#Devider credit to: Cafekitsune
specshroom · 7 months
I LOVE the idea of Choso letting you do his hair
(A/N: I didn't know how to end it lmao, Not proof read, corny as shit, reader sucks at doing hair.)
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You've been wanting to do Choso's hair forever but You're not sure how he would react.
What if he thinks it's weird? He does his hair up like everyday so maybe he's one of those people who are really specific about their hair?
But Choso's observant ok?
He notices the attention you put on his hairstyle. So one day you're chilling at his place. You're lazing on his bed and he's doing his hair in the mirror.
He looks at you in the reflection and says "Hey, do you want to help me out?" It comes out muffled due to the hair tie in his mouth but you understand.
You try and not look too excited lest you scare him off.
You crawl over and take the hair tie from his mouth. Choso already did one side of his iconic "pigtail bun things" as you lovingly called them. So your little task is to finish the other side.
You gently run your hands through his dark locks and Choso's eyes flutter shut and he hums softly. You continue the action for longer than you need to but eventually you grab the comb from his hand and part the front to gather up the section for the bun.
Now in your excitement you forgot that you have no fucking clue how to style hair at all and your suddenly realising it now. He makes it look so easy?!
So Choso's hairstyle ends up looking very lopsided, like he fell asleep on his side and didn't look in the mirror after.
But Choso's a sweet heart so he's just like "Thanks for your help" 🥺
But you both look at each other in the mirror and after a silent pause you both start wheezing. Seeing Choso look so goofy is a rare and hilarious sight.
After you calm down you ask "Can you do that with my hair?"
And he looks thoughtfully at your hair for a moment and says "Let's give it a try."
So you swap places and now he's the one running his beautiful smooth hands ever so gently through your locks. Parting it through the middle and gathering it up in his hands. You can't help but blush at how gentle he is with it. Your hair isn't the same as his so he's taking his time trying to figure out how to work it.
At the end you get something that looks similar to his but still unique to your hair and Choso seems quite happy with himself. "You look nice like that." he says where he's seated behind you, looking at your reflection. You look at your reflection and then his. The way he's looking at you gives you confidence and you turn to look at him and slowly lean in.
You're sitting so close to each other. So close you could almost-
"CHOSOOOO-" Yuuji comes bursting through Choso's door, like the noisy little brother he is. He stops in his tracks when he sees the position his older brother is in. He looks at Choso then at you, then he looks at Choso again and laughter bursts out his chest.
"What happened to you? Did you fight a toddler?! HAHAHAAA" Yuuji points to the side of his head as tears fall from his eyes.
Both you and Choso grab the pillows off the bed and throw them right at Yuuji, forcing the still laughing boy to leave.
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agsmicons · 3 months
Day 1 of editing event
Here’s my day one of @courtt-jstr ‘s editing event!
Prompt -Your FAVORITE character with ur LEAST favorite colour
Grey Ai mikaze graphics
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“People say I'm brutally honest, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm just telling the truth.”
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icon masks by serrnz,the membersofthecabnet,star- -boyyy,and revivalrequiem
deviders cafekitsune and magicalboything
Frames nikolaismasquerade, menschenopfer,and respective credits from Picsart
thank you for saying this long! I also had made this is celebration of ai’s birthday! So HBD AIII!
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specshroom · 7 months
Hairdresser Choso!
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✂️ Hairdresser Choso! Who's mom would put his hair up in his iconic style when he was little and he just never changed it.
🪮 Who didn't understand when other kids would make fun of his hairstyle cus his mom did it for him and she says it looks nice so that means it's true. They must be jealous that their moms don't take the time to do their hair >:(
✂️ Hairdresser Choso who would do his brother's hair for them as a show of affection like his mom did to him. When Eso says he wants to shave his head? Choso just nods and helps him do just that. When Yuuji says he wants to dye his hair pink? Choso nods and gets out the gloves and brush. (We love a supportive older brother)
🪮 And obviously this show of affection extends to you. Way back when you were little babies and you would braid and brush each others hair and clip it up with sparkly butterfly clips 🥺.
✂️ And growing up you'd let Choso practice and experiment a ton on your own hair despite his objections. (He really doesn't want to mess up your pretty hair and make you hate him) You always convince him it's fine and he always caves to your wishes eventually.
🪮 So when his best friend (You) and his brothers pitch the idea of him doing peoples hair as a career Choso is pretty open from the get go.
✂️ It takes him awhile to figure out the social aspect of the job. Making small talk has never been his specialty but he learns quickly how to navigate it for the job.
🪮 Hairdresser Choso, who insists on doing your hair free of charge and you would be dumb if you said no to letting him run his very nice, attentive, strong yet gentle hands in your hair.
✂️ Hairdresser Choso would let you sit around the shop while you wait for his shift to end.
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You lay on the worn couch reading a magazine waiting for Choso to finish up with a regular. They chat as Choso ties freshly dyed bright blue locks into two weird horned bunny ear looking things. They certainly have similar styles, you guess that's why they get along.
You realise you're staring and look down at the fancy models in the magazine again. After the customer leaves you get up and walk over to where Choso is cleaning up his work table. You slump into the spinney chair and gaze at yourself in the huge mirror.
"You think I should cut my hair or grow it out?"
Choso looks over at you and then back to the stuff he's putting away. He answers softly,
"I think it'll look nice either way."
"…That's such a cop out answer, man!"
He chuckles at that. "Maybe, but I think it's true. Although, lots of people seem to be cutting their hair shorter recently."
"Oh, so do you like girls with short or long hair then?" You ask with a menacing grin.When the man doesn't answer you poke his side "Cmoooon what's your type Choso?"
Choso grimaces and grumbles, "You sound like my boss."
You laugh at the face he's making and look around the little shop Choso works in.
"Remember when I'd let you practice on me? And you cut the front all wrong and I had to wear hats for like months"
Choso's frown only deepens with the memory but now there's also added redness to his pale cheeks.
"Oh oh! or when you accidentally waterboarded me when you were learning how to use the shower head?"
Choso cringes at the memory while you laugh.
"Stop laughing. I apologised."
You remember it well and he did apologise profusely while gently patting your face down with a towel frantically asking if you were alright, all while you were having a coughing fit.
He might be embarrassed about it but it only endeared you to him more. The memory still makes you smile and gives you a chance to tease the poor man.
"Let's just go get something to eat please."
Choso sighs, opening the shop door and motioning for you to go first. As you two walk down the street, the sound of you teasing him can still be heard from inside the little corner shop.
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