#Fazbear Frights AU (name in progress)
cyber-streak-extra · 7 months
This is just a short little thing for my own Fazbear Frights AU—although I’m not sure what I’ll be fully calling it, it needs a full name.
Title: Don’t Worry
Description: After getting swapped, Alec has a lot of time to think things over——what happened, and what may happen.
He silently stared up towards the top of the closed dumpster. Minus all of the little glows coming from the other bears, it was still so dark.
Alec, frankly, wasn’t sure how long he’d been in here for—been in the dumpster, and in the body of the small Freddy Fazbear. It still felt like Hazel’s birthday had happened just yesterday.
The events that happened that day—the words—wouldn’t stop repeating over and over in his mind. He could never remain in his mind for that long, though.
The voices—desperate and scared, just like him—crying out for help... usually brought him to the present. The others in the dumpster with him never stopped.
He heard the words—their words, and his own, but none were coming out. No matter how hard he had been trying, Alec couldn’t get his mouth to successfully work.
Help! Alec heard a clearer voice coming from his left side—the Lonely Freddy there was recently thrown into the dumpster.
Alec had, somehow, managed to make himself fall asleep—and when he awoke, the other little bear—with a missing arm—was there. He could guess that was the reason they were tossed.
The voice that he heard sounded a little older than his own—at least from what he could tell from all of the other voices speaking in the dumpster.
Help me... did I do something wrong? Among the voices, he heard another—this one’s voice sounded young—maybe around Hazel’s age, he assumed.
As the voices continued calling out, Alec stared back up. There were so many in the dumpster. How did it happen for them...? Alec couldn’t help but wonder.
He doubted that, with any of the others alongside him, that they ended up like this in a similar way to him. Alec shook his head—or at least tried to—it didn’t move like he wanted it to.
Anything that he had done before this—he doubted that they’d done. They all probably just wanted to hang out with these things...
It was his best guess, at least—Alec didn’t know any of them personally—just that they all had one thing in common: they weren’t in their actual bodies any longer.
Alec would’ve frowned—if the bear itself was capable of emoting anything else other than a smile. But who would have ever wanted to hang out with these things?
Even before... this, Alec had thought the small bear was just plain creepy—surely others had to have felt that way about them, too, right?
Help! Help me! Alec shut his eyes—or, the bears eyes, at least. Help us! Please! Help! It felt like everything was growing louder than before.
What was that Lonely Freddy doing now? In his body? Before he’d been tossed away, he knew the Lonely Freddy had been sitting around and talking with Hazel.
He hoped that, somehow—hopefully, someone would figure out that it wasn’t him. That something else was in his body—pretending to be him.
But Alec didn’t know when or how that would happen—or how someone would possibly figure out that what was supposedly him was a toy bear—and that the real one was in the bear’s body.
He’d wanted to talk back then—when the swap had first taken place. He’d wanted to get his family’s attention—let them know that who they were talking to wasn’t him.
Now, Alec wondered what would have happened if he had managed to start speaking. Would they have even believed him? “It’s me—the real Alec! Me and that bear swapped bodies!”
Alec opened his—the bear’s—eyes back up. I wouldn’t have even believed that...
He assumed that he’d be considered broken or malfunctioning—and creepy—and be tossed into the dumpster, anyway. Maybe his aunt would’ve believed him.
His aunt... Alec still didn’t have a clue as to what the Lonely Freddy piloting his body could be doing—but, surely—maybe—she could tell that something was up? He hoped.
Alec stared down at the body he’d swapped with. He didn’t know what was going to happen—but he just wished that he could see them again.
He wanted—needed to be able to tell... Alec wouldn’t frowned again. What was going to happen? To him? To all of them in here?
So far—for however long it had been at this point—they’d all remained in the dumpster after being carelessly tossed in for one reason or another.
Did the employees here plan on just keeping them all in here? None of them had been taken out—at least from what Alec could recall—everything was starting to mix together.
The voices of the others were getting far louder again. Alec stared back up. He’d tried once to get the lid of the dumpster open—but had been very quick to fail.
The only times it had been successfully opened and closed was when an employee would drop else in—which didn’t happen all that often. Alec had heard and seen three new ones.
He shut the bear’s eyes.
Alec hadn’t fallen asleep like he’d managed to do so before—instead, he had found himself rather deep into his thoughts—enough to the point that he didn’t hear anything around him.
He’d started thinking over potential ideas that he could do—and what that Lonely Freddy could possibly be doing. Why had it done it?
All of these bear’s were swapping with people—and Alec wondered if they were always just... like that. If they felt like doing it because they wanted to...
Or, if someone—Alec didn’t know who—had programmed them... somehow, to do this. But why? And how? He wouldn’t have guessed that something like this was possible.
He was pulled out of his thoughts—being greeted by all of the other voices—when he heard a rather loud noise coming from outside the dumpster.
Alec hadn’t paid too much attention, but from what he had been able to make out, it sounded like something heavy landing on the floor. What’s happening?
He kept staring up—and he noticed how the others had put their attention there, too—at least the ones that he could see from where he was.
Alec kept staring—and he could feel the eyes of the bear widen as he realized what was happening. The dumpster was being open. But something felt... different.
When it fully opened... Alec didn’t see anything—no employee or whoever else had decided to come back here. At least, at first.
A few seconds passed, before he saw a head peer down into the dumpster, hands pressed against the sides. Except, whatever—whoever—didn’t seem human.
It looked like a shadow that was peering down at them all—a shadow with large rabbit ears. W-What?... The cries continued—Alec felt himself join in.
The shadow rabbit kept staring, and as the thing did, Alec noticed something. It had been pure black—no other colors—but now, he was starting to make out other colors and details.
Eyes—the shadow had white eyes now—which were scanning the area. He could make out a mouth, too—the thing’s hands were partially white, too—it kind of looked like if the thing wore fingerless gloves.
As Alec stared back, it was like the thing was becoming more detailed—more physical?—and not just a blurry shadow that you’d see late in the late from the corner of your eyes or something.
The rabbit like thing finally did something other than stare. The rabbit reached forward, hands going into the dumpster—and that was when Alec spotted that the thing had started to float.
When the rabbit had reached in, the body shifted, and Alec could see the rest of the body behind the rabbit—every bit of it floating in the air. He could make out that the rabbit was wearing a bow tie, too.
“Don’t worry...” Alec heard a voice say—was it... coming from the shadow rabbit thing?
Alec would have gasped—the shadow rabbit reached, and carefully picked him up. Being gentle as could be, the shadow rabbit took him out of the dumpster.
He stared up at the rabbit. He felt like crying—but he didn’t think that would do anything—nor would he actually be able to in this body.
The shadow rabbit held him close. He watched as they glanced back at the dumpster, and then towards the door of the room a couple of times—like they were trying to debate on something.
Then, the shadow rabbit’s focus was back on Alec. “You will be okay...”
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vanessa-hyde · 3 years
(TW: @bu$e mentioned)
Main: the AU that started everything-
Swapped: still working out ideas for but thinking about some protages and antags switching personality or something- still working progress
Trapped souls/showtime: my first actual AU aside the main, it was originally gonna be based off 'I'm a machine' but I wanted it to be my own thing. There are 3 main roles alive, experimented, and dead (then the animatronics). The story starts off at Hazel's birthday party where Alec has a breakdown in the back room regretting his lashout when he soon is murdered by a mysterious figure. Now with the help of the pizzaplex animatronics and some others along the way he needs to find away to restore his life but at what cost?
Behind the wall: what if the frights never met their faith and it was all staged? In this AU they show you their life behind the screen and just have fun
Pokémon: if the frights lived in the Pokémon world
SCP: if some of the frights worked or are the creatures of the SCP foundation
Minecraft: if the frights lived in the Minecraft world as different mobs
Royal: sometimes you don't need to be royalty to have your happy ending, you can be a beast or commoner too
Scrapped: (can't explain cuz don't have an idea :/)
Blacken heart: something happened at the old studio eversince Alec went missing and Hazel must now team up with some of the fellow cast who met a dark and inky fait to find her brother and get everyone out. Will they make it our alive or be trapped forever?
Wonderland: after following a strange black rabbit Hazel is now in the beautiful yet twisted parts of Wonderland and meets some new friends who look oddly familiar
Fazbear high: new day new school year As Kate, Luna, Audrey, and Ace just wanna survive.
Babysitting: the frights teens have turned into kids and the sides, Adults, and TS now need to take care of them while questioning how long the torcher will last
Alive: if the frights who were supposed to die never did, if they all never met their faith what would they be doing now?
Unfortunate: if all the frights died or never got their happy end (that's legit it :/)
Dark deception: Reed and Julius are now fighting for their lives to go back to the living world and escape the dark and twisted souls that chase them and hoping to make it back home safely
Frights house: (still planning this one out)
Past memories: years after Greg was taken in by Alice he decided to head back to the pizzaplex witch was a total wreck when he got there, he soon found sunny and asked him what happened to the place and he said ever since they left and Vanessa took over the place turned to hell as he haded him Freddy's hat then saying he made a promise no madder what happened he be his guardian. Now the two must find the others and figure out what happened to the place.
Siren:I am developing Greg's story first, he was @bu$ed and soon later found out his dad was planning to kill him. Out of fear he lived in the Ocean hoping he be safe till he got caught in a net and struggled to break free till Delilah found him.
Nightmare circus: nightmare sister location animatronics
Random AUs with no names:
1: after accidentally killing him Julius couldn't stop thinking about Reed's death as the guilt and label as murder kept dragging him down, one day after school ends he heads back to his old tech class and noticed his old remote was no longer where he had it. Confused he soon went to leave till he heard the strange scattering noise again and soon met an old friend.
2: After the events of the breaking wheel Julius now roams the empty school halls at dark till he soon meets a new pink goo partner
3: basically the replaced gang Swapped antagonist- 
Alec/sea Bonnie's
Sarah/lonely freddy
4: guard Reed and vanny Julius
I don't mind answering questions for these-
Also my hand hurts-
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henriiiii-1001old · 3 years
rambling pt 9(?) - a lot of stuff xddd
sooo i’ve been coming up with a few hcs that i wanna share, and i really hope you guys don’t mind. i haven’t rambled in a while anyways sooo yeah
gonna put this under the “read more” since i might put a lot, but here’s what i’ll be rambling abt:
fnaf 3 updated hcs! fnaf sb (just a lil since the game hasn’t come out yet) william and herny’s springlock incident (warning for most of the hc being very deailed in how the incident went and being set in a hospital setting!!!)
updated fnaf 3
sooo this honestly only has a few changes to it, but i’m gonna explain it in detail bc why not.
char still gets the job at fazbear’s fright and hope is still the phone dude/gal of this universe (she just checks up on them every night before their shift to make sure they made it there alive). so char’s first night goes pretty well, they slept half the shift and just decided they’d leave an hour early just bc nothing was really going on. next night though, they see something on one of the far cameras that had recently been installed: a giant, rotting bunny suit. char decided that it was a good idea to see the fucker up close, so that’s what they did.
and then william, now springtrap, awakens with no memory of his life. the only things he remembers are the name “henry” and the memory of seeing yellow eyes. everything else is hazy to him. char thinks that someone had maybe died in the suit a long time ago, and they decided that he was now their friend (and they called him fluff butt just because his tail was still fluffy unlike the rest of him xddd).
weeks pass, and springtrap gains a few of his memories, growing close to char as they are his only friend. he thinks that char is henry for a while since he saw char’s amber eyes, and henry has yellow eyes. char’s boyfriend (his name is franky say hello uwu) eventually ended up visiting one night bc char invited him over, and he got to meet the big guy himself. char was being a bit of a butt to springtrap though since they hadn’t gotten much sleep, and franky didn’t blame them. they really didn’t like him calling them henry, and out of pity franky told spring that he could call franky henry. that’s when springtrap also remembered the name “ryan”, the other bitch he slept with when henry wasn’t around. (they did later figure out that springtrap was william bc of this fact but no one wanted to tell him yet bc char thought he could maybe change since he lost literally all of his memories).
another few weeks pass and springtrap remembers a lot of his life now, if not all of the memories he had before he died (somehow. not even he knows how he gained his memories). springtrap is now exhibiting behaviors the old william did, cocky, master of manipulation and guilt tripping, the god complex shit, etc. one day, char told him everything about him, not knowing that he had regained most of his memories. he then decided that maybe he could try and get some remnant by betraying char and killing them, but they quickly caught onto what he was doing and was chased around the building. henry and mk (not michael this time surprise surprise :D) rush in, char’s arm gets broken, mk gets char out while henry beats springtrap with an axe, lights the place on fire, and everyone rushes char to the hospital.
oh, and charlie just.. watched the whole thing happen bc she didn’t want anyone knowing she was still around, so char and charlie don’t become friends anymore. sorry guys :’(
fnaf sb
short section thank goodness. sooo all i really have planned out for sb is that annabeth (tape girl) gets a job at the new pizzaplex, gregory is some random kid who got lost one night and he got home safely when he found annabeth. cult hears abt this and decides they’ll take the kid’s remnant, but thing is char, hope and their two other friends, jake and sammy found them about to kill him. sammy decides he’ll bolt into the group and snatch the kid and.. it actually works? gregory eventually ends up safe but sammy gets kidnapped by the cult. char tried saving him but alex the bastard shot them >:(
i do wanna say something else but i’m gonna save that for later lol (it’s spoilers for the end of my au qwq)
the springlock incedent
aiiight this one i’ve actually been thinking recently, so sorry if things get out of place quickly
another warning just in case: this hc has a somewhat detailed explanation of ho the event went, and it mentions a lot of blood, suffocation, and the hc is set in a hospital for a while. please look away of you are sensitive to this type of content.
henry and william were practicing for a performance one day, and things were going great. their wives just took care of the kids outside since it was a weekend. plus the kids wanted to come and watch the performance. henry and will first practiced in a lone room so the kids couldn’t see yet. thing is... something reeaallly bad happened.
something set off the springlocks in fredbear, but henry didn’t make a sound. he trained himself to shut up when he experienced pain, so he just stood there and took it. william noticed and then realized something went wrong, so he then panicked as he tried getting henry out of the suit and instead made springbonnie’s springlocks set off as well. through the pain, suffocation, and lots of blood loss, william managed to get both of them out of the suits. he had no energy left in him, and henry had already passed out from blood loss, so all william could do was sleep..
carol came in to check on them and thought they had died. she and kathryn immediately called for medical service, and henry and will were rushed to the hospital. the kids wanted to come to see if they were alright, and carol and kathryn had no choice but to let them come along. they were not allowed to see them in person yet since the image of seeing them extremely bloody would leave the children scarred, and they didn’t want that.
william wakes up the next day, quickly adjusting to his surroundings. he tried sitting up, and while it was very painful he managed to sit up. he saw that kathryn had stayed with them for the night, and she was asleep on the couch. he also saw henry in the same room as him, sleeping peacefully. a doctor comes in and lets him know what had happened.
kathryn eventually wakes up and got to talk to william for a bit. she tells him that the kids are okay, but she was informed that henry actually had less of a chance to live since he was punctured by the springlocks much earlier than william, so they had dealt more damage to him.
they stayed in the hospital for a couple of days, william soon beginning to be able to walk around a little bit since he seemed to be healing faster than one normally would (ahemremnantahem). henry still made little to no progress in healing. it was getting to the point where he might even pass away...
henry’s heart monitor suddenly started going flat, and william was the only one in the room. he did whatever he could to save henry, messing with whatever he could in case something worked, but nothing did. he called for doctors and after a very quick and tense 20 seconds, henry was breathing and his heart was pumping, slowly returning back to normal. two hours passed and henry was finally awake.
it did take a while for henry to recover since he was asleep for a while. william did help him a lot, and they got released the next week.
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