#Douglas Costa
h00dsw0rld · 2 years
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Douglas Costa
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cumpletesoccerfanatic · 5 months
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Paulo Dybala & Douglas Costa
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illyanarasputinfan · 9 months
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Bradley A. Clayton
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superherotiger · 4 months
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Absolutely thrilled to be showing you all the last banner I made for the @house-of-dadneto event with my favourite New Mutants and Headmaster Mags! I absolutely adored the dynamic all the kids had with Erik while he was their teacher back in the 80's comics, and my love for it was only renewed with the latest Magneto comic that came out in 2023! If you haven't seen these comics before, I highly recommend them, as it really shows the best of what Erik can be as a mentor/father figure! 💕
If you haven't heard of the House of Dadneto event yet, it's a month long fan creation challenge set in June with a total of 30 prompts to meet all your Magnet Family and extended members needs! Check it out here if you're interested!
Hope you all have an awesome day!
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eieru · 1 year
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new mutants. drawing on (appropriately named) magma
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themasterusersblog · 2 months
Specific X-Men Headcanons
Jean Grey and Bobby Drake wear same shoe size, and when Jean buys clothes from the male side of the store she always buys the same size as Bobby. They find out about it when the accidentally meet at the store.
Scott Summers used to wear a lot of Warren Worthington's sweaters but now mostly of them are too small for him
Everyone hates playing scrabble with Hank McCoy
Roberto da Costa is shorter than both his parents
Xuân Cao Mahn knows how to solve a rubik's cube
Sam Guthrie is the second tallest New Mutant (The tallest is Warlock because he can just shapeshift)
Douglas Ramsey loves trash movies
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house-of-dadneto · 12 days
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The House of Dadneto 2024 Begins!!
At last, it's time to share all of the amazing creations you've been cooking up for the House of Dadneto 2024 these past few months! We can't wait to see what you've got in store! And hey, if you haven't got anything ready for the event yet, it's not too late to participate! The event runs through the entirety of June, so be sure to check out the Prompt Lists and Event Info if you want to join in the fun!
Be sure to use the tag #houseofdadneto2024 and @ this blog so we can share all your wonderful works!
And remember, if you complete 15 or 30 prompts by the end of the month, you’re also eligible for a prize, so make sure to check out the Prize Information and Rules to make sure that you qualify! You can can also find more information about Posting Guidelines here and our Frequently Asked Questions here. If you have any more questions, feel free to send us an ask and we’ll answer as soon as we can! 
The most important thing of all though is to have fun! We all love Magneto and his plethora of children, and this event is a celebration of those relationships and of all the talented fans out here who love to create things about them!
So show us what you love about Dadneto, share some love to your fellow creators, and above all, have an amazing time during the House of Dadneto! ✨✨✨
Announcement // Prompts // Event Info
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lovecatsys · 1 year
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tournament-of-x · 1 year
The Tournament of X
Tournament Highlights So Far: Round 2, Half 1
Match 31, AKA Pride Month vs. The Bit
Match 32, The Battle of the Blondes
Northstar fans desperately trying to get him a comeback (and succeeding) while many of the Gabby voters keep apologizing for not voting for Northstar
Sunspot vs. Madelyne Pryor apparently being the most difficult matchup so far
Opinion on Mister Sinister taking a complete nosedive now that his opponent isn’t another eugenicist
Beast making yet another comeback
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purplesimmer455 · 11 months
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I decided to do a random AU gameplay. So, I put down Pearl Costa (she's Luna’s great-grandma) and her girlfriend Kendall Douglas. They're both spellcasters, and met at the Magic HQ College*. So in the original story with Luna and all, Pearl ended up breaking up with Kendall, moving back to the sim-human world, and married a non-spellcaster man (she's pansexual), and had Alicia Costa, who then had Luke, Maya, Angie, and Abby with her husband, and then they had their respective kids such as Luna, Rowan, Nick, Imran, Tess, Yaritza and some of those kids grew up and had their kids.
In this AU, Pearl stayed with Kendall, and they moved into a starter house in their mid-20s. They ended up getting pregnant, and had their daughter, who they named Madeline Douglas. She's a cutie, and she looks like both moms and has Pearl's pretty green eyes. 😊 Unfortunately, Pearl's parents are very strict on moving in and having kids before marriage, so they're a bit estranged from Pearl, Kendall, and Madeline.
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h00dsw0rld · 2 years
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Douglas Costa
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sunlightmoonsworld · 3 months
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🦋What I read in February 🦋
💙Gümüş alevler sarayı ( a court of silver flame) ( Acotar #4) (sarah j maas) (10\10)
💙Karanlık romeom (my dark romeo) (parker s. Huntigton&L. J shen) (10\8)
💙Sığınak (Hidaway) (Devil's night #2) (penelope Douglas) (10\8,5)
💙Hedef (off-campus#4) (The goal) ( elle kennedy) (10\9)
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illyanarasputinfan · 2 months
Darkchild/Illyana Rasputina X-Force Annual #1 (1992) “Shattershot”
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Darkchild serves as a member of X-Force in an alternate future timeline. Her team is comprised of Cannonball, Sunspot, Siryn, Douglocke, and Power Pax. They aid Shatterstar in quashing a rebellion by the Spineless Ones on Mojoworld, where he is ruler.
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qv0aibd · 2 days
sonic exe jogo
sonic exe jogo(网站:g866.cc)sonic exe jogo-sonic exe jogoqjLsY
0 notes
89pjuhl · 3 days
sonic exe jogo
sonic exe jogo(网站:g866.cc)sonic exe jogo-sonic exe jogoCtQZo
0 notes
house-of-dadneto · 13 days
Important reminders before the event begins! ✨
Hello everyone!
I hope you're all as excited as I am for the House of Dadneto, and since we're only a day away from the beginning of the event, I thought it would be a good time to run over the most important details before we start!
✨Rules, Dates, and Prizes✨
Firstly, a quick reminder of the rules for this event:
No inc*st is allowed. (Any works containing this will be excluded from the event.)
Works must focus on Magneto and at least one of his children, though his 'children' can also extend to those that aren't blood related, such as the New Mutants.
Please @ this blog and tag your works with #houseofdadneto2024 so that we can reblog your magnificent works here on the blog!
The event runs for the entirety of June 2024, though you are more than welcome to continue using the Prompt Lists or share/submit works to this blog after it finishes.
Every prompt completed during the event counts towards two possible prizes:
Completed 15 Prompts: Small Black & White inked drawing
Completed 30 Prompts: Full Illustration
To collect this prize, you must post a masterlist including links to your works for the event and their corresponding prompts and @ this blog. Repeated prompts or works posted outside of June 2024 will not count towards the prizes. Prizes will be drawn by @superherotiger (examples of their works: 1, 2, 3).
✨Posting guidelines✨
If posting your works to Tumblr, please use the hashtag #houseofdadneto2024 and @ this blog so that we can share your works!
If posting on Ao3, you can also add your work to the official event Ao3 Collection by finding the 'Post to Collections/Challenges' tab when posting a new work and select 'House of Dadneto 2024'. It should look like this:
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If posting on other platforms (especially video formats like YouTube, TikTok etc.), please create a post with a link to your work and @ this blog, or submit a post to this blog and we will share it for you.
If you have any further questions be sure to check out our Frequently Asked Questions, and please don't hesitate to send a message or ask if anything seems unclear.
That's all for now though folks! Wishing you all the best, and I can't wait to see your awesome creations during the event! ✨
Announcement // Prompts // Event Info
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