so that by your kind intercession
and by your own merits,
all my actions may be directed
and disposed according to your will
and that of your Divine Son Jesus.
O Virgin of the Pillar,
I give myself entirely to you, body and soul,
to show my eternal devotion to you, dearest Mother,
I consecrate to you this day my eyes, my ears, my mouth,
my heart and my whole being without reserve.
Wherefore my good and dearest Mother,
as I am yours, keep me and guard me as your property.
Most Holy Mary, Virgin of the Pillar,
unworthy though I am, yet moved by your tender care
and motherly affection for me
and longing to be of service to you,
I choose this day in the presence of my guardian angel
and of all the saints in Heaven for you
to be my Queen, my Advocate, and my dearest Mother.
I firmly resolve to be of service to you now and always,
and to do what I can to glorify your holy name and honor.
Wonderful Virgin of the Pillar,
you are all mine through your holy and loving mercy.
If you see in me anything which does not belong to you,
I humbly implore you my dearest Mother,
to take it and make yourself the ruler of my heart
and of all that is mine to give.
Destroy in me all that is most displeasing to you
and to your Son, God and the Father Almighty Who is in Heaven.
Immaculate Mary, Our Lady of the Pillar,
Queen of heaven, Mother of mercy,
obtain for me Divine graces.
I firmly resolve this day and always
to entrust my heart and soul into your hands
to be consecrated to Our Lord and Savior.
Most Blessed Lady of the Pillar,
I now give my heart to you
in the presence of the angels and saints in paradise,
and consecrate it to your only begotten Son Jesus.
Because of the childlike confidence I have for you,
my dearest Mother, I am certain that you will do all you can
to make my heart belong entirely to Jesus now and forever
so that I may imitate His examples
and that of the saints in Heaven.
Therefore, my most devoted and loving Mother,
Virgin of the Pillar, aid me in my every thought,
word and action and beg foe me from you Son Jesus,
the graces never to be displeasing in His sight.
Dearest Mother, think of me and do not abandon me
in life and in the hour of me death.
+ In the Name of the Father,
and the Son,
and the Holy Ghost,
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Laura Roush is the author of the article “SANTA MUERTE, PROTECTION, AND DESAMPARO”
In her article, she describes how La Santa Muerte in somehow is related with organized crime and how people celebrate the monthly rosary in Tepito, Mexico.
Santísima Muerte, Señora Nuestra, Queen of the dark and the cold, We draw close to you ask for your protection, our lady, protect us and shield us from our enemies and our stalkers, from traps and vengeances; shield us with your cape. Señora, you who see in the dark, protect our persons, our houses, and our families in the name of the Father, the son, and the Holy Spirit...
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merchxmutt · 6 years
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Final prayer for the feline race.  Thanks to @russwood8 and his dog Theo for this pic!  #hatebreed #perseverance #finalprayer #cthc #connecticuthardcore #metal #punk #jameyjasta #dogsofinstagram @hatebreedofficial @jameyjasta @floridafrank @godofbass @waynelozinak @matthewpeterbyrne @fseanmartin https://www.instagram.com/p/BpiRMLUAZxi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vuvlbx5hlmb3
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psyche13 · 3 years
Chapter 6 is live! Woot wooooo!
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ryanwreckless · 7 years
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"Catch Fire" 📸Photo Shot By The Homie: @archivalgrams 🔥⛪️🔥 Tee Provided By: @crmc_clothing ⌚️Billy Bones Watch Provided By: @ma_ga_london_ 😈Devils Rings Provided By: @tokyo_humanexperiments #RyanWreckless #LasVegasModel #PrimalTitan #Inked #ConnectInk #CRMCclothing #Model #TokyoHumanExperiments #PublishedModel #InkRoyalty #Ink #Savage #Style #TattooedMensFashion #AllBlackEverything #StayEvil #InkedVandals #MensFashion #Dark #DarkArtists #DarkArtistries #FinalPrayer #MaGaLondon #MensAccessories #KillinIt #MensStyle #LasVegas #SinCity #MoreGore
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piouscatholic · 3 years
#NovenaPrayers (Feb2-10)
My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, my King and my Redeemer, in whom I believe and hope and whom I love above all things;
I humbly prostrate before Thy Divine Majesty, I beg pardon for all my sins and ingratitude with which I offended Thee.
I know, O Lord, that I am unworthy to appear in Thy presence.
Therefore I come to Thee, through Thy Most Beloved Mother, Whom I beseech to intercede and to obtain for me the remission of all my sins which I detest with my whole heart, and firmly resolve by your grace not to commit them again.
O Mary Immaculate, Blessed Virgin of Lourdes, desiring to make this novena with the greatest devotion of my soul, and to answer the call that you made to all your children in the person of the humble Bernadette, I kneel at your feet to listen attentively to your voice, to make known my necessities and seek your powerful protection.
Do not refuse me, my Mother, on account of my unworthiness: look only at the repentance that I feel for having wounded your maternal heart and renewed the Passion of your Most Beloved Son.
Come and help me during this novena, to purify my soul and to obtain through your intercession the special grace, which I implore from the Divine Majesty
(Here mention your requests)
And to give thanks to God for all the benefits received by me, and especially for that which is the purpose of this novena.
Mary Immaculate!
I humbly beseech you to obtain that our faith be every day increased more and more, and that you obtain a beam of divine light for those who sit in the darkness of infidelity.
Propagate the kingdom of God all over the world; banish all errors from us, so that the people of our country may make it their constant glory to live in the faith of your most beloved Son, and remain united to the Holy Roman Church until the hour of death, I make this request with humility, reciting the following Hail Mary’s and invocations.
Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with You. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
Hail Mary…Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
Hail Mary…Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
O powerful Virgin of Lourdes, full of affliction and with tears in our eyes, we fly unto Thee, comforter of the afflicted and health of the sick.
Placing in Thee all our confidence, cognizant of the innumerable and wonderful cures made by Thee, not only in Lourdes but all over the world, we humbly prostrate before Thee, in this dreadful hour of distress and sickness, and beseech Thee with all the fervor, faith and devotion of our souls, to hear the supplication which we direct to Thee, in favor of this our beloved patient…
Since Thou hast worked so many cures among your devotee, do Thou make one more, and save this beloved member of our family.
Take him from all danger, if it will not be an obstacle to his salvation, and we solemnly promise Thee, to spend the rest of our lives as good and practical Catholics in thanksgiving for Thy powerful patronage.
Virgin of Lourdes…pray for us.
Comforter of the afflicted…pray for us.
Health of the sick…pray for us.
Immaculate Lady and my Mother, by the love you showed to the world, deigning to appear in a rustic Grotto to teach the young and happy Bernadette, I beseech you to grant me a share in this same great joy.
And as you, O Lady, cause a rich spring of crystal and health-giving waters to gush forth, obtain that Your Divine Son may pour upon my soul the sweetest and most fruitful water of grace to extinguish the love of earthly things and to cleanse my sinful heart, so that I may be worthy of the most pure Joys of heaven.
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billybiohazard · 10 years
End of #rebelliontour5 shot! @wisdominchains @devil_in_me_band @madballnyc #biohazard #ignite #finalPrayer
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psyche13 · 3 years
Chapter 5 is up! Woot!!
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ryanwreckless · 7 years
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"These hands around your neck." 📸Photo Shot By The Homie: @archivalgrams ⌚️Billy Bones Watch Provided By: @ma_ga_london_ 😈Devils Rings Provided By: @tokyo_humanexperiments #RyanWreckless #LasVegasModel #PrimalTitan #Inked #ConnectInk #CRMCclothing #Model #TokyoHumanExperiments #PublishedModel #InkRoyalty #Ink #Savage #Style #TattooedMensFashion #AllBlackEverything #StayEvil #InkedVandals #MensFashion #Dark #DarkArtists #DarkArtistries #FinalPrayer #MaGaLondon #MensAccessories #KillinIt #MensStyle #LasVegas #SinCity #MoreGore
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