#EMIYA assassin
cryleigh · 6 months
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and now for something completely different
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artblock-tm · 1 month
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my sketchbook is so full of fate series characters. oogh
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These next three are self-indulgent doodles of if Fionn and Diarmuid were the companions of Agartha instead of D’Eon and Astolfo
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And this last was an attempt at a design for a fanservant! Oisín :)
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chillchaoticchaos · 3 months
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Thanks to my BF for making this for me because I’m kinda new to the game so I don’t have either of them
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300iqprower · 5 months
HRU Preview: EMIYA (Assassin)
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New Passives:
“Zero-Sum Legacy” - Significantly increase Base NP Gain when attacking [Living Human] enemies. - Change class multiplier from 0.9x to 1.05x when attacking [Magus] enemies. - - Change all enemy class multipliers to 1.05x when this unit is attacked. [Demerit] - Increase Overcharge Level for all other [Emiya] allies by 1 (2 times) when this unit enters the field (Includes Backline). - - Inflict Disastrous Curse (100%, Unremovable) to self for each other [Emiya] ally (Includes Backline). [Demerit]
“Unshakable Among Death” While this unit is affected by Instant Kill Immune or Debuff Immune: - Immune to Seal effects cast by [Human or Star attribute] enemies. - Immune to Buff Removal effects cast by [Human or Earth attribute] enemies. ((If affected by Debuff Immune charges, effects that remove buffs or apply seals will use an immunity charge as if normal debuffs))
Magecraft B -> Mage Killer A++
Increase own Arts Card effectiveness (3 times, 3 turns^). Apply Special ATK [Magus] to self (3 turns). [35-85%] Apply Trait Change to self: - Negate Class disadvantages (Offensive) from [Caster] class enemies (3 turns). - Negate Class disadvantages (Defensive) from [Caster and Alter Ego] class enemies (3 times).
Scapegoat C -> Mercenary Tactics C-
Gain Critical Stars. Apply Target Focus to an ally (1 turn). Decrease Critical Star Gather Rate for an ally by 100% (1 turn). If selected ally is [Human attribute or Pseudo-Servant]: - Inflict Skill Seal on one enemy (1 turn). - Inflict NP Seal [Unremovable] on selected ally (1 turn). [Demerit] [Reduce cooldown by 1 to 6/5/4]
Chronos Rose B+ -> B+++
Deal significant damage to a single enemy that ignores DEF. Decrease Charge for a single enemy. Chance to further decrease Charge by 1 against [Living Human or Magus] enemies. If Break is triggered on [Living Human] servant, apply Magic Seal to them (1 time, 2 turns). If attack deals lethal damage to a [Human attribute or trait], reduce one of this unit’s skill cooldowns by 1 turn (selected randomly from all on-cooldown skills). <Overcharge> Decrease Critical Rate for a single enemy (4^ turns).^ Decrease Attack for a single [Human attribute or trait] enemy (1 turn).  [ATK down scales at 30/40/50/60/70%. Crit down slightly buffed to 15/25/35/45/55%. Chance to further reduce charge scales with level at 30/50/60/65/70%.]
EX Rankup:
Affection of the Holy Grail A+ -> Affection of the Grail EX-
Apply Ignore Invincible for yourself (3 turns). Increase your Critical Strength (3 turns). If there is a [Holy Grail] ally: Increase own Healing Effectiveness (3 turns). If there is a [Greater Grail] ally: Apply Debuff Immune to self (1 time, 3 turns). If there is a [Black Grail] ally: Apply Instant-Death Immune to self (5 times, 3 turns). If there is another [Lesser Grail] ally: Increase own Buff Received Success Rate (3 turns). Decrease Debuff Resist for all non [Grail] allies (except yourself) by 20% (3 turns). [Demerit]^ After 3 turns: Inflict Curse to all [Grail] allies (100, 5 turns). [Demerit]
((thanks to @lightheaded-dullahan for helping!))
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vennyriz22 · 2 years
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nervouswind · 8 months
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Emiya Kiritsugu from Fate series~
One of my old drawings
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ftmshepard · 1 year
random chaldea conversation #1, EMIYA and EMIYA Assassin
I think this still technically counts as father/son bonding?
(Fic under cut)
“Do I know you?”
The words hurt me more than I expect them too. Chaldea’s records are spotty in places, but they’re good enough that I know exactly who this man is.
Kiritsugu Emiya. The man who called himself my father for the years we knew each other, the man I allowed to adopt me.
My hero.
“Sometimes,” I say. It’s not as though Kiritsugu would recognize me like this anyway, not when he only ever knew me as a child. “Other versions of you.”
The weird heads up display Master depends on to tell the ten thousand versions of Altria Pendragon apart apparently calls him Emiya Assassin, the same way that the shattered gold version of myself I see in the halls sometimes is called Emiya Alter.
I am, apparently, simply “Emiya,” the implication being that I am an original to which the others are compared. I don’t know how I feel about that. I mostly try not to think about it.
“Oh,” this other Kiritsugu says. He sits down across from where I’ve been trying to have dinner, his chair scraping against the floor of Chaldea’s dining hall. He doesn’t have any food with him. He’s probably the kind of Servant who doesn’t bother remembering to eat, not when Chaldea is full of so much magic it could make you drunk. “Was he happy?”
Right in the gut then. The question is almost innocent, except this is the alternate future, bad end version of a man who was never anything close to that. “I don’t know,” I say. “Maybe by the end.”
Emiya Assassin nods.
“What happened to you?” I ask. The uncomfortable questions can go both ways, I decide. If I’m going to be haunted by my alternate futures I might as well haunt them back.
He frowns. “I…” he hesitates. “I don’t remember. I… the Holy Grail…” His brow furrows. I think about the woman who looks too much like the woman Ilya never got to be and try not to feel like Chaldea has been designed to mock me personally. “We won. We always win.”
His memories are fuzzy because he should have never existed. I think we both know that. He’s a Counter Guardian, like I am, but even less plausible.
Meeting someone whose existence is more absurd than mine is strangely refreshing.
I respect him just enough not to say that out loud. Or maybe not him, but the man he should have been.
“Oh,” I say. “Congratulations?” I know from painful experience that winning the Holy Grail War isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially not that Holy Grail. The rot at its core makes sure of it. If he even won. His past doesn’t need to make sense.
He shakes his head. “Death and destruction,” he says. “My wish. It granted… my wish. Why did I seek you out?”
I stare at him. That’s not a question I can answer, right now. I mean nothing to this version of Kiritsugu; he exists only to kill, a parody of the worst things I’ve learned about the real Kiritsugu.
“The Holy Grail has a habit of calling on our family,” I say, finally. I don’t mean to say our. I say it anyway.
“Our?” He latches on to it immediately. “You’re not—” He recoils from me briefly. I try not to let it hurt. “No, I would recognize my father even after all these years. You’re not him.”
“I’m your son,” I say. “In another life. You took me in at my worst moment.”
Even at my most self-loathing I cannot regret choosing to live with Kiritsugu. Shirou Emiya may doom his friends in more worlds than I can count, but the version of myself who refused that stranger’s offer is literally unthinkable to me. Whoever that person is, he is not Shirou Emiya, and he has no part of the strange gestalt of iterative selves I have become.
It takes me a second to realize, and then it hits me. The strange facial expression Kiritsugu is making is his attempt at a smile.
“Oh,” he says. “That’s good to know. That I did something good in the world.”
I return his smile with one of my own, still feeling strange about this entire conversation. “From what I’ve heard, this version of you has also done some good.” I wasn’t part of the party Master brought with them to that particular singularity—they were going through a period of obsessively hanging out with Medea and Medusa, which is their choice even if I don’t really understand it—but I hear about their adventures when we talk, and they’d mentioned this strange Assassin who looked almost familiar.
He shakes his head. “Don’t compliment me. I don’t deserve it.”
He leaves as abruptly as he arrived.
My food’s gotten cold. I don’t have an appetite anymore, but I should probably eat or I would get hungry, and then Master would make fun of me for skipping meals again.
I stare at my food. That was weird. Is this how Saber feels all the time, confronted by alternate versions of herself that range from silly to downright evil?
I’ll have to ask her about it. She can’t be that happy about this alternate universe version of her worst ever Master; it’ll be something to bond over, alongside the mutual awkwardness of remembering all those variants of our relationship dynamic.
“Would I look cooler with a hood?”
I don’t realize I’ve spoken out loud until a familiar voice answers, “Yes.”
“Oh!” I say, startled. “Master, I didn’t see you there.”
“You were nice to Assassin, right?” They sit across from me, though they don’t seem to feel the need to readjust the chair. “He’s fragile.”
I stare at them in disbelief. “That is not how I would describe him at all.”
They shrug. “He’s defrosting, but that just means he can be hurt more easily. What did you tell him?”
I explain our conversation. “I told him the truth,” I say. “I was his son in another world.”
They nod, apparently satisfied. “Good,” they say. “I’m glad to hear that.”
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writer-and-artist27 · 8 months
Inspired by (1) Dr. Roman's chapter of Nakatani's Chaldea Scrapbook, which the author was able to buy the official translation of from Barnes and Noble in August 2023; (2) the fan-translations of Nakatani's other FGO manga, From/Lostbelt; and (3) some life-lessons the author learned the hard way.
This chapter is also written in honor of the author's oldest cousin, who passed away from late-stage, metastasized, squamous cell carcinoma skin cancer in his sleep last week from this post going up on Tumblr (Oct. 9, 2023). The least an author can do is immortalize some of his lessons into a chapter.
AO3 link here. OST Playlist here, with all the new songs included.
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novelelitist · 2 years
Can I have some headcanons for how various servants would deal with thier master having agoraphobia, which is the fear of open spaces or places someone cant easily escape from? Its like the oposite of claustrophobia basically.
Ayyy, a number of years ago I worked for a guy that had agoraphobia. He’d pretty much go to the shop or stay home and go nowhere else if he could avoid it. 
I’m wondering if you’re requesting this because you, yourself, have agoraphobia, Anon. I appreciate your willingness to share that with me and give me a shot to write about it. Since I do say I’m willing to give mental health-related pieces so long as nobody takes it as a monolith. 
I hope this finds you well and that it reassures you a little.
This was available July 12th on Patreon.
(A Few) Servants With An Agoraphobic Master
Abigail Williams: Of the Servants that effectively live with Master’s agoraphobia, Abby is among the most compassionate. There are plenty of things that Abby is terrified of—many of which are things others couldn’t possibly imagine. 
Abby tries to make Master’s life easier in little ways that she is capable of. She adapts outdoor activities for indoor settings. Anything that needs to be done out of the house, she learns how to handle via Master’s nifty technology. She’s quite adept at ordering food.
In the Holy Grail War, Abby doesn’t want to bring violence into Master’s safest places. It’s hard to balance Master’s security and her own insecurities, but she’s a big girl. She’ll go out on her own to fight if she needs to. Between technology and their Master-Servant bond, she’ll never feel alone wherever she goes. She’ll bring Master whatever they need so they can return to reading books and enjoying each other’s company.
Jinako Carigiri: At first, Jinako views Master’s agoraphobia rather selfishly. Master can’t complain about what a NEET she is if they’re also kind of a NEET. It’d be totally hypocritical for them to judge her, right? 
Nope, not right. It takes a while for her to realize she’s being an ass, but she’s definitely being an ass. She knew she was selfish, but this went right over her head. And honestly, why should she be surprised by her shit take? She views things through the lens of her own comfort. How is she supposed to handle anybody else?
Jinako slowly warms up to the idea of being less of a loaf. Not because she expects it to change Master’s fears or feelings. Phobias are a serious thing. She doesn’t know how she didn’t recognize it before when her own NEET status grew from her anxieties. She sucks at being perfectly considerate, but she gives it her best shot. There is nothing on the planet that could breach her protective shell, and she’ll extend that to Master as long as she can. There is nothing she can’t protect them from as long as they stay in one place. 
EMIYA (Assassin): Assassin’s relationship with Master is simple. They give orders, he executes them. He never once questions Master’s condition. It’s not his business. He doesn’t need to know them personally to follow instructions. Something, though… Something nags at him.
They don’t nag him verbally, but their presence gets to him. He finds himself increasingly agitated by their circumstances. How wrong it is that such a young person finds themselves in a Holy Grail War when they suffer a condition that ensures their battles will always be uphill. It’s not like he minds. If anything, Master’s agoraphobia will benefit him from a tactical perspective. But he’s not happy.
He had someone once—twice, thrice perhaps—he felt obligated to protect with his life. A family, maybe. People he feared for. Those long-clipped heartstrings are the tiniest bit tugged with this Master. He’ll never tell them, lest it put their safety at risk, but… This contract is more mutually-beneficial than he was willing to hope for.
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igimacigy · 2 years
Father and son having a wholesome moment
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Had some fun with this one
Anyway have a great day ya'll
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madillhethen · 2 years
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First time I’ve ever seen Kerry’s intro loading page.
I love the simplicity of it.
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dingostrash · 11 months
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Kerry has once again faced the horrors
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chillchaoticchaos · 1 month
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He has eaten many embers and grails in the past 2 days.
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wagreb · 2 years
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Day 532:
Master: There's a Servant that's been summoned who also has a thing for dragons! (<- naïve) I wonder what she's like-
Mary Anning: Don'tcha think there's a bunch of roughneck womenfolk around here? It's scary! Someone just grabbed me by the chest! All I did was give them a funny look!
Master: *checks who she was talking about, sees that it's both versions of Mordred and Caenis*
Master, slowly cocking a gun: ... Alright then! :)
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