#Elyon gives me warlock vibes. he looks like and sounds like the type to make a deal with the devil.
adastra121 · 5 months
Touchstarved as DnD?
Disclaimer! I really only know Dungeons & Dragons via Baldur’s Gate, but this is how I imagine each Touchstarved LI would class. BG3 doesn’t have every class, so I’m just using the ones I know from the game. Please feel free to reblog with your own ideas and headcanons if you have (hehe) insight!
Kuras= Cleric, if the nunnery doubled as a med school. I think it would fit because of the cleric class's use for healing and all the religious themes around it — and Kuras is a doctor and an angel. And according to a friend of mine more experienced in DnD, clerics are one of the most powerful classes in your party. That seems fitting with how Kuras might actually be one of the most powerful in the main 5.
Leander= Sorcerer-Bard. Sorcerers are spellcasters that have inherent magic in their bloodline. Isn’t he from a Highborn family known for their magic users? And wasn’t it mentioned that he’s a gifted mage? Anyway, it seems like powerful magic comes naturally to him — for now. Maybe it’s actually a warlock situation, where some other entity is giving him his powers, because he wasn’t born with magic, maybe his gift is a lie and he had to make deal to be able to wield powerful magic like everyone expects him to and whoa, this isn’t the post for theories like this, back to classes—Bards are also spellcasters they are known for their charm, storytelling, and performance. Leander is a charmer and a performer — I’m not sure if he’s a musician, but his ability to command the attention of a crowd and weave any narrative is very bard-like.
Vere= Druid-Rogue. Druid might be a bit of a cheap shot, it’s…it’s because animal. XD Druids’ powers are connected to nature — they can shapeshift into animals. And Vere appears to have a fox beast form that he transforms into, judging by his shadow. I wasn’t going to put him in Rogue class, but his ability to pickpocket MC in the demo? That’s stealth and dexterity proficiency at play. And judging by the tour of Eridia post, he seems to break into places (Kuras’s clinic) often, which is classic rogue activity.
Ais= Warlock-Barbarian. Barbarian for the rage — all those hints about Ais’s calm surface hiding a great depth of emotions and how he can lose control of them — and warlock because it seems like he has a deal with Ocudeus, similar to warlocks and their patrons (from what I understand, warlocks make a contract with a magical being for their powers).
Mhin= Druid-Rogue. I’ve heard of a Bloodhunter which might fit them more, but I don’t know much about it, unfortunately. I put down rogue because they seem to be good at ambush hunting and sneaking in the demo, both important to how a rogue fights. And as for the druid part, they seem to have a beast form like Vere.
As for the Touchstarved MCs, based on each backstory, it seems like Unnamed would be a Cleric, Hound would be a Rogue, and Alchemist would be a Wizard.
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