#ESPECIALLY Zatch Bell 2
tlgtw · 3 months
It's so fucked how good Zatch-Bell! and Zatch-Bell! 2 are.
I honestly think they're some of the best shonens, even as they're for such a young demographic.
The character art is really choppy but the environments are readable and the SFX for explosions and motion and stuff are just stupendous. If I had any courage I'd take it as as my sign to stop worrying about my art so much and actually just make that thing I want to.
Well! So be it.
I have a lot to do, regardless, I'm not wasting time.
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Since I hit 1k followers, I thought I would share a little more information about myself.
1. I'm kind of a shut-in since I have social anxiety and whatnot, I don't really open my personality out more unless I'm around people I feel comfortable with. In general, I prefer people who wouldn't judge me for my actions, my likes/dislikes, my gender, my sexuality, my fears, etc. and someone who doesn't get bored of me for not talking so much.
2. I'm a sweet tooth person, I have a lot of foods and drinks I like so I will list a couple. I like: Oreos, pizza (cheese with garlic), sugar frosting cookies, red velvet cake, donuts (chocolate and jelly-filled ones), sardines, yellowfin tuna, Mac n cheese (the one where you cook it in a pot), ice cream, fried chicken (Popeyes), and cheesecake!
I personally like soft drink sodas like: Sprite, fanta, Pepsi, and ginger ale!
3. I am currently asexual or aromantic, but I am still questioning my sexuality since I don't really know which one I am or not.
4. Hmm...I guess I wouldn't mind sharing the types of TV shows, animes, and video games I like. I have a lot of childhood TV shows I like and I still watch them today! My personal favorites are: South Park Tom and Jerry, TMNT, and Breadwinners! I like other TV shows but those 4 are my favorite ones that I always watched! and me liking South park should be obvious since my whole blog is filled with it Lmao.
I don't watch a lot of anime so I would list a few that I like. MHA, TBHK, and Zatch Bell.
Fnaf and Omori are probably the only video games I like.
5. I personally don't mind answering questions about myself, but as long as it isn't too personal I will answer almost anything (within my range of knowledge lol)
6. And the reason why I started this blog is because I'm not a huge fan of some south park stories I've read, especially the ones where they give the reader physical appearances (Hair length, color, eye color, clothes, and you get the idea). I am kind of tired of always reading a fanfic or scenario thinking that the gender is going to be male or neutral but I get jump scared by she/her pronouns. But putting all of that out of the way, I basically wanted to write my own fanfics and scenarios and I chose to write about south park so I started this blog. I know that everyone is not good at writing stuff but there are some good fanfics and scenarios I've read from people that are great!
By reading people's requests is giving me more motivation to continue writing more south park scenarios and headcanons! If I'm being honest, I probably will never get tired of south park it is my comfort life. But yeah, sorry for making you all have to read this 😅😅
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dranxis · 5 months
If you don't want to see spoilers for Zatch Bell 2 (especially time-skip character designs), I'd recommend blocking these two tags:
zatch bell 2
konjiki no gash 2
(I'm using both tags on my posts right now, but might switch to using just one tag in the future)
I plan on drawing spoilery fanart from time to time. I'll also reblog other people's fanart whenever I'm ready to look at my dashboard/browse tags again.
I'm not sure if time-skip character designs are considered major spoilers, but! Since some of the designs revealed so far have been a little shocking, I thought I'd give advance notice for the sake of any followers who hate spoilers as much as I do.
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feel like I've mentioned this but did y'all know there a zatch bell 2? only 5 chapters out currently but a nice throwback especially that last chapter, gonna let it build but can't wait to see the lads going at it again
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pastelpolitoed · 3 years
4, 12, 31!!
4. what are you looking forward to? ngl I am SO looking forward to slamming myself face down on my bed and sleeping for the next century, ive been averaging like 4 hours of sleep a night this past week for a buncha reasons and i am BEAT, i am SO ready to crash but also im looking forward to a trip I'm taking + taking a lotta photos there + having 2 weeks off where I'm gonna go on so many hikes/nature walks, binge so much anime and just decompress ;~ ;
12. what is something you want right now? tbh? now that im in a room with the AC blasting right in my face, some tea would be amazing. Tea, hot cocoa, something along those lines while being under like a buncha blankets and finally making progress on playing Final Fantasy 1 (im tryna play all the games, and between juggling that, Ace Attorney, rewatching Dragonball Kai and a few other games its gonna take forever oof)
31. 3 random facts did you know? tear staining in a dogs face, while common in a bunch of smaller breeds and can have multiple causes, is also frequently is either caused by or worsened by the red food dye in your dogs food. if your dog has terrible eye stains, try switching to a food with less (or none, ideally) red food dye and see if it makes a difference (bonus fact: remember to swap to the new food gradually, as switching foods cold turkey can cause digestive issues) did you know? the common "goldfish bowl", typically a 1 gallon glass or plastic tank, is good for pretty much nothing! fuck those things! especially for calling it a goldfish bowl, when goldfish typically need a tank that is 2 gallons for every inch of fish *minimum*. This is because of the sheer amount of ammonia they produce in their waste, among a buncha other reasons but. bonus fact cause this gets me heated: there is no such thing as an animal that gets "as big as its enclosure". What actually happens is (warning, graphic description): the fishes organs continue to grow, while the bones dont have the space given the restrictions. this eventually leads to the goldfish dying when they are supposed to live for 10-30 years depending on type of goldfish. did you know? bonus fish fact because i mentioned fish and its the first thing that comes to mind: when feeding a fish, pinch the flakes (or bloodworms, or pellets, or whatever you are feeding) and push it under the surface of the water for easier access while feeding your fish! when fish swim to the surface to eat, they can swallow air, which can cause bloat and, eventually, kill the fish. If you notice your fish has bloat (a bubble looking protrusion on their belly area, typically coupled with the fish swimming upside down) try to feed your fish thawed, deshelled frozen peas. This can help move the digestive track along, helping your fish friend survive the bloat! bonus did you know because idk if these were supposed to be personal or random facts: over quarantine i accidentally tripped into being a Zatch Bell fan, and bought the whole manga release in Japanese, which is what propelled me to finally get off my ass and start learning Japanese like I've been meaning to for years. I can read almost none of it as it stands! But im working on it! Thank you for the questions~!!! 💙
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The Gamecube review
So, it has been 18 years since the Gamecube was released and now, with my newfound free time, I can finally review what I’ve experienced from its gaming library. First, I’d like to say that this review is only my opinion, although it might be a bit controversial since I have my own issues with it. Second, I’ll divide the games in some categories for this review.
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Gamecube had an abundance of platformers, with most of them being in 3D. It’s a bit like the N64 era, but with even less 2.5 D platformers (aside from Megaman, Viewtiful Joe, or Alien Hominid). I ended up liking most 2.5 D platformers on the console and Donkey Kong:Jungle Beat remains an amazing game, despite being very easy. Due to this oversaturation, most of them tried very hard to stand out by mixing up gameplay mechanics with something “cool” (guns, cars, etc.) to appeal to kids and I ended up not liking those too much, such as Ty, Shadow The Hedgehog, Vexx, etc. Meanwhile, the other games that stayed true to themselves became classics always considered by fans, such as Billy Hatcher & The Giant Egg, Pac-Man World 2, Super Mario Sunshine even though I don’t like that game at all, etc. While I wasn’t really a fan of the direction platformers were taking during that era, which heavily affected their quality, there are still a few diamonds in the rough.
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Adventure/Role-Playing Games
The Gamecube had plenty of adventure games and, despite open-world games becoming more and more of a thing, the Gamecube had very few open-world games. Only The Incredible Hulk:Total Destruction, True Crime, or even GUN were open-world on the consoles. So, more traditional adventure games were put on the console. I really loved The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker for what it was, despite a few problems it had. Starfox Adventures was also decent, but far from great. The Legend Of Zelda:Twilight Princess tried too hard to please its “hardcore gamerz” fanbase and to look cool, so I still found the experience slightly dissapointing. At least some gameplay mechanics. The Resident Evil games were also the only source of adventure-horror games on the console aside from Eternal Darkness, which I think is a really great horror game with lots of interesting ideas. Role-Playing games on the console were also fairly scarce, especially compared to the Playstation 2. They were fine, though. Paper Mario:The Thousand-Year Door was pretty good, although a bit overrated due to some characters’ halted development and some gameplay mechanics I am not a fan of. The Baten Kaitos games look like they could have been on PS2 in terms of quality, and are really good games. I thought the Pokémon games on the Gamecube (XD, Colosseum) were really nothing special both in terms of story and gameplay compared to other RPGs despite trying to appeal to an older audience. Tales Of Symphonia was great and could compete with PS2 RPGs. So yeah, I liked the Aventure games/RPGs of the Gamecube, but most weren’t that extraordinary.
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As far as shooters go, there is a big variety of them. Even including a few 2D shoot-em-ups, although only Ikaruga is really fondly remembered. The vast amount of First-Person Shooters on the console wasn’t really that surprising and rarely did any of them try to stand out. Two titles that stood out to me were Metroid Prime 1 and 2. Rather than just focusing on killing the bad guys, there was a vast amount of effort put into exploration and, while the sight of a 3D Metroid game doesn’t instantly make me happy, that’s something I can honestly get behind. I’m glad Retro Studios took their time to create a deeper universe for Metroid. They were a few other shooters, such as Metal Arms:Glitch in the System, but I don’t think that many of them stood out on the Gamecube aside from Killer 7 and P.N. 03, but that game isn’t the best due to its unusual controls. Star Fox: Assault might not have been the best game in the series, but it was still somewhat alright to play and kept the arcade-like spirit of the franchise. Oh, and there’s also Geist, a Nintendo-made First-Person Shooter. Too bad it had a great idea that was better executed elsewhere.
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Fighting games
Unlike the N64, the Gamecube got quite a few good fighting games. Sure, most of them are licensed games, but most of them were really fun. Even better is that Mortal Kombat appeared on the console in 2004. Super Smash Bros. Melee might be rushed, but it still works really well. Custom Robo can also be considered a fighting game, but it has an interesting story mode that’s somewhat darker compared to the happy-go-lucky Nintendo 64 games and can feel like an RPG due to its structure. The 90’s atmosphere is what sold me to this game. As for the licensed titles, anime games based on Naruto or Zatch Bell were fine, but they also weren’t the best fighting games in existence due to a copious amount of problems. This era saw the birth of a bunch of Power Stone clones for some reason (One Piece:Grand Battle, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, etc.), which was a good thing, in my opinion. The only bad thing about it is that Capcom still won’t make Power Stone 3 despite their formula being so successful other companies ripped them off.
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Despite the Gamecube not having a realistic car simulator, it had a good amount of realistic-looking racing games. Too bad I honestly do not care about any of them. F-Zero GX is a fun but somewhat frustrating futuristic racing game. Just be prepared for the mind-crushing difficulty and you’ll have a good time. Mario Kart:Double Dash!! Has some great ideas that kept me hooked for a while, but I’d rather play Mario Kart 8. Kirby Air Ride is probably my favorite racing game on the system: it uses a single button and the joystick to deliver a rather unique experience. I would definitely recommend it. Animal Crossing, on the other hand, is either something you love or just don’t care. I personally think the Animal Crossing novelty wears off after a few weeks, but I still somewhat “like” it. My favorite game on the console has to be Chibi-Robo: a cleaning/simulation/platforming game where you control a small robot that has to clean the Sanderson’s house. It’s weird, charming, and has a unique story that surprisingly ends up being very dark. Luigi’s Mansion was also somewhat dark, yet ended up really being charming and interesting thanks to its nice atmosphere and neat gameplay. As for rhythm games, we only got a few of them, including Dance Dance Revolution:Mario Mix, which only has some neat remixes. Nothing else about it is really worth the price. Speaking of Mario spin-offs, I really didn’t like some of the ones on the Gamecube. Super Mario Strikers has a single unlockable team, Mario Superstar baseball’s mechanics rarely work and the AI might take advantage of that during the single-player mode, Mario Power Tennis’s gimmicks didn’t entertain me enough to prefer the game over the N64 one, Mario Party 4’s mushroom mechanics were somewhat predictable, and Mario Party 7’s mic-enhanced minigames and overall board designs just bored me. That was the time when I stopped caring about Mario spin-offs.
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Overall, I liked the Gamecube’s gaming library, although I didn’t like many aspects of it and had a much better time with the PS2 or even the Dreamcast. I think the Gamecube MIGHT be a bit overrated due to a good amount mainstream gamers growing up with it using their pink nostalgia glasses in order to complain that THEIR era was better than the current era, just like a good amount of previous Nintendo fans complaining on forums about how THEIR era was better back in 2001-2006. It’s an eternal cycle.
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suki90 · 5 years
Konjiki no Gash Bell / Zatch Bell One-shot
Disclaimer: I do not own Konjiki no Gash Bell or Zatch Bell, all rights are reserved by Makoto Raiku.
Author: Suki90 Spanish title: Vuelve pronto. English title: Come back soon. Series: Konjiki no Gash Bell/Zatch Bell. Characters: Kiyomaro/Kiyo Takamine, Suzume/Suzy Mizuno, OC, Gash/Zatch (Mention) Pairing: Kiyomaro Takamine x Suzume Mizuno (Kiyo x Suzy)
Completely tired, he dropped himself on the large sofa at the living room. He had worked for hours with his father at the England University, analyzing and trying to decipher ancient writings that they'd recently discovered in one of their expeditions; so the only thing he was looking for was to be able to rest and sleep, even just a little.
But he well knew that that was not what he wanted. "Ah, who I'm kidding? It's been more than fourteen years, but I'm still not used to this serene tranquility...," he said to himself as he straightened his head and rested his arms on his legs. "I can't believe... that it's really been so long..."
He took out a small photograph from his pocket and stared a it, the picture was a bit old but it didn't matter, he always brings it with him because of the meaning it had.
The photograph took place in the mountains, from the time he had gone with his group to a summer camp. All of his companions back then were there, having fun, having a good time.
A smile crossed his face, that picture brought him back fond memories of when he finally started making friends and getting along with his class. They were difficult times, but he was able to overcome everything that prevented him from being an ordinary teenager...
And it was all thanks to that little person with yellow hair and amber eyes who was right next to him in that portrait.
"It's incredible how much time has passed," he thought as he looked the picture with nostalgia. "Fourteen years, Zatch... And I can't still believe it. Despite having learned to live without your scandalous presence I still miss you a lot," he said in his head, stroking the portrait lightly. "You were an important part of my life, one of my first friends, an unforgettable companion, someone brave who never gave up, and who pushed me to keep going on no matter how hard and difficult it seemed."
Leaning back on the sofa he allowed himself to close his eyes for a moment so he could remember each situation he had lived with his little monster, that child who never seemed to get tired.
Thanks to him his life changed, and for good. It was through Zatch that he was finally able to make friends, because of him he met wonderful people throughout the world like: Li En and Won Rei, Megumi and Tia, Lori and Kolulu among many others, like the idiot of Parco Folgore and Canchome or the powerful Sherry and Brago.
So many people who in the end showed him how important it was to trust and believe in others, just as Zatch told him from the beginning.
Oh, how he missed him...
Suddenly a slight pull on his pants made him leave his thoughts abruptly. "Daddy..." A thin little voice called to him. The honey-eye colored man finally looked down at his knees and there's where he can see a mini copy of him trying to get his attention. "Daddy..."
At the insistence of who carried the same blood as him in his veins, Kiyomaro Takamine, of 28 years old, had no choice but to make his memories aside and pay attention to his present.
"Hey little one, how long have you been there?" He asked as he stood up and held his son in his arms.
"Kōta has been trying to get your attention for at least 5 minutes." A female voice answered, a voice he knew very well.
Turning his head slightly, the boy raises his hand. "Mommy!"
Kiyo also raised his eyes too to meet a woman with brown hair up to her shoulders and a calm smile.
With the same smile he greeted his son, Kiyo Takamine stared at the woman who gave him one of the best gifts of his life. She, who was his best friend, his companion, his confidant, his lover, his wife. "Hi Suzy..."
Yeah, that's right. The woman who was there smiling to them was the one who used to be called Suzy Mizuno, Kiyo Takamine's clueless highschool classmate.
"Hello, dear Kiyo. Welcome home," she answered while smiling the same way she always do, the smile which made him fall in love with her through time.
Suzy Takamine was now a 27 year old woman who had matured incredibly compared to fourteen years ago, but there were some bad habits that still came up through time such as her hobby of drawing her husband's face on any fruit or vegetables that were placed in front of her, although now she added their little baby's face too, or her bad orientation sense in new places.
However, Kiyo was no longer bothered by those habits because they were what made that girl, who was now his wife and mother of his son, special. But along side with that something incredible came: Suzy turned out to be pretty motherly and cautios with her son. Sure, it can sound contradictory but when it came to Kōta, her little baby, everything was different.
A little restless, the 2 years old boy raised his little arms towards Suzy. "Mommy, Mommy...!" He called with a big smile, so with that Mrs. Takamine approached her son and her husband quickly to enjoy a small family moment.
Kiyo, who was in the middle of both, watched them coexist with a warm smile. Of all that had happened to him throughout his life, this small family he had formed was one of the most precious things he ever thought of having. They were deep inside his heart, as well as the invaluable friendship of that little mammodo that allowed him to leave that dark corridor through which he had walked for a long time.
With a determined and demanding look, Kiyo Takamine observes the sky through the window. "Come on Zatch, you have to come back soon, since I have to introduce you to my son..."
Suki: Well, this was a small writing that came out of nowhere after reading the manga a bit and finishing the anime. It really isn't something really complicated and I just wanted to use certain characters, that's why I didn't mention them all. I hope you liked it, especially the Kiyomaro x Suzume fans. I love that couple, it just seems adorable to me; not that I don't like the Kiyomaro x Megumi ship but... Suzy stole my heart, I'm sorry x3
Thank you for reading!
P.D: I'm so sorry for my grammar mistakes. I'm a Spanish native spearker author, and I just wanted to share my work with the English fandom. If there's anyone who wants to help me by checking this one-shot it'll be amazing!
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deisbookofdemons · 4 years
about the mun! fill this out and tag a few people you’d like to get to know better!
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name: Call me Dei
nickname: Other nicknames include Hyness mun, Bakura mun, Bakura, and Yami Bakura. The last two is because people call me that on Discord. (I use the name Yami Bakura is a cat in most of the Discord groups I’m in. I like the Bakuras so I just went with it.)
preferred pronouns:  She/her
age range: I’m 23
favorite animal: Dragons all the way!
pets?: I have little chihuahua. Her name is Maria. Named after Maria Robotnik. She’s silly but very good. 
how long have you been in this fandom?: If we go backed to my pre-internet days I’d say the early 2000s for YGO and Zatch Bell. I loved Zatch Bell no matter the age. YGO was something I kinda just drifted away from until I rewatched the series. As for A Hat in Time... ever since it released about 2 1/2 years ago. I watched Vinny play it and got it myself for Christmas. No regrets. It’s a fun game.
tattoos/piercings: Nothing. I have sensory disorders so imagine how well those would go.
star sign: Libra
why did you choose this specific character/s?: Oh boy there’s quite a few ocs on this blog but I think I’ll mostly reply with how they came to be and why I like them since they’re my ocs... well guess do by order... Souma and Z were the first two ZB characters I came up with for here and a friend on DA helped me with their spells. However... they were once REALLY old ocs I barely even remember. Souma I only remember being a harpy demon. Z... I remembered the Z on his outfit and him being lazy. I liked them because 1- there’s no harpy demons and an intense speedy harpy is kinda neat 2- They’re characters I made a long time ago... original designs are terrible. I didn’t remember their names but somehow I got Z’s real name the same as the old one? (Zeke) 3- Like Z I’m kinda lazy. I can relate to him just a little bit.
Mehdjet was after them. Once again I had help with the spells and I’d thought it’d be interesting to create a demon from 1,000 years ago as we only really know about a little bit of the ancient demon army. Why do I like her? She’s sweet, she’s a good mom, and she’s pretty smart.
Ramses... well you can kinda thank my bestie for his existence. The ship with her Yami and Mehdjet was just something that kinda happened. It wasn’t planned but I’m glad it happened because the ship is a cute. I love him because he’s basically a gremlin/Asshole murder child.
Aurea... she of course came after Ramses and I thought... hey why not break people’s hearts with a sweet tiny ghost child? I like her because she’s the purest little thing and she does her best to make everyone happy.
Spoopy boi is next... Nameless I chose because I love the Snatcher’s Minions. The spoopy yet cute... also because of the mod that allows you to play as them. I thought... pillows and that mod that allows you to use a pillow as a weapon... and an amnesiac minion would be interesting and that’s mostly how he came to be... I like him because spoopy emotionless boi is kinda interesting. Also again Snatcher Minion cause they spoopy yet cute.
Finally Scarlette. I’ve been thinking about making one of Ramses’s thieves... at first I thought one as a human woman... then I remembered... Ramses isn’t fond of humans... especially female ones... so instead I made her half kitsune and someone Ramses could relate to. I like her because of her personality and backstory and her relationship with Masud is adorable.
As for my side muses Zorc and Ra... Zorc had to be a part because of Ramses with the Millennium Ring so he HAD to have a connection to this blog. Ra is my favorite of the three god monsters also because of my side verses and he eventually ended up as a side muse.
tagged by: Stole et from @ofscarsandmobs​
tagging: Anyone and @millennium-rings-spirit​
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
Editing Irina here: I have to admit this post got a bit away from me. instead of a simple list of anime directors I happen to like it turned into this little diatribe about the role of directors in anime production and now it’s way too long. Still I did enjoy writing it so I’m leaving it in but feel free to skip to the list section. I won’t be sad!
For some time I’ve been under the impression that anime directors have a much bigger impact on their end product than live action directors. By no means am I trying to imply that a traditional director does not shape the works they are a part of but for me, it wasn’t as flagrant. There are a lot of directors whose filmography stuns me. Unless they’re big names they don’t necessarily have that much control over the final cut so even renowned directors have some pretty confusing early movies. To me, I tend to notice writer directors way more, than those that stick to just directing.
But in anime, I almost never get caught off guard. I can usually see clear family resemblances between shows from a same series director even if they get produced by a different studio and are in completely different genres. I’m sure there are a lot of reasons for that but I think one of the main differences is storyboarding.
As far as I know, pretty much all shows and movies have storyboards. It’s a basic part of film production. I’m sure there are some rebels out there who just go out and wing it, but when it comes to animated works it’s considerably less optional. It also has more impact.
Even if a director didn’t write a particular series (or adapt it as is usually the case) they always have a final say on the storyboards, if they didn’t outright create them. The storyboards guide and shape the action in such a precise and deliberate way that it’s impossible not to leave a trace. This makes the director’s input as important and obvious as the writer.
or maybe not… no need to get mad
Of course, anime directors also have control of the appearance of a given series but unlike real life shows they are not bound by physical or budgetary constraints when it comes to setting and are never forced into bad casting…. Actually that’s not true. They don’t have to deal with any particular actor’s looks or physicality but they could get stuck with some horribly miscast voice actor and that can be just as damaging.
This said, as far as appearances go, animation in general allows for a much tighter control over the look of a series than would otherwise be possible. It also allows for easy signature looks. You know certain design styles and colours are favoured by certain directors and show up in most of their works. After a while you can tell at the glance when a new show is likely from a director you like. Of course you can get fooled.
The same type of signature look is very difficult and mostly, very expensive to recreate in a live action setting. Not to mention that because it is so involved, a lot of directors will purposefully avoid creating one as it can end up distracting from the story. I heard that in an interview. I don’t remember the director who said it but I like to think it was subtle shade at Tim Burton.
Animation is a more independent venture than traditional film making. Unlike actors on a set, animators do not have to be physically in the same room to create a scene. Everything is compartmentalized. Designers come up with a design. The tons of artists draw the different elements and scenes, separately. The images go somewhere else to be cleaned up and coloured. They then get put together and edited by different people once more. After that the voice and soundtracks are created. And all these people never even have to meet. The producer and director become much more vital to making sure all the moving parts fit together.
it sometimes works better than others
Because of how central the anime directors role is, they tend to leave their fingerprints all over the production. Not to mention that generally speaking, aside from new media (i.e. YouTube) most media has more oversight than anime and as such anime directors have more freedom to mould their shows than even western animation directors. Let me tell you, most of the stuff that comes out of the big anime studios would never fly at Disney. Wait, does Disney own anime now? It’s possible, they own everything else…
Once again, I want to make sure that I don’t sound like I’m trivializing the role of classic directors. They can make or break a movie or show in any format. I’m just saying that I personally feel the director’s presence more in anime than other mediums.
And it’s therefore particularly bad that I hardly ever acknowledge them. I speak or writers, voice actors, studios but I hardly ever mention directors. I would like to fix that today with a very short list of anime directors I am currently interested in. This is by no means an exhaustive list!
Hiroyuki Imaishi
Renowned key animator, director and co-founder of studio Trigger. Regardless of what people may say about Trigger’s narrative choices, most do agree that their productions are usually stylish and distinctive.
As a director Imaishi has helmed:
Dead Leaves (2004)
Gurren Lagann (2007)
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt (2010)
Kill la Kill (2013)
Space Patrol Luluco (2016)
Promare (2019)
Considering my deep love for both Gurren Lagann, Kill la Kill and Promare, it’s not surprising that he tops my list. Beyond just the visual flare and fantastic palette choices, I find that Imaishi is very skilled at pacing high action with emotional verve. His works are often tongue in cheek and meant to convey deeper meaning and questioning through high speed antics and crazy over the top moments. He manages to balance out both plot and character development with good ole fashion fun in a way that has always managed to suck me in.
Kunihiko Ikuhara
A fantastic creator and veteran of the anime industry, if his name is attached to a project, it has my attention. Especially as a director. Utena alone was enough to win my devotion but this guy also directed:
Sailor Moon R (and a lot of Sailor Moon in fact – also Hell Yeah Sailor Moon!!!)
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Yurikuma Arashi (will see this really soon)
Sarazanmai (I fell in love with this)
I don’t think I made my point clear enough, but Sailor Moon was a great series and it does NOT get enough credit. It should have been considered on of the Big Boys but somehow never makes the list. A travesty. Since Ikuhara often has a hand in writing or storyboarding the shows he directs, they often have a certain feel to them. That feel is bonkers. This guy loves him some surrealism and so do I. I don’t know what his next project will be but count me in.
Yuki Yase
Ok, I’m not gonna lie, I enjoy good visuals and strong compositions. I sort of give them disproportionate importance. So the director of Fire Force made this list. Whatever else it may be, the series has given me some of my best gallery posts by far.
Yuki Yase may not be quite as seasoned as the two I mentioned so far and although he’s worked as an episode director a lot (and in some very prestigious shows), he only has a few full series to his name:
Fire Force (TV)
Hidamari Sketch × Honeycomb (TV)
Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregoto Tsukai (OAV)
Mekakucity Actors (TV)
Admittedly aside from Fire Force I’ve only seen Mekakucity Actors but it made an impression. I would say he is one of the most adventures directors I know, unafraid to experiment with productions. Sometimes even a bit too much but then again, I appreciate the verve. Both shows are distinctive and visually interesting which is enough to make me want to see what’s next.
Naoyoshi Shiotani has been in the business for a while and racked up quite a few credits but as a director, he’s basically done two things. Blood+ and Psycho Pass. But pretty much all of Psycho Pass) I haven’t watched the second season of Psycho Pass (and I haven’t great things), but I have seen clips of it. And one thing I enjoy about Shiotani is his consistence. I can tell its Psycho Pass from a mile away. And it’s not all up to character designs and backgrounds. Colour choice, voice actor delivery, movement framing and camera angles. All of them have a very specific style and remain true in both movies and series throughout the years. There’s a dedication to his direction which I just appreciate. He also manages to spread out a complicated story in such a way that it’s clear for the audience without talking down to the viewers. That’s a gift.
Takuya Igarashi
Wikipedia makes a point of stating that Igarashi is a freelance director, I’m not sure why. And I might never have picked up on this guy until last season of Bungo Stray Dogs basically made me get a pinterest account so I could keep all my screencaps safe. It was gorgeous. The framing in the series, the angles… Beautiful and masterfully integrated into the atmosphere and ambiance of the series.
Bungo Stray Dogs (TV) : Bungo Stray Dogs (TV 3) :
Bungo Stray Dogs 2 (TV) : ) Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple (movie) : Bungo Stray Dogs: Hitori Ayumu (OAV) : Captain Earth (TV) :
Ojamajo Doremi (TV) :
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars (TV) (Hells Yeah Sailor Moon)
Soul Eater (TV) (whoa)
Star Driver (TV)
Zatch Bell: Attack of Mechavulcan (movie 2)
So I guess the moral of the story is, I like directors who worked on Sailor Moon at some point? Good moral. Let’s go with that!
I am going to start paying more attention to the production team when new anime get announced cause that’s usually the best indicator of how likely I am to enjoy a show. Who am I kidding..? I’m gonna look at the promo picture band decide entirely based on that. Reading is hard guys! But maybe I’ll look at the production staff of the first few shows! Baby steps.
Do you have any favourite anime directors? Who are they?
Way Too Long My Top 5 Anime Directors post Editing Irina here: I have to admit this post got a bit away from me. instead of a simple list of anime directors I happen to like it turned into this little diatribe about the role of directors in anime production and now it's way too long.
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