#Fat Acceptance 101
hedgehog-moss · 1 year
I made a little snow donkey :)
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It turned out to be more of a challenge than the majestic snow llama I made two winters ago! The snow was ‘dry’ and crumbly so I had to keep him quite small and basically neckless due to structural integrity issues (his head fell off twice). To make up for it I tried to make the texture of his mane and circumference of his belly equal to the model’s.
Unfortunately the most important part (the ears) kept crumbling down when I made them out of snow, so I had to pluck two icicles from the windowsill and they don’t look very donkeylike. I’ve been told my sculpture looks like “a fat boar with unicorn horns” but I think either way he is a very charming creature who just needs to be given a chance to win your heart
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Pandolf was allowed near the uniboarkey on the strict condition that he not sniff or kiss or lick its fragile head, and then he immediately did.
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Caught in the act!! Of giving Snow Pirlouit an illegal nose kiss!
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Actual Pirlouit was not terribly pleased about this short and rotund creature being called “Snow Pirlouit”
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Your twin!!
Pirlouit circled the snow donkey slowly, like an art appraiser hired by a private collector, but then he—just ate his snow brother’s fir branch tail. As soon as he saw it. “The first thing to do with a work of art is to look for edible parts”—art appreciation 101 by Professor Pirlouit.
(When I kissed his nose after walking him back to his pasture, his breath smelled like a car air freshener.)
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Snow Pirlouit is going to look a bit less like you without his tail :(
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I gave Snow Pirlouit a new tail, and he now spends his days benevolently watching over his land
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—with Pandolf watching over him (this dog will include just about any creature in his herd. If you accept nose kisses you pass his entrance exam)
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fatliberation · 21 days
One exhausting thing about being fat is the endless understanding and forgiveness you have to have to maintain any personal relationships. I overhear my mother saying how disgusted she is by fat Autistics. I’m a fat autistic. I can’t say anything about how deeply hurtful this is without being sensitive. My friend says only fat people will die of covid, so it’s not such a big deal. So I don’t deserve to live? Or the classic:“Ew I’m getting fat”. If you start a fight each time someone around you implies you don’t deserve life or your body is vile, you’ll spend your whole existence arguing.
I empathize with this so much, anon. My family (and some friends) are SO deeply invested in diet culture and fatphobia. I have a parent who is a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical company that sells ozempic and wegovy, and no amount of education or asking for human empathy will change their mind or make them treat me better. It's a hard reality to accept that you can't change everyone's minds. and it is so, so tiring and emotionally exhausting to have to advocate for your existence 24/7. I get burned out doing it too often. The thing is, you don't have to offer endless forgiveness. I'm currently working with my therapist on what to do about this, and the unfortunate solution is to set harsh boundaries (yes, even if they will never understand it or think I am too sensitive, or crazy... it is VERY uncomfortable but I am working on being okay with being misunderstood!) and distance myself from people who refuse to respect said boundaries. Next time my parent berates my food choices, tells me I'm going to die young, or compares me to an anti-vaxxer for not losing weight, I'm removing myself from their presence and tell them these types of comments are driving me away. If they want me in their life, they'll learn to respect me. It hurts, and it's so fucking hard when it's immediate family.
As for non-familial relationships, I've curated my social circle to (mostly) friends who are fat positive and it's one of the best things I could have done for my wellbeing. If I meet a potential friend who starts spitting some fatphobic bull, I avoid hanging out with them from the get-go. I've met most of my fat positive friends in social groups made for fat people, check out facebook groups to see if there's any fat community in your area!
Tbh I have always had this idea of carrying around little pamphlets or cards that are like fat liberation 101 for strangers, I would keep them in my pocket to hand out to someone who says something fatphobic to me so I can avoid confrontation (and exhaustion)... if I made those would you guys want them? 👀
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elliegoose · 2 months
for as important as fat lib is to me, i wish i were better at actually talking to people about fat lib 101 stuff. i know the science and the politics, but actually talking to other fat folks who could really use fat lib can be difficult for me because the idea that fatness is something you wouldn't want or something you'd struggle to accept is literally so alien to me that i feel like i have trouble meeting people enmeshed in diet culture where they're at. for me, fatness has always been something beautiful, ideal, and aspirational, so i find it difficult sometimes to have conversations with people for whom fatness still has much more negative associations.
i put a lot of heart and effort into spreading fat lib through putting out fat positivity and drawing art that lovingly depicts fat bodies. i just wish i was more effective at also actually educating people directly on fat lib politics.
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GVF Masterclass Group Chat 
language, crude topics, mentions of alcohol, Oliver Reed just kinda going off the tracks 
A look at what the group chat between Cal A Bungah, Chip Bunker, Dr. JMK, and Oliver Fucking Reed probably looks like 
​ has a god damn gift for writing Oliver Reed dialogue perfectly with the right british accent - thank you for helping out with this my dude 
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Hey we should make this 
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THE Chip Bunker 
Can’t. I’ll be at the Masters, you know, winning
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Sorry you can’t have fun Chip
Dr. JMK, Ph.D 
I’ll join if all ingredients are GMO-free, gluten-free, nut-free, fat-free, sugar-free, and organic. 
My body is a temple and I must treat it with the utmost respect. 
Cal A Bungah Bitches
It’ll be vegan 
Idk about the other stuff though
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
I’ll consider it. 
THE Chip Bunker 
I’m surprised ur branching out from margaritas cal 
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Now you’ve got Oliver’s attention
THE Chip Bunker
Oliver what 
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
Release yourself from the material world, brother. 
It binds you down and distracts yourself from the beauty of the natural world. 
Cal A Bungah Bitches has muted FUCKING
THE Chip Bunker
thank u
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Seriously whose idea was it to give him a phone
He was better off with the carrier pigeon
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
Birds should not be exploited for free labor. 
At least the phone isn’t conscious. 
THE Chip Bunker
scary thought
thx doctor
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
Man has flown too close to the sun with modern technology. 
It’s only a matter of time before AI and robots and drones begin to inherit our humanness. 
We will be nothing in a silicon world. 
Just withered elements of the earth. 
 Cal A Bungah Bitches
I kinda like this one too 
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THE Chip Bunker
oh jesus
you’re throwing me off my game 
I’m not gonna be able to focus on my swing
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Gotta work on my swing
Gotta do my own thing
THE Chip Bunker
did you just quote fucking high school musical 2 at me
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
Where is Oliver? 
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Muted that shithead 
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
I will not accept that. 
Exclusion isolates the ego and convinces the inner self that they aren’t worthy. 
That’s a lot of damage. 
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Cal A Bungah Bitches has unmuted FUCKING
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
Welcome back, brother. 
We’re so pleased to have you here. 
You are worthy. 
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Maybe you’re wearing your pants Oliver
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Worth a try 
THE Chip Bunker
thinking about buying these so I can bring my A game in style
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Dr. JMK, Ph.D
Wearing animal skin is not defined as style. 
I weep over what capitalism has done to the power of the mind. 
THE Chip Bunker
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Hey as long as the shoes match your belt, right chip? 
Wait that’s the rule right 
THE Chip Bunker
yup fashion 101
THE Chip Bunker
I’ll get u a new belt oliver 
with some of my winnings
after I win the Masters
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
Do not let anger drive you, Oliver. 
It will hurt you more than the one you wish to hurt. 
Forgiveness is the chosen path to cleanse the soul.
Cal A Bungah Bitches
How the hell are you not on a watchlist Oliver
THE Chip Bunker
oh god 
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Florida of all places 
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Where were they??? 
THE Chip Bunker
$20 says he was wearing them the whole time
 THE Chip Bunker
the hell is that supposed to mean
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Cal A Bungah Bitches
The oven???
THE Chip Bunker
you guys are distracting me 
I nearly missed check in for the Masters
which, you know, I’m gonna win 
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
Yes, Chip: envision success.
It will become your reality.
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Take a shot everytime Dr. JMK says something annoying
Jk don't 
We’d all be dead 
THE Chip Bunker
sounds like the baking is already starting at oliver’s house
you better get over there Cal 
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Omw now I need to see the baked pants
Wait are your pants vegan 
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
I’m coming over too. 
I am yet to experience the wonders of baked pants. 
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
But garlic is one of the wonders of the world.
Pair it with tomatoes and some basil and you’ve got a heavenly sauce. 
Did you know that if a tomato touches another tomato they are fucking. 
Cal A Bungah Bitches
No don’t sexualize the fruit JMK
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
Everything on this planet fucks. 
We are all aligned. 
THE Chip Bunker
taking this gc off my phone
y’all are weird
I need to find more golf friends 
THE Chip Bunker has left the chat. 
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Oh shit
Chip actually left 
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
Sometimes it’s easier to run from the truth. 
He just needs his time to come around. 
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Jesus christ 
What is wrong with you both
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
We’re all sex-loving creatures of habit. 
The sooner you accept that, the sooner you can start to enjoy life. 
Cal A Bungah Bitches
Cal A Bungah Bitches has left the chat. 
Dr. JMK, Ph.D has renamed the chat “Sex is Life”
Dr. JMK, Ph.D
We are so aligned right now.
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incarnateirony · 4 months
Looking over my boss' review of my performance the other day and I honestly kinda wanna good cry
Only person in the center with a 100% case sub rate.
Notes on my unusual linguistic style, both general structure and ability to adjust it to almost any chatter
Notes on my save rate, which is different than a sub rate, but except, oh wait, no it fucking isn't. (Really I lost one but due to how it happened it statistically does not appear as a failure, not that the center counts it as failures as there's almost no expectation on rate, but *I* consider it failure. But really, they were already gone. They just needed a witness. And a psychopomp).
highest positive case resolution vs PSAP response, highest save to lowest involuntary calls
"Ability to understand issues unspoken by clients." only way she could summarize me accidentally mindreading the one motherfucker right before the review kSJDFKSDJFSKDJFSKDJF
Notes on exceptional understanding of psychology, was asked if I had a phd or something, no, and I sure as shit ain't explaining why. "Must be a natural gift" mhmyeah.
me out here saving lives doing advanced hermetic psychobending and shadow work full time 40 hours a week on government pay while [redacted redacted redacted] social media and I STILL have this dumb slut chasing me trying to pretend she can do the same shit while selling her 9.99 miss cleo pendants writ in motherfuckin octopese oh my god SPOT THE DIFFERENCE
Jesus fuck, one of us is saving lost souls, literally, lost on the path, and facing and walking with death every single day to do it, while giving him tribute of an entire company he can pull the strings and fuck around with and the hands on deck at it to do what is needed. The other is scamming people in anime jibberish and grooming her bf into thinking hermes looks like her ex and basically fetish roleplaying as me, and keeps pretending it's All Fair Play.
Maybe you wouldn't be such a vacant brained slut if you'd actually read even a single fucking book he tried to get you to read in two decades. You might even be able to channel your own joke one day, dumb bitch. Then again, humor requires a personality, and you refuse to develop an identity of your own beyond "fat bitch eats candy, tries to do everything ex did with negative IQ understanding, spews anime octopus jibberish as wisdom, malds that only her 3 cult members are dumb enough to believe in her magic shit, even 14 year olds know better". So.
Shealyn, I don't know how to explain this, but You Are Not Me. It's become increasingly obvious you are choosing to disassociate from reality at this point, but You Are Not Me. I am Aaron, you are not. I am the quarter century hermetic student, you are not. I am the one in the walls of every area you hold sacred online whether you understand and accept that or not, you are not. I am the one taking actual measurable actions that have literal statistics as results, you are not. You are a woman who could only steal an inside joke without understanding she cursed herself to octopus jibberish, and your quality and reliability has not improved since. Like you can't even design your own characters, you have to copy mine. You literally have zero identity of your own and objectively refuse to build one, just mimic everyone around you and play games.
You. Have. No. Identity. Like it's not even an insult to call you empty. You are literally vacant. You believe in nothing for real, you know nothing for real, you identify with nothing for real, you understand nothing for real, it's just a big fucking void of you trying to masquerade as a human shaped object copying everyone around you. Get a fucking identity. That is literally Hermes 101, you retard. What Is Your Identity. It can't be me. I'm not sure why you keep getting that fucked up. It can't be me, it can't be me and a friend's inside joke, it can't be him, it can't be throwing yourself away to channel whenever you're bored. You are literally the biggest retard I've ever met pretending to channel him while spewing shit directly contrary to every religious doctrine from him ever but just conveniently what you want to hear. And see, since apparently it's MY FUCKING FACE STILL.
Avoiding the truth and drawing more broken circles won't fix it. Doubling down is your only personality trait, right into the fucking empty ass pit. Like you have (1) personality feature and it's being irredeemably retarded and bound for the void since you love surrendering yourself. That's what that feeling you've been having at night, behind your blog posts where you pretend to be happy, is coming from. That's why you're ripping out your hair, Shealyn. It's because you literally lack a personality or identity. And you know, we're all soul stuff. Your identity is the only thing that makes you who you are in the soul stuff. People like you? Who can't commit? You think they last out there? People who don't know who they are, what they want, and would rather be anywhere or anyone else? Or do you think, maybe, the same mindset just absolves them of having to think. Permanently. Scrape off any dirt your old personality leaves on it and try to make a NOT abominable human being out of the space vacated.
That feeling you have at night is your void, Shea. Deal with it, stop trying to fill it with me. At best you're begging we subsume you in the afterlife as some weird sub aspect of OURSELVES and like, ew. We eat healthier than that, no. Do not want. Like I'm all down for finishing my apotheosis but if my first person in personal paradise was Shealyn Rachel Bonds I'd commit godly suicide to return to earth and start over again just to avoid her.
Maybe that's why I'm here. I did some fucked up god shit at some point and someone decided to curse me with the Shealyn Bonds experience in a mortal life, or I killed my godly self trying to get away from her after Pompeii. Cuz she truly do be doing the stalker bs. It's funny because in RP, she was always aware "wow! These women are psycho and all think he's in love with them! Why can't they see he wants them to go away?" meanwhile he's beating her with a wifflebat, assailing her with seventeen forms of media, smashing her spider and telling her to die in a cosmic fire and she's like HM WONDER WHO THATS FOR.
Maybe reincarnation is less a punishment thing and more the gods dumping out the trashcan to get people like her off their lawn. "[sigh] Nemesis, Hermes' elephantine stalker is humping the window again--" "Goddamnit we JUST got those smudges off from her greasy cheeks last time. TO THE VICTORIAN ERA WITH YOU"
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shoutyourporpoise · 1 year
I fully know that “people accept the idea of someone being naturally thin but not of someone being naturally fat” is like Unlearning Fatphobia 101 but it literally only just clicked for me that my brother and I are living examples of that principle in action. On my dad’s side of the family there are basically two body types which are Lamppost and Snowman and my brother is the former while I’m the latter.
And when we were growing up we both ate the same things! And we were both in taekwondo and bharata natyam. But we still had very different bodies?? And there was a point in time where I was eating healthier than anyone else in the house and doing dance practice 3 hours a day and I was still fat. And there was a point where he literally lived on Coke, burgers, and cigs and he was still thin. And yet he was STUNNED when he was told he had high cholesterol while my blood work consistently comes back normal.
Anyway like. We’ve both found our way into treating our bodies in ways that make us feel good and it REQUIRED leaving our parents’ house because the amount of body policing we both got from opposite ends was like an oppressive fog in the household.
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Class Theory Written Post
Marxist feminism is a theory that regards classism and capitalism as the fundamental cause of women’s oppression. They argue that this capitalist system has perpetuated the idea that a woman’s body is the site for her labor. They argue that class differences under capitalism divide us like nothing else. I would like to apply this lens to the body positivity movement especially where it pertains to the fat acceptance and anti ableist movements. 
There is a trend on Tiktok right now consisting of people out on the street asking strangers their opinion on ‘hot’ topics. For example, asking if blue balls are real, or if they think gay marriage should be legal. I will show one of these videos in another post, but a trend I see a lot is asking people’s opinions about fat bodies, especially fat women. These videos ask men if they would date a fat woman, if they would have sex with a fat woman, if their parents would approve of them being attracted to fat women. The most popular response given to these questions are that fat women are lazy, unproductive, and cannot maintain the ‘active’ lifestyle that they are looking for. 
Society views fat bodies as a hindrance, simply because they are not perceived as being meaningful laborers or contributors to society. Men regard fat women as terrible partners because what they understand about fat women is that they cannot be workers. They cannot ‘match’ them in a physical sense. I heard someone having a debate once, about whether being fat was morally acceptable. They ultimately decided no, because fat people need more financial assistance from the government, which means that they did something to themselves that now everybody has to pay for. “Because all commodities are worth exactly the labor necessary to produce them and because workers’ labor power (capacity for work) is a commodity that can be bought and sold, the value of workers’ labor power is exactly the cost of whatever it takes (food, clothing, shelter) to maintain them throughout the workday” (Tong pg. 98) Fat individuals are simply not valued under the limitations of a capitalist society. Fat is not deemed morally acceptable despite the intentions of the individual with the body. 
Being able to focus entirely on weight loss or a healthy lifestyle is a privilege. Many individuals and families do not have physical or financial access to nutritious food, nor do they have the time to prioritize calorie deficits or going to the gym daily. Weight loss is a luxury, and thus overweight individuals are seen as lazy, poor, noncontributors to society. “Alienation is a profoundly fragmenting experience. Things or persons who are or should be connected in some significant way are instead viewed as separate. As Heilbroner saw it, this sense of fragmentation and meaninglessness is particularly strong under capitalism” (Tong, pg. 101). Weight indicates class to many, and the separation grows. 
The same is true for disabled individuals, whose bodies are seen as being sub par and unable to contribute to society. People view accommodations as unfair advantages to those with disabilities, again using tax money to aid them. This goes along with the Marxist feminist ideas that a women’s bodies are seen as a site to their labor. 
“Some children turn on their mothers, blaming them for everything that goes wrong in their lives: 'I'm a failure because you, my mother, loved me too much/too little’”(pg 115). This quote is in regards to how, in traditional roles, the mother acts as the domestic worker and leads the children and father to team up against the mother. This is due to social capitalistic ideals placed around working, intelligence, and more. There is this phrase on social media, referred to as an ‘almond mom’. An almond mom is known as a mother who keeps the house stocked with little to no food, healthy food at that. These moms eat a handful of almonds for dinner, and claim that they’re full after an appetizer at a restaurant. They refuse dessert and are blamed as the sole reason gen z young adults have eating disorders. The truth is that our mothers were faced with even harder stereotypes and body shaming than we were growing up. The husbands of these almond mothers joke about this with their children, but these husbands also contribute to the expectations that the mother faces. These mothers also definitely contribute to unhealthy relationships with food for their children, especially young daughters. They just don’t realize that they are victims to the same disease. Just like in the marxist example, young daughters are fated to end up like their mothers in the culture they live in. Instead of supporting each other they just end up splitting up into mother vs. father and children. 
Overall as a society, I would say that we have decreased the frequency of people judging bodies for morality and character, but it isn't gone. Ask any woman you know or yourself, and find many examples of being reduced to your physical features. I still hear stories and see examples of men who don’t even genuinely regard women as people. People think that sexism is gone because the feminist movement exists, people think that fat phobia or ableism doesn’t exist because of the body positivity movement. Just don’t stop questioning the reality you live in and assessing where things may not be perfectly fixed. 
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vietnamoutsourcing · 1 month
Sub Copper components
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Fiber Tube A VIETNAM OUTSOURCING CASE STUDY Military packaging in Vietnam I. Overview The customer is a UK-based company specializing in supplying products in the field of ammunition packaging. Their objective is to expand into the Vietnamese market to diversify their supply sources due to geopolitical influences. The FIBER TUBE product is a specific type of paper tube component, a part of the customer's packaging product supply chain. It is a product with very strict requirements that comply with MIL standards. VNO has collaborated with this supplier, working together to develop and refine the manufacturing technology of the product to best suit the machinery and existing technology conditions, upgrading management capabilities, and understanding of MIL standards. The project has been successfully implemented within the appropriate timeframe. II. Main process Step 1: Kraft, aluminum foil, polycoat, polylaminate, polyvinylaxetate and asphalt glues – Split to small dims Step 2: Winding – following to each construction requirement of fiber tube and drying Step 3: Punching and bending mold metal subcomponents – Injection mold plastic Step 4: Assembly – First Article Test - Inspection & packing III. Detail process Step 101 Qualified 100% IQC Material Inspection (Inspection level Importance ) Unqualification Review & Disposition Step 2 (PQC)02 Kraft, aluminum foil, polycoat, polylaminate, polyvinylaxetate and asphalt glues – Split to small dims Step 3 (PQC)03 Winding – following to each construction requirement of fiber tube and drying Step 4 (PQC)04 Punching and bending mold metal subcomponents – Injection mold plastic Step 5 (PQC)05 Assembly Step 6 (PQC)06 Qualified FAT Inspection Step 707 Write series number on out box & packing III. Challenges High-level management system The product ordered by VNO with high requirements to meet MIL standards poses a challenge: the awareness and competence of all factory staff aim for a high-level management system. Considering the actual conditions of machinery and equipment at the supplier during production: Production technology and equipment management do not meet MIL standards. There is a shortage of skilled labor. The supplier is not accustomed to the stringent quality requirements and features of the product. Therefore, during the product development process, we worked with the supplier's engineers for three months before receiving the first prototype. IV. Summary Through the collaborative effort and time spent working together, we have successfully addressed the changing issues and selected technologies suitable for the current conditions of the supplier, resulting in the creation of a finished product that meets the customer's requirements. We Guarantee Successful Outsourcing Best delivery performance, competitive pricing, better commercial terms, stable supplier base, control lead time Effective and seamless workflow With millions of parts delivered annually and serving more than 30 international customers, we are practicing the most advanced workflow to ensure the satisfaction of our customers and suppliers - 7 mil part shipped annually - 98 % Quality acceptance Free consultation Book an online meeting within 24 hours Send Message Δ Read the full article
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haiihellooo · 4 months
"Stares at you with my autistic eyes" "AUTSIM CREATURE!!" I'm UsInG mY rOsE tOy 🤪" "All men are the same" "WhY aRe DiCkS sO uGlY??" "Sex is so gross!!" (Don't have it. Simple) "Bros before hoes <<< Chicks before dicks" (The second one just tries to hard. It's not funny. It's just not funny) "Transfem/Transmasc vibes!!" "I WANT THEIR GENDER SO BAD!" "She was a boy, he was a girl" Neopronouns (Cancel me if you want, I'm not calling you bunbunself, or whatever the fuck) Forced gay/straight ships "Literally any Cupcakke remix" "Let me pretend I care ✨" "YAOI ❤️" "Turns every character under the sun gay/trans" "All bodies are beautiful" (Some just aren't, dude) "Fat acceptance!" (Fat chance) Whitewashing/Blackwashing "Who want me? 😋" "Save this pin for glass skin" "Girl, I-" "Whisper girls" (Aka dumb bitches on Pinterest who think they just came up with the funniest joke known to man) Whispers with either a random ass pic of an anime charcter or some Korean woman pouting. Overly offensive memes (Where's the joke?) "Taylor's version" (I like some of her songs, but please, please, shut the fuck up) "Acne is hot" Most of the MLP fandom (Most of it is just making Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy a serial killer, giving all of them mental disorders, or making them all gay/trans. Stop. Let me enjoy my fucking show) South Park fandom Most of Reddit Most modern music (Call me a "quirky teen" if you want, but I fucking hate modern music. "I don't wanna kill myself, I just wanna fix my health 🖤" Okay? How am I supposed to enjoy listening to that?) "Normalize periods" (I am saying this with 101% sincerity, as a female: Idgaf. "Normalize eating" Stfu, it's a normal thing. Stop fighting for it like you need rights to have a fucking period. Normalize shutting the fuck up) "If fucked ur mom lololol!" This generation is fucked. I hate it. Everyone annoys me.
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psychdeliks · 1 year
II. Interests in Psych 101
Sigmund Freud: Projection of Actions and Behaviors
Although only a small part was covered about Sigmund Freud's theory about projection of actions and behaviors, I am very much interested in this topic as I believe that it is strongly seen in each and every individual's experience. Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object (Psychology Today, n.d.). In my opinion and experience, projection occurs daily in everyone's life. A simple example that I can think of when it comes to Freudian projection is, let's say, there is a mother who is very much insecure about her body. When she was younger, she used to have the "ideal body" but due to aging and hormonal problems, she ended up gaining some body fat. Her thoughts are occupied with having the perfect hourglass figure, long and slender legs, and a snatched waist. Although instead of working on her goals, she projects these insecurities onto her daughter. She restricts her daughter from eating, and forces her daughter to exercise everyday. These unaccepted feelings and desires of the mother are projected into the daughter. The daughter ends up getting an eating disorder, either anorexia or binge-eating disorder. The cycle might just keep repeating, the daughter might project these unto her daughter, and so on. It only ends when the daughter decides to stop projecting these ill feelings, and take accountability for her thoughts, feelings, and actions. It is hard to not project because we tend to like being victims. We want to be acknowledged and heard. We want to be told that our problems are valid, and they are. Although to truly heal from our problems and traumas, it is necessary to accept these feelings.
Why did I write about this topic? What is its significance in my life?
Now why did I write about this topic? It was not discussed for too long, yet it was immediately ingrained in my thoughts as I heard it from the discussion. I wrote about this topic because I understood its relevance in my life, and all of our lives really. To understand Freudian projection, is to be aware of negative thought patterns that we too may commit towards others. Theories and concepts of psychology act as a didactic. We are given the information, and we can use it in any way practical to our lives. When we know these things, we understand that we have freedom to choose our path. If an individual went through a traumatic experience, to an extent, being a victim of that experience makes them feel validated and acknowledged. Although we cannot be identified with our problems forever, to be aware of others' projection of their traumas unto you is to know that you have the choice whether to attach their traumas unto your identity or not. I wrote this because I do not want other people's projections to stick to me as my own identity. I, too, do not want to project negative thought patterns onto others.
Before I started writing the main post, I checked my notes in Psych 101. Even though Sigmund Freud's projection theory was only introduced, I immediately wanted to pick this topic because I could see myself expound on this theory. I think it is very applicable in real life and the misuse of other people's actions and behaviors, the way they project these unaccepted feelings to others, truly impacts those around them as well. I realized that I wanted to write about people's projections of the things that they do not accept about themselves and its long-term impact on others. This topic immediately interested me because I think a lot of the traumas and painful events that people experience are caused by the projection of others' unwanted feelings to other individuals. I am also a person who is a strong advocate for accountability, and when one projects a part of themselves that they do not like to someone else, it blames others instead of being accountable to their own emotions about themselves.
Psychology Today. (n.d.). Projection. Retrieved March 26, 2023, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/projection
Word Count: 654 words
March 26, 2023
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sarowar9xl · 1 year
How Lose Weight Fastly? These Science-Backed Tips Can Help You Lose Weight
Weight loss isn't the answer to every health problem, but if your croaker recommends it, there are tips to help you lose weight safely. A steady weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week is recommended for the most effective long- term weight operation.
That said, numerous eating plans designed to help you lose weight leave you feeling empty or unsatisfied, or they cut out major food groups and aren't sustainable. These are major reasons why you might find it hard to stick to a healthier eating plan. Everyone has unique requirements and different eating styles and tips may work better for you than someone differently. You may find you're suitable to lose weight by following a low carb diet or a diet that has a focus on whole foods, but there are some general principles that apply when you ’re trying to lose weight. Then are some wisdom- backed tips to help you lose weight that include healthy eating, choosing carbs precisely, and that end to reduce your appetite and hunger situations while keeping you satisfied produce harmonious weight loss over time help ameliorate your metabolic health at the same time still, some of these tips may help, but quick weight loss is infrequently sustainable If you want to lose weight snappily. fastening on long- term health and habits that you can stick with over time will help ameliorate your health and are more likely to affect in lasting weight loss.
Cut back on refined carbs
One way to help lose weight snappily is to cut back on sugars and beans, or carbohydrates. This could be with a low carb eating plan or by reducing refined carbs and replacing them with whole grains. When you do that, your hunger situations go down, and you generally end up eating smaller calories (
1Trusted Source). With a low carb eating plan, you ’ll use burning stored fat for energy rather of carbs. still, you ’ll benefit from advanced fiber and digest them more sluggishly, If you choose to eat more complex carbs like whole grains along with a calorie deficiency. This makes them more filling to keep you satisfied. A 2020 study verified that a veritably low carbohydrate diet was salutary for losing weight in aged populations (2Trusted Source). Research also suggests that a low carb diet may reduce appetite, which can lead to naturally eating smaller calories without allowing about it or feeling empty (3Trusted Source). Note that the long- term goods of a low carb diet are still being delved. It can also be delicate to cleave to a low carb diet, which may lead to yo- yo overeating and lower success in maintaining a healthy weight. There are implicit downsides to a low carb diet that may lead you to a different system. Reduced calorie diets can also lead to weight loss and be easier to maintain for longer ages of time. still, a 2019 study identified high whole grain input with lower body mass indicator (BMI) ( 4Trusted Source), If you conclude for a diet fastening rather on whole grains over refined carbs.
To determine the stylish way for you to lose weight, consult your croaker for recommendations. Eat protein, fat, and vegetables
Eat protein, fat, and vegetables
Aim to include a variety of foods at each mess. To balance your plate and help you lose weight your refection should include a protein sourse fat source vegetables a small portion of complex carbohydrates, similar as whole grains To see how you can assemble your refection check out this low carb mess plan
this lower calorie mess plan
these lists of 101 healthy low carb fashions and low calorie foods
Eating a recommended quantum of protein is essential to help save your health and muscle mass while losing weight (5Trusted Source).
substantiation suggests that eating acceptable protein may ameliorate cardiometabolic threat factors, appetite, and body weight (6Trusted Source, 7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).
Generally, an average manly requirements about 56- 91 grams per day, and the average womanish requirements 46- 75 grams per day, but numerous factors influence protein needs. Then are guidelines to help you figure out how important protein to eat without eating too important( 9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source)
g/ kg of body weight
1-1.2 g/ kg of body weight for people 65 and aged
- 2g/ kg of body weight for athletes
Diets with acceptable protein may also help you reduce jones and snacking by helping you feel full and satisfied (11).
Healthy protein sources include
meat beef, funk, pork, and angel
fish and seafood salmon, trout, sardines, and shrimp
factory- grounded proteins sap, legumes, quinoa, tempeh, and tofu
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medi-techinsights · 1 year
Global Obesity Drugs Market valued at $2.3 bn (2022), is Forecasted to Witness a Lucrative CAGR of 25% by 2027
Obesity and overweight are terms which are defined as gain of additional fat thus leading to an increased risk to one's health, which can be measured by using body mass index (BMI) as a baseline. A BMI of over 30 is considered as obese and a BMI of over 25 is considered as overweight. Obesity is a key risk factor contributing to a wide number of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer; estimated to over 650 million obese people globally by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Increasing Number of Obese and Overweight Population to Trigger the Demand of Obesity Drugs
Obesity is one of the primary contributors to a major number of non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes. World Obesity Atlas 2022, projected the growth of the global obese population to be 16.1% in 2025, almost accounting for 892 million people which will further reach 1,025 million by 2030 with a growth rate of 17.5% in 2030.
Some of the regional obesity burden estimated by World Obesity Atlas 2022 are listed as below: -
1 in each 13 men and 1 in each 5 women are estimated to be obese by 2030 in Africa, equating to approximately 27 million men and 74 million women by 2030. Of the total 101 million obese population, 34 million are estimated to have severe obesity (BMI ≥ 35).
In Americas, by 2030, growth of obesity in men is projected to be 34.41% (1 in each 3 men) as compared to 39.72% in women accounting for 298 million people in the region, out of which 128 million will have severe obesity.
Across the European region, the growth of obesity is expected to be 29.42% in men and 29.97% in women in 2030, with an estimated 102 million men and 113 million women at risk of the complications of obesity.
Competitive Landscape Analysis: Global Obesity Drugs Market
The global obesity drugs market is marked by the presence of well-established and emerging market companies such as follows: -
Novo Nordisk A/S (Denmark)
Eli Lilly and Company (US)
Altimmune (US)
Amgen Inc. (US)
Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany)
Innovent Biologics, Inc. (China)
AstraZeneca plc (UK)
Pfizer Inc. (US)
Irrespective of the arising market challenges such as severe effects associated with weight management medicines such as nausea and diarrhea and shortage of combination therapies, the obesity drugs market has a decent potential to grow at a lucrative rate and is poised to gain a consistent momentum in the upcoming years due to a strong focus on new product development, wide acceptance in developing regions, impact of social media campaigns, and declining pricing trend due to competition, among others.
GET Detailed Insights on Obesity Drugs Market Report @ https://meditechinsights.com/global-obesity-drugs-market/
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mi listado de 300 temas imprecindibles para mi,de mi generacion publicados estos 50 años
1 baron rojo - hermano del rock and roll
2 loquillo y los trogloditas - ritmo del garaje
3 extremoduro - ama ama ama y ensancha el alma
4 beastie boys - no sleep till brooklyn
5 acdc - your shook me al night long
6 anthrax public enemy- bring tha noize
7 chemical brothers - hey boy hey girl
8 transmision vamp - baby i don`t care
9 kiss - lick in up
10 iron maiden - the number of the beast
11 whitesnake - is this love
12 guns and roses - welcom to the jungle
13 meath loaf - bat out of hell
14 accept - rebel
15 rum dmc y aerosmisth - walk this way
16 pink floyd - another brick in the wall
17 metallica - nothing else matters
18 zz top - the grange
19 foo figthers - ll my life
20 dire straits - sultans of swing
21 scorpions - still loving you
22 depeche mode - personal jesus
23 u2 - angel of the harlem
24 estopa - superior a mi
25 falsalarma - para los mios
26 poison - every rose has its thorn
27 stereo mcs - elevate my mind
28 bruce springsteen - the river
29 prodigy - breathe
30 primal scream - rocks
31 the cars - you might thik
32 stereophonics - dakota
33 morcheeba - tigger hippie
34 obus - vamos muy bien
35 billy idol - dancing with myself
36 inxs - mistify
37 bon jovi - it's my life
38 chicane and brian adams - don't give up
39 sting and cheb mami - desert rose
40 phill collins - all of my life
41 toy dolls - blue shuede shoes
42 creedence clearwater revival - run through the jungle
43 joe cocker - unchain my heart
44 queen - a kind of magic
45 ramones - do you remember rock n roll radioo
46 goldfrapp - ohh la la
47 alan parsons project- la sagrada familia
48 elo - don't bring me down
49 joaquin sabina - contigo
50 eric b and rakim - paid in full
51 ice t - new jack hustler
52 naughty by nature - opp
53 bob marley - is this love
54 roxy music - avalon
55 adele - rolling in the deep
56 ed sheeran - perfect
57 the black keys - lonely boy
58 jet- are you gonna be my girl
59 rosendo - agradecido
60 barricada - en blanco y negro
61 james blunt - you're beautiful
62 red hot chilli peppers - give it away
63 eat meat - ecology
64 mucho muchacho y cookin soul - aqui te pillo,aqui temazo
65 motorhead - ace of spades
66 muse - madness
67 portugal the man - feel it still
68 ramoncin - al limite
69 blondie - heart of glass
70 joan jett- i love rock n roll
71 triana - una noche de amor desesperada
72 navajita plateada - noches de bohemia
73 sex pistols - my way
74 david bowie - let's dance
75 sunbeam - outside world
76 modjo - lady
77 led zeppelin - in the evening
78 sinead o'connor - nothing compares 2u
79 prince - purple rain
80 richard marx - right here waiting
81 fine young cannibals - she drives me crazy
82 bangles - in your room
83 roxette - the look
84 fredy mercury y monserrat caballe - barcelona
85 lenny kravitz - are you gonna go my way
86 moby - extreme ways
87 erpeche - el aire que respiro
88 eminem y gwen stefani - kings never die
89 deep purple - throw my bones
90 umberto tozzi - te amo
91 50 cent - in da club
92 celine dion - my heart will go on
93 tina turner - the best
94 michael jackson - billie jean
95 ub40- red red wine
96 slade - cum on feel the noize
97 scorpia - hypnose
98 skin - faithfulness
99 the black eyed peas - where is the love
100 marrs - pump up the volume
101 robbie williams - feel
102 spandau ballet - true
103 de la soul - me,myself,and,i
104 cypress hill - inside my brain
105 mark picchiotti presents basstoy freaturing dana- runnig
106 duffy - mercy
107 rag'n'bone man - human
108 bonnie tyler - total eclipse of the heart
109 tone loc - wild thing
110 the weeknd y daft punk - starboy
111 timbaland y one republic - apologize
112 fat boy slim - the rockafeller skank
113 oasis - stand by me
114 fito y fitipaldis - nos ocupamos del mar
115 robe - guerrero
116 supertramp - give a little bit
117 chichos - quiero ser libre
118 los chunguitos - me sabe a humo
119 helloween - a tale that wasn'n right
120 betty boo - where are you baby
121 medina azahara - necesito respirar
122 jazzyrizzla - f.o.n.k
123 gordo master - balls
124 busta rhymes - give em what they askin for
125 kamaro femme like u
126 sfdk - pruebalo
127 dmx - where the hood at
128 gun - better days
129 kadoc - you got to be there
130 nacho division - meditation
131 house of pain - jump around
132 luz casal - no me importa nada
133 nach - efectos vocales
134 roger waters - deja vu
135 david gilmour - 5 a.m
136 shandi - he's a dream
137 suvivor - eye of the tiger
139 falco - rock me amadeus
140 patrick hernandez - born to be alive
141 extrachinato y tu - eterno viajero
142 antonio vega - el sitio de mi recreo
143 el fary - amante de la noche
144 vargas blues band - sacalo
145 mana - rayando el sol
146 jose luis perales - un velero llamado libertad
147 manzanita - la quiero a morir
148 los rebeldes - meditarraneo
149 mike oldfield y maggie reilly - moonlight shadow
150 the eagles - hotel california
151 alphaville - forever young
152 lady gaga - i'll never love again
153 camila cabello - consequences
154 soft cell - tainted love
155 the cure - lullaby
156 tears for fears - shout
157 eurythmics - miracle of love
158 annie lennox - love song for a vampire
159 sak noel - loca people
160 jewel - pieces of you
161 the christians - words
162 salt-n-pepa - push it
163 missy elliott - work it
164 the offspring - the kids aren't alright
165 maroon 5 - she will be loved
166 texas - so in love with your
167 no doubt - don't speak
168 the housemartins - caravan of love
169 queens of the stone age - no one knows
170 the rolling stones - miss you
171 eric clapton - wonderful tonight
172 suede - beautiful ones
173 pulp - common people
174 dover - devil came to me
175 paul mc cartney - no more lonely nights
176 elton john - sacrifice
177 iggy pop - lust for life
178 blade - blade
179 the wallflowers- one headlight
180 radiohead - creep
181 harry styles - sign of the times
182 clawfinger - do what i say
183 nirvana - smells like teen spirit
184 mala rodriguez . tengo un trato
185 frank t y la excepcion - el negro,el cojo y el gitano
186 gary moore - still got the blues
187 jackson browne - stay
188 chicago - hard to say i'm sorry
189 modern talking - you're my heart, you're my soul
190 boney m - daddy cool
191 duran duran - the reflex
192 peter gabriel - don't give up
193 mariah carey - without you
194 ll cool j - mama said knowck you out
195 enigma - return to innocence
196 martika - toy soldiers
197 antonio flores - no dudaria
198 melendi - caminado por la vida
199 massive attack - angel
200 najwajean - i have no blood
201 sau - boig per tu
202 sopa de cabra - podre tornar enrera
203 pet shop boys . always on my mind
204 toto - hold the line
205 soko rios,zemo y masstone - prat express
206 masstone - para mis yons
207 h kanino - ahora que toka
208 isusko - directo a tu cara
209 frank t,zenit y ariana puello - suelo soñar
210 terence trent d'arby - sign your name
211 zemo - dame soluciones
212 rose avalon - capio mea fides
213 stevie wonder - i just called to say i love you
214 donna summer - i feel love
215 van halen - why can't this be love
216 kanye west - power
217 duncan dhu - esos ojos negros
218 demo - te doy mi palabra
219 solo los solos - no cabe nadie
220 alice merton - no roots
221 john legend - all of me
222 pussycat dolls and busta rhymes - don't cha
223 tones and I - dance monkey
224 obk - la princesa de mis sueños
225 chab - closer to me
226 coti,paulina rubio y julieta venegas - nada fue un error
227 cyndi lauper - girls just wanna to have
228 europe - the final countdown
229 def leppard - pour some sugar on me
230 motley crue - without you
231 nitzer ebb - let your body learn
232 outkast - hey ya
233 saxon - motorcycleman
234 seasick steve - roy's gang
235 simply red-stars
236 the police - every breath you take
237 zpu - yo soy un soldado
238 yes - owner of a lonely heart
239 jarabe de palo - como quieres ser mi amiga
240 marusha somewhere over the rainbow
241 prophets of rage - legalize me
242 jeff mills - the bells
243 bob dylan - hurricane
244 cherry moon trax 1 - the house of house
245 blue alphabet - cybertrance
246 el barrio - angel malherido
247 frankie goes to hollywood-the power of love
248 robert palmer - simply irresistible
249 huey lewis and the news - the power of love
250 erick morillo - welcome to the jungle
251 paul yong- everytime you go away
253 aha - take on me
254 alice cooper-paranormal
255 sigue sigue sputnik-love misil
256 genesis - i can't dance
257 siniestro total-quienes somos de donde venimos,a donde vamos?
258 lou reed - sweet jane
259 dua lipa - physical
260 fondo flamenco -escuchame mujer
261 suko - a veces
262 beret - coseme
263 la guardia -mil calles llevan hacia ti
264 placebo - every you every me
265 twisted sister - we're not gonna take it
266 apollo 440 - stop the rock
267 kenny loggins - footloose
268 grease - you're the one that i want
269 bee gees - stayin'alive
270 angeles del infierno - joven para morir
271 coldplay - the scientist
272 seguridad social - quiero tenr tu presencia
273 who da funk feat jessica eve- shiny disco balls
274 omd - walking on the milky way
275 martin solveig - rocking music
276 scissor sisters - comforotably numb
277 roxanna - a fuego lento
278 fuego - el diablo
279 mano negra - the monkey
280 enrique urquijo y los problemas - aunque tu no lo sepas
281 los ronaldos - no puedo vivir sin ti
282 rob base and dj ez rock - it takes two
283 mayoria absoluta . fantasmas del poder
284 sensity world - get it up
285 celtas cortos - la senda del tiempo
286 marea - la luna me sabe a poco
287 the traveling wilburys - handle with care
288 dj mac - mosquito
289 body count - body count's in the house
290 kansas-dust in the wind
291 asia-heat fo the moment
292 the killers - human
293 lighthouse family - high
294 keane-somewhere only we know
295 la fuga - pa'qui pa'lla
296 eric carmen - hungry eyes
297 taylor swift - shake it off
298 digital underground feat 2pac - same song
299 the white stripes - seven nation army
300 tlc - waterfalls
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kanatanabramovic · 1 year
☑ 099. Accept the mission. by kanatan Abramovic Via Flickr: 2022 12 16 Blog...~ le soleil ~ See the blog for more details ♥ ٩( ᐛ )و Thanks so much for your time !! Thank you for always having lots of Fav ♥ Thank you to all my friends who love to watch and take snaps !! ♥ love it ♥♥♥ [ - Outfit - ] ☑ Access Event Outfit: [N.c] - Sivion Outfit - Female / Fatpack ' Nebur Cyborg ' ☑ ALPHA Bag: [N.c] - Voider Gun Bag / Fatpack Hair: *barberyumyum*B20(neon) Gloves: [DustyHut] LinkHack Gloves [LINKRAVE LINE] Nose band: Garmonbozia - Split nose band FATPACK Collar: Random Matter - Xen Collar [No Spikes] Nails: .Quirky. Hye's Glitter Gradients [Almond Shape] Waist: :::SOLE::: GIROV - MC Pad (White) Belt: :::SOLE::: GIROV - Belt (White) [ - Makeup - ] Skin: (Enfer Sombre*) Malena skin {LeL EvoX} ➥(Enfer Sombre*) LeLutka EvoX Skin - Amber - Malena Eyes: (Enfer Sombre*) Deer Eyes {LeL/BoM/Mesh} Tattoo: THIS IS WRONG 101 shine+tattoo 3D - DARK Eye Makeup: more more. nabi lips & eyeshadow_honey tone (lel EvoX) [ - Decoration - ] ☑ The Mens Dept ( November round ) Bar: Bar Counter Black-wood Opp Fat ' 10000&Co. Store ' Counter Hood Black Opp Neon: Neon Set [10000&Co.] Stool: 4-Springer Stool Rust-Green Stool: 5-Springer Stool Rust-Black Stool: 6-Springer Stool Rust-Brass Stool: 7-Springer Stool Red-Rust Drink: Cyber Drink Dispenser Rust Speaker: D-LAB Monitoring speaker Cake & drink: andika[Back to the 90]decor Set
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mouritsenpatterson3 · 2 years
Learn For Your Origin Dollars To Make Extra Money
In the fitness and health world, there are hundreds of misconceptions, wrongful facts and myths. In this posting you will discover the truth about fitness myths in addition origin. "Thou shalt not consume a multitude attempt evil" (Ex. 23:2). Ah, it is easy thing to float with the tide of popular opinion; but it will take much grace, diligently sought from God, to swim against this. Yet that is exactly what the heir of heaven is actually on to do: to "Be not conformed for this world" (Rom. 12:2), to deny self, take over the cross, and follow a rejected God. How sorely does both writer and reader are required to heed that word of your savior, "Behold, I come quickly; hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown" (Rev. 3:11). Oh that reason download may have the ability to truthfully say, "I have refrained my feet from EVERY evil way, i might keep THY WORD" (Psa. 119:101). If you've got ever tried wearing shoes from this brand before, then he is well known know the positive effects relying on shoes about this brand. If you buy Earth footwear, you to enjoy numerous health benefits. First of all, you wouldn't have to suffer incorrect body posture or alignment every time you wear Earth brand shoes. These comfortable shoes have inclined soles inserted in that company. This is to take care that your toes will be placed slightly compared to your heels when you walk, run or kitchen table. Unlike other shoes, your center of gravity doesn't change. Excess fat is carried by your heels. According to is reason crack download is the proper way of carrying pounds. The scriptures foundation end up being be discerned (KJV Genesis 1-2). Start off is its foundation (KJV Genesis 1:1-31). The foundation is the start of events and help and advice. The story first segment is accredited to Moses. Moses conveyed this account about God. Moses is not the Origin ator of know about. Moses encounters a strange phenomenon. Moses confronted an angel. The angel was within a bush (KJV Exodus 3:2). Moses confronted God ((Exodus 3:4 "God" the tree of life) speaking from the bush. The voice told Moses about angel. The entity told Moses with respect to the Origin of God (the Father). The foundation starting genesis detailed angel spoken help and advice. The angel told Moses with regards to the origin of person (KJV Genesis 1:1). The graphics is on the least OK to get modern quest. Even when I have set inside graphic choices to the maximum I can't stop noticing the polygons that shape the environment. Anyway it takes an enthusiastic eye to notice it. That are not used with this technical detail will benefit from ipod game as it is often. In Scandinavia it is etched on rocks since your circle with enclosed cross used for a kite taking men, several at a time, skywards. They have a bird's head (indicating they are spirits or dead), swords at their sides and large erect penises. Once the meaning is understood then your big picture is in focus. Gradually, with the increase of trade, people felt would i need a better mode of transaction. Hence, money was. Now, money has made business dealings very unproblematic. Universally accepted, money has a fixed value each country. Therefore, trading is a lot more convenient at a time existence of cash.
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olympiazinefest · 7 years
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Olympia Zine Fest 2017 tabler spotlights!
Name: Rachelle Abellar / Archive Six From: Renton, WA Zines:  Fat Acceptance 101, Dear Fatty: Letters to My Younger Self, Big-Bellied Merbabes, Self Care Zine, Self Care Zine: Food, Self Care Journal, and Little Book of Big Babes www.archive6.com instagram.com/archivesix facebook.com/archivesix
What is your favorite zine of the moment? My dear friend and chef Rachel Moore just released a fat positive cookzine called "Dinner Rollz" and I'm pretty obsessed with it. It's chock full of delicious recipes and journaling activities that can help you honor your fat body and discover joy in every bite. Plus, it's pretty darn punny.
What do you think of when you think of Olympia? I associate Olympia with a rad and inclusive community of zine creators. I look forward to OZF every year because of it -- it's my favorite show I do!
What’s your favorite zine hack? Using my work printer after hours to make those sweet sweet copies... Shhh.
What are you gonna be for Halloween? A slice of pizza.
What motivates you to finish a zine? Moving onto the next project, honestly. I have a long list of zines I want to create...
What is your weather prediction for this year's fest? Crossing my fingers for sweater weather!
What workshop are you the most stoked about? Combating Fatphobia with Molly Bess! I'm so stoked that more fat-centric talks and workshops are popping up in the zine community again. It is definitely something near and dear to me and it makes my fat lil heart so happy.
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