#Don’s got that RAWR stance
alitteraladhdmess · 3 months
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Do NOT get in Angelo’s way when he’s thirsty
He was scammed once, he’s not letting it go the second time
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thebluelf · 4 years
//For @cutecutejames’s boy friend. Happy Secret Friends Day!//
Bobbing For Apples
It was the first Halloween since the new hero moved into LazyTown. Robbie was sure the health nut was going to try to eradicate the holiday because of how unhealthy it must be with all the candy involved. It had been bothering him for a month.
Then October came. People were putting up decorations and talking about costumes. What would the Sportaloon have to say about this, he wondered. On cue, Sportacus jumped into the scene unfolding among the towns people. Robbie zoomed in on him while trying to steady the periscope.
“What are you guys up to?” Sportacus asked.
“Just talking about what costumes we should wear for Halloween,” Stephanie chirped.
“I’m going to go as a werewolf, rawr!” Trixie swiped a hand in the air like claws.
“I’m going to dress up like you, Sportacus!” Ziggy shouted excitedly.
Sportacus was filled with joy and laughter. It disgusted and angered Robbie.
“We’re going to collect lots of candy!”
“Just don’t eat it all at once. Save some for later.” Sportacus winked and the kids giggled.
“Sportacus! We’re having a Halloween party next week. What to join? We’ll have lots of games!”
“Sure! I’d love to!”
“What? What Halloween party?” Robbie growled. “Why wasn’t I told of this? Maybe I want to have fun and play games, too!...Nah! What I want to do is scare them.” He laughed. “When they least expect it, I’ll crash the party and scare the daylights out of them! Ah haha!” Robbie spread his arms wide in the glory of his genius idea before pushing the periscope away.
“What a perfect plan! Now I just need a costume...” He tapped his chin for a moment and shrugged. “All well. I have all week to come up with something.” Then he stomped over to his chair, turned on the tv, and resumed munching on the cheesy corn puffs he started earlier.
It was the night of the party. Games and activities were scattered around the sports field. In the center were lonely bowls of all kinds of candy. They were being ignored by Sportacus, Bessie, and the kids who were gathered around a particular game.
Trying to stay hidden from them, Robbie crouched behind an adjacent wall. He wore a green goblin mask and his regular clothes. It was all he had time for. He spotted the candy and spoke into his crooked hands. “I’ll scare all of them away and then I’ll have all the candy to myself. Yes!”
Just then, the mayor walked by. Robbie froze.
“Why hello, Mr. Rotten! Come to share in the festivities? Do do-do do-do...” he sang as he continued on.
“How did he know it was me?!”
Robbie shook it off and continued with his plan. He peaked past the ledge, looking for the right opportunity to jump out.
“What’s this game?” Sportacus asked the kids.
“It’s bobbing for apples!” Stephanie explained. “You have to grab an apple out of the water using only your mouth before the timer runs out. And you can’t use your hands. Like that!” She pointed.
Trixie and Ziggy pressed their faces to the water, struggling to sink their teeth in an apple that bobbed along the surface.
Robbie audibly gagged at the image. “How disgusting! All those children’s nasty mouth germs are in there! GAH!” It sent shivers down his spine. “And I thought I was scary.”
“Whoever pulls out an apple first wins!” Stephanie finished. “Want to give it a try?”
“Sure!” Sportacus replied.
Robbie, again, moaned in disgust. This time it was a little too loud. He cupped his mouth. Too late.
“Uh, what was that?” asked Pixel.
Sportacus responded. “I’ll go check it out. You guys stay here.”
He approached Robbie. “Hello?”
“Now’s my only chance!” Robbie positioned himself.
“BOO!” He jumped up from behind the wall and towered over the hero.
Sportacus flipped backwards and pulled out his tennis rackets. He landed in a fighting stance but dropped his guard when Robbie flinched.
“Don’t hurt me!”
“Robbie?” The rackets fell out of his hands, and he approached the villain. “It’s only you! You surprised me!”
“I did?”
Sportacus nodded.
“Nice one, Mr. Rotten!” Stingy cheered and the others joined. “That was a good Halloween scare!”
“I did it! I scared you!”
Robbie’s reaction struck a chord in Sportacus’s heart. He couldn’t help but laugh. It caught the villain off guard, though he didn’t feel teased.
“Robbie, would you like to join us?” He offered a hand to help him over the wall.
Everyone encouraged Robbie.
“S-sure...” the nervous man took Sportacus’s hand as he cautiously climbed over. They made their way to the others.
Ziggy shouted, “You can bob for apples against Sportacus!”
“What?! I don’t know about that. I-I-I...”
Everyone cheered again.
Robbie looked at Sportacus wearing an encouraging smile. The kids’ pleading matched the look in his eyes.
Robbie sighed. “...Ok.”
They stood next to each other in front of the tall bin of water. Two apples floating in front of them. They held their hands behind their back. Robbie did not want to stick his face in the water let alone grab an apple from it with his mouth. There was no telling how much of it would get up his nose or down his throat. He looked over at Sportacus who was practically nose-to-nose with his reflection in the shiny skin of the fruit and figured he should at least try to appear just as ready.
Stephanie held a timer in her hand. “Aaaaand go!”
Robbie could not bring himself to make contact with the water, so he watched Sportacus instead. Sportacus went after the apple like a dog going after its favorite stick. His head hung over the water as the apple kept slipping from his grasp.
It would be a shame if he were to fall in, Robbie thought. Then the idea came to him. He could picture himself dunking the unsuspecting elf’s head into the kid-contaminated water — just for a split second. He didn’t want to drown the poor guy. He just wanted to see the shock on Sportaspurt’s soaking wet face as he merges from the water. It was low hanging fruit for the villain and an urge so hard to resist. He stared at the opportunity in his face, arguing back and forth, but like a cat witnessing a mouse with its back turned, he just could not resist pouncing anymore.
Suddenly the villain’s hands were pressed against the hero’s back, and down under the water Sportacus went.
Gasps of shock interrupted the cheering before everything went quiet. They all starred at Robbie in disbelief.
It suddenly donned on Robbie what he just did, and he immediately regretted it.
“I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking! I didn’t mean to! I’m s—“
Straightening up from the waist, Sportacus emerged from the water. Light, golden-brown hair dripping of water covered his eyes and hid his expression.
Robbie watched in horror of the unknown.
Sportacus turned to him. He grabbed the villain’s hand and held it out between the two of them.
Robbie shook. What kind of revenge was this? He covered his eyes.
Sportacus let go of the apple in his mouth and placed it into Robbie’s cupped palm.
Robbie opened an eye.
“I win!” Sportacus beamed, holding his hair back and revealing bright blue eyes.
Robbie shook his hand as if the hero had placed a creepy bug on it.
Sportacus fished his hat from the water and wrung it dry before putting it back on.
“Sportacus, I’m suh- saw- so-..” Why was it so hard to apologize now?
The elf flicked a little water from the bin at Robbie’s face to get his attention. Robbie looked up, and Sportacus winked.
“It’s ok, Robbie.” He smiled warmly.
Robbie felt something weird tug his chest and he grabbed at it. Nothing was there? He looked down at his chest and then at Sportacus and then at his chest and then at Sportacus again. “Oh no,” he whispered. “Don’t tell me he’s...” giving me feelings, he finished the thought silently. This wasn’t good at all.
“Are you ok?”
“I’ve got to leave now.”
“Oh, hold on!”
Sportacus trotted over to a table and came back with a bad of candy.
“You’re giving me candy???”
Sportacus chuckled and nodded.
“But... you’re... Sportacus???”
“And I can’t eat candy. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it sometimes.”
“Thank you.”
Silence overtook them both. It didn’t seem to phase Sportacus who happily continued to watch his new friend, but Robbie had had enough of it.
“I’ll be going now,” he said slowly and awkwardly as he started making distance between them.
“Ok! Bye-bye, Robbie!”
“Yeah, bye-bye!”
“Take care!”
“See you!”
(Was he done?)
Not expecting the silence, Robbie checked behind him. Sportacus waved back.
“Ugh!” He threw his hands up in the air. “...Do you want to walk me home?” he hollered.
“...Yes!” Sportacus shouted back.
Robbie facepalmed before waving him over.“Come on, then!”
(End) // Happy Halloween!
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