#Erzurum Grand Mosque
fymagnificentwomcn · 5 years
Were women able to ask for divorce back in the 16/17th century even if their husband is the sultan himself ?
There’s a really short essay on divorce in 17th century Ottoman society entitled  Conditional Divorce in Ottoman Society: A Case from Seventeenth-Century Erzurum written by Prof.Dr. Bilgehan Pamuk, which may be found here. Pamuk states that:
In Islamic law, the right to divorce rests with the husband, and the wife can obtain a divorce only if there is a tefrik1 (court decision). The end of the marriage on behalf of the wife would be possible if a mutual agreement between the parties was made and the wife renounced some of her rights khul‘- muhâlaa2 (Zilfi 2000: 258-61). But if the husband met all essential duties, the Kādı (Judge) would not interfere even if the wife wanted a divorce. However, to prevent the female from being victimized, the decision of the Kādı was needed when woman wanted to be divorced under certain circumstances (Aydın 1985: 43; Imber 2000: 81)
Only sultanas by blood had free right to divorce their husbands (while their husbands couldn’t divorce them for a change), but of course this was also burdened with dynastic contraints - approval of ruling padişah, what her mother and dynasty wished, e.g. ordering a sultana to divorce a pasha who was no longer valuable to exhange him for a rising star etc.
More about divorces, marriage and concubinage in early Islam: I  recommend again a work entitled Marriage and Slavery in Early Islam by Kecia Ali, which may be downloaded from here.
Since women rarely could divorce their husbands in practice, it’s even harder to imagine a sultan’s wife being able to do so. First and foremost, any children born out of the union belonged to the dynasty, definitely not to a woman who was deprived of her previous identity upon becoming a concubine. Via her descendants, a woman was bound and belonging to her padişah even after his death, so it’s hard to even imagine a divorce from sultan when even the thought of Valide Sultan getting married ore re-married was so scandilising as discussed by Peirce in The Imperial Harem: /Under a cut because it is long/
However, dynastic accidents of the seventeenth century meant that not all valide sultans were safely of postsexual status. Turhan Sultan, who was probably about twenty-five when she took control of the government in 1651 as regent to her nine-year-old son, clearly presented a problem. That Turhan’s youth was perceived as threatening both the polity and society at large with sexually engendered disorder is suggested by rumors that circulated about her alleged sexual misconduct: she was said variously to enjoy a lesbian relationship with Meleki Khatun, a slave woman who had become her trusted agent, and, some years later, an incestuous relationship with the elder of her two stepsons. Under the rubric “A Strange Event,” the historian Naima related an incident that underlines the degree of discomfort aroused by Turhan’s presence at the head of government. In 1653, two years after her regency began, a sheikh from the city of Diyarbakır in eastern Anatolia came to Istanbul to broadcast God’s revelation to him: “[T]he reason that religion and government [had] fallen into ruin and that the Muslims [were] mired in misery,”preached the sheikh, was that the holy law had been abandoned and the queen mother and her followers were running the government. As long as this continued, “disorder and depravity” would only increase. The solution, according to the sheikh, was to marry off the queen mother and remove her from the palace. When, after being warned by the grand vezir to keep silent,the sheikh continued to spread his story, an order was issued that he be placed in the lunatic asylum of the Süleymaniye mosque complex. But his fame spread, and the people of the city, revering him as divinely inspired, flocked to his cell and began to say, in Naima’s words, “What a pity! See, this is what happens to someone who speaks the truth. The sheikh has revealed God’s command. Why shouldn’t the queen mother be married?” The situation got so out of hand that the only solution was to send the sheikh back to Diyarbakır. In his own comment on this affair, Naima, like Kâtip Çelebi in his comments on tomb visiting, drew attention to the importance of custom and precedent. In Naima’s view, the necessary role that the queen mother had come to play overrode the issue of her age:
Those who say that the marriage of the queen mother is proper do not [ask whether], given the established usage of the state, it is even possible. Nor do they take into sufficient account considerations of its possible benefit or harm to this exalted state…. The truth is, those who do not recognize the power and dignity of the sublime station of the most magnificent sultanate and the most exalted cradle [the queen mother] are ignorant…. In my opinion, the aforementioned sheikh from Diyarbakır belonged in the lunatic asylum.
- Joanna
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THE ANCIENT CITY OF ERZURUM - #Byzantines, #CAGKebab, #EasternAnatolia, #Erzurum, #ErzurumAirport, #ErzurumFortress, #ErzurumGrandMosque, #Hotels, #MustafaKemalAtatürk, #Palandoken, #Travel, #Turkey, #Turkish, #Visitors, #WinterTourism, #WinterTourismCenters, #YakutiyeMadrasah, #Yogurt
New Post has been published on http://justforustravel.com/2017/10/17/the-ancient-city-of-erzurum/
a hot time in the cold town of the people of the land, with its natural beauty which is the heart of the historic and Eastern Anatolia, Erzurum is one of the rare cities in our country. In the heart of the city, flowing from the mountains I drink from the fountain of cold water you can drink the water. Fairly was arduous and long the winter months in Erzurum. This also has an important position in terms of winter tourism in Erzurum. In the city of Erzurum a historical past going back 6 thousand years.
The establishment Here is quite refined. It’s not just the locals, people from other provinces and engaged in farming in the mountains, a plateau is reached. The region is ideal for mountain tours and safaris. Stoves quite a lot of tea, a tea when you want tea they don’t bring a spoon. Sometimes when the people who live here are drinking tea. Unique to the region, it is quite hard sometimes when smoking with tea and amorphous sugar be placed under the tongue of everyone here is familiar with.
in the city can be found in many historical works. Erzurum, oltu stone has made a reputation also. Made of oltu stone to your loved ones when you get here, you can take gifts as well.You can see many historical artifacts from the city centre easily on foot.After this summary, if you wish to travel together the great beauties of Erzurum.
Double minaret Madrasah
the other name of this place is also known as hatuniye Madrasa. Nearly 8 centuries old architectural processing with tiles and the building, which is, it takes on the characteristics of Seljuk architecture. On the tiles of the Madrasa, which was recently renovated, Allah writes the names of Muhammad and the 4 caliphs. Two-storey construction has 37 rooms.
yakutiye madrasah
built in at the gate of 1310 found in the inscription on ilkhanid ruler Sultan Olcayto in the name of ghazan Khan and Jamaluddin Teacher Mature Chick in time Gaza is being done by Ruby. Within the Madrasa is close to Museum of Islamic art that you can visit. Situated at the front, geometric patterns, and the architectural structure is quite remarkable.
Atatürk’s house
the history of Ataturk’s house which is made in 1890, the mansion was built in the form. Host 1. In World War I, was used as the German Consulate. At the time of the Erzurum Congress Mustafa Kemal stayed in this house for 2 months. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk‘s house is open to visitors who are used to many things, she stayed in the room and able to see the pictures from the Congress.
Erzurum Congress building
while you’re here, which is very important in terms of our history of national struggle and wouldn’t be without seeing this historic building. Made between the dates of 1877-1878, during the Ottoman era, was used as middle school. Erzurum Congress during the period of the war of independence’s what houses the building, which played an important role in the liberation of the country the decisions of Congress.
three vault
three vaults’s, as a result of reviews during the period Saltuklular is thought to be built in the name of Emir saltuk. The first structures in Anatolia, Turkish-Islamic architecture reflecting the characteristics of quite different and eye-catching architecture. Vaults and mausoleums in the Islamic tradition is being built as a tomb for important people.
Erzurum fortress
although the exact construction date of the castle is not known, and the artifacts from the excavations of the castle structure, reveals that it was made by the Byzantines. In the castle, the Ottoman-era cannon and cannon balls you can see. Inside there is a museum that can be visited. It’s a great place for landscape lovers. You when you come to Erzurum, don’t forget to visit this majestic Castle.
Erzurum Grand Mosque
1179 Saltuklu Nasreddin Mehmet Commandments on the lion, built by the Grand Mosque, very domed.
the inscription on the mosque says it has been repaired 5 times. The architecture is quite successful, the mosque was used as a store of food in a time Baghdad during the period of Sultan Murat. Baghdad time after it was opened for worship again.
palandöken mountain
one of the palandoken ski resort Turkey is a very important winter tourism centers with hotels and a major attraction. Palandoken total height of 3125 meters, has a magnificent appearance. It is possible to see snow here even in the summer months. Palandoken’s season and the month of October begins the month of May until towards the end of the first day of skiing on the slopes of the high segment can be done. Palandoken ski resort with all facilities for lovers offer unlimited services.
What Defeated?
Erzurum is mentioned what comes to mind when, may I ask? “of course kebabs” I hear you ask. Yemissi CAG kebab in many places, but here you can’t eat. Especially daily slaughtered lamb kebabs cooked in a fire made of wood and are the best. CAG Kebab in Erzurum you can choose if you want to eat good kebabs, come and see.
the other Borani Erzurum regional flavor potatoes for dinner. Potatoes, butter, garlic, yogurt, mint and chili pepper made this meal quite delicious.
if you eat your dinner now, that there is a great dessert. Have heard before the name of Erzurum’s legendary stuffed pastry dessert. Stuffed pastry: pudding and wrapped the walnut in sweet syrup type.
Breakfast in Erzurum Erzurum Cecil I suggest if you are going to necessarily taste the cheese and linen.
How do I get to?
I would say that is the most comfortable and efficient transportation to Erzurum airline. After landing at Erzurum airport you can easily reach the city centre by taxi or bus. Istanbul to Erzurum by plane on the basis of can be reached in 1 hour and 28 minutes. Erzurum Airport is about 18 km away from the center.
fly to erzurum with history and good food!
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tripxtours · 5 years
Countries to Visit in April
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As April starts with a spark, countries around the world welcome the most pleasant seasons of the year! While the northern hemisphere sees its snow melt away and life grow out of the ground as spring arrives, the southern hemisphere feels the heat of the sun fade as the beautiful autumn approaches. What better season to travel than April?! Perfect days in April are not a myth. Every destination glows with a certain kind of beauty, some more than others. April is the month where you can visit all kinds of theme parks without worry and indulge in everything outdoorsy.
Confused where to head to? Worry no more, as we have the list of perfect places you can travel to during this beautiful month. This is a time that is simply perfect to discover new destinations and witness some amazing landscapes. Read on to make up your mind and plan the perfect getaway plan!
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A dreamlike destination for many, Switzerland is best visited during the month of April. The cold is bearable and the snow can still be found lingering on the treetops and mountain peaks. These specks of white and green along the grand stretch of the landscape is definite to take your breath away. If you are someone who is keen on skiing, the trails are perfect at this time and you can speed along the picturesque terrain. Undoubtedly one of the best places to visit in April, Switzerland is a promise of a vacation like none other.
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Another place that turns itself into a dream in April, a visit to Italy during this month will be worth every penny spent. With Easter approaching close, tourists begin to flock into the city as well and hence if you love a good crowd, this season is all the merrier. Be sure to pay a visit to the city of Vatican while you’re in Italy as Easter is celebrated with much pomp and joy in here.
Enjoy the pleasant weather and make time to take long walks along the cobblestone paved streets and Piazzas. Relish the authentic thin crust pizza from the roadside shops and feel the flavours explode in your mouth. This ancient city is filled with possibilities that are waiting to be explored.
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A country that is rightly called the city of lights and romance, France is undoubtedly the dream destination of many across the world. Be it a tourist in search of history, culture, architecture or beauty, France is definite to satisfy every quench for adventure. During April, France enjoys a pleasant spring with temperatures ranging from 9 to 12 degrees with low rates of rainfall as well.
A vacation in France during April comes with a promise of lush greenery, great street music, vibrant spirits and charm.  While you vacation in this grand country, don’t forget to pay a visit to the Louvre museum, Palace of Versailles and the Eiffel tower in addition to all the local wonders this land offers.
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A country unlike every other, Netherlands is the land of canal networks. You can ride through the heart of the country in a houseboat and feel truly at home in this land. Be sure to pay a visit to some of the endless tulip gardens, windmills and art museums located here as well. This is a country with some of the friendliest people in the world and often is described to be bursting with culture, life and cheer. In the month of April, Netherlands experiences spring with an average temperature of 12 degrees Celsius. The highlight of visiting during April would be the fact that you will get to witness the famous Tulip Festival Amsterdam, the Gold cycle race and the King’s Day celebrations.
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A land filled with architectural wonders and history, Turkey is a destination like none else. This coveted tourist destination also draws foodies from all over the world to try its versatile and unique cuisine. This Ottoman Empire comes to life during the month of April with the temperature at an average of 16 degrees throughout the day. Another  reason to visit Turkey in this fabulous month would be the Tulip festival in Ankara and Javelin Games in Erzurum.
Ensure you pay tribute to the world famous Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace and Bosphorus strait. This is also a great place for shopping as you can find plenty of Bazaars across town for silverware, jewellery, silverware, linens and spices.
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What better place to visit in Europe this spring than the cradle of western civilization – GREECE! This magnificent land consists of a number of islands spread across the azure oceans around the mainland. The image of Greece to a traveler would be a simply combination of white and blue. This is due to the combination of the sparkling white buildings in the land with the color of the seas.
During April, Greece experiences warm temperatures that go upto 20 degree Celsius and low amounts of precipitation. Grab the chance to witness festivals such as Easter April Fool’s day being celebrated in the capital, during this joyful season.
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A beautiful marvel of nature and development combined, Japan is one of the best places to be at during the month of April. This holiday spot undergoes a brilliant burst of spring colors during April which makes tourists from all over the world flock here. The temperature here ranges between 5 to 13 degree Celsius making it the perfect time to enjoy the cold and relish the sights. Brace yourself to be rendered speechless by the cherry blossom and amazing vistas of pinks and whites that are spread around even the busiest cities.
We hope we have filled your minds with enough travel plans to pack your bags already as we head into the beautiful month of April! Explore the earth and its beautiful wonders around as travel is the only way you can live life to its fullest! Keep discovering new places and experiences and continue to travel with #NOREGRETS!
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divanquotes · 5 years
Hawkins, History of the Turkish or Ottoman Empire v3, 1787
Page 1: Three days after sultan Mustafa’s having refused to appear in the divan, the troops repaired in oder to the outer court of the seraglio, crying: “Long live our powerful monarch Amaranth IV.” This prince, as we have said, was hardly fifteen years old, when he was placed on the throne of his ancestors. All the bashaws of the different orders, sangiacs, agas, and principal officers both of the troops and ulema, and particularly of the spahis and janissaries, were assembled in the divan. The mufti asked them if they would have Amaranth for their emperor. All replied with shouts of approbation and joy.
Page 2: The first use that Amurath made of his authority, was an act of rigor and justice. The bashaw of Grand Cairo, lately arrived at Constantinople, was accused by several trimarans of various oppressions. The emperor would have this affair examined in the divan; and, on the accused’s being found guilty, he was condemned, not to the bowstring, but to be beheaded.
Page 8: Nothing can be compared to the consternation which was spread in the capital on this occasion. As terror often renders men cruel, several bashaws proposed slaughtering all the Christians in Constantinople, lest they should have secret intelligence with the Cossacks. The wisest members of the divan represent, that, to irritate the Franks by such a cruelty would be but a bad way to secure themselves against them. The cossacks, who aimed only at booty, made no preparation for fighting; they stretched off and returned several successive days to the same station in order to augment the inquietude and take advantage of the convulsion that they caused in the town by ravaging and burning the lighthouses and neighboring villages. This insult convinced the Divan of the necessity of guarding Constantinople by sea.
Page 9: it was high time. The grand vizier, instead of marching against Abassa, as had been decided in the divan, went and wasted his army before Baghdad, and left behind him the provinces of the empire in confusion. The prince of the Druses and the bashaws of Erzurum, Aleppo, and Diarbekar, all accomplices in the same revolt, were at that time earnestly inviting the king of Persia into Asia, in order to pay him homage and place their governments under his authority.
Page 24: Another time he caused the Kislar Aga, or chief of the black eunuchs, to be strangled, because he had not been able to give the divan an exact account of the treasure of the mosques, though this officer alleged, by way of justification, that the valid sultaness had disposed of what was missing from the sacred treasury.
Page 37: The news of this march having reached Constantinople, the emperor would fain se more of this prince, of whom h had heard so many things, then h possibly could, considering the immense distance at which the Ottoman emperors keep their feudatories. Amurath took with him the retinue, and assumed the dress, of a bashaw, and advanced into Asia within about two days journey of Scutari. Having met Facardin, the emperor introduced himself as a bashaw of the bench, or one of the viziers that compose the divan.
Page 39: As the old emir was assisting at the divan, agreeably to the power which he had received from the emperor, he heard with astonishment a bashaw of the bench read aloud several accusations against him, all ending to one end, that of having professed by turns Islamism and Christianity. The emir rose to begin his justification: the mufti, being present at this divan, stopped his proceeding, by reading a fetfa which condemned to death all relapses or hypocrites, professing one religion outwardly, and retaining another in the bottom of their hart. It was to no purpose that the old Facardin denied his being a Christian, or that he pleaded the sacred word of the emperor, who had drawn him to Constantinople under promis of life and liberty. Th grand seignior did not assist at the divan; though, with great repugnance, he set the seal of his authority to the mufti’s fetfa. The old Facardin was strangled; and his son, scarcely otherwise than a child, was brought up among the icolgans. The province of the Druses has been since governed by bashaws.
Page 41: He resolved to go himself against the Persians, and recover what heretofore he had been constrained to give up. Pretexts are not wanting to go to war with this nation, which was never mentioned in the divan but as a perfidious, usurping people. The eagerness of the Persians to attack the Ottoman empire, when it was rent by insurrections, sufficiently authorized Amaranth to make them feel the effects of his resentment as soon as he thought his forces recruited.
Page 46: The count, who knew that this merchandise was expected, had had the precaution to obtain an order of council from the court of France, and a decree from the divan, which permitted him to feign everything that he could find belonging to these knavish debtors. By virtue of the two respectable authorities, count Cesy caused all the vessels arrived from Provence to be delivered to chaise, who do the duty of bailiffs at Constantinople. The marquis of Marcheville, who endeavored to protect these merchants against the count, whom he had, wanted to obtain a replevy of this seizure, under pretext of the urgent necessity for the merchandise on board these vessels. There was nothing but an order from the caiman which could alter a decree of the divan; and this minister refusd to give such an order, unless h had the particular consent of Cesy.
Page 83: As soon as Amurath IV was dead, the grand vizier, Mustafa, lately returned from Asia, the mufti, the two cadileskers, the reis effendi, the bashaws of the bench, the aga of the janissaries, the spahi agasi, and all that had a right to enter the divan, repaired thither in great number. Some officers of the janissaries had murmured at the preferment of Ibrahim the only remaining prince of the Ottoman race, but who was said to be quite incapable of reigning.
Page 86: More debauched than his brother, but destitute of the talents which had ben so much admired in that prince, the new emperor abandoned the rings of government to his grand vizier and the valid sultans. Kiosem went to the divan, or rather she hard what passed in that assembly, from the window call dangerous, on account of its looking into the divan chamber from a gallery in the seraglio, which being covered with a thin gauze, the sultans can hear everything that passes between their ministers, and have been sometimes known to open this window to give rigorous orders, in consequence of what they had just hard.
Page 102: Ibrahim listened to these reasons. The expedition against Candia was resolved on; but everything was kept a profound secret in the divan: it was the more easy to be concealed, because the preparations threatened the isle of Malta. In vain did the Venetians instruct their ambassador to penetrate the real designs of the Porte: the Italian was deluded; the feigned caresses of the Turks, and the assurance which they gave him that they were going to attack the rock of Malta, lulled his vigilance and disconcerted all his plots. Notwithstanding the security of the ambassador, the Venetians prepared to receive the enemy; they assembled their fleet, and collected ammunition and provisions, in order to defend the possessions of the republic, or snd succors to their allies.
Page 125: Meanwhile the aga of the janissaries and the two cadileskers returned to St. Sophia’s. On the report which they gave of their mission, the mufti grand a new feat, which declared, that an emperor who had transgressed all the laws of the Alcoran, was an Infidel, and as such no longer deserved to command Mussulman. After this decision, the whole assembly proceeded towards the seraglio. They passed between two rows of janissaries: the spahis on horseback filled the Hippodrom and the other squares of Constantinople. On the arrival of the chiefs in the divan chamber, they ordered the black eunuchs to take Ibrahim from the women’s apartment and bring him into their presence.
Page 131: But Murad, on his return to Constantinople, had no sooner entered the seraglio to preside at the divan, than h was presented with a fetfa of the mufti, which declared, that he, who had dipped his hands in the blood of his sovereign, deserved death. It was of no service to the unfortunate grand vizier to exclaim, that he, who condemned him, was his accomplice; the fetfa was confirmed by a catcherif of the grand seignior, and he was immediately strangled.
Page 143: The defenders of the young emperor redoubled their clamors to obtain the head of Kiosem. The grand vizier and all his colleagues were of opinion that it was no longer possible to save her from the punishment which she merited. The mufti, though engaged in her faction, took care how he undertook her defense: the example of the master of the chamber had kept him from declaring himself ‘till then. He could not refuse a fetfa so earnestly demanded of him by the grand vizier, the valid sultans, and all the divan.
Page 197: A general consternation spread in Adrianople with the order to extinguish the illumination. It was so great in the seraglio and even in the divan, that the ministers were incapable of advising Mahomet anything but to endeavor to make a speedy peace. The caimacan, Mustapha, strongly supported this advice; he even wrote to Kiuperli, that the number of enemies which he had at the Porte, though intimidated by the example of the last favorite, resumed courage as soon as they heard that the army had been beaten.
Page 215: They sent for a physician, who, from a Jew, had turned Mahometan, and who understood the bad Greek mixed with Arabic spoken at Smyrna. Mahomet smiled at hearing the son of God confess that h had not the gift of tongues, and remarked it to all the divan who stood around; but when the Sabbatai had declared, by the voice of his trichina, that he was the Messiah bestowed on the chosen people, to reestablish them in their preeminence and make them reign over all the globe, that the throne on which Mahomet was sitting belonged to him, that the universe was his patrimony, and that all the earth was under the control of his voice, the sultan declared to him, that he was ready to acknowledge his divinity, if he would immediately manifest it by a miracle, and that he was going to furnish him with an occasion for doing it. Having ordered the Messiah to be stripped, he was fastened to a pillar in the inner court of the seraglio. All the icoglans prepared to shoot arrows at him at a moderate distance. “If thou be the son of God,” said the emperor to him, “thy body will be proof against the darts that they are going to shoot at the; then I will yield up my throne to the and become thy disciple; if thou art only an impostor, thou shalt receive the reward of thy audacity and knavery.” This order was a clap of thunder for the Messiah; all his resolution forsook him, and he acknowledged, with tears in his eyes, that h had imposed on the credulity of his people. This confession was insufficient to save his life, as he flattered himself it would.
Page 249: After the rejoicings in Constantinople on account of Mahomet’s successes, which were celebrated with great magnificence, the divan turn their attention to a rebellion that had broken out in Tripoli. The bashaw of that province was become a sort of sovereign. For a long time past, neither cadis nor defterdars had been sent to Tripoli; the sums annually sent to the treasury of Constantinople were a real tribute.
Page 260: They not only recovered Bethlehem chapel, but had likewise the boldness to attack the Latins whilst they were celebrating Christmas in the Holy sepulcher; the blood of some monks of both parties, polluted the sacrifices which were offered up that holy night to the redeemer of the World. The Latins were vanquished; and when thy complained to the divan of the violation of a treaty so recently made, thy received no other answer, that that it appeared from the records that the Greeks had been always in possession of it, and that his had been recently confirmed to them by a catcher, which the late Panajot, first interpreter to the Porte, the same to whose address the reduction of Candia was thought due, had obtained for the monks of his faith.
Page 261: All that the ambassadors could obtain was, that the Greeks should promote the Latin pilgrims to enter the Holy places, on pecuniary conditions, for which the Greek prelates should pay the grand seignieur an annual sum; which equally satisfied the avarice of both parties. This decision, so contrary to the new treaty, was made in open divan.
Page 262: His exactions were so great, that some very serious complaints arrived at Constantinople, before Mahomet aga had brought back his galleys to the capital, more loaded on his own account than the emperor’s. Immediately on their entering the port, the grand vizier sent a guard on board, in order to prevent anything from being removed out of the vessels; and, notwithstanding the weakness which the sultan did not dissemble for this extortioner, Kiuperi persuaded him, that it was for the interest of Mahomet aga, that he himself should give an account of his conduct in open divan, which several letters represented to be very criminal, but which he could not think true.
Page 288: The ambassador, having assembly his countrymen, received some reproaches from them for having entrusted this perfidious mussulman with what was the security of all the english in the different factories. All the Christian ministers were ready to take part in this quarrel; when a sum of fifty purse, making 3,125 pounds sterling, was furnished unanimously by the English merchants, to whom the time consumed in negotiations was a great prejudice. Mustapha, who was afraid lest the remonstrances of the ambassadors should raise a storm in the divan which h might not perhaps have the power to allay, contented himself with this sum, joined to the fine imposed on the two testamentary executors already mentioned.
Page 292: Though Mahomet IV always permitted Cara Mustapha to manage the great affairs of state as he pleased, his favor began to decline; and the first officers of the divan, perceiving it, took every opportunity of sitting the grand seignior against him. The mufti thought he had found an occasion of doing it effectually, on account of a transgression of the law of Mahomet, which the avidity of the grand vizier authorized in Constantinople, because it brought a great deal of money into his own pocket.
Page 329: But when the news arrived of the defeat of Barkan, the taking of Strigonia, the immense losses which reduced such a fine army to less than half, that the discouragement of the troops was at its height, and that Hungary and Austria were covered with Turkish deserters who quitted the turban, as they said, to seek bread, which was refused them in their army; when Tekli, whom Cara Mustapha had accused, was come to Constantinople to justify the conduct and memory of those to whom the grand vizier imputed all these misfortunes; the janissaries that remained around the Ottoman emperor, and those who composed the divan and the corps of ulema, began to clamor against this unjust minister, who punished for his fault those who had endeavored to divert him from them. To add to the misfortune of Cara Mustapha, the valid sultans died in the middle of these disturbances. The emperor’s sister, the widow of Cara Ibrahim, a lieutenant general, and the grand vizir’s first victim, took care to have all those heard who had complaints to make. The janissaries assembled one day in the second court of the seraglio whilst the divan was sitting; and when the had learned that the grand seignior, frighted with their clamours, had shut himself up in his harem, they protested that they would not eat till the death and dishonor of their chiefs and comrades are avenged by the punishment of this to whom they ought to be imputed.
Page 330: Mahomet IV, came out of his harm to sign the catcher which condemned the grand vizier to be strangled. This order was no sooner written, than it was shown to the odas of janissaries who beset the avenues of the divan, the sight of which quieted and dispersed them immediately.
Page 333: Carakaja immediately proposed in the divan to negotiate with the Austrians; but there was no room to hope that Leopold would grant tolerable conditions, and the ministers could not yet resolve to conclude a disgraceful peace. Mahomet had always heard the Ottoman arms, the valor of his troops, and the glory of his empire, spoken of with enthusiasm. He expected his generals to vanquish in his name, and his ministers to procure from the people wherewithal to maintain numerous arms, whilst he should peaceably enjoy delights which he believed inseparable from the throne of the Ottomans. He bitterly reproach the new grand vizier in open divan, on the discouragement with which he spoke of the operations of the subsequent campaign.
Page 362: Meanwhile the army advanced rapidly. Neither the sacrifice of the old grand vizier, nor the future promises, nor the gold sent to the new general to distribute to the troops, could appease the mutineers. They drew their chiefs along with them, who had always in the council inclined towards moderation. The grand seignior assembled the divan every day; he descended to justification and even to prayers. The bashaws and men of the law, who composed this assembly, replied, that it was not they that he should gain over.
Page 367: “Most powerful emperor,” replied the chief of the emirs, “this law, which you have so particularly studied, is that by which you shall govern us; this is also what your brother has so shamefully transgressed. God and the holy prophet command you, by our voice, to come and seat yourself on the throne of your ancestors.” The new emperor obeyed with an affected repugnancy. Thy obliged him to put on a robe lined with sable, and placed in his turban the there egrets, as likewise by his side a poniards set with diamonds, all marks of sovereignty. He was conducted into the divan chamber, where the grand vizier, the bashaws of the bench, the body of ulema, and, in short all the chiefs of the military corps, janissaries, spahis, levantis, and others, were waiting to kiss the bottom of his vest.
Page 368: This prince, being arrived in the place where he was to appear as an absolute monarch, showed by his timid countenance that the pomp which surrounds him, and the authority with which he was going to be invested, were equally strange to him. He confirmed the grand vizier Sciaus bashaw in his dignity, as well as the rest of the officers that filled the divan. He performed the abdest (washing of the hands) in presence of this numerous assembly, and then dismissed them, after having exhorted each member in a few words to do his duty.
Page 373: The Turks expected great things from this important diversion: an effendi, named Suubsicar, and a Greek interpreter of the Porte, called Mauro Cordato, were sent to the German camp to propose a suspension of arms. This Mauro Cordato enjoyed at the Porte the greatest consideration ever obtained by any Christian among the Turks. He was perhaps the only one of his religion admitted into the divan and invested with the character of ambassador. The grand seignior, all religious as he was, surmounted his natural repugnancy for those whom the Turks call Giaurs or Infidels. He gave instructions from his own mouth to Mauro Cordato, who was thought more skillful than Suubsicar, so much were the Mussulmen interested in disarming Leopold.
Page 376: This grand seignior put at the head of the army, which he would no longer command himself, not the grand vizier Mustapha, who was as ignorant of the art of war as his master, but the seraskier Rejeb, formerly a chief of freebooters, who was supposed to have great talents for war, because he had desolated Asia and made himself formidable to all the bashaws of the divan, who had thought it safer to admit him among them, than to attempt to punish him. This chief of bandits, skilled in desolating plains and butchering farmers on the fiels where they were on the point of gathering in their harvest, knew nothing of that scientific manner of making war which had been introduced into Europe several years before.
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