#De Romanus Coven events
ladyvampir3 · 1 month
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Venus as a boy
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A doodle I managed to finish for the coven event- I don't necessarily have a story or AU tied to this one, except that Marius couldn't decide what sort of flowers to bring home for Daniel so he decided on all of them.
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rijinksiwtv · 9 months
For the prompts "rebel" and "golden retriever" for Marius/Daniel week, I am bringing some cursed B99 memes
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rijinks · 9 months
Marius/Daniel appreciation week, Day 1: Round glasses and a typewriter
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Would Daniel remember all such details from his mortal life? Let’s say he does. (Btw I don’t usually give him glasses, but for the sake of the prompt, I did; it suits him either way!)
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fenicenera83 · 9 months
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Marius/Daniel Appreciation weeek Day 2 - Our garden in Rio/Guardian angel
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deromanuscoven · 3 months
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A very special and heartfelt thank you to @shittyravencarcosa and @herbeloved82 for preparing and working hard and carefully on the prompts. Thank you for your efforts, and thank you for the prompts!
Below are the prompts that will accompany us during the duration of the Festival:
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herbeloved82 · 1 month
A God Offered Love
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Written with @complicitsacrilege for the event, this is also a gift for @shittyravencarcosa. Happy Birthday dear.
“We are not Gods.” 
A voice raised above those of beings as ancient as time itself, and silence fell among them. 
“We are not Gods,” the same voice repeated now that he had their full attention. “And we better stop behaving like their rules apply to us.” 
There was bitterness in his voice, and he had the eyes of someone who had seen too much. It was like a veil of resentment and regret clouded them and yet they were as clear as the sea or the sky on a beautiful winter morning. 
“You should stop fighting this, Marius.” 
Someone else spoke and addressed him with familiarity and a compassionate smile on his ageless face. As beautiful as the others, his skin showed the same quality as the purest marble. 
“Don’t patronize me.” 
“Then you should learn to listen.” The same man spoke again. “You fight something that you couldn’t accept when you were a mortal, and you are still fighting it. After so long, we are all worried about you.” 
The one called Marius looked around and for the first time he realized all the attention was on him, but not for what he said. No, there was something else, something that they were keeping hidden behind the walls in their minds. Marius didn’t like this. 
The silence where usually were words and colors and emotions was a clear indication that this wasn’t a casual meeting. This had been planned and Marius fell in their trap. He didn’t even know there was one and now it was too late. 
“Your care touches my undead heart, Khayman, but you shouldn’t worry.” He tried to say, but Khayman shook his head. 
“You have been alone too long, Marius. Eternity shouldn’t be spent alone.” 
Marius shook his head, tired. How many times did he listen to the same words? How many times have they been spoken by people who couldn’t even imagine the true meaning of loneliness? 
Once again he let his eyes wander and he saw the reason why they couldn’t understand. 
In a corner, away from the others, lost in each other’s eyes stood Seth and Fareed. So close no one could really say where one ended and the other began. They overcame the silence of their minds by talking to each other, always. The Gods of medicine they were called, and to them people prayed in hope to be healed. 
Then there were Teshkhamen and Mael. So different and yet close, they weren’t together like Seth and Fareed who were married in front of the Queen and King, bound together by choice and love, and yet they were close. Together they were venerated as those who brought harvest after the harshest winters.
Then Maharet and Mekare, the sisters who dared to stand to Enkil and Akasha and who paid the highest price. Their names were called by those who wanted to know magic and see the future, without understanding what their true power really was and that there was a price to pay to know thighs that were beyond human’s comprehension. 
Today even Rhoshamandes and Benedict, the youngest of them all, turned for his beauty and beloved by many, were there. Marius should have known something was going on when he saw them there. 
They lived apart from them all. Gentle Benedict was worshiped as God of music as Rhoshamandes was called upon when peace was needed above everything else. For them to be there, whatever it was that the others planned, it had to be big. 
Marius was the one always alone. A guardian, a mentor, a scholar but not a creator anymore, not since the moment he had lost Pandora and Bianca, who walked away from him when he had failed to give them what they wanted the most. 
He couldn’t open his heart to them, couldn’t allow them to see the darkness that dwelled in his soul. That led them to believe he didn’t trust them. Resentments grew inside them and so they left without looking behind. Truth was, they were right. He hadn’t trusted them with his secrets and they walked away before he could cause even more damage with his actions than what was already there.
“What is this all about?” He finally asked, when his eyes dropped on the ground and he felt the long years of his immortality fall upon his shoulders. He was tired, oh so tired.
“Your name has been called.” The sisters spoke at once. The echo of their power filling the room. 
“The wisdom of war, when peace is not an option, has been summoned.” Rhoshamandes carried on. 
“The hope to save lives of innocents by punishing the guilty had been requested.” Even Seth and Fareed spoke this time, and Marius knew he couldn’t deny the call. 
“Someone had been offered to you, already.” Teshkhamen finished for them. 
His maker, the one lover who helped him to understand his true nature, his friend, the one he couldn’t deny. 
“Will you answer the call?” The sisters asked, like there was any other answer than yes. Of course he would. It was his obligation, after all, even if his rebellious nature, for just a second, had wanted to say no, to walk away and never care again about what humans did to each other. 
“I will answer the call.” Marius said, for they all demanded a vocal answer from him. 
Their words bound them to actions. 
The temple was dark and it deeply smelled of incense and beeswax. It was comforting, like something familiar that one forgot for too long, and yet it was always there, in the back of your mind. His light steps didn’t make any sound as his presence didn’t disturb the quiet of the place. 
The young man there, his offering, dressed in the finest garments of his people, lay on the softest furs that smelled of smoke and pine. A night in winter and a feast only for Marius to devour. 
Did he know what his fate was? Marius wondered. Did his people tell him what was supposed to happen tonight? Was he here willingly or was he forced to accept to be a sacrifice to someone who wasn’t a God but a Monster walking among humans? 
Benedict had been willing. Only those among them who were luckiest met their eternal mates when they offered themselves by choices that weren’t forced or extorted with manipulation. What would be his story? Would Marius find someone he could be himself be, or would their tale be a tragedy? 
Those were the questions that swirled in his mind as he approached the one who was given to him, and he still didn’t realize Marius was even there, covered by the shadows and protected by his own powers. 
Marius took his time to watch the offering. So beautiful, like one of those angels painters loved to represent, with his curly and auburn hair surrounding his face like a halo. Divine, Marius thought, and for the first time he allowed hope to enter his heart. 
“I know you are there, my lord.” 
His voice was like a balm on a wound that Marius didn’t know he carried. The moment the young man spoke, Marius felt the spell of his presence call to him. It was like nothing he’d ever felt before, in all the long years of his life. 
“I hope I satisfy you, my numen. I am yours for you to do with as you will.” 
How could this man, this human, know he was there? 
Feeling exposed and not seeing reasons to hide any longer Marius stepped into the ring of light created by the burning candles that surrounded the furs where his offering was. The man smelled like expensive fragrances and oils that made his hair shine like they were kissed by the moonlight. 
“My name is Marius, young one. I’m no God, or numen. All I am is a monster in disguise.” He stopped before he could start with one of his long tirades, controlling himself for the first time since he could remember his tongue felt heavy in his mouth. “What is your name, beautiful one?” 
The young man looked shocked for only a moment, before his piercing eyes locked to Marius’ and a small, knowing smile appeared on his face. 
“My name is Andrei, my Lord, and you are the beautiful one.” The flirtatious smile that curved the corners of his plump lips spoke volumes of how used Andrei was to seduce with his mere presence. Marius was smitten by him, so deeply he was already affecting him that Marius struggled to recognize himself. 
Marius chose to ignore that for now at least. It would be so easy to fall for the siren before him, but something told him that to wait would be the key in this strange chess game he found himself forced to play. 
“And tell me, Andrei, what do you know about what will happen tonight?” 
Andrei replied without missing a beat, “You will make me yours in whatever way pleases you.” He shifted in the furs to expose more of his body. Though he was covered head to toe in traditional garments made of the finest embroidered silk, he had been trained well enough to seduce that he may as well be wearing nothing at all.
“You will be mine, yes, for I am too weak to resist you, and yet I wonder if you really know what will happen after. What do you know of us so-called Gods?” 
Marius moved a few more steps, enough to tower over Andrei, close and yet too distant. 
Even his smell was made to lure Marius in. It was like Andrei was created for him and him alone. 
Under the delicate scents of woods and flowers, Marius could recognize something that was unique. A mixture of cinnamon and copper. It was his blood that called to Marius, and that blood he would have. 
It was strange for Marius to admit weakness, however he knew he couldn’t hide himself from Andrei, not if he wanted a chance at what Seth and Fareed shared. Jealousy was never a part of him, and yet those two awoke inside him a beast he wasn’t sure he could tame. 
For a brief second the memory of Bianca and Pandora, walking away from him, their backs turned for the last time, entered his mind. 
He couldn’t make the same mistakes, no matter how high the price to pay, and yes, his pride was the biggest of his sins.     
   “I know that the only others who have been offered and accepted by the gods have ascended beyond what this world has to offer.” His eyes glinted in the firelight, fearless, yet in his mind the knowledge that he would die was clear. He was offering his body so that his soul could be accepted by a god.
Marius never heard such magnificent words used to describe something that was impossible to understand. 
Andrei was a true believer and that worried Marius, for he knew how easy it was to destroy someone who believed in the idea of them but didn’t know about their true nature. 
Marius had known someone, a long time ago, before he was casted away, forced to live as a renegade by his own kind, who had taken advantage of those who really believed.
Santino was someone he tried not to think about, and yet now, in this sacred place, made stronger by the people’s prayers, he could feel his foul influence. Marius hated it like he had hated him when they first met. His maker had even ended himself when he realized what he had created, however Santino lived and he became the first opposition their kind ever had. As Seth and Fareed were Gods of medicine and healing, Santino became God of illness and destruction. 
If Marius had to be honest with himself, he would have loved to destroy Santino once and for all. But their laws stood, the ones created by the sisters, and so Santino was untouchable, until the moment he posed a real threat to them. Only then his fate would be fulfilled.  
However, something in those words pushed him to come even closer and he sat on the edge of the furs without touching that tempting body that was his for the taking. 
Marius would have loved to be stronger, or even just wiser. He knew he should find the words to make Andrei really understand that the ascension he was talking about was in truth death. It wasn’t a reward, but it could turn into a punishment. 
Then Fareed and his dark eyes came to his mind, and the moment he had joined them by Seth’s side. 
He had been the same as Andrei. Sure of what he thought he knew, strong in his belief that this life, the eternity his mate gave him, was what he was born to embrace. Fareed was happy and he made Seth happy. Could it be possible for Marius to find the same in Andrei, and for him to make Andrei feel the same?      
  Andrei leaned in closer, hesitant to close the distance between them completely - to touch a god without permission surely was a sin. He lifted his trembling fingers to reach out to touch the soft fabric of Marius’ tunic.
Slowly, he brushed his fingers down the unfamiliar texture, captivated by it momentarily. The touch was so featherlight, it was barely noticeable.
Marius watched, intrigued, as Armand moved his fingers upon his clothes. So normal it was for him to wear them, that he forgot how foreign they could look in the eyes of someone who came from a different land. 
There was hesitation in his movements, but also bravado. Marius didn’t give him permission to touch and yet the young man did, because he wanted to. 
If there was something he loved in another man was the fire burning in their veins. Untamed and wild. That was why he could never love Pandora and Bianca like they deserved. 
“Can I touch you?” He asked when Andrei stopped, unable to let this moment go. He wanted, no, he needed for this to never end. 
Andrei’s deep brown eyes gazed up at Marius from under his lashes, seeming to draw him in. Without answer, the boy’s hand reached for Marius’. His fingers were hot when they brushed the back of his hand, and he allowed Andrei to lift it to his own cheek.
He only broke their gaze to press his forehead to Marius’ knuckles as though in praise.
Marius once again allowed his eyes to follow every of his movements. Curious and yet somehow distant. He couldn’t remember when it had been the last time he had touched a mortal. Marius knew of his strength, passed to him through the blood of his maker and trained on the battlefield when the war came and almost destroyed them all. Andrei was so fragile, so delicate in many ways and Marius’ heart broke thinking he would have to cause pain to such a divine creature. 
Following Andrei’s example, he took Andrei’s hand in his own, marveling about their difference in size. Andrei was compact and solid, but his frame was so much smaller than his own. Strength and delicacy in the same, tempting body, a jubilation of opposite attributes that made a perfect whole. 
Andrei’s heart raced in his chest, the blood pumping hard, even in his fingertips. His breath seemed to have caught in his chest, as though he’d forgotten how to breathe the moment their skin touched.
Marius was assaulted by the most alluring scent he ever smelled before. 
He could hear Andrei’s heart, echoing in his ears as the sound of drums of war, calling to Marius on his more basic instincts. 
To conquer and take. To make him his. To satisfy the hunger that his mere presence awoke inside the deepest part of his dark soul. 
Copper and cinnamon. Fresh and metallic at the same time. Like an animal Marius scented his prey and decided there was nothing else he could do, but to devour him. 
Marius moved and Andrei’s human eyes had no chance to see what he was doing, until he found himself on his lap, his mouth covered by Marius’ lips. Ice and fire brought together by passion. 
Marius’ mouth was hard as it pressed against Andrei’s lips in a demanding kiss, and the boy yielded under him.
His sharp fangs pierced the plump flesh and Marius tasted his blood for the first time. 
It was like the most expensive ambrosia, clouding his senses, enslaving him to Andrei’s pleasure when the boy gasped in surprise. 
One of his hands traveled along one of his legs and when the delicate silk covering him became an obstacle, Marius used his sharp claws to tear through it. Then, with the garments laid around their bodies, a ruined offering on the altar of lust, Marius once again moved Andrei like his body weighed nothing, until the boy was on his back and Marius’ hands on his now naked thighs. 
With just an ounce of his true strength Marius grazed his claws along Andrei’s thighs, creating patterns of ruby red blood against the paleness of his skin. Andrei cried out at the sharp pain, trying to writhe away from it.
Marius could hear the shock and fear racing through the boy’s mind, yet he held him in place and only stopped when he reached the delicate skin of his inner thighs, close to his manhood, now half hard. 
Merely a moment was allowed to Andrei to recover from the shock before Marius bent over him, like an eagle would do with his chosen prey. 
With his cold tongue he began to lap at every drop of blood he caused to spill. Andrei tasted as delicious as he smelled and Marius wondered, not for the first time, if it was possible that this creature was born to be his. Then any thought was erased from his mind and his senses focused only on Andrei. 
His taste. His scent. Even his fear called to Marius and Marius couldn’t ignore the call. 
For every red line he left behind, his tongue bathed him clean, until pink lines remained behind to indicate what his flesh endured.
“We take pleasure in different ways, you and I, beautiful one.” Marius said, his lips stained by Andrei’s blood. 
There were tears in Andrei’s eyes, yet he didn’t dare to deny Marius what he knew was rightfully his. He didn’t seem to be able to answer, however, as he writhed in Marius’ grip.
“I can give pleasure to your human body, and when all will be done, you’ll learn of the highest pleasure you ever felt.” 
Finally, Andrei’s eyes, pupils blown wide with fear and adrenaline, met Marius’. His mind was in chaos, having had every preconception of what it meant to be an offering broken in mere seconds. Yet, instead of backing down from what he believed to be his sacred duty, Andrei seemed to steel himself to nod.
“Yes, my lord, I am yours. I will take what you are willing to give me.”
Everything, Marius’ thought. Everything Andrei could ever want or need. He only had to say the word and Marius would do everything in his power to make it happen. 
But those words never reached his mouth. They were spoken aloud, for they were for Marius to know and for Andrei to learn, with time, of the power he had over him. 
Instead he licked his right hand and used it to wrap around Andrei’s cock and the boy arched into his hand. He seemed hesitant to take his eyes off of Marius, but when he began to move his hand, stroking his thumb over the tip, Andrei’s head tipped back into the furs under him.
The boy’s skin flushed with arousal as Marius’ hand began to move with a slow rhythm, as though to draw out as much of Andrei’s pleasure as he could with each stroke.
It was a curious thing to see the human’s pleasure building in him. The way his small hands fisted in the furs, knuckles going white as he bit his lip to restrain himself.
A soft sound of pleasure escaped Andrei’s lips as Marius twisted his hand to spread a drop of precum from the tip.
Marius drank in every noise Andrei made, never allowing the boy a moment to control himself. He wanted to see him falling apart, to reach highs he never met before. He wanted everything he had to offer and more. 
The night, so quiet before, echoed with this siren song of his all too human heart. Marius couldn’t resist and the scent of arousal only grew as Andrei’s breath came in short gasps and he bucked his hips under Marius’ hand. 
Marius’ rhythm became more broken as he had to make sure not to hurt Andrei when the first drops of cum fell on his hand. 
To watch his pleasure to find relief, knowing it was him who gave this to Andrei was enough to break what little resolve he still had. 
If things were different and Andrei wasn’t his offering, Marius would love to think he would have given Andrei the choice, or at least time to know what was waiting for him. Now, both of them were powerless in front of what was to come. 
Andrei was a sacrifice, Marius was the God that had to accept it in front of his kin, there was nothing in between. No choice offered or taken, no way for this to end in any other way but with Marius offering him the dark gift and eternity by his side. 
Lost in those dark thoughts of regret and longing, Marius felt more than heard, the moment Andrei reached pleasure. The hoarse cry that echoed in the silence of the temple turned into pain when Marius held Andrei’s body to his chest and sank his fangs in the delicate skin covering the veins of his throat.
Then he drank, and with every mouthful of the precious nectar, he brought Andrei closer and closer to death, only to offer him something else, something more. Vaguely, he was aware of Andrei’s fingers grasping at his back, but he only drank more deeply.
When his heart was weak but still beating, Marius let him go for just a moment, long enough to slash the side of his own neck open with one of his claws. Then, gently, like he was holding the most precious of all treasure in the world, he guided Andrei closer with one hand cupping the back of his head.
His ancient blood, for the first time shared out of a love so great Marius could feel it blossoming in his soul, touched the pale lips, but for a moment nothing happened. 
“Drink, beautiful one, and become one with me.” 
A prayer from a God to a sacrifice, something that was never heard before in the walls of this temple. It was enough to move Andrei’s heart into accepting what Marius was freely offering.
Oh how easily did their roles turn, Marius thought as Andrei latched onto his neck, as though he knew the blood was the one thing that would give him a new life. A new beginning they could share. 
The God and the offer. 
The Sacrifice and the acceptance.
One like never before. 
One for eternity and beyond. 
Away from prying eyes the sacred rite was performed and Andrei’s fear seemed to burn away with every mouthful of the blood that passed his lips. He gripped Marius tighter, pressing himself as close as he could, as though the blood he drank could make them become one being.
It was when their hearts beat as one that Marius felt the swoon hit him. It burned through his veins, as Andrei drank mouthful after mouthful, making Marius’ heart pound in his chest.
The sensation was one Marius rarely ever felt from sharing his own blood with another, and though he was loath to do so, he pulled Andrei back, tugging him away to break the connection with a gasp.
The boy’s eyes were dazed, and his lips coated in blood, which Marius couldn’t resist to kiss away. The taste of himself on Andrei’s lips only drove his hunger as he kissed Andrei deeply.
The moment the kiss was broken, Marius pressed his lips to the unbitten side of Andrei’s throat, leaving a smear of blood on his pale skin. Without hesitation, he bit down once more, and the boy whined as blood was drawn from him once again.
Their pleasure only seemed to grow with each exchange of blood that followed, until finally Andrei’s body had given in to the blood and he began to die in Marius’ arms, unable to drink anymore.
He gasped softly, and Marius could hear his heart slowing as he shifted to carry the weight of Andrei’s body as he died. The boy’s thoughts were confused and frightened, but Marius only stroked his hair.
“Let it go, beautiful Andrei. Give yourself to me, as I gave myself to you. Come to me in your new life.” 
Andrei was unable to speak as finally, his heart failed to beat again, but he gave one final gasp before going limp in Marius’ arms.
It didn’t take long for life to return to him, however, and as his body changed, Andrei woke once more, digging sharpening nails into Marius’ back.
Marius laughed softly, fears evaporating with every breath Andrei took. 
“You are a feisty one.” He said and his voice was light and harmonious, so different from the usually composed and cold tone he had with others. 
Andrei finally lifted his head as Marius spoke, raising curious eyes to take in the sight of his sire, and Marius couldn’t help but kiss his soft lips once more. His lips were pricked by the growing fangs in Andrei’s mouth as the boy kissed him back in return, as though to chase the taste of blood on his tongue.
Only when the sun grew too close to the horizon were they forced to interrupt the intimacies of kisses and whispered words shared between them as Marius took Andrei in his arms once more. 
“Do you trust me,” he asked, and waited for Andrei’s answer, fighting his own instincts that were screaming at him to take his precious Andrei away from harm, where the sun couldn’t reach them.  
Tiredly, as though the weight of the sun were the weight of the world upon his eyelids, Andrei nodded, nestling closer to Marius’ chest.
Only then did Marius use his powers to lift them up into the clouds, towards the villa he owned nearby. 
There he took Andrei, now almost unconscious, to the one secret room he never shared before, where his coffin was hidden, to keep him safe. 
Today it had another task - to keep Andrei safe from the world itself, if necessary. 
Marius never learned how to share and he wasn’t going to start now, not with Andrei. 
And once they were safely inside their coffin, Marius allowed himself to relax into sleep, with his fledgling in his arms.
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complicitsacrilege · 1 month
More fun for the @deromanuscoven Spring Event 😈
Day 4: I want only your love or death.
Written by @herbeloved82 and me.
Find it on Ao3 here!
He could read it in Louis’ mind. He’d lost him again. Armand knew that Louis was never his to begin with, but over the years, they’d grown comfortable with one another. But now, there was a distance between them that Armand had felt before.
It didn’t help that Lestat was more than happy to be open with his lavish displays of affection for his all too indifferent partner, but the evening that neither Lestat nor Louis had so much as shown their faces before midnight, that was when Armand knew that he was alone once again.
Lestat had descended from his ivory tower to grace them with his presence. Even without the ability of reading his thoughts any longer, Armand didn’t have to pry to see the Prince’s smug expression, but it was the scent of something unnatural still running through his veins that told him what had happened. Louis slunk down to read in the library several minutes later, carrying that same unnatural scent.
Armand had smelled it a handful of times at court - more and more, now that their doctors in residence had time to experiment with perfecting the delicate balance. He knew that the open offer was there, yet, Armand never sought out Seth or Fareed to try it, but now, watching the way that Lestat draped himself across Louis’ lap, their cheeks still flushed, Armand had decided now was the time.
Only, there was no one with which he could. Not with Louis back to being Lestat’s pet or Daniel taking time alone in Rio, now that he seemed well enough to do so. That was when he overheard Chrysanthe’s voice. He glanced up, peering down the hall that led to the salon from which the sound of Marius’ laugh drifted over the sound of a crackling fire.
Armand’s eyes narrowed fractionally as he listened closer to the words. It was nothing of import - nothing that he and Marius hadn’t discussed countless times in the past. History. Politics. And yet, as Marius laughed again, Armand could hear the soft rustle of fabric as one of them must have gestured or moved closer.
Part of him wanted to look into the room, to walk in as though he hadn’t noticed that they were even there, but instead, he simply sat on the other side of the library, glaring at Lestat, who was now nipping at Louis’ jaw. It was a battle he would never win, for once Louis’ attention was elsewhere, not even the end of the world could draw him out of his shell.
And yet, there was the smallest crack in Louis’ facade as he tipped his head closer to Lestat’s for a kiss.
That was enough.
Armand stood quickly and stormed out of the room, leaving the library, but he stopped on his way to the salon when he saw Seth and Fareed approaching from the other side of the hall. Dressed alike, as always, it was Seth who carried an ornate looking wooden box and Fareed glancing toward the salon, from which the sound of Marius and Chrysanthe’s conversation continued.
Seth and Armand’s eyes met for only a moment, but it was Armand who looked away first, shying away from the weight of his dark gaze. Armand drifted to one side of the hall, yet they did not move to pass him, instead entering the salon before Armand could even see inside of it.
Fareed’s voice immediately joined Marius and Chrysanthe’s, and from his tone, he seemed pleased with what he saw. “Marius, Chrysanthe,” a brief pause, in which Armand could practically feel himself bristling. “It’s good to see you about, we were getting worried. We need our prime minister after all.”
“It is my duty to help our Prince.” Marius said with a detached voice that had little in common with the laugh that still echoed in Armand’s mind. It was like something switched off inside Marius, but the difference was clear. Marius had no interest in small talk with the doctor, yet the sound of his laugh with Chrysanthe told another story entirely.
Armand had always been his own worst enemy, and right now his mind was conjuring the worst possible scenario. He knew what was in the nice box Seth carried, what else could it be if not the triple cursed hormones? 
Armand found himself grinding his teeth. He could taste the metallic taste of his blood in his mouth as he imagined Marius accepting the box from Seth, a gentle and enigmatic smile on his too expressive face as he nodded towards Chrysanthe. 
He could see her delicate hand wrapped around Marius’ arms as they walked to his bedrooms, where they would - no. Absolutely no, he decided, he wasn’t going to stay around to see them leaving together. He was done for the night. 
Those were his thoughts when he walked away and left the main floor with its too many happy couples. 
Read the rest here!
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the-vc-group-chat · 6 months
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For @shittyravencarcosa, pampering us all with gifts in this @deromanuscoven event, some post canon Armand/Marius looking out for each other.
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ladyvampir3 · 1 month
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Loved by the God of love
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Little lonely Armand, hoping for something good to happen:
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(I swear I had something happier in mind when I started to prepare the background but sometimes my hands have a mind of their own. Oops.)
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the-apostates-martyr · 6 months
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Marius and Daniel, a gift for my husband @immortalsarcasm, based on an AU of ours. Daniel got caught running...then he got caught snooping. Naughty boy. Not quite seasonal but still made in the spirit of the De Romanus coven event for the Solstice Alcohol markers on sepia paper
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rijinksiwtv · 9 months
Marius/Daniel week prompt: Season
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1600+ word ficlet set during Daniel's recovery era, pre-relationship.
"Young one, you have fed from me the last few times. You should take some blood from a mortal again. I guarantee it will do wonders for your wellbeing. So, why don't we go out tonight?"
On the early evening of that year's first snowfall, Marius quietly opened the door to Daniel's space. By then his work area, as they called it, had expanded from the basement to the living room, as more and more room was needed to accommodate the growing miniature worlds crafted by Daniel's dexterous hands. Already the young blood drinker was at his table, his focus entirely on his continuous creative task. Currently he was applying white paint to a small bridge, which he had placed above a miniature valley he made, painted white as well— the very picture of a winter wonderland. Daniel didn't give any sign of acknowledgement as Marius approached him with careful steps.
"Good evening, Daniel. Have you slept well? How are you feeling tonight?"
Daniel dipped his brush into a paint jar and started applying a clear layer, which Marius supposed was to emulate ice. Marius tried again.
"Are you hungry...? It's about time you fed again."
A beat passed. If Marius didn't have preternatural hearing, he might have missed Daniel clearing his throat. The fledgling's voice was slightly rough from disuse.
"... I'm okay. A little hungry, maybe."
Daniel then looked up and glanced vaguely at Marius' face, before dropping his gaze to the older man's exposed wrist. Expectantly.
Marius let out a breath. Gently, he spoke. "Young one, you have fed from me the last few times. You should take some blood from a mortal again. I guarantee it will do wonders for your wellbeing. So, why don't we go out tonight?"
Daniel lowered his head and turned toward his model landscapes. "I'd rather stay here," he said quietly.
Marius could sense some anxiety building in his companion and took a breath. Maybe he wasn't ready for another hunt. But when would he be? If he didn't push him a little, will he ever get better? He did have to feed.
"Are you certain? We could go to that pub that plays the soothing jazz music..."
"No! No people..." It seemed Daniel shrank into himself.
'So he was anxious about meeting mortal strangers, even though he should learn that they are but prey for him', Marius thought. The ancient vampire closed his eyes. He would have to let the young man drink from himself, again. Be the fountain that sustains him. Not that it would hurt either of them.
"Well, alright, Daniel. We won't go see other people tonight. But how about we go outside for a walk in the woods? Just you and me."
Daniel continued to study the tiny world he was working on.
"It would do you good to get some fresh air. And, it snowed during the day! Tonight marks the start of the winter season. You might get some inspiration for your lovely landscapes when you see the beautiful, fresh snow."
Daniel said nothing, but Marius could tell he was listening. Marius smiled.
"Maybe we'll see a deer."
At that, Daniel suddenly looked at Marius again, his violet eyes curious.
"... can I eat a deer?"
Surprised, Marius gave a laugh. "Of course you can, young one, though I do not recommend it. As you should know, it is mortal human blood that's best for us. Animal blood should only be taken in dire circumstances."
Daniel frowned. "I want to know what it tastes like."
"Not very good, I'm afraid. It can sustain us. But you're better off if we hunted among the human population."
"No. I want to find a deer."
And with that, Daniel stood up and started walking toward the door, his steps somewhat heavy.
"Oh!" Marius said in delighted surprise at Daniel's sudden initiative. "I got you a new warm coat and boots. Let us get ready, then."
The snow crunched pleasantly under their shoes as they made their way through the darkened Norwegian forest. With their ability to navigate easily through the night thanks to their preternatural eyesight, they wouldn't have needed the moonlight. But the soft light illuminating the fresh snow added a haunting, dreamlike touch to their surroundings.
Daniel's gaze was mostly downcast as he trudged next to Marius, carefully watching his steps. Now and then he would glance around with sudden alertness and eyes wide. The older vampire supposed his ward never had much opportunity to fully experience all the perks his still relatively new immortal status brought him. Right after being turned he seemed to be in a state of euphoria, which soon turned into mania. At first the new fledgling's behaviour puzzled him, but it didn't take long for Marius to realize just how deeply vulnerable he really was. Their nightly walk might possibly be the first time Daniel could experience natural beauty with all his new senses. At least, Marius hoped Daniel was taking it all in.
"What do you think, Daniel? Do you like this place?"
Daniel squinted into the distance. "There are a lot of sleeping birds. And... small, furry creatures..."
"Do you mean the Martes martes? That is the Latin name. In English it would be the pine marten, or more specifically, the European pine marten. There are a few of those around here, yes."
If Daniel paid attention to what Marius had said, he didn't show it. "You said there would be deer."
Marius smiled. "Patience, young one. Look over here." He gestured to a spot in the snow. "See these tracks and droppings? As you can see, deer do come quite close to our house. Based on these and with your senses, you should be able to easily track—"
Without warning, Daniel suddenly shot away into the woods, leaving Marius behind. The older man's long hair swung in the created breeze. "Daniel!"
Distantly, at least a hundred meters away, Marius could hear the sounds of a scuffle in the snow. It lasted about two seconds. A moment later, Daniel was back in the same place where he stood before, only this time with his arms wrapped tightly around an adult doe.
The animal struggled in terror while Daniel stared in fascination. The young man hadn't even broken a sweat. Marius smiled in amusement. "Well. There you go."
"Soft," Daniel said in wonder, brushing his pale, bare hands over the quivering torso.
"Their pelts have many uses. But please don't torment the poor creature. If you're going to kill it, do it swiftly."
"But of course," Daniel said, a little indignant. He understood the animal's innocence perfectly well. "I just want to look a bit more."
Some clouds shifted and the moonlight hit their small party. A brilliant brown shone in the deer's eye. Daniel stared.
"Doe eyes really are distracting, aren't they," Marius murmured as he watched him.
The dark amber color reminded Daniel of something... of someone. His heartbeat quickened, warm feelings of love and cold feelings of bitterness coursing through him at once, only to be overcome with warmth again. His grip tightened, making the deer wheeze. Daniel started muttering, barely audible, to himself.
"But no. He would never look upon me with such fear. Such a wild pulse. Never, never. Never. The predator... is me."
And with that, he bit strongly into the animal's neck.
Daniel's iron grip crushed the deer tightly to himself as he drained it of its blood. Eventually, the mammal gave its last attempted kicks of life, when Marius placed a strong hand on Daniel's shoulder for him to stop. The young vampire sank to his knees and gently put the carcass on the snowy ground, all while Marius kept his hand securely on him. Daniel shivered, staring at the body. Marius kept watching him carefully.
After a moment, Daniel turned his head to the side. He licked his lips for the last droplets of blood.
"... you're right," he said. "It didn't taste that good."
Marius smiled. "But you did finish it. If it makes you feel better, a deer does taste slightly better than a rat. You can take my word for it."
As they ventured further into the woods, Marius fell into deep thought. Maybe Daniel wasn't ready to hunt for humans yet. Not today, maybe not tomorrow. But Marius should and would not push him any further than was absolutely necessary. 'The popular saying is that time heals all wounds, and isn't that an advantage when you are an immortal? I cannot say how true that has been for me,' he thought to himself, sardonically. 'I can only hope that it proves to be right for this lost fledgling.'
"Oh!" Daniel's sudden outburst cut into his thoughts.
Alarmed, Marius glanced quickly at Daniel beside him, then followed the younger man's gaze into the sky.
Curtains of bright colors shone in the night sky, hues of green cut in a serpentine pattern through deep marine. Marius was familiar with the view, but it was always stunning to see it again, and again.
"We are truly lucky to be out tonight. Not only is it a night of fresh snowfall, but we get too see the Northern Lights so closely as well. You can't see them every night, you know. What do you think, Daniel?"
Marius glanced back at his companion who stared at the sky, silently stunned. The thick wool scarf wrapped around Daniel while wonder shone in his eyes made for a youthful, very human look. Once again, Marius was reminded of just how beautiful this young man was.
Soon, Daniel's gaze became glassy, and he swayed a little on his feet. The younger vampire shuffled closer to Marius and leaned against him. Instinctively, Marius put a protective arm around him.
"Daniel, what's wrong? Are you cold?"
Daniel didn't look at him when he asked, his voice small: "... may I drink from you?"
Warmth blossomed in Marius' heart. He pushed up the sleeve of his coat. "But of course, my dear Daniel."
It's the first fic I've written in a while. Hope it reads alright! Sorry about the deer.
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fenicenera83 · 10 months
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MARIUS de ROMANUS Appreciation Week:
DAY 2 - Sacrarium
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deromanuscoven · 4 months
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ღ𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘶𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘐 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘯. 𝘐'𝘮 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘺 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶.ღ -𝘢𝘰𝘳
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herbeloved82 · 4 months
A warm embrace that smells like comfort
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Baths had always been important in Marius’ life. 
One of the first memories of his childhood was of baths given to him by his father’s servants. Steaming water that smelled like flowers. The soothing scent of lavender that calmed his mind before Marius even knew how much strained muscles could hurt from exercising with weapons too heavy for his young body. 
It was a way for his family to show their love and affection without the need to word such emotions; one lesson he learned and brought with him in his dark life. 
That was why, when Marius first found Amadeo, his beloved, when he was still a boy without a name or memories of his past, the first thing he did was to give him a bath. 
Amadeo had been all skin and bones. A tormented soul in a broken body. His mind a turmoil of pain and shattered memories of a family he was sure was lost. 
The hot bath he gave him, with scented herbs to help him  breathe better and recover at least a  bit, turned into murky water that had to be changed at least twice before Marius was satisfied. That first bath had erased the revolting smell of the brothels and the clients who bought him time and time again. 
It quickly became a comfort, given and received, for them. The only change in his habits was that since he met Amadeo, he began to use roses to scent the water. 
Hot baths at night, when the other boys were asleep and they were alone, with too many questions in their minds and their hearts filled with love, more and more every night, until it couldn’t be contained any longer. 
All that love spilled one evening, when Marius couldn’t hide his nature anymore. Amadeo pushed and pushed, unaware of what he was asking for, and Marius tried to resist, oh he did. He knew love would cause his demise one day, that the Gods he never believed in, would have used their most insidious weapons to destroy him. 
A punishment for his skepticism that would annihilate his logic and reason, and make him a puppet of its volatile mood. 
Marius knew, and yet he never thought he could find his defeat in the arms of a mortal boy with auburn hair and eyes able to burn a soul he had lost too long ago. 
Amadeo’s last bath as a mortal would, like the first one, always be branded in his mind. He had been so happy back then, so full of life and questions. Curious like only a person who knew what it was to be deprived of answers could be.  
His questions had been urgent that night, and without knowing it, Amadeo had come closer and closer to the truth about Marius and what he really was. 
If only they had had more time. 
For centuries Marius had regretted everything that happened. Not falling in love with Amadeo, he would never regret that, but everything that had led to his turning. For centuries he had wished he could go back in time and change things, but he knew it was just a stupid dream. The past could never be changed, nor could all the mistakes he made. 
That night he bathed Amadeo’s feverish body in a vain hope to delay what he knew was the inevitable ending. However death couldn’t trick him. Amadeo’s heartbeat was too weak and the smell of poison too strong to be ignored. He didn’t have a choice, for Marius couldn’t allow this beautiful, vivacious boy he loved so much to die at the hands of one human’s greed. 
Their happiness was short. Yes, he had saved Amadeo and made him one in the blood, and yet it was another of his mistakes that cost Marius everything. 
If only he had killed Santino when the man first crossed his path, but he didn’t, out of a misplaced sense of honor, and he paid dearly for this. 
Santino had stormed his villa, killed the boys Marius loved as children, and taken the most precious thing Marius had. He had tortured Amadeo into someone he called his heir, twisting everything Marius had tried to teach him. 
Marius didn’t come back and now it didn’t matter why. It didn’t matter he had his reasons and how valid they sounded back then. In Armand’s eyes Marius had abandoned him and that was the truth Marius had to live with now. 
After that night of fire and and despair, Marius had lost count of how many nights he woke up screaming, his face stained by tears of blood, as the once soothing scent of roses haunted him. 
After that he never shared his bath with anyone again, or at least not with someone who owned his heart. He loved Thorne, but he wasn’t in love with him, and that was the only exception Marius allowed himself to make. 
Even now he tended to prefer showers, no matter how many amenities the chateau offered its guests. 
The day had been long and heavy. The shadow thrown upon them by Rhoshamandes and his actions were still lingering in their minds and even those who weren’t touched by his actions were still suffering in silence.  
It was clear in the way Lestat clung to Louis every moment he was awake and then  tensed up when Louis left his sight even for a moment. It was also clear in the way Sybelle and Benji spent as much time as possible with Armand and in the way Armand took up painting again as a way to anchor himself to the here and now. 
Marius would never forget the way his terrified eyes would sometimes leave the pages of his sketchbook, just to make sure those he loved were still there. He wouldn’t calm down until he silently counted them, time and time again, to make sure he wasn't missing anyone. 
Then, one day Marius couldn’t see Armand anywhere and for a moment his heart stopped. Had something happened when he wasn’t there? Was his bel… - was Armand missing and no one told him? 
And just like that, this bad day turned into something Marius almost wasn’t able to handle. In a foul mood he went back to his apartments; one of the perks of being the Prime Minister was the privacy he was allowed, with his chambers away from everyone else, but froze the moment he locked the door behind him. 
His chambers were warm, but that wasn’t what shocked him. Since Venice, Marius had the habit of leaving the fireplaces burning all day long. It was a way to remember his boys and how happy they were around the fire, reading and working on their paintings when the sun went down or during rainy days. Even after so long, he couldn’t find any reason to stop, and yes he knew all too well how long it had been since they were taken from him and this world, and it didn’t change how he felt. 
What gave Marius the inexplicable urge to flee was the special quality of the air. It was moist, as though someone prepared a steamy bath, and the scent of roses assaulted his senses, sending him back when life had been easier and he was happy. 
“Please, don’t go.” 
The voice came from the nearby bathroom and Marius moved before his mind could stop him. 
The man standing there couldn’t hear his thoughts and yet he knew well what he was thinking. 
“You are easy to read.” He said and it was an answer to the question Marius didn’t voice. 
“Only for you, apparently.” 
Marius couldn’t help but to be on the defensive. He never shared his rooms here, and to see him standing in the bathroom where the tub was filled with steaming water that felt scorching hot even from a distance was a first. 
Marius hated not to know what was happening, and now, he was at a loss like never before and yet vulnerable to those eyes that haunted his dreams in the past five hundred years. 
“I - I wish it was true. I wish I always knew what is in your mind.” He said, defeated, like all the bravery shown until now had left him in a second. 
“I wouldn’t be this scared. If I could hear you.” 
“But we can’t, and you have no reason to be scared anymore, Armand. You, we are here and safe and the enemy is gone.” He told his - what? How could he call Armand his anything when he hadn’t had that right in a very long time? 
“You were taken from me, and I couldn’t hear you. I thought - I thought I had lost you for good.” 
Those moments had been excruciating, the realization he was being taken from everything he loved all over again, by someone they all underestimated. He saw his own past mistakes reflected in Lestat’s actions and he knew a second before Rhoshamandes snapped his neck, that darkness was the last thing remaining for him. 
He was glad Lestat saved them, but even now he couldn’t shake the feeling there was so much still left to say between himself and Armand, and neither of them knew how to cross the bridge and fill the distance between them. 
“I’m here now.” Marius said again, and he knew it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough.
“For how long? Until you get tired of this life and leave again? Or until the next enemy Lestat made in his life comes here to take revenge? How long will you stay, Master?”
“I’m not your Master.” The answer came to his lips before he could close his mouth. He had lost the right to be called Armand’s Master. Sure he created him, but Armand had been clear when he said he was the owner of his own life. Marius had been proud of those words, of Armand, for claiming back his life and ruling over it. He was free as he was always supposed to be, and now he didn’t know what to do with Armand giving him back a title that he had lost too long ago. 
“But you are. It doesn’t matter how much I fought this or how much I’ve hated you, when in truth it was myself I hated. You will always be my Master, even if you hate what I have become.”          
Marius couldn’t remember if Armand had ever been so open and vulnerable in front of him. Even when there was a truce between them, even when they reached what, for a long time, he thought was everything that could be between them and peace filled their hearts when they sat side by side, Armand had been guarded and closed off. 
“I never hated you, Armand.” And wasn’t that a hard truth to swallow? Even in his darkest moments, when hating Armand would have been easier than loving him, Marius never could do that. For his love was too strong and deep to be changed. 
“And yet you still want to leave.” 
The defeated nature of those words hit Marius hard and they hurt more than the fire engulfing him or Rhoshamandes breaking his bones. No, now like before Marius knew Armand would be the end of him, he accepted that. 
“If you want me to stay, I will.” 
Not because of the court, or even Lestat. Not because he thought their kind needed him, but for Armand only he would stay in any capacity Armand would want him. 
“I ask you again. How long?” 
“As long as you want me to stay.” 
The words hung heavily between them. 
It was a dangerous path, the one they were so close to walking. It could lead them to damnation or heal their wounds once and for all, and Marius wasn’t ashamed to say he was terrified to find out where that path would take them. 
Marius looked at the peace offering that Armand prepared. The bath called for them to be shared again after so long. 
Both were afraid, knowing if they chose to work on their relationship, to allow the love still alive between them to burn again, this time they wouldn’t survive losing one another. 
“I want to believe you, Marius. I need to believe you, but - but I…” 
The words died in his mouth, choked by grief and fear. 
“I won’t promise you.” Armand recoiled back like each word was a slap to the face, and he was ready to run away and never return. 
“All I can do is promise you that I will do everything in my power to show you I’m here to stay.” Marius finished before Armand could do what his eyes suggested. 
“Can we start one step at a time?” Armand asked and Marius warmly smiled at him. Yes, they could. They had time now, after everything they survived and everything they had to endure to be here and now, they finally had time. 
Death wasn’t looking over them. Their enemies were defeated or turned into ashes. It was just them, Marius and Armand, and the world they could create for themselves among the walls that kept them safe. 
In silence they disrobed. Familiar enough to be in each other’s presence, but not quite enough to touch yet. Two lovers who hadn’t known the other for centuries. 
They giggled like carefree creatures as the water embraced their bodies and moaned at the sensual caress against their hard flesh and when the few inches between them became unbearable, Armand sneaked in Marius’ arms, back against chest as Marius’ arms wrapped him in an embrace that smelled like lavender and home. 
They didn’t know how long they stayed like that, enjoying each other’s presence. The water turned icy cold but it didn’t bother them, so perfectly in tune they were they only moved when their bodies began to feel the weakness of the coming sun. 
“Can I stay here?” 
They had never shared a coffin before and for a moment Marius was speechless. Words that always came so easily to his mouth, decided to abandon him the moment he needed them the most, so all he could do was to nod. 
That morning, when sleep claimed them, it was each other’s arms and the sweet scent of roses, once again soothing, that lulled them into the darkness. 
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