kakilkz · 5 months
The Degree Multimedia Trio
Just want to put them at here :v
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*insert meme adios* 🚶🏻‍♀️
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otemporamores · 3 months
Hogy epul szepul a liberalfasiszta diktatura a fejlett nyugaton, szabadsagfoldjen. tudom, tudom, mindez hazugsag, putler propagandaja 🤪
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oceanic-recollection · 8 months
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Here is the epullate shark
They can move and survive on land, and often walk between the tidepools they dwell in
they eat woems and fish and crustauons
<APIS> Pretty nice and varied diet! Ans what a cutie, too...
<APIS> I hope they hage fun on those walks!!!!
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melawanlupa · 2 years
Percubaan Menjadi Touris di Gunung TNBYY
Barangkali rasa penat telah mengelabui mata kami. Sehinggakan baki 30 minit terakhir dari Simpang YY ke Puncak Yong Yap terasa sangat jauh. Entah kebodohan apa yang telah merasuk jiwa; aku lebih memilih untuk turun ke Kem Jeruk daripada bersusah payah ke summit attack. Padahal jarak ke Kem Jeruk itu jauhnya 3 jam perjalanan lagi!
“Macam mana? Teruskan perjalanan atau lupakan summit?”
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Ini kali pertama aku mendaki gunung jenis hutan hujan tropika sambil memikul beban beg. Kononnya nak tawan 3 gunung sekali gus di Kelantan, Malaysia. Memakan masa 3 hari perjalanan dengan jarak kira-kira 42 kilometer (Rujuk peta di atas). Oleh kerana kerap dimomokkan betapa seksanya meredah gunung-gunung di Malaysia — ada sekelumat rasa takut dalam hati. Ia lebih kepada persoalan mampukah aku lakukan semua ini? Aku anggap overthinking-sebelum-memulakan-adventure adalah normal. Yang penting sekarang aku nak cuba. Never try, never know ye dak? Jadi ini adalah catatan tentang percubaan si Mai menjadi touris di gunung Malaysia!
Pagi Sabtu 30, 2022 kami berkumpul di R&R Lojing. Final packing dan pembahagian ration mengikut nama. 14 orang pendaki, 3 orang malim. Menaiki fourwheel menuju ke Pos Rengil. Waktu memulakan ekspidisi ini, di Pos Rengil, langit sedang merona cerah. Hewan-hewan girang menyanyi sambut kedatangan kami. Kata Epul, malim kami, perjalanan hari ini akan melintas banyak anak sungai dan pohon buluh. Bergeraklah kami seperti semut. Hora horay!
Adat hari pertama struggle nak betulkan nafas dan adjust kedudukan beg. Mujur perjalanan ke Simpang Y dari Pos Rengil adalah mendatar. Sejam pertama yang baik untuk laraskan segala hal. Awalnya rasa panas mulai meresap ke bahu dan kawasan sekitar belakang pinggang. Dua kali berhenti cuba betulkan letak beg. Cuma semakin aku berjalan meredah masuk ke dalam hutan, semakin aku terlupa tentang lenguh memikul beban separuh berat badan aku itu (ok part ni aku exaggerate).
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Sebenarnya pelan asal hari pertama adalah Pos Rengil ke Kem Puncak Kambing. Hulu malang pangkal celaka, di Kem Kicap, seorang pendaki telah jatuh terlentang ketika berpaut di dahan yang patah. Dahan ini awalnya mahu ditebang oleh Epul, menggunakan parang tetapi tidak lut kerana diameternya sebesar peha aku. Setelah cubaan menebas beberapa kali, Epul putuskan untuk merangkak je lalu di bawah dahan tersebut. Nak cerita sempitnya laluan ini sampai tudung aku pun boleh tersangkut di ranting kayu yang berduri. Inilah titik mula kami merubah jadual. Majoriti setuju untuk bermalam di Kem Belumut. Waterpoint terakhir sebelum summit Gunung Tok Nenek.
Sejak keluar dari Simpang Y, keadaan perjalanan kami lebih intense dan mencabar. Lebih banyak lintas anak sungai, batu-batu, pokok tumbang dan jalan yang mengelirukan. Di tambah dengan rasa kantuk mulai menjalar ke anak mata — membuatkan tubuhku mudah terhuyung-hayang. Sesekali kaki tergelincir dari pijakan batu, termasuk ke dalam dinginnya air sungai. Habis basah kesejukan. Itu belum lagi batu-batu kecil yang berkumpul dalam kasut. Menyebalkan. Kemuncaknya di Kem Hari menuju Kem Belumut. 30 minit tanjakan terakhir sebelum penutup hari pertama. Sesekali aku cuba berbual dengan Aidil. Tentang bukit-bukit yang pernah kami telusuri, tentang serangga aneh yang kami temui atau apa-apa sahaja agar aku boleh lupakan sebentar tentang rasa panas yang mula menggigit ke paha dan kaki. Izin Tuhan, kami sampai ke Kem Belumut pada waktu asar.
“Nak kejar sunrise ke esok?”
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Hari Ahad 31, 2022 menjelang pagi — tidurku puas. Malah terasa lama. Boleh jadi ini kesan tidur atas inflatable bed yang dipinjamkan oleh Wanie. Function teruk. Padahal suhu di situ lebih kurang 18°-20°. Tidur ramai-ramai bawah flysheet, pakai extra heat-tect uniqlo, stokin tebal, masuk dalam sleeping bag, tak perlu tanggal tudung. Rasa hangat satu badan. Rasa dipeluk Tuhan.
Malam tadi selepas makan, sekali lagi majoriti setuju sebulat suara untuk gerak lambat (tak kejar sunrise). Lucu juga bila difikir-fikirkan semula. Sudahlah lari jauh daripada jadual, ada hati lagi nak gerak lambat. Cuma di sisi lain, ada bagusnya juga gerak lambat kerana pagi ini tiba-tiba perutku terasa nyeri. Tepat jangkaan, ‘Hari Perempuan’ku telah tiba. Lekas-lekas bangun bersihkan diri dan mulaikan task pagi dengan menyediakan sarapan dan kemas-kemas barang.
“Kalau jumpa dinding batu, maksudnya dah nak dekat (puncak)lah tu,”
Di pagi hari kedua ini kaki aku mulai cekap melangkah. Seluruh tenaga aku talakan ke otot kaki paksa menanjak naik bukit. Akan ada lebih banyak puncak tipu sebelum betul-betul sampai ke puncak yang dituju; lebih kurang begitulah penerangan malim sebelum perjalanan diteruskan lagi.
Sap sap sap (ini bunyi kaki melangkah haha). Pain must listen to me — teknik yang sama aku gunakan semasa cycling. Aku pernah baca di internet tips cycling di kawasan berbukit adalah dengan menundukkan pandangan (jangan mendongak). Logiknya agar mental tak koyak. Koyak tak koyak jugalah selepas 2 jam lebih baru sampai ke Puncak Tok Nenek. Selang beberapa minit kemudian seorang demi seorang pendaki datang bergabung. Datang membawa kabar ura-ura kumpulan akan terpecah dua.
Waktu itu matahari terpacak terik di atas kepala, ada juga gerombolan awan hitam mulai kelihatan.
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risingshine · 21 days
🎲 (Iyana and Eive)
6. A gentle Peck
How was she supposed to even do this? Given how tall Eive was in relation to her, it was hard to get to her face at all, lte alone with her own.
Okay iyana - time to put that brian to work. After a few seconds of thinking, she came up with an idea: and hopefully can pull it off while her face flushed pink.
"Um...Excuse me, eive? I think you might have something on your cheek.." After gesturing for her to lower her face, the woman would take her face in both her hands, pulling her in for an ever-so-light peck, lips barely grazin geach other's before sh epulled away and covered her face. She did it!!! And now her heart was going into overdrive again. abnormal heartrate detected.
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444namesplus · 4 months
Afam Afatul Afekis Afem Afer Aferer Afinir Afir Afufas Afum Afur Afutamuf Akak Akakap Aket Akinop Akol Akomofap Akorapus Alasetut Alen Alepinuk Alil Alituf Alolusop Alurep Alutek Alutis Amapup Amar Amerum Amiparin Amos Amulumor Amuneput Amutimop Anaf Anek Anit Anot Anum Anus Apakipek Apan Apekek Apem Apen Apik Apofar Apol Apop Apoponis Apuf Aramam Arasos Arerosal Aresuf Arifar Arim Arimirus Aritum Arok Aromipop Aror Arusok Arut Arutal Asaraf Asat Asatum Asefal Asekof Asemetis Asit Asuk Asusokat Atap Atefoper Atenut Atesotir Atin Atir Atofifos Atos Efan Efef Efesef Efet Efinem Efisos Efolot Efosaf Efukirun Ekat Ekes Eket Ekin Ekot Ekufof Ekupel Ekurofop Elalolet Elam Elamefom Elas Elat Eleluk Elip Elisalim Elop Elum Elup Elupak Eman Emapef Emasaf Ematerem Emefok Emikemil Emim Emis Emolamon Emul Emusul Enapelap Enapol Enefus Enek Enekes Enenikok Enet Enilelap Enim Eninoral Enol Enur Enuros Epamep Epamepot Epametal Epap Epat Epek Epen Epikanum Epofuk Eponakof Epul Epulerim Epup Eput Erapes Erat Erek Erelam Erok Erorutek Erufel Erumolep Esimefis Esol Esomotar Esop Esot Etaf Etalis Etanas Etap Etataraf Etel Etilisop Etin Etir Etisit Etol Eton Etopet Etorosut Etulak Ifak Ifan Ifarelan Ifen Ifes Ifokaf Ifokipet Ifor Ifotak Ifusun Ikan Ikanok Ikanor Ikik Ikin Ikisat Ikit Ikon Ikosusar Ikuperem Ilaf Ilaforom Ilafus Ilam Ilat Ilem Ilinep Ilinomom Ilofef Ilom Ilor Ilot Iluf Ilul Ilunem Ilup Ilur Ilut Imak Imapurim Imas Imat Imemun Imeturek Imipel Imop Imukaf Imumis Imuronon Imus Inan Inar Inarofar Inefokus Inis Inukot Ipafir Ipam Ipep Ipif Ipinuf Ipofun Ipok Ipolanip Ipolasur Ipop Iral Iranunef Irasip Iren Irom Irop Irur Isaf Isalot Isan Isasit Isef Isif Isifor Isil Isir Isit Isom Isuf Itekem Iterus Itim Itit Ititem Itol Itonusul Ituk Ofam Ofen Ofesik Ofinop Ofit Ofok Ofol Ofolen Okifikof Okikalir Okit Okop Okupetip Olasup Olasupom Olel Olir Oluturus Omakon Omarem Omasip Omerakas Omikak Omikilon Omom Omosirip Omumuf Omut Omutap Onaf Onal Onarol Onipul Onit Onufepik Onuk Opaf Opak Opekan Opekofus Opim Opit Opof Opofifar Opuk Opuleram Orenusaf Orik Orir Orop Orosol Oruf Orus Osamenut Osek Oserik Osok Oson Osup Otakel Otas Otekal Otel Otemor Otenup Oter Otetem Otin Otines Otinimuf Otosik Otur Ufapar Ufaperom Ufarilat Ufas Ufefif Ufen Ufir Ufof Ufolanef Ufolep Ufom Ufot Ukef Ukem Ukenalof Ukepok Uker Ukifatom Ukik Ukit Ukur Ukus Ulal Ular Ulatef Ulem Ulof Uloramol Ulosimak Ulotar Ulul Umaf Umakulep Umef Umepus Umik Umukuful Umup Unanan Unarem Unefimof Unekum Unem Unesapap Unetes Unifof Unin Unurup Unut Upak Upakul Upalis Upat Upel Upelos Upen Uper Upet Upifalol Upifir Upik Upis Upokunek Upolif Upufoker Upupit Uraretep Ureker Urer Ureril Urerul Urik Urisimef Urokelap Uror Urosam Urupof Urus Urut Usakamus Usam Usanekip Usatuk Usekitos Uselanok Usitinas Usor Usot Utek Utem Utemeset Utikek Utir Utokasut Utom Utonok Utorin Utotakek Utotim Utumak
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demoura · 8 months
DIA 4 DE OUTUBRO DE 2023 : MADAMA BUTTERFLY ESTREOU A MINÚSCULA TEMPORADA LÍRICA DO S. CARLOS - A MUITO AMADA MÚSICA DE PUCCINI, BOAS VOZES E BELOS QUIMONOS FIZERAM O SUCESSO: fiel assinante lá estive para a estreia da temporada 23/24 infelizmente sem a Maria Zaza a meu lado . Com Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa no camarote presidencial o espectáculo começou com a Portuguesa também entoada pelo público que esgotava a sala . Estreada em 1907a ópera Madama Butterfly e uma obra trágica, rematada por um suicídio, que se centra em Cio-Cio-San, japonesa de quinze anos seduzida e abandonada por um oficial da marinha norte-americana de passagem pelo Oriente. O papel titular é um dos mais complexos e exaltantes da história da ópera e requer à sua intérprete uma vocalidade excecional, capaz de traduzir em fortissimo estados de verdadeiro desespero e, simultaneamente, moldar-se a ambientes de delicada fragilidade. Musicalmente foi de alto nível começando pela boa forma da Orquestra Sinfónica Portuguesa dirigida com brilho pelo maestro António Pirolli que fez justiça à partitura . Também bela a intervenção do Coro do TNSC no « Coro dos marinheiros » . Boas escolhas para as vozes do elenco . Os meus destaques vão para Zarina Abaeva (Cio-Cio San, a Madama Butterfly).que fez jus aos elogios com que fora recebida em Nova Iorque em 2019 quando cantou o Verdi de Requiem sob a batuta de Theodor Currentzis) . Saiu-se bem de « um bel di vedremo « Depois a surpresa positiva do Pinkerton do jovem português Carlos Cardoso que nunca tinha ouvido ..O tenor natural de Cinfães trabalha desde 2017 na Alemanha, já cantou várias vezes Butterfly e finalmente a Suzuki da meio soprano Cátia Moreso que atravessa um momento alto da carreira . Os papéis menores como os de Leonel Pinheiro (Príncipe Yamadori) Christian Luján (Tio Bonzo); Stefan Astakhov (Sharpless) e Marco Alves dos Santos (Goro), permitiram que o espectáculo mantivesse sempre qualidade artística . Elemento plástico valioso foram os figurinos de Nuno Velez que recuperaram os belos quimonos de um guarda-roupa “confecionado no Japão, para uma produção que subiu à cena na década de 70 do século passado”, no São Carlos. O lado menos positivo foi a direcção de Jacopo Spirei e a cenografia . A árvore florida.que abre o espectáculo é vulgar e revelou como é difícil desenhar uma árvore a maneira das gravuras japonesas. Todo o primeiro Acto é como se estivéssemos numa opera semi- encenada .. e na cena final a casinha de Butterfly está face a uma fachada de prédios igual a dos blocos da EPUL . Mas o pior foi a crise de « Neue Regie » que fez Spirei transformar Cio-Cio San de 18 anos numa velha e o hara-kiri numa síncope cardíaca. Dito isto o balanço é positivo . Veio depois a delícia de uma ceia no Rocco com as minhas queridas sobrinhas que me acarinham neste tempo de luto . O after-show-dinner constou de Tagliatelle com cogumelos e trufas preparadas num peccorino para as jovens e robalo com risotto de amêijoas para mim . Ceia acompanhada com o espumante Luís Pato Vinha Pan 2018 e muitas recordações da tia
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listeningtomyheart · 1 year
minden baratsag, szerelem a bizalmon epul fel, ha nincs bizalom, nincs kapcsolat.
hisz hogy tudnank oszintek lenni, ha nem bizunk a masikban? hogy tudnank szeretni? minden a bizalmon epul fel. ha ket ember bizik egymasban az egy csodalatos dolog tud lenni. barmit elmondhatsz neki anelkul, hogy felned kene.
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maneesposts · 1 year
Ogos 28, 12:25 pagi.
Dua acara.
Diri ditengahnya.
Paman dijemput ilahi,
Dipangku sang isteri dan dua malaikat kecil.
Sahabat handai mengelilingi.
Pesan dan amanat hingga hembusan nafas terakhir.
Kudrat habis terpakai sejak muda.
Sisa nyawa yang ada menua di rumah sakit.
Tragedi Jumaat.
Tiga yang sasa hadir merempuh.
Jabatan Narkotik Kota Tinggi cari Epul.
Pacuaan yang sama tapi bukan ini rumahnya, Tuan.
Jiran tu dah lari suku jam yang lalu.
Paling tak langsung aku duga dia.
Jujur, rasa serba salah ni takkan buat kau senang duduk.
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edulor6z6-blog · 1 year
de nuevo te extraño, de nuevo quiero desaparecer, nuestro silencio así una bella canción que nuca nadien escucho
nuestras platicas eran un vals y la habitación el mejor salón, entre mi piel de cartón y la tuya de algodón
por qué extraño el calor cuando el frió llegó, por qué no hay dolor como el este causa el amor, por qué detenemos el tiempo
y sin tocarnos hacíamos el amor. por qué nuca de olvida se olvida ese sabor aunque me cueste recordar ese vigor
me descompone decirte adiós,
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lennart11412 · 2 years
: Noun
: li=ba=tion
, n. [L.
, fr.
to take a little from anything, to taste, to pour out as an offering: cf. F.
The act of pouring a liquid or liquor, usually wine, either on the ground or on a victim in sacrifice, in honor of some deity; also, the wine or liquid thus poured out.  Dryden.  [1913 Webster]"A heathen sacrifice or libation to the earth."  [1913 Webster]
, n.
1 a the pouring out of a drink-offering to a god. b such a drink-offering.
2 joc. a potation.
EtymologyME f. L libatio f. libare pour as offering
beverage, bumper, burnt offering, collection, draft, dram, drench, drink, drink offering, drop, ex voto offering, gargle, gulp, guzzle, heave offering, hecatomb, holocaust, human sacrifice, immolation, incense, infanticide, jigger, jolt, lap, mactation, nip, oblation, offering, offertory, peace offering, peg, piacular offering, portion, potation, potion, pull, quaff, round, round of drinks, sacramental offering, sacrifice, scapegoat, self-immolation, self-sacrifice, shot, sip, slurp, snifter, snort, spot, suck, sup, suttee, sutteeism, swig, swill, thank offering, tot, votive offering, wet, whole offering
worship, adoration, devotion, aspiration, homage, service, humiliation, kneeling, genuflection, prostration, prayer, invocation, supplication, rogation, intercession, orison, holy breathing, petition, collect, litany, Lord's prayer, paternoster, beadroll, latria, dulia, hyperdulia, vigils, revival, cult, anxious meeting, camp meeting, ebenezer, virginal, thanksgiving, giving thanks, returning thanks, grace, praise, glorification, benediction, doxology, hosanna, hallelujah, allelujah, Te Deum, non nobis Domine, nunc dimittis, paean, benschen, Ave Maria, O Salutaris, Sanctus, The Annunciation, Tersanctus, Trisagion, psalm, psalmody, hymn, plain song, chant, chaunt, response, anthem, motet, antiphon, antiphony, oblation, sacrifice, incense, libation, burnt offering, heave offering, votive offering, offertory, discipline, self-discipline, self-examination, self-denial, fasting, divine service, office, duty, exercises, morning prayer, mass, matins, evensong, vespers, undernsong, tierce, holyday, worshipper, congregation, communicant, celebrant, worshipping, devout, devotional, reverent, pure, solemn, fervid, Int, hallelujah, allelujah!, hosanna!, glory be to God!, O Lord!, pray God that!, God grant, God bless, God save, God forbid!, sursum corda, making their lives a prayer, ora et labora, prayers ardent open heaven.
food, eating, deglutition, gulp, epulation, mastication, manducation, rumination, gluttony, hippophagy, ichthyophagy, (appetite), mouth, jaws, mandible, mazard, gob, chops, drinking, potation, draught, libation, carousal, drunkenness, food, pabulum, aliment, nourishment, nutriment, sustenance, sustentation, sustention, nurture, subsistence, provender, corn, feed, fodder, provision, ration, keep, commons, board, commissariat, prey, forage, pasture, pasturage, fare, cheer, diet, dietary, regimen, belly timber, staff of life, bread, bread and cheese, comestibles, eatables, victuals, edibles, ingesta, grub, grubstake, prog, meat, bread, bread stuffs, cerealia, cereals, viands, cates, delicacy, dainty, creature comforts, contents of the larder, fleshpots, festal board, ambrosia, good cheer, good living, beef, bisquit, bun, cornstarch, cookie, cooky, cracker, doughnut, fatling, hardtack, hoecake, hominy, mutton, pilot bread, pork, roti, rusk, ship biscuit, veal, joint, piece de resistance, roast and boiled, remove, entremet, releve, hash, rechauffe, stew, ragout, fricassee, mince, pottage, potage, broth, soup, consomme, puree, spoonmeat, pie, pasty, volauvent, pudding, omelet, pastry, sweets, kickshaws, condiment, appetizer, hors d'oeuvre, main course, entree, alligator pear, apple, apple slump, artichoke, ashcake, griddlecake, pancake, flapjack, atole, avocado, banana, beche de mer, barbecue, beefsteak, beet root, blackberry, blancmange, bloater, bouilli, bouillon, breadfruit, chop suey, chowder, chupatty, clam, compote, damper, fish, frumenty, grapes, hasty pudding, ice cream, lettuce, mango, mangosteen, mince pie, oatmeal, oyster, pineapple, porridge, porterhouse steak, salmis, sauerkraut, sea slug, sturgeon ("Albany beef"), succotash, supawn, trepang, vanilla, waffle, walnut, table, cuisine, bill of fare, menu, table d'hote, ordinary, entree, meal, repast, feed, spread, mess, dish, plate, course, regale, regalement, refreshment, entertainment, refection, collation, picnic, feast, banquet, junket, breakfast, lunch, luncheon, dejeuner, bever, tiffin, dinner, supper, snack, junk food, fast food, whet, bait, dessert, potluck, table d'hote, dejeuner a la fourchette, hearty meal, square meal, substantial meal, full meal, blowout, light refreshment, bara, chotahazri, bara khana, mouthful, bolus, gobbet, morsel, sop, sippet, drink, beverage, liquor, broth, soup, potion, dram, draught, drench, swill, nip, sip, sup, gulp, wine, spirits, liqueur, beer, ale, malt liquor, Sir John Barleycorn, stingo, heavy wet, grog, toddy, flip, purl, punch, negus, cup, bishop, wassail, gin, coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea, the cup that cheers but not inebriates, bock beer, lager beer, Pilsener beer, schenck beer, Brazil tea, cider, claret, ice water, mate, mint julep, near beer, 2 beer, non- alcoholic beverage, eating house, diner, hippophage, glutton, eatable, edible, esculent, comestible, alimentary, cereal, cibarious, dietetic, culinary, nutritive, nutritious, gastric, succulent, potable, potulent, bibulous, omnivorous, carnivorous, herbivorous, granivorous, graminivorous, phytivorous, ichthyivorous, omophagic, omophagous, pantophagous, phytophagous, xylophagous, across the walnuts and the wine, blessed hour of our dinners!, now good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both!, who can cloy the hungry edge of appetite?.
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oceanic-recollection · 9 months
Did you know. Epullate shark
<APIS> Only a little... but they're soo cute!! I'd love to know more about those little guys.
<APIS> You know, Wobby's markings look a little like the markings on those guys.. hmmmmm!
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Personel Polsek Malingping Polres Lebak, Amankan Penyaluran BLT BBM
Personel Polsek Malingping Polres Lebak, Amankan Penyaluran BLT BBM
RELASIPUBLIK.OR.ID, LEBAK || Personel Polsek Malingping Polres Lebak Brigadir Epul dan Briptu Warih melaksanakan pengamanan penyaluran dana bantuan langsung tunai atau BLT BBM kepada warga penerima, bertempat di Kantor Pos Kecamatan Malingping, Rabu 21 September 2022. Penyaluran dana BLT BBM tersebut di berikan kepada 765 KPM (Keluarga Penerima Manfaat) masing-masing menerima sebesar Rp 300.000…
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I cum a lt of loads in a lot of girls and im really proud of that. i love firing off hot big giantic loads in side of thse women all of them its an absolute shitload of htem that take my cum and they love it and cum when i blow a big load in them because they know that they are taking my alpha male alignment cum inside of them .
i love that i have all this money and lc 500 man it;s aweosme. yes i lov epulling that thing out honesly it fucking rocks. heas 
I hope I’m so fucking rich that I can pick from my choice of these things and do them all fucking day long:
Go to the shooting range
Get a blowjob at hsh
Gym workout with a personal trainer
Martial arts 
Booster juice
Any restaurant
Health food shop
Turo sports car rental
float tank
I want to have the money to put Crossclimate 2 with RPF1 rims on EVERY single car. The perfect performance. That would satisfy me.
I want to have ALL reliable cars. No cars giving me trouble. Smooth sailing. That’s what I want to have. 
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slaygentford · 3 years
pedagogy reading for pedagogy class. chapter 8 sentence one (1). “jack Kerouac explained that he wrote his novel on the r
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trunkzbriefs · 5 years
god i only have 21 stonesssssssssssss
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