#Dorothy Whitlock
pastelprince18 · 3 months
Woodrow interacting with your oc dotty :)
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She would love his poetry, she is a singer / writer after all :]
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What does Swap! Thomas thinks of Swap! Francis and Dotty? (@pastelprince18)
Greetings Anon ^^
(Note: This is of course about the Swap Versions but I don't write Swap to their names for legibility reasons)
Thomas cares a lot about Francis, and is so, so thankful for the doctor and all the work he is doing and sees him as a great person, who he admires but also sees as a friend. Dr.Whitlock has after all has helped Thomas, treating his injuries and scars he has.
He, does not like Dorothy to be honest, in his view, she is only someone who only, and only cares about herself, or else she would care about her brother, he isn't really interested in meeting her.
Yours sincerely
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bagpuss-sims · 11 months
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Meet the Whitlocks! They are almost lower middle class thanks to the marriage with Bella.
The founder Edward Whitlock, was first married to a woman named Vera who is the mother of all three of the children but she unfortunately died in childbirth. He is a miner and runs a small stall selling coal, but due to the death of his late wife he hasn't been able to do much. He recently married Bella Goth to help around the house.
Bella recently married into the family and has had a hard time adjusting to living in the lower class. She is hoping to make friends with all of the children and have some of her own.
The oldest daughter, Amelia has grown up being the mother to her siblings, even when she was only a child. Now, she dreams of love and making her way in the world without any difficulty like her father did.
The twins Burt and Dorothy grew up without a mother, and now they finally have one, they don't particularly like her. Burt is kind and slightly neat but will one day have to be a miner even if that isn't what he wants. Dorothy is free-willed and ready to make her own path in life even if that means defying what her parents want her to do.
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
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Here, have ALL the missing children, this time with less rushed designs that resemble the 80's outfits more!! :D
Going left to right:
Gabriel Devante Coleman (younger brother of the Coleman family, only son and middle child- has a younger sister named Zuri, my OC, and his older sister is the Chica Mask bully, Dorothy Coleman!)
Jeremy Homayani
Suzette (Susie) Whitlocke
Fritz Sanders
Cassidy Zhang Brooks
They're all 10 years old by the Bite of '83, and are all 12 when they die!
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trendfilmsetter · 5 months
Rest in Peace to some of the talented individuals we lost in the film industry this year 2023.
- Lisa Marie Presley
- Richard Roundtree
- Lance Reddick
- Bob Barker
- Matthew Perry
- Andre Braugher
- Ron Cephas Jones
- Tony Bennett
- Sinead O’Connor
- Miiko Evans
- Tim Barlow
- Annie Wersching
- Lisa Loring
- Cindy Williams
- Cody Anthony
- Raquel Welch
- Earl Boen
- Adam Rich
- Dorothy Tristan
- Annette McCarthy
- Ben Masters
- Carole Cook
- Richard Belzer
- Lee Whitlock
- Tom Sizemore
- Peter Hardy
- Garn Stephens
- Harry Belafonte
- Jerry Springer
- Giovanni Lombardo Radice
- Helmut Berger
- Ray Stevenson
- Marlene Clark
- John Beasley
- Paul Geoffrey
- Lew Palter
- Andrea Evans
- Phyllis Applegate
- Arthur Schmidt
- Darren Kent
- Burt Young
- Tyler Christopher
- Conny Van Dyke
- Norman Lear
- James McCaffrey
- Mike Nussbaum
- Richard Franklin
- Selma Archerd
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zombiedeers · 2 years
how did Peter and Dotty became friends?
They became friends as young kids through Daniel! They were each his best friends, and they met on Dotty's request, wanting to meet Daniel's other best friend! Hoping she could also be his friend of course.
It took Peter some time to open up, but gradually he did and they became good friends not long after that! And have held that bond since.
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peachy-keenss · 2 years
If I may ask when and how did Detective Dorothy “Gizmo” Schmitt meet Dorothy Whitlock?
gosh its been a while but it'd be good if I started answering some of these questions if you'll excuse the wait! The two dorothys huh? Well! Dotty had seen peeks of a bed ridden Dorothy in the windows of her house during the summer time. However, they officially met during school. Dotty stayed behind during recess to talk to the nervous new kid and through her persistence actually got Dorothy to talk to her eventually.
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panlight · 3 years
Submission--family tree
i was bored so i decided to make you a tree of the cullens and their human families
carlisle cullen
mary cullen (1624-1640)
abraham cullen (1600-1683)
* carlisle cullen (1640)
esme cullen
mamie patricia platt (neé howell 1869-1947)
george hayes platt (1870-1944)
* esme anne platt (1895-)
edward cullen
edward anthony masen sr. (1867-1918)
elizabeth louise masen (nee McCormick 1875-1918)
* edward anthony masen (1901-)
rosalie hale
warren fitzpatrick hale sr. (1893-1936)
lilliane alta hale (neé vanderbilt 1896-1984)
* rosalie lillian hale (1915-)
* warren fitzpatrick hale jr. (1921-2009)
* edward vanderbilt hale (1925-)
emmett cullen
roy milhous mccarty (1884-1956)
shirley rebecca mccarty (neé emmett 1886-1966)
* roy milhous mccarty jr.(1902-1975)
* joseph arnold mccarty (1904-2000)
* samuel houston mccarty (1905-1998)
* jebediah arthur mccarty (1907-2004)
* thomas charles mccarty (1909-1995)
* lester william mccarty (1912-1941)
* emmett atticus mccarty (1915-)
* herbert andrew mccarty (1917-2011)
* gatlin theodore mccarty (1919-2001)
* robert beckett mccarty (1921-2016)
* jonah clayton mccarty (1924-)
* lucille dorothy mccarty (1927-)
mary alice brandon
marshall lawrence brandon (1869-1943)
barbara jeanne brandon (neé tatum (1874-1919)
theresa carolyn brandon (neé sigurdson (1891-1979) remarried
* mary alice brandon (1901)
* sarah cynthia brandon (1910-2006)
jasper whitlock
hamilton johnson whitlock (1819-1857)
virginia frances whitlock (neé brown 1820-1900)
* abigail olive whitlock (1839-1887)
* mary ann whitlock (1842-1923)
* jasper benjamin whitlock (1844-)
* henrietta lou whitlock (1847-1938)
Very cool! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!  It’s so frustrating that SM didn’t give the parents of the Cullens names, even in the guide! And I share your headcanons of Abraham Cullen and Edward Hale. It’s part of why Rosalie’s relationship with Edward is so complicated, because one of her beloved little brothers was also named Edward, but I imagine they called him Teddy or something. One time she slipped up and called Edward Ted/Teddy and it was weird and sad for everyone. 
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jackalgirl · 3 years
( Note: behind a library- or pay-wall, but if you sign up for a free account on JSTOR, you can read 100 articles for free each month. )
So I’m reading up on 9th and 10th Century Anglo-Saxon women’s clothing, and found Donata Bulotta’s article.  There’s a passage that struck me:
Wynflæd, in her legacy, names linen as the material used for making her gown and other clothes: I hio becwiđ Æđelflæde Elhhelmmes dehter Ælfferes dohtor þa goenran I hyre twilibrocenan cyrtel I ođerne linnenne ođđe linnenweb.(2)
The meaning of the adjective twilibrocenan is still uncertain.  Possible interpretations were thoroughly discussed by G. R. Owen in Wynflæd’s Wardrobe.(3) It could be a referral to a particular way of making the fabric, or to the fact that the garment has been worn twice only (twili ‘twice’ and broken < brucan ‘to wear’). The other linen cyrtel or linen cloth Wynflæd quotes also had to be a very luxurious dress, because its fabric was so precious. In accord to G.R. Owen, this last bequeaths suggest that the twilibrocenan one was not linen.
— Bulotta, Donata. “ANGLO-SAXON FEMALE CLOTHING: OLD ENGLISH CYRTEL AND TUNECE.” Rivista Di Cultura Classica e Medioevale, vol. 49, no. 2, 2007, p 315. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/23966300. Accessed 4 Jan. 2021, citing (2):  Dorothy Whitlock, Wills, cit. p. 14, lines 708 and (3): Gale R. Owen, Wynflæd’s Wardrobe, << Anglo-Saxon England>>, 8, (1979), pp. 195-222: 208-210
Am I crazy?  Twilibrocenan is twill brocade, right? That is, the cloth is woven twill into which other threads — colored threads, or possibly even silver or gold thread — have been added as a second, top layer in the weave, using the brocade technique.  It would absolutely have been incredibly precious.  Any Old English readers out there have any insight here?
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fangirlnationmag · 5 years
Ten Women Who Changed Science and The World
Ten Women Who Changed Science and The World
Authors Catherine Whitlock and Rhodri Evans have brought together brief biographies of ten women who changed science forever and pushed humanity in the right direction. In their new book Ten Women Who Changed Science and the World features the following amazing women:
Virginia Apgar M.D.
Rachel Carson
Marie Curie
Gertrude Elion
Dorothy Hodgkin
Henrietta Leavitt
Rita Levi-Montalcini
Lise Meitner
View On WordPress
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pastelprince18 · 1 year
glass of sunshine for your oc dotty
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I miss drawing her sometimes <:] maybe someday I’ll draw her and Francis’s again soon
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Did Charl meet any other Medics members during his life?
Greetings Anon ^^
Of course, he met Ty for example, with who he had a talk with, and I can also imagine that he had met Dr.Gubble, Frost and perhaps also Dorothy Whitlock (@pastelprince18 OC), maybe he even had met Joanna Owens.
He really appreciated their company, and, that they welcomed him, into the Medics, despite what he had done in the past...
Yours sincerely
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pastelprince18 · 1 year
can you draw out how Francis and Dotty are doing in the future?
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Dotty doing fine right now! Helping people out at the medics when people needed :]
Francis is however…with his envy powers is mine controlling people to love him and make sure to harm others, it is his duty after all ,’:3
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pastelprince18 · 1 year
I been meaning to ask. due to the recent developments in the rkz fandom. A: what was Dotty and Francis's father like? and B: Does dotty still has a love interest besides Daniel?
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Hrm,, guess it’s a better time now than never
1. THE TWINS FATHER: So I would like to think that he did walk out on them at a young age, the father loved his kids but he didn’t enjoy the relationship with Sylvia, so he got away leaving the twins behind doing his own thing. Probably became a musician as well, a solo guy! They don’t know where he went or knew if he was alive [he still is he is just depressed missing his kids, and how nobody would leave him alone and wanna know the lore about him] Dorothy or Francis don’t care for their father anymore after becoming teens realizing they were both stuck in hell till they were ready to go
2. DOTTY LOVE INTERESTED: so!! A while ago my pal Dallas did discuss a cupid relationship with his oc Peter iirc! The 3 were in a poly relationship but dotty nor Peter didn’t like each other romantically <:]
Hope this helps
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pastelprince18 · 2 years
BREATHES IN. Dotty <333
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The pretty twin:3
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What would Swap! Franz be like?
Greetings Anon
A negligent father who very likely only married Sylvia to get the dowry, and left as soon as he had a chance, he is a conman and marriage imposter. He, never felt any real regret for what he had done, however, I can imagine that later he would appear in the life of his children again, because he needs money, for he most likely gambled what he had away.
So of course, he would try to play the "good father" in front of Dorothy and Francis, who never wanted to leave them, inventing some sad story, in the hopes of getting money.
Yours sincerely
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