#Desh TV
jkstvnews · 18 days
कुरुक्षेत्र:- PM मोदी के विकसित भारत का दावा, बनाम राहुल गांधी के पांच न्याय’ का चुनाव
लोकसभा चुनावों के तीन चरण पूरे हो चुके हैं और अब चुनाव अपने चौथे चरण की ओर है।तीन चरणों के मतदान को लेकर चुनाव आयोग के शुरुआती आंकड़े बदलने के बावजूद पिछले चुनावों से मतदान का प्रतिशत कम रहा है। जमीन पर भी चुनाव बेहद ठंडा और अनपेक्षित सा दिख रहा है। हालांकि, प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने कांग्रेस के चुनाव घोषणा पत्र को मुस्लिम लीग का बताने से लेकर आर्थिक सर्वेक्षण को लेकर महिलाओं के मंगलसूत्र, संपत्ति और पिछड़ों दलितों का आरक्षण छीनकर उसे मुसलमानों में बांट देने का आरोप लगाते हुए चुनाव को गरमाने की पूरी कोशिश की है और अब तो खुद प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने तेलंगाना की चुनावी सभा में आरोप लगाया कि जो राहुल गांधी पिछले पांच साल से रोज अंबानी अदाणी के नाम की माला जपते थे, अब उनका नाम क्यों नहीं ले रहे हैं। क्या उनके साथ कोई डील हो गई है और क्या बोरों में भरकर टेंपों में लाद कर काला धन उनके पास आ गया है। 
इसी दिन प्रधानमंत्री ने कांग्रेस नेता सैम पित्रोदा के भारत की विवधता को लेकर रंग और चेहरों पर दिए गए एक बयान को निशाना बनाते हुए भी कांग्रेस पर हमला करते हुए देश को रंग और नस्ल के आधार पर बांटने का आरोप लगाया है।अपने नेता के इस चुनावी राग में गृह मंत्री अमित शाह, रक्षा मंत्री राजनाथ सिंह और पार्टी अध्यक्ष जेपी नड्डा समेत सभी भाजपा नेताओं ने अपनी आवाज़ उठाकर इन मुद्दों को लगतार उठाया है।
कुरुक्षेत्र:- PM मोदी के विकसित भारत का दावा, बनाम राहुल गांधी के पांच न्याय’ का चुनावउधर कांग्रेस नेता राहुल गांधी भाजपा के जीतने पर संविधान बदलने ,लोकतंत्र खत्म करने और पिछड़ों दलितों वंचितों और गरीब सवर्णों के अधिकार छीनकर सब कुछ चंद उद्योगपति मित्रों को देने का आरोप भाजपा और प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी पर लगातार लगा रहे हैं। भले ही मोदी ने राहुल पर अंबानी-अदाणी का नाम लेने की बात कही हो, लेकिन राहुल न सिर्फ अदाणी का नाम ले रहे, बल्कि मोदी के आरोप का जवाब देते हुए भी अंबानी-अदाणी का नाम लेते हुए उनके यहां ईडी सीबीआई भेजने की बात कही है। राहुल के इस चुनावी नाद में पार्टी अध्यक्ष मल्लिकार्जुन खरगे, महासचिव प्रियंका गांधी समेत सभी कांग्रेस नेता अपनी आवाज दे रहे हैं।
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सवाल है कि चुनाव किस ओर जा रहा है। क्या हर चुनाव में अपना विमर्श चलाकर माहौलबंदी करने वाले PM नरेंद्र मोदी इस चुनाव को भी हिंदुत्व और धार्मिक ध्रुवीकरण के अपने पुराने बहु परीक्षित सियासी एजेंडे को लेकर उसे केंद्रित करने में कामयाब हो रहे हैं या फिर चुनाव पूरी तरह से विकेंद्रित होकर स्थानीय समीकरणों, मुद्दों और राहुल गांधी द्वारा उठाए जा रहे जातीय जनगणना, पांच न्याय जैसे वादों
चुनाव प्रचार प्रसार रैलियों और रोड शो में सारे दल एक से बढ़कर एक दिखाई दे रहे है , लेकिन दूसरी तरफ पिछले दो चरणों में मतदाता उदासीन दिख रहे है । जमीन पर भी चुनावों में इस बार वैसी लहर नजर नहीं आ रही है जो 2014 और 2019 में साफ दिखाई देती थी और जिस पर सवार होकर BJP व नरेंद्र मोदी ने दो बार सरकार बनाई है । जहां पिछले दोनों लोकसभा चुनावों में बदलाव, राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा, हिंदुत्व की चाशनी में राष्ट्रवाद की घुट्टी और हिंदू मुस्लिम ध्रुवण जैसे राष्ट्रीय विमर्श और केंद्रीय मुद्दों पर जोर रहा। उन दोनों चुनावों में मतदाताओं ने न जाति देखी न दल सिर्फ देखा तो नरेंद्र मोदी का चेहरा और भरोसा किया तो उनके वादों पर, लेकिन इस बार का चुनाव किसी एक या दो राष्ट्रीय मुद्दों पर न होकर पूरी तरह फ़ैल गया है। हर राज्य हर लोकसभा क्षेत्र में अलग अलग मुद्दे अलग अलग समीकरण और परिस्थितियों का पूरा जोर है। कहीं सांसदों के खिलाफ गुस्सा है तो कहीं जातीय समीकरण भारी हैं।
यह भी पड़े :- शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने कांग्रेस और राहुल गांधी पर जमकर निशाना साधा | इनकी सही जगह भारत नहीं, इटली है
यह भी पड़े :- ईवीएम: सुरक्षित, विश्वसनीय और छेड़छाड़ बाधक, चुनाव आयोग का सुप्रीम कोर्ट में स्‍पष्‍ट जवाब
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jkstvnews101 · 9 months
Delhi Kanjhawala Case: इन 40 घातक चोटों ने बताई अंजलि के साथ हुए हादसे की दास्तान
Delhi kanjhawala case: कंझावला में हुए कार सड़क हादसे में युवती की पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि अंजलि का ब्रेन मैटर गायब था और दोनों फेफड़े साफ नजर आ रहे थे.
Delhi Kanjhawala Case: मृतक की तस्वीर
Delhi Kanjhawala case Girl Accident: राष्ट्रीय राजधानी दिल्ली में बीते दिन हुए कंझावला सड़क हादसे (Kanjhawala Road Accident) में अंजलि सिंह की मौत हो गई थी, अब अस्पताल से अंजलि की पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट आने के बाद उसमे दिल दहला देने वाली जानकारियां सामने आई हैं।
अंजलि की पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट के अनुसार कहा, घिसटते हुए जाने से उसकी खोपड़ी खुल गई थी, सिर के हड्डियां टूट गई थीं, पसलियां छाती के पीछे की ओर से निकल गई थीं. मौलाना आजाद मेडिकल कॉलेज के तीन डॉक्टरों के पैनल द्वारा अंजलि सिंह के शव का अच्छे से परीक्षण किया गया और वहा पोस्टमार्टमपोस्त्मताम्व रिपोर्ट मैं साफ़ जाया हो रहा था।
अंजलि सिंह की ऑटोप्सी रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि सिर, रीढ़, बांयीं जांघ की हड्डी और दोनों फेफड़ों में गंभीर चोटों आने से अंजलि के शव की ये हालत हुई. पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि सदमे और ज्यादा खून बहने की वजह से अंजलि सिंह की मौत हुई है. इसी तरह की 40 गंभीर चोटों का अंजलि सिंह की पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट में जिक्र किया गया है।
तेज टक्कर और घसीटे जाने से लगीं सभी चोटें
Delhi Kanjhawala Case: इंडियन एक्सप्रेस की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, अंजलि की पोस्टमार्टम रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि एक साथ लगी इतनी चोटें आना सामान्य तौर पर मौत की वजह बन सकती हैं।
हालांकि, रीढ़ की हड्डी, सिर, और लंबी हड्डियों और अन्य चोटों की गंभीरता भी मौत का वजह बन सकती हैं. यह सभी चोटें तेज गति से हुई टक्कर के कारण और कार से कई किलोमीटर घसीटे जाने की वजह से आई है. हालांकि, कैमेकिल एनालिसिस और बॉयोलॉजिकल सैंपल की रिपोर्ट मिलने के बाद अंतिम राय दी जाएगी।read more
और पड़े:- दिल्ली मेयर चुनाव: मेयर चुनाव होने से पहले AAP और BJP पार्षदों के बीच हुई हाथापाई, चोटें आईं
और पड़े :-कंझावला केस: कोर्ट ने अहम फैसला लेते हुए 4 दिन की पुलिस हिरासत में भेजे पांच आरोपी
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shanti-ashant-hai · 11 months
netflix kids dont know the s t r u g g l e of having a cable tv istg
like. network nahi hai, go to the terrace and fix it for the whole society.
the fucking ad breaks bro. just going and running through the house trying to do everything as fast as you can only for your sibling to go 'ITS ON ITS ON' for you to go sprinting back to the sofa
papa randomly changing the channel to news because 'desh duniya me kya chal rha janna bahut zaruri hai'
like. itna maza netflix me kaha
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arminsumi · 8 months
Hello! I saw on one of your five that you started learning Japanese. If you don’t mind what are you using to learn it? I’ve been trying to find multiple ways to learn it so I can actually remember it lol
ooo well i am not learning it very seriously just leisurely, and i only know the alphabet and whatever i've picked up from tv shows and stuff over the years (so i don't know much at all)
i started with hiragana + katakana writing videos on yt, these ones rlly helped :) 👍
i'm waiting on an order for elementary school level kanji/kana books (it's these ones) too. i'm rlly intimidated by kanji lol but i know some very basic ones 🫡
uhh and for apps there's Hey Japan (it has the shiba icon) and i installed desh japanese keyboard so i can type character names from my phone for posts lol
anyways i wish u luck!!
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bollywoodirect · 11 months
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Remembering Om Shivpuri and Sudha Shivpuri on their birthday (14/07). Both husband and wife were born on the same day.
Today, on their shared birthday (July 14), we pay tribute to the remarkable couple, Om Shivpuri and Sudha Shivpuri, who not only shared their lives together but also their passion for the world of performing arts. Let's take a moment to honor their incredible contributions to theater, film, and television. 🎭🎥
Sudha Shivpuri, born on July 14, 1937, was a highly acclaimed actress, best known for her iconic portrayal of Baa in the Hindi TV serial Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi (2000–2008). Her journey in the entertainment industry began after graduating from the prestigious National School of Drama in 1963, alongside her future husband, Om Shivpuri. They formed a powerful partnership and established their own theater company called Dishantar, which became a significant force in Delhi's theater scene. Under Om Shivpuri's brilliant direction, Dishantar presented a repertoire of influential contemporary plays, including Aadhe Adhurey, Tughlaq, and Vijay Tendulkar's Khamosh! Adalat Jari Hai, where Sudha Shivpuri showcased her exceptional talent in the lead role.
In addition to her theater prowess, Sudha Shivpuri made a lasting impact on the silver screen. After moving to Mumbai in 1974, she made her film debut in Basu Chatterjee's Swami (1977) and went on to deliver captivating performances in movies such as Insaaf Ka Tarazu, Hamari Bahu Alka, Hum Dono (1985), Sawan Ko Aane Do, Sun Meri Laila, The Burning Train, Vidhaata, and Maya Memsaab (1993).
Despite taking a break from films, Sudha Shivpuri gracefully transitioned to television and won hearts with her memorable roles in serials like Aa Bail Mujhe Maar and Rajni (1985). She further expanded her presence in the small screen domain with appearances in popular shows like Sheeshe Ka Ghar, Waqt Ka Dariya, Daman, Santoshi Ma, Yeh Ghar, Kasamh Se, and Kis Desh Mein Hai Meraa Dil. However, it was her portrayal of 'Baa' in the widely acclaimed TV serial Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi that brought her immense fame and adoration from viewers.
Sudha Shivpuri's artistic brilliance earned her the prestigious Sangeet Natak Akademi Award in 2009, an honor bestowed by the esteemed Sangeet Natak Akademi, India's National Academy of Music, Dance, and Drama. This accolade recognized her exceptional acting contributions to theater, further highlighting her remarkable talent and dedication.
On this shared birthday, we also commemorate Om Shivpuri, born on July 14, 1938, who left an indelible mark as a renowned theater actor-director and character actor in Hindi films. Graduating from the National School of Drama, Om Shivpuri became the first chief of the National School of Drama Repertory Company in 1964. He later founded Dishantar, a prominent theater group in New Delhi. Together with Sudha Shivpuri, they staged numerous unforgettable plays, including Aadhe Adhure, Tughlaq, and Khamosh! Adalat Jari Hai, showcasing their unmatched talent and artistic vision.
As we celebrate the lives and legacies of Om Shivpuri and Sudha Shivpuri on their special day, let us remember their extraordinary contributions to the world of entertainment. Their dedication, passion, and remarkable body of work continue to inspire generations of artists and entertain audiences even today.
Join us in honoring the iconic couple, Om Shivpuri and Sudha Shivpuri, as we celebrate their shared birthday and their everlasting impact on the world of performing arts.
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sanchitaroymitra · 27 days
Mayukh Mukherjee
(Indian Actor) 
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             Mayukh Mukherjee is an Indian actor and academic who works in Bengali film industry and has made several on-screen appearances from his childhood (since 2002). He made his debut in the Bengali mega serial Neel Seemana, which was aired on Zee Bangla from from which drew public attention for the first time. Since then, he has appeared in numerous Bengali mega films and features films.Photo in an event in Birla Auditorium
            Mayukh had the kick start on his acting  journey as a child artist in the year 2002, when he was 6 yrs old in the TV show  Sabujer Deshe as an anchor  in ETV Bangla. Forwardly  moved his film career  with new projects of  Telefilms named as Simante Dariye in the series of Panch Dine Golpo as the character Bubun,  Light House in series of Sudhu Tomari Jonnyo as Popo in ETV Bangla. Side by been a vital part of Megafilms named Neel Simana in Zee Bangla as Gaurav, in Aaleya as Bhola in DD7. Also been in Jaya as Mayukh in ETV Bangla, in Samparka as Bubun, in ETV Bangla. 
             In the year 2005 He continued in Soap Operas like Four Plus as Nayan in Akash Bangla, in Debi as Tutu in ETV Bangla and many other famous daily TV shows. Since he due to the study stess he made his attempts in only Telefilms and Feature Films like Bagh Bandi Khela as Rajesh in ETV Bangla, Viswa O Arjun as Arjun in ETV Bangla In one serise of Sadhak Bama Khepa as Gadadhar in ETV Bangla. Being out of the line a bit he has acted in a Soap Oprea- Andar Mahal as Neel in Akash Bangla. Later on he carried on with a telefilm- Drishti Pradip in DD7 in the year 2008. 
             He also played roles in some famous feature films like Priyotama as a hostel student and in Ek Nodir Galpo as Kashim. His last work was in Aye Tobe Sahochori as a senior ragging student. After those he is keeping a gap from being in front of the cameras as due to his higher educational aims.
            Mayukh Loves to do photography, play multiple musical instruments, practice painting and other fine arts subjects, Sports Weapon shooting, Swimming and many other stuff. He is basically a person with multiple talents and a multiple disciplinary person. He is also in social and charitable activities.
-Sanchita Roy Mitra
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viralnews-fan-blog · 28 days
কেঁপে উঠল পুরো বগুড়া | Bogra shook | The News কেঁপে উঠল পুরো বগুড়া #Bogra_shook #thenews #Newsকেঁপে উঠল পুরো বগুড়া | Bogra shook | The NewsThe News Entertainment,the news,দ্য নিউজ,Bangladesh news,breaking news,নিউজ,বগুড়া,news,bogura news,bangla news,bangladesh news,bogra news,latest bangla news,bogura news update,bogra news update,desh tv news live,top bangla news,bogura latest news,bogura,news bogura,latest bogura news,bogura viral news,bangla tv news,bogra,bangla news today,bogra news today,bogra fire,bogra crime news,bangla news online,bogura news today,news bangladesh
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musicarenagh · 2 months
dESH.DUBS, Sailee Nyondo and Jane Lilato Collaborate For ‘Joe Chibangu’ In Memory Of The Late Rap Prophet Star Rap Prophets dESH.DUBS and Sailee Nyondo reunite for ‘Joe Chibangu’, their first collaborative effort in three decades! ‘Joe Chibangu’ is available on all digital streaming platforms globally here Zambian Hip-Hop pioneers dESH.DUBS and Sailee Nyondo have reunited for their first release in thirty years as members of Rap Prophets. If you were a fan of the illustrious group, their new song featuring Jane Lalito, ‘Joe Chibangu,’ is one you’d be fortunate to hear. It is long overdue. The eponymous track pays homage to the group’s late member, Joe Chibangu and will feature on dESH.DUBS’ June-bound studio album, “Mataglap”.  ‘Joe Chibangu’ marks the first time the Rap Prophets have assembled since their 1995 self-titled debut album, which included the tracks ‘Take Time to Pray,’ ‘Leaders,’ ‘How Could You Die’ and ‘He Sent Jesus’. This high-flying Joseph Musaga-produced piece sees the two collaborate with another terrific Zambian artist, Germany-based Alec "Chichi" Katapazi, whose flair helped add more polish. Jane Lilato’s vocals tie the contributions of the three together in perfect harmony. "When I was in Ndola to visit Sailee about two years ago, we never discussed music; Sailee even stated that he had given his guitar to his daughter and had ceased all musical activity,” dESH shares. “I never ceased making music and don’t intend to stop anytime soon. Anyway, I began to discuss songs that could feature on my upcoming album (“Mataglap”) with him while he spoke nonstop about how much he enjoyed painting and how he was exhausted by music.” “At one point, I had plans to collaborate with Jane Lilato; I set up a studio, but it was impractical, so I returned to Europe. Work on “Mataglap” proceeded smoothly. I believe I had completed the projects; the album was nearing completion of mastering when I thought a track dedicated to Joe would be the right thing to do. Initially, I wanted to do a song but settled for an interlude instead.” “While putting down my ideas for the interlude, I pondered the possibility of including Sailee; I sent him the song, and he specifically responded that I should include a female vocalist. I immediately thought of Jane Lilato; I then called her and the rest is, as they say, history. I am trying to persuade Sailee to start making music again with at least a few more tracks and possibly an entire album to sustain the Rap Prophets name.” ‘Joe Chibangu’ was mixed by Marcel van Ling and mastered by Ivo Statinski in Amsterdam. It serves as the spiritual successor to the group’s 1996 song, ‘How Could You Die’, giving the once-great musician a memorable send-off lovers of his craft will appreciate. dESH DUBS has been relentless in recent years. He has released a stream of singles in collaboration with several other Zambian artists, including Shimasta, his Zambezi symphony comrade Milz, Ty2, Hamoba and Ariel, ahead of his forthcoming album titled “Mataglap”. ‘Joe Chibangu’ sees Sailee Nyondo join his long list of collaborators, taking anticipation for his next project through the roof. Samantha Jane Lilato Sakala is a talented singer and songwriter whose passion for music started early in her home due to her parents being renowned singers. She experienced tragic events during her upbringing that influenced her writing style to become more emotion-driven. One of Jane's career highlights has been providing the theme song and soundtracks to the renowned ZNBC TV show Butuku. Lilato continues to appeal to diverse audiences with her polarizing brand. She aspires to use music to tackle problems many Christians and people find uncomfortable to discuss. Her ultimate goal is to provide hope and comfort to anyone going through personal trauma and struggling with negative emotions and mental health issues. Zambian music veteran, Joe Chibangu passed away on February 3, 2017, aged 41. He was an Azami award winner and a two-time KORA awards nominee.
Chibangu was best known for his debut album, “The Ambassador”, a name he would become known for and other hit songs like 'Na Bwalya,' 'Shibuka (Kamale)' and 'Bana Malama', among others. Throughout his career, he was a part of many groups, including Rap Prophets, one of the first rap groups to gain popularity in Zambia and feature on Sounds Good. Other groups associated with Chibangu include B-Sharp, Melt Down and Yesu Culture.
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bdlatestjobs · 4 months
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jkstvnews · 19 days
शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने कांग्रेस और राहुल गांधी पर जमकर निशाना साधा | इनकी सही जगह भारत नहीं, इटली है
Shivraj Singh Chouhan :- BJP Lok Sabha प्रत्याशी शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने कांग्रेस और राहुल गांधी पर जमकर निशाना साधा है। उन्होंने कहा कि इनकी सही जगह भारत नहीं बल्कि इटली है।
Shivraj Singh Chauhan मध्य प्रदेश में इन दिनों लोकसभा चुनाव को लेकर राजनीतिक पार्टियों के नेताओं का एक दूसरे पर आरोप प्रत्यारोप का सिलसिला चल रहा है। मध्य प्रदेश में पहले, दूसरे और तीसरे चरण के चुनाव शांतिपूर्वक तरीके से हो चुके हैं। और अब प्रदेश के नेता चौथे चरण के चुनाव के लिए राज्यभर में पार्टी का प्रचार करने में जुट गए हैं। इसी सिलसिले में प्रदेश के पूर्व मुख्यमंत्री और भाजपा प्रत्याशी शिवराज सिंह चौहान आज खंडवा पहुंचे। यहां मीडिया से बात करते हुए शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने कांग्रेस और राहुल गांधी पर जमकर निशाना साधा। उन्होंने कहा कि इनकी सही जगह भारत नहीं, इटली है
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यह भी पड़े:-ईवीएम: सुरक्षित, विश्वसनीय और छेड़छाड़ बाधक, चुनाव आयोग का सुप्रीम कोर्ट में स्‍पष्‍ट जवाब
शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने कांग्रेस और राहुल गांधी पर जमकर निशाना साधा | इनकी सही जगह भारत नहीं, इटली है
JKS TV NEWS पर हिंदी में ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़ Hindi News देश-विदेश की ताजा खबर पढ़े और अपने आपको को रखें अप-टू-डेट
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kitty-lemon · 10 months
“Pakistan se operate hue hain, tumhari media, Yahi desh ki media ye khabrein dikha Rahi hai, Pata chal raha hai unko, sab pata chal raha hai, inke aaqa hai wahan. Agar XXXXX hai, Agar Hindustan me rehna hai, toh mai kehta hun, Modi aur Yogi, ye do hain, aur aapke Thakrey”
Obviously they are picking up talking points from police brutality justification from west. Never saw anyone bringing up mental health till now. TV channels are pushing this 'mental health' only because they were directly, very explicitly, referenced in the video.
As someone said it- "If in any other country a uniformed official had murdered four people in a hate crime and taken the names of the PM and a CM, it would b national and international news, it would make the people of the country come on to the streets demanding for justice. In any other country ofc"
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arifulhaquesuman · 10 months
‘এক লোক দশ বার ভোট দিয়েছে’ | GM Quader | Jatiya Party | News | Desh TV
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indianewstrend · 11 months
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digimart01 · 1 year
Digital marketing in Tourism industry during COVID-19
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Digital marketing has now become new trends and essential for any industry be it tourism. Tourism industry needs digital marketing new concepts to promote their business digitally. Previously it was very difficult to reach to the market for band awareness only physical mode of display was there like banner,handbill, and print media like newspapers,broadcasting channel tv and all. And how covid 19 has impact on Tourism industry and digital marketing has saved tourism only.
Traditional days Travel industries has to invest huge on advertisement but social media platforms and internet has cut huge cost. Now technologies of digital marketing has transformed tourism industry.
Nowadays tourism industry using social media platform and online platform websites and epapers has helped to reach out to tourists. Recent days tourists can book travel packages and hotels online anywhere and everywhere , whole world is connected with eachother. The implementation of Digital marketing on Tourism is though an challenge but it is becoming successful day by day using internet, made it reach to every parts of the world. So without digital marketing brand promotion is very difficult.
During Covid-19 (2020-22) situations there was huge turmoil in the travel sector and people had stopped travel longer time period and got stuck at their home. But e-travel “virtual travel” had showcased important tourist places of interest,culture, and history on online platform like facebook and intragram. During 2021 this etravel named “Dekho Apna Desh” initiative has taken by Ministry of Tourism(MOT), Government of India launched webinars online storytelling of historical places all over India of totally free of cost for destination promotion. Everybody has participated the event tourists,phographers,student, professors and all got encourged.
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Though people had stopped travel during covid times but due to use of digital marketing and internet urge for travel has revived after seeing those webinars of MOT.  Conora has changed our vision that tourism is also possible virtually by see videos online.  
Application of Digital marketing on Tourism
a) Social Media on Tourism
Using social media platforms like facebook,instragram making new post and reels, using hashtags, youtobe channels made travel destinations and travel agencies services very popular and go viral online. Hashtags is an powerful using keywords people can give. Even million of viewers has liked or seen on of the unique post. Example Post of Post of Gangasager Mela 2023 of Department of Tourism West Bengal Facebook page had become very famous, now everybody wants to see Gangasagar Mela.
b)  Using websites and brand promotions
The presence of websites and technologies made travel agencies to reach world wide. They can promotes their travel related services on the company’s profile websites with details. The number of FAT(Foreign tourist arrival) has also increased to 25 percent and more for using websites by Travel agencies. Travel packages can also be showcases with details with itinerary, photos and vedios. Tourism company with the help of digital marketing creation of their websites and then finally promote them all services digitally. Websites are nowadays dynamic features of using wordpress, php, javascript and so on.
c) Travel packages and hotel booking online
    Using social media like facebook, intragram, and website and using internet recently booking og travel related services has made very easily where enquires can be booked online anywhere and everywhere. Tourist whose who want to travel can see all posts and then fill form and finally can book packages and hotels; transform in final leads. There are also apps of the website which can be made for booking and reservation online.
c) Content Marketing and blogs post
   Blog is the most important medium to description about our destinations. Blog gives new ideas and information of new places which is part of websites. Numbers of viewers can also be increased from viewer of the blogs backlinks. So the website can great very popular from blog post.
d) Local SEO and Google my Business
      Local SEO and google mybusiness is great free SEO tool for doing business listing on google Search engine online. Local SEO is actually giving information of business online address, website url inclusion, phone number, business owner full details, google map and all. New travel agencies can do google my business on google platform where they can get new enquiry. Minimum three local SEO results comes on SERP first page on the top according to local regions. So it this application of digital marketing.  
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
This popular TV daughter-in-law is a real-life virgin, a single mother
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After 40 Unmarried Actresses: People's lifestyle is also changing with time. In such circumstances, women are more successful than men in the 21st century. This is why women today are focusing more on their careers instead of settling down. In this case, if we talk about successful actresses in television industry, let's say there are 5 superhit daughters-in-law of TV industry, who have crossed the age of 40 but are not married yet. What's special is that this list includes one name of TV's top daughter-in-law, who has become a mother of 1 child out of wedlock. Let's talk about the lifestyle of these actresses in such circumstances. Meghna Malik Meghna Malik, who plays Amma Ji in TV's top TRP serials like 'Na Ana Is Desh Meri Lado', is not dependent on any contacts. Apart from serials, Meghna Malik has also worked in top films like Chanta Chanta, Kuch Na Kaho, Tare Zameen Par. Meghna Malik has crossed 50 years, but till now she has not found the true soul of her life. Witness Tanwar Sakshi Tanwar, who left her mark in every household with the serial 'Bade Ache Lagate Hai', is the top actress in the industry. Apart from daily soaps, Sakshi Tanwar has also worked in films. Witness is 49 years old and single. But say, in 2018 she became a mother of 1 child. In fact he legally adopted this girl. Now she lives with her only child and she too is planning to settle down with him. In such a situation, it would not be wrong to say that Sakshi is not thinking about Tanwa's marriage at all. Shilpa Shinde Anguri Bhabhi aka Shilpa Shinde needs no introduction. Shilpa Shinde is a known face in the television industry. In 2001, she entered the acting world with the serial Kain Na Aye Judai. After that, she made recurring appearances in many serials like Amrapali, Tum Bin Jaon Kahan, Andhi, Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai. Please tell that Shilpa Shinde is also the winner of Bigg Boss 11 and she has no plans of marriage as of now. However, once the preparations for her wedding started at the actress's home, the engagement took place, but suddenly the news of the marriage break-up came into the limelight and her relationship with Ramit Raj came to an end. Neither of them revealed the reason. Jaya Bhattacharya Jaya Bhattacharya, who played the role of mother-in-law in Thapki Pyaar Ki, is also on the list. Jaya is 44 years old and still single. At the same time, there is no plan for their marriage. Tell me, Jaya has appeared in many top TRP serials in the television industry. These include Silsila Badalte Rishtan Ka, Thapki Pyaar Ki, Kasam Se, Bado Bahu, Pinjara, Sundari. She has also acted in several films including Lajya, Devdas, Jigyasa, Ek Biye Emni. Neha Mehta Neha Mehta, who played Mehta Sahib's wife Anjali Mehta in Taarak Mehta Ka Oolta Chashma, has turned 44. Everyone knows and knows Neha Mehta by this name. This actress is not married yet. Let me tell you that Neha Mehta made her acting debut in 2001. She has so far appeared in top serials like Janmo Janma, EMI and Better Half. Although in real sense she got recognition from Tarak Mehta's Anjali. DISCLAIMER Thanks For Visit Our Site www.bollywoodofindia.com . We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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thebobby1432world · 1 year
Ruhana Khanna Wiki, Biography, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Net Worth
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Ruhana Khanna Wiki: Ruhana Khanna is a rising star in India. At just 14 years old, she has made an impressive name for herself in the entertainment industry, earning critical acclaim for her breakout role as Krishna in the popular Indian TV series Gangaa. Ruhana Khanna WikiBoyfriends, Affairs Favorite Things A gifted performer and dedicated student, Ruhana is currently pursuing her studies at Indraprastha World School in New Delhi while balancing her flourishing career in television and film. In addition to her acclaimed turn in Gangaa, Ruhana has been featured in various music videos and photoshoots for various designers, and she was recently awarded the Desh Ki Ladli—Most Promising Child Star—at the Indian Telly Awards.
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Ruhana Khanna Wiki
Ruhana Khanna Wiki
NameRuhana KhannaBirth PlaceNew Delhi, IndiaDate Of Birth1 October 2008Age14 years old (as of 2023)HeightIn centimeters – 127 cm In feet inches – 4’2”WeightIn Kilograms – 32 kg In Pounds – 71 lbsEye ColorBlackHair ColorBlackProfessionChild ActressSexual OrientationStraightSchoolIndraprastha World school, Paschim Vihar, DelhiCollegeNot KnownReligionHinduismNationalityIndianHome TownNew Delhi, IndiaDebutTV Debut: GangaaFathers NameBrij KhannaMothers NameParsy KhannaBrothersNot KnownSisterNot KnownCategoryActress Boyfriends, Affairs BoyfriendsNot KnownMarital StatusUnmarriedHusbandNone Favorite Things Favorite ActorsSalman khanFavorite ActressNot KnownFavorite Musical InstrumentNot KnownFavorite Singer(s)Not KnownFavorite GamesSkipping, football, hide & seek, stone paper scissorsFavorite DestinationsNot KnownFavorite Color(s)Not Known Disclaimer: The above information is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site. Read the full article
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