cosmic-kaden · 2 months
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loaflovesdoodling · 5 months
If Cari and Ades were to ever interact, I feel like they'd get along pretty well for some reason. Cari would probably ask way too many questions about the man
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another-lost-mc · 4 months
Im so obsessed with Zee and Karasu 🫢🫢 the only reason my involvement with Obey Me fandom is still here is literally because of your OCs??? Like i have deleted Obey Me so long now cause of the plot? The stories?? Are not moving at all but your OCs?? If for some miracle or wish come true your OCs is a dateable in game i would re-download obey me just for them.
I never thought I got turned on by a predator/prey kink 😔🫣 but Zee?? The way he calls reader "bunny" 🫠🫠 anything for you ( he is literally in my head 24/7 helpppp i was cooking earlier and my delulu got the best of me and i was imagining im cooking with Zekhan 😔😞)
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I'm glad you like my OCs even if you're not actively playing the game right now. I consider that a huge compliment. <3
The Zee brain rot is real and I felt so unhinged by the time I finished writing that one scenario of his. lol But I genuinely love the thought that he'd call you bunny in private, even if you don't entertain those types of games with him. It's a cute glimpse at his softer nature that no one (except maybe Azra) knows exists.
Cooking with Zee would be so wholesome too. He's more skilled in the kitchen than Azra (tbh who isn't) and he knows a wider range of dishes than Karasu. He'll ask about your favourite foods and learn how to cook them, no matter how many recipes he has to try. (He wants to impress you but he'll pretend it's not a big deal.)
He buys aprons for both of you if you decide to help him in the kitchen, even if it's just an excuse to keep him company. He always offers to tie the back of yours for you too. He doesn't usually eat breakfast, but he will on mornings when he's lucky enough to have your company.
On his days off, he'll indulge in more time-consuming recipes like stews and soups from scratch or savory meat and/or vegetable pies. He usually buys pre-made pie crusts and fresh loaves of bread instead of trying to make them. Once the dishes are done after dinner, he'll take you to pick up some pastries or ice cream for dessert (he prefers cookies or milkshakes).
As for the predator/prey thing...yeah, I'm a firm believer that demons (and angels, tbh) are capable of being more intense than the game portrays them. I wrote about a vague predator/prey scenario here that applies to any of the characters with wings including Karasu, Zee, Tenebris and Metatron.
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quackle · 6 months
How would you rank the first 8 episodes of season 2 if you had to?
hmmmm, i'd have to go in this order, from best to worst: 7, 4, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 8. long rambling reasonings below cut:
7: because holy shit this ep was so fucking funny for no reason. definitely a perfect ep. to me. we got mkulia looking soooo real here. we got peak damien finding the immunity idol. we got a hilarious challenge with that whole hilarious ass hunger games-esque segment. we got ripaxel (and lost them, which... pfft sorry i laughed a little even though i also felt bad). and we got OWEN!!!!! like.... idc this has been the best ep by farrrrrr.
4: hated the elimination so much but everything else was kinda sorta really perfect. the challenge gives this ep soooo many bonus points like i LOVED learning character lore. and that cheating plot? the internal struggle within team skunk butt?? especially bowie's internal struggle after lying to his boyfriend??? CHEF'S KISS. also ripaxel made me cry laughing so there's that.
2: i also really loved this challenge. like when julia joined the clogged toilet with raj, wayne, and bowie, and she was like "SOMEBODY. HELPPPP ☹️" or every time someone hit the damn basketball rim. or wayne's laugh at julia's scream. or when chris counted the bear as a point for team skunk butt, just because. ugh it was soooo total drama. i love this show.
3: ok the rat faces + that whole ripaxel moment were admittedly less interesting here to me, but i loved the cheat vs no cheat side of skunk butts. it was SO enjoyable to watch this unstable ass team, and the intro to bowie's dilemma was sooooo good. and those mkulia moments... ugh fun fun fun!!!! (also nichelle ladonna slayed and my fav rare pair duo damichelle was born sooooooo yippee!!!)
1: this ep was a nice intro to the season. drama was at an all time high. granny ax was an absolute icon. nichelle ladonna GAGGED EVERYONE. so fun. (also i'm personally biased to this ep because i'm always thinking about the short lived parallel between scary girl and nichelle in particular, but that's a topic i can ramble about elsewhere lol)
5: FUCK THIS ELIMINATION (hashtag i'm biased). otherwise an okay ep. team rat face was sooooo found family here. to me. and the cheating plot was once again fun to see unfold. and this was quite possibly the only time we got to see ripper participate with his team without axel as a distraction and... i kinda wish we got to see that more from him? but alas.
6: i... personally don't care much for the priya/caleb plot? and a lot of this ep had that. so. eh. damien got immunity tho and that whole "juliaaaaaa, i'm your partnerrrrr 😈" bit from wayne had me rolling and that rajbow moment where they carried the canoe was sooooo cute. so it gets a bonus point for all that (hashtag i'm biased).
8: i... didn't really care for this challenge at all actually. and once again, a lot of priya/caleb. like. most of this ep had me going "oh. miscommunication incoming. how fun. 🫤" did i wish caleb went home instead of zee? uh. yes actually, if only to escape miscommunication! if i could cut a plot point this season, that would be number one. but that's another ramble for another time.
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archivistea · 11 months
please god post the pictures i dont play that game and i wanna see how bad they did that guy
HELPPPP okay yeah bet anything for u bestie
This got long I’m sorry
basically since na server is a year behind the cn server I remember seeing these last year and now it’s just like 😀 haha great bc THIS ONE is back again
so for na server’s first anniv it was like. first kiss themed i think 💀 I don’t play tot anymore but I did pull artem’s first anniv card and then dipped yippee
anyway for the second anniv it’s proposal themed ft. the first time they actually. well. bang 😭😭😭 jaw hit the floor when I saw the change in age rating like HYV HELLO
here r the pics from the trailer
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since this is literally an otome game this kind of fan service is to be expected yk.
but when I watched someone on the cn server generously post their playthrough of the second anniv cards last year artem’s really rubbed me the wrong way and it wasn’t until I came on here and some of the tot blogs I follow also shared a similar sentiment that i was actually able to realize why!!
god I wish I could find the original post I’m thinking abt bc op made so many good points but
basically they made the socially awkward doesn’t know how to talk to women married to his work senior attorney at themis law firm into this 😭 and even tho artem’s my favorite and part of me is like “ahaha damn” at this art (it’s very nice art) it just loses a lot of who he is and how he would treat his relationship w mc (to me at least)
and to make matters worse if I remember correctly he proposes at his boss’ wedding 😭😭like the reason they’re all dressed fancy is bc they were literally AT Celestine’s wedding
I love her btw she’s artem and mc’s number 1 supporter
Artem literally googles how to talk to someone you like and buys books on romance like he’s studying for an exam you really think he’s going to be this smooth
and he would literally never take that spotlight away from Celestine by doing that at her wedding even though she knew and wanted him to and was chill w it bc ofc she would
I just think there could have been a different way to go abt this story that could be much more meaningful 😭😭 and I’m usually not one to shy away from fanservice but. HES NOT ANOTHER JUMIN HAN
I didnt go through my mysmes phase in high school for this
anyway yeah that’s all
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idyllic-affections · 4 months
i literally lied i just went and wrote a tiny bit of something LMAO
and i'm gonna!! show off a singular sentence because i like the way it sounds HAHSSH (he's thinking about watching the stars in the hsr universe here)
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i'm also thinking about welt's room and ik that realistically and in game it's probably around the size of march's or something but in my head it's always really small for some reason? small and with a lot of stuff but still cozy
and the layout in my head is like,, you enter through the door and there's a window opposite of you, under it is a bed, not a double one but two people could probably still fit in there; there's a nightstand next to the bed with a small night lamp on it. to the left looking from the door is a desk, to the right is a closet, there's probably also a bookshelf somewhere, and also everything is wooden and in warm colors. idk welt radiates cozy bedroom vibes HAHA and his room probably also smells nice idk
HELPPPP i am the evil voice in your brain and i am winning /j /lh
i love that for him bc tbh same the universe is so fascinating i could talk about it for hours i have so many questions that i will never know the answers to. i love you, mysterious universe in which i live.
SMALL WITH LOTS OF STUFF AND VERY COZY i like that interpretation!!!!!! he would sooooo have a cozy bedroom. he's a cozy guy imo. cozy vibes. very safe and comforting.
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fivveweeks · 1 year
Hello that's such a cute hc?? Maybe sometimes Hassel mentions offhandedly about one of his art students sharing art on Poketwitter and Brassius is like 'give me their handle so I can follow'. Then one day in class Hassel hears about the student's awed retelling to his friends about how 'that famous artist followed and retweeted his art so now he's got soo many new people following him and it's so cool!'
Hassel is touched on behalf of Brassius, starts tearing up for seemingly no reason. Later he says to Brassius that he made his student soo happy. Then maybe they make out after because it's sexy to support baby artists and utilizing your wealth to get commissions of yourself and your partner as Pokemon
fr I like to imagine Brassius is a reoccurring guest speaker in Hassel’s class and he’s definitely tech-savy? if you’re brave and chat with him after class you probably can exchange poketwitter or pokegram handles, or he asks u for it so he can post the selfie of you two with your completed art pieces and tag you in it?? I can see him running art workshops and gets everyone’s social handles so he can tag them when he posts the group photo on his acc
funniest hc I have is that Brassius definitely has a collection of all the pokemon/furry art of him and Hassel he commissioned over the years. It’s not even nsfw or suggestive it’s just all the cute animal-crossing style or chibi gijinkas. Yes they have multiple poke-sonas it started off from artazon or academy kids drawing him and hassel personified as cartoon pokemons and it stuck. Iono makes fun of him for being a ‘Furry’ (I like to think they’re friends it so funny)
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fabbyf1 · 1 year
your specialty is making me cry, the reason alternating between toe curling filth and too many feelings
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icharchivist · 1 year
Hmm *stares at Lucifer* so I reread scene when he kills Lucilius and when fights with Baha
Lucifer: You intend to continue creating these monstrosities, any one of which could destroy the world, merely to satisfy your rebellious heart?
And then when Baha says "I have no answer"
Lucifer: You must have some idea
And idk, it just feels like he is... Idk... I think he is getting tired and fed up with others bullshit, but still has enough self control to not show it. Just Belial would be kind of fucked up, if he would kept Lucifer as that perfect, innocent and unable of deliberately harming others with words. During fight it's completely different matter.
Maybe it's just my own experience of trying to appear perfect and not being openly aggressive with people unless having them absolutely enough, that I get such vibe? from Lucifer.
Also, funni lil thing: we saw Lucifer killing Faa due to time space distortions around Canaan. And just, why and how there are distortions and even Four Primarchs had problems getting to Canaan, but Lucifer didn't seemed to have any problems with leaving this place when needed??
Oh, also when starting talking to Faa about rebellion
Lucifer: You mean to say those suspicions ring false?
When knowing already that Faa is responsible, so it's not like lie is beneath him when necessary to interrogate. Tbf, I often get a feeling that Lucifer's morality is... How to say it... He couldn't lie for no reason, but if it would be necessary, yeah, why not, it's useful tool in certain scenarios and may work better or more efficient that other method.
Belial behaves horny to make people uncomfortable and I think after Lucifer learned about certain double meaning of words, he still wouldn't react, because well, lust is just one of the many emotions you can feel, what's wrong with that? Which would drive Belial insane. Guess here comes thingy that pride and shame are two sides of the same coins and Lucifer don't seem to show none too highly. He neither does act pridefully, but also when apologizing to Sandalphon, he isn't stopped by subordinates or other people watching him, like, he hurt Sandalphon and isn't stopped by shame from apologizing. So good luck Belial, your tactic works thanks to shame and your opponent seems to have none. Also I guess that Lucifer is really fast learner, so... Good luck buddy, you will need it
Also from granblues, it seems that Lucifer understands economy ("No, bad Cosmos, printing more money won't help") which I think means something, like, idk, his ability to understand weird mortals thingies. It just that he not always catches emotional stuff if it isn't said straight into his face (Sandy), but from what I know, it's possible to learn these things, so... GOOD FUCKING LUCK BELIAL
Yeah, I am projecting like fuck, but fuck it, I am right because I am right, not taking critics, but new ideas are welcome or something like that
But seriously tho, why the hell Canaan had these time space distortions around? Logia, do you know something about it? It's suspicious as hell 🧐
That's a very cool observation in regard of how Lucifer is going through the motions. I kinda agree, i do feel like he progressively gets more and more fed up with things (evolution level: fuck this shit)
I also agree on the vibe from Lucifer of trying to not be openly aggressive and try to deal with things by talking it out while also growing more and more frustrated because the people facing you basically refuse to do that.
As for the time distortion, this is. a really good question. And really worrisome.
For the reading of Lucifer and Belial i don't really have much to add, i see it as well yeah, it fits them.
and helpppp. Good luck Belial indeed omg.
And yes you ARE right actually, no comment on the rest but it's totally working with those ideas in so, very good.
But yeah back to Canaan this is so suspicious. Maybe Logia is aware of something? After all Light!Arulumaya's FE (kinda retcon Sandy's murders) end up saying that because of visions given to her directly by Orologia, Arulumaya was able to forsee the cataclysms and was able to issue orders to evacuate the islands Sandalphon was about to throw to the bottom of the skies.
I don't really like the idea of removing the crimes and murders from Sandalphon's bloody hands but, this retcon does still imply that Logia specifically made sure to ease the cataclysms. Perhaps that, indeed, he saw that the best course of action was to let Sandalphon lashes out, while also trying to limit just how many people would be hurt by this.
So, it does mean that Logia had an eye on everything that happened on wmtsb. Maybe the time distortion was a way for them to help their child once more…. Even without them seeing that they're here……. suspicious though sobs.
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sungbeam · 1 year
And I’m not sure if I would be a casual marvel fan or an actual marvel fan like I’ve watched nearly all the movies and I know most of the lore but I din’t really catch up with the comics and I’m basically only gated to the movies and series spinoffs 😭 I’ve been a lil slacking since covid but I’m trying to catch up with the wasp and now quantumania! (Hopefully I spelt that right) but yeah! I’ve been watching marvel since I was a little kid lolol so I’m always down every year to see the new marvel movie!
But yeahhhhh I feel like I was somewhat prepared to see GOTG3 just cause I saw the Rocket floor clip on youtube but damn it still didn’t prepare me to see how horrific,y they were treated 😭 Floor’s design freaked me out the most but she was still so sweetie and it just ARGH ☹️☹️
But yeah! MANIFESTING THAT TBZ COMES TO BOTH OF OUR CITIES THIS TOUR I SWEARRR 😭🙏 and hold awn, how were you able to write the Changmin fic on a PLANEEEEEE pla I’m always so embarrassed when I whip out my ipad to even watch a movie 😭 like phew you are wayyyy stronger than me JSUNFJGNE
Also, just a fun lil question, if you were to turn ANYYYYYY of your fics into a live action movie, which one would it be 😳 (could be published or a WIP 🤭)
- Love you 3000, 🌷 anon
SLFNKDNFKDJFJ HEY IF THEYRE STUCK IN MY HEAD, IMMA MAKE EM STUCK IN URS TOO 😁😁😁 PLS THE 2000S ROMCOM ALLEGATIONS ILY AHAHHA i just need to write more tension for that man like it's nearly impossible NOT to atp, and i found this thing on pinterest the other day
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okok i found the one hawkeye ronin scene from end game for reference, and im sure u can find the one scene on yt somewhere cuz it was FIRE
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LMAO I JUST REALIZED BUT NAT IN THE BACKGROUND LOOKS LIKE 🧍🏻‍♀️ AHHAHAHAHAH BUT essentially, i saw jacob in the roar mv and thought of this IMMEDIATELY !! omg no cuz i also wish them all the good health in the world, but i just have a morbid obsession w bloodied and bruised aus and whump tropes, like i wanted bruised knuckles and busted lips and split eyebrows y'know ??? and GODDDD THERES A REASON MAVERICK HAD ME BY THE NECK FOR SO LONG LIKE IT WAS THE FIRST TBZ TT THAT I WAS OBSESSED W it's like,,, my perfect concept like it was MADE TO APPEAL TO MY DERANGED AESTHETIC??? so yeah im ready to beat up sunwoo, chxngmxn, and jacob 🙏🏼
ahhh icic, i think i would have also been a casual watcher but my parents were so into it so my brother and i also, naturally, became hooked !! i also was not able to really read the comic books bc they cost money and there r just so many of them :')) but yeah, hope ur able to catch up !! it's taken me a bit to catch up too esp w college 😭🤧 but im getting there !! quantumania was prob my least favorite release so far of the recent mcu releases and that makes me SO SAD like JUSTICE FOR PAUL RUDD!!!!!
OMG FLOOR :(( TEEFS AND LYLLA ALL OF TJEM HAD ME SO SAD AND TERRIFIED AT RHE SAME TIME?? pls what animal was floor....... a goat?? a bunny?????? FLOOR'S MOUTH TOO LIKE WHAT'D THEY DO TO HER 😭😭😭😭😭 i didn't realize they completely gave lylla ROBOT ARMS EITHER LIKE I WAS PREPARED FOR A SEA OTTER NOT A CYBORG SEA OTTER skcneknfk okay but it's also like they're all kind of disabled but super cool and i loved teefs' little wheelchair?? even tho the high evolutionary def did some cruel fkn shit to them :')))))
AJAHHAHAHA im used to writing on my phone !! so writing on a plane's no problem for me as long as im not in writer's block yk 🤡🤡 im def worried abt my neighbors seeing the banners i make tho LMFAO
KSNFKSJDJDN TULIP I LOVE U MWAH 😚😚 I HAVE THOUGHT ABT THIS QUESTION SO MANY TIMES ??? and tbh i think if i had the time energy and resources, i would've gone into film for real bc i write so many of my fics in the view of like a movie rather than like a book, idk how to explain it skcnekkckf okok but hmmmm this one isn't tbz specifically, and idk if u stan txt or know them but
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this one is another superhero au and i've honestly REALLY thought abt turning the idea into a proper novel idea, or maybe a screenplay !! I've thought abt the music and cinematic scenes for a couple plot points, but it might be a little too similar to spiderman in some instances 😅😅 but it's essentially a txt choi line au where reader is the superhero, and i don't really wanna give away too much bc im very gatekeepy w ideas that i like A LOT haha but yeah skfnskfmkf
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SKFNKD I JUST REALIZED THIS IS ANOTHER SUPERHERO AU PLS 😭😭😭😭 BUT this is another one i think would be SICK as a tv show/movie, maybe it's cuz it's based off of like moon knight and ms marvel and shangchi and spiderman but i think that the quality and vibe of the storyline and characters would work so well as one?? and just the potential of lighting as symbolism in this is just TOO HIGH and osdjoenfk ugh i get so excited talking abt this
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THIS ONE. THIS. ONE. would work so well as like a show or movie???? i just envision it with like taylor swift's miss americana and the heartbreak prince and im in tears at how cool it would be akcnkenfkf just the vibe of that song is what that entire thing would be like, like imagine how the sky looks JUST after the sun has set, but the glow of light is still in the sky and making it this reddish kind of color— it's called half-light and just imagine that with like stadium lights and darkened school hallways and kscnkenfk it's a time travel au, so i think those r always so much fun to depict in media and yeah :')))((
i could literally talk abt this all day every day but i almost forgot to go to class so i will sign off here LOL o7
I LOVE U 3000 TULIP 🌷🫂💖
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antipcdes · 6 months
Tagged by: @waveofstars
Tagging: YOU!
NAME? gigi (not really that’s just my nickname but i keep my real name a secret for no reason tbh lmao)
PRONOUNS? she/her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION? tumblr remains my default platform for roleplay. i’m starting to warm up to discord and sometimes i write on whatsapp.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE? i really can’t say. i let my muse decide who i want to fixate on which is always changing and the ones that are dying to be active are traumatised from their previous rp experiences
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS? way too many years and yet i still write like a toddler
BEST EXPERIENCE? the storytelling and getting to write some great stuff with the people i’ve met along the way. just how large a fictional world can grow and it is a wonderful experience overall <3 ooh and the endless plotting and sharing everything and anything with each other <33
RP PET PEEVES? literally just too much rules. i’m not one to talk but my guide is literally a contradictory to the type of rules i’ve come across on here. idk it makes me nervous and i hate, hate, hateeee feeling like i’ve overstepped someone’s rules. also i can’t stand this need for ‘aesthetics’ when it comes to writing. some of the best writing partners/ friends i’ve met through roleplay were ignored because they didn’t make their text small or used gifs, etc. this is why i don’t deprive myself of writing with people because you never know it might be your best experience yet!
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT? ah, my favourite trio. i do love being dramatic so a lot of angst comes first before everything else unless someone’s feeling randy LOL
PLOTS OR MEMES? plots. i try to be a meme gal but it always escapes my conscious
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES? it depends honestly. most of what i write borders lengthy. sueeeee me
TIME TO WRITE? jeeeeez. i call myself a night owl but lately i have -1 energy left in me by nighttime. i’m stubborn so i’ll still claim i’m a night owl but with spontaneous daytime activity nowadays >.>
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES? helpppp i wish lmfao. maybe there are some characteristics i share with them to make writing breezy but i will never be cool or edgy or broody or sassy or stop-eating hot like them
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notegodeath · 1 year
i just want u to know that ganqing fic where ganyu was a florist and keqing was a drop out was so fucking good and cahncged m y life and it was the best piece of fiction I've ever read and you don't understand how manazing how perfect that was literally the fic ever it was so So So good for what reason it was perfect in every way when I first discovered it I read the tags and was like omg this seems cool but then When I read the whole thing I was like holy shit this it eh best thing ever that I've ever read and its so so so I'm so normal for ganqing I'm so n Theyre so Im Gay Helpppp I remember seeing it get updated and I was likholy shit I'm so excited and I would just be happy for the rest of the day because it was so good and since its been posted it has been my fav fic of all time because the way keqing is written is so mwah chefs kiss its s of fucking good lveo her so much shes so precious... IT JUST HAD THE PERFECT AMOUNT OF EVERYTHING my fav ship turned mentally ill they're so real I'm so normal for them they're so AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Its been like How many months but I still think about it sometimes just cuz it was such a good read and I just think u should know that i appreciate u greatly for adding such an intellectual piece of artwork into the world Like Holy Fucking Shit ihedhsljhjflk jhjaksflksadhakljhfak jsdhlkfaj AND GANY JWAS SO REAL IN IT TOO"??? LIKE HELLO it was so silly reading keqing fumble but like it was cute but like helpppp but like awawbhab ha and then and then DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE HUTAO/KEQING FWB THEIR FRIENSHIP WAS LITERALLY?? SO REAL?? like when keqing had breakdown or whatever it was so... shes so real . I appreciate them greatly they're so heart emoji Sirry Help I just felt like writing this its kinda long so i understand if u ddnt read it all but Like fr fr being dead serious that fic made me really really happy and was such a comfort to read it was really well written and i could go on and on about the aspects i love about it so Thanks for writing it ig? it was Amazing <33
this made my day omg you have no idea
i’m so glad you like that one ;w; that one is like, super duper personal so i’m glad it rly stuck with you! and also! i have some good news! it’s coming back i sweat like i know it’s been months but i promise it’s coming back and in a big way too i just gotta work through some hurdles for it first and it’ll be so very real again trust me friend
thank you for taking the time to send this i loved it sm, and i hope ur doing well anon <3
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devicam · 1 year
One Bed
(Guys I just took a geometry test and guessed on everything HELPPPP T-T)
(Also give my boy Aether some love I love him so much, he's my favorite twin +totally also not the twin I picked hah what!?!+)
Aether and you were travellers together, almost like siblings in a way. Though you wouldn't say you guys were siblings since many feelings floating in the air at times.
Spring was apon Teyvet, you and Aether decided to head down to Liyue to enjoy some scenery and visit an old friend. Passing by Wangshu Inn you looked around at the area laughing at the man still stuck on the rock.
You recall the day you had even encountered the poor guy.
"Aether look I found another chest" *woof* "Hm?"
Looking down you saw the most adorable looking creature. *woof woof* Smiliing widely you tackled the poor dog into the ground. "You're so cute!!" he licked your face and pranced around you wiht a doggy grin.
Aether found this adorable and took a picture with the kamera (unknown to you) smiling at his new addition to his collection. He helped you up as a voice called out from above.
You and Aether turned to see a man standing on a rock just watching in horror at the two of you. "Don't you see that creature!? How can you pet it?!" He cried.
Holding back a laugh you just asked him to come down but he wouldn't budge.
Seems even now he still refuses to come down. Aether only sighed chuckling to himself. It was getting late, and you two knew you would be getting to Liyue soon, after your short visit in Mondstadt you had set off at early dawn, but you and Aether were a little less then serious today.
Finally Rex Lapiz's statue stood proud and tall in view, this meant Liyue couldn't be far from now. Walking a bit further you reached the stone arch and took in the view of Liyue Harbor.
Aether headed down, you tailing behind him. "Hey are we gonna rest first before we go see Zhongli?" You asked your voice hoarse from all the yelling you did earlier.
Aether turned back and nodded. "Yeah, I'm beat too..." He said giving a closed eye sigh. Paimon at the moment was dead quiet too, hopefully asleep wherever she slept.
Renting an Inn you finally unlocked the door after several failed attempted (due to drownsiness) you and Aether giggled at your guys stupidity.
Taking in the room you were in, you noticed it only had one bed. Setting down your bad you coughed slightly and your face went a bit red. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick!" You said leaving the room.
Aether already aware of the reason of your escape only laughed his face turning red aswell. He liked you a lot, but he didn't want his feelings getting in the way of his mission.
He had a sister to find for Archon's Sake, but his feelings for you, they were something he couldn't just turn off. After a few mintues you returned, your heartbeat finally calm.
Opening the door, you caught a glimps of an already sleeping figure on the bed. You smiled, your hearbeat quickening again. He looked so peaceful, he needed that in life.
You slid yourself into the bed trying your best not to disturb him. Letting out a deep sigh you closed your eyes and tried to relax, but you felt something move agaisnt you.
Aether stirred in his sleep, his arm going over your waist and pulling you closer to him. Now your back against his chest, while his head was in your neck. He cuddled close to you, as if he were afraid to lose grip of you.
You smiled grabbing ahold of his hand intertwining them and closed your eyes, finally letting sleep consume you with a smile on your face.
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
Ok I just read the last chapter and OMG WE ARE WINNING ???? Like dang ajsbdjsjsjs POP OFFFFF ok so as for my analysis on the chapter
TBH THIS CHAPTER MADE ME FEEL SO FULL LIKE you left no corner untouched kind of fell LIKE SLAYYY !!! And ok so from how I see this chapter Hyunjin obv knows something JSBSJS like honestly as the mc mentioned, Hyunjin was willing to “risk everything” to be w Hana bc he felt like he was being liked for him and not the fact he was famous AND HE SAID DAT W HIS WHOLE CHEST TO THE MC LIKE …. But then he suddenly tells Hana “I’m not ready for a relationship” LIKE WHAAAAT so obv he knows or rather I have a feeling he knows or senses the real reason why Hana may have dated him in the first place etc etc. It is also HORRIBLY obv that Hyunjin is starting to become more forward with his affection towards the mc ! Especially after Hana told the mc that she and Hyunjin decided to stay friends. Like how he kept leaning closer to her in the train or how he openly just caressed the mc’s face LIKE ASHDBJSBS. AND HYUNJIN YOU TEASE he knows the effect he has in the poor mc HSBSJBSJA SEND HELPPPP
And also THE MC SJSHSJS LIKE girl Yeonjun is right the guy is CLOSER THAN YOU THINK LIKE AJSJSJSJSJSN (send help pls sjehsjs) !!! And even Yeonjun can sense the attraction help esp when he was cut off when he was ab to say the two of them were good together or all over each other OR SMTHG LIKE DAT WJEJSJSH. And tbh idk like I feel like the mc, as obv as she is w her growing attraction towards hyunjin, it’s as if she does not want to admit it ajsjsj like when Hyunjin always says something sweet and the mc thinks he may mean something behind it, she quickly shuts it down. I also noticed how she easily believes the opinions others have about her. Like how Hana said the mc didn’t date much bc she isn’t into serious relationships, which isn’t true, and even the mc at first believed it wasn’t, but after a few chapter it seems as if she is starting to believe in it YKYK. Gives me the impression she doesn’t have the highest amount of self worth which is unfortunate bc the mc seems like a great person, and friend to be with. Idk I just feel like she cares about others WAY to much and puts other before herself. Bc I feel like she keeps many things from her friends because she is scared to hurt them, especially Hana, so she ends up bottling up all her thoughts and feelings, which is sad because when you have dreams and aspirations you want to reach, you want to share these things with the people you love and care about !!! Also low key feel like the mc feels as if she isn’t good enough for Hyunjin (platonically and romantically), because she constantly compares herself to Hana WHO JUST HAPPENS TI BE DATING HIM (well they aren’t anymore BGAHAHDHAJSBAJ), so it kinda sucks how it seems like she is putting herself down bc the guy she likes just so happens to be dating her best friend. Also random thought, but given the personality of the mc, I feel like she will push Hyunjin and his advances away bc she is scared of hurting Hana, even if the mc herself likes Hyunjin.
But omg this chapter it is DREADFULLY obv that Felix has certain FEELINGS for the mc !!! LIKE ITS AS CLEAR AS DAY AMEN AJSJA !! Like how he’s so clingy w her (in the best way !!), or how he constantly wants to touch her and be w her. LIKE AJSJSJSJ PLSSS so I’m quiet scared as to how he is going to react when he finds out ab the mc and Hyunjin having feelings w one another. But tbh this chapter just makes me more curious as to how everything is going to go about bc truthfully, THSI SITUATION IS JUST SO MESSY LIKE OH NOOOOO SJDJSJS. I also saw in some previous asks you answered that chapter 8 was going to be intense SO IM VERY SCARED AJSJSJSJ.
Great chapter and I cannot wait for the future chapters to come out !!
- 🌸
hello, love !! no corner untouched ?? then im so curious to know if you will love part 8 as well, since a lot happens in it!
hyunjin was willing to date hana, but did change his mind and a part of it is what he told her, which is that he didn’t want a serious relationship anymore, but there’s also more to it ! he is also at the same time becoming very forward indeed, like you mentioned 😘 bless her heart.
your analysis on yn is very very interesting to read, and very accurate ! i loved reading that, thank u for sharing it with me !
this situation definitely is so messy indeed, since they’re all connected and it will only get messier 🥸🥸🥸🥸 please look forward to it !
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coldflasher · 2 years
just sent my novel to my friend to read for feedback, hahaha this is fine
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icharchivist · 7 months
i like to think that Sandalphon has said fuck exactly once relatively shortly after his creation because he had heard Belial say it earlier and was asking what it meant, and Lucifer was visibly scandalized and horrified and told him that it was a very rude skydweller word and just the general vibe of disappointment from him dealt so much psychic damage to him that to this day this is why he says completely off-the-wall shit instead of saying it. (Belial says fuck all the time but has never said it in front of Lucifer to avoid being lectured and he thinks this is funny)
That would make sense, Sandalphon is saying "nonsense" all the time because deep deep inside the feeling is that he wants to say fuck, but disappointing Lucifer is not even on the table, so he replaced his vocabulary a bit.
and yes, it's totally Belial's fault. Belial loves the word fuck. and the meaning. and everything. But he doesn't say it in front of Lucifer. Oh, Lucifer knows Belial says that. But he has no reason to come and confront him about it.
But everytime problems arise because Belial said fuck too many times, Belial can see Lucifer's tired look on him. and he takes notes to do whatever he did harder next time.
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