#Exalted Art Challenge 2022
theuncrucified · 2 years
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I refreshed the Exalted Art Challenge with a couple of new topics and a list of weekly topics for the slow folks like me! We moved right in the middle of this challenge for October, so I only had time to partake in the weekly topics, instead.  Still, this challenge is always a lot of fun and a great excuse to experiment with different methods and styles!
Read more about the lore of each drawing and watch time lapses of their creation here.
Week 1 - Your PC - Laughing Fox, my Changing Moon Lunar
Week 2 - A Meal In Creation - A Feast for The Plentimon of Dice
Week 3 - Fave Charm - Archery (plus some exploration of Kalara's anima)
Week 4 - Fave Fashion - A Chiaroscuro Glass Gown for Kalara
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whileiamdying · 4 months
Review: ‘A Tale of Love and Desire’ a rich, if jumbled, look at a young Algerian in Paris
Erotic verses from ancient Arab poetry enrapture a painfully inhibited young man in the sensual coming-of-age drama “A Tale of Love and Desire” from Tunisian director Leyla Bouzid. Insecurity plagues Ahmed (Sami Outalbali), the 18-year-old son of Algerian refugees studying literature at the famed Sorbonne in Paris. There, he falls for Farah (Zbeida Belhajamor), an open-minded girl from Tunis who challenges his sexist hypocrisy.
In touch with her own carnal desires, Farah repeatedly tries to free Ahmed from the emotional blockage imposed by patriarchal norms. Bouzid makes the case that before religious restrictions maligned hedonism, Arab art and philosophy advocated for physical pleasure.
But despite having connected with words that exalt romantic lust, Ahmed still sees sex as an impure act that taints love and not as a manifestation of it. In the disenfranchisement he feels from his heritage, there’s something lost about himself that‘s replaced with an opaqueness of spirit and a defeated demeanor.
Ahmed’s personal struggles mimic the oppression in Algeria and throughout the Arab world. While scenes at home broaden this context, showing his uprooted father’s influence on him, the intermingling of all these ideas lacks strong cohesion. There are lyrical touches in the form of dance and magical realist inserts that act as a visual escape valve for the pressure that builds from the protagonist’s overwhelming uneasiness.
Throughout, we share in Farah’s frustration, as Ahmed’s behavior suffocates the film, exponentially raising the necessity for a narrative catharsis. And in that regard, the director’s intent is effective, given that she waits until the very end to provide this release. Outalbali’s apprehensively quiet portrayal of this repressed individual, out of touch with his Algerian identity, feels deliberately one-noted until a liberating turning point.
Intellectually rich even if jumbled, “Tale” plays like a spiritual continuation of Bouzid’s 2015 debut, “As I Open My Eyes,” in the prominence of Arab music, its political undertones related to the Arab Spring, and because it also focuses on a defiant young woman named Farah with vaguely similar characteristics. Both pieces convey a yearning for an individual and collective freedom that begins with control over one’s own body as a means of expression.
‘A Tale of Love and Desire ’ In French and Arabic with English subtitles Not Rated Running time: 1 hour, 42 minutes
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
Transiting Venus enters Pisces
Tuesday, April 5 - Monday, May 2, 2022
To recap: Venus has been in a Saturn-ruled sign (first Capricorn, then Aquarius) since November 5, 2021 - five whole months ago. Since the first couple weeks of this transit aren’t very “active” for Venus. I picture her taking a long, luxurious, relaxing bath, washing away all her trials and tribulations.
However: Venus’ final week in Pisces features conjunctions with first Neptune (Wednesday, April 27), and then Jupiter (Saturday, April 30, which is also the day of a solar eclipse in Taurus, which Venus rules). The Moon will be in Pisces as well, from Monday, April 25 through Wednesday, April 27. “Trippy” energy, to put it mildly.
Art - we respond to art in a mystical, spiritual way. Impressionistic artists are favored. Our creative imaginations will be in high gear, and some of us are going to do wondrous things!
Beauty - well, Pattie Boyd, Patti Hansen, the sort of wide-eyed blonde rock chick. Google “The Fool Design Collective” for the hippie aesthetic - some of the clothes modeled by Pattie herself.
Love - having spent almost half a year wallowing in the realities (Capricorn) of love and the social rules (Aquarius) of love, we’re going to work on getting some idealism back.
Money - we spend money on charity, on drugs and booze, on music and art and movies. Given what happens during the last week, some of us may lose everything and others of us will get a big windfall, maybe both at once.
Placements in Pisces may well just overdose on this energy, especially placements in the last 8 degrees of the sign. Both Pisces’ rulers are already there, and now they’re joined by the planet which is exalted in Pisces. You’ll probably feel like you, just more so.
Placements in Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius are challenged by this transit. Their desire and/or need for clarity doesn’t fare well with so much Piscean vagueness.
Placements in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Capricorn may be enhanced by this transit. They have to make a conscious effort, though.
Placements in Leo and Libra have some adjustments to make. Pisces is equally creative, but in a less performative way. Sometimes we have to play second fiddle.
Placements in Aries and Aquarius won’t quite know what to make of this transit. It may not penetrate their consciousness at all - or it may manifest as a vaguely troubling uncertainty they can’t quite shake.
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
Transiting Venus enters Aquarius
Sunday, March 6 - Tuesday, April 5, 2022
So many warnings about this transit: “Poor Venus. She’s been stuck in Saturn Land since last November!” It’s times like these when I want to break out my Canterbury Tales and make everybody learn about the lovely dialogue between Saturn and Venus. (You can find it in “The Knight’s Tale.”)
Anyway. Venus technically is peregrine in Aquarius - meaning, neither dignified or exalted, nor in detriment or fall. For that reason, Venus in Aquarius should function in an okay manner, not at her best but neither at her worst.
So why is Venus/Aquarius so dreaded? She has a horrible reputation here, in this sign: cold, unfeeling, sexless, etc. I’m wondering if it isn’t so much “Venus fares poorly in Aquarius” as “patriarchal capitalist society can’t handle Venus in Aquarius.”
So while everyone else is wringing their hands, let’s all focus on positivity.
Art - we tend to go for the more modern things. Electronic for example. Or we could feel that “art” is something too frivolous for these grim times. If you’ve wanted to try a new art form, or even a different technique with what you’re already doing, this is a good time to try it out.
Beauty - extremes. Sometimes it’s total androgyny; at other times we are Manly Men and Womanly Women. (Probably depends on how secure we are about our own sexuality.) Again, if you want to try something new, like a hairstyle or wardrobe, this is a good time.
Love - being friends first is the way to go. And let's spread some love among our friendships! This is a great time to work on friendship skills and to broaden your circle. We tend to want to be around people who think and believe what we do - Aquarius can be the most rigidly orthodox, doctrinaire sign, some times.
Money - spending it on the internet; spending it on electronics and technology. We may donate all our dough to some Worthy Cause, only to find that we didn’t leave ourselves enough to pay the bills with.
I guess if one is intent on preserving a status quo which is very favorable to oneself, then yes, Venus through Aquarius is bad news. But if you’re willing to try something new and more humanitarian, then this is your time!
Placements in Aquarius will feel this transit most strongly. They have a chance to add some Venus-type skills to how they already function.
Placements in Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio are challenged by this transit. They need to focus less on the drama and more on being a loving person. “And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.”
Placements in Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius receive flowing aspects from this transit. Maybe some amazing creative ideas will flow! Social ties are strengthened and enhanced, if we take advantage of this and not just wait for it to happen to us.
Placements in Cancer and Virgo will have some adjustments to make. Feelings may be hurt, either from being too cold, or from being seen as cold.
Placements in Capricorn and Pisces may not experience anything tangible that they can point to - maybe just some inexplicable soothing to whatever Mars and Saturn have wrought.
Finally, a couple of days to be a little leery of:
Saturday, March 19 - Venus/Aquarius square Uranus/Taurus. Notice that they’re in each other’s signs? That makes this a very powerful square. People refuse to change their ways, and insist that everybody must do things their way. We may not want to be in a committed relationship, and we don’t express that very “nicely.”
Monday, March 28 - a quadruple conjunction between the Moon, Venus, Juno, and Saturn, all at 21+ degrees Aquarius. Relationships and social protocol are very much in the spotlight. We can use this to set some intentions about future relationships, but there’s also much humanitarian potential if we focus on helping the powerless in the world.
Give about a day or so on each side of those dates.
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