#Falin breaks out the song
angryanimator · 27 days
for the dancing and the dreaming except its falin and marcille
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mintmatcha · 3 months
Heat blisters across the ocean in waves. Summer is at its peak, rippling the air.
The others in your party have decided to dip down the beach's scorching sands and into the ocean foam, but you've decided to stay put. Marcille's griping partially carries over the break of waves, only the overtones of her voice and Falin's giggles reaching you, a distant siren's song that beckons you closer.
Instead, you pop the last crumbling bit of your popsicle into your mouth and close your eyes. The flavor spills across your tongue, flashes of citrus and blossoms of berry, and you hum in appreciation. When only the wooden taste of the stick is left, you open your eyes and catch how Laios has been watching you.
His lips are slightly parted, blush pink and gently moist, still wet with the same seawater that hangs from his dirty blonde hair. Those golden eyes are wide and just as bright as the sun.
The attention makes you glimmer; Laios is... different than other men you've liked, but he's certainly the most attractive. Wide shoulders and a thick frame, you can see how his muscles move through his sweat soaked undershirt, coiled and strong. It makes you act differently; you curl your spine and stick out your chest, pointing your toes to make your legs seem longer and more alluring-- all of the things women do when they want a man to want them.
Then, you remember who you're dealing with.
"Oh, sorry." You gesture with the empty wooden stick. "Did you want some?"
Laios blinks. Then, blinks again.
"Oh, uh-" he laughs, cheeks red. "Yeah."
The excitement inside you slumps. Yeah, he just wanted your snack.
"You should have asked." You roll your head to your shoulder and shiver at the bead of sweat the dips across the open curve of your neck. He does the same, rubbing the back of his neck with the flat of his palm. "I didn't know you liked sweets. It was really good."
Laios swallows and you watch his throat bob.
"I just didn't think you'd want my spit all over it."
"Spit doesn't bother me."
He doesn't say anything back. The silence unsettles you; Laios isn't one to ever stop talking. He's filled with tidbits and tangents that are seemingly never-ending. Shuro and Chilchuck hate it, but there's a certain charm to the joy he has when he's dumping information on your lap.
"Do you think there's any monsters in the water around here?" You try to spark that joy in him.
"No, they don't come in this close to shore; it's too overfished." Laios rattles off with ease, no passion behind it. "Do you really not mind spit?"
"I guess not?"
"Cool." Laios leans back again, watching the shore where everyone else relaxes as if searching for something. When he seems to find it, he turns back to you and swallows again before quickly diving into you. Before you can process what's happening, his lips find your cheek. They're somehow warmer than the air, but not as warm as the wet flash of tongue that creeps out from between them. It's nothing more than a quick swipe, but it's enough to rip a gasp from your lungs before he pulls away.
"You're right." The sticky orange juice of your dessert is stuck to his lips. "It was good. A little salty."
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vickyvicarious · 27 days
Lately I'm totally stuck on the song Wax & Wane by Alana Henderson. I love it.
And the more I listen to it, the more I keep thinking of Marcille. (I feel like it'd be great for a fanvid of her, particularly when the entire series is animated.) But regardless, I can line it up so well with her story, so I just wanna ramble a bit about the lyrics now.
Under the cut for spoilers for the whole manga and length.
The song's clearly originally about a het relationship breaking up, but I don't have to interpret it that way! It gets better for her the further in the song you get, in my opinion.
I could blame our partin’ For the fact that I’m not startin’ All my mornings at the time they ought to start And I could summon up a sisterhood Cry lead me out of widowhood But that is melodrama on my part
Least fitting lines in at the beginning, but you could still sort of make them work in a fanvid at least, with slow reaction/not being ready or prepared, being caught off guard, being dramatic and then taking it back every time with food. It makes me think more of lighthearted stuff mostly, though also perhaps with Falin's original death scene maybe?
I could blame my grieving On the fact that I’ve been leaving Us behind, the ones we were when this began But I have rose-tinted us ruby And I’ve conjured up a new me Who bent freely to her newly molded man
Marcille remembering dead Falin and also her father can be the 'rose-tinted' and the newly-molded man could sorta be the life she leads now. In a sense, she's idealized both of them and their happy times with her, without being willing to linger on the negatives. Even though those drive her completely.
But we bent and we broke and I meant what I spoke And the blame game does not produce a winner We went as far as we could go, we had to go that far to know That we had nowhere left to aim And no one left to blame but The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide
This refrain matches so well with the dungeon living pushing her (and all of them, but her especially as this is her song to me) to her limits and beyond as they go deeper. I picture this first refrain as earlier, the first effort to go back and get Falin back, and succeeding but only briefly.
And I could blame my parents For my vices so inherent That I cannot shake them much as I may try But how much have I inherited Or picked up since I was a kid? That nature versus nurture paradigm I could blame wrong turns that I take On decisions that my head makes Then trace each error right back to my heart And is it broken ‘cause you toyed with it Or was it formed with a little split That grows each year further and further apart
My favorite Marcille verse. It matches so well to her grief (often in advance) for her loved ones' shorter lifespans, and the way she never fit in growing up. Is the enormity of this desire due to her parents giving her this half-elf life, or is it her own personality focusing on it too much by dedicating herself to studying to 'fix' it? Is her heart broken because Falin died too, or is this something that's always been building, only increasing the more she pursues this path... (Stuff like the nightmare attack, or that one scene where she has to animate everyone with necromancy and it's funny up until you see her break down after and realize how terrible that would have been for Marcille in particular...) But we love and we lose and we lash-out and we bruise And the name of the game’s just the living We go as far as we can go we’ve got to go that far to know That we have everything to gain By knowing we can blame The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide
You have to eat to live! Pushing further into the dungeon! This time around I see it as much later scenes, as they work to get monster!Falin back. Even when that means going against other people, even when it means planning on (arguable?) cannibalism, etc.
And so I look to Karma And if I try not to harm another I will not be harmed by anything
This one bit actually really makes me think of Falin, but it also in a way matches a more naive earlier mentality, before the various characters all accept that in order to live they have to eat (and thus hurt other things). Not to mention, it leads in well to Marcille becoming the dungeon master because she wants to protect her friends and also wants to extend everyone's lifespans. She doesn't want to cause any harm, at least in her eyes. But it rapidly goes wrong throughout the rest of the verse:
If I salute the magpie, knock on wood Will I be doing any good? Am I strung up or do I pull the string? Will the fact I cling too tightly To my dreams come back and bite me Am I trying to make a science of an art? And will the very fate I wish to woo Be the one that I undo By thinking I can steer this crazy cart
Dungeon master Marcille here! It's perfect for all of those parts of her story. Getting the power to control things on such a huge scale, but being manipulated and lacking control over herself. Her dreams and desires overtaking her, leading to destruction, the warped version of her father and life with her friends that are offered to her. Her efforts to try and steer it...
But I’ll live and I’ll learn And I’ll light and I’ll burn ’Til the flame simmers down to a spark I’ll go as far as I can go I’ve to go that far to know that I have everything to gain By knowing I can’t train The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide
And then the endgame! She struggles to get it back, to undo what has begun. Her friends reaching out to her and her realizing this is as far as she can go, pushing too far was wrong. Accepting the possibility of Falin's death being permanent, accepting death in general. The lingering changes pointing out ways they didn't and couldn't achieve everything they wanted, like Falin's legs, Laios's inability to get close to monsters, Marcille's loss of the desire to do her hair. I never said it was your fault I only wanted to blame someone I never said it was your fault I only wanted to blame someone The moon’s wax and wane and the turn of the tide
And the final refrain is more of that acceptance. Marcille didn't precisely want to place 'blame' but she wanted to see it as a problem that she could fix, rather than accepting life and death (which = the moon's wax and wane and the turn of the tide).
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vegetable-lamb · 3 months
I don't listen to joanna newsom much anymore but this song instantly appeared in my head whilst reading dungeon meshi re: marcille and falin
some stanzas that especially hit (it's a long song bear with me lol):
And the little white dove Made with love, made with love Made with glue and a glove and some pliers
Swings a low sickle arc From its perch in the dark Settle down my desire
And in a moment of almost unbearable vision Doubled over with the hunger of lions 'Hold me close', cooed the dove Who was stuffed now with sawdust and diamonds
Sings 'I will swallow your sadness and eat your cold clay Just to lift your long face And though it may be madness, I will take to the grave Your precious long face And though our bones they may break and our souls separate Why the long face? And though our bodies recoil from the grip of the soil Why the long face?'
And they will recognize All the lines of your face In the face of the daughter, of the daughter, of my daughter
And darling we will be fine But what was yours and mine Appears to me a sandcastle that the gibbering wave takes
But if it's all just the same Then will you say my name Say my name in the morning so that I know when the wave breaks I wasn't born of a whistle Or milked from a thistle at twilight No, I was all horns and thorns Sprung out fully formed, knock-kneed and upright So enough of this terror we deserve to know light And grow evermore lighter and lighter You would have seen me through But I could not undo that desire
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askaealsbabes · 6 years
Besides Yua, anybody there got healing skills?
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Mun: Trance is actually Yua’s …. apprentice/student in free form healing magic. Healers (those who can use free form magic to heal) are really rare on Cephorim, there’s only a handful or so of them, and they’re actually feared. For the most part. Healers are the only ones who can breech a Core’s natural defense and use magic inside someone’s body. Which is what they do for healing of course, but it can also be used to break things. They were a terror on the battlefield, and such events in the long past have given them a bad reputation. Trance doesn’t get too much flak for it though X’D he’s too much of a muffin for people to be scared of him. Yua on the other hand |D She milks it sometimes when she needs to, because rumor is all she has for defense. She has no elemental magic at all, and therefore has no offensive magic either. And she never learned martial arts or anything else like that. She’s a defenseless little kitten that’s all bark and very little bite. |D
As for others in LoFT, both Harlow and Falin (and all other Angels) know healing magic through scripts and song. There are other royal Healers on Cephorim too. Like Hanadim, who serves Tanya. But I haven’t RPed them at all yet really.
For TL there’s Emi and the other Guardian Angels. Basic script healing is part of their training as kids, though some learn more than others. Emi is one of the few that actually knows dark magic healing, and he just learned that in recent years to be able to help out Mavis and the others from Devii Ral who are immune or resistant to other healing.
Uhhhhh….. *looks up skills * Ahmeh’to knows a self heal called First Aid 8′D but that’s it |D
Other than that I can’t remember anyone else that has healing magic e,e
Edit: Oops, I forgot about Charlatan X’D My new DnD girl. She’s a Bard and has a couple healing skills. That’s not her real name, but it’s a secret BD
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tosimornottosim · 6 years
Can I Get A Fuckin Uhh 3 10 17 for draconia andddd 5 7 14 for ophelia
3: Long fingernails or very short? Bitten? Painted? Dirty?
She keeps them an even length, not very short and not very long. They break if they get too long. Sometimes she paints them bright red if she has any nail polish. Blood red. 
10: What’s their ringtone? Do they use different ringtones for different people?
Her current general ringtone is a spooky Halloween sound byte of chains clanking and some deep voice going ‘ooooo’.
Ashlyn’s ringtone is The Hunch’s cover of ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love With You’.
Micah’s ringtone is The Micah Show jingle.
Faline’s ringtone is the selkie band Selck’s song called “Best Friend”.
17: Any quirks? Do they squint a bit? Do they bite their lips or nails often?
Draconia’s entire personality is quirks.
When she’s scared, though, she wrings her hands.
5: Do they speak with an accent? Does their accent change when they are angry/excited/happy?
Ophelia is from Wisconsin, but nobody knows where from. She’s never mentioned specifics and never answers any questions. The only reason she admits to having come from Wisconsin is that she has an /undeniable/ Wisconsin accent.
7: What’s always in their pockets/purse/wallet?
Ophelia /always/ forgets what she needs when she goes out. It’s a joke in the Hunch fandom that you should give Ophelia wallets and purses at a meet and greet because she constantly loses them. At best, she remembers her jacket and her phone. Usually only her phone.
14: What kind of clothes are they usually wearing at home?
Usually brightly colored and horribly out of date. Ophelia dresses like an 80s jazzercise zombie. Which, uh, she is.
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byt-glee · 6 years
Hey, guys! We’re continuing prep for sectionals this week...specifically working hard in the paint on “Kids in America”, so niners and sophomores...get ready to really break out your dancing shoes and...ditch that extra soda at lunch, because I’m not nearly in the mood to deal with all the ridiculousness and screaming. That aside, this week is going to be an interesting week...and it’s one of my favorite assignments, because it gives you the opportunity to talk to and work with someone you maybe haven’t met before...or maybe try something different with a friend! The possibilities are endless!
This week is duets week! I’m going to read out the list...and from that point forward...you can pair up, discuss do whatever! Oh, and there’s one group of three, because we have an odd number!
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Mary Rose Wilde ( 10 ) , Neville Finstock ( 11 ) Viola Boyd ( 12 ) , Alexa Santamaria ( 12 ) Kendrick Padilla ( 11 ) , Heather Kaplan ( 12 ) Reid Bell ( 9 ) , Lucas Hamilton ( 9 ) Spencer Porter ( 12 ) , Elsa Vogel ( 11 ) Brett Talbot ( 12 ) , Lexus Schuyler ( 9 ) Kyson Shaw ( 12 ) , Stevie Evans ( 10 ) Lenora Buchanan ( 12 ) , Cheryl Lopez ( 11 ) Mason McCarthy ( 12 ) , Leighton Mitchell ( 11 ) Happy Rhodes ( 11 ) , Sadie James ( 12 ) Galilea Russo ( 10 ) , Forrest Lahey ( 10 ) Rasha Zuabi ( 12 ) , Quill Adams ( 11 ) Kiki Dunbar ( 11 ) , Ginny Reed ( 11 ) Charlie James ( 11 ) , Alistair Moody ( 11 ) Max Meeks ( 11 ) , Hilary Saunders ( 11 ) Raquel Corcoran ( 9 ) , Connor Dunbar ( 11 ) Sydney Evans ( 12 ) , Jordi Pacini ( 11 ) Declan Guthrie ( 9 ) , Camden Karlow ( 9 ) Jane Hayward ( 12 ) , Gavin Hunt ( 9 ) Carlos Puckerman ( 11 ) , Cass Andrews ( 11 ) Charity Jones ( 12 ) , Sora-Skye Stilinski ( 11 ) Val Lacoste ( 12 ) , Priss McCall ( 11 ) Rowena Leighton ( 11 ) , Damian Hawk ( 11 ) Kendall Hunt ( 11 ) , Chloe Langdon ( 9 ) CJ King ( 11 ) , Vanellope Corcoran ( 11 ) Cheyene Jiminez ( 9 ) , Dante Rizzoli ( 9 ) Shay Powers ( 12 ) , Elias Song ( 11 ) Toni Kerwin ( 11 ) , Ronnie Prince ( 11 ) Oliver Christensen ( 9 ) , Keanu Clearwater ( 11 ) Joella Kelly ( 11 ) , Frankie Hollingsworth ( 12 ) Severus Potter ( 11 ) , Chanel Raeken ( 12 ) Irena Baker ( 12 ) , Kyle Monroe ( 11 ) Henry Clarke ( 9 ) , Wilson Kennedy ( 11 ) Jett Manning ( 12 ) , Yael Baron ( 12 ) Soleil McCain ( 11 ) , Kamila Wojcik ( 10 ) Sophie Branstad ( 9 ) , Hayes Mareau ( 11 ) Sailor Evans ( 10 ) , Cassie James ( 9 ) Violet Boyd ( 12 ) , Madison McCarthy ( 12 ) Elijah Armstrong ( 9 ) , Ember Stevens ( 11 ) Corey Bryant ( 12 ) , Nym Chu ( 10 ) Faline Cherry ( 12 ) , Moana Rivera ( 12 ) Cheri Ashford ( 12 ) , Angie Jeremiah ( 12 ) Lola Pacini ( 12 ) , Clover Martin ( 12 ) Harry Knox ( 11 ) , Fleur Amari ( 12 ) Lori Rohr ( 10 ) , Chandler Byers ( 11 ) Wren Stout ( 12 ) , Liam Dunbar ( 12 ) Andy Hopper ( 11 ) , Rylee Pillsbury ( 9 ) Saad Al’Maliki ( 12 ) , Georgia Rose Duval ( 12 ) Chip Dale ( 10 ) , Monica Dellin ( 10 ) Suede Porter ( 12 ) , Garrett Sterling ( 12 ) Diego Montoya ( 12 ) , Maribel Pacini ( 11 ) Bella Rizzoli ( 10 ) , Savannah Miller ( 11 ) Avonlea Turner ( 11 )  Layla Mitchell ( 11 ) , Camren Martin ( 9 ) Christina Byers ( 9 ) , Scarlett Cardinal-Hollingsworth ( 12 ) Lissa Yorke ( 11 ) , Ella Rizzoli ( 10 ) Ophelia Hamilton ( 11 ) , Autumn Mackenzie ( 11 ) Isabelle Parrish ( 12 ) , Sarah Puckerman ( 11 )
 Stacey Evans ( 10 )  Alyson Vanderwilde ( 12 )
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gamingmix2017-blog · 7 years
History of Electronic Music
Best Gaming Mix 2017 Electronic music has been around in various kinds for about 100+ years. I'm sure some of you might be thinking what? Yes... over 100 years+
I'm not going to give you the boring and long concerning  the stuff that you don't really care to see about anyway. I am going to create good and just tell you about  the good stuff. Disco started all of it
Best Gaming Mix 2017
Disco started it all. It was round  the mid 70's whenever disco had really arrived. Disco had been a blend of soul and funk music. Needless to say the Disco groups where the happening thing in the 70's and Cocaine ended up being fueling the fire. Clubs would stay open most of the night and bell bottomed ballers (that term was not utilized then) would dance the night away. The UK Twists It Up
The UK then took Disco and turned it into exactly what we would now consider household music. House music would later branch out into various genres. Trance, Disco House, Acid House, Funky House, Progressive House, Latin House, Hard House.
Hip Hop is Born About this same time Hip Hop was being born (yes people hip hop is electronic music). Hip Hop or Breaks as it was known ended up being the brainchild of some crazy kitties that thought it would  be a great idea to just take the "breaks of the songs" what we may phone the chorus or connect nowadays, and just link them together with other breaks. In an effort to achieve that it required 2 turntables.
Break Beat remains to be, and popular across  the South Eastern areas  of the United States. Mainly Florida (the true home of Magic Mike, DJ Icey, DJ Baby Anne, DJ Eric Berretta, DJ Sharaz, Tony Faline, Friction and Spice, and DJ Infiniti.)
Jungle and Hardcore Emerge
As with any music genres people begin to push the envelope. Much faster music genres emerged. Jungle eventually to be called DnB or Drum N Bass was adopted into the underground electronic music scene. It came from Reggae or Ragga and ended  up being a fast paced Break Beat 165-190bpm. Hardcore came away across  the same time. It was little more than House on Steroids. The bpm for Hardcore was across  the speed that is same DnB.
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