#EO oc: smiley
ragnar0c · 10 months
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🦋Dinner at the Bistro🦋
I 100%ed EO3 twice this year (DS+HD). Same exact party (with some changes and new additions), and I’ll do it again if the time calls for it. Here’s a big piece to celebrate clearing my favorite video game :’]]]
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shuruzy · 29 days
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It worked!!! (ft. @ragnar0c 's Smiley)
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hauntedtrolls · 7 years
Xe was raised under the fae with very loosely defined parameters for gender, and xe is under the firm belief that gender is an illusion. Another effect of this upbringing is that xe is awful at picking up cues for these sorts of things, and completely guesses everyone’s gender at the top of a hat. They all look the same. After being corrected about about someone’s personal gender identity, though, xe is understanding and will use correct pronouns.
Xe has a little shrine set up to the old spirit of the forest, Wydromorah, who passed on his powers to xer. It’s also a gravesite for any of Phouka’s friends that pass.
Xe makes art out of xer forest - someone wandering through the Deepwoods will pass by fixtures made out of multicolored leaves and branches, and intricate patterns made out of vines and moss in the bard of trees. Sometimes, these art installations are part of a puzzle the wanderer might not be aware they are passing by.
Xe likes to make up crazy reasons for how xe died. Lost a poker match to a bear. Jumped into a volcano to appease the volcano gods. Alcohol poisoning to win a bet. Owed someone 15 bucks. The stories are endless and xe makes a new one for every one who asks. This is because xe enjoys telling stories, and xe isn’t really fond of how xe actually died.
Xe has loads of OCs. Xe has oodles. Entire PANTHEONS of OCs, with fucktons of worldbuilding and hours and hours of lore. The main character in all xer stories is a little girl name Eo, a mortal who had most of the letters of her name stolen and is trying to get them back. Everyone else is a denizen of the world she fell into, who is trying to trick her out of the last few remaining letters. Most of them present her with puzzles she must solve, and she survives by outsmarting them and playing tricks to get away.
^Adding on to that, Laukei is a character in xer stories but he is a giant mound of talking sentient manure with a matted tuft of mossy hair growing out of it’s “chin”. Eo defeated him by pulling on his beard until his entire mucus-ridden, smiley form unraveled.
Xe plays more than a few instruments, mainly the ukulele, flute, and violin. Xe loves filking, and also writes a few songs, most with a humorous edge but some also tell stories.
Xe has been known to at times shapeshift into a horse made of bark and flora while wandering the forest. It is ill advised to hop on xer back. Xe also shapeshifts into other forms of wildlife while perusing the forest, mainly to keep an eye on those who wander within it. If you find you are being followed by a green-eyed squirrel, or a deer with branches for antlers, and you have not found a way out of the forest, Phouka may be playing with you.
If you leave xer gifts, xe will repay that. If you ask gifts from xer, xe will expect you to repay that, too. Be careful when making deals with the fae, there are some debts you don’t want to be in.
Phouka acts as a guardian for xer allies. For example, xer Moirail, Lyzeli, a mutant in hiding, has a hive within xer woods that is very well hidden, and Phouka will do what xe can to redirect people away from it to keep her safe. Xe is also allied with the Amityville Coven, and allows them safe passage to certain centers of the forest without getting lost. (The Coven has to leave gifts every once in a while, though. Lyzeli’s gift is just her presence.)
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ragnar0c · 1 year
Drew a Smiley emote!!!
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ragnar0c · 11 months
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Smiley ref…!! HER!!
She’s a circus animal trainer (Wildling), so I changed her design from the typical Sovereign… to… clown!! She’s an adventurer for hire, hence why her ref is slightly greener than the rest of the guild’s.
She’s the playful, easy going “Temp” member. Also Smiley is a nickname that she eventually just changes her name to.
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ragnar0c · 1 year
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The expressions for Smiley’s wip ref 🤡
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ragnar0c · 7 months
1. For smiley and 10 for tank?
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Smiley likes chocolate cocktails! Extra frothy. When she orders she swirls her index fingers around like she’d thinking about what she’ll get. Then when she picks she’ll do a jazz hands like motion. But she’ll get the same thing every time.
“Let’s see…. Can I get one of those chocolatey drinks? ☝️ With extra chocolate shreds! ✨🤗✨” <- she’d order smt like that.
She loves them so much she would probably black out if she didn’t have a surprising and unnatural amount of self control.
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Tank always has his goggles on him. But besides the goggles he’s got plenty in the pouches in his outfit. I was thinking about there being a running gag where he pulls random things out of it! But being serious, he always has the goggles, extra lenses for the goggles/ magnifiers, spare tools, his crossbow, ental, and a flask.
(He promises the flash only has water… 😇)
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ragnar0c · 1 year
I added some of the newer portraits into my game! Most of them aren't really in Ragnarok but interact with them frequently enough for me to enroll them in the guild.
Quick little intros:
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Farming master who is a bit senile, she's over 100. She takes young farmers as her apprentices and calls them all her grand daughter's name instead of their own.
Together they form a farmer's guild almost. She gathers for adventuring guilds, for a price.
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He's not in Ragnarok. Instead, he's in another guild.
Think spiritually enlightened himbo. He is a wandering monk who learns by doing. And he has some extrasensory abilities. Understands the concepts of qi and being a monk, but not.... like social norms or the news in the past 7 years. He's sweaty and cryptic.
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A part of the Princess's shogun fleet. Extremely loyal to Armoroad, and he will do anything for the better interests ofthe country.
Has a mask collection. A chill dude actually. Probably friends with the Guildmaster and legendary in town.
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IM FINDING A WAY TO INCLUDE THIS ONE. This is the coolest portrait I've ever seen. We're working on personality. But just know that the hair turns yellow whenever they use their powers...
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An animal trainer for hire who came from a circus... her name is NOT SMILEY. Tank saw her at the Bistro, called her that and it STUCK. So now she won't tell him her real name.
Ragnarok hires her a lot post game. For reasons. She's silly and I wanna write her for sure tho
I wanna write all of then actually. They... they're SOOOOOOOO good.
Anyway, just needed to brain rot... maybe I'll draw some of them. Or do their cheebs!!
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