#Darrell Griggs
moviesandmania · 4 months
JURASSIC TRIANGLE Reviews of monster movie plus trailer
‘A lost island of death’ Jurassic Triangle is a 2024 sci-fi horror monster movie about a group of colleagues who crash land on a mysterious island. They discover they are not alone when they encounter an array of bloodthirsty creatures and dinosaurs out to get them. Will they survive the island? Directed by Victor De Almeida from a screenplay written by Harry Boxley (Jack and Jill: Hills Run…
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cultfaction · 5 months
Jurassic Triangle trailer released
Directed by Victor de Almeida, Jurassic Triangle stars Darrell Griggs, Sian Altman, Dorothea Jones, Rob Kirtley, Toby Redpath, Connor Powles, Chrissie Wunna, and Andre Pierre. After surviving a strange storm over the Atlantic Ocean, a group of work colleagues find themselves stranded on an island, one that is not on any map. They soon encounter dinosaurs and other deadly creatures who begin…
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clouudkidd-blog · 6 years
My first interview was three weeks prior to my arrival. Me and my mentor, Ms. Grigg, sat down the first day of my internship and laid out a plan of attack.
She wanted me to cover at least two stories and have two bylines here at Goddard by the end of my internship, the two most important being Christopher Scolese’s (the center director of Goddard Space Flight Center) Maniac Talk and the ISS Downlink (where the astronauts on-board the ISS talk with and answer questions with us on Earth) with Ricky Arnold and Paul Richards. 
Easy enough, I thought. Little did I know, I’d have to be interviewing a real life astronaut, along with event attendees. 
The day of the ISS Downlink: The pressure was on. I had to report to the Visitor’s Center before the event even started. I knew what I had to do; hound people after the event was over (teachers, students, parents) and ask them a list of questions I had curated the night before (Name? Age? What do you hope to take away from this experience...etc) and record their answers. 
Easy enough, right?
Yeah, not when you’re stumbling and stuttering on basic words, eyes wandering everywhere, locking on to everything but the person you’re interviewing, talking too low and trying to hear the person’s response amid all the chaos and masses of people exiting after the event, people pushing right past you and know they see you were doing something. And then there are the people who interrupt the people I’m interviewing in the middle of their response and I have to ask the question all over again. 
But for a novice, I think i did pretty well in keeping my cool. Sure, I stuttered a lot, misspoke and completely forgot to turn the voice recording on my phone on when they were responding and asking them to repeat their response, but amid all that, I think I did pretty okay.
But then there was the astronaut interview. I was standing around, listening to my responses I had recorded on my phone, reading my notes to see if they were legible and then Mr. Darrell, a person from the office who had accompanied me to the event, suggested that I should interview Paul Richards himself. I had to quickly come up with questions to ask Mr. Richards if I did get the chance to interview him. 
 After the event was over and I had gotten through my four-person quota, Mr. Darrell came up to me. 
“Look, Paul is free,” he says, pointing over to Mr. Richards as he walked around in his space suit. He had just finished getting interviewed by a local news station. 
“Now’s your chance.” 
Now, Mr. Richards was an astronaut.. that HAS BEEN TO SPACE. I was about to just casually go up and interview a person that has been out of Earth’s atmosphere?? My anxiety clouded any view of that ever happening. 
But it would make my article *that* much more interesting to read. 
Thus, I sucked up all my courage, readjusted my glasses and made my way with my journal and pen in hand to Mr. Richards. 
I introduced myself as confidently as I could and besides my legs turning to Jello and me talking too fast, I got some pretty good answers out of him and amazing quotes to use in the article. 
How many other kids this summer can say they got to talk to a real-life astronaut?
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omgwikstuff · 3 years
When Darrel Griggs arrived at Sutterton Mobile Homes in November it was all fun and games. Now 24 women are pregnant, and the father has fled.
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap
Good Morning #realdreamchasers. Here is your daily news cap for Friday, August 2ND, 2019. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Weekend Nation Newspaper (WN).
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VAT EASE UNFAIR, SAYS DLP – President of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) Verla De Peiza is calling for the Mia Mottley administration to live up to its word, and be more transparent and forthcoming with the public. De Peiza wants Government to reveal who would be the “lucky” recipients of VAT waivers while other members of the public were being burdened with more taxes and increased bus fares. “How else is any fair-minded person to classify the most recent action by this Barbados Labour Party (BLP) administration to unilaterally waive potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in VAT owed predominantly by certain businesses in Barbados, while at the same time punishing ordinary citizens in the country with increased bus fare, excruciating land taxes, and new sewerage, petroleum and health taxes/levies?” the DLP leader asked in a press statement released yesterday. (WN)
BWA’S FINAL CUT – The Barbados Water Authority (BWA) has parted ways for a second time with Jacqueline Belgrave, the former director of human resource management and development. Belgrave was fired on June 28 by the board of the state-owned utility company after less than eight months on the job. Her dismissal was followed by threats from staff of possible industrial action. It prompted the intervention of the Barbados Workers’ Union, which engaged the management of the BWA in a ten-hour meeting on a Sunday afternoon two days following Belgrave’s dismissal.(WN)
CENTRAL BANK: FOLLOW FOREIGN ACCOUNT RULES – Barbadians could face closure of their foreign currency accounts if they do not follow the rules when the new exchange control liberalisation measure becomes effective today. That warning from the Central Bank of Barbados comes as commercial banks adopt a wait-and-see stance regarding interest in the major new policy. The Central Bank confirmed that “from August 2, Barbadians will be able to open foreign currency accounts without restrictions”.(WN)
POLICE PROBE BRITTONS HILL STABBING– One man is nursing wounds while another is currently in custody assisting police with investigations into a stabbing incident which occurred at Brittons Hill, St Michael last night. Police say Kerwin Smith, of Reece Road No.4, Brittons Hill, St Michael was stabbed several times about the body by a man while in the area of Dora’s Variety in the same community. The incident occurred around 10:20 p.m. on Wednesday, July 31. He was taken to the hospital by private transport.(BT)
POLICE HUNT FOR SUSPECT IN DARRELLS ROAD SHOOTING–Lawmen are on the hunt for a suspect who shot Fair Deals Mini Mart employee Charles Perch in the let arm and leg at Darrells Road, St Michael last night. The suspect is of brown complexion. He was wearing a green shirt at the time with a white piece of cloth covering his face.Police say 54-year-old Perch, of Montrose Gardens Christ Church was outside his workplace, around 9 p.m. on Wednesday, July 31, when an unknown masked man approached him and demanded money. A struggle ensued and Perch was injured. He was transported to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital by private transport for medical attention.Anyone with information that can assist with these investigations is asked to contact – The Hastings Police Station at 430-7608/7219, The Criminal Investigation Department at 430-7189/7190, Police Emergency 211, Crime Stoppers at 1-800 (TIPS) 8477 or any police station. Police are assuring the public that “all information received will be treated as strictly confidential.”(BT)
PAN AFRICANISTS OBSERVE EMANCIPATION DAY– Pan Africanists and members of the public braved some early morning showers to celebrate Emancipation Day at the Bussa statue at Haggart Hall, St Michael. CARICOM Ambassador David Comissiong said the day was of great significance to Barbadians and Caribbean people. “We know that slavery was abolished in the British Empire on August 1, 1834 or 1838 take your pick. It was abolished because of the unrelenting slave rebellions that took place across the Caribbean – from The Bahamas in the north right down to Guyana and Suriname in the south. It is really the first major achievement of our people and of our ancestors, when by our collective action we showed there was such a repressible reaction, to the system of slavery that the European powers that be had to take that decision to dismantle the system,” he said. During the celebrations members of the public were treated to a presentation by award-winning author poet Winston Farrell, following which flowers were placed at Bussa’s statue.Addressing the gathering General Secretary of the Pan African Coalition of Organisations David Denny made yet another call for Nanny Grigg to declared a national hero of Barbados. “We demand that our Government and our people see Nanny Grigg as a national hero. One of the ladies of that period in the Bussa rebellion who would have made a major role and we cannot leave out the ladies. It is important to include the ladies who were involved in the struggle that is why I always make the demand for Nanny Grigg to be made a national hero,” he said.Vocalists Rhesa Garnes and Lisa Griffith closed the proceedings with a powerful rendition of the legendary Bob Marley’s Redemption Song. (BT)
SECURITY AND TRANSPORTATION ISSUES ADDRESSED AT CROP OVER MEETING -  Crop Over stakeholders have a singular focus for the final weekend of this year’s festival - ensuring patrons and resellers have a safe, seamless and entirely enjoyable experience. To make this happens, yesterday afternoon a high-level team, led by Prime Minister Mia Mottley and including Attorney General Dale Marshall, Commissioner of Police Tyrone Griffith, Chief of Staff of the Barbados Defence Force Colonel Glyne Grannum and Minister of Culture John King met to discuss and agree to various security and logistics arrangements. Acknowledging that there were some hiccups at last weekend’s Soca Monarch competition relating to congested access to the National Botanical Gardens at Waterford and then some patrons being unsure of where to go once they had parked, the organisers have moved to avoid a recurrence. After consultations between the National Cultural Foundation and the Transport Board, Transport Authority, public service vehicle operators, and with the input of the security forces, a park-and-ride system has been put in place. This means persons attending Friday night’s Pic-O-De-Crop Finals will be able to park at the National Stadium, Queen’s College, the NCF carpark, Wildey Gymnasium and Weymouth “B” playing field and take a bus to the event venue. “These parking areas will be well lit and properly secured so patrons need not worry about their safety or the security of their property,” assured Prime Minister Mottley after chairing the meeting that also included Minister of Foreign Affairs Senator Jerome Walcott and Chief Executive Officer of the NCF Carol Roberts-Reifer.
“I want to thank Barbadians for conducting themselves in a manner that has allowed us all to enjoy an incident free festival so far, and we have put arrangements in place to complement that behaviour so we can make it through this long, festive weekend without blemish.” Roberts-Reifer explained that patrons using the park-and-ride system will be charged $5 per ride, with the service starting at 6 p.m. and concluding one hour after the calypso finals finish at Kensington Oval. She noted that given the limited parking space around the Oval, and the fact that the Foreday Morning jam immediately afterward will bring thousands of resellers into the area, it was critical that patrons make use of the park-and-ride arrangement to avoid traffic congestion and frustration. “As the world looks on this weekend while we are at the height of revelry, I appeal to Barbadians to also display their best behaviour,” the CEO said. (WN)
That’s all for today folks there are 152 days left in the year Shalom! #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #bajannewscaps #newsca psbystephaniefchase
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
R. Kelly's Inner Circle Reportedly Turned Over 20 Child Rape Tapes To Feds That Led To Arrest + Kelly's Girlfriends Kicked Out Of Trump Tower
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New details about R. Kelly's most recent arrest on federal sex crime charges are emerging. Apparently, people in his inner circle helped bring him up on federal charges. Meanwhile, his two girlfriends - Joycelyn Savage and Azriel Clary - have been kicked out of his Trump Tower apartment in Chicago. Deets inside...
Now we know what happened behind-the-scenes that led up to the recent arrest of R. Kelly.
On Thursday (July 11th), NYPD detectives and Homeland Security Investigation agents in Chicago rolled up on the 52-year-old singer while he was walking his dog to arrest him over a 13-count indictment related to child pornography and other federal crimes, including four counts of producing child pornography and two counts of receiving child pornography.
Turns out, Northern District of Illinois investigators reportedly uncovered over 20 tapes that feature the Grammy Award winner allegedly engaging in sexual activities with minors.
So, how did the feds get the tapes now?
Folks in Kelly's inner circle - including past and present enablers and employees - reportedly turned them over to police. It's unclear if the tapes were turned over in exchange for immunity, although two of Kelly's former employees have been charged. Kelly's former manager Derrel McDavid and employee Milton "June" Brown have also been indicted in Chicago on allegations that they helped Kelly pay hundreds and thousands of dollars to recover kiddie porn tapes and pressured witnesses in his 2008 child pornography case.
According to Gerald Griggs - the lawyer for Joycelyn Savage’s family - and federal law enforcement sources, the tapes show multiple victims that were reportedly underage. Attorney Griggs claims the videos were what the feds needed to secure indictments for sex crimes, including child pornography.
In addition to those charges, the "I Believe I Can Fly" singer is facing a separate indictment in Brooklyn, where he has been charged with one count of racketeering and four counts of violating the Mann Act, which prohibits transporting people across state lines for the purpose of prostitution.
In May, the Cook County state attorney's office filed new sex abuse charges against the singer, adding 11 felony counts of sexual abuse. Some of the charges carry a potential sentence of up to 30 years in prison - the most serious he has faced. Kelly has pleaded not guilty to all charges.
Kelly also faces separate state sex-related charges in Illinois involving four women, three of whom were minors when the alleged abuse occurred. He has denied all allegations.
  WATCH: @GayleKing spoke to Joycelyn Savage and Azriel Clary about living with R. Kelly and their estranged relationship with their families. It made them very emotional.
We'll bring you more of their interview, tomorrow only on @CBSThisMorning. pic.twitter.com/R9IWQmy8RR
— CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) March 6, 2019
  It's being reported R. Kelly's two girlfriends - Joycelyn Savage and Azriel Clary - have been evicted from his Trump Tower apartment in Chicago following the federal indictment. Sources tell The Blast Joycelyn and Azriel were kicked out of the residence and that the apartment has been taken over by federal officials.
Attorney Griggs told The Blast that Joycelyn's mother, Jonjelyn, has discovered where her daughter is staying and is currently working on keeping "consistent contact" while trying to arrange a meeting. The Savage Family said they're "ready to reunite" with their daughter and let "whatever happened in the past" to be over.
The Savages have accused Kelly of brainwashing their daughter for years. In an interview with "CBS This Morning" anchor Gayle King, both Joycelyn and Azriel confirmed they were with Kelly on their own free will and even defended the embattled singer.
The Savages have been fighting relentlessly to get their daughter back. After Kelly's arrest, the singer's spokesperson Darrell Johnson held a news conference that was interrupted by Joycelyn's dad demanding to know the whereabouts of his daughter. You can catch that HERE.
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Alleged victim Jerhonda Pace - who stared in "Surviving R. Kelly" and is allegedly one of the victims in one of his cases - is concerned there may be a suicide pact betwen the girls. 
Photo: MEGA
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2019/07/14/r-kellys-inner-circle-reportedly-turned-over-20-child-rape-tapes-to-feds-that-led-to-arre
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full-imagination · 5 years
Betty S. Eubanks
Betty Sue Stanley Eubanks, 89, of Spartanburg, SC, died Friday, January 18, 2019 at Spartanburg Medical Center. Born February 9, 1929 in Whitney, SC, she was the daughter of the late William Richard and Ethel Lee Allen Stanley and the widow of Billy Bowen Eubanks. Betty’s love of her family kept her at home raising her children and taking care of her family. She was a member of First Baptist Spartanburg where she and Bill were volunteers at The Helping Center for over 25 years. She proudly crocheted over 200 hats for Gibbs Cancer Center. She prepared many delicious meals for the original Marshall Tucker Band during their recording sessions in Moore, SC. Survivors include her daughter, Judy Griggs and her husband, Darrell of Spartanburg, SC; her son, Jerry Eubanks, and his wife, Cathy of Inman, SC; eight grandchildren, six great grandchildren, and her sister, Doris “Dot” McCraw of Spartanburg, SC. She was also predeceased by four sisters and a brother. Services will be privately held. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to The Helping Center, c/o First Baptist Spartanburg, 250 East Main Street, Spartanburg, SC 29306 or to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, P.O. Box 1000, Dept. 142, Memphis, TN 38101 or online at http://bit.ly/2FYozqz. Floyd’s North Church Street Chapel from The JF Floyd Mortuary via Spartanburg Funeral
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moviesandmania · 6 months
JURASSIC TRIANGLE (2024) Preview of monster movie
Jurassic Triangle is a 2024 sci-fi horror monster movie about a group of colleagues who crash land on a mysterious island. They discover they are not alone when they encounter an array of bloodthirsty creatures and dinosaurs out to get them. Will they survive the island? Directed by Victor De Almeida from a screenplay written by Harry Boxley (Jack and Jill: Hills Run Red; Mary Had a Little…
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secretlymysti · 6 years
Missy Peregrym Biography, age, weight, height, husband, net worth, movies, scandal, body measurement
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Missy Peregrym Biography, age, weight, height, husband, net worth, movies, scandal, body measurement. Missy Peregrym is a Canadian actress and former fashion model.
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She was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on June 16, 1982. She is known for her role as as Officer Andy McNally on the ABC and Global Television Network series Rookie Blue (2010–2015).  
Missy Peregrym Biography, age, weight, height, husband, net worth, movies, scandal, body measurement
Birthday: June 16, 1982 Nationality: Canadian Famous: Models Actresses Also Known As: Melissa Peregrym Sun Sign: Gemini Age: 36 Years Born In: Montreal, Canada Famous As: Actress, Model Height: 1.66 M Spouse/Ex-: Zachary Levi (M. 2014–2015) Father: Rev. Darrell Peregrym Mother: Vanessa Peregrym
Missy Peregrym Net Worth
Net Worth: $3 Million As Of Jan 2017
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Missy Peregrym Body Measurement
Body shape: Banana (explanation) Dress size: 8 Breasts-Waist-Hips: 35-25-35 inches (89-64-89 cm) Shoe/Feet: 7.5 Bra size: 32C Cup size: C Height: 5’6″ (166 cm) Weight: 132 lbs (60 kg)
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Missy Peregrym Movies
Year Title Role Notes 2004 Catwoman Beau-line Graphics Model Uncredited 2006 Stick It Haley Graham 2007 Wide Awake Casey Wade 2011 Something Red Amy Short 2012 Cybergeddon Chloe 2013 The Proposal Sara Short 2014 Backcountry Jenn 2017 Pyewacket Voice
Missy Peregrym Televisions
2004 Smallville Molly Griggs Episode: "Delete" Andromeda Lissett Episode: "Time Out of Mind" Call Me: The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss Tina TV movie Life As We Know It Jackie Bradford 13 episodes 2006 Smallville: Vengeance Chronicles Molly Griggs 3 episodes 2007 Heroes Candice Wilmer 6 episodes Reaper Andi Prendergast 31 episodes 2010–2015 Rookie Blue Andy McNally 74 episodes 2012 Cybergeddon Chloe Jocelyn 9 episodes Cybergeddon Zips Episode: "Chloe" 2016 Motive Jessica Wilson Episode: "In Plain Sight" Hawaii Five-0 Bridget Williams Episode: "Ka Luhi" 2017 Law and Order SVU Zoey White Episode: "Net Worth" Saving Hope Layla Rowland Episodes: "We Need to Talk About Charlie Harris" & "Fix You" The Night Shift Lt. Reagan Episode: "Resurgence" Ten Days in the Valley Episode: "Day 4: Below the Line" 2017–Present Van Helsing Scarlett Harker/Scarlett Van Helsing Recurring 2018 FBI Special Agent Maggie Bell Main Cast Read the full article
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