#Enjoy the non-canon interaction ohoho
starlytenight · 1 year
Glad to see you're taking time to get better! Got a question if you're interested in answering- If Galacta Knight gets an opportunity to actually have a decent conversation with Morpho, what would they talk about?
Oh, this one is too good not to do a small off-canon comic for because let's just say such an encounter would uh completely derail everything at the moment, even if it's just a moment of conversation hahaha. >:)c But it's too juicy not to think about. Enjoy~♫
The only way this would technically be possible would be Galacta wandering in into Morpho's domain through the Dreamscape, which could absolutely happen actually. Though between them... simple small talk won't exactly fly.
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Feeling conflicted is pretty alien to a god.
As is questioning one's purpose.
Happy Belated Valentine's Day✨💖
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subdee · 5 years
Salty time 1, 19, 23!
1.  What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
19.  What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
23.  Unpopular character you love?
Ohoho we are getting really salty this time huh?  Asking for my opinions on the fandom, not just the canon, I see your game anon :P   
Chrollo/Kurapika.  Man, I really don’t understand this one.    Maybe someone who does ship this can explain the appeal in notes.  Generally I’m a vanilla shipper and I enjoy pairings where the characters have similar goals and values, and the relationship is a net positive that improves their lives.   
Before I write anything, let me just say that I’m coming at this from the perspective of an old fan, where most of my internalized ideas about what’s OK in fandom are coming from Livejournal fan culture 2004-2006 (pre-Strikethrough).  
Now obviously, there was fan drama on livejournal too, but the tools were different, it was more about who you privacy-locked out of certain journal entries  and less about sending anon hate, which was not really done (even though we did have anon commenting, but you could turn on IP tracking and figure out who was commenting that way).  Also, there was no option to block or filter tags on livejournal, so we didn’t have any social etiquette around those things.  And also also, and I think this is probably the key, the main way to interact with other people was to write long text posts (since in order to embed pictures or video, you had to host them yourself).  Then, in order to talk to someone, you had to write comments on their entries, which was sort of like being a guest in their house.  
On tumblr, not only do you have all these new ways of interacting enabled by the technology of the platform (anon messaging, blocking tags, blocking users), but the main way you interact with others is by sharing things you like, frequently without comment, and by liking things other people share.  Actually, there’s a feeling that long comments or just long text entries in general are a burden because they impede the scroll, and so all the commentary goes into tags.  And I think this creates a culture where people believe that the best way to get to know someone is to see what they like.  
However, I personally think that what people “like” is only a very small part of who they are.  The only real way to get to know someone is to talk to them… whether that’s in public comments, by private DM, or by chat… there’s all kinds of beliefs that people might hold, all kinds of experiences they might have had, maybe nuances or contradictions in how they think about things, that you cannot know just by seeing what they repost.   
I don’t think this is a problem only on tumblr by the way, though the option for anon commenting probably makes it worse.  We are taking complex human experiences, and simplifying them to the “recently watched” interest box on Facebook… and it’s so easy to create content, that there’s just tons of things vying for our attention all the time.  The vast majority of all interactions on this site (and other social networks too) are superficial and people are way too quick to judge others for superficial things.  
I’m also not a fan of blocking people based on who they talk to, it just creates and us-or-them mentality and makes it seem like I will be forced to take sides.  Most of my opinions on cannon are non-controversial and in 15 years of being in fandom I’ve never been involved in fan drama of any kind.  The idea that I could get involved in someone’s desire to signal their values and/or group affiliation via the block button just because I reblogged a post from the wrong person or talked to the wrong person is crazy to me.  
Are any HxH characters truly unpopular?   I mean, some are villainized, which makes sense, because they are villains :P  Hmm of the adult trio, I’ll say I enjoy how Illumi is written the most, though “love” is probably too strong.  I had a good friend once who was the oldest in an abusive household, even her brother who was born like five years after her was treated completely differently because her parents had chilled out a bit by then and she was there to shield him from the worst of their abuses.  (And maybe her gender had something to do with it also). It’s interesting to me that in Illumi and Hisoka’s relationship of mutual convenience and being mutually creepy groomers who enable each other in their respective abuse schemes, Illumi puts *way* more work into the relationship than Hisoka does, from what we see on the screen.  But Hisoka does more for people he’s just met, even if “doing more” means not killing them when he could have.  Anyway, I think Illumi is a well-written villain with good character design.  Stories need good villains or there’s no conflict.  
As for minor(ish) characters… I like Machi.  There’s nothing deep here, I just enjoy her character design.  It’s hard to understand how she could have been involved in something like the Kurta massacre, from what we see she has healing powers and why would a healer get involved in a massacre?  Maybe this will be explained, maybe not.  Either way I’m glad Togashi changed his mind about killing her off, HxH doesn’t have enough female characters as it is (although compared to other Jump manga, there are tons of good female characters - we are spoiled).  I also like Tsubeppa, as a science major I relate. 
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mihanada · 5 years
jin guangyao x nie huaisang don't hold back
001 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it if I did: I haven’t shipped it before, but sure, why not.
my thoughts: ohoho the layers of manipulation. and the layers of betrayal and masks. by the end, neither can tell what was genuine in their interactions, what was merely a part of the act. was what you felt for me a lie? was what I felt for you a lie? and which answer am I more afraid of? that I was nothing more than a puppet to you, or that I am willing to destroy the one I love?
What makes me happy about them: the annngst. but also, their limited interactions in canon, with Jin Guangyao supporting Nie Huaisang’s hobbies and defending him against his brother, and Nie Huaisang shamelessly going to him and Lan Xichen for help in everything. but mostly the angst, because ulterior motives could’ve been behind any of that.
What makes me sad about them: see the above!
things done in fanfic that annoys me: haven’t read any
things I look for in fanfic: I would want something that doesn’t erase all those ambiguities, of course
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I like Jin Guangyao with either of his sworn brothers. And Wen Ning/Nie Huaisang is cute.
My happily ever after for them: can there be a happy ending for them
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Nie Huaisang is the little spoon. height doesn’t matter much here, and he would enjoy the cuddles
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: leisurely artsy activities? um, anything that drags Jin Guangyao away from his responsibilities to relax a bit.
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