#Enterprise Rewatch
weerd1 · 3 months
ENT Rewatch Starlog, 18 March, 2024: Episode 3.16 “Doctor’s Orders”
Phlox and Porthos walk through an apparently empty NX-01, stopping to visit Captain Archer who lies asleep with a device on his forehead.
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Flash back to a few days before and there is an area of spatial anomaly brought on by the spheres between them and Azati Prime. It would add a lot of time to go around, and if they go through damage the human minds. Phlox suggests that he would not be affected. He’ll put all the human crew into a mental stasis while Enterprise crosses the area of space. 
At first, Phlox is having a fine time, getting caught up on writing to friends, playing with Porthos, occasionally feeding his pets in the nude. But while watching a film, he hears something moving.
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Tracking it through the ship he ends up in the shuttlebay, and indeed finds T’Pol—also not sedated—who doesn’t know what he’s hearing. The incidents get worse, and Phlox sees Xindi insectoids on board. T’Pol finds nothing, and suspects Phlox is having some sort of breakdown, possibly based on loneliness considering how social Denobulans are. He insists on checking the ship with a phase pistol, and upon almost blasting Porthos, begins to realize that maybe she is correct. He scans and finds that in fact there is a non-lethal, but potentially hallucinogenic effect in his brain. 
He prepares to put himself under and leave T’Pol in charge since they will be through the region of space in six hours, but she begins to panic, also suffering from the anomaly. Worse, the area has expanded faster than anticipated, and though Tucker said they shouldn’t, the ship will have to warp to escape. Phlox and T’Pol bumble through with her seemingly useless.
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They do escape however, and once free, Phlox’s mind is restored. He wakes up Archer, and before going on to the crew escorts T’Pol to her quarters. There he finds the Vulcan sedated; the T’Pol he has been talking to has also been a hallucination. 
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A fun episode that makes you feel like it’s falling into the helpless T’Pol trope, but is saved in the reveal that she couldn’t help because she isn’t real.  It does turn out to be a nice exploration of Phlox’s character and a good way to do a bottle show while still getting the overall arc to move along. I do wonder though is Phlox hallucinates almost shooting Porthos; the Beagle forgives him pretty quickly.
Nice callbacks as well to the earlier episode “Dear Doctor” with Phlox’s friend Dr. Lucas getting a letter. We’ll of course get to meet the good doctor in Season 4 during the Augments story arc. 
Also a fun line when Phlox suspects he’s hearing things because the week prior, Trip showed him “The Exorcist.” 
Next Voyage: Archer has to determine whether all his eggs go in one basket after Enterprise finds a Xindi Insectoid “Hatchery.”
(Images taken from the main website for @trekcore; I am happy to remove the images if asked.)
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aromantictendi · 2 years
Enterprise rewatch s4e10 Daedalus
I really like this episode. Trek has made such a big deal about the inventor of the warp drive, but the transporter was also revolutionary and a new technology in this time period. It makes a lot of sense to delve into that a bit. Emory was a great character.
I appreciate that they address the idea the transporter just creates a copy of what/who it transports because that's something I think about a lot, haha. I'm very curious how they proved it didn't.
I also like that we get a bit of backstory/fleshing out of Archer. I'd really enjoy a novelization about this early Starfleet period where all these amazing technological breakthroughs were happening but being tempered by the Vulcans. It feels like an interesting time.
You know from the episode title Quinn isn't going to make it, but I still cry during that scene every time.
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quasi-normalcy · 2 years
Of all of the Star Trek episodes where they go back in time to the present day, Enterprise's "Carpenter Street" is by far the worst.
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spockvarietyhour · 1 month
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kyurochurro · 3 months
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this weeks (and LAST weeks too cos I took forever to finish WHOOPS) uni sketch is from the one with the whales ft. movie spirk taking an ice cream date in the middle of their mission! the consensus from the masses was that Spock would eat mint ice cream >:p
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deltaquadrantbaby · 6 months
Trip (who was initially presented as the erratic one) becoming the voice of reason who follows T’Pol and Archer around trying to stop them getting themselves/the entire ship killed is excellent character growth
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mirabilefuturum · 11 months
Trip: would you rather commit suicide or-
Malcolm: I'd rather commit suicide yes
Trip: I didn't finish the-
Malcolm: no worries :)
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Archer is literally the Reagan of Star Trek
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New Trekkies Finding Out About Starfleet
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Image link.
[Caption description: Astronaut meme.
Earth labeled Star Trek with emblem.
First Astronaut: Wait, Starfleet has been prone to corruption in every series?
Second Astronaut with original series Star Trek title over gun: Always has been.]
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forfuckssakejim · 7 months
I am not,,,, immune to t'pol in a crop top and booty shorts....
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emilinqa · 16 days
in my long time as a star trek fan i have never been able to gauge the consensus on enterprise. it’s the one series i’ve not actually even seen a single episode of and i have never been able to figure out how everyone feels about it as st not just i like these characters. anyone out there seen enterprise do you love it do you hate do you think it’s mid tell me please
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weerd1 · 1 month
ENT Rewatch Starlog, 5 May, 2024- Final Entry: Episode 4.03 “Home”
Archer and his senior staff are welcomed home where the Captain gives a speech reminding everyone of the 27 crewmembers lost in the operations to stop the Xindi.
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He prepares for a board of inquiry regarding the mission while reconnecting with Erica Hernandez, former romance who is about to take command of the NX-02 Columbia.
T’Pol asks Trip if he would accompany her to Vulcan and he agrees. They arrive at T’Pol’s childhood home where she is surprised to find her mother, T’Les, at home.
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T’Les informs her that she has stepped down from the Vulcan Science Academy, and is herself surprised that T’Pol has brought a colleague home. Later alone, she mentions to T’Pol that Koss, her betrothed, has been reaching out. 
Reed, Mayweather, and Phlox are in a bar in San Francisco when they are accosted by humans who display ignorant prejudice against Phlox (because prejudice, xenophobia, and judging someone by race or species is ignorance and if I have to tell you that I wonder what the hell you’re doing watching Star Trek in the first place) which results in a fistfight. Phlox demonstrates an old Denobulan defensive posture inflating his face, which scares off the human dipshits. Later, when invited to the surface by Hoshi Sato, Phlox chooses to stay on Enterprise.
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Ambassador Soval seems to be out to get Archer during his inquiry, specifically about the Vulcan ship that was destroyed during their Zombie-like attack. Archer loses his cool and is ordered by Admiral Forrest to take some time off. He decides to go rock climbing but is joined by Hernandez. In the course of their climb Archer begins to display the inner turmoil he’s been dealing with since his actions in the Expanse, and tells Hernandez that he wants to be away form her for reminding him of what he used to be. She offers to help him find that man again together, and they kiss.
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Tucker is beginning to grow on T’Les, particularly after doing some repairs around home. Koss arrives and asks to speak to T’Pol. He reveals he will not break their betrothal, offering even to resort to the Kal-If-Ee  if necessary—the fight to the death for the bride. T’Pol continues to reject him until he tells her that her mother was asked to step down from the academy because of T’Pol making enemies in the Vulcan High Command. He says his influential father could restore her status.
T’Pol takes Trip to the statues near the Vulcan Forge and tells him she will marry Koss.  Later when confronted by T’Les, Tucker admits that at that moment he realized he loves T’Pol.  T’Les says T’Pol should know that. Tucker remains silent however, and tells T’Pol how wonderful she looks. She steals a quick kiss, and then the marriage proceeds.
Archer completes his hearing and stays after to apologize to Soval. Soval states he has listened to T’Pol and reviewed the case. He is grateful to Archer for saving not just Earth but the Alpha Quadrant from the Expanse, and shakes his hand.
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This is a very good episode giving us the closing to the Xindi storyline we needed. I know it’s beating a dead horse, but something like this I believe would have served the end of Voyager well. I especially appreciate the post-trauma reaction Archer is going through (something I have also experienced after my own service in war zones) and if I had to complain about anything in this episode it would just be that it could have used one more scene of him finding a little more reconciliation. The implication that he will be better because he doesn’t have to face it alone is great, but I think a little too much of the healing happens off screen.
Let’s however hear it for Ada Maris as Erika Hernandez (though she goes un-named here…and that’s dumb). Dispelling the old TOS line about the realm of being a Starship Captain being for men is great; I know we see her again, but it’s a shame season 5 didn’t let us see some more. I am very aware of the Beta Canon fate of the NX-02, and the evolution of her character, but would love to have some more just plain Captain Hernandez stories.  
The Tri’Pol stuff here is the kind of thing that propels a thousand shippers (me too) and is so well played for the tragedy.  As much as I praise Ada Maris as Hernandez, let’s also applaud Joanna Cassidy (a science fiction legend herself) as T’Les. Not only do I immediately buy her as T’Pol’s mother, but she brings a calm a subtlety to match Jolene Blalock, that was too often replaced with arrogance for Vulcans on this show. But this?
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This is a knife to the heart in the best way.
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The introduction of a human xenophobia is good here, and wow do I wish it were less relevant to us today. I know this will play out later in the season with Earth First movements, etc, but even when this aired, I think it said a lot about what happened in the US after September 11th with many darker skinned people being assaulted in a blanket reaction to actual terrorists (my then brother-in-law among them). I wish we’d learned more in the last 20 years, but also hope we’ll learn more by 2154. Watching the news though admittedly gives me some of Archer’s pessimism.
But this brings it to an end; I have spent the last few months rewatching and reviewing the Xindi storyline, and for the most part find it holds up pretty well, perhaps even better than I received it then. There are certainly some missteps along the way, but it has definitely reinforced my appreciation for this show as a much stronger member of the Trek family than me as a dumb-ass continuity-obsessed gate-keeper two decades back might have thought. Glad I got better, and I hope we all can, honestly.  There is new Trek I love, and some I think really misses the mark, but in the end Star Trek is ALWAYS relevant, and all Star Trek speaks to someone.  I can’t fault that. Gives me faith of the heart. 
If you’ve read these and enjoyed them, thank you for coming along with me. If you've like to find the rest they are all tagged "enterprise rewatch" and "xindi saga" on my blog.
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(Images taken from the main website for @trekcore; I am happy to remove the images if asked.)
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aromantictendi · 2 years
Enterprise re-watch s4e7-9
Not to be dramatic but I would take a bullet for T'Pau.
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elemental-queen-writes · 11 months
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spockvarietyhour · 4 months
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Hoshi knows exactly what's she doing and she's milking T'Pol on this for all she's worth
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God damn it I finished my Enterprise rewatch and now I'm mad all over again
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