#Eva Dos Santos
elbichosiu · 2 years
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Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro, conocido como Cristiano Ronaldo, es un futbolista portugués que juega como delantero o extremo. Jugador histórico, estuvo ligado a diversos equipos importantes antes de integrar desde 2021 el plantel del Manchester United Football Club de la Premier League de Inglaterra. WikipediaEquipos actuales: Manchester United Football Club (#7 / Delantero), Más TendenciaNacimiento: 5 de febrero de 1985 (edad 37 años), Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça, Funchal, PortugalEstatura: 1.87 mPeso: 85 kgSalario: 26.8 millones GBP (2023)Hermanos: Hugo dos Santos Aveiro, Kátia Aveiro, Elma AveiroPadres: José Dinis Aveiro, Maria Dolores dos Santos Viveiros da Aveiro
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egnaroo · 2 years
FIFA23 Major blow and downgrade for Ronaldo, Did EA make a huge mistake?
FIFA23 Major blow and downgrade for Ronaldo, Did EA make a huge mistake?
In a technical era, EA made a mistake on FIFA23, unintentionally they unlocked the game on Xbox for a few hours and fans were quick to jump into the player ranking. The game is to release in late September 2022. Many websites claim, that fans are devastated by the leak plus gameplay has downgraded the monarch of football Ronaldo, a massive downgrade. According to the leaked ratings, the player…
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Young Adult Book Releases: May 2024
🦇 Good morning, my bookish bats. I hope you have a good book, hit cuppa, and sweet snack within reach! No TBR is complete without a few young adult novels, and plenty were released in May! Here are a few YA releases to consider adding to your shelves.
🩷 May 7 🩷 ✨ The Summer Love Strategy by Ray Stoeve ✨ Hot Boy Summer by Joe Jiménez ✨ The Ballad of Darcy & Russell - Morgan Matson ✨ Pulled Under - Michelle Dalton ✨ Bite Me, Royce Taslim - Lauren Ho ✨ The Unboxing of a Black Girl - Angela Shanté ✨ Dispatches from Parts Unknown - Bryan Bliss ✨ Beastly Beauty - Jennifer Donnelly ✨ This Book Won't Burn - Samira Ahmed ✨ Perfect Little Monsters - Cindy R.X. He ✨ Sunhead - Alex Assan ✨ Lie Until It's True - Jessie Weaver ✨ Malicia by Steven dos Santos ✨ Blood at the Root - LaDarrion Williams ✨ Spin of Fate - A.A. Vora ✨ Death's Country - R. M. Romero ✨ Queerceañera by Alex Crespo ✨ Eyes Open - Lyn Miller-Lachmann ✨ Breathe: Journeys to Healthy Binding - Maia Kobabe, Dr. Sarah Peitzmeier
🩷 May 14 🩷 ✨ The Girl in Question by Tess Sharpe ✨ A Crane Among Wolves - June Hur ✨ 10 Things I Hate About Prom - Elle Gonzalez Rose ✨ Blood & Fury - Tessa Gratton & Justina Ireland ✨ The Dangerous Ones - Lauren Blackwood ✨ Beach Cute - Beth Reekles ✨ The Worst Perfect Moment by Shivaun Plozza ✨ True Love and Other Impossible Odds by Christina Li ✨ Flyboy by Kasey Leblanc ✨ Thirsty by Jas Hammonds ✨ It Waits in the Forest - Sarah Dass
🩷 May 21 🩷 ✨ Keeper of the Stones and Stars by Michael Barakiva ✨ We Mostly Come Out at Night ed. by Rob Costello ✨ Attached at the Hip - Christine Riccio ✨ The Quince Project - Jessica Parra ✨ I Wish You Would - Eva Des Lauriers ✨ Have You Seen This Girl by Nita Tyndall ✨ In the Shallows by Tanya Byrne ✨ Liar's Test - Ambelin Kwaymullina ✨ The Worst Ronin - Maggie Tokuda-Hall, Faith Schaffer ✨ Wild About You - Kaitlyn Hill ✨ Summer Nights and Meteorites - Hannah Reynolds ✨ The Word - Mary G. Thompson
🩷 May 28 🩷 ✨ Flawless Girls by Anna-Marie McLemore ✨ Another First Chance by Robbie Couch ✨ Don’t Be a Drag by Skye Quinlan ✨ Stay Dead - April Henry ✨ The Redemption of Daya Keane by Gia Gordon ✨ The Only Light Left Burning by Erik J. Brown
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mineiro7jc · 1 month
A Chave para a Verdadeira Sabedoria
Você construiria uma casa sem uma planta? Ou montaria um avião sem instruções? Ou realizaria uma cirurgia para abrir um coração sem treinamento?
Espero que sua resposta seja “não”.
Se quisermos saber como algo funciona, devemos procurar o especialista para obter informações. Da mesma forma, se quisermos saber como o mundo funciona, devemos olhar para Deus.
“O temor do Senhor é o princípio da sabedoria, e o conhecimento do Santo é entendimento”.
Provérbios 9:10 NVI
Deus fez o mundo e tudo que nele há. Ele sabe como a vida funciona melhor.
Mas muitas vezes, buscamos em nós ou até mesmo nos outros o significado do que somos, do que pensamos e a explicação de como a vida funciona. A boa notícia é:
A sabedoria não começa em nós, que fomos criados.
A sabedoria começa em Deus, o Criador.
Você está interessado na verdadeira sabedoria? Percepção genuína? Verdadeiro entendimento? Olhe para Deus, estude Seus caminhos e considere Seu caráter. Examine-O de perto e encontre o que está procurando.
A verdadeira sabedoria começa com um fundamento centrado em Deus. Todo o resto é construído sobre essa rocha.
Mas, ao fazermos isso, devemos primeiro nos fazer algumas perguntas difíceis: quero aprender com Deus ou prefiro fazer a minha vontade? Eu quero sabedoria divina, ou prefiro ser meu próprio deus?
Satanás caiu do céu porque queria mais poder do que Deus. Adão e Eva lutaram no jardim porque não tinham certeza se podiam confiar em Deus. E desde então, todo ser humano se depara com uma escolha: buscar a Deus ou buscar a vida sem Ele. Ninguém pode tomar a decisão por você, mas...
Se você quer ser verdadeiramente sábio, deve escolher Deus.
Então, agora mesmo, seja sincero consigo: você está disposto a renunciar ao seu modo de pensar e olhar genuinamente para Deus ou prefere apenas fazer a sua vontade? Se você sentir um muro de orgulho se formando dentro de você, peça a Deus para ajudá-lo a derrubá-lo. Tijolo por tijolo, Ele pode restabelecer a sua fundação.
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sol-lago · 4 months
Não dê ouvidos
"Não dê atenção a todas as palavras que o povo diz, caso contrário, poderá ouvir o seu próprio servo falando mal de você".
(Eclesiastes 7: 21 NVI)
Ouvir é uma função humana dada por Deus muito interessante. Com a audição, você pode ouvir o canto dos pássaros, uma boa música, a risada serelepe de crianças correndo no pátio da escola, o choro de um bebê, seus pais te elogiando (ou não), os cachorros latindo na casa ao lado ou o gato miando no telhado, o delicioso som da chuva serena e suave à noite, o barulho impetuoso que o vento produz ao bater nos objetos a sua frente, as ondas do mar, o estouro de um balão, um trovão, uma batida de carro, as mentiras dos políticos, uma oração e os seus amigos falando mal de você.
Essa é a natureza humana, você não controla o que dizem a seu respeito, mas pode confiar naquilo que Deus diz sobre você e em quem realmente é. O desafio é continuar amando as pessoas a sua volta mesmo após isso, algo que só se consegue com a ajuda do Espírito Santo.
No Éden, Eva caiu porque deu ouvidos ao que a serpente disse a ela, e Adão caiu porque deu ouvidos ao que sua mulher lhe disse, induzida pela serpente. Se não direcionarmos nossa audição para a coisa certa, podemos cair em pecado pelo que ouvimos, como o pecado de odiar quem ouvimos falar mal de nós mesmos.
É interessante observar também o como essas coisas apontam para o nosso próprio ego. Como você agiria ao ouvir algo sobre você que não é verdade? Às vezes, a melhor atitude é silenciar e deixar Deus trabalhar. Nossas atitudes relevam nosso coração, e a mente precisa estar em Cristo, para que esta seja renovada na Esperança de Sua Palavra e naquilo que Ele já declarou a nosso respeito.
Sinceramente, posso dizer que por um tempo, há alguns dias, acabei dando ouvidos para o que ouvi falarem, negativamente, a meu respeito, e minha mente "martelou" tudo de forma ansiosa a ponto de abater-se o meu espírito. Fiquei incucando: Por que estão dizendo essas coisas?
Até que chegou um momento de basta. Deus me fez lembrar que não sou aquilo que dizem a meu respeito, antes sou o que Ele diz que sou. E resolvi deixar de lado, pensar o que quiserem. Se pensarem mal, eu de fato sou má (pois "não há um justo sobre a terra" - Eclesisastes 7: 20), quem é bom e justo é o meu Deus. Mas quanto as inverdades, elas não podem mudar a realidade e a verdade que o dono dos meus dias já declarou.
O Senhor me fez lembrar tantas coisas enquanto isso me vinha aos pensamentos. Agora eu agradeço, e, como o salmista de Salmos‬ ‭119:71‬, digo que ‭‭"foi-me bom ter sido afligido, para que aprendesse os teus estatutos."
Algumas das coisas que aprendi foram:
- Não dê ouvidos a tudo que você ouve;
- Confie mais em Deus;
- Seja íntegro e não desconte sua chateação nos outros;
- Devemos amar a todos, inclusive os que falam mal de nós;
- Você não é perfeito, é verdade, mas Jesus é, e Ele é a sua essência, então exale essa essência quando tentado;
- Não se sinta intimidado por coisa alguma, antes, seja corajoso. O Único digno de temor é Deus;
- Seu coração é falho, pois muitas vezes se deixa abater pelo pensam de você, em vez de se preocupar com o que Deus pensa acerca de ti; e
- Externo minha miséria quando tento agradar quem é falho como eu, em vez de agradar Aquele que não pode falhar.
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evalaruesource · 3 months
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Soap alum Eva LaRue, who became a fan favorite playing All My Children’s Maria Santos Grey on ABC on and off from 1993 to 2011, will make her General Hospital debut on February 26 as Blaze’s mother, Natalia Rogers-Ramirez. And though she’s been a working actress for nearly 40 years, LaRue admits she had some trepidation before starting her new gig.“I do still get nervous,” she shares. “Of all the different genres, soaps are by far the hardest, I think, because there’s an element of theater to it; there’s no stop-and-go like in nighttime television or in a feature film. There’s no getting to do it again unless there’s some major technical difficulty, so there’s that flying-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of feel to it, and it’s also so much dialogue, which is a little anxiety-producing, especially when you’re jumping back into it again after a bunch of years break. So, it’s exciting and scary all at the same time.”Fortunately, she saw some familiar faces upon arriving at the set. “That’s been the best part of the job,” she declares. “I started at GH in January, which was so fun because there are so many All My Children and One Life [To Live] actors over there; so many New Yorkers. When I went in to go do my wardrobe fitting, the first person I saw was Finola [Hughes, Anna], so that was fun. There’s a new guy on the show, Adam Harrington [who plays John], that I did a Lifetime movie [Cries in the Dark] with. He started the same day I did. And Nancy Grahn [who plays Alexis] and I hadn’t worked together before, but she and I are friends. Just seeing everybody has been a blast.”LaRue is enjoying getting to know more about her new alter ego, who is struggling with her daughter’s sexuality. “Natalia is a very conservative Latina, single mom who raised her daughter to be all of these amazing things, supported her and her talent, and went out of her way to make sure she had all she wanted,” the actress explains. “My first scenes are such chewy material, and I was really grateful for that. Natalia walks in as Blaze is coming out of the shower and Kristina is in her bed, so this feels like a major betrayal to her because Blaze has been keeping this big secret.She continues, “She knew her mom was not going to understand it and she doesn’t. It’s not malicious and it’s not out of hate; it’s just out of a surprise and shock and conservativism that Natalia is having a really hard time being okay with it. I think the storyline is great because it’s so topical. There are so many nuances to having to play it with some heart and depth and understanding.”LaRue is also thrilled that she gets to share scenes with Maurice Benard [who plays Sonny], a first for her. “We’ve never worked together before, but we’re acquaintance friends,” she details. “But it felt so legit, so iconic. When I told all my ‘mom friends’ who are huge General Hospital fans that I had scenes with Sonny, they were like, ‘No way!’ That was really fun. And our scenes together were great.”As was her first day in general. “I loved it,” she enthuses. “You don’t always walk away, thinking, ‘That was a great day at work.’ Sometimes you’re like, ‘Oh, I can’t believe that’s gonna air,’ but I walked away that day going, ‘Oh, my God. I feel so good about this. Yay!’ I really walked away on cloud nine. I was very excited.”While her length of time on the show is undetermined for now, LaRue would be open to a longer Port Charles stay. “They brought me on for the story, and I don’t know anything other than that,” she notes. “I’m recurring right now, but I would love to hang out and recur for as long as they need me or want me. It’s such a great place to work.”
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mishwanders · 1 year
The four ocs ( yeah like four lords ) of BbF and their love languages ヽ⁠༼⁠⁰⁠o⁠⁰⁠;⁠༽⁠ノ
I had to rewrite this because tumblr deleted my shit again. Im going to start setting fire to this app istg
ANY WAY 😂 MY FOUR OCS ARE MY FOUR LORDS (and then there Miles Wesker - their guard dog lmao!) we know I’m about to ramble again so everything’s going under the cut
How They Love/What They Need
Sorina Spencer
Acts of Service/Words of Affirmation
Okay starting off with a tricky one because honestly she shows her love in a few ways, but acts of service is her #1. In the story she allows Oswell to stay in her home when he’s in the village, she takes over teaching the children in the training facility, she helps out Albert and Alex who were attempting to make chocolate covered strawberries as a surprise for her, takes it upon herself to drive herself and Oswell to a picnic in Arklay, and even puts her safety of hiding on the line to save Ethan, Mia, and Elena Winters.
But, the woman feels as if she hasn’t done enough because of the foul words other people have said (look at you James Marcus), so she needs words to constantly reminder that she is loved and that she’s doing what she can with the situations she’s been thrown into. Also means she fits well with Oswell, because he can talk, monologue even if he truly wanted to lol.
Matilda Costache
Gift Giving/Quality Time
Matilda enjoys making things in their free time for the ones they love - Heisenberg has a blanket that he refuses to get dirty UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE because it’s that special to him, Matilda even makes a nice little memorial piece for Eva using her old doll, photo, and trinkets, so Miranda can look at it in peace in her cave. Ricardo and Hunk even get gifts - a handmade sweater and knife, a plethora of meals which the men help out with. Matilda likes to make practical gifts that they know will be looked at your used for a long time.
Matilda needs quality time - they crave it. It doesn’t even have to be something elaborate, even just sitting in the room working on their respective projects together means the world to Mat. They fit well with Miranda in that way, because they spend long hours together in the cave - Matilda trying to find Eva in the megamycete and Miranda working up plans to on how to bring the girl out. They also work out well with Heisenberg in that regard too - because they’re both working on the same project (dead cyborg army) so they get to spend a lot of time together doing that.
Ricardo Luis Santos
Physical Touch/Physical Touch
Touched starved gay man finally gets to hold hands with the man he’s fallen for - more news at 11.
But fr, the only person who ever showed him the affection he needed growing up was his grandmother and that increased after he almost died as a child. When he gets to Rockfort Island things get a little difficult for him because there’s no way for him to show that on the island without getting into a physical fight with the others. In Raccoon City things change a bit because Sorina and Hunk are the two who recognize it. Sorina treats him like a mother figure would, gently placing her hand on his shoulder, cheek, or top of his hand (until they get to the village and she’s throws her arms around him in a hug) and Hunk does so by placing his hand on his shoulder or arm in public. In private though, Hunk is more touchy (it is the 90s after all, they can’t be open about their relationship) but when they get out of the US and are in the confines of Matilda’s cabin, touchiness increases. Both of the men always have a hand or arm over the other, whether it be thigh, back pocket, over the shoulder - Matilda has already made it clear that they love them and don’t want them to feel like they need to hide in Mat’s presence, which actually takes a huge weight off of their shoulders there. Matilda uses Ricardo to lean on a lot, one because their balance sucks after breaking their leg, but also because he’s makes them feel comfortable enough to do so - just like they do with Heisenberg.
Elena Winters
Acts of Service/Acts of Service
Elena is a very devoted and loyal person to those she loves - she will do ANYTHING in order to show that, even if it means having to go into a murder house to save them. She also does it by trying to take off the weight of responsibility on other shoulders, adopting Ethan as a teenager so they wouldn’t be separated after their fathers death, helping Ethan and Mia out with Rosemary, staying with Ethan after Mia’s disappearance so he would have to worry about taking care of the apartment but instead focus on himself, helping Sorina out with her own place, her car, etc. helping Chris out with his needs like with the nightmares, taking over some of his duties with protecting the family while they’re in witness protection, etc.
Since the very beginning of her story in Sorina’s - acts of service has always been a part of Elena’s life. Heisenberg accidentally brings her back to life, takes care of her for a month until Edgar Winters shows up and brings her home. Both of his kids knew how much he sacrificed for them and he’s truly where Elena learned it from. Also considering she’s a trans woman living in Texas - not the safest place for her to be - Ethan has become very protective of his older sister and hearing Eveline and Lucas dead name her as a means to get at him made him want to sucker punch both of them lmao.
Sorina also comes through for her many times - calling the cops and the BSAA when Elena and Ethan were in trouble at the Baker House, taking over when Elenas feeling clueless on what’s going to happen next with their lives, and defending her against Miranda. Chris does so as well by stepping up for her with the BSAA and vouching for her ability to help them, he and Jill even do her training together so she’s getting the best of the best, doing things around their apartment when she’s having flare ups from the infections, etc etc. Mia also helps out and Elena comes to trusting her again after everything comes out and Mia is they one Elena goes to (outside of Sorina) when it comes to needing help with her mold infection and what it all means in the end for her.
And since I can, I’m doing one for my newest baby boy - my guard dog -
Miles Wesker
Physical Touch/Acts of Service
Now my new son’s love languages come from a very messed up sense. He’s only ever been used for other peoples gain and the way he was shown to gain other peoples trust is through physical touch - it’s the only way that has ever truly worked for him, unlike his siblings which would be more words based. But he’s much less likely to put much stock into words - he’s been lied to enough. The way he shows it with his older siblings is through basic means, hand on the shoulder, on their arm, he likes to sling his arm over Alberts - which irritates the older man but he doesn’t always shove him off, he realizes it’s just how he shows he likes him. With Claire, much more touchy, likes to have a hand somewhere whether it be holding hers, around her waist, on her belt loop - SOMETHING TO MAKE SURE SHES THERE.
He needs people to prove to them that they’re going to be there and the only way he can truly verify that is through peoples actions. Umbrella had sullied him enough on words with their lies, Alberts the one who really instilled in him his actions speak louder than words for him. It never mattered what his older brother said, he always knew the man cared when he tossed him some extra food in the cafeteria, helped him keep his hiding place in Raccoon City etc. and even Alex funneled cash in his direction to make sure he’d be able to eat at least.
Even with Claire, no matter how many times she threatens to turn him in, she never does and in fact makes it a point to defend him when he needs it. He makes it a point to help her as well, dropping hints or a bread crumb trail to lead her to the next story to undo his own enemies on the black market. They’re enemies, they’re lovers, but he’s also gaming the system for his benefit. A nasty feral man - we love to see it lmao.
Putting this down here at the bottom - if tumblr fucks me in the ass again and doesn’t put this under the cut someone PLEASE tell me so I can attempt to fix it because GOD THATS A LOT OF WORDS UP THERE AND I DONT WANT YALL GO SUFFER MT RAMBLING IF YOU DONT WANNA SEE IT LMAO
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nossasenhoraaparecida · 9 months
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🙏✝️SANTO TERÇO - MISTÉRIOS GLORIOSOS - Reza-se aos Domingos e às Quartas-feiras..✝️🙏
🙏✝️Mistérios Gloriosos✝️🙏
🙏✝️Na Cruz:✝️🙏
Divino Jesus, nós vos oferecemos este Terço (Rosário) que vamos rezar, contemplando os mistérios de nossa Redenção. Concedei-nos, pela intercessão de Maria, vossa Mãe Santíssima, a quem nos dirigimos, as virtudes necessárias para bem rezá-lo e a graça de ganharmos as indulgências anexas a esta Santa Devoção.✝️🙏
🙏✝️Creio em Deus-Pai Todo Poderoso...✝️🙏
🙏✝️1a. Conta: Pai Nosso.✝️🙏
🙏✝️2a. Conta: Ave-Maria.✝️🙏
🙏✝️3a. Conta: Ave-Maria.✝️🙏
🙏✝️4a. Conta: Ave-Maria.✝️🙏
🙏✝️5a. Conta: Glória.✝️🙏
🙏✝️Glória ao Pai, ao Filho e ao Espírito Santo.
Como era no princípio, agora e sempre. Amém.
Ó Meu Jesus, perdoai-nos e livrai-nos do fogo do inferno; levai todas as almas para o Céu e socorrei principalmente as que mais precisarem e abençoai o Santo Padre, o Papa.✝️🙏
🙏✝️No Primeiro Mistério contemplamos a Ressurreição de Jesus Cristo.✝️🙏
🙏✝️1 Pai Nosso.✝️🙏
🙏✝️10 Ave-Marias.✝️🙏
🙏✝️No Segundo Mistério contemplamos a Ascensão de Jesus aos Céus.✝️🙏
🙏✝️1 Pai Nosso.✝️🙏
🙏✝️10 Ave-Marias.✝️🙏
🙏✝️No Terceiro Mistério contemplamos a descida do Espírito Santo sobre Nossa Senhora e os Apóstolos no Cenáculo.✝️🙏
🙏✝️1 Pai Nosso.✝️🙏
🙏✝️10 Ave-Marias.✝️🙏
🙏✝️No Quarto Mistério contemplamos a Assunção de Nossa Senhora aos Céus.✝️🙏
🙏✝️1 Pai Nosso.✝️🙏
🙏✝️10 Ave-Marias.✝️🙏
🙏✝️No Quinto Mistério contemplamos a Gloriosa Coroação de Maria Santíssima como Rainha do Céu e da Terra.✝️🙏
🙏✝️1 Pai Nosso.✝️🙏
🙏✝️10 Ave-Marias.✝️🙏
🙏✝️Infinitas graças Vos damos, soberana Rainha, pelos benefícios que recebemos todos os dias de Vossas mãos liberais, dignai-Vos agora e para sempre tomar-nos debaixo de Vosso poderoso amparo, e para mais Vos alegrar Vos saudamos com uma Salve-Rainha:✝️🙏
🙏✝️Salve Rainha! Mãe de misericórdia, vida, doçura, esperança nossa, Salve! A Vós bradamos os degredados filhos de Eva. A Vós suspiramos, gemendo e chorando neste vale de lágrimas. Eia, pois, advogada nossa. Esses Vossos olhos misericordiosos a nós volvei, e depois deste desterro, mostrai-nos Jesus, Bendito fruto do Vosso ventre. Ó Clemente, ó Piedosa, ó Doce, sempre Virgem Maria.
Rogai por nós Santa Mãe de Deus. Para que sejamos dignos das promessas de Cristo. Amém!✝️🙏
#santoterço #terçomariano #MisteriosGloriosos #oracion #oracao #nossasenhoraaparecida #catolicos #IgrejaCatolica
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neybellas · 1 year
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"A fraqueza dos cristãos modernos é que eles se sentem a vontade no mundo" A W Tozer Há dias que me sinto tão pequeno e indigno da cruz de Cristo e de Sua maravilhosa graça, pois vejo minha geração tão a vontade no mundo. Os manjares do rei da Babilônia parecem bons para se comer, são agradáveis, de tal modo desejáveis que ignoramos, semelhante ao que fez Eva no paraíso, a orientação do Senhor de não nos contaminarmos com as coisas vis e passageiras do presente século. Por minha fraqueza, ponho-me de joelhos perante o Senhor, clamando no nome de Jesus Cristo para que Seu poder se aprimore em nós e que o Espírito Santo de Deus tome nossos pensamentos e nos conduza em atos e palavras que O glorifiquem e exaltem. Que pela fé, na autoridade de Cristo que possamos repreender o dedo acusador do maligno e declarar que nosso arrependimento é sincero, de tal modo que fomos lavados pelo sangue do cordeiro que lançou no mar do esquecimento nossos pecados e deles já não se lembra mais. Assim, tomados pelo Senhor, que atentos O ouçamos dizer: "Clamem nos desertos e anunciem aos quatro cantos que já é a hora e não tarda a volta do filho do homem. Os que ouvirem e atenderem Seu chamado, serão tocados na alma e arrependidos clamarão e serão ouvidos. Verão a luz da Glória que dissipa as trevas e que renova as forças do cansado." Diga o fraco: Sou forte! Em nossa angustia vem o Socorro. Eis que diante de nós um novo dia. As lágrimas secaram e a alvorada já traz o sorriso. Exaltado e glorificado seja o nome do Senhor. A Ele toda honra, glória e louvor. Amém?🙏 Pr Ney Bellas "E não vos conformeis com este mundo, mas transformai-vos pela renovação do vosso entendimento, para que experimenteis qual seja a boa, agradável e perfeita vontade de Deus" Romanos 12:2 #bomdia #palavrasdevida #biblia #jesus #devocionaldiario #palavrasdevida #deus #devocionaldiario #devocional #jesus #biblia #palavradedeus #amor #jesuscristo #fe #reflexão #motivação #empatia #amigos #lição #reelsi̇nstagram #ᴇxᴘʟᴏʀᴀʀ #reelscristão #webcrente #jovenscristaos #jovensevangelicos #vidacrista #versiculododia (em Iguaba Grande) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqAlm_6ux_k/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Antonio Vallejo Nágera [1888-1960]
Eugenesia de la Hispanidad y regeneración de la raza
Programa de higiene racial
I Geneticistas y conductistas
Dos tablas maravillosas, joyas del Museo del Prado, muestra del inmortal genio de Alberto Durero, representan a nuestros primeros padres en momentos de plácida felicidad. Contempla extasiado Adán la espléndida hermosura de Eva, que, fascinada por la serpiente, no corresponde en aquel momento a la admiración y embeleso de su compañero. Resplandecen los desnudos cuerpos de armonía en las proporciones, impecabilidad de las líneas, exuberancia de la salud. La florida adolescencia de la magnífica pareja no merecerá tilde del más exigente de los eugenistas; y con dificultad comprendemos que de tan bello tronco hayan brotado frutos como los monstruos retratados por Velázquez. Si la Naturaleza prodiga tales fenómenos al cabo de los siglos, débese a que el bello edificio humano ha sido corroído por las injurias del tiempo y ha sufrido intoxicaciones e infecciones que menoscabaron su primitiva belleza y salud, surgiendo en el transcurso del tiempo tipos deformes.
Entendía Platón por Eugenesia el cultivo de la virtud en los padres para transmitírsela a los hijos como legado en aras de noble descendencia. Desde que Galton resucitó el vocablo, se ha escrito demasiado y se ha hablado mucho más todavía de eugenesia, deformando los primitivos conceptos del filósofo [12] griego y del sociólogo británico. Se ha desfigurado equivocadamente el primitivo concepto eugenésico galtoniano, que por sus principios concedía a la eugenesia jerarquía de ciencia social, virando, impulsada por influencias materialistas, hacia una orientación arteramente biológica o antropológica, con la cual ha conseguido reducir sus horizontes, sin alcanzar verdadera independencia científica. Partiendo del postulado positivista de que el individuo debe ser sacrificado en beneficio de la comunidad, se ha circunscrito la eugenesia a la selección de los individuos antropológicamente perfectos, cometiendo para lograrlo graves atentados contra la libertad individual, pues con tales preceptos eugenésicos retrocedemos a tiempos de ominosa esclavitud, en beneficio de una pseudocivilización cuyas conquistas no han logrado, por cierto, la felicidad del hombre moderno.
Existen actualmente dos tendencias doctrinales que aspiran ambas en igual manera al mejoramiento de la personalidad humana, tendencias que olvidan en sus exclusivismos que la formación de la personalidad humana depende a la vez de la herencia y de los factores ambientales y externos que influyen en el desarrollo. Proclaman los conductistas que la educación y el medio ambiente son capaces de moldear a nuestro antojo el ser humano a los fines de obtener el biotipo que deseamos: la educación lo sería todo; la herencia, nada. Piensan, en cambio, los geneticistas y antropólogos que la herencia impónese al hombre, y que la salud de la especie no puede encontrarse en otra parte que en el mejoramiento de la herencia, importando muy poco la educación y las influencias externas.
Medio ambiente y herencia participan en la formación y desarrollo del hombre, demostrando tanto la observación como la experiencia que la contribución proporcional de los factores exógenos y endógenos varía para cada individuo, sin que en la inmensa mayoría de los casos podamos determinar su fuerza respectiva. Ejercen los genes inexorable influencia sobre el individuo y le imponen caracteres cuyo desarrollo completo depende de que se dejen desenvolver libremente las influencias [13] ancestrales o se modifiquen mediante fuerzas ambientales. Las semejanzas en la forma corporal, estatura, rasgos fisonómicos, temperamento y personalidad de hijos de los mismos padres, educados en igual manera, son de origen ancestral, pero siempre existirán entre ellos diferencias impresas por la actuación del medio ambiente.
Antonio Vallejo Nágera [1888-1960] ¿O las perlas de un Santo Varón? "Amigo y seguidor de Poco Franco" y sus amotinados contra la República.
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joseane-assis · 10 months
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💡Comunhão com a Palavra
📖Proclamamos o que vimos e ouvimos para que vocês também tenham comunhão conosco. Nossa comunhão é com o Pai e com seu Filho Jesus Cristo. [1 João 1:3]
É interessante o modo como Deus se interessa em ter comunhão com a sua criação. A Bíblia diz que Ele não abandonou o universo que fez, mas o sustenta e dele cuida constantemente. Além disso, o Senhor se dispôs a ter comunhão com os homens, de uma forma muito especial. Desde o princípio, Ele ia ao jardim conviver com Adão e Eva. Depois, veio na pessoa de Jesus Cristo, conviveu com seus discípulos, habitou no meio de nós... E deu aos filhos o Espírito Santo, consolador que habita com aqueles que creem em Jesus (João 14:26).
No versículo de hoje, João testemunha que os apóstolos compartilharam conosco o evangelho, tudo o que viram e ouviram de Jesus. A comunhão que eles mantiveram com Deus é hoje repassada a nós através da Palavra. Que essa comunhão com Deus, com o Evangelho e entre os cristãos de todo mundo seja mantida também com você.
▪️Conecte-se: Deus está presente, mesmo quando você não está consciente disso!
▪️Fale com Ele: oração, louvor, agradecimento e pedidos são boas maneiras de se comunicar com Deus.
▪️Esteja ligado na Palavra: Leia, medite, entenda e pratique! Busque conhecer a Deus através da Bíblia sagrada.
▪️Ande nos passos dos primeiros discípulos. Estude e compreenda o Novo Testamento.
▪️Reúna-se em uma comunidade cristã: tenha comunhão com outros crentes. Encoraje irmãos, partilhe a fé, conviva com amor!
Para Orar:🙏
Senhor, eu te agradeço pela tua Palavra! Ela é viva, eficaz e transforma as nossas vidas. Ajuda-me a ler, compreender e praticá-la com dedicação e empenho. Que eu cresça e permaneça em comunhão contigo todos os dias, por meio do conhecimento de Jesus Cristo. Que a Palavra seja luz para minha vida e sempre me dirija para estar mais junto do Senhor. Em nome de Jesus! Amém.
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entrelac · 4 years
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I'm done with you!
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devilsgatewayhq · 8 months
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Name: Abril Florencia Moreno Fernandez (Abril Moreno) Age: 30 Time living in Tonopah: 4 Years Occupation: Owner of Uppercut Boxing Gang Affiliation: Los Santos (Capo) Neighborhood: Downtown Face Claim: Eva De Dominici
Biography (TW: attempted sex trafficking, murder (in self defense) ):
Poor, stupid, naive Abril. She really didn’t stand a chance. It’s not her fault, not really. But she should have known better. She left her asentamiento with barely enough money in her pocket to make it a week, yet she somehow thought she’d be able to make the winding and treacherous journey not only to America, but to Hollywood. She had stars in her eyes that shined so bright she wasn’t able to see anything else, couldn’t hear the warnings from her mother, so determined to become one herself. But her mother had more mouths to feed than food to give and couldn’t find the energy to fight with her anymore, and thought in the off chance her daughter could make it big, that could only help their situation, no?
So she let her go, despite knowing the danger that lurked in the world for pretty young girls who thought they knew better. It was a dark and long road Abril traveled, filled with unspeakable things and unforgettable moments, actions that she would regret at the time but would grow to know they were what made her strong. She stopped when she ran out of money and worked unsavory jobs and committed even more unsavory acts, all in service of her dream. She had become firmly stuck in the idea that she had put too much into it, had given too much away to give up now. She had to keep going. Even if it meant continuing down that dark, dark road.
She was only 16 by the time she made it to Mexico, and that was when everything truly went to complete and utter shit. Finally someone noticed her. They told her she should be a model. Or even better an actress. Could she sing? Maybe she could be a triple threat. They told her they worked for an agency. They could get her into the states legally and they could get her work. Everything she had done, all she had been through, had finally paid off.
Again, she really should have known better. He wasn’t a talent agent. He didn’t know anyone in Hollywood. He was a pimp, plain and simple. He set her up with an ‘audition’. It began with a greasy looking fuck trying to put his hands on her, and it ended with the small knife she had picked up in Paraguay in his neck. She hadn’t even gotten a chance to say the lines she had been practicing all day before he had been on her.
And it was just her luck that this man was a Burrero for Los Santos. Thankfully, he was low enough in the pecking order that his death wasn’t a large affront to the organization, but just enough of an inconvenience that the issue was passed up to the local Sicario, who offered Abril a choice. She could either pay up, compensate them for the time and expenses that they had put into the dead man and lost or…She could take his place.
She chose the latter. It was a way to get into the states, and she only planned on doing it the once. But then, despite the trouble she had caused the organization, she was still paid on the other side. It was pathetic, but it was the most amount of money she ever had at once, and that wasn’t saying a lot. And maybe it was fucked up, but that Sicario had given her more of a choice and treated her with more respect than anyone else had on her journey from Argentina to the states. So that one time deal turned into more. She hung around the border towns for awhile, perfecting her American accent and with a forged passport, easily fooled border patrol with her ’I’m just here for spring break’ routine.
Eventually she moved up and on, proving her loyalty to Los Santos with each passing year, never faltering in her dedication. It became clear as she quickly rose through the ranks that she was a star, but not the Hollywood type. After that 'audition’ with that man in that motel, Abril had lost all preconceptions that the world was a good place, and was out to help her. And that loss of innocence, exposed what was underneath all along. A cut throat girl who had been surviving all her life, even before her journey to the states started. She was ruthless and cunning and manipulative, but endlessly, to-the-death loyal. In the decade and a half since, she has turned what had once been her weaknesses, the blood in the water that drew in predators; her beauty and gender and youth, into weapons in her extensive armory.
At 17 she was a Narco, by 19 a Halcóne, and after that the trip to the top went at light speed. She quickly rose to the rank of Sicario and was sent to Tonopah Valley a little over four years ago as things began to get ever more heated. Within the last year, Abril earned the title of Capo, something she is endlessly proud of. The power and respect she commanded was something Hollywood would have never been able to give her.
Abril’s music taste is eternally stuck in the music from her youth. Sorry, Bad Bunny, you’re not making it onto any of her playlists anytime soon.
Absolutely does not trust 'smart’ technology, uses it only when necessary and refuses to have any of those stupid smart home gadgets in her home. Why does your coffee maker have to be connected to the wifi?
Only has one tattoo but it’s hidden and almost no one knows of it.
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lunar-if · 1 year
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Project 0 is a 16+ romance-focused survival game in which your choices matter. You play as a troubled human in the seemingly abandoned city of Wennbury.
It is currently in development, and new chapters will be released as i finish them.
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For ten years the world has been plunged into darkness. The why and the how don’t matter, all that does is surviving. The darkness brings monsters, creatures, demons out, and they’re bloodthirsty. The shadows are a sickness that spread like wildfire, and the only respite comes once a month. You’ve lived- struggled- this far and you don’t know how much more you can take. Life seems bleak and existence seems futile, there’s no silver lining and no light at the end of the tunnel.
You can only trust yourself and your long-time friend, the one who’s always been there for you. Maybe together you will find purpose in the world. But maybe together you’ll doom yourselves.
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- Play as male, female or nonbinary.
- Choose between 5 different gender-flippable characters to romance.
- Fight off monsters with a handgun, nailed bat, axe, or even a machete.
- Discover the dark truths about your world, and yourself in the meanwhile.
- Avoid death for as long as you can.
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Content warnings: Depictions of violence, injuries and blood, death, trauma, and murder. Please be cautious.
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LUKAS/LISA SANTOS is your childhood best friend and the person you’ve lived with for the last decade. L is sweet and kind, getting along with everyone they come across. Although their personality is as bright as the Sun, something much darker is hidden inside.
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EVAN/ERIN BAILEY is a scientist, making do with whatever they can - chemistry equipment stolen from nearby abandoned high schools, old gadgets stolen from abandoned electronic stores. E is stoic, and seeing any type of emotion - other than pain - on their face is a miracle. But maybe their heart isn't completely made of stone.
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MARK/MAYA SHAE ARNETTE is a guitarist and also a part-time older sibling. M is kind and calm, and every bit protective of the ones they care for. But M puts others first, not caring for their wellbeing. Will they learn to love themselves?
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RAMIEL/RUBY CHERNEV is an animal enthusiast, but more specifically interested in birds. R is a bookworm, going out even when it’s dark outside to find abandoned libraries and bookstores from which they can find a new book to entertain with. They are expressive and nice, but also calculated in their actions.
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CYRIL/CORA is a mysterious person, their motives and past unknown - lost to time. C is eccentric, playful, and quite possessive of you. Anything that gets in their path does not live to see another day. Behind their eccentric, bizarre mask hides something you don't want to know.
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AADIL BAYRAK is a loving father and husband. He takes care of everyone in the house. He's particularly talented in cooking.
EVA BAYRAK is the houses mom, but also surprisingly snarky. She, along with Ramiel, home schools the kids.
DOMINIK BAYRAK is Eva and Aadil’s child, having been born right before when Daylight wasn't a special occasion. He has a passion for hunting, but Dominik finds himself easily disturbed by the Creatures.
GINA ARNETTE is M’s little sister. She is quite young, and her passion for art is as big as her heart. Gina has trouble expressing her emotions, but she gets excited over anything.
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journalworldwide · 1 year
Georgina Rodriguez Net Worth 2022: Early Life, Career, and Personal Life!
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Georgina Rodriguez Net Worth: As of 2022, Georgina Rodriguez's net worth is estimated to be around $10 million. She is a Spanish model and social media star best known for being Cristiano Ronaldo's longtime girlfriend. They have been together for many years and have three children together. Through her appearances in various concerts and shows, the model has amassed a massive following in the modelling world. She has modelled for major companies, magazines, and brands, which has helped her to become one of the world's most prominent models. She has appeared on the covers of numerous magazines, including Women's Health.
Georgina Rodriguez Early Life
Georgina Rodriguez was born on the 27th of January 1994, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, she is currently 28 years old. Gio’s father’s name is Jorge Rodríguez and her mother’s name is Ana María Hernández. She also has an older sister named Ivana María Rodríguez who is also an Instagram star. Her dad used to smuggle heroin due to that he was sentenced from 2003 to 2013 and died in 2018. Georgina began taking classical dance lessons at the age of four and later studied in Spain. She moved to Madrid after graduating from high school, where she worked as a vendor at the famous Gucci Boutique while also taking dance classes. Before entering the modelling industry, she worked as a waitress.
Georgina Rodriguez Net Worth
Georgina Rodriguez Net Worth is estimated to be around $10 million by intelligence. She is one of the country's most popular social media personalities and models, and she rose to prominence as Cristiano's girlfriend. She aspired to be a top model, and it appears that she will be among the highest-paid models in the future. Her income comes from a variety of sources, including modeling, commercials, brand promotions, and social media platforms such as Instagram. Georgina Rodriguez earns more than $1.8 million per year. Several multinational brands have endorsed the model, including Twinset, Versace, Prada, Serrano 47 WOMAN, L'Oréal, YSL Beauty, LA Andena, and many others.
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Georgina Rodriguez Career
Georgina Rodriguez began her modeling career and has worked with numerous fashion brands and magazines. She first appeared on the cover of the Spanish magazine 'Women's Health,' and then in 2018, she had a photo shoot for 'Harper's Bazaar. At the same time, Georgina was offered a modeling contract with Uno Models in Madrid. Later, she appeared on the covers of several magazines in Spain, Portugal, and Italy, including Lux, Diva E Donna, Glamour, VIP, LOVE, Nova Gente, and many others. Gio then became a brand ambassador for Yamamay, an Italian lingerie company. Netflix has announced that the Spanish reality TV series I am Georgina (Spanish: Soy Georgina) will be released in 2021. That show is about her personal and professional life, as well as her relationship with Cristiano Ronaldo.
Georgina Rodriguez Personal Life
Georgina Rodriguez has been married to professional soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo for a long time. They first met in 2016, when Georgina was working as a salesperson for Gucci for £10 an hour. Ronaldo and Gio began dating soon after and got engaged. Through surrogacy, they became the parents of twins, Eva Maria Dos Santos and Mateo Ronaldo, in June 2017. Georgina Rodriguez and Cristiano Ronaldo welcomed their third child, a daughter named Alana Martina, on November 12, 2017. They then made their relationship public and began posting pictures of each other on Instagram. On Georgina Rodriguez's 28th birthday, January 28, 2022, Cristiano Ronaldo surprised her with a laser display in Dubai's Burj Khalifa that featured her face. Final Lines: In this article, we discuss about Luka Doncic Net Worth if you like this article then stay tuned with us and read our other articles Ben Affleck and  Dwayne Haskins on our site Journalworldwide.com. Read Also:- Daniel Craig Net Worth 2022: Early life, Career, Income, and Personal Life! Whoopi Goldberg Net Worth: Early Life, Career, and Personal Life!   Read the full article
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sincerelyjea · 1 year
I Left The Church And Here Is Why:
When I was a child, I was baptized as a Catholic. We usually go to church every Sunday, but I honestly don't feel like it.
Don't get me wrong ha; I have high respect sa lahat ng religion except sa mga naniniwala kay Quiboloy. This is just based on my own PERSONAL opinion.
I remember that during my early days I always wanted to be part of "Salubong," Pero alam ko sa sarili ko na it won't really happen because I am really scared of religious figures inside the church, especially the statues of saints. I don't know why, but I can't even stare at the small Santo Niño we have in our house (May superstition kasi ako noon na naglalakad 'yon tuwing madaling araw lol).
As someone who was born into a Catholic family, we are always encouraged to attend Catholic events such as the "Simbang Gabi," "Alay Lakad," and more, but never did I get the point of worshipping or praying with religious figures (No offense meant to those who are doing it) Maybe it's just their way of remembering God and His sacrifices; I don't know.
Before I graduated from primary school, I can recall that I talked to my mom and said that I do believe in God. I really am, but I don't want to join them anymore in church because I am trying to figure out myself. Pumayag naman sila maybe because they are confident naman na they raised me and my brother right.
During first year highschool, I have a teacher who is so kind talaga hindi lang sa akin kundi sa aming lahat. And then one day, they invited the whole class to attend campus ministry (Sa Apex ako nag-secondary btw and mayroong campus ministry doon every week handled by a preacher from CBBC. I don't know kung anong tawag sa ibang religion pero parang "Bible study" s'ya or "Cell group" ganon.)
And yeah, that's the start of everything. Naka-balik ulit ako sa church pero this time hindi na sa Catholic. Wala ng mga santo and everything. Literal na building lang with a pulpit for preaching and Sunday school rooms. Everyone brings their own Bible (unlike Sa Catholic na usually Pari lang ang nagbabasa).
I became active in praising and serving the Lord. I tried my best not to miss any fellowship inside the campus, area, church, or Sunday school. Literally, the involvement is there. Masaya ako. At the same time, grabe rin talaga yung character development ko doon kaya rin pinayagan ako ng magulang ko to be baptized there and change my religion. After several years, I was practicing piano na kasi I really wanna join the orchestra. Hindi lang natuloy kasi nga I decided na to left the church. Pinag-isipan ko siya nang mabuti at matagal. Mahirap syempre but it's for my own good na rin kasi a lot of things aren't aligned with my principle na.
Listed below are the reasons why I won't go to church again:
• Maraming misogynist which is a big NO for me kasi sobrang laki ng respeto ko sa mga kababaihan and naniniwala ako sa kanilang kakayahan, likewise sa mga kalalakihan.
• Maraming homophobic. Siguro pinaka-worst na narinig ko ay ayaw daw ng Diyos sa mga bakla kaya daw si Adan at Eva lang ang unang ginawa. Tapos kapag bakla ka daw, magdudusa ka sa impyerno. Like kailan pa naging basis 'yon??
• Marami dyan didiktahan ka. "You cannot say this", "You have to do this", "You have to wear this" and "You have to be like this". Ako pa naman yung tipo ng tao na kapag ayoko, ayoko. Hindi mo ako mapipilit.
• Para sa akin hindi puwedeng sunod ka lang ng sunod. Hindi porket sinabi, gagawin mo. Hindi porket ginagawa ng isa, gagayahin mo. Truth hurts pero some members of a church are blind followers. They are selfish. May mga times na hindi nila iniisip ang kapakanan ng iba.
• Some people think they are always right. They are manipulative and narcissist.
• Biggest pet peeve ko talaga ay yung mga taong masyadong religious pero ang contradicting ng ugali. Practice what you preach ika nga.
Siguro nga, too much religiousness is toxic. Tho I am aware naman that a church isn't a place for saints but for sinners to repent. Still, I would rather keep my relationship with God private na lang than be surrounded by this kind of people.
Hindi man na ako pala-church, hindi naman ako nakalimot. Palagi pa rin akong naniniwala at nagtitiwala. I'm still listening to worship song. I'm still reading my Bible. I'm still praying and trying to be a good example.
Lahat ng mayroon ako sa panginoon pa rin. Sa kaniya palagi lahat ng papuri.
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