#Doctor's hate me for my fibromyalgia at a very young age swag
wacklemons · 1 year
Something I've noticed since I've gotten my diagnosis for fibromyalgia and mobility aids (I noticed it before but its more noticeable to me now that I am more visibility disabled, even though Ive always had noticable disability) is that in first world countries, people are less likely to actually give someone who the "priority seating" is for the seats. Usually people who should 100% be sitting will give up the seats for me which makes me feel bad but I appreciate it.
In the country my family is from (Colombia) people give the people who need seats no matter what, even if there are other seats for us to sit in. People also dont use things made for disabled people there, unlike in first world countries.
In my school, the elevator is for disabled people only but able bodied people go on it to skip class or to not use the stairs. I understand that stairs suck but the elevator just isnt for them, there have been people who started to mock the disabled people in the elevator, some who have called us cr*pple, and adults telling the actual disabled people to get off instead of the able bodied people who arent even allowed on it.
People act like being disabled makes life easier because people will "give you things" but people don't. People take advantage of whats for us and then berate us for telling them they can't use the things or to let us have what is for us. We are not assholes because we are disabled, we are mad at able bodied people taking advantage of whats ours and acting like we don't exist. Let us have our equitity.
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