#Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
1stunseeliefaelass · 3 years
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 25: Little Light of Love
Death and Morgen ignore the comment and the trip continues on as normal. The guard takes the time to whisper under his breath. Nergal sees him do so, but can't figure out what he said. He still keeps his eyes peeled on the man as they ride on. Arn is just admiring his knife now that it's sharpened as Esmie gives him a gentle ruffling of the hair. After some time, Death sees the token has reached their destination. From there the carriage stops near the front of the village. A few of the folk around are a bit concerned when the occupants each come out. Mostly towards Death and Nergal. Arn gets some suspicious stares but nothing too serious. Esmie takes him off to the side to avoid the staring a bit and he accidentally bumps into someone.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you...okay?", Arn stammered as he focused on the lass in front of him.
"Yes I'm fine, no harm done.", She said waving it off.
Arn couldn't help but stare as he took in her features from her nut brown hair rolling down her shoulders, her wolf-like ears, and her tan complexion reminded him of the girls back home in Spain. What captivated him the most was her eyes that shined like fresh polished jade.
Course he was thrusted back to reality when she questioned him, "Um, everything alright?"
Arn cleared his throat before he answered, "Um uh, yeah. Yes. Everything is fine."
"You're new around here aren't you? I've never seen you before.", She asked quizzically
"Yes I am new." He responded nervously
"You got a name?" She inquired.
"Uh..Arn, and you are?"
"Anna. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said with a smile.
Arn stood awkwardly for a moment before she spoke
"You know this village has a few sights, if you want I can show you around."
"I..um, I kinda..." Arn tries to say only for Esmie to encourage him to accept.
"Ok" being Arn's response.
"Great. My shift ends late this afternoon, where would you like me to meet you?" She asks him.
"That carriage I arrived in would do I guess." Arn said after looking around.
"Alright. I'll see you then." She says happily before waving to him.
"See ya then." Arn muttered embarrassed before Esmie hugged him elated with her son's little date.
With that Anna hurries off blushing hard whilst Arn follows his Mother in the opposite direction. Being nervous as all hell and blushing just as much as Anna. Morgen happened to notice it and makes a note to allow him the time to achieve this little date. Flashing a wink to Esmie as the two glance at each other briefly. With that Morgen went to the small library in the village. Death couldn't help but notice how familiar she seemed with the place.
"That was fast. Guessing you got out more than I thought."
"Not really, I just know the place from my days as a knight. Although could we keep that on the low?" Morgen whispers to him.
"Right of course."
With that Morgen began searching the small library for anything on the Dream Realm and it's magic. Suddenly a Pixie flitted right in front of her face. "I thought you looked familiar, just needed that closer look miss. You looking for anything in particular? I've saved up quite the collection of spells for you over the years in case you ever came on back."
Death watched the Pixie in suspicion as Morgen answered her, "Yes actually. You wouldn't happen to have anything on the Dream Realm and magic from it would you?"
"Hmm that's an odd request. Can't imagine why you'd need it. But I've never known ya to use any new magic without good reason. So I'll look through the collection for you. May take some time though, so feel free to come on back again later miss."
With that the Pixie whistled and more of her kin came out from various spots. From there each one set to work finding the requested items where they could. Nergal remains near the carriage, looking around as he keeps a close eye on Morgen, the guard, and Arn. He felt the boy was acting a little weird. Part of him said it was probably his teen awkwardness showing, but he wanted to be sure. The guard found Nergal being so close to be annoying, so he had to think of an excuse to get away for a short while. Nothing to arouse suspicion though, just something so mundane he may not follow him.
"Ah this trip was a long one. Need to take a piss, and stretch my legs a bit." He said hoping that would deter Nergal from following.
Nergal just nods and places a tracking spell on him. One that tracks where he goes and can listen in on what he says.
The man finds a bathroom area to use and also calls someone with a crystal in his ear, "We've arrived. Be here before we leave."
Nergal hears every word through his spell however, no matter how brief he kept it, "That's right you fool. Now I have a reason to crush you."
He walks over to the guard as he's leaving the toilets and places a strange nightmare curse on the poor bastard. He then leaves him in a position that suggests he's high on one of the toilets. In truth he has sleep paralysis mixed with fever dream hallucinations. He ends up shitting himself as well unfortunately, as he sees everything melt and distort around him as something underneath him begins to try and devour him.
Nergal then warns Morgen through telepathy, "Careful we may have company soon."
"What sort, and how do you know this?" Morgen asks him.
"Your guard betrayed us."
"Shit. Who should we expect?" Morgen inquires.
"He didn't say. Just be safe sister, both of you."
"Thank you Nergal. Be careful about how you manage the guard." Morgen tells him.
"Hahahahaha...Don't worry. I've already taken care of him. Hahahahahaha!" Nergal informs her.
Morgen then grabs Death's arm as they walk around, "Nergal is warning us to be careful. Seems our driver was insincere and betrayed us. We should expect company soon."
"Fucking fantastic. Ok, where is that driver so I can personally see to...you know what you don't need to know the details."
"Nergal's already handled him, in quite an interesting fashion I imagine too. Given his laughter."
"H....Ah. Oh somebody bless that person." Death says suddenly feeling slightly bad for him now.
Morgen actually finds a certain path and smiles, "I know this old path, it actually leads to a favorite spot of mine. If you care to see it."
"Sure, sounds like a good idea given everything."
Morgen then leads Death down the path. At it's end is a wooded clearing with a hidden yet big cabin. Morgen checks it out and seems to get a solemn look as she runs her hand along the wood door.
Death naturally checks on her, "You alright?"
"Fine, just reminiscing. I've missed this old cabin, as me and my fellow knights often came here. I don't know if anyone is left anymore, but I'm sure they won't mind us looking around in here. Perhaps."
"I see. Well let's get inside then." Death says before looking for a way in.
Morgen however casts a brief spell before the door unlocks. She then goes inside with Death following her. There's a massive fireplace fit for cooking meals for many. Many covered yet comfy looking seats and couches that look fancy. Morgen stands in front of the fireplace and looks upon a massive portrait. She looks forlorn as she looks upon it.
"Your order I take it?" Death asks gently.
"Yes. I...don't know if...any of them are even alive anymore. I...wish I could've...said goodbye to them without a massacre.....without anyone having to die that night...." Morgen explains sadly.
Death places an arm around her, "I am sorry for that. I'm sure they were good people, especially if they served with you."
"They all were. Rogier is the older gentleman next to me. He was the closest thing to a mentor many of us had in regards to blade work. The boy next to him was his squire. I was...unable to save him. Uther butchered the boy....and I could do nothing. He was so young, I dare say he was younger than Arn."
"Oh I see. Perhaps we should find another room to occupy? That way you don't have to think about this too much."
"Right. That'd be for the best. Thank you for being understanding at least. I can hear Rogier telling me now about choosing a partner. And his often long list of requirements for any suitors sent my way." Morgen explains snickering a bit.
Death smiles a bit behind his mask and brings Morgen away from the room. Eventually the two come across a door with her name on it, and naturally they figure they'll check it out. Morgen uncovers the furniture inside, finding it untouched by any dust thanks to the covers. Death found another door that led off into stairs going down.
"Hey Morgen, where does this go?"
"Oh that? It leads to a personal bathing room. Granted it looks like a small cave in there, but I still enjoy the place. It's so quiet and private down there, and the water can either be warm or cool." Morgen tells him.
"Oh. I suppose it wouldn't hurt....to see it I guess." Death says a bit nervously.
Morgen snickers a little more and goes down the stairs. Death follows her and is slightly worried what may happen from here. Sure enough he sees what she was talking about. The entire place is covered in carved stone. Even a few stalactites and stalagmites are in the room, with holes in them for makeshift shelves.
"Ah great, this is reminding me of several things. Some good, some bad." Death admits.
"Oh my apologies." Morgen tells him.
"No problem. If you feel safe here then I'll have to feel safe here. Anyway so..who else knows about this place, that's alive at least?"
"No one I know of. Uther has never found it once. Can't imagine anyone of his loyalists ever coming across it either." Morgen tells him before deciding to see if the water system still works. Course for that test, she knows she should probably be nude.
So she goes to remove her clothing and Death immediately asks her in full surprise, "GAAAAHAH! What are you doing?!"
"Well I can't test this with clothing on now can I?" Morgen inquires sarcastically.
"A you could've at least warned me, and B you could stick your hand in it! You know, like a normal person would?"
"Since when have either of us been normal?" Morgen asks simply.
"I dunno when you were saying to that Aries fellow that you wanted a normal life? Why not start by partaking in behaviors such as, using you hand to test the water? Savvy?"
Morgen sighs with a hint of annoyance before placing her clothing that was off back on again. With that she makes her way upstairs with an ever so slight huffiness to her. Death is now very confused and wondering why she isn't just flat out telling him what's wrong.
"She does know she can just tell me what's on her mind, right? So why storm off all annoyed like I'm stupid or something? Surely I couldn't have missed something AGAIN." Death growls to himself in equal annoyance.
Then he hears a voice giving off mocking laughter, checking the water nervously he sees a green eyed reflection of himself laughing. Sure enough, Crom has come out to play again. "Wow....I'm honestly wondering....why I even bother trying...you do an AMAZING job at pushing folks away on your own.....that was TRULY BEAUTIFUL.. Hahaha."
Death tosses a rock into the water after him to shut him up, Crom just gives him an indignified look before saying, "Seriously ruining my mojo? Like you ruined her mojo? And I'm just talking to myself now, great."
"You want another rock lobbed at you?"
"So childish. Maybe you could instead think about things maturely for once?" Crom says coyly.
"One more word and I swear I'll..."
"Hear me out! Hear me out. Morgen was trying to catch your attention. She's probably in a 'certain mood' so to speak." Crom tells him.
"Get to the damn point!"
"Oh by the gods how dense are you? She's attracted to you and really wants to feel you. In MANY ways." Crom states.
"I do not want to discuss this with y.."
"I am a FERTILITY GOD. I deal with fire, sex, plants, and babies. I believe I know what I'm talking about."
"Why should I trust you? A being who JUST EARLIER TODAY possessed me?" Death inquires in a distrusting and angry tone.
"Maybe because without me helping you out in this situation you're going to get nada. Hey I pretty much feel what you feel because we share a body. And I can tell our bones have not been used in MILLENNIA. I NEED THIS! I AM A FERTILITY GOD THAT HAS NOT BEEN FERTILIZING ANY SOIL FOR YEARS! I! NEED! THIS! NOW!"
"You as always, truly disturb me. Hell how do I know you didn't enjoy LILITH?!" Death growls at him.
"Ugh...even I know when soil has been plowed too much. Not to mention...despite my mental state...I CERTAINLY WON'T STICK MY DICK IN CRAZY!"
Death then busts out laughing, "Little hypocritical for you? Don't you think?"
"Fine be that way. Have fun with her on your own."
With that Crom leaves Death alone again and Death himself heads back up after Morgen. Figuring if he's going to save her mood and perhaps make up for the blunder that was on his part, he'd better contribute somehow.
After a moment of thought he called out to her, "Water's warm, I'll be waiting. Don't want to have another hair incident."
Morgen shook her head, wondering why he thought that was supposed to improve her mood. Course Death meanwhile used the now growing steam in the room to his advantage. He gathered it around the bath itself and removed his own clothing in the meantime as he waited. Hoping she comes back down. Luckily she does so, and is pleasantly surprised by a sudden sweet smell in the air. As Death also chose to light an incense stick or two.
Morgen then hears him whisper into her ear, "Over here."
Course Morgen still can't see him, even when turning where she'd heard his voice, "So what's gotten into you this time?"
"Just thought I'd make up for my blunder earlier." He says from somewhere in the room, Morgen then hears him whisper in her ear again as he grasps a bit of hair gently, "Though you could've just told me."
Morgen turns again but is unable to see him still. Suddenly she feels his hand grasp hers and pull her in close to him. She quickly realizes he's nude and of course responds, "Well....I wouldn't say this attempt failed. That's for sure."
Morgen's just about to begin removing her clothing before a sudden heavy knocking throws them both off, "Oh COME ON."
"Of COURSE we had to get interrupted by someone." Death expresses with anger alongside her.
"Why am I not surprised a pompous ASSHOLE is the one interrupting us?" Morgen asks herself in deep annoyance.
"Can I kill him now?"
"In time. We can't be reckless about this." Morgen says before helping Death get his clothing back on. Course she can practically feel how angry Death is on the inside. "Careful, you may add more steam to the room if you get any angrier."
"I was actually a bit excited about this I'm not going to lie. To have it FUCKED UP by this ASSHAT, is certainly going piss me off." Death tells her.
After a bit of time, Morgen came up to the door with Death. She also calls out to the man from earlier in a mix of sarcasm and rage, "To my Stepfather's oh so fucking important lackey, I would discuss this matter with you. You have NO IDEA what you've just screwed up right now. Believe me."
"Well something tells me you're whoring yourself out to a subpar organism." The man says arrogantly.
Morgen's eye actually twitches as Death growls in growing rage. He actually tells her, "Let him in, go ahead. I've got a thing or two to say as well now." Morgen then does so and Death immediately grabs the man and throws him across the room, "That's for calling me a subpar organism. I AM FAR MORE A MAN THAN YOU'LL EVER BE!"
Morgen in the meantime places a shield up to keep the other men out and asks Nergal, "Would you kindly handle these pests? They've interrupted something VERY enjoyable for Death and I. In fact we barely even got started, if at all."
"Hahahahahaha. Gladly. Do close the door while I take care of them." Is his only response before the men begin to see strange lights around them.
Death in the meantime grabs the man and punches him in the face, "And THAT'S for insulting the lady. How DARE YOU call her that?!"
"And how dare a filthy mongrel lay with a Princess?"
"Can I please kill him?" Death questions Morgen.
"You know what? Go ahead. I grow tired of his insolence." Morgen states coldly.
Realizing she's actually serious, the man actually begs for his life, "Wait my lady please! Reconsider your verdict! I uh....I can give you money...asylum...supplies...maybe find a way to get Barrcus back in your hands. Please my lady!"
"You would beg for your life on your hands and knees, to a woman whom you consider a whore? So unbecoming, and hypocritical."
"I may make your death quick, if you give us the location of where Barrcus is being held." Death expresses to the man.
"I-I-I don't know....I can find out and I will tell you! Please just let me live!"
"Who said that cowards die many deaths and brave men die only once?" Death asks.
"S-shakespeare." The man stutters out.
"Good words to live by, don't you think?"
"Wait please don't! I've cooperated!" The man pleads.
"I t-thought you said I could live!"
"When did we make that arrangement?" Death asks.
He begins to panic and stutter badly as he looks at Morgen again. His eyes begging for mercy, like hers often did from Uther. She finally raises her hand, "Before we end you, we have a friend we'd like you to meet. Get Nergal."
Death nods and opens the door back up to see all the men have become statues made of diamond outside the cabin. He's a bit shocked, but calms his nerves enough to move aside for Nergal to enter.
"So, who's the sorry fool Uther sent after Morgen this time?" He inquires as his third eye is on full display.
"This gibbering idiot right here. We figured you'd want to talk to him, personally." Death informs him.
"I would indeed enjoy a small discussion. There anything I should know about? Any health or mental conditions?"
"Aside from obvious anxiety problems, he did call Morgen a whore. Albiet indirectly, but still." Death tells him.
"So delusions of self grandeur, how fitting. Why don't you two go back to enjoying yourselves? I'll deal with him."
"Ok then." Death expresses with a slight shudder, not wanting to know what Nergal is about to do.
Morgen doesn't either and follows Death back to the bath downstairs. Luckily the steam is still around and the incense burning. Both of them begin removing their clothes after they shut the door with magic. Morgen once she's nude searches around for Death again, who decides to play a briefer second round with her.
"Marco.", He whispers coyly in her ear.
Morgen snickers and replies, "Shouldn't I be the one saying Marco here?"
"Fuck...Polo." He says embarrassed nearby.
Morgen waits a moment and calls out after a giggle, "Marco?"
"Polo." Death whispers into her left ear with a snicker.
Morgen smirks and decides to use her feet to sweep around herself as she searches for Death. Again she calls out, "Marco."
"Polo." He says quickly to the right of her this time.
Morgen reaches out though and quickly grabs his arm, "Gotcha."
Death snickers and says, "Alright you got me, so where were we?"
He then pulls her into him again and holds onto her. He can't help but run his fingers through her hair a bit and just at the tip of his senses he catches a scent. Cautiously, he smells her hair whilst his other hand slowly runs up and down her body. He mostly explores her rear, back, and breasts though. Morgen begins gasping quietly as he explores around and blushes as he gets a whiff of her hair. Morgen brings her lips to his chin just below his mask, kissing the area gently. He then removes his mask before scooping Morgen up. She hears Death pull up a chair and feels herself being sat upon his lap. Both of her legs being placed on either side of his waist. Death then begins to sniff around her neck, then after finally getting attuned to her scent he starts to kiss her neck. Morgen begins to moan a bit now, and also begins to try and take in his own scent. Her senses aren't as strong as Death's, but she's still able to get it. Course feeling her face on his head was enough to get him going a little more. He wasn't satisfied with her neck anymore and gently brought her face down to caress it. Her eyelids flutter as he brushes her cheeks. Finally he brings her in for a sweet kiss. His free hand giving some attention to her rear with firm yet careful groping. He could feel her hands running through his hair as they kissed. Finally they broke from each other and began taking a few deep breaths. Death decided he was done with the 'formalities' and Morgen agreed with that. Death then carries her into the water and carefully begins insert himself into her. He's as careful and gentle as he can be, not wanting to hurt her after all she's been through. Morgen is also careful, as she doesn't want to cause him pain either. Course she's surprised by the feeling of a few barely noticeable ridges. As well as some slight bumps that seem to be pulsating. Each thrust is slow and deliberate, with what feels like a pulsed extension that shouldn't be possible but is. Death himself for his part noticed how tight Morgen was getting the more he continued. He couldn't tell if it was on purpose or not. Eventually after a few thrusts to help things along, he's as far inside as he'll get. Death makes sure that whilst he's using more strength to fight the water, that he's still careful with each thrust. He listens keenly as Morgen begins to moan louder, eventually screaming too. Luckily Nergal put a silencing spell on the door, so no sounds make it to him and his prisoner. Morgen eventually places both her hands on Death's chest to brace herself and match his thrusts better. Course Death is actually quite sensitive there, so it only eggs him on more. Morgen actually decides to lightly rub around his nipples as he thrusts harder and faster.
Death jolts slightly at her touch leading to Morgen asking him, "Are you...alright?"
"Fine fine...it's just that...area is a bit sensitive."
The sounds that do escape his lips, grunts, growls, and the rare quiet moan, let her know she's doing well herself. Finally they both reach their climax together, and with a final scream and loud grunt they finish. Death gently lays down into water with Morgen whilst she makes sure their finish ends up down the drain. Creating a current there until it's all the way down it. Once done, Death holds her close and leans his head back. Morgen meanwhile slowly falls asleep in his embrace, being thoroughly worn out after that.
"Gone to the moon and back, and brought back a beautiful glow." Death whispers as he lovingly strokes her.
He then hears a knock on the door upstairs, "You two finished in there by chance?"
"Yes Nergal we are. Ugh...just give us a moment." Death calls up to him. Death then goes to pull out and sees it's not as easy as he'd hoped it would be. "Ok give us a..little bit longer than a moment."
As Death is trying force himself out, Morgen wakes up still exhausted, "What...are you doing?"
"Currently trying to pull out." Death responds through gritted teeth.
Morgen decides to try and relax as best she can, which isn't easy given the fact there's an obvious knot now. Course Death isn't helping either as he's trying to essentially fight himself. Morgen eventually uses what's left of her current strength to lift herself up. Hoping to make that easier on him. She then braces herself against the sides of the bath before summoning her wings.
"Uh Morgen..be careful..your wings will be more fragile..if they're wet." Death warns her as he continues trying to force himself out of her.
"Shhh...just trust me on this. Relax yourself and I'll do so too. Once we're relaxed, I'll begin to hover and you work on pulling slowly and carefully. Sound good?"
"Ok." Death tells her before they work on this. Separating at last with a sort of 'plop' sound.
The man Nergal tortured currently has a third eye on him now. Death in the meantime decides to dress Morgen gently so that she won't wake. Once he's dressed as well, he uses a spell to dry them both off by collecting the water and tossing back into the pool. Finally he scoops up Morgen and walks upstairs with her.
Upon finding the man, Death freezes, "Uhhhhhh Nergal, what did you to him? He's just sitting there.", suddenly the man turns his head to reveal his new eye, "GAH! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!"
Nergal chuckles as Death jumps slightly, "Impressive isn't it? I made him a little more...subservient. That's all. The effects are only temporary, but they are effective for our purposes."
"Ok...but why does he have an eye on his forehead? Wouldn't that be you know...a giveaway for that? You know, like something's off because he has an eye on his forehead?"
Nergal shakes his head, "Always the worry wart. Close your eye would you please?"
The man does so and goes back to the blank staring into nothing. Death is still creeped out, then both he and Nergal realize his shouting didn't wake Morgen somehow.
"How did she not hear me?"
Nergal then examined her closely, "Please tell me you pulled out. Cause at least then I'd have a false read."
"You didn't did you? Please say you didn't finish inside her."
"LAST I CHECKED I WAS INCAPABLE OF HAVING KIDS! My daughter only exists or existed because she was born during the time of the horde's rise." Death tells him.
Nergal just facepalms, "Even if they did make you infertile, YOU HAVE A FERTILITY GOD IN YOUR MIND! Who's to say he doesn't have access to certain things within your mortal coil."
Death thinks about it for a minute and begins cursing himself in several tongues old and forgotten. All of which Nergal actually knows due to his own age.
"Watch your tongue. You'll want to keep your mouth shut if you don't want Uther finding out. Make sure to keep your mouth clean as well for the child's sake too."
"Practice makes perfect."
"No you don't. You have a strong dislike for me, but you don't hate me." Nergal says simply.
Death begins to pace as he tries to think of what to do. Eventually he sits down, takes a deep breath then inquires of Nergal, "If you can tell before anything has even come up, before any development has begun, could Verdak find out?"
"Verdak's a special case, he probably already knows without even needing to look upon her, or be in her presence."
"Aw shit." Death mumbles to himself.
"Yes 'Daddy Dearest' is already aware I have no doubt. The question should be, if he'll tell Uther or not."
"If he does Uther's going to explode! Even more so than before! Argh I am such an idiot! What was I thinking?!" Death yells.
"Pull yourself together man! As far as I can tell, he won't put Morgen in danger. Not after the sheep incident. And I also fear what might be happening to him."
"Wait what?"
"I've been feeling this small disturbance in the Dream Realm. Both sides are growing in power. As when one grows so does the other." Nergal admits.
"And I'm guessing that just makes things worse in this current situation?!"
"It can if we aren't mindful. For now Morgen won't be bothered as she's not that powerful. But if she's to defeat Uther, that will have to change. And with her growth, will come more dangers to her. She'll essentially become a target to Nightmares who are...far less safe and reasonable than I. They will KILL HER if given the chance. Until she gains enough power, she'll be a sitting duck. And her being with child will only make it worse if they end up with Dream Entity blood or as a Dream Entity themselves. She'll have an even bigger bullseye on her, and it won't be on her back."
"How can I keep her safe while she's growing in power? I'm not a Dream Entity myself, I can't truly fight these things. They can enter both our heads if they truly wanted." Death tells him beginning to panic slightly.
"You're going to need a prophet of Ukutome, or a disciple, someone that can channel his power." Nergal states calmly.
"Ok who the fuck is Ukutome?" Death asks still panicking.
"Easy Horseman. You'll retain more if you're calm. To start with, Ukutome is a devourer of Nightmares themselves. With the right wards, he can be alerted instantly when any dangers make themselves known. He's also devoured dark gods and goddesses that have tormented others like a Nightmare would. To alert him properly, you need a dreamcatcher. A specific one tailored by one who either worships Ukutome or serves as his current champion." Nergal explains.
Death shakes his head, "And where might I find them?"
Nergal sighs, "I do not know. The last known champion was within Arcadia."
"No....not the Arcadians..."
"No but...this one was in the area." Nergal tells him.
"They're dead, aren't they?"
"Yes, as far as I can tell. But not by Nephilim hands if it helps your conscience any." Nergal states.
Death sighs before saying, "So in other words....we're screwed?"
"Not necessarily. Barrcus is rather attuned to spiders for a simple Fae. Even a Drow isn't THAT attuned to them. Barrcus can speak to them, control their bodies, and command them to do his bidding. Something seems off about them."
"Well he did meet this spider tribe. I don't know where granted, but that's how he became so spider like as he puts it. He did that after Morgen injured him badly by what I hear." Death explains.
"Ah intriguing. I would hate to do this....but I must unfortunately go speak with this spider." Nergal tells him as he laughs nervously.
"Why are you afraid?"
"Remember, I did say he devours Nightmares. And it's NOT a painless process if you must ask. Secondly, he and my Father are....VERY MUCH ACQUAINTED. As Ukutome married one of Aries' other daughters. Hell he's the main reason why the Dream Tree is a thing still. Well...the one in the Dream Realm anyway." Nergal points out.
"So there's a possible chance you'll get eaten?"
"Yes. And for now I'd rather like to wait until we return to Titania's home before attempting this. That way I can return to a stable spot with healers close by. Although if you could get Aspen to bring herself over there it'd be appreciated." Nergal says.
"Right. Shall we head back to the carriage? Or do we still want to wait until Arn and his Mother are ready to go?"
"For the boy's mental state, we'd best wait until his date is finished. From there we can return. Besides, it gives Morgen and yourself time to relax more." Nergals tells him simply.
Death just nods and sits down on the couch he'd laid her down on. Gently caressing her face and apologizing to her softly every so often. Eventually he does fall asleep himself, with his hand on Morgen's face. Nergal then chose to head back to the carriage to check on things there. Meanwhile Arn is eagerly awaiting his date. Esmie had helped him look a bit more presentable while also making sure he wasn't going to be found out easily by anyone suspicious. She even helped him find a bouquet of flowers for the girl. A simple gift for a first date but one that's always appreciated usually. After that Esmie backed off so he could greet her in private.
Arn is extremely nervous as the sun begins to dip slowly past late noon, "Where is she?"
Finally he sees Anna running down the road to him, "Sorry Arn! Had to complete more errands than I thought."
"I'm just glad you showed." Arn told her with a smile.
"Again I'm so sorry." Anna tells him.
"It's fine truly...oh and these are for you." Arn says before revealing the bouquet behind his back.
"Wow these are amazing!", she exclaims before sniffing them.
"So...where would you like to go?"
"Oh well, my favorite place to go is in these abandoned ruins near the village. Papa always gets annoyed when I go there, but I still visit them anyway. There's so many amazing things there." Anna replies happily.
"Sounds fun. Maybe we can grab some food beforehand?" Arn inquires less nervous but still on edge.
"Oh yeah of course. Just this way is the most amazing restaurant. It's tiny, but makes great food I promise." Anna says with delight before leading him there.
Anna then wraps her arms around him, making his ears stand on end after they pop out in his surprise. Once he calms down Anna lets out a giggle. Joined by Arn's light chuckle as he began to escort her. Naturally Esmie is delighted and she smiles as Anna hugs him.
She's then surprised by Nergal, "Just so you know, once he's done we need to leave. We can't stay too much longer."
"I know I know. I'm just so happy to see him enjoying himself. Happy to see him being a young boy instead of a hardened warrior."
"Well unfortunately for the boy....the hardened warrior will need to be called upon soon." Nergal states bluntly.
Esmie sighs, wishing her precious pup had never been taken away. That he'd never been in this mess. That this fate hadn't been his own. But she also remembers that he's at least happy now. So she should try and be happy for him while he's out with Anna. Nergal notices her face and knows instantly what she's thinking. He can't feel much sympathy due to his limits, but he certainly wishes he could feel it and thus understand her feelings more.
"Sorry that brings you great pain. But a necessary evil is required." He tells her in an attempt to be more sympathetic.
The attempt isn't lost on her luckily, "You have a hard time with sympathy, don't you?"
Nergal notes her sympathetic tone and replies, "I need no pity. Emotions are often lost on me yes, but that's only because I cannot feel them. At least not with ease like anyone else can. I wish I could do so, but I cannot. I can't even fake them. Yes a truly tragic tale."
Esmie notes his effort at humor and offers a simple giggle for him, "You at least try, most cannot even be bothered to do so anymore. Especially in my line of work. You learn to keep your emotions in check, as otherwise your heart will keep breaking. Or you'll just be devastated by every horrible thing that happens to those around you, to those under you despite your best efforts."
Nergal nods in agreement before saying, "I'd like to hear the tale. If you're willing to share it now."
"The tale that is my life? Very well if you insist. May pass the time anyway." Esmie replies simply.
From there Esmie begins to recount her life's story. How she grew up a poor woman with a dream of earning great wealth. After many years of hardship her dream warped into her founding the Bounding Bunny, her own tavern and inn. Course as time went on she began to bring in girls from all walks of life to work for her so they could live and eat at the inn. Earning their keep by working as they each saw fit. Most girls worked their nights under the sheets, whilst others simply waited on customers. Both sides however still had problems, the occasional assaults and rapes were always so heartbreaking to learn about. Not to mention how it destroyed the girls each time. Esmie however then brings up how through one demon, she found a way to fix that problem. This demon brought his friends and his friends brought theirs, pretty soon she was a bounty hunter hotspot. Not only did those boys treat her girls right, they even helped them out from time to time and protected them. The demon who brought her this fortune was named Argus. Soon enough he found the love of his life on a trip to France, a lovely werewolf named Clawdette. He even spoke about her to Esmie a few times, with great adoration and more. Suddenly they made things official and Arn came along not too long after. Esmie squees for a bit about how adorable Arn was when he was a wee pup before expressing the tragedy of how he ended up in her care. How Argus and his beloved wife died in a sudden house fire, leaving their toddler pup all alone. Esmie immediately took him in to honor her friends' memories and swore she'd do all she could for him. By raising him as her own. Unfortunately Arn would be taken away from her and put into the slave trade one day. From there Esmie admits she'd been fighting through a pit of despair and growing hopelessness as she counted the days he was gone. That even though she's found her baby boy again, she feels she failed him and his parents. She feels like he may never be like the little boy he once was ever again, or even remotely close to it.
Nergal however, has his own take on it, "Heheh..so what you're telling me is you took a poor boy in after he lost his parents? Made sure that he had someone that would love him? A Motherly figure with unconditional love and kindness to give him? You gave him hope, gave him a reason to keep his sanity. Look at him now, he's on his first date. I'm sure, that both his parents would be proud of him. And, that they would be glad for you being there to make sure this could happen. To ensure he was alright after all that suffering he went through. You did not fail him, in the slightest. If anything, you succeeded. So if may I ask, what are you?"
Esmie shook her head suddenly as she'd been in deep thought as Nergal said those kind words to her, "Oh that? Well...I'm a Werebunny. Just capable of being in a hybridesque form so to speak. And believe me, it took a LOT of time to learn how to do that."
"I can imagine given how 'horrific' wererabbits can be. Yeesh, and I thought some of the Nightmares I knew were scary. You could definitely model a few nightmares off of your kind." Nergal tells her blankly.
Esmie snickers at that before saying, "Right. Also, gracias. Thank you truly for those words amigo. Really."
Nergal nods at her, "Glad I could...part some wisdom. As my title shows hmhm..."
"Ok that...was a cheesy joke."
"Wasn't intending on it, and everyone's a critic."
Meanwhile Arn and Anna had been enjoying their dinner together. It was a bit awkward with a long silence between them before Anna finally broke it.
"So Arn uhm....where are you from?"
"Huh? You wanna know where I live?" Arn inquires a bit caught off guard.
"Well where you were born, but where you live works too silly hehehe."
Arn sighs in exasperation before saying to her, "Well...I was born in France from what Mama told me. I...remember very little about it though. Mama herself lives in Spain, and...I'm hoping to go back there soon. I've...missed the place so much."
"You've been away long?" Anna asks.
"If it's alright I would prefer not to talk about it....it's not pretty." Arn tells her sounding a bit down.
"Oh ok, I'm sorry."
"Oh no problem. Anyway....what about you Anna? Did you always live here or were you born somewhere else like I was?" Arn questions her curiously.
"I was born and raised here. Like most others in the village. Although Papa says we came from Spain."
"Really? Do you ever visit Spain? Or want to?" Arn asks her getting excited.
"I've asked Papa many times, but he always says we have no money to go there. That our lives are here. But someday, I wish to earn enough money to go there. It's my biggest dream to see Spain for myself."
"Well uhm I'm not sure where you'd go first, but I'm up on the Northern coast if you ever want to come on down. The port town I lived at is truly lively and always full of joy most days. You'd probably like it there." Arn tells her with delight.
"I can hardly wait then, ehehehe. What about you? Do you have any dreams for your future?"
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 30: Rose Petals Falling
Death only sighed, "Fuzzball being in your pipes...was no coincidence."
"So that's why he was in there. You asked him to spy on me?" Aleyn inquired sounding a bit pissed off.
Death remained calm however, "You're angry, and you've every right to be. It's an old habit I never truly got rid of. When I'm suspicious of someone, part of me wants to investigate further. Usually I follow my instincts to do so and seldom am I wrong. But in this case it seems I was. I imagine such an affliction has always been private for a reason, if not for many. If it makes you feel any better about me, I can reveal something to you later. That seems only fair given my violation of your privacy."
Strife and War both looked his way in bewilderment, "Who are you and what have you done with my big bro?"
"Death, this is....unlike you."
Fury just facepalms, "Boys, you're ruining it. Besides I doubt he'll do this again for some time. In my opinion, it's about time he started recognizing and ADMITTING when he's fucked something up."
Death just coughed, "Ahem, thank you Fury."
"Thank you for attempting. It's somewhat comforting." Aleyn replies.
"Great a violation of privacy. Yet another reason why I don't trust him being around you people." Achiron says in affirmation.
"Like I said, I can reveal something of my own later. I'm willing to make up for this where I can." Death insists to him.
Achiron however isn't too convinced and quickly floats up into his face. From there he circles Death in obvious scrutiny, nothing he wasn't used to. Then upon circling back to his face, Death suddenly felt something pull at the wards over his mind. Carefully he let down what he felt he could. Wanting to be careful about what was revealed. Achiron eventually notices three specific doors of a sort. One looked like it was made in shadow, the middle looked like a simple gray wooden door, the final was so bathed in white light it wasn't able to be seen past that.
"Interesting wards, let's see if I can break through them."
Death then appears before him and sees the Lich in his full bodied form. Semi armored with the same golden color of his skull. "Before you do anything, know that I'll let one of my wards down for you to enter it. Just know that some memories are indeed difficult for me. I only show you them in good faith. And once one ward is down, I'm not letting down the others. Got it?"
"Hmph, let's see how much your wards can hold up." Achiron states calmly before working to break the darker one first.
Death finds himself in pain as he tries to fight back and hold out. But since Achiron is in his mind it's going to be much harder to hold him back. He does his damnest to keep the ward shut. Whilst Achiron cracks at it bit by bit.
Meanwhile Nergal and the Horsemen all look at each other. Then Nergal simply thinks to himself, "*Ok Aleyn you're coming with us.*" Before anyone can stop him, Nergal grabs Aleyn and Baccara. He then shouts to others, "Let's go! Hurry! While the Lich is distracted!"
"What about our brother?!" War shouts.
"Yeah we can't leave him here!" Strife adds on.
"Are you out of your mind Nergal?!" Fury yells in anger.
War isn't so keen on this plan though and leaves Death with a crystal to teleport back if he needs it. From there he then leaves with the others whilst apologizing to Death. And makes a mental note to punch Nergal in the face for this dishonorable handling of the situation. At that moment, Death's first ward is shattered with a single punch. Knocking Death back a ways as he tries catching his breath. Achiron just shakes his head, "Not impressive thus far."
"I told you I'd lower one if you chose it....was that seriously not enough for you?!"
"You want to make up for your transgression in any way possible right? Then you'll allow me to do this. Either take the others down yourself, or I'll break through them too." Death in a moment of anger rushes Achiron, shoving him through the freshly broken ward. Dropping both of them into a dark, swirling blackness. Achiron noticed Death looking on edge as they both got up. "Something troubling you Horseman? You had quite a bit of zeal not two seconds ago."
"This part of my mind...holds my darkest memories. I only shoved you in here to keep you from unlocking my mind further. I am not....in control of what happens...when I venture through here. The memories appear randomly..." Death expresses to him in as little fear as possible.
"Hmm, then let's take them on in a more 'orderly' fashion." Achiron simply says.
"I just told you...I CAN'T CONTROL THIS AREA OF MY MIND! I've tried countless times and....argh....nnnnrrrrrrgh...AAAAAAH" Death repeats before being hit with a sudden pain in his forearms.
Achiron actually looks on in a bit of concern as he sees the bandages around Death's forearms beginning to soak with blood. Death is on his knees in deep pain as it feels like a knife is practically flaying his arms up, excruciatingly slowly at that. Achiron uses his own abilities to freeze the memory in time, then he examines Death. Death at first tries backing away but is grabbed before he can get too far. "Hold still. You could've mentioned you'd end up reliving your memories here." Achiron then decides to leave Death's mind. Only to be met with Aleyn and everyone else being gone. Death slowly wakes up and tries to move but his hands are currently numb. Giving a VERY pissed off Achiron the opportunity to have a Death Knight grab him by the throat. "WHERE. IS. MY. SON?"
Death does his best to answer whilst being choked, "I.....can only...ugh assssume....ack guh....that he's....back at....aaaaah ugh....Titania's."
"That.....huuuuh ahh...wasn't my intent....I don't....egh...know...why they left....aaaaaaaaaaah uuuuugh hurrrr......" Death responds whilst trying to get loose. Unfortunately even he knows the grip of the dead is stronger than most people know. Slowly, due to a mix of blood loss and the choking, Death passes out once more. Before being dropped in an unceremonious way.
Achiron simply whispers to his new prisoner, "Since you took my son, I shall keep you in return."
He then has the knights drag Death into his and Aleyn's home. Bringing him to a Styxian Rose Shamble, an abnormally small one at that. It almost could pass for the grounds' guard dog or house pet with how it behaves. Achiron keeps it calm and under control as he has the Shamble hold Death in place. He then has the Shamble follow him to the lab so that he can examine Death's arms. Can't have his prisoner die of blood loss after all. Carefully he removes the bandages of one arm using telekinesis, and is surprised by the opened and clearly old scars on his arm. As their outlines suggest their age before they reopened. Achiron then makes sure to use blood magic to reclose each scar. He does the same for Death's other arm, then has a Death Knight wrap them in new bandages.
"That should settle it. I'll wait until he's awake again before we continue further. Keep him here, and DO NOT EAT HIM. He's a prisoner,a hostage, NOT FOOD. Understand?" Achiron tells the Shamble. It lifts a single free vine to make a nodding motion with it and Achiron nods back. Satisfied he goes on to prepare things. Gathering various healing potions in case Death needs them, among other implements. He even gets an IV system going for a transfusion.
Death comes to some time later, his head spinning and his body stinging with the lingering pain. "Ugh...where am I?", then when noticing the IV and new bandages, "Wait a minute...what the hell?"
Achiron then surprises Death by bonking himself against his forehead to catch Death's attention, "You will show me all there is to see in that dark pit of your mind. Hold anything back, and I shall ensure you suffer tenfold."
"What the hell is wrong with you?! I told you I don't know why they took off with Aleyn! What's the meaning of this?!"
"Silence! I'm entering. With or without your consent. But first..."
Meanwhile back at Titania's, Morgen and War are both ripping Nergal a new one for this. Lunara is just embarrassed at not stopping him from doing this. Strife is panicking majorly as he thinks about what the Lich may be doing to their brother. Whilst Fury does her best to think of a new plan through all the yelling. Finally Aleyn grabs Morgen, "Morgen Morgen! Calm down, calm down. Fighting each other won't help. If we want to get Death back we'll need to think of a plan."
"THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO DO!" Fury shouts at him in annoyance and anger.
Aleyn can only sigh before his communication crystal goes off. As expected, he hears his Father's voice, "Aleyn, I trust you can hear me?"
"I can."
"Good, now then Horseman, perhaps you'll greet everyone Aleyn may be with?" Achiron responds in a dark tone as he places the crystal near Death.
"Aleyn...what the hell happened? Why am I being questioned on why you're with everyone?"
Aleyn sighs, "Nergal. You can blame him for this mess. It was a spontaneous idea of his, literally from nowhere."
Everyone then flinches as they hear Death grunt after something seems to hit him, "That's enough I should think. Now, Aleyn I want you brought home. I could care less about Baccara being here or not. If you do not return, then Death shall remain until you finally do so. Am I clear?"
Aleyn rubs his temple and thinks for a time before replying, "Transparently."
"Good. Just make sure you bring someone, or a few people to retrieve Death when you do come around. He may need help moving when I'm done with him." Achiron tells him before ending the call.
Morgen then immediately speaks up, "Aleyn, let me go with you. If that Lich bastard does anything to him I will give him a piece of my mind in person!"
War also volunteers, "You need someone to carry him, so I shall go with you as well. And to make sure Morgen doesn't jump at anyone's throats."
"He's a floating head, if anything I'll jump at his skull!" Morgen shouts in her anger.
"Morgen I know you're angry with him, but he is still my Father. He's always been overprotective of me." Aleyn informs her.
"THAT'S NO EXCUSE FOR TORTURE ALEYN!" Morgen yells at him.
"Morgen control yourself. At this rate your dream side may react to your emotions." Nergal tells her.
"Morgen enough!" Vortigern shouts at her before holding her in a tight hug, "For your sake, and everyone else's, calm yourself. Death's tougher than most, he'll make it long enough for you to retrieve him."
"Aleyn, if you truly need to return, then know this...I DO NOT CARE, if that Lich is your Father. He nearly took Baccara away from her Mother and I. I WILL NOT TOLERATE ANY FURTHER ATTEMPTS ON HER LIFE! Nor will I tolerate any attempts to harm her physically, mentally, or emotionally. He steps out of line with her JUST ONCE, and I will drag his soul down to the Realm of Nightmares. Then I will PURIFY EVERY OUNCE OF HIS BEING UNTIL THERE IS NOTHING LEFT OF WHO HE IS NOW. That is my ONLY warning to both of you." Nergal responds before letting Baccara go to him, against his and Aspen's better judgment.
"Believe me I would do something similar myself." Aleyn expresses as he tries to push Nergal out of his face for breathing room. Then he looks to Morgen and War, "So whenever you two are ready...heheh.."
Morgen simply nods but Vortigern wants her to at least have some tea to cool herself down. She agrees to it, but only because War agrees to wait for that much. Luckily for her Mina already started preparing a few cups of iced tea as everyone got stressed out. Morgen finishes it easily enough and hurries off with War and Aleyn. Fury remains with Strife in the meantime to one calm him down, and two plan ahead. Or at least have the backbones of one for Death and War to play off of. War of course decides he may as well ask Morgen a few questions along the way. Figuring it'd be a good distraction and that he'd learn more about his potential sister-in-law. Not like Death was being terribly secretive about the relationship in front of him and the others.
"So Morgen, what's it like being around my brother? I know how it is for myself and occasionally get slightly exaggerated stories from my older siblings about him. But what of yourself?"
"Hmm, well I'd personally say your elder brother is quite charming for the stubborn ass that he is. And though he can be rude at times, at least he knows when it's not necessary. Well...mostly anyway."
"Yeah that sounds about right." War replies stoicly, though inside he kinda wants to laugh a bit, "Although aside from his personality, what do you see in him?"
"Well I believe he has potential he's yet to tap into."
"In what ways?"
Morgen thinks for a moment, "Potential to be a better man. Granted, I can't be his savior. Not the only one he has anyway. I can help him some, but I can't be all he has."
"I understand what you're saying. I know fully well you are right as well. The problem lies with my brother's need to hide things when it threatens him or my siblings and I."
"I'm guessing opening up is difficult for him?" Morgen inquires.
"More so than you think. It can be...frustrating sometimes. All we want to do is help him. Yet we can't get him to tell us anything hardly. We only ever found out about....one of those 'issues' recently."
"I see. Well perhaps with some extra help and pushing in the right direction, he'll slowly become less closed off."
"I doubt that, but I do hope despite it." War answers her.
Aleyn meanwhile keeps quiet, not reacting at all. He's having a minor heart attack over everything piling up, and naturally is having trouble coming up with the words to say. Finally they reach his home again after finding a proper spot to teleport at. Meanwhile Death has been put through the ringer mentally. Reeling massively and already exhausted by it all. 'Course Achiron isn't finished with him just yet. Unfortunately, he has one more memory he wants to look for. None in particular, just anything he feels like looking at. Death is just lucky Achiron hasn't found anything too traumatizing for him yet. If mainly because his absolute worst memories he's doing his best to hold back.
"You're hiding something from me Horseman. I suggest you show it to me. Or else I shall pry from your mind everything it has to offer."
"Show your worst Lich...it can't be that bad." Death tells him between breaths.
"I guess we're getting cold." Achiron says before prying into Death's mind as promised. Death tries to hold him off but is too worn out to stop him. His skin actually freezes over as Achiron forces him to relive the memory he has. Achiron then decides to switch Death's view of the memory at the last moment. A small shred of mercy after everything he's been combing through. Despite it being far tamer than Death's worst memories out of the bad batch. Death stops shivering, the frost on his skin fleeing as he stands next to Achiron in his mind.
"How are you...doing this?"
"You think your mind is the only one I've seen where people have trouble controlling their worst memories?" Achiron questions him.
Death goes quiet for a moment as he sees what memory is being revealed. Already being a bit uncomfortable, despite knowing now that his daughter did indeed survive. Achiron watches as Death reacts to his lover at the time dying, and how he interacts with his little baby girl.
"Wren? Wren I'm here now, I've got you. I'm right here. Wren....open your eyes please. Please."
Death has to look away as he watches his younger self. Only daring to look back when hearing C's crying. When Achiron sees Death find and scoop up the infant he's stunned.
"Shhhhhhh shhhhh....I'm here. Daddy's here. There there."
Achiron then looks as Death next to him, "You are a Father?"
"I am. Watch on, if you want to see me why this memory bothers me so much." Death replies as he looks on solemnly.
He continues on and recognizes that there's a small thread. One attached to C itself. He grasps the thread, hoping to guide Death to the better parts of his memories of her. He sees Death putting together a makeshift blanket for C, and making a special anklet with her name upon it. Which Death's younger self says loud and clear upon placing it on the little infant's ankle.
"Coventina. My little girl. I promise you just as I promised your Mother, I will keep you safe. I won't let anything happen to you."
The memories continue on with Death holding C close to him as an empty pyre burns. Only for that pyre to attract a hag even Achiron is familiar with.
"Black Annis."
"You knew of her?" Death quietly inquires.
"I did. Once. A spiteful, cannibalistic monster she was, never did like her. Then again who would've?"
They then keep watching on, just in time to see Black Annis defeat the younger Death and make off with C. He does his damnest to keep fighting, to get up, but ultimately cannot. The last memory he sees is Absalom lying to Death about his daughter being found dead and his complete breakdown over it. Death's anger at having been so blinded at that time ends up causing both him and Achiron to be shunted from his mind.
Death takes a moment to compose himself as best he can. His emotions from that memory beginning to overwhelm him despite his efforts, "Are you satisfied Lich? What more...could you possibly want? What else will...you put me through?"
Achiron notices the voice cracks despite Death's attempts to hide them, sighing he tells him, "I'll not search further. Rather, I'll ask you questions about her. Your daughter I mean. Although, I am willing to give you time to process your emotions if needed. I know there's more, I remember seeing the thread continue on."
"I....don't want to go through my memories right now. I'm....already overwhelmed enough as it is." Death responds, wishing he could just get some alone time or simply be free from the place.
"You feel extreme guilt over losing her so soon, don't you?"
"I used to, now the guilt has evolved. I've met her recently...but the guilt is now over the fact that I....failed to protect her. Failed to keep yet ANOTHER promise I made to Wren, and to her. I still feel as though...I failed as a Father. I never got to know the joy of raising her. To see her first steps...hear her first words...train her to fight. I...never got those chances, because I failed her at such...a crucial moment." Death replies fighting back his pain.
"Then you and I are unfortunately much alike. Aleyn throughout most of his childhood was a lively boy. Happy, free, despite certain things. I never intervened with that, until his Mother nearly got him killed. What she did to him behind closed doors, will be forever scorched into my mind. When he got ill, she refused all treatment. I thank whatever forces that allowed me to get close enough to help him, to save him."
"I see. Guess Aleyn is also alike me in some ways. The desire for privacy when it comes to secrets we hold onto. The fact we both have terrible Mothers. Course I got lucky, I have Ale, who I view as my true Mother to this day. For all she's done for me, and my family. I sometimes wonder if I could ever thank her enough."
Achiron glances at him, "From what I noticed in one memory, she is a kind woman. Understanding, gentle, and loving as a Mother ought to be. Perhaps Aleyn would be jealous of you if he ever met her."
"Maybe so. Ale may not have raised me from an infant, as I was never a child but...she did still technically raise me in a way. I owe her so much given how much of who I am now was shaped by her influence on me. But when it comes to you and Aleyn, you're too overbearing. Which is something even I still struggle with. As I was left to raise my younger siblings mostly alone. Strife was....always my responsibility. Absalom wanted him dead and others never took him seriously. I had to be the one protecting him, the one who was there for him, and the only example he had of how one should behave. And in my youth, I unfortunately wasn't always a decent man. Strife was raised during a time when I was....involved with or doing truly dark and horrid things. I may have done my best to be what I knew at the time as a good example but, sometimes I feel it wasn't good enough. Fury came near the tail end of my darkest deeds, it was after then that I began questioning myself and my purpose. But I did my best for her too, no matter what. Again though, I sometimes wonder if I could've done more, been better than I was. War was when I came across Ale. By then Strife was already a teen, and Fury was nearing that milestone. Ale made sure I did more with her guidance, as I often asked her for advice on that. So I do feel accomplished with War and how he turned out at least. Then again, I needed help at that point in time." Death informs him, beginning to calm down slowly.
Achiron seems to reach a few conclusions, his skull landing on the table by Death, "Perhaps....you are right about me Horseman. I only tried to kill that Dryad because....he was forcing himself to keep up with her. Pushing his body for her in ways that were breaking him. I couldn't....let that happen. As for yourself, I believe your siblings being alive, being good fighters like you, following you as an example to this day, means you must've done something right for each of them. Something to ask them about really, as I'm only speculating."
Death nods, "Thank you. And I get it that Aleyn was pushing himself for Baccara, but that's ultimately on him. If he wasn't listening, why not tell her? Sounds like you never once tried, and I've never known any of my friend's children to be entitled. Responsibility is always important to them due to how Aspen raises them all. I doubt Baccara would be any different on that front."
Suddenly War bursts through the lab door revealing a hedge labyrinth outside, "Was it ALWAYS this difficult to navigate through...wait...what are you doing to him?!"
Achiron finds Chaoseater pointed at his skull while Morgen rushes past him to check on Death, "Death are you alright? Are you hurt?"
"Fine just...kind of in an awkward position now that I realize it. Can someone please just...get me down a bit?"
Morgen notices he's above a baby Shamble that's acting rather...'friendly' for a Shamble, "Strange that such a critter is so friendly."
"Yes it is, now Morgen can you please help me down from this position?"
"Uhm..." Morgen begins to say before glancing at the skull, "...do you mind?"
Unfortunately something catches up, or rather several things. Achiron knows this and tells them, "If he puts the sword down..."
"Not likely."
"You'll do so anyway." Achiron states simply.
Before War can question that, he's grabbed at the waist by a thick rose vine and pulled back outside. Turns out, the big Shambles they woke up whilst moving through the garden are very much unhappy now. Morgen herself barely avoids being grabbed as well whilst hugging the back wall of the lab. Death meanwhile tries getting loose to help his brother out and protect Morgen. Only for the Shamble reaching at Morgen to suddenly freeze up. The vines then leave the lab as it seemingly leaves. They hear a massive thud of armor outside too, which they can only assume was War being dropped. Aleyn then steps into the lab and pats the baby Shamble some. It gets excited at his being home and drops Death without being told to do so.
Morgen hugs him once he's close to her, "Will you need assistance walking?"
"Uhm...wasn't that high up but..", Death replies before showing her the books on the ground where he landed, "Kinda landed on those so yeah.."
Morgen checks his back gently as Aleyn simply tells his Father, "Well, I'm home. Like you wanted."
Both Morgen and Death note that his tone sounds a bit broken. War is just confused as hell and a little spooked after his encounter. He's remaining outside to watch the Shambles closely. Death motions to the skull, hoping their chat wasn't for nothing.
"The girl is allowed to stay, and you are allowed to go anywhere. But you need to report back every now and then. And please take some of the guard with you." Achiron tells Aleyn.
Aleyn looks at him surprised but nods, "Of course Father. I'll take two of the Shambles, and one Grave Titans as well."
"WAIT WHAT?!", Death shouts whilst looking back at the skull.
"Well I...make things. Regardless, that will do. Somewhat. I hope that girl is capable of some things." Achiron replies.
"Grandkids?" Aleyn asks confused.
"No! No. Magic."
"Eh typical."
From there Aleyn excitedly calls Baccara on his crystal whilst everyone else is told they're free to leave. They happily do so, with Morgen hollering to Aleyn, "Take care. And should anything happen with Uther let us know! Stay safe!"
Once they're gone, Nergal teleports there with Baccara and Aspen, "If she's going to be here. You and I are talking, Father to Father. Aspen, I trust you'll watch over her while I'm at it?"
"Yes dear. Course I'll also let Aleyn do so too. Baccara has been talking you up for some time. I think I can finally believe her when she says you weren't the one trying to kill her that night. Though your Father will need to do FAR MORE to earn my forgiveness and respect." Aspen responds.
Baccara meanwhile rushes into Aleyn's arms, despite his pain he holds her tightly. He then shows her the baby Shamble which greets her as happily as a puppy. He shows her the rest of the garden as well. Delighted to show her the other additions it has gained since she last step foot within it. Nergal and Achiron find a private spot within the house that oversees the garden for their chat. Nergal notices the many bodies within the garden and asks concerned, "Why do I sense so many bodies in the garden?"
"His patients that unfortunately did not make it. He believes he honors them by placing them within the garden." Achiron responds whilst settling on the table by the window.
"Ah. A mini forest of the dead. Although I must inquire of you, do you regret what you did to my daughter? I want to know so I can rest easy whilst knowing she's here in the lion's den." Nergal explains a bit worried.
Achiron thinks carefully, not wanting to screw up his son's chances NOW, "Regret? I regret...the actions I took. The lengths I went to. I do not regret the reasons, only that I did them at all. I'm ashamed, as I now can see just how much being without her destroyed him. And it was my fault. I did however, need help reaching that conclusion. The Horseman is actually pleasant company for a man with his reputation."
"Most of the time he's a sarcastic asshole. But at least he's straight with people, usually." Nergal states simply.
"Indeed. Tell him I'd like to meet his daughter sometime. Something tells me she may be pleasant like her Father."
"Eh, she has a bit too much of him that really shows at points. But she is compassionate and caring from what her adoptive Father Gregory has stated once or twice. Like any Dwarf he's a proud old man, but when it comes to C he can be allowed to express some pride." Nergal tells him.
Death at this point had been placed in bed back at Titania's place to rest. 'Course a particular voice is ringing in his head, albiet quietly, "I could've ended it had you let me out."
"We both know that isn't true." Death says bluntly.
"You only assume it isn't. I wasn't keen on that intrusion either you know."
Death grunts in annoyance and rolls over in his bed. That's when a glint hits his eye. After a moment of squinting he gets up and sees it coming from the box he'd hidden under the cloths. He replaces the cloths carefully, only to feel drawn to reopen the box. Despite the feeling of something crawling up his spine. He feels a hand slowly moving around his body, flinching with each second. As he holds in the urge to scream, a knock suddenly causes everything to cease. He takes a moment to calm down and hurries to the door. Barely opening it at all, "Yes?"
Bardak's voice rang out from beyond the door as his hand grasped the edge of it, "Heya Death. Wanted to check on ya, since ya were kidnapped and all. Not to mention the shit I'm sensing in there with ya."
"Oh I see. But what do you mean by sensing?"
"Don't kid me Death, ya know full well I've got both Spirit Walker and Shaman in me through my parents. I can sense when something ain't right about someone, a place, or a thing." Bardak declares to him.
"Hmm. Well..what exactly did you sense?"
"Very powerful undead, and unrest. You know I can pick up on the emotions of others too. That includes yours, so there's no use hiding it from me. You're spooked to hell, and I think I know why."
Death cocks his head slightly, "And pray tell, what is it?"
"Crom." Bardak says bluntly before inquiring, "Ya still got the little charm from my parents right? It should still be working."
Death takes a moment to respond, signaling to Bardak that he's either going to lie or make up an excuse, "Well I uh....Well I don't..."
"Nah, speak the truth. What happened to it?"
Death sighs before admitting it as a pit in his stomach forms. Fearing what Crom will do if he's paying attention, "I.......I don't know what happened...not exactly. Only that it...broke."
"Ya got the pieces still?"
"Every single one....and I've locked them away....although if you want to...see them I can show you...." Death tells him as Crom begins slowly going to his throat again.
"Hey Crommie boy! Shut up or else I'll send another spirit your way. Heard you had some trouble with the other one some time back. Only this won't exorcize ya, but it'll keep ya all nice and quiet for a bit." Bardak threatens, noticing Crom despite his efforts to remain in the shadows.
Death in response goes to open the box after revealing it. Only from Crom to suddenly scratch at his back, the sudden attack catching him off guard enough to release a scream. Bardak instantly looks him over as he hisses in pain, but not before calling for the spirit he threatened to use on Crom. Death takes a moment to catch his breath whilst the spirit does it's job. He can't see it at the moment but does sense it's presence. "Thank you..."
"After I see those pieces, I think you and I need to talk."
Death only nods, "Understood. Let's get this over with."
Bardak upon seeing just how broken the charm is, looks at Death, "And ya didn't think to tell me about this why?"
"I was threatened Bardak."
"He's in your mind, if you wanted to, ya could kick his ass. Your fear is gonna get you killed one day. Ya can't just sit there and do nothing about this whilst not facing him." Bardak tells him firmly.
"You don't think I've tried to face him before?! That I haven't tried multiple times over the eons to be rid of him?!"
"See? Now that I'm confronting you with this, you're lashing out. If you'd save that for Crom ya'd likely have a better time." Bardak states.
"This feels different from a confrontation. It feels like you're blaming me for what's happening to me."
"Now listen here, I never once said I blamed you for what Crom does to you. Not even in the past. What is on you though, is your reactions and refusal to fight back. And that leads me to your mental state..." Bardak tells him.
"Enough Bardak." Death replies sounding a bit uncomfortable and angered.
"...No, you let me finish damn it. I get it, you're stuck processing grief, and you're stuck in a massive ass pit of guilt. But FOR FUCK'S SAKE DEATH! You just keeping dragging yourself through that mud pit day after day and year after year! The grief I can understand, somewhat. BUT DAMN IT DEATH LET GO OF THE GUILT! You've already attoned for all you could! What are you so afraid of?! Why aren't you reaching out?!"
Bardak however just cools down some, "Right. And I get that. Everybody's scared of losing people they care about in fact. But you gotta stop hiding this shit from people. If you need help, fucking ask damn it. I know you've got a big mouth so use it."
"Bardak....it's not that simple. Nothing is for me anymore. Hell it likely wasn't ever simple for me."
"Maybe not, but that's what change is for. Change and adaptation. I know you're good at adapting. But that's not enough Death, not this time." Bardak says.
"You can't save everyone, nor can you 'fix' everyone. Some require little time, others need more, and still some cannot ever 'get better'. Some people are just stuck with their inner demons for life."
"Death, I'm only bringing this up for a few reasons. One, is because Crom is using your past against ya. The less ammo he can use, the better off you'll be. Two, I care about ya as a friend, always have. The last thing I want, is for you to lose your way, or worse..your life. Thirdly and finally, because we can't help ya if ya hide stuff from us. I don't expect ya to let everything loose in one day, not even in a few days. But I expect you to at least work on opening up more. To work on telling people when something is wrong, when you need help. Ya get it?" Bardak expresses in a suppressed blow up at Death.
"I just....want to keep everyone safe. Crom he....threatens everyone around me. Hell when I said I was threatened a moment ago, it was because of the charm! Crom was pissed off and after breaking it he threw me around my own house to batter me! He told me if I ever got it fixed or used a new one he'd kill your parents and you! I do what I do to keep everyone safe."
"At what cost Death, your suffering?! You having no voice in your own home because of a violent, dead spirit?! That just ain't right."
"Well what am I supposed to do?! Let him attack people whilst he's possessing me, thus making me responsible for people's deaths by proxy?!"
"TRY ASKING FOR HELP! Me and my parents, we can hold off a spirit! Despite it calling itself a god! Me?! I'VE TOOK ON AN ENTITY THAT COULD CONTROL WENDIGOS! It was tough but I was able to handle it! As for your siblings, I'M PRETTY SURE THEY CAN HANDLE YOU WHILST YOU'RE GOING ROGUE! WAR CAN HOLD YOU DOWN MOST LIKELY! Hell he might even just sit on ya, while Fury and Strife bring ya back. AND I'D HELP OUT TOO! HELL MORGEN PROBABLY WOULD TOO IF SHE KNEW ABOUT CROM!"
"She does know. He's threatened her to her face before." Death admits.
"Then DON'T. LET. HIM. DO THAT. Let him know who's the boss when he does stupid shit like that. Let him know you won't tolerate that crap." Bardak tells him.
"How can I do that? I can only hold him back for so long with my might alone. Meditation barely works anymore. I even tried Astral Projection once, only for it to backfire."
"First off, stop putting yourself down. If he's feeding ya this crap, then ignore him. Or at least don't believe him when he says it. Secondly, there's plenty of stuff I can teach ya to do to help ya keep Crom under control." Bardak informs him.
"What would that be?"
"For one, spiritual journeys can be good for just calming people down and grounding them. Going on one every so often might help ya. Another thing you could try, is maybe weed. Particularly the strong sort for you given your resistance levels, also don't get the fake shit. Hell that Satyr your brother knows may be helpful there. Finally, I hear 'Lunar Mages' or Moon Sages as we call em, have all sorts of ways to remain at ease with a peaceful mind. A peaceful mind that isn't racing, is one that can fight back the best against inner demons. Morgen would definitely be a good help there." Bardak points out to him.
Death thinks on it before asking him, "I suppose I must ask one thing. Despite everything, do you truly believe I can do this? Do you...have faith in me?"
"Brother, I won't give up, so don't give in Death. Ya got this, especially with everybody at your back. Just let us help ya out, ok?"
Death sighs, "Fine. Although, thank you for this. I...needed to hear that, as difficult as it was."
"You're welcome. Now get some sleep and I'll talk with my parents about maybe getting a better charm for ya. One that's better suited for the problem. In the morning though, you're gonna tell your siblings and Morgen about this. You're gonna ask for help. Ok?"
"Got it. I'll...do my best."
With that Bardak was finally able to leave without worry. Death just lay down for a time as he processed everything. He felt a tiny tug at the sheets and heard Fuzzball's little growls as he tried climbing up. He glances at the nearby wall briefly before looking down at the floor absent-mindly. Quietly he says to himself, "Maybe things won't be so bad when they're helping me."
Fuzzball finally makes it onto the bed and slowly walks up to Death. Curling up beside him as Death removed his mask finally. He cracked a small smile before gently petting Fuzzball's head. After a few licks to his hand, his smile widens some and he begins to try falling asleep. Morgen of course heard the yelling, as did her cousins. She's just finished calming them down before confronting Bardak, "Want to explain what all that yelling was about?"
"Death and I needed to talk, nothing more. It's settled now so, no need to worry about it."
"Uh huh sure. Well goodnight then." Morgen replies before walking off. Her robe barely hiding the figure underneath. Finally she reached Death's door, intent on checking on him. She finds it's unlocked and sees him glance up at her, "Forgive my intrusion. I just wanted to make sure you were alright."
"I see. Guessing you heard the 'discussion' Bardak and I had?" Death responds whilst not moving from where he'd laid.
"Yes, as did the girls. They're asleep now. But hopefully they'll stay that way."
Death sighed, "Shit. Sorry about that. Most of the yelling, and the loudest of it came from me."
Morgen however sat down on the opposite side of the bed from him, "I'm sure you had your reasons. If you're up for telling me of them. Bardak wasn't very forthcoming."
"That's because it's my responsibility to let you know what's going on with me. Although I still need some time to process things, to figure out how I want to go about this. Could we speak in the morning, please?"
"Alright then, would you prefer to be alone or...?"
"Actually, since you're here already and I should probably find some way to start breaking my habit of hiding away....you can stay. If you want to that is. I won't force you to." Death tells her a bit nervously.
"Alright, together then. Give me a moment." Morgen replies before removing her robe and laying down after hanging it up on a partition. She's glad to see Death roll over to be face to face with her. From there she places herself on his chest, letting him hold her gently. One arm wraps around her whilst the hand on the other arm drapes over hers loosely. Only then does she see how much bigger his are compared to her dainty hands.
Crom soon FINALLY gets away from the spirit, having beaten it, "I....REALLY HATE THAT ORC!"
"Ah you're still around." Death says sarcastically.
"VERY FUNNY. That THING is still somewhere here."
"Oh yeah? Have fun with that." Death says coldly before instinctively holding Morgen a bit closer in his sleep.
"Heheh...well it isn't here right now. Is it?"
"Maybe not in this room directly, but I'm in no mood and could frankly care less about what you want right now. So, would you kindly shut up for once?" Death responds, baring Bardak's words in mind.
"You wanna follow his advice? Fine. I'll let you...GET AWAY WITH IT. Eheheheheh...but only this once. Otherwise I'll have to get very ANGRY. Neither of us want that now DO WE?"
"Shut UP. SHUT UP." Death growls at him.
"See? It's a lot easier for me to win than you think? YOU MAKE IT SO EASY."
"I SAID SHUT UP!" Death shouts before waking up to a worried Morgen.
"Death? What's wrong?"
Crom then speaks up again, "Look at her, reaching out to you. I wonder how long she'll last. Before you...do your typical move."
Death growls a bit in a mix of anger and annoyance. Leading Morgen to caress his face a bit, "Death, what is it? Are you alright?"
Death then tells her, "If you have anyway to shut him up. Please do so. He's being too vocal, I can't shut him up."
"Steady now, I'll see what I can do. Just stay calm ok?"
As Morgen begins to use her magic, Crom tells him, "You're growing either bolder, or more careless. You do know she's at such a high risk at this very moment, right?"
"I trust her."
Crom actually snorts a bit at that one, "Really now?", then he begins laughing, "HA! Hahahahahaha....ah AH! Ahh HA! Ha ha ha! Just a day ago you'd have kept it in! Now you're actually asking for help from someone as vulnerable as you?! Now THAT is definitely hilarious!"
"Laugh it up as much as you want."
"Oh I damn well am." Crom says slowly sobering up, all of sudden he stops laughing completely and freezes, "Not that DAMN THING again!"
Death then laughs himself, sensing the spirit has returned to the room. Morgen then finishes the spell she was working on before taking in a deep breath. Surprising Death as she begins to kiss him. He feels cooling air go down his throat as she keeps it up. After a moment she finishes it and Death asks her, "What...was that?"
"A sealing spell. One I perfected myself. I've been saving it for some time."
"And it required a kiss because....?"
"I just felt like it at the time, it sounded romantic too. Lastly, and most importantly, I had hoped to find someone who may require it. One who WASN'T trying to force me to use it on him." Morgen replies a bit nervously.
"No need to be embarrassed, I've made a few strange spells in my youth too. Most of em utterly useless aside from one specific use." Death expresses to her.
"Tell you what, I'll show you one of them right now. If you'd like." Morgen then nods a bit excited as Death cast a silent spell. Many lunar magic threads suddenly form together into a circle before Death then told her, "Think of something. Anything at all."
"Hmm, how about....a crescent moon?"
The threads form into just that instantly to her delight and amazement as Death tells her, "Go ahead, keep going. See how fast I can keep up with you." Morgen then began to list off various simple things. A rose, a bird, spider, and even a wolf. She then started listing off more challenging query. Saturn, a whale, a squid, and finally a jellyfish. Which is where she caught him up as the threads were having a hard time forming it.
"Seems you win this round. Shall I show you one last thing as your boone?"
"Just for me? Well then lets see, how about...an aurora?" Morgen questions him.
"That's an ambitious one, but I shall give it a go for you." Death replies slyly before working his magic as best he could. Eventually after a few minutes of meticulous and hard work he got the shape to form. And finally had it move. He couldn't mimic the change in colors, but was glad at seeing Morgen's delight.
"This is amazing. Well done love. I'll bet you could make some interesting illusions with practice! We may find more uses for this yet!"
Death couldn't help but enjoy her sudden enthusiasm, "Well if you really believe so, we can see about that tomorrow. You teach me a few spells and I'll see about making sure you can wield a blade."
"Sounds swell, I'll look forward to it. Pleasant dreams love."
"Goodnight Morgen." Death replies before kissing and laying back down with her.
The night was filled with serenity luckily. Morgen's sealing spell actually worked quite well in ensuring Crom couldn't do much once the spirit was done chasing him again. Death ultimately found himself dreaming of a beautiful lush field. He was currently harvesting a crop before hearing a young voice call out, "Daddy!" Turning around he caught sight of a little white haired boy just as his leg was tackled. Death couldn't help but scoop him up, feeling immense pride and joy. He answered each question the boy asked with sincerity, but care given his age. Then came a really tough question, "Hey Daddy, how come people fight all the time?"
"Hmm...well for many reasons. Some are decent, some not so much." Death responded.
"What's that mean?"
"That while some people have good reasons to fight, others have bad ones. Then there's those who have a mix of both good and bad reasons." Death replies.
"Oh. Why do you fight though Daddy?"
Death pauses a moment before saying, "Well...it depends on what my job is that day. Sometimes I have to protect the balance, other times it's my family, and occasionally I'll protect others if need be."
"Those all sound like good reasons though."
"Daddy doesn't always fight for good reasons. Sometimes I'm just doing my job and people get hurt along the way. I was...much worse when I was younger, but that's not a story for you. Not at your age."
The boy made a pouty face, "Why is that important?"
"You're too young to understand certain things. But one of these days I may tell you more, when you're older."
The boy then hugs him, "Then I wanna be older soon."
Death chuckled, "Not too soon though right? Your Mother would surely want you to stay little for some time."
Speaking of her, a woman's voice then rang out. Death recognizes it as Morgen's. "Dinner's ready boys. Best come get it!"
"Coming!" Death shouts back walking down a hill towards a humble hovel. That's when he wakes up, with Morgen still asleep beside him. The night was still on, but late at this point. Death eventually went back to sleep, until his stomach growled. Sighing he carefully got up to get something in his stomach. He ran into Lunara briefly, who greeted him as she walked by. Finally teleporting the bottle she was to give her Granddaughter with a special message. Baccara woke up upon hearing the bottle land, luckily it didn't shatter. Tenderly she moved off the bed in Aleyn's room to go look at it. Aleyn however had heard the sound too and came up behind her. His arms wrapping around her waist loosely, as he was still half asleep.
"Guessing this Lunara is part of my family. Wonder what this message says, and what this potion is for."
"Well...go ahead and see. But I'd like to ask about the potion first before you drink it. So let's save that for tomorrow, alright?" Aleyn implores of her.
"Ok then." Baccara tells him before reading the message, "Welcome to our wonderful yet messed up family dear. I am Lunara, your Grandmother. This potion was given to me by someone important. I was told it will help you. Your Father will likely be able to tell you more."
"Even so, I'd like to be more alert than this before we try anything. Let's get back to bed for now." Aleyn says simply.
"Very well, let's get back to sleep."
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 6: Healing and Regrouping
Death and War then sat around in silence for a time. War didn't notice at first, but soon heard Death snoring quietly. He decided he'd remain in the room for now, wanting to keep an eye on him. He observed the injuries on Death as they slowly began to heal up now that he was finally resting. Soon enough Puck came on by, and War instantly went on the defensive. Always being wary of the Satyr.
"Satyr, do not even try."
"I have no idea what you're on about Horseman, I'm here to help." Puck assured him.
Death meanwhile heard Puck's voice and groaned, "If I could move, you wouldn't want to stick around."
"Yeah well you really can't now can ya? Now let's see what damage I'm working with exactly."
Death tries to move but is unable to, he begs War, "GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!"
War however tries instead to keep him in place on the bed, "If you keep moving I'll let the Satyr do his work."
Death stiffened at that and immediately went still again. War then asked Puck, "State what you're trying to do Puck, and it better be good. Or else..."
"I would be offended, but you know my reputation." Puck states pulling out a bag.
"What's in it?"
"Medicine, to help with the pain. And also accelerate my work." Puck explained before pulling out a syringe.
Both Horsemen give him a concerned look but he says, "Don't worry, they're new."
He then comes up to Death who asks nervously, "What's in it?"
"Eh....milk of the poppy for one. And two several mystical herbs with regenerative abilities."
Death froze up again, "Wait a minute.....that's opium!"
"Morphine. But similar enough, it comes from the same plant." Puck corrected him.
"If you're lying to me, and I get high, I'm going to kill you."
"Oh you won't be high, but hopefully you won't get addicted to this crap." Puck explained.
Death sighed, "You better not put too much in the needle, and I also better not get addicted to it."
"Eh, don't worry Horseman. I know how the Nephilim are with these kinds of things."
Death then asked, "Wait a minute, Strife isn't your guinea pig is he?"
"Define guinea pig."
"Don't worry, I'm not going to give him anything dangerous that he can get addicted to." Puck assured him.
"THAT YOU KNOW OF!" Death protested.
"Yeah yeah hold still and I'll get this in ya."
Death in time felt the pain go away, but also a little nauseous as time went on.
War looked at him a bit concerned, "Should I worried?"
"Eh, not really. Just be aware of the splash zone."
"Wait what?"
Death meanwhile quickly shouted to War, "I feel like I'm gonna be.....hrrrrp....Get me a bucket!"
War then grabbed on quickly and helped Death to handle the puking before looking at Puck again, "Was that normal?!"
"Yes that indeed was normal. Nausea is a common symptom, it's to be expected."
Death managed the shout between hurls, "How am I......huagh......supposed to.....aaach....eat like this?"
"Uh ok then. I don't know. I've not exactly tested this on your kind to this extent before." Puck explains.
War started holding Death's hair back and comments, "You know if you trim your hair or tie it back you might find easier to..."
"SHUT THE HELL UP, you don't even practice what you preach!" Death shouted quickly before feeling another wave coming on.
"Hey bro how are ya do.....oh my....What did you give him Puck?" Strife questioned upon coming in.
"Ah just a simple bit of morphine."
"Just morphine?" Strife pressed.
"Yep, apparently your brother can't handle it." Puck stated sarcastically.
Meanwhile Merlin finally came in after taking a look at Morgen, and upon seeing Death got very concerned. He also looked Puck's way,
"Yes." Puck told him.
"Oi......I'll my magic." Merlin says.
It is a very difficult and long process. But eventually Death gets passed the nausea and Merlin is able to start healing him. He inquired of Death,
"Why do you let him give you meds?"
"Because he practically forced them down my throat." Death expressed annoyed.
From there Death explained to Merlin what all happened in the past two days. Merlin only sighed deeply at the end of it all. He then said to Death in regards to Morgen,
"Right now, she's acting like she's already dead. Just laying there saying nothing."
"Do you have any idea of how to help her?" Strife implored of Merlin.
Death meanwhile muttered under his breath, "I know all too well, how she feels right now.", he then offered, "Is there any way for me to help?"
"Not unless you can say something to her. Physically she's doing alright. Mentally however, I don't know."
Death shook his head slightly, "She probably feels broken, used, just something below what you thought you were."
War looked at him oddly, "You sound as though you had a similar experience."
Death grunted softly, "I don't want to talk about it, not with you."
"Why not brother? You spoken of many gruesome things with me?"
"This was.....far from gruesome. Far more....horrific." Death stated grabbing at his inner thigh.
"More pain?" Merlin inquired.
"No.....just an old wound. One that....never healed right."
"Ok then."
"When will be capable of moving?" Death inquired of Merlin.
"Well if Puck here uses his magic alongside me, it'll probably take a few hours. You were injured very badly, that Nerve Ender really messed your nervous system. Patience is key. I know it's not your strongest of virtues. But try to start practicing it now." Merlin informed him.
Death fell back against the pillow, worried for Morgen. He could only hope his words and experiences would be enough to help her. For now, he'd have to wait to use them. Meanwhile Morgen heard a rested Barrcus enter her room to try his luck.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop him. I couldn't see what was going on in there. Care to explain that to me?" Barrcus started as he began to gently stroke her head.
Morgen stirred a bit at his touch but didn't say anything. She only curled up and began sobbing again. Softly crying into the pillow she'd been holding close. Barrcus began to silently comfort her as best he could. Stroking her head and back, singing as best he could manage for her, and even suggesting that she should eat. Morgen's stomach growled when he mentioned food, only then did she speak. But her tone was reserved, distant, and barely heard. Her eyes were grey to represent the creeping depression she felt,
"I'll eat, but that's all."
This tone hurt Barrcus to hear, but he remained strong for her, "I'll go make you something. I know you used to love my cooking."
Morgen actually managed a small giggle at that, his dishes were truly experimental. As strange as they looked, they were always a delight. She actually told him before he walked away, "Uh something warm please....I'd like to feel...some semblance of warmth right now."
Barrcus only nodded and made a note to make it his best dish yet for her. He'd ask Mina to help him too, something he knew she'd agree to for Morgen's sake. Morgen meanwhile sat at the window as she waited for the meal. Looking out longingly for a freedom she felt powerless to gain or reach. She wasn't sure how long she'd been looking outside, but she soon felt a little fluffy thing rubbing her ankles gently. Looking down, Morgen saw Fuzzball being all sweet to her, wanting to cheer her up. She couldn't help but give a small smile to him.
"Awwwww, came to see me did you?"
Fuzzball made a sweet little chirp like sound and began loving on her some more. Morgen permitted it and even petted him. She actually started to feel somewhat happy with him around. Even hugging the rodent for his little efforts and letting him give her a little lick on her face.
"You truly are a sweetheart aren't you little one? I can see why Death has you around." Morgen muttered quietly whilst giving his belly some nice scritches.
As time went on, and Barrcus took his time, Morgen heard a light knock on her door, and a very familiar voice. Only this time, it held a gentle warmth that she currently lacked,
Morgen turned around and looked at him surprised, course her surprise became concern, "Morning, are you alright?"
Death looked at the various patches all over himself and explained, "Nothing the uh mad scientist can't patch up so to speak. You should've seen me earlier, laid out unable to move heheh."
"I can imagine it was truly painful for you."
"Yes it was painful, but to be completely honest that was far from the worst. Trying being stabbed in the chest. Not a pleasant feeling I assure you. But even that wasn't exactly the worst. From fights between me and Absalom, no. Not even that. Do you really want to, what it is, the worst one?"
"Only if you're comfortable Horseman. I won't force anything." Morgen explained scooting a tad bit closer to him. As if to get some of warmth he's currently giving off.
"In order for me to tell you, you must first see something. And understand it's significance to it." Death told her calmly before carefully removing his trousers from under his kilt. Having switched into his one of his lightest armor sets for now. Morgen kept calm but wondered why he'd remove his trousers for this.
Then he sat back down and questioned her, "What should parents do?"
"Any good parent should protect their children, raise and love them well, do everything they can for them, and overall just be good to them." Morgen replied.
"Funny on how our experiences had to be the exact opposite."
"Wait....you're saying our....don't tell me that you.....that you were...." Morgen began to say.
Death sighed, "Most of the four don't know, expect for Strife. Lilith...was my creator....but she...far from being my Mother. Mother to the Nephilim race she was, but....not mine. At least in my eyes."
With that Death moved his kilt aside, showing Morgen the wide and deep scar that lay across his inner left thigh.
"What....did she do to you?" Morgen asked nearly touching it but pulling her hand back at the last moment.
"Go ahead, touch it. I've grown used to it."
Morgen tenderly ran her hand along it and noticed him tense up slightly, "It doesn't hurt does it?"
"Every now and then. But you're hands aren't, painful in that area right now." Death assured her.
Morgen continued touching him for a time before asking, "What happened to you?"
Death sighed deeply and taking a deep breath began, "The years you spent with Uther, Lilith managed to compress into three days. I was ordered to go...visit her...alone, if I had known then I would've disobeyed orders. Broken rank almost. Funny isn't it? How a parent who is supposed to protect their children, can become the most vile, hated, most personal, demon and an enemy. The words I wish to say about her, I don't think have been invented. I don't remember....much....about those three days. I was either drugged, which I'm hoping or I was the one that repressed them. I do remember the pain, some of the experiences, how many time I begged or pleaded for it to end, to stop it. No respite came of them, only laughter. Only the maniacal...SADISTIC LAUGH ANSWERED. And that VOICE, IT MAKES SICK TO THIS DAY. Everything crawls, when I try to remember what she said. Every single time I'm forced to be in a meeting with her, turns my stomach. I WISH she would break the rules of the Council, just so I would have a REASON TO OBLITERATE HER, AND DRAG WHATEVER'S LEFT INTO OBLIVION. But I was able to find something afterwards, something that saved me. A crystal that my real Mother gave me. There's only one person I truly view as my Mother. When I came to her that night, when I finally was able to get away from Lilith, she didn't hesitate. She brought me back into her home, gave me fresh clothes, made sure I could feel safe, did so much for me. Even took a slap from Lilith herself just to keep her out of her home, away from me. All to do what Lilith FAILED to do for me. Ale treated me as a Mother should treat her son, with love, kindness,...understanding, and unconditional support. Since the day I was 'born', she's the first thing I saw. The first person I saw. And no matter what she's been there, and will be there until the very end. Those very same things I will never say for Lilith, under any circumstances. You have someone similar to that, and he's currently cooking you breakfast. Go to him, you don't need to tell me about what happened, but you need to tell him about everything. As I told my Mother."
Morgen, who had been listening intently, hugged him, "Thank you for sharing with me. And I'm truly sorry for what you endured all those years ago. Thank you so much, I needed to hear this from someone, to know I wasn't so alone."
"So, are you going to tell them? Cause you're going to need to. Also, you're never truly alone. But nor are we truly together in some cases. It's just of a matter of figuring out things."
"A sad but true statement. But thank you nonetheless. Perhaps we could talk another time, I rather enjoyed this?" Morgen inquired gently, her eyes now a beautiful shade of amber.
"My doors are always open, to those who ask good questions. Not to those IDIOTS I've had to deal with recently. Give Barrcus my regards as well and ask about recipe. It smelled rather delicious." Death told her.
"I'll bare this mind, and of course I'll ask about the recipe. Good day for now." Morgen expressed with a sweet smile before hurrying off.
Barrcus was warmed to see Morgen managing to finally smile. Though he could she was dreading something. As she sat at the table with Mina gently rubbing her hand, Barrcus posed to her as he began plating the food,
"How are you doing?"
"Better now. After you left Fuzzball came by and helped better my mood a slight bit. Death however, he understood. Although I'm sure his own pain was worse than my own, I'm glad he felt he could share it. It gave me the reassurance I needed right now." Morgen informed him.
"I'm glad that he was able to assist you in what you were going."
"He told me I should tell you what happened. That it should help with my recovery." Morgen explained simply.
"Do you wish to tell me? Or is it too painful right now? You don't have to tell me everything, just take your time." Barrcus assured her as he placed the food on the table at last.
As Morgen ate up, albiet slowly at first, she began recounting what happened the night before. She wouldn't speak on the other many years she'd suffered the same fate, as she wasn't comfortable bringing them up. Only mentioning that night, Uther's twisted mentality, his strange change in mannerisms, the guilt tripping. All of it, she laid bare for Mina and Barrcus. Mina embraced her gently and rubbed her back as she spoke, and eyed Barrcus to make sure he kept his anger down. At least for right now. Barrcus in turn tried his damnest not to lose it to his rage. Swallowing it hard as he focused as best he could on Morgen. Comforting her alongside Mina in the only ways he felt he could. Mina kept urging him to speak up once Morgen finished, and to hug her as she was doing. Barrcus tried to think of something to tell her, either assurance or comfort, but did at least hug her. His other four arms trying to get to Morgen to make the hug even better for her. Finally he thought of something,
"I failed to protect you. I failed to keep my promise to your Mother. I failed you."
"You didn't fail at anything. My fear just kept me silent." Morgen insisted.
"You're all I have left of Igraine, why couldn't I....see. Why couldn't I see it so I could prevent it?"
"Uther, he placed an enchantment on the room. One that blocked you out. Everytime you sent spiders to my room it killed them. I fear it would've harmed you as it did them."
"He shall die," Barrcus explained grasping her hand, "He will suffer a fate fitting for a monster like him. He will know suffering."
Morgen let out a quiet chuckle before it turned into quiet crying. Mina and Barrcus hugged her tighter at this, causing Morgen to say, "At least.....I'm lucky enough...to have you in my life."
"And we'll always be there for ye lass. No matter what. We'll do everything we can for ye." Mina declared softly.
"Until the day I die, I will protect you. The way I should've, the way I must." Barrcus stated.
"Thank you...both of you." Morgen replied as she worked to calm herself down.
Mina gave her a handkerchief and began singing in Swedish. Granted she still had the Scottish accent on it so it did sound a tad off. But to Morgen, it was always soothing. Soon Morgen was finally calm enough to continue her meal. Mina watching her closely the whole time. As always she did finish it, "It was amazing Barrcus. Just as they always are."
"I try my best."
In the meantime Death had been thinking about his own experience. Normally he'd hate thinking about it, but after having told Morgen, after having shown her the scar, he felt different. He felt it was almost cathartic now, but at the same time it scared him a bit to wonder if the things in his nightmares were indeed memories he locked up. Finally he took out the crystal he'd shown Morgen and called up his Mother. Wanting any advice she could give him, and wanting to hear her talking to him in general. She always had a way of calming him down with her voice alone.
"Hey, Ceise? You there?"
He heard Ale give a small yawn on the other end before she told him, "Yes Atan I'm here. Is everything ok?"
"Kind of uhm....just wanted to check on you. See how you were doing?"
"Oh I'm doing just fine as always....,"Ale told him sweetly before bumping into a wall, "...Ouch! Oh."
"Are you alright?"
"Fine, just ran into the wall again ehehe. Anyway, are you sure you're ok? I know that tone, and you only use it when something's troubling you." Ale inquired.
"I just...just uh dealing with this mission I'm on right now. It's....unique, to say the least."
"Well tell me about it then. What's on your mind Atan?" Ale bade of him gently.
Death proceeded to explain the recent events. Why he was there, and what had happened, everything. Even how it all went to shit. The last thing he mentioned, was how he'd told Morgen what happened to him.
"So....why did you tell her Atan? Were you pressured?" Ale asked a little concerned.
"Because she has something in common with me with those regards. She was in the black pit I'd been in, I......wanted to help her...get out....to deal with it....understand it....whatever could help. When I told her, discussed it with her, it helped. Her and me. But it also opened up a prospect that scares me." Death explained to her.
"Is it the nightmares Atan? Are they worrying you again?" Ale gently queried.
"It's what's implied by them that worries me. What if they're, old memories, crawling their way back? What if....I wasn't drugged like I'm now hoping I was?"
Ale heard him breathing heavily and fast. It was clear to her just how scared he was, "Atan, listen to me. Calm down. Take deep breaths. You'll be alright, she can't hurt you."
"I know, I know. I know...just things are getting a bit too personal, that's all." Death explained wanting so much to believe her.
"You can hide many things from me Death, but one thing I'll always know, is when you're scared. Your breathing picks up speed and becomes heavy. Do I need to come down there? Would it help?"
"I.....Uh....I'm I.....uhm...uuuuhhh..." Death attempted to say before ultimately going quiet.
"That settles it, I'll make my way there. Just stay calm ok? Maybe go see your family until I'm there?"
"Uhhhh heh uhm right....they're technically in the next room. Also Merlin's here so, be worried. So goes for Puck, oi."
"Don't worry Atan, I'll be careful. Just go see your siblings and try to keep calm. Or at least see Strife, as I know you told him." Ale sternly but gently ordered him.
"Yes Ceise I will. Be careful, also I could just ask Merlin to open a rift for you."
"Don't worry Atan, I know the roads well. Besides I can also use my crystal to track you. I promise I'll be there before too long." Ale promised him sweetly.
"Alright if you're sure, be mindful of bandits, and swindlers!"
With that he hung up and went to go see his siblings as requested. Ale in the meantime began to prepare for her trip. Death ran into his siblings in the hallway and as he did, caught sent of something delicious.
Strife immediately spoke up, "Death are you experimenting again?"
"I've been in there most of this time. That's Barrcus' cooking."
War then added, "Either way it's food."
"Mmhmm, may as well get to it." Fury suggested as she walked on past her brothers.
They followed her ultimately to go see what was cooking. Back at Uther's castle, he had other plans for this afternoon. He went down into the catacombs, where in a lone chamber, stood a caged wendigo. One he'd bought from some pretty sketchy hunters that had searched 'Vinderland' as they put it. Uther meanwhile knew it as North America these days.
"Rise my pet, I have need of your service again."
It made a hissing like gurgle before coming towards the corner Uther was closest to, it's voice sounding like someone suffering from hypothermia, "What do you require of me your grace?"
Uther pulled up a portrait of Morgen and torn cloth from Death's kilt, "Find her, bring her back unharmed. This one on the other hand....," He began whilst giving the cloth to the wendigo for Death's scent, "..kill him. And make sure he's never found."
The wendigo laughed maniacally, "And if anyone gets in the way?"
"Do what you want, I don't care. Just bring HER alive." Uther demanded.
"As you wish, but do you have anything for the cold?" The wendigo inquired.
Uther told him, "I would build you a fire if you so wish. So long as you do your job. You won't have to worry about being too cold."
Uther moved away and snapped his fingers. The chains in response snapped away and left the Disorientation Collar around it's neck. One similar to Death's own, but Uther could control it's affects. This the wendigo knew, as it sprinted off to find it's target. It moved quickly, even whilst in it's more humanoid form.
Ale at this time was halfway down the road and comes up to a fork in the road. She took the direction the crystal suggested to her. She heard steps ahead of her and stopped briefly, her ears keenly picked up the sounds of someone shivering badly. As the being, whoever they were got closer, Ale cocked her head in concern. Finally she called out ahead of her, "Hello there? Are you alright? I can't see you but I can hear you."
The vines on her wrists and ankles however tried to tell her something was off about this being. That it looked wrong in some form. Ale however listened keenly as the being sniffed the air around her, "J-j-just c-cold....and a b-b-bit h-hungry......"
"Oh well I may have something warm on me, a scarf or hood perhaps. I also have some food with me in another crystal if you'll permit me a moment." Ale explained as the being got closer and sniffed at her again.
"T-t-thank you."
Ale heard him sniff at her once more and finally inquired a bit naively, "Are you ill perhaps? Maybe a cold got you."
"Y-yes....it seems....u-unfortunately..."
"Well uhm hold on...I have some warm soup on me somewhere. And would you prefer a scarf or hood?" Ale questioned the being.
"Very well then.", Ale said before finding the soup and summoning it, "It's not too warm, so hopefully the bowl doesn't burn you. You can test with a finger to be sure though."
The being took the bowl and begins to slurp it down. A bit too quickly in fact, like a starving man. Ale noted this with concern and finally found the scarf and hood.
"Perhaps you are more in need than I realized. Were you starving? How long have you been traveling for? Poor thing."
As Ale wrapped the hood over it, having a bit of trouble at first with the antlers but managing all the same, he responded, "T-thank you...."
Ale then wrapped the scarf around him and her hand barely touched his skin, she didn't notice much beyond how frostbitten it felt to her. "Oh my, you really are freezing. Where did you come from? How did you get so frostbitten like this?"
"North....far north."
"Well hopefully this warm air helps along with the scarf and hood." Ale expressed with sympathy as the vines continued to try and warn her.
"So....what brings you to this side of things?"
"I'm visiting my Atan, although I'm not too familiar with the area out here. So I'm using a crystal to guide me there." Ale informed him.
"Mmhmm, I use a special magic in it to track his location." Ale stated as he sniffed around again. She thought nothing of it this time, wanting to polite.
"May I....take a look at it?"
"Oh of course, just be careful." Ale explained before handing it over. She noticed his hands were partially clawed, freezing to the touch, and highly bony. She did her best to hide her concern at this revelation.
"So....what is your Atan? Whatever that word means..."
"Uhm....my son actually. Perhaps I can call a carriage for you? There may be someone in the nearby town that can help you. Plenty of good folks at the tavern there will help anyone in need. I'd stay and chat longer...but I must be going. My Atan is expecting to arrive soon." Ale told him trying to hide her growing nervousness.
"W-who's your son?" The creature pressed, his heartrate elevating as she spoke.
"A good man, one I raised well. He's strong too." Ale explained vaguely.
"Strong? Plenty of meat on the bones."
Ale noticed he isn't shivering now by the sound his voice and goes to sprint off but is grabbed by both arms. She herself is now left shivering as this thing finally lets down the rouse, mocking her, "Thank you for your help. I'll make sure your death is quick, a mercy I was not given."
"W-w-what?!" Ale shouted as her teeth chattered.
"Heheh, I must be in a strange land. If you couldn't figure out what I was....what I AM."
Ale began squirming as best she could trying to call Death on her crystal. But the Wendigo notices easily what she's doing, "Maybe we should call him?", then upon taking it, "Just to say hi."
He hissed as the crystal vibrated for a moment before Death answered, expecting Ale on the other end, "Yes Ceise?"
"Does this sound familiar?", He hissed before slicing one of Ale's cheeks. She yelped in pain naturally and Death froze before shouting in rage, "WHO THE HELL IS THIS?!"
"Someone who was sent to kill you. I want to know first your name." It asked with a slightly distorted tone.
"I am of the Four Horsemen, and my name is DEATH!" Death shouted trying to intimidate him.
It only laughed however, "Funny...very funny...I used to have a name like that. Now...all I have is the hunger...and the cold. Hopefully your Ceise can help....alleviate that problem."
Death's own heartrate picked up, "You touch a single hair on her head I will kill you!"
"I doubt that Horseman, many hunters tried. All of them became prey."
"I'm not ordinary man." Death retorted.
Giggling the creature responded, "You'll have until dusk, before my appetite takes over. Good thing she gave me some soup a while back, otherwise your amount of time would be shorter. And keep your 'group' away. I would love to feast on them but I'm on a schedule. If you don't come alone, I'll guess I'll have to have a feast."
The signal cuts out once the crystal is shattered in the Wendigo's hand. From there it asks of Ale, "So, do you have anymore of that delicious soup?"
Ale nods and says whilst shivering badly now, "H-h-h-here......in t-this...c-c-crystal....."
"Thank you, dear." He expresses before scarfing down all the food he can from it. Ale in the meantime huddles up to a tree in a mix of fear and extreme cold. Course the winds around them both are starting to pick up, although it doesn't seem to be doing so outside of their radius.
The Wendigo laughed at noticing the wind speed up, "Familiar, but insignificant."
Ale goes quiet and closes her eyes. It looks as though she's napping, but she's actually in deep concentration. Waiting for the right moment to shoot out a burst of power. Allowing the speeding winds to swarm around them all the more in a very gradual and deliberate way. One that catches Death's attention when he sees it after preparing to leave and find Ale.
Using Despair, it doesn't take Death long at all to reach the sight. But he finds the wind having picked up speed massively. The Wendigo is actually starting to get a bit concerned but doesn't say anything of it. Not when Death shows up at least.
Clapping and laughing maniacally he begins, "You actually did come alone. I actually was hoping for a feast. I guess a small meal would do."
Death realized all too well what he was facing now, "Wendigo..."
Laughing once more like a hyena mixed with a dog that mated with a smoker he told Death, "I've never even tried Nephilim flesh before. Hmmm is it sweet or bitter, gamy or fatty? You have a lot meat on the bone, I'll bet the marrow tastes so sweet! Better than the rabbit, I would make a stew out of her."
"How about we come to a proposition? I know what your kind are, and what they love to do, to hunt. How about we have a wager, you catch me, you eat me? But if I catch you, you burn."
"No deal....I'M TOO STARVING TO CARE! A TRAP!" The Wendigo explained before showing it's true self to Death.
"Fine by me, saves me the time from killing you. I'll make you pay for wounding her."
The Wendigo can only get just under the tree canopy in height before the collar shocks him, preventing him from reaching past it. Death notices this and realizes what is happening,
It growls in pure anger and upset before charging at Death. Death dodges out of the way of it's lunge as best he can, but still takes a slight scratch for his efforts. But it's nothing his magic can't heal.
"A simple lunge? I know you can do better than that."
The Wendigo hissed at him, "Words that you shall swallow!" It then began swiping at him and is barely able to snag Death at all. He even rips trees out and throws them at the Horseman, only for Death to cut each one in half with Harvester. Upon cutting a final, truly thick tree in half, Death was met with a giant smack upside the head with a trunk. After being sent flying, and bouncing off the ground a few times he lay still for a moment before stirring to get up. Hearing the Wendigo screeching in triumph like some demented eagle. He throws this tree at him as well, and Death uses his Reaper Form to take care of it, but hopped out of it shortly after. As he can only use it in short bursts without Council leeway, best to save that energy up. He stood back up slowly and cracked his neck and back,
"Ok, my turn."
Death then began to run at this thing, stopping just in front of it before using a teleport slash on him. The Wendigo retreats for a moment, being quite surprised at Death for him having done that. Meanwhile down the road, a wagon had been hindered by one of the tree halves that got chopped by Death. A golden brown haired young woman was currently trying to chop it with an axe, whilst her Dwarven adoptive Father shook his head.
"C, we could just turn around. We don't have to clear the road. Just leave it for the officials."
"I know that Gregory, but I haven't found any good contracts lately. This is a good way to keep my strength up for em don't ya think?" C replied with a smile.
"Lass ye've gotta know when to quit too. Sometimes quitting really ain't as bad as most folks tell ya. I knew when to quit military life, and look at me. I'm still kicking and got plenty of my strength left. Seriously just look at me girl."
"Yeah you and all your gray hairs can certainly attest huh? Hahahahaha." C remarked jokingly.
"Eh be lucky yer my daughter, otherwise I'd be leaving ya to this whilst going my own way. Seriously lass, this'll only delay us by several hours. Whilst the path I'm thinking of will only take at least two."
"Come on Gregory, I know what I'm doing. I'll have this done in no time at all." C urged him whilst looking at him. Behind her however a tree trunk had come flying their direction.
"LOOK OUT!" Gregory shouted before tackling to the ground.
"Ah what the he...?!" C shouted back before the tree landed just behind their wagon, barely missing the back.
"I told ya! Now what the hell was that?" Gregory quizzed before getting up to look over the tree in front them. From there he saw Death as he was fighting the Wendigo. "Oh we are NOT getting involved."
"Why what's wrong?" C asked getting up to look herself. Seeing it for herself really peeked her interest. Normally she would agree to leave a Horseman to his job, but then she spotted Ale hugging a nearby tree as she was trying to concentrate. "Shouldn't we get her out of there though? She might be hurt bad."
"Fuck!" Gregory cursed before grabbing his crossbow, and switching it over to a rapid fire setting with white phosphorus attachments.
"What are you doing?" C inquired curiously.
"Get ready to fucking deal with that THING!" Gregory declared before trying to sneak over to Ale.
"Wait Gregory what are you....argh?!" C called to him before hurrying to get a weapon herself, this one being something she picked up as a reward for a job once. A sword that when its pommel was twisted, grew a firey plume over the blade. On the inside of the pommel was an obsidian stone. C normally preferred using water stones, but for this task she figured she may as well use this stone. She twisted the pommel and with the firey plume also came a change to the blade. Turning it from simple steel to obsidian, amplifying the capabilities of the blade. Course the sound of the blade igniting did unfortunately catch the attention of both Death and the Wendigo.
"I said alone!" The Wendigo shouted.
"They aren't with me!" Death retorted.
"Then you won't mind me feasting."
C gulped and prepared herself as the thing turned its body towards her, "Oh shit." Then is knocks Death aside before charging at her. C uses the tree trunk to hop into the air and try to slam her sword down on it. Course she's swatted aside like a fly, but does at least burn the Wendigo since it smacked her sword.
"Ahhhhh....warm...." The thing taunted to her.
"Still fire isn't it?!" C hollered.
Death however yelled to her, "Stay out of this child!".
He then began to use his scythes to attack this beast. Using a magma enchantment on Harvester, and forming one scythe into a hook to latch onto the thing's left shoulder. His other scythe stabbing the beast in-between the shoulder blades. Crying out the beast grabbed Death by his dangling leg and flung him to the side. Both halves of Harvester lodged into his body, he still continued to converge on his current aggressor. Death is ready to go tooth and nail, only to be surprised by a sudden explosion hitting the beast's chest head on.
Looking behind him he saw an elderly Dwarf with a crossbow, "Come at me ye fucker!"
The Wendigo made a truly nasty look towards Gregory and made a full charge at the Dwarf. Death took the opportunity to grab the hook again and began making more stabs into the beast's back. It cried out again and since Death was staying in the middle of his back, he started trying to shake him off. As that proves fruitless, it decides to jump up then slam onto its own back. Death still clung on, but barely. Then finds himself being shaken around again since the Wendigo decided he was weak enough to try that again. He begins slipping off the hook as the Wendigo begins grabbing after him frantically. Gregory meanwhile loads another bolt and hollers out, "Just let go so I take a chunks off this thing!"
Death then found it himself to grab Harvester again and once he'd tightened his grip on the hook again he forced the beast to rear up on it's hind legs, baring it's chest towards Gregory. "FIRE!!!"
Gregory did so, albiet reluctantly as he didn't know how Death could handle a white phosphorus explosion. But he fired multiple bolts into the beastie with rapid succession. Causing it to roll over and let Death take a few hits himself. Gregory called out to him, "Horseman! Just let go ye stubborn git!"
"Just keep firing! I'll live!" Death shouts back, making a mental note what the hell was in those bolts later.
The Wendigo has now had enough and begins bolting away. Death eventually realizes what may happen as the thing seems to be going towards Uther's castle. He finally just lets go, landing on the ground whilst bouncing off of it a bit and rolling before calling Harvester back to him. Causing the twisted creature one final piece of pain. He lay there on the ground after that as the adrenaline began wearing off, leaving him with the pain of the white phosphorus burns.
As Gregory came up Death inquired behind pained growls and gritted teeth, "WHAT WERE THOSE BOLTS?"
"Explosive white phosphorus, hence why I said let go. Ye stubborn git."
Death then looked back towards the young woman nearby with the flaming sword as she shut the spell off with a simple twist, "You were doing good child, proved to be a....excellent distraction."
"Yeah ehehehe.....I meant to do that. Yeah...." C replied rubbing her neck.
Death sighed, "You may want to get a better enchantment. Fire's good, but a super heating enchantment is better."
"Noted, thanks. Though maybe you wanna check on this lady over here?" C inquired pointing towards Ale.
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 28: Round About the Cauldron Go
Aleyn looks at her a bit confused but says, "Let's...go with both."
"Ok. Being a lesbian, well for me at least, has had its ups and downs. On the one hand I still have to deal with morons who don't take no for answer, just gotta deal with it on both ends. On the other, the REALLY good ones can be very sweet. Course I've only ever had one time flings...that is before I met Zira. Granted we're still in the 'fling' phase of things...but there's definitely been more than one. She's a bit...extreme minded on some things but..damn is she amazing."
"How does she treat you, emotionally?"
"Well she is a Drow so, part of her culture is to be demeaning sometimes. If not all the time. However she's always quick to apologize for a mishap on her part from what I've noticed. She also makes sure that I get space and I give her some when needed too. Usually it's because her family is being asinine about things, but that's neither here nor there." C points out to him.
Aleyn cocks his head, "Hmm...interesting. Be mindful though, I've found most Drow to be very untrustworthy. Given that their culture was also built on lies and deceit towards each other and their neighboring races."
"So I've heard. I appreciate the concern, but I can take care of myself and I've been around the block a few times. Hell I've seen what it looks like when guys abuse girls. Can't imagine it's too different when a woman does so."
"There's more to abuse than just.... than just beating someone to the dirt you know. I certainly do, but that's not a story I'm comfortable telling." Aleyn expresses to her.
"Wait a minute what?" C asks him.
"Like I said, I'm not comfortable talking about it girl." Aleyn informs her.
Death then comes on by, having found Strife and War, "Ah Aleyn, still here I see. And...C what are you doing over here?"
"Oh Morgen asked me to see how he was doing. And to be sure he ate something at least."
"Ah ok then...well make sure everyone else is fed too."
"Already ahead of you on that curveball."
"Oh uh...my bad." Death says a bit unsure of what else to do now.
"If you need to talk to him privately just say so. No big deal to me." C points out.
"Ah right, yeah. That would indeed be the case C."
"Okie dokie, see ya guys later." C responds heading off.
Once she's out of earshot, Aleyn tells Death, "Perhaps you should keep a close eye on her. She mentioned a 'lover' who...concerns me a bit. Based on how C describes her."
"Hmm, I'll ask you about that later. Right now I have to ask you about some more important matters. Such as Morgen's current ailment, which I figured you may have something for."
"Hmm, an ailment you say? I'm going to have to check on her. Just to figure out what sort of ailment it is." Aleyn informs him.
"Sure, but I'll describe it on the way."
Death proceeds to do so as they walk on back to Morgen's room. Aleyn gains a truly surprised look before muttering, "That's not supposed to happen."
Death glances at him, "Pardon?"
"That shouldn't have happened, not with my blends. I'm always thorough with them."
"So this WAS from your tea?"
"Please don't go accusing me of anything yet. I meant no harm, I've taken it myself many times and had no issues. It's only ever helped me and a certain 'patient' of mine. Surely you will not disparage my name so easily over one incident?"
"Hmph, and has anyone else drank any of this tea?"
"Yes, others have indeed tried this same blend and got more positive results. Rarely did anyone suffer illness, even then it was barely troubling. Just minor at best. If you wish you can try it yourself." Aleyn affirms to him.
Death thinks on it and states, "Sure I'll try it, but I'm getting others in on it too."
From there he gathers Vortigern, Strife, Fury, and War all to test this out as Aleyn prepares more of the tea. This time using a teapot for the occasion. He gets them each a cup and plenty of cream alongside it, "You'll need it. As the tea by itself is among the most bitter in existence."
Death starts it off, trying without cream first. Naturally he gets more of a kick than expected, like getting something slammed into his gut. After that he retries it with the cream added in. Death's surprised by the decent enough taste after that, though he does prefer his own homemade blends. Strife, having learned VERY well from Death's mistake, chose to add a fairly heavy amount of cream into his cup. If anything the cream made it look more like a latte than anything else. It certainly tasted like one too, just with a bitter note to it. The smell however was by far the most annoying part for him. Strife never did like strong smelling tea, and was thankful Death remembered this much everytime he shared a cup with him. Fury however chose to ignore the mistake and ended up coughing badly for it. The bitterness was just that bad on her throat, and so she refused to try it further. War only added a bit of cream as Death did and tried it with some confusion. He wasn't too fond of the smell, which gave him a headache. But the bitterness, despite the cream, was by far the worst part for him personally. He wasn't sure how Aleyn could take this like it was nothing. Vortigern ultimately followed instructions straight off the bat and actually enjoyed it. He found the bitterness had a cooling effect on his own throat and the scent while strong was still oddly decent to him. Almost nostalgic in a way, but he couldn't see how.
Aleyn then asks each of them a bit nervously, "So...how was it?"
"Decent, although I think my teas are better suited to me than this." Death points out.
"This was AWFUL." Fury stated with a disgusted tone.
"That smell really took me out of it, but the taste wasn't THAT bad per say." Strife replies.
"Wasn't that bad? The smell may have given me a headache but the bitterness was way too much." War adamantly tells them.
"I guess you younger three don't normally drink tea then. As this really wasn't bad for me at all. On the contrary, I found it rather pleasant and...oddly nostalgic." Vortigern says.
Aleyn nods at him, "Ah. Glad that you somewhat liked the tea sir. As for the rest of you, I did warn you the cream was necessary."
They each all make various excuses before being surprised by Morgen walking into the room. She's rather sluggish in her movement, which leads Death to rush to her side.
"You shouldn't be up right now, go rest."
"Death I'm fine. Just a bit slow is all." Morgen assures him.
Death puts his hand to her head again, her temperature is lower now. But not enough to give him peace of mind yet. Certainly not enough to justify letting Morgen up and about. "You still have recovering to do. Now please, get back to bed."
"I swear to you I am fine."
"Get yourself back to bed before I start carrying you back. Who even let you out?" Death inquires of her.
"Nergal did, as I looked well enough in his eyes."
"He and I shall have words then. You on the other hand will be back in bed, one way or the other. Now up you go then." Death tells Morgen before scooping her up.
She sighs to herself but puts up with it, knowing he's just worried for her. Nergal however, does indeed have his own words for Death, "And just where are you going with her?"
"To bed, she needs to rest."
"She's doing well, can you not see?"
"I don't trust it." Death adamantly states.
"Of course you don't."
"Her fever, while lower, is still too high for me to trust her moving about by herself." Death tells him.
"How about this then? You stay by her side today so that she WON'T be alone. Sound like a fair trade?"
"And if she faints or gets worse?"
"Then I was clearly wrong and you'll get the satisfaction of being right, maybe." Nergal points out.
Death sighs heavily but finally puts Morgen down. She is a bit woozy at first but with Death's help she's able to steady herself. Aleyn then comes over, his walking cane giving him away. Aspen does so as well not too long after.
"Well then, now that I'm rested, how is everyone?" She asks warmly.
"Ah Aspen, uhm everyone's well. Aside from Morgen obviously." Death tells her chuckling.
"So I heard from Nergal. Now let's see what I can....." Aspen begins to say before glancing at Aleyn. In a split moment she goes from warm to cold, "YOU..."
Aleyn realizes he may be screwed but tries to play it safe, "Uhm Aspen I know our history is 'complicated' but I'm truly sorry about what happened with.."
"DO NOT EVEN SAY HER NAME!" Aspen suddenly shouts at him, her body forming wooden spikes and thorns.
Nergal however pays them no heed as his hand touches her shoulder, "Aspen, whatever happened between you two can wait. For now, my sister requires your aid."
Aspen quickly looks back at him, "WHATEVER SHE HAS HE PROBABLY CAUSED!"
"Aspen calm down, we already knew that much and he regrets it. He's even trying to help fix his mistake. Seriously I've not seen you go from calm to angry in such a short time." Death points out cautiously.
Aspen then turns to him, "KEEP YOUR SARCASM TO YOURSELF DEATH!"
"I wasn't being sarcastic! I was being serious Aspen, yikes." Death expresses in concern as he backs away with Morgen.
Nergal then pulls her into his arms, "Aspen, calm yourself. We can talk later about this. But for now please calm down. Before you explode completely and take the building with you."
Aleyn is slowly walking off in pure anxiety, "I should go...I'll be by later I just...need to get away..."
Death recognizes what's happening and quickly ensures Aspen can't watch him leave by sending a mental message to Nergal, "Aleyn's close to having a panic attack so he's leaving. Don't let Aspen notice this."
"I'll try my best." Nergal states with gritted teeth as the thorns and needles are now starting to be an issue.
With that he brings Aspen inside Morgen's room, with Death and Morgen following after them. Death shuts the door once everyone is in and hopes Aleyn will be alright. Although he does wonder if it has something to do with the Dryad from the night before. Aleyn meanwhile tries to get his heartrate down whilst his Father contacts him.
"Aleyn, you need to come home. Your heartrate is at an all time high. You're clearly not safe there."
"I have to remain...I just need help...calming down...hopefully...she comes again...I should be more hidden this time..." Aleyn says between each frantic breath.
"Aleyn...how many times must I tell you? That girl shouldn't mean a damn thing to you. She nearly got you killed. I doubt she could help you in ANY WAY."
"Enough...I'm calling her here...with or without your consent..."
"Don't try my patience boy."
Aleyn however finally shouts, "SAY ONE MORE WORD AGAINST HER! ONE MORE DAMN YOU!"
Then as he collapses to his knees, his vision growing fuzzy as his lungs grow tight, his Father tries a new approach. A far gentler one, "Aleyn, please remain calm. Take slow and deep breaths. I'll be there soon enough."
"No...no that won't...be necessary."
Death however rushes outside to see what Aleyn is shouting about. Only to find him on the verge of passing out, "Oh shit. Aleyn!"
Death tries to help him up, only for Aleyn to wince badly. As his hand is on his chest, "Don't...I'll be fine...I just...need to take care of something."
"Right." Death says with suspicion before trying to keep an eye on Aleyn. Once he's calm enough, he slowly gets up and moves away from Death.
Aleyn makes it to his room and locks the door behind him once inside. Death however isn't keen on this and tries finding another way to watch him. Finding Fuzzball coming over, he tells him, "Be as stealthy as possible. I know you don't know Aleyn that well yet, but you can try and meet him later. Understand?"
Fuzzball makes a calm yip of sorts before saluting Death and going into a castle vent. From there he moves along, trying not to alert Aleyn. He waits inside a pipe with a small opening and watches as Aleyn works on himself. Death meanwhile decides to head off and get a glass of water for Aleyn. That way he won't come off as the spy he's being right now. Through Fuzzball, Death sees Aleyn remove his clothing. But stopping at his underwear, sparing Death and Fuzzball the sight of a certain part. Fuzzball can only see above the waist to begin with, but it's still enough for Death to get an idea of what's happening. He notices Aleyn beginning to remove various bandages on his body before being shocked to hell and back. As underneath the bandages, lie several severe burns and lesions galore. Each looking more painful than last. Fuzzball has to hold back the urge to jump out of his hiding spot. As he remembers how painful those things are from watching Death treat himself in the past with similar injuries. He always let Fuzzball lick what he could since he knew the rodent only meant well. That and it was always helpful to have the mini, fluffy healer around. Death makes a mental note to comfort Fuzzball later so that he won't feel bad. Aleyn then grabs new bandages, and after cleaning himself with a wet rag, he begins to spread a strange paste around his body. His burns occasionally still smoke as well, as if he's continually being burned by something unseen. Aleyns keeps spreading the paste whilst prepping the bandages. He also searches through his medical bag for something. When he pulls it out, Fuzzball cringes at the scary looking jet injector. He then, much to poor Fuzzball's discomfort, injects himself six times. Once in both arms, once in both legs, one into his chest, the final into his neck. Six vials for six areas of the body. Death feels he's seen enough and tells Fuzzball to carefully vacate after discontinuing the spell he was using to see Aleyn. Aleyn then rebandages himself and gets his clothing back on. Fuzzball however goes around the room carefully in the meantime before finally running through pipes along the walls. To make it seem like something is chasing him through the vents. Even making distressed sounds on purpose to hide why he was really there. Aleyn is confused at the sudden fuss and finally hears Fuzzball fall down one pipe before hitting a bend near the floor. He hadn't meant to do that, and naturally was both surprised and unhappy at hurting himself. At least it was working to his advantage.
Aleyn looks around and grabs his cane before going to the pipe Fuzzball fell down. He opens it up and asks into it, "Uhm hello in there?"
Slowly Fuzzball makes his way out with a very much real limp. Naturally Aleyn feels a bit bad for him, and being reminded of his love, scooped him up. Gently he works to clean the soot off of the rodent and furiously rubs the spot on Fuzzball's head before realizing it's just brown fur.
Fuzzball just gives him an annoyed merph in response to that.
"Sorry little friend. Didn't realize you had a spot. Now let's see what happened to your leg."
He immediately flips Fuzzball upside down without warning, much to his worry. Fuzzball naturally starts freaking out, as he's never liked being upside down. Aleyn however just keeps trying to calm him down before being spooked at a sudden knocking. Which came from a now very concerned Death.
"Is everything alright in there?"
"Yes, a limt came down from one of my pipes. Accidentally injured himself. Just a moment." Aleyn informs him before unlocking the door.
Fuzzball is naturally shaking after the being upside down thing and makes a little distressed whimper towards Death. Death of course scoops him right up and checks him over. "Damn it Fuzzball, what did you do to yourself this time?"
"He injured his leg, I can help him out if you wish."
"Well I'm not a veterinarian so...I guess I'll trust you on this." Death says to him.
"Don't worry, I've had a few of these little balls of fluff as patients before. I'm sure he won't be much different. Although is that his real name?" Aleyn inquires.
"Yes it is. I know it's not creative but he wanted to keep it so it stuck." Death points out to him before gently scritching Fuzzball's head just on his spot. Which got him stamping his foot that wasn't injured luckily.
"Never would've expected a man like yourself to have such a tiny creature as a companion. Especially one that doesn't have much fighting capability." Aleyn muses.
"Very few people do, and I use that to my advantage whenever he is with me. He can deliver messages for me, serve as a decent distraction, and even heal me should I have need of it. I even figured out he can shoot rock bits from his mouth at the speed of the average bullet."
Aleyn's eyes widen briefly, "Interesting, anyway I'll fix his foot."
With that Aleyn gets a makeshift splint on the little guy and makes sure to give a few scritches to Fuzzball himself. Since the little tyke was able to be a little braver with Death around. "There, does that feel better then?"
Fuzzball gives a little bark in response as Death scoops him up carefully, "I'm guessing I should keep him on a cushion for now?"
"It'll definitely help."
"I'll do so then, thank you Aleyn. Sorry about Aspen, I honestly have no idea which of her branches went up her ass but oh well." Death casually states before walking off, then once he's out of earshot his whispers to Fuzzball, "Next time, please just do what you're told."
Aleyn eventually leaves his room, having gotten a little satisfaction from helping Fuzzball. From there he goes off to see how Morgen is doing, whilst hoping Aspen is calm enough to at least not want to yell at him. Luckily she's not in the room, only Death is as he places Fuzzball on the softest cushion in the room. One that Morgen pointed out to him, and of course she feels bad that Fuzzball got hurt. Even if the big fluffy baby got himself hurt. Aleyn naturally starts with her temperature, which has become annoying to her by now.
"Sorry Morgen, but I need to be sure."
"I know Aleyn, I know. Are you alright yourself though? I know how your anxiety can be at times." Morgen gently questions him.
"Oh I'll be fine Morgen, no need to worry for me. Although, it might help to know your symptoms."
"This morning I couldn't deal with brightness, although...I admittedly haven't tested if I can yet." Morgen explains embarrassed.
"No need for embarrassment, we'll just check now." Aleyn says before moving the blinds open a slight bit.
He winces alongside with Morgen, not being comfortable with bright lights normally. Eventually his eyes do adjust and he notices Morgen is handling it fairly well. She's just squinting slightly now. Naturally he asks her, "Just how bad was it this morning?"
"I couldn't see anything but white. Just white. It was honestly a bit frightening." Morgen admits as Death pulls up a chair close to her.
"So that's what it was? The harshness was just amped up for you?"
"Yes Death, you could say that. It was painful as well, as if my eyes were truly burning. Luckily they aren't like that so much now. But I don't think they're quite ready yet, still have a slight sting to them."
Death pulls her closer to him and shields her eyes as Aleyn closes the blinds back. Once that's done, Death sees her eyes still have a faint glow. He lets Aleyn see for himself, "This mean anything to you by chance? I've never seen this before."
"It has some baring. Morgen, I'm..going to have to do more tests involving you. And I'll have to ask more questions."
"In other words, a full on examination?" Morgen asks.
"Yes. Are you comfortable with that? As a doctor I must always ask this."
"So long as Death is nearby, yes."
"Fine by me, his help may be needed anyway. We'll see." Aleyn informs her before beginning things, whilst hoping Aspen doesn't show up during it.
He draws a bit of her blood for a sample, along with saliva, skin, hair, and then begins for 'intimate' and 'private' samples.
"Ok I'll need a sample from your....vagina..." Aleyn informs her as he turns bright red.
"Uhm....well...ok..." Morgen says shyly.
Aleyn then opens her legs slowly before quickly telling Death, "You're likely the person she's the most intimate with, if you'd be so kind..."
"I don't know what I'm doing. You're the doctor you do it." Death immediately tells him.
"I've heard you've done some field work."
"Yeah, as a Battle Medic. On battlefields, for soldiers. Most of which were men. I usually had someone else take over for women as I didn't trust myself with that due to a lack of knowledge." Death tells him highly embarrassed.
"Ugh fine. Sorry about this." Aleyn says before slowly inserting his hand into her. Death makes sure her legs don't close up and choke Aleyn as he's doing this. Although he's just embarrassed as Aleyn is, and it only gets worse as Aleyn realizes something. That Morgen had sex recently, and it resulted in semen residue being all around her interior, "So....how much did you...place in her?"
Death groans before holding back a shout as best he can, "I don't fucking know ok?! Why would I...even think about that during the moment...why would ANYONE think to remember that?"
Aleyn sighs, "Cause now we're going to have to 'clean her out' to get a clear sample."
Death gets a wild look in his eyes and is made all the more uncomfortable, "Oh Creator help me."
"Relax, please...you're not helping to keep me calm by freaking out."
"Why don't both of you just calm down already? Honestly is it really that uncomfortable? If so, just fetch Aspen or Mina."
"No!" Aleyn shouts to her.
"And no to Mina either, she'll skin me alive." Death tells her.
Eventually the two work together to get her cleared out, and her Dream Entity side kicks in and 'helps things along'. Both men are left throughly freaked out and finally Death calls up Nergal, "Please help us out here. We don't know what we're doing."
He shows up in a flash, or rather a portal, and has no reaction at all. That is to Morgen anyway. If anything, he laughs at Death and Aleyn being extremely embarrassed. "Seriously, I don't know what seems to be the problem."
"Uhhhhhh Morgen just...emptied herself of...my semen residue that was in her..." Death expresses in the most embarrassed tone he's ever had.
"Oh is that all? Well what if I told you that for our kind, that's normal?"
Death and Aleyn both appear to have a synchronized aneurysm before they both ask him, "HUH?!"
"I'm being honest, it is indeed a thing that happens for female Dream Entities." Nergal states frankly.
"Care to explain what else happens with a female Dream Entity?!" Death yells at him.
"Well for both sexes, Dream Entities are able to well...express a level of control over their genitals essentially. Normally on how it both looks or acts. Females' parts typically change how they feel whilst males' parts change their shape. But only to some degree." Death has a sudden realization, particularly regarding his origins and has to sit down. Fuzzball naturally makes a worried whimper before trying to head over to him. Course Morgen just uses her magic to put him and the cushion on Death's lap. Death doesn't seem to notice and Nergal actually looks concerned, "Uhm...I think I may have broken him. Oops."
Morgen would ask more about herself, but is more worried about Death, "Is he...alright?"
Nergal checks him over briefly in his mind, and finds Death having a mini freakout in there. "Seriously?"
"I just found out...that the idea for my dick...came from your race! Aaaaaaaaaah!"
"I don't know how, but the possibility is still there." Is all Nergal can really say.
"That doesn't help with anything gaaaaaah!" Death shouts with an undistinguishable emotion.
Nergal facepalms before vacating and telling Morgen, "He'll be like that for a while. He's currently contemplating his existence."
Morgen sighs before asking nervously, "Uhm...is there anything else you might be able to tell me? Anything I should know?"
Aleyn groans as Nergal explains further, "Yes. Uhm for your side of things you're able to control most of what goes on in there, during intercourse. Such as tightening, wetness, inner movement, and also able to somewhat form additives like tendrils or sharp spikes. If you're up for it and if it's within reason so to speak."
"Very well then......uhhhh...I think that'll be all for now on that....uhm....oh dear..." Morgen says in her own deep embarrassment as Death slowly starts coming down from his existential crisis.
Aleyn finally realizes a certain term he's missed through his embarrassment, "Wait...Dream Entity. Explain?"
Death does so as best as he can, hoping Aleyn will get it without too much trouble. Aleyn ultimately does, with some minor confusion to boot. However he figures that perhaps this all explains why Morgen's body seems to be reacting the way that it is. Luckily the sample he gets from Morgen's vagina is untainted this time, so he's finally able to remove his hands from inside her. From there he places his samples away in his medical bag for private study. After that he left them to continue his work to help Morgen. Death remained however, intent on ensuring her comfort. Gently, he lifts Morgen up and holds her close. Morgen in turn rests her head against his chest whilst Nergal leaves some of the dream fruit nearby for her. Death eventually begins to massage Morgen as well, as the whole process was likely painful. Morgen practically melts at his touch as she enjoys herself thoroughly. She soon falls asleep and Death is finally content to place her back down. From there he chooses to lay beside her, but upon grasping her hand, he hears Crom speak up.
"Yeah, real sweet isn't it? The feeling of love? Or could it be perhaps, that your instincts are just kicking in?"
"Merely just pointing out a possibility."
Death growls quietly, "What possibility?"
"Simple, that you're just reacting to your 'baser instincts', your most basic desires."
"I'll not hear another word of this." Death says to him.
"And the seeds of doubt, are thus sewn."
"I can just as easily reap them, now shut up!" Death shouts out loud.
Morgen stirs a bit, but doesn't wake up. Instead she rolls over to wrap her arms around him. This snaps Death out of it and calms him enough to settle back down. He does his best to keep the doubts at the back of his mind at bay. Hoping that for once, Crom will be wrong about him. A quiet voice in his head only affirms this notion to Crom.
"You're wrong about him."
"He knows I'm not, at least not entirely so." Then at realizing what going on, "How is it you've gotten in here? He's still awake?"
The voice gives no answer, it only continues to defend Death, "You know nothing of his heart or soul."
"Oh believe me girl, I do. So does he, despite what you think." Crom replies slyly before cocking his head in an all too familiar way, "I'll have to bare your trick in mind for later."
It's then that Death finally hears the voice properly and realizes it's Morgen's, "Leave him alone. He has nothing you want."
"Not true, even now he lives on in the exact shell I've been waiting on. But that's not a conversation for now, especially with him listening in. Which is again quite interesting, given what you've so graciously shown me. However I'd rather not be pestered by someone who's only just now is starting to put on the 'big girl britches', as it were."
With that Morgen snaps awake, having been shunted out by Crom. Death of course looks her over, "Are you alright? What were you thinking? Did he hurt you?"
"I'm fine, believe me. I merely wished to ease your mind. I wasn't expecting Crom to be the cause of your discontent."
Death only sighs, "He's often bothersome, but he's only one of many things that bring me...discomfort..if anything."
"I see. Well perhaps you should relax for now? The day has been stressful for you I'm sure. And something tells me Crom is picking up on it."
"Mayhaps. Lunch is probably ready by now, so I'll go check with Mina on that. Make sure she brings you something." Death informs her whilst getting up.
"Ah of course, be easy on yourself today though. Please."
"Don't worry, I'll be mindful. For your sake at least."
Death then made his way out of the room. He finds Mina easily enough as she's making her way to the kitchen.
"Ah Mina, might you bring Morgen her lunch today? She's resting in bed as..."
"I'm aware of it, Vortigern told me. No need to worry Horseman. Off you go."
He leaves her be as requested and goes to head outside. Figuring maybe some training may get his mind off things. He found Sygr and Bardak working together to train Arn yet again. He did his best to follow both teachers. Listening to Bardak's advice to keep his inner beast calm whilst also trying to absorb Sygr's battle strategies that can avoid savagery but also channel it. Death chose to watch them for a time. Being curious about it as the group continued to train. Bardak soon noticed him however and flagged him over,
"Hey Death, get yourself over here will ya?"
"I'm fine just watching Bardak, I know precious little compared to you two." Death expresses to him.
"That's a fat load of shit right there. Ya know lunar magic right? Maybe ya got some opinions to share?" Bardak insists.
"A lunar mage? Huh, who'd have thought? A Necromancer using magic known to be used by healers." Sygr says.
"There's more to it than just healing magic. Lunar magic has many aspects to it, some simple, some complex. Depends on what you're looking for or need." Death tells him.
"Really? Prove it."
"Well then, observe." Death says before casually causing the axes currently in Sygr's hands to slip from his grasp.
As they float in midair, Sygr is agape. And Arn quickly exclaims, "How did you do that!?"
"Simple, Magnemancy. In other words, magic over magnetic fields." Death tells the youngster.
"What else can you do?" Arn asks amazed.
"Well I can actually calm down a feral werewolf, or one that's just having a moment of lunacy. So long as I have sufficient distance and time that is."
Arn actually hops upwards, "Awesome!....well if you're into magic anyway."
Death only chuckled, "Right. Although speaking of the moon, you've been tracking it right Bardak? You know when the full moon is?"
"The last time you asked me this, it was four days ago." Bardak states.
Death counts on his fingers for a moment before freezing, "Shit, we've only got three days! AND THAT'S A MAYBE!"
"You're not only one worried, I hate full moons." Arn tells him.
"Both of you take it easy, we'll manage. We have all day to prepare you Arn. Just stay calm, you'll be fine." Sygr promises him.
Arn can only nod as the elder wolf pats his back. Death meanwhile feels something bite his neck, it stings something fierce as well. "Argh Ah.....ssssss....what the hell?"
"Now that I have your attention, I need to return soon. Preferably within a day, as Morgen's condition worries me too much." Barrcus informs him through one of his spiders.
"Next time, just say something. That REALLY fucking stings." Death replies in annoyance.
Arn, Sygr, and Bardak all look up in time to see the spider wave at them, "Greetings everyone."
"Ok then that's a little creepy." Bardak immediately says backing away slowly.
"Uhhhh...why is the spider talking?" Arn asks nervously.
"Brave warriors, the both of you." Sygr says shaking his head.
"Hey! I know when to fear the small! And that my friend, is CREEPY!" Bardak affirms to him.
"I am Barrcus. Morgen's adoptive Father and 'bodyguard' as it were. I'm currently stuck within the arena and have only recently been able to find time to myself. Figured I'd use my current time now to plan ahead with you all. As you'll all be perfect for it. Two fresh former gladiators, one who has espionage experience within one according to stories, and a werebear Orc who is known for battle prowess."
"Get to the point Barrcus, you likely have little time." Death informs him.
"Indeed I do. So I shall be brief. You'll need to free me from the arena, preferably tonight if possible. I'll leave you to come up with a plan for that much." Barrcus tells them.
"Well there's a problem with that....ya see Barrcus...full moon's in three days. We kinda gotta make sure this here boy is prepared for it." Bardak points out.
"Yeah, so tonight isn't going to happen spider. Give us until after full moon to handle this." Sygr suggests.
"I cannot wait that long. My own power has slowly been draining. I could probably last a few more days with proper nutrition. But without it I will not last much longer. That and my worries for Morgen only make it harder for me to concentrate on 'recharging' myself." Barrcus informs them a bit frantically.
"I'll ask Mina if she can make a care package for you. From there one of us can deliver it to you. If you have a crystal still, we can send it that way." Death says.
"Unfortunately, I do not."
"Then I'll ask Morgen to try delivering it through your dreams tonight. I'm sure she'd happily do so, just need to be sure she's well enough tonight."
"If she is still ill, do not let her enter my dreams. I won't have her pushing herself during recovery. Honestly though I've no idea what she sees in that youth. He even worries me sometimes, given what I've sensed from him." Barrcus states.
"You mean Aleyn?" Death inquires.
"Oh yer talking about the string bean? The pale guy with the cane?" Bardak asks.
"Yes him." Death replies.
"Dunno why he could be creepy to anyone. He doesn't look so tough." Arn points out arrogantly.
"Don't be brash boy. Even the leanest of men can be extremely dangerous individuals. They always have ways to destroy you." Sygr warns him.
"Heheheheheheheh...words to live by Jotun. Words to live by indeed." Barrcus states in agreement.
Death then heads off to return to Morgen. Finding her is actually extremely easy given that Mina is trying to coax her outside. Morgen's ultimately a bit unsure but Death finally steps between them, "What's going on now?"
"I thought she might enjoy some fresh air. That it'd get her feelin well faster." Mina points out.
"Be gentle with her Mina, don't force it. Her eyes may still be recovering themselves. Let me be sure about it first." Death tells her before checking Morgen again. He sees the glow is extremely faint, fainter than earlier in fact. But he's still not convinced entirely and asks Mina, "Is there any parasols in there? Perhaps some shade would be best for her."
"Horseman, it's early winter. She'll not burn to death ya know." Mina protests.
"I know I know, but just trust me on this Mina. Please?"
Morgen sighs and finally steps out into the light to prove the point Death's trying to make. Of course she still squints a bit to Mina's confusion. "There....proof enough?"
"Uhm...Morgen..dearie..what's goin' on?" Mina inquires nervously.
"I'm recovering from illness Mina....I need shade for now. If I must be outside...please fetch me a parasol."
Mina finally grabs one from inside for her, and rushes to hand it over. Morgen has a bit of trouble opening it with her limited eye sight, but Death goes and aids her with that. Once it's open, the shade definitely helps Morgen out. Death then gently leads her out into the light while she's under the parasol. From there he asks her, "So, do you think you could send a care package to Barrcus through your dreams tonight? Provided you're well enough of course."
"I may be able to. Is he in need of extra help?"
Death only nods, "He'll need proper nutrition to keep up his strength for at least a few more days. Three to be exact."
"Why must he wait longer?"
"Arn's beginning to lose it, as the full moon will be upon us soon. For his sake we have to hold off. But Barrcus needs the help." Death tells her.
Morgen sighs and replies, "Well, Mina would know what he requires. But I can try and work on strengthening myself for tonight to be safe."
"Understood. Do you need any assistance with that?"
"I shouldn't, but should I have the need I'll inform you." Morgen explains.
"Very well."
Death then walked back inside to see about getting peace and quiet as Mina and Morgen have words with each other on the matter ahead. Once he returned to his room, Death began to set up some incense and a chalk circle. In a few key spots on the circle he placed a few black candles. As he began to meditate within the circle, he could hear something tapping his window. Before long, he could smell the culprits too. Death did his best to ignore it though. While Crom couldn't touch or harm him in this moment, he knew the mostly dead deity still had ways to get to him. Eventually he finally reached some semblance of serenity as the incense finally drowned the scent of the Styxian Roses. Crom meanwhile had finally gone quiet, allowing Death his moment of calm. Course after some time, Death finally exited the circle. As he began cleaning up and putting things away, Crom spoke up.
"Why do you keep doing this? Aside from the peace and quiet."
"It shuts you up for a while...usually. Why so talkative this soon after?" Death questions him.
"Just..felt like it. Although you might want to deal with those for a moment."
Death glanced at the mirror in the room to see his reflection pointing towards a window. Looking outside he found the roses he'd smelled during his meditation. "And I am to believe you didn't just force the roses up here why?"
"They are attracted to the dead Horseman, we both are very much a part of that. In one way or the other."
Death shook his head before using only a small bit of Crom's power to force the rose vines away from him. Afterwards he sat at a desk before looking through his inventory crystal. Eventually he found a small box with Orcish symbols on it. He hadn't opened it in so long, and Crom was instantly interested in it.
"Not getting any ideas are we?"
Death didn't answer straight away, instead he opened the box. Inside it was the broken pieces of a charm. He picked up one of the shards as Crom watched him keenly. As Death kept glancing at the shard, Crom finally released two shadow hands from inside the mirror. One gently wrapped around Death's shoulder, the other his neck. An obvious threat as far as Death could tell.
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 2: An Unlikely Meeting
Barrcus decided to go over the plan with Morgen again, but only after Mina took the girls out to go play for a moment. After all these little ladies didn't need to know what may happen. That and keeping secrets is rarely a child's strong suit, let own for two of em. Morgen looked to Barrcus as he shut the door behind them again.
With that he began, "So you start taking the trail, make sure you make your rounds around countryside. Be sure everyone sees you, even the bandits. We need to make sure that this is as public as possible."
From there, he detailed the route as one that was often raided by bandits. He further explained that he knew what time they'd strike, due to his future seeing capabilities.
"Why send me on such a route if you know what's coming?" Morgen questioned him.
"Because the Horsemen will be coming along that same route. Specifically around the time you get attacked. They should protect you when finding the carriage."
Morgen's eyes widened, "The Horsemen?! But why would they help me? Why are they even coming here?"
"I may have slipped in details of the book in a few rumors. A carefully spun web I assure you." Barrcus reassured her.
"Why do this? It could put you at risk if Uther finds out what you've done." Morgen frantically explained.
"Please, I've been in the castle this whole time. My spiders however, have not been. Besides, the only way for Uther to find out is if someone in our group told him. As far as the Council knows, it was just a bunch of rumors. Rumors that they need to check."
Morgen thought a moment before nodding, "Very well, I'll trust your judgment Barrcus. Just please, promise me you'll be careful."
"Hmhm, if everything goes as planned tonight, I will be." Barrcus stated with a smile before fading into the shadow.
Morgen then readied herself for the trip ahead. It was just another sort of ride she often took by carriage. To greet the people and make sure they were alright. Course the captain would need some convincing about the path, but she and Mina managed it. The only problem, was Mina couldn't convince the girls to stay there. Morgen believed they'd be safest at the castle, but with the girls' continued insisting and begging she caved. Bringing a thin sword of hers that melded into a mage staff. Course she'd also have to ask Vortigern about bringing them along. Which may lead to a lecture or two as far as she was concerned. With that she entered the throne room, a bit nervous but doing her best to hide it.
"My liege, I came to bid you goodbye before my latest ride out into the country. And I needed to ask something of Uncle Vortigern before I left." Morgen declared as calmly as possible.
"What is it?" Uther inquired of her.
"The girls are insisting I bring them along. I tried telling them no but they can beg way too well these days. I wanted to know your opinion on it first though Uncle. See what you thought of the idea."
Vortigern observed her briefly, and upon seeing her sword staff, "Is this going to be dangerous?"
"The route is a risky one yes. But I wouldn't let anything happen to them and you know it." Morgen replied nervously.
"What time are you going to be back?" Vortigern bade her.
"I shall return before the party, and I'm sure the girls will be tired after I'm back. So they'll likely go to bed all the faster." Morgen stated calmly.
Vortigern sighed, "If you can ensure their safety, I'll allow it."
Morgen gave him a hug, "I'll let them know. Don't worry I'll make sure nothing harms them."
Vortigern reciprocated the hug, "Stay safe, and keep an eye out for bandits."
"Of course Uncle, thank you." Morgen replied before going on her way.
Vortigern let her go and then glanced over at his brother. Uther was barely hiding his jealousy at that moment. "You know if you'd quit with your tirades around her, maybe she'd trust you more."
Uther doesn't return the look, "One must show strength, not weakness."
"Strange how everyone has a different point of view on what weakness is." Vortigern states before inquiring, "So is there anything else I need to know about?"
"No, it's just a Masque, this party I mean. Nothing to worry about." Uther mumbled out whilst staring blankly at Vortigern.
Vortigern feels a twinge of terror at the cold blankness of Uther's gaze before coughing, "Ahem well, I think I should be getting ready for the party."
"Yes that would be a...good idea." Uther muttered out simply before walking off in the opposite direction of his brother.
Vortigern couldn't help but wonder why Uther seemed so, distant this time. Especially so after Morgen hugged him. It was only a hug after all. Surely it was nothing to be concerned with. At least he could only hope so.
Meanwhile Morgen and Mina were enjoying the open road with Anna and Elaine along for the ride. Morgen enjoyed their little game of I Spy whilst waving to the village folk and stopping occasionally to help anyone in need. Wanting to be a good example to the girls after all, and to be a kind person overall. She kept noticing the same group of horse riders following their carriage overtime. Realizing they may likely be the bandits Barrcus had informed her of seeing in his future sight. Eventually her concerns would become realized, as the bandits waited until a particular stretch of wooded road to attack the carriage. Meanwhile the two Horsemen had FINALLY made it to the veil to open a portal through it.
"Took ya long enough." Strife noted in exasperation.
Death only growled at him in response.
"How long do you think you can keep it open?"
Growling again Death shouted, "NOT LONG!"
Once Despair, Dust, Mayhem, and Strife were all through the portal Death created, Death had to be pulled through himself by his younger brother. Strife watched him a bit concerned as he worked to catch his breath.
"Need a minute?"
"Yeah....that would be...appreciative right now..." Death expressed between deep breaths. Strife placed a hand on his shoulder still, and Death only shrugged him off with an, "I'm well. Let's just keep moving."
Strife shook his head before saying, "Alright whatever."
From there the two continued riding on. Soon finding a secluded road without pavement, and with seemingly no travelers on it. Strife however noted his elder brother's paranoid gaze searching the woods surrounding them.
Finally after a long enough silence he groaned, "Ugh....dude."
"Stop it!" Strife demanded.
"Why?" Death inquired cocking his head at him.
"You're freaking me out!" Strife urged him.
Death remained simple with his questions, "How exactly is this freaking you out?"
"I dunno you're making me paranoid. What with all that looking around like something's gonna happen. It's like you're expecting a fight."
"Seriously?" Death asked once again in a simple tone before continuing with, "What am I supposed to do about that?"
"Stop acting paranoid! Seriously man when you're paranoid I am. We all get paranoid whenever you do. As you only get like that when you're absolutely sure something's gonna happen."
"If you don't keep quiet, something will." Death growled lowly in a threatening tone before calming enough to explain softly, "Just look at the ground, and you'll see why."
"What am I looking for?"
"Just look." Death implored quietly.
Strife did so rolling his eyes, only to find horse tracks around them. None of which came from Despair or Mayhem, "Bandits."
"Yes, that's why I've been looking around. Now shush so I can listen for them." Death whispered to him.
Strife nods at that, "Right.", then begins to palming Mercy at his waist.
Before long they began hearing a cockney accented man saying something rather interesting, "Well well well, looks like we've got ourselves a Princess here. Wonder what we can do with that? Bet he'd probably pay a pretty penny for ya."
A female voice spoke up with an irish sounding accent, "Do your worst gentlemen, you won't get passed me."
"Oh, so she's got some fight in her, wonder what else she's got." The man snidely stated with a smirk.
Course Death and Strife have come to witness this, and Death has chosen to comment on it, "So what seems to be the matter here?"
"None of your business fellow traveler."
Strife however retorted, "Seems to be, you're in our way."
"We'll move this alongside, you don't need to worry about this."
"Right don't worry about it eh? Brother?" Death bade.
"Way ahead of ya bro." Strife remarked, drawing Mercy with lightning speed.
"We gonna have a problem here?" The man asked both brothers.
"I guess we will." Death mumbled before he and Strife descended upon the bandits.
Death unhooked Harvester from his belt, leaped off Despair, then began cutting bandits down. Strife pulled out Redemption in the meantime. Then whilst taking some bandits out with Mercy, used Redemption to take out the main one's kneecaps.
As the man attempts to crawl away, Death came up to him, "Oh no you don't."
After being picked up by his collar, the man begged of Death, "Wh-who....w-what are you?"
Strife shook his head, "Just some good samaritans passing by. What about you though? You gonna be a body? Like my brother other here wants to see? Or you gonna apologize to this young lady, and be someone living?"
"I'm sorry! Eh please call off your dogs!" The man begged looking at the woman.
"They are not of mine or the King's. Who am I to order them what to do?" She says a bit coldly.
"You may be one of the few people I actually like. Huh." Strife mused aloud.
"Well what do you think?"
"Hmm I dunno, has he had enough?" Strife checked with both Death and the woman.
"Like I said, I have no orders to give you. As you are not servants to me. Therefore I leave it to you good sirs." The lady states matter-of-factly.
"Well I guess the other person I would need to ask is you. So what do you think brother? Let him walk, or kill him?" Death tendered almost menacingly.
"Hmm....1....2...." Strife began.
The man, realizing what was happening, tried to scurry away. Failing miserably to do so as Strife counted down further towards ten.
"7.....8.....9 10!" Strife shouted before firing off at the man, killing him.
Once the man lay dead, Death could hear what sounded like little girls crying. He also heard another woman speaking softly, likely trying to calm them.
Sighing he muttered under his breath, "Shit.", then looking to Strife, "Brother would be so kind as to check on who's crying?"
"Right." Strife responded before heading up to the carriage door. Quietly knocking he called out softly, "Hello, anybody in there?"
A scottish accented woman responded, "Aye stranger, meself and two little lassies 'ere."
"Alright.", then after grabbing some chocolate from a side pocket on his belt, "Have you been good for the nice lady in there?"
The woman calls out to him, "Forgive em sir, they're still quite scared ye see. Being as young as they are. But they are nodding and I'll confirm they've been good and quiet in 'ere with me."
"Ok think they are deserving of a candy bar?"
"Oh of course. I'm sure it'd go a long way in helping calm them down too. Bless ye sir, both of ya out there." The woman replied to him.
He hands it over through the door and is surprised by the two little ones hugging his arm as they take the candy.
He's left stuck there for a moment and looks at Death, "Uh bro, need a little help here."
Death only shook his head, "It's best you leave my brother alone. Lest you hurt yourselves by accident."
Course he heard one of them reply with a sniffle, "We're being careful mister."
"Ok then, brother?"
"Yeah I'll keep my uh....'toys' locked up real tight." Strife remarked.
The woman from inside finally opened the carriage and Strife found himself being hugged by both little girls once they were out. Now they just clung to his legs.
"For crying out loud."
"Heheh, had to expect that one coming." Death stated snidely.
Strife looks up, trying to resist the urge to pat both their heads. Meanwhile Death inquired of the short and stout red head that left the carriage with the girls,
"Are you alright miss?"
"Oh I'm fine, I'm mainly worried about me mistresses. Her especially." The red head stated going up to the Princess.
"Oh Mina, please I'm fine. Not even a scratch on me." She replied calmly.
"That's only because they needed you alive. What use is a corpse in a ransom? She had every right to worry for you." Death retorted.
"Well I may not seem like much sir, but I indeed can hold my own." The woman proclaimed.
"Morgen, you don't know much in offensive spells. And ye've not wielded a proper blade in...." Mina began.
"I am more than capable of handling a few bandits. Not that I don't appreciate the aid we received, but still." Morgen insisted.
"May I take a look at your staff?" Death inquired of her.
Morgen cocked her head but allowed him to see it. After a bit of observance he noted that there wasn't much in terms of power for this staff. An indication of the wielder's power level. He also was surprised by the thin blade on the inside of the staff.
Course the thinness of the blade was also amusing to him, "In case you were caught off guard?"
"I was a knight some time ago. Sadly my order was....retired, so to speak." Morgen informed him.
"Hmm....may I ask, why are the four of you out on these roads? You'd think you'd be safer in a castle." Death questioned her.
"I'll not lie about you being correct on that last part. But we're out here because I like to check on the people every now and then. Make sure they are well and all."
The girls then piped up in unison whilst finally releasing Strife, who'd begun losing circulation in his legs, "And we just wanted to come with her."
Death glanced their way then back to Morgen, he did this a few times, as if searching for something then finally posed another question, "Are these yours?"
"Oh no. They're my Cousins." Morgen explained.
"Oh. Well then that's a bit interesting." Death noted before looking at Strife.
"Well you know how Fae are. Who knows they could be her seventeenth cousins." Strife remarked as he rubbed at his leg muscles.
"I assure you, they are my Uncle's only children." Morgen insisted.
"Seriously? I thought you Fae got down and dirty every single day of the week." Strife said confused.
"First off, stereotypes. And second off, that's more like your Satyr friend." Death retorted.
Morgen cocked her head at that, "And this friend is...who exactly?"
Both brothers replied, "Puck."
"I'd be concerned normally by such an answer. But he's been on his best behavior today at the castle. Wouldn't be surprised if Uther invited him to the party after the self portrait he painted." Morgen explained simply.
Strife's eyes widened, "Huh. Well then, nine times outta ten he's gonna be playing. May as well go say hi to him."
"Actually you may have more time to converse than you think. Considering that you did aid us. I'm sure the King and my Uncle would be glad to reward you in some way." Morgen replied.
"Well we were just interested in getting to the party that's it." Death simply stated to her.
"Will Mina here be attending?" Strife asked attempting to flirt that direction.
Mina however answered for Morgen this time, "First off lad I'm a maid. I won't be doing much beyond working the kitchens. Secondly, I do have someone in my life thank ye very much."
After the cold rejection Strife mumbled out, "Must be a lucky bastard.", then as a spider began crawling up his back...., "EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
As Mina began snickering, Death just looked at him confused and annoyed, "Serves you right casanova."
Meanwhile the spider somehow was unharmed and crawled up Mina's body before settling on her shoulder. From there it gave her a sweet little nuzzle. Death then suddenly took notice of it and inquired cautiously, "Is that you're pet?"
"Hmm? Oh no. This one is controlled by the man in me life." Mina replies stroking the spider. And Death is surprised again by the spider suddenly getting all giddy.
"Ooooooook then." Strife remarked slowly backing away in concern.
Death looked down at the ground in front of the carriage, noticing tracks of horses heading away from it. That and the cut harnesses on the ground indicated quite clearly what had happened.
"Well.....the horses have gone wild. We can use our steeds to pull the carriage along, if you wish." Death explained to Morgen.
"That'd be a help. Thank you. I wish we could find the horses, but that may not be a fruitful search. Especially not with the amount of time left before the Masque." Morgen contemplates.
"Oh so you're heading there now?" Death questioned.
"Yes, I am the Princess after all. I should probably be there to get ready." Morgen replied a bit snidely.
"Uhmm...you mind giving us some assistance? Me and my brother here would like the attend." Death told her as Strife continued to stare at the spider on Mina's shoulder.
"Of course. As I told you before, Uther and my Uncle would be happy to reward you I'm sure." Morgen stated.
"Great, sounds cool. Uhm I'll be in the carriage. D...Argh!", Strife began before Death elbowed him, "Ahem, my brother will be outside. He doesn't really like cramped spaces that much."
"It's not the space it's the company, for the most part." Death said.
"Perhaps you'll permit me to ride out with you, for directions and all?" Morgen inquired.
Strife then realized something and asked, "You're royalty, you didn't drive this yourself did ya?"
Morgen's eyes widened, as she clearly began remembering something, and she then started looking around frantically, "Oh dear, I hope he's alright."
Death cocked his head simply, "Who?"
"The captain of the guard was our driver. I heard screaming when the horses took off, maybe they dragged him along!" Morgen exclaims in minor panic.
"He's indeed with the horses." Death expressed just as simply before telling Strife, "Brother, let's hooks the horses up and get these ladies over to the castle as soon as possible."
"What about the captain guy?"
"The horses will eventually slow down, allowing him to get his footing again." Death replied before working with Strife to hook up their own steeds.
Despair sat perfectly still and gave no fuss as Death hooked him on, Mayhem however was a different story. Attempting to kick Strife in the head, and biting at Death. Only stopping when getting kicked himself by Despair. The two horses then shared an annoyed growl between them. Course during all this, a certain rodent was getting slightly shoved about. Only revealing himself by accident with a scared whimper after the two steeds growled. Death of course heard it all the same.
Fuzzball shook inside the saddlebag he was hiding in, scared even more now. Course he only really began to shake when Death angrily threw open the bag he was in.
"What are you doing HERE?!" Death demanded of the rodent.
Fuzzball whimpered even more and shrunk down in his fear, course Strife couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed Death's shoulder, "Bro chill out dude."
Death growled before grabbing Fuzzball with one hand, he could feel just how badly the little ball of fur was shivering now. "Do you know how dangerous this mission could actually be?!"
Fuzzball covered his ears with his little paws terrified, whilst the two girls were now huddling against Mina again.
Strife gripped his shoulder tighter, "Dude look around for a moment."
Death looked around for a moment at last and recognized the girls were currently scared of him now. As was poor Fuzzball. Grumbling quietly, he marched up to the girls and bent down to their level. From there he handed over Fuzzball, "Do you think you can keep an eye on this one for me?"
The girls looked at him from behind Mina's skirt, and Anna asked him, "How come you yelled at him?"
"Cause he's not supposed to be here." Death told her gently.
Elaine then spoke up, "Is it because you have a dangerous job?"
"Well.....to say the least." Death replied.
"We get it, Daddy always leaves us with Cousin Morgen when he's going somewhere scary." Anna stated as she swayed around like most kids her age do.
"My job is far more...horrific. Let's just say it would give you nightmares. And Fuzzball here is...way too fluffy for my work."
The girls then take Fuzzball and begin cuddling him. With that Mina takes them inside but points out, "So I imagine with these steeds we'd be traveling very fast then eh Horsemen?"
Death froze at that and looked over at the horses, realizing too late that he forgot to cloak them in any glamour spells. As best he could, he came up with the following excuse, "Uh.....we use this camouflage to scare off any bandits...heheh..."
"Really now? And how is that supposed to work if they attack ye anyways?" Mina probed.
"Well it's supposed to be a deterrent. Would you attack the Horsemen?" Death insisted to her.
"I get that part, but how could it be a deterrent when it failed as such? Given that the thieves attacked anyway." Mina explained.
"Heheh....it's because I'm not wearing Death's mask. It's far scarier." Death smugly stated.
"You mean far edgier?" Strife corrected him even more smugly.
Death turned his way with a death glare, "Riiiiiiiiight."
"If everyone is quite finished, shall we finally head out?" Morgen requested.
"Yes let's." Death stated before putting a glamour spell on the horses whilst pretending to do the opposite and muttered, "Since it didn't work this time."
Morgen looked at him curiously as Strife hopped into the carriage with the ladies. Morgen then got into the driver's seat. Or rather attempted to before Death lent her a hand, "Here, let me help."
"Ah thank you." Morgen replied before taking his hand.
Death couldn't help but note how....powdery her hand felt. Sure it was soft as any royal's would be, but he hadn't expected powder. Usually a royal would use hand lotion or something, not that. It actually reminded him of the feeling of porcelain the more he thought about it.
Finally after rubbing his fingers together in confusion he asked her, "Uhm...what's that on your hands?"
"Hmm? Oh the powder you mean? Oh just some makeup powder. Why?" Morgen inquired.
"You'd expect lotion."
"Ah yes, well.....I have my reasons sir." Morgen explained simply whilst the spider on Mina had migrated to watch the two of them. When Morgen mentioned the powder, it seemed to try and get closer to her. It looked as though it was trying to search for something. Course it's stealth failed as it crawled up her body, causing Morgen to jolt a bit. She glanced at the spider only to find it looking all adorable at her. She patted the thing gently and watched as it ended up with a bit of powder on its head.
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 16: Reunions in Turmoil
Puck then closed the door behind Arn, "And just what the hell do ya think you're doing there laddie?"
He wheels around ready to attack this new threat. But after a few seconds he gets a look of realization, before painfully returning to his normal form.
"I....I know you....", Arn says whilst getting a brief flashback of a satyr in his Mother's brothel.
"You seem familiar......", Puck begins before his eyes suddenly widen, "Wait......Pup...is that you?"
Arn immediately slaps his face, "You know I hate being called that."
"Boy, do you have any IDEA how disrespectful that is?" Puck inquires a bit offended before delivering a light back hand.
Arn snarls back, "I'm not a boy anymore...." he says with a clenched fist. He let's it loosen before he finally delivers a punch to his gut. "That's for propositioning my mother when you KNEW she was the Madame."
Puck just shakes his head, "Boy, you really need to start learning yer manners. And also, I'd rather a lady enjoyed her time, not just get paid for it.", then as he's starting to gain armor from seemingly nowhere, "Do you really want to fight? I dont, but I'm not against one. And I know this would break yer Mother's heart, us fighting. The LAST thing I want to do, is hurt Esmie. I'm guesing it's the same way for you."
Arn's face twitches as he on instinct goes for his weapon. Puck notices his grip loosen a little but he doesn't let go of his weapon. "Have you seen her? Did she stop searching? Does she still care?", He asks.
"Does she still care for ya? Yes. Does she still search? Believe me, she does when she's able to. She misses ya, like hell. I made a promise to keep an eye for ya, I'm glad I did." Puck explains calmly.
"For 65 years....I was forced to be a weapon...A MONSTER...for people's ENTERTAINMENT! For 65 YEARS!...What kept you!?", He begs Puck while on the verge of tears. Which is followed by the sound of the axe hitting the stone floor. He even looks at the blood on his hand and realizes just how much is on his hands.
Puck grabs him by his shoulder, and pulls him in for a hug, "I always hated gladiatorial rings, found them to be too barbaric. That one would be on me, I'm so sorry I never showed up. If I had shown up, ya wouldn't have been in there anymore. And ya might've seen this form a lot sooner."
Arn silently sobs for a bit but manages to return the hug.
Strife meanwhile had caught on to the couple of dead guards and the bloodtrail. He follows it with War, who then quickly kicks in the door before Strife fires two rounds. Puck however is in front of door. One bounces off his armor and goes into the wall, the other pierces his shoulder.
"Gah! Seriously Strife?!"
"Wait Puck? What are you doing in here?" Strife asks confused.
"I had a intuition that I should be watching Arthur tonight, guess it was right."
"Ok, but explain all of this.", Strife begins whilst pointing at the dead guys and the blood, "And is that....a certain someone we've been hearing about? You know like from Esmie?"
"It's the Pup. Kid needs a moment in order to get handle on what just happened." Puck tells him simply.
"You're going to have to explain the armor as well." War brings up.
"In time I will. For now, I need to pull a bullet out of my shoulder."
"Oh sorry about that man, over here." Strife states apologetically as he takes Puck off to get it out.
Puck then tells War, "And uh War, make sure this one doesn't run off."
"Understood." War replies simply whilst looking at Arn, and the kid's bloodied arm, "May I ask who's blood that is?"
Arn looks down at it and having seemed to get a hold of himself he replies, "Ripped out a guards throat. You probably found the body by now."
"Right. I'll leave you to process." War states before taking the baby, not trusting this possibly destructive teenager. All he can read right now, is that the kid is reevaluating his life and may reach some awful conclusions.
Arn looks at the blood on his hand and in the back of his mind he sees himself thrust into the arena once more, he was so young and yet he killed. That's how it was, for so long blood had always stained his hands and his mouth.
The animals he could handle but the people...they never got easier to kill. It was simpler to let the beast out and take over...but he still had nightmares, even when he could sleep just the sounds of metal colliding sent him back to the arena. Those final looks of fear before death always made his stomach turn. Those guards gave him the same look. Sure they might've killed him or maybe just put him in another cage. Maybe....that's where he truly belonged.
"What the fuck have I become?" Arn asks himself but not even he knew.
Just then, he heard a light knocking, "Sounds like you're ripe for a talk then?"
Arn quickly turned around to see a woman that he could swear was the moon itself given life. Her voice was like an angel, and her tone was gentle, almost 'Motherly'. Why was she being gentle to him, why speak so kindly? Finally he inquired of her a bit nervously, "What do you want?"
"I only wish to speak young one. I noticed the 'stir' you've caused. I asked War what happened, and he said to come see you here. You left quite a bit of death and blood in your wake for someone so young. Perhaps you would tell me why?" Morgen asked, her tone oozing with serenity to rival the moon itself.
"I was.....they would've killed me....or locked me up if I hadn't....I just wanna go home....that's all....he promised it if I helped him....he promised...." Arn told her as he stared at his hands more.
"Who boy? Who promised you such a thing?" Morgen implored him.
"The king...."
Morgen's eyes widened before she shut them with a sorrow filled sigh. Gently she replied, "He wanted you to bring me and Arthur back, didn't he? And he promised you'd go home if you agreed to do it?"
Arn then looked up at her, realizing who this kind woman must've been now, "You.....you're Morgana aren't you, his daughter?"
"Stepdaughter, also I prefer Morgen if you don't mind." Morgen corrected him simply.
"May I ask why you ran and took your baby...brother? How is he even related to you?"
"I am Arthur's half sister. We shared a Mother, but Uther is no Father to me. NOR will he ever be." Morgen began with her tone sounding angry for but a moment before she composed herself, "As for why I left and took Arthur with me....we were better off away from him. Tell me, did Uther ever explain why he wants ME back so badly? Or why he wants Arthur back at all?"
"He.....never said. Only that it...wasn't my concern." Arn tells her honestly.
"Well, would you like me to explain why he wants me back so badly? And why he wants Arthur back as well?" Morgen asks him cautiously.
"Uhm....go ahead, I guess. It wouldn't hurt."
"Uther has...abused me...in ways that are truly vile. I don't feel comfortable explaining just how depraved he was to me. But I will say this, he could rival Lilith, with how monstrous he is to me. I left to escape the torment he was bringing upon me. I'm just....so tired of just taking it day after day, and night after night. So I have made it my personal mission to see his reign ended, along with his torment on myself and others. As for Arthur, I couldn't leave him there. He'd have been puppeted for Uther's benefit, turned against me because I didn't bring him. I had to bring him with me, so he could be safe and free like I want to be." Morgen explained to him.
Arn listened intently, and couldn't help but be shocked by this. He truly began to feel sorry for Morgen, and more importantly feel awful for what he'd done. For killing the guards for truly no good reason, for taking a job to return victims to their abuser. For helping someone that could be compared to the whore that killed his parents. Yet, he still had to know one thing, "Would Uther have....kept his word? If I still went through with this?"
Morgen looked so sorry for him as she shook her head, "He wouldn't have, he would've kept you close. Used that promise like a bone tied to a pole. Leading you to do anything he wanted through manipulation and false hope. I am SO sorry."
Arn turns around, and looks for somewhere to sit down, "I can't be here, not in this castle, not locked in a cell, not after what I've done. I know my own Mother would hate for this, for my part in this."
Morgen sighed deeply and placed a gentle hand to his face, "What's your name child?"
"Arn, I understand why you did what you did. And I forgive you, as you were manipulated by Uther as I and many others have been. But you must remember there's consequences for this sort of thing. You've killed four innocent men tonight. I won't put you in a cell if they scare you that much. But I have to do something. So, I shall place you under house arrest in the castle. You'll be placed in a room that you can feel safe in, but it will be locked at all times. You will only leave if you have my permission. Do you understand?" Morgen explained with a calm but firm tone.
"As long as you have guards that can actually keep me there. And...someone who won't beat me to keep me in line. Like Leatherbeard or my 'master' in the ring." Arn says simply.
"Then it's settled. Would you like to see Puck before we go find a suitable room for you?" Morgen inquired kindly.
"I...don't know if that would be a good idea right now. But he would chastise me for not so....and I suspect you'd also do the same."
"I wouldn't, and I would've explained to Puck why he shouldn't as well. But if you wish it, then it shall be. Come along." Morgen told him warmly.
With that he followed her to go see Puck. A million things passed through his mind as he tried to think of what to say. How to apologize to Puck for being so stupid. How to apologize for falling so far and hard. And most importantly, how to apologize to his Mama Esmie for becoming something...or rather 'someone' so utterly HORRIBLE. Puck had just gotten his shoulder patched up as Arn walked in with Morgen. Puck couldn't help but check Arn over upon seeing the look on his face.
"You alright there lad?"
Arn then begins his attempt at an apology, "Sorry about hitting your gut, and for...being an asshole."
"First off watch your tongue. Second off, I understand the irony of what I just said. Thirdly, come over and give me a fucking hug." Puck tells him in a Fatherly tone.
Arn quickly obliges, giving him a proper hug this time. Puck could tell just how pained he was too as Arn told him, "I....wish to take responsibility....for what I did. Morgen, uh uh I mean....the Princess, made sure I understood that much....and wants me under house arrest."
Puck then looks at Morgen, "House arrest? And for what exactly? Also who will be guarding him?"
"He killed four innocent men Puck, he understands this but you know I have to do something. I believe I'm being far merciful than Titania or Oberon would be by putting him under house arrest. Also I'm happy to let you pick who watches over him whilst he's locked in there." Morgen states.
"What about that Orc I saw walking around? I heard he was friends with Death, so him if anybody." Puck explains.
"Bardak is not only an Orc, but a werebear as well. Perhaps I'll even let Bardak in the room with him. Might do Arn good to hear from an older werebeast." Morgen says simply.
"Wait what? That motherfucker's a werebear?! Ok then. I definitely trust in that motherfucker." Puck replies surprised.
"Then with that settled, shall you help me find Arn a proper room to be in for the time being?" Morgen questions him.
"Oh right let's do that. Follow us. Also I'm sorry about this, I know ya want to go home. But rules are rules. But I'll make sure to tell Esmie about this and she can come over. That ya can see your Mom." Puck promises him.
"Do you mean it? I get to see Mom?"
"Yes, I swear it. I'll let you talk to her when I call her. Understood?"
Arn's tail actually popped out and began wagging in his excitement and happiness at that, "Yes sir! Thank you Puck. Seriously thank you so much."
"Of course lad, now calm down. Is that yer fucking tail?"
Arn freezes and quickly shifts himself back to normal without the tail, "I'm sorry, that was uh....that's a....that's a bit embarrassing."
"Eh no worries lad, I have PLENTY of embarrassing stories worse than that. BELIEVE ME." Puck tells him rubbing his neck.
"You wanna expl...."
"When you're an adult! Esmie would SKIN ME ALIVE if I told you ANY of those stories." Puck tells him.
"Ok then. So where am I staying then?" Arn asks nervously.
Just then Puck finds a perfect room. It's nice and wide, with a few windows that have nice views. The whole place had a woodland cabin type feel to it. Topped off with a decent bed.
"Hmm, ok then. This should do, and for food....who will bring food and what are they bringing?" Puck asks Morgen.
"Figured you could." Morgen tells him.
"Alright, I'll bring ya some food then. I'll bring ya a meat buffet, that you can curb the beast for a little while. And also some vegetables, ya know, to balance it out. You're still growing and you're still an omnivore. Ya eat everything. Now, time for me to call yer Mother, GREAT."
Puck then called up Esmerelda at her tavern. She was cleaning up for the night upon receiving the call. Gingerly she picked up her crystal, "Hola! Quien?"
"Esmie Esmie, ya know I can't speak a lick of Spanish. At least not fluently. Speak English, please." Puck tells her apologetically.
"First off there is a fine difference between Spanish and European Spanish. Secondly, I'd ask again, but I already know who you are now Puck. What the hell do you want with me this time you borracho?"
"Ugh...I've got someone here I think you'd like to hear from. Do you want the crystal?" Puck inquires of Arn.
Arn takes it and shakes a bit as he says, "Hola......Mamá. It's m-me....Arn. M-m-miss me?"
Esmie freezes and can't help but begin crying, "Arn?! My baby...my niño?! Oh my heart, where have you been? Where are you?! Mama's coming right away just tell me where to go."
"Mama.....I've....I've....done horrible things! I have to take responsibility....I can't go home yet.....I don't deserve to!" Arn shouts as he begins sobbing himself.
"Arn....just tell me where you are, please. I have to see you again. I have to see my niño." Esmie begged of him.
"He's in the Unseelie Realm ma'am. We have someone who can bring you here. But as your boy says, there is a wrong he is to right. We will however allow you to remain with him until the time comes when he has attoned for his wrongdoings." Morgen explains calmly.
"Who is that? Puck, Arn please explain."
"For now, just know my name is Morgen. Please understand that your son wishes to atone for what he's done. As well as the fact that I shall not make him suffer or keep him here forever. Neither of those are my intent for him. I swear on my life." Morgen pipes up before Arn or Puck can do so for her.
Esmie takes a moment to respond before telling her, "I would see you face to face. I would see who keeps my son in a strange land. And I would ask why once I am there. Am I clear on this miss?"
"Transparently. I shall speak to you readily upon your arrival ma'am." Morgen calmly states to her, remaining ever polite. She knows this woman may give her scrutiny at first. But she also knows she must remain steadfast in her choice, for her own sake and Arn's. Believing this punishment will ensure he remembers that with his actions come various results, and consequences that he must be prepared for. As well as understand wholeheartedly.
Arn meanwhile sits down on the bed and asks Morgen, "Can I....be alone for a while? I want to think."
"That's fine Arn, but if you need anything just let us know."
Morgen then closed the door and locked it, asking War to go find Bardak and Death. Little did she know, what mess those two had gotten into. Course War did leave Arthur with her first, giving Morgen time to bond with her baby brother.
Death had meanwhile followed Bardak to a random spot in the woods outside the forest. He looked upon the quiet water within the stream they'd found.
"So, what is it? What else can you possibly tell me?"
"Ya need to release yerself, and yer feelings. Take the time to process it all." Bardak states.
"You really think now is the time?"
"No please, take ALL THE FUCKING TIME YOU NEED! I need to catch my breath anyway, now give me a moment." Leatherbeard suddenly shouted before sitting on a rock.
To Death and Bardak, it looked as though he just disappeared as soon as he sat down. Leatherbeard doesn't notice he's been teleported, YET AGAIN, until he turns around to look where he thinks Death and Bardak are.
"Now lets get this show on the.....OH FILS DE PUTE! DAMN THESE FAERIES, DAMN THIS PLACE, DAMN THEIR FUCKING MAGIC, DAMN THESE FUCKING HORSEMEN, AND DAMN THIS FUCKING...", He begins shouting until finding out the rock is not there to be thrown anymore, "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
Death and Bardak hear this, and look at each other, "Hear something?"
Death only shrugs before they hear another shout of anger.
"So aside from....THAT, yer feelings?" Bardak inquires since they now have time.
"Ugh....I don't need a counselor right now."
"Come on Death, get it out. Do you want this girl or not? Do you like her or not?" Bardak presses him.
"ENOUGH! Just stop it Bardak! Pushing me isn't going to help. Just please, stop. Don't force it. Leave me be." Death implores him whilst holding his head.
Bardak looks at him concerned and calmly places a hand on his shoulder, "Sorry, but the thing is you're not in the past. You may have stuff back there that's really awful but you need to know how to deal with the problem. Not just bottle it up. Or hide from it in your home all the time. You need to get past it somehow, grow. When I see you looking at Morgen, I can see you're not focusing on the past. You ever heard of the love at first sight phenomenon?"
Death shook his head, "Isn't that a trope in romance stories?"
"I mean yes, but not in this case. It's an actual psychological phenomenon that happens, heard it from some humans that got trapped in here. Turns out it's an actual thing that happens where if people stare each other in the eyes for more than forty-five seconds, they have a feeling of true love."
Death couldn't help but laugh, "Are you serious?"
"Yes completely serious, entire long lasting relationships have been started and lasted because of one stare."
Death sighed, "If you say so."
"You're gonna need to relax Death. I hear relaxing helps ya understand yerself. Try meditating, I remember you always use that to calm down.
Death did as Bardak suggested to best of his ability, but couldn't help picturing Morgen in his head. Soon enough he saw her as well. However, she was in a flowing white dress with a veil. A clear indication of marriage happening. Course all of a sudden her dress shifted into a lingerie set. Morgen then flashed him a sly but sweet smile. Death then snaps out of it, as he feels something cold on his wrist. A strange spiral mark that fades just as quickly as he'd seen and felt it. The sort of cooling effect faded as the mark did. He does notice however, that it's glow was as iridescent as Morgen's wing tattoos. Quickly he grabs a stick and begins to draw the spiral shape in the dirt.
"Hey Bardak, you may want to see this real quick."
Bardak looked at it curiously and feels the spiral resembles an axe's edges, "Why the hell does that resemble axe edges?"
"I dunno, it looks like my scythe to me. At least the blade portion of it."
Bardak gained a cautious look, "I dunno, looks like kind of creepy. Especially since it looks like weapons, or rather the business ends of em. A little disconcerting. Ok lets try and find another conversation topic. What else do you like about Morgen? You told me about her personality, what about her appearance? Why not tell me more than simply saying she's beautiful?"
"I don't know. She's smells nice?", Death begins before shutting his mouth, "Poor choice.....that was a poor choice of words there. Please disregard what I said."
"Now hold on there, what you said was also a little enlightening. Not just creepy. Cause scent is very important when it comes to attraction. Because if ya smell good to someone when yer unclean, or vice versa, that's your brains saying yer compatible. Or rather your immune systems are." Bardak states.
"Get on with it!"
"Ok anyway, what I'm saying is yer attracted to her for many different reasons in many different ways. One being, her personality. Second being, her looks. Not gonna lie, ya chose pretty well. Third being biology, as ya two are apparently compatible. And finally, the one look ya keep giving each other. In other words, BAM, yer stuck."
Death cocked his head, "So you're telling me my body has already decided for me what I want?"
"That and your sub conscious, assuming you were thinking of her while meditating."
"Shut up."
"Heheh..hehe....I knew it." Bardak says chuckling, "So I can technically use some of my superior inquisition."
"Ah, well nobody expected that." Death replied simply.
"Right. Ok. Welp I'll go patrol over there and you go wherever." Bardak tells him walking off.
"He hasn't shown up again."
"Oh right."
Meanwhile Leatherbeard was stuck in a forest full of poison ivy. He grumbles in pure rage and begins cursing the forest and ivy. Only to suddenly realize he may have pissed someone else off.
He sees the ivy moving and realizes where he probably is, "THAT MOTHERFUCKING DRYAD!!!"
Wiseman decides to up the ante by teleporting Leatherbeard to the mountains of Dover. Leatherbeard runs out of the woods and accidentally off a cliff into those very mountains. Landing in the water with a massive splash, luckily it doesn't hurt him.
"At least I'm in territory I'm familiar with." Leatherbeard grumbles before swimming underwater to try and find his ship. Upon breaching the surface, he's suddenly in a lake somewhere else, "GAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU FUCKING BUSHY WHORE!"
Wiseman then spooks Leatherbeard with a thunderstorm overhead for insulting Aspen in such a way. Course Aspen has no idea what he's doing, beyond the fact he's sleeping in his usual spot and occasionally laughing in his sleep. Smiling she places a few of her roots around him to temporarily take root there.
Death meanwhile begins to wonder how it might feel after so long of not having a woman in bed. Course the more he imagines it, the more nervous he gets as he tries to avoid thinking certain things. Only wanting to keep the simple idea of seeing her beside him in his mind right now. Course Bardak notices his nervous body language and the growing blush at they walk on.
"What ya thinking about?"
"I'm......just imagining...how it may feel to have a woman in bed with me again. But a certain 'other thought' keeps invading my mind." Death admits clearly embarrassed about it.
"Those thoughts are only natural to have sometimes. For now though, all ya need to do is let her know. I'm sure the uncertainty is either annoying or worrying for her. Probably even both if yer that unlucky. Which I doubt, given how much stupid luck ya got." Bardak states simply yet firmly.
"Let her know what exactly? How I feel about her? My concerns on how things may be if we get together?" Death asks.
Bardak facepalms, "All of it. Let it out. Ya need to let people know how feel, it's natural. What are ya, reliving the teen years ya didn't have?"
"Ok ok I'll think of something, just zip it already. I'll try and tell Morgen soon."
"Ya know? The longer ya wait, the harder it's gonna be for ya to tell her. I'll shut up about it, but yer gonna need to tell her soon, real soon. If it really is that hard, just show it. I hear actions speak louder than words...sometimes. Anyway, let's get back to the castle." Bardak explains.
"Uh right. Thanks by the way, for the talk and all that." Death says, awkwardly rubbing his neck.
"Not a problem."
Eventually the two got back inside the castle in time to see the place freshly cleaned. Death and Bardak however, could still smell the blood. Just as Morgen comes over with Arthur, Death stops her.
"What's going on, what happened? We can both smell blood in the air."
Morgen only sighs, "It's been managed just so you know. So promise me you won't panic when I tell you."
"We'll see Morgen, just tell me what's happened."
"Fine then, a young werewolf was sent by Leatherbeard to retrieve myself and Arthur. Puck however got him to stop and I managed to convince him to turn himself in for what he did to achieve the task. He's currently under house arrest in one of the rooms. And may be going through a crisis right now. I'm not sure though as he wished to be alone for a while." Morgen explains.
"Wait, ya said a young werewolf. How young?" Bardak inquires.
"He's a teenager, midteens specifically in terms of how he's aging. Why?"
"Bardak, what are you thinking?" Death questions him.
"Ehhhh...maybe...I'm thinking maybe I might be able to help this kid a little bit, that's all."
"Puck did ask that you be the one guard him. So you'll get plenty of chances for sure if you want to speak to him." Morgen states.
"Wait a minute...why would Puck...of ALL PEOPLE...be concerned about this?" Death inquires curiously.
"He knew the boy when he was small. Even called up his Mother in Spain, and she's coming down soon to see him. They've apparently been separated for a long time." Morgen says before leading them to the room.
"Wait a minute...who is this kid anyway?" Death asks her.
"His name is Arn, and he was a gladiator that Uther manipulated into taking the job to retrieve me and Arthur. He even promised the boy he'd get to go home." Morgen tells them with a sorrowful tone.
"Are you serious? Someone must be pulling my leg right now."
"Death, do I look anything but serious right now? Seriously?" Morgen asked him with a sudden defensive tone.
"Ok ok fair enough I get it. Why so defensive right now?"
"Yeah no offense Morgen, but that was a bit impromptu on yer part. So where'd that come from?" Bardak adds to Death's inquiry.
Morgen sighs deeply and takes a deep breath before answering, "I feel awful for him. He only wants to go home, and was fooled by the one man I hate most in this life. Given a false promise that he'd go home if he did something awful for him. Pardon my saying so, but asking me if I was serious seemed a bit unsympathetic on your part Death. So do excuse me for being a bit upset at that."
"Uhhhhh...ehhhh...right. Someone explain to me how bad Uther is? I've not heard any stories about this Uther character where I live. And nobody's explained shit about anything." Bardak brings up.
Death then proceeds to explain the current events and situation for him.
"Ok, those are some good reasons. Are there anymore things I should know about before I sink my axe into him?"
"Only this Bardak, that he's a VERY depraved man. One who would abuse his own Stepdaughter in ways that no man should. If you get my meaning." Morgen explains vaguely.
Bardak sighs, "Ok then...well....where is he at so I can go kill him?"
"Don't do anything reckless. Believe me, I tried that and found myself in a dungeon being tortured. And being kicked through a wall, before the being punched through a wall part..." Death expresses a bit embarrassed at that.
"As a Father myself, I find the fact he considers himself to be a Father to be disgraceful. He does NOT deserve to be called that." Bardak informs Morgen.
Morgen only nodded and continued to lead the two gentlemen on. Meanwhile Mina had actually found the motivation to do some work. She made sure Puck was sober...ish enough to make a decent meal and found some clothes for Arn to wear. She could only hope they'd fit though. Mina knocked on the door gently and called through to the boy,
"Hello in there. Puck's got some food for ye, and I've brought some clothes. You good for visiting?"
Arn turned away from the window he was staring out of, "Sure, come in."
"Alright Laddie, hopefully these fit ya. Just try em on to be sure. If they don't Puck'll probably have something for ya." Mina told him as she set the clothes beside him.
Arn watched as the short red head left and looked up at Puck, who had placed a tray of cooked meat down. "She seems nice.", Arn says before he starts removing the tattered remnants of what he was wearing.
Puck looks at Arn's back and arms. He can't help but be disturbed at how many scars he has now. Especially at the deepest of those scars.
"So what did they have ya fighting in there? I know that much happens in those things....the fighting." Puck inquired concerned.
"Most of the time it was animals. Thought it was funny to watch a human animal face regular animals. The people however....it was mostly last man standing....I guess I was lucky.", Arn explains going behind a partition to dress himself.
"Interesting interesting.....fucking assholes, all of them."
"The cells they kept us in weren't much better. The slavers seemed to get a kick out of watching us fight over food. There was one among us who thought otherwise. His presence alone just sent chills down the other's spines. I remember one night he broke up a fight between a few of us. He told us, "We are not animals.". His name was Sygr, he even helped me out a couple times in the arena.", Arn states simply.
"So what else can ya tell me about this Sygr eh? Did he teach ya anything about keeping control over the werewolf in ya?"
"He told me he was from the North. That he was a viking, and as for teaching me, it was more or less advice....when's the next full moon?" He asks a bit nervously.
"I can't answer that question, but I may know someone who can. Just wait here, eat up, and I'll see if I can find and ask him." Puck responds before heading out of the room. Course he spots Bardak with Morgen and Death just outside the door.
They're down the hall talking with Mina, as she prepares a bowl of warm water to clean the dried blood from Arn's arm. Luckily Puck remembers this much and goes back in to remind Arn to mind the sleeve of his shirt. Luckily he hadn't even put it on yet.
"Eh keep the shirt off a little bit longer. Mina's coming in to get rid of some of the blood. And also you're about to meet a werebear, who's also a very large Orc at that."
"Mom has Orcs for bodyguards. I think I know how to handle em.", Arn replies getting the new pants on at least.
"Hmm, this Orc is no brute. He's actually quite nice, rather upstanding." Puck informs him.
He doesn't notice Bardak as he comes up behind him, "As long as ya keep yer manners and are nice, I'll be nice. Heheheh..."
Arn can't but gawk at the nine foot Orc in front of him as Puck introduces the two, "Arn this is Bardak, the werebear. Bardak, this is Arn. He's eh my.....one of my best friend's lads. Long story there, but for another time. Anyway boy's wanting to know when the next full moon is."
"Erhm....I'd say in about five days to week or so. Give or take." Bardak states thoughtfully.
"Good...won't have to worry about losing control again for a while.", Arn explains after he gets a hold of himself.
"The only reason I check is for my kids. Me and myself when it's full moon, heheh...that's just a party with some of my friends, that's all. How well do ya control yerself when you turn most of the time?"
Arn looks up at Bardak after a moment of thought, "Control is a way of looking at it...I can change my form with some effort, it still hurts a lot when I do....I just don't have any control during the full moon nights."
"Not what I meant when I said control. I'm asking, how much of ya is in control when yer in that form. Are ya still you, or are ya the beast? Cause from what I'm hearing, yer still a beast in that form with only a smidge of control." Bardak presses firmly but calmly.
"That sounds about right. I feel like I have less and less control the more I change. But that's how I've survived this long.", Arn responds.
"Hmph, well then. Something tells me ya need a teacher, and a guide for this whole thing." Bardak tells him before glancing at Puck, "Puck I'm gonna need some ingredients for this...tea that puts ya on a vision quest."
"So what yer telling me is ye need some mind altering drugs so ye can have an hallucinatory trip? Ok, I'm gonna have to say NO! HELL NO! I am NOT handing ye that so ye can give it to HIM! Have ye MET HIS MOTHER, NOT A GOOD IDEA."
Death chuckled from the doorway, "That's funny coming from you."
"I will not have any of us getting a shoe to the head! His Mother will turn me into Chorizo!"
"That's pork." Death replies sarcastically.
"I don't care she's still gonna put me on nachos!"
"That's Mexican." Death says snickering badly.
"Ok then smartass, what about uh...Chivo Guisade Picante?"
"That's the Dominican Republic!" Death shouts as he starts laughing his ass off.
"Well if anything else she's gonna put me in her Chilindron!"
"There you go! Took you long enough, went from point A to point Z, great work." Death spouts out between laughs.
"Eh fuck off."
"I guess you know a bit more than you let on Bones.", Arn says as he is able to chow down on his meat platter.
"Perhaps I'll tie myself to a pole and dangle above you if you want a bone so badly pup."
"I doubt you'd taste good. Probably like something from a crypt.", Arn responds with a smirk, course despite his own lean figure at some angles his bones can be seen.
"Now now that would depend on the upkeep. Besides that's pretty funny coming from a kid who's got little to nothing on his bones."
"At least I have something other than skin on my bones.", Arn retorts.
"Fur doesn't count puppy. Better luck next time." Death replies smirking.
Bardak meanwhile thinks to himself, 'Why the hell is Death starting a pissing competition with a child? Seriously, he doesn't need to worry about........wait a second....this isn't a pissing contest. This is a pissing off contest. Alright Death I'll bite, let's see how thick his skin is. Let's me know what I gotta work with in terms of his anger levels.'
Death swears he sees an eye twitch as Arn returns to eating. A smidge angrier than before. He shakes his head with a slight chuckle, and actually claps, "Well done. Lesser men older than you would've been yelling or cursing me by now. Clearly you've learned something at least. That is to say, you know when to back down from a fight."
"Backing down pisses me off more.", Arn mentions as his hand flexes as if ready to shift but somehow it doesn't. Thinking back to Sygr's words in the arena, "We are not ANIMALS."
"Ok ok ok, obviously that's poking too many buttons. You should leave Death." Bardak tells him.
"Alright alright, I wasn't expecting that to anger him. But in hindsight, I really should've. I'll see you later old friend." Death responds before leaving.
Bardak then turned his attention to Arn, "Ok so that escalated quickly. Ya alright kid?"
"Yeah. Just....thinking on some words of wisdom I guess.", Arn replies in an angered yet slightly depressed tone.
Bardak patted and scritched his head a bit, "You'll be alright kid. For the most part Death's an ass, but in this instance he wasn't trying to be."
Just in that moment, and small white blur moved into the room. Arn couldn't see what it was yet, he only heard panting. It sounded like a small dog. Bardak looked down and shook his head a bit before chuckling. He could certainly smell the fur ball too.
"What are you doing here now Fuzziball?"
Fuzzball made an offended, "Merph.", before walking around the bed. Arn had NEVER seen such a small, fluffy thing before. Part of him wanted to eat him, but the other wanted to pet his soft looking fluff. Fuzzball cocked his head at the teen curiously before coming up to him. He then pawed at Arn's foot.
"What is this...thing?", Arn asks seeing the small critter.
"That my friend is a rodent, well a Limt. And a personal pet of Death. To kill him or eat him is to invoke the Reaper's wrath. I wouldn't recommend doing that." Puck informs him.
"His name's Fuzzball by the way, not Fuzziball. Only I can call him that." Bardak states.
Fuzzball barks in greetings at Arn before panting a little and rubbing against his leg. Course he feels something weird on his leg too, and realizes there's something on Fuzzball's head. Arn finds it strange, but lowers his hand to Fuzzball's level. Working to gently remove the thing on Fuzzball's head. Once he's got it, he notices it's a tiny glittery, pink, bow. Fuzzball is happily panting away and scritches himself a bit whilst Arn inspects the bow.
"Now who would leave this on you?", Arn asks as he rubs on the rodent.
"That would probably be from the King's, brother's daughters. And if you're wondering, the King nearly killed his brother recently. As well the girls too, but this one got in the way. And turned into a very bloody mess. I'm a little bit surprised he's even alive, one would've thought he'd died when they saw all the blood. But nope. He pulled through the fluffy little warrior." Puck informs him.
Arn looks at Puck weird, "This rodent actually protected people? Hmph...guess big things do come in small packages."
He even picks the little guy up in one hand. Fuzzball then takes the opportunity to hop into Arn's lap and lay down. Rolling over and being all adorable with those little happy pants. Arn is a bit awkward and looks at Puck again.
Puck chuckles and tells him, "I'm sure Death won't mind if ye pet him. He knows that little rodent is a lap dog at heart."
"Forgive me if I prefer dogs.", Arn responds gently, giving Fuzzball some belly rubs.
Fuzzball enjoys the attention and soon falls asleep. Course Puck hears a small knocking and when he checks the doorway he sees Anna and Elaine.
"Hi Mr. Puck, is Fuzzball in there?" Anna asks sweetly.
"Mmhmm, we wanted to see where he went. He was panting a lot earlier when we were outside."
"I'm sorry girls but Fuzzball is being cute as per his duty, for someone who wants some privacy." Puck informs kindly.
"Oh ok, well can you watch Fuzzball for us? He really was panting an awful lot." Anna insists.
"Yeah, he even looked like a melted ice cream." Elaine explains a bit worried.
"I wonder why, must've overheated and needs a fur cut. I'll bring him to Death later. Why don't you go over to Mina and get some ice water for the little guy to drink, ok?" Puck tells them.
They nod and scurry off quickly to tell Mina, and maybe Death if they find him.
"Who were they?", Arn asks Puck curiously.
"Those were Vortigern's daughters. Uther's nieces. They're the ones that this little thing protected." Puck states.
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 26: Hauntings Ancient and New
"To be honest...I want to protect the ones I care about. And my Mama calls our home a tavern, but it's really a brothel. My Mama and the girls mean a lot to me, they were there for me when no one else was. Seeing the abuse some of those girls endured....just made me want to protect them. Mi familia." Arn tells her after some thought.
"That's a very honorable virtue you have. I hope you get to see your family again." Anna replies taking his hand.
Arn feels a warmth he's been missing for a long while. Course then his stomach interrupts that for him. He turns bright red as Anna giggles at the massive growl that comes from it. Luckily their food comes on down soon enough. Anna begins savoring her meal of lamb chops happily, whilst Arn enjoys a juicy steak inside broth. Arn's eyes widen as he savors the first bite, before he begins devouring it quickly. He stops halfway into it though as Anna is holding back the urge to giggle again. That and he can sense a possible boot about to be thrown his way. So he cleans up his manners and begins eating slowly like Anna is doing. He then chooses to pay for the meal to be a gentleman, since he has money from his arena winnings. Anna is thankful but decides to pay for a dessert for both of them to share. A pretty hefty ice cream sundae clearly made for two. Anna gets all giddy each time their spoons come close. Arn then gets an idea and asks if she'd like a bite of the ice cream flavor on his side. Anna nods accepting it, and lights up with delight as he spoon feeds her the bite. Her ears flitting to and fro to Arn's own delight. He's then surprised by Anna doing the same for him. His tail pops out and wags a little bit as he accepts the bite, then her smile makes his ears flit as hers are doing. Anna sees his tail is out and decides to reveal hers too, feeling comfortable enough around him. Oddly enough, it's got a cream colored tip that looks a bit like a heart. Arn can't help but comment on it.
"That is kinda cute."
Blushing a little Anna tells him, "Really? I used to get bullied for it."
"At least you have some color. Mine is just black.", Arn says raising his tail to show her.
"The guys who teased me probably would've liked you. They were all for solid colors, and compared me to a fox."
"I likely would've made them eat their words. Plenty of girls I knew had pretty fur colors." Arn states with conviction.
"Really? Shame we only met today. Would've enjoyed such a sweet protector."
Arn chuckles before saying, "And I probably would've liked having such a beauty for company, a f-friend even...if n-not more."
Anna giggles and blushes hard, "You really think I'm pretty?"
"Yes. Y-you're pretty. B-beautiful even!" Arn quickly shouts in extreme nervousness before holding his mouth shut.
Anna is surprised by that proclamation of course, "Oh wow....that's...gotta be the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me."
Arn flattens his ears and tucks his tail as he gets a bit more embarrassed, "I'm sure there's been other people who t-t-t-thought so."
"Actually aside from my parents and family, not really. Although.....if you're saying that....does it mean that you like.....that I'm your....eh uhm......you know your....c-c-crush I guess?" Anna inquires shyly as her own ears flatten too.
He is silent for a while before he finally replies, "I guess so."
Nergal suddenly comes up asking, "Do you wish to have a bit chardonnay, brandy, or bourbon? Or maybe a nice shot of gin? Or maybe you two lovebirds....wait sorry no... would you two adolescents like some absinthe?"
All of sudden Esmie pops in, "Oh no you don't amigo, get over here."
"I'm sorry but I'm assisting." Nergal explains before she jumps up and grabs him by the ear.
As the two begin bickering a bit, Anna glances at Arn before motioning away from the area. She then finally whispers to him as he doesn't get it.
"Let's get out of here."
Arn gets a moment of realization before quickly nodding and vacating with her right away. Esmie doesn't notice they're gone until Nergal chuckles a bit to himself.
"Wait....where did they go?"
"My work here is done." Nergal states before turning to walk off with Esmie still on his ear.
"Usted hijo de puta!" Esmie shouts before smacking him across the face, to no reaction whatsoever from him.
"Hmhmhmhm....That won't do much good. Now let's get going so that the couple can enjoy themselves. And also....kindly remove yourself from my ear. I'm not into rabbit foot bling." Nergal simply tells her.
"Oh calla ojete." Esmie tells him annoyed before letting go finally.
Nergal just laughs at her, "Question? Do you have anyone in your life? Aside from your son, any other man in your life?"
"I do not. As a businesswoman, I lack the time most other ladies have. It would benefit Arn to have a male presence in his life sure, but the regular bounty hunters from the local guild would likely do just fine. They're all good men, the lot of them. Although that Sygr fellow is.....actually nevermind. Forget I said anything." Esmie explains.
"So are you into giants yourself?"
"Shut. It." Esmie tells him a bit miffed.
"Already pushing buttons? Hmm, usually it takes longer. Perhaps what I said wasn't appropriate then. Maybe Sygr just reminds you of someone. You did say your friend, Arn's Father Argus, was a demon didn't you?"
"Watch it."
"Just how close were you two?" Nergal asks her, knowing full well what's coming.
Esmie about goes into her full form, but just as quickly holds back. Placing her hands on a nearby bench as she takes a few deep breaths. Finally she looks back at Nergal when she's absolutely sure she won't explode, "It's none of your business, not a story for you. Now leave it be."
"What kind of nightmare happened with you? Do tell, I'm rather interested. You tell, I tell. Simple enough?" Nergal questions her sitting down on that very bench.
"Argus and I were always friends. It never went further.....although I sometimes wish it did. I enjoyed his company, his personality, and even his appearance. But I knew better than to be a homewrecker. So when Argus began speaking of Clawdette, I let him have her. I never once got in their way, even viewed Clawdette as an older sister of sorts. She was tough, no nonsense, and while somewhat feral she was still caring. I was never jealous of her, not once. Their deaths both hit me harder than I care to admit. I kept it hidden from Arn as he grew, but I couldn't hold it together forever. Not all the time. You've no idea how many times I drank myself stupid over them. Or how much worse it got after Arn was taken away from me. I try to be strong, only to end up back in the pit."
"What's that like? The pit? I've never been in it, at least to my current knowledge."
"When I say pit, I mean depression. That feeling of just pure emptiness. Like nothing has meaning. That feeling that keeps you up at night, the feeling you get that ensures you don't want to leave your bed in the morning. You just become so indifferent to almost everything and everyone. You stop paying attention to what's around you. You wallow in your own self pity, pain, suffering, or whatever may have brought you to that ever swallowing pit of despair."
"Well then, I guess I was born in this pit." Nergal responds simply.
Esmie gets a shocked expression and immediately questions, "How is that even possible? To be born into perpetual depression?"
"Try being born without the capability to express emotions properly. With them being distant or none existent at times. Them being overbearing almost difficult to handle. To have a need that you know will never be fulfilled. Knowing someone loves you, but you cannot love them back. But you must try, or else your purpose is no longer necessary in your eyes. Or seeking someone's approval, that you'll never get. I dunno if that's a pit but, it somewhat fits your description."
"Sounds like a mix of that and borderline sociopathy. Course I could just not know you well enough yet. You said you knew someone loves you at least, even if loving them is damn near impossible. So do you perhaps have the ability to express things like compassion or empathy?", Esmie inquires calmly.
"Based on what I can remember, compassion is an interesting emotion. It's....it's hard to describe. To feel remorse for something that is insignificant or is that incorrect?"
"You're way off. Remorse is to put it simply, feeling bad for something you have done. Compassion is just being kind and the ability to be that way. Giving kindness for the sake of it and for the sake of others. Sometimes even yourself to feel good for the day." Esmie explains.
"Ah I see....I have found I can be kind. At least according to the woman I share a bed with. If you count tree roots as a bed anyway." Nergal states before noticing Esmie's weird expression, "She's a Dryad."
"Oh ok, now I get it. But Dryads can read others extremely well, better than most demons I daresay. If she says you're kind, then surely she's correct. Does she tell you you're anything else? That you have certain things to you that you may not notice?"
"She tells I'm often cold and distant, and yet warm and close. It's very strange. I'm a very messed up individual by your standards. I need to go find some food of my own now though. Why don't you think upon the Sygr situation, I'm going to a tavern and probably going to make a man question his drinking problems." Nergal explains before walking off.
Esmie is unsure of what to make of the situation but decides to consider how being with Sygr might pan out for her. Where as Morgen and Death have finally returned for the books she requested. As expected, there was precious little. In fact the 'book' itself, was incredibly small and shaped like a heptagon with a seven pointed star etched on the front cover for a design. The cover was simply a darkened leather with pages that looked extremely old. Even the language it was written in baffled Morgen.
"I'm sorry miss, but this is all I could find. I'd have told you it's contents if I could read the language. But it's not one I know." The elder pixie librarian told her.
"It's quite alright. I half expected there'd be nothing. Oh well, we'll just bring these back to our carriage for now. Thank you...oh and of course here's money to replace their vacant spaces."
Death then picks up the heavy box of spellbooks and other books in general and heads out to drop it off at the carriage. Morgen stays behind to pay for it all of course. Then she joins Death outside.
"Sorry to make you do that heavy lifting. Hopefully you're healed enough after every...."
"Believe me I'm fine."
Morgen then looks back towards the old path and shudders, "I severely doubt those guards are though."
"Yeah but we likely would've had to kill them ourselves if they weren't hollow statues now. Let's just be glad we were spared an unneeded fight. So I'm guessing the language of the book is unknown to you as well?"
"I've looked through it, and I can't say I recall it's meaning. I feel like I should know what it's saying and yet I don't." Morgen expresses a bit discouraged.
Death pauses as he's tying the box down and gently places a hand under her chin. He then lifts her face up, "Hey now, don't get discouraged. Perhaps it's part of your memories, and you just haven't reached that part yet. So what if you don't recall? Memory is rarely perfect, sometimes it's even wrong all together. Now...where is everyone?"
"Thank you Death. And I don't know." Morgen replies looking around a bit confused before continuing, "Maybe we could just rest in the carriage for now? Wait until everyone is back."
"Or perhaps we could actually do something else around the village for a bit. A simple walk perhaps?" Death suggests offering his arm.
Morgen snickered softly but wrapped her arm in his, "Look at you being all open to enjoying social activities Mr. Antisocial."
"Said Ms. Social Butterfly, who wanted to rest in the carriage for the rest of the day." Death points out.
Morgen rolls her eyes as Death chuckles a bit. They walk past the tavern Nergal's in and notice a man looking very much drained. Then a few more are seen as they pass it by. They decide to avoid the tavern for now and focus on enjoying the walk together. Course they do stop for a bit of dinner as well. Morgen mostly tells Death a few of the nicer stories about her childhood as he listens intently. Course she does eventually coax him into telling a few stories himself. Such as any about how he met his friends and a few regarding his family members. Ultimately the two enjoy each other's company.
Arn and Anna meanwhile had decided to go see the secret place Anna mentioned before. After following an ancient looking pathway with ivy and other plants covering it, Arn saw it. A ruined castle like fortress that had clearly seen a battle once. One that was a massacre from what he could gather as he observed the skeletal remains of knights around him. What he didn't expect, was that he only saw knights of Uther's kingdom. No other combatants' bodies lay around there. Either none of the enemy died, they were each other's enemies for some reason, or something different happened. Arn briefly thought he could hear the sounds of the men's battle cries and deaths in the air around him.
Anna's voice suddenly pierced through to him, "Hey Arn, you ok over there? You kinda spaced out for a second."
"Yeah I'm fine.", Arn replied before focusing on her and avoiding the skeletons.
The two then began to enter the ruins proper. Arn found the fact that there were more skeletons inside to be VERY disconcerting. Course Anna came up to him and held his hand.
"It's ok, they're not gonna come to life I promise. They never have. Yeah they're a little scary at night but they're just remains...right?" Anna told him with a bit of nervousness.
"Well let's not try to disturb them. I get the feeling they didn't die peacefully.", Arn says even wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
Anna blushes after a slight jump but quickly tells him, "Yeah uhm...let's not disturb them. The main building is my favorite place, it's got lots of interesting things in there."
"Right." Arn responds as she guides him to the main building.
The two then enter and the foyer holds many hallways that have been ravaged by both fires and time. Anna only leads him down the main one though, as it's the least cluttered. It leads to massive double doors and the two find ancient stairs behind them. They manage to hold up surprisingly, but Arn is still nervous about it as they go up. Finally at the top, Anna pulls him by the hand to a specific room. On the door of it are many intricate designs pertaining to the moon, night sky, and stars. The name plaque that was once on it was broken off at the intial, an M. Inside the room was a gorgeous bed that looked WAY too pristine for such an derelict place. In fact, most of the room looked to be in mostly good condition. Aside from occasional broken small items across the floor. Arn also sees a portrait that's torn in a specific place, lifting the torn part up, he sees an eerily familiar face.
Anna notes his reaction and comes over, "Something wrong?"
Arn shakes his head and drops the torn piece, "Nothing...just an old painting."
"Right. Well I guess the white haired lady is very pretty huh? I always wonder who she was. She always seems so happy in that portrait with the other knights. Do you think she had a good life? Or do you perhaps think more cynically than me?"
"I don't know...but she does look very happy." Arn states simply.
He does smirk a bit however. Knowing that despite everything, Morgen still has days when she smiles just as brightly.
Anna of course picks up a nearby book and hugs it, "This is her journal, at least I think it is. I know you're not supposed to read them, but....it's been such an inspiration for me. I wish I could've met her. Everyone always says she was a kind woman when I ask them. That she was always willing to help those who needed her. While not as good in fight as her fellow knights, she'd use her magic to defend and heal all she could."
Arn thinks for a minute before saying, "You speak of her like she was your role model."
"She is in a way. Do you wanna see her armor? It's still all nice and shiny. It's in this walk in closet over here." Anna asks as she hurries over to the doors.
Arn follows her and is in awe with her when he sees it, "Looks like it never saw a day of wear."
He feels however in the back of his mind that something is amiss, but can't quite place it. Instead he looks upon the set in more awe. The designs are as intricate as they come, which makes sense given that Morgen is a princess. The theme surprised him however, white and silvery blue for the colors with unicorn styled ornaments on it. Hanging off the pauldrons were tiny white unicorn horns on thin chains. The helm of sorts had a short unicorn horn attached to the front, the horn itself being cresent shaped. Aside from those decals, were moon and night designs mixed with scenes of unicorns that looked straight out of vintage paintings. Little do he or Anna know however, that a certain spirit has been stirred by their presence. Anna however keeps Arn busy so they remain oblivious as he approaches the room slowly.
"Her armor is just so beautiful, I'll bet when she wore it she was even more beautiful as a result."
"I'm sure she would...Anna...I have something to say..." Arn starts to say when he suddenly notices something in the armor, a reflection behind them of a figure. He suddenly shouts, "Get Behind Me!", drawing his long knife and putting Anna behind him to face the figure.
They find a ghostly knight before them who asks them two simple questions, "Why have you come? What do you want with this place?"
"What's it to you?", Arn responds making sure Anna is safely behind him.
"I once lived in these halls. I served the lady whose room and closet you're currently standing in. I defend this place even in death from intruders who would do harm here. So I will ask once more, and once only. WHY HAVE YOU COME AND WHAT DO YOU WANT?" The knight booms down at them.
Arn growls before he finally answers, "We didn't mean any harm. We were just looking around, nothing was taken."
"You will leave then, now. I see no reason for you to remain in this place of death. Nor do I see why you..." The knight explains before pointing at Anna, "...need to keep coming back here after tonight."
Anna protests of course, "Uh please....I've never taken anything. I always leaves things where they belong."
"Yet you continue to VIOLATE the privacy of my fair lady. Something she valued highly above most things aside from her duties to this realm."
"She inspires me! I never meant any harm! I love her story and if anything looked too personal I wouldn't read it. I always skipped those more personal bits." Anna pleads.
"Your intent may not have been bad. But I cannot let this slight go. I can only forgive it if you leave and never return. There's nothing here for the living, not anymore."
Arn however has his own two gilt to give, "What do you know of your lady? What she has become?"
"Who are you to ask me that? A child of wolf and....something else. Something....older. Far older than me."
Arn grits his teeth, "Watch what you say ghost."
"I have no obligation to you. I'm already dead so your threats mean nothing boy. Besides, even a young wolf from the arena is no match for the dead. Especially a knight who has disciplined himself in combat when compared to a savage gladiator."
"I WARNED YOU!" Arn shouts before charging the ghost.
The knight sighs before simply grabbing him by his head. With this act he slams Arn into the ground once before releasing him, "That will be your only warning child. Leave now while I'm still in a decent mood. I won't harm you further so long as you follow my instructions."
Arn gets up and growls before going to charge again. Anna however grabs his arm, "Stop it. Let's just go.....even if it means....I can't come back anymore..."
Arn notes her voice cracks and sees her beginning to cry. He relents, but tells the knight, "This is not over. You will see reason yet."
"And yet you failed to until just now? Believe me. There's nothing left to this folly. Just leave." The knight replies simply.
Anna then leads Arn away to leave the area, whilst the spirit remains in the room. His lonely vigil ever present, even in his demise.
Arn hugs Anna as they walk away outside, "I'm so sorry Anna. It's probably my fault he's being so harsh to you. But I promise I'll make sure you can keep going back there whenever you wish."
"How....how can you promise that?" Anna inquires as she sobs.
"Let's just say, I know somebody he'll have to listen to." Arn tells her.
"About what he said....the knight. What was he talking about?"
"Uhm....well you know I'm Werewolf. But the other part of me....it's something even scarier. I don't want to discuss it, but a lot of people hate the race my Father came from."
Anna looks at him sadly, "Oh. That sounds pretty shitty of them."
"People have good reasons to hate the race. But not everyone in the race was or is a bad person. At least Mama says my Father certainly was always better than his kin usually were."
Anna finds herself confused, but ultimately continues to question him, "What about the other part? Where he compared you to a gladiator?"
"I was in.......the arena...until recently. I was captured as a child....and forced to fight most of my life. Fighting at an early age has its privilege....and its price." Arn tells her reluctantly.
Anna looks horrified, which Arn expected, what he wasn't expecting is why she was horrified, "How much have you suffered?"
"More than I care to describe Anna. Anyway, can we...change the subject at least? Please? I really, REALLY don't like talking about this. Lot of bad memories from that place still haunt me." Arn implores of her.
"Oh of course. Sorry to bring that up."
"It's ok. You deserved to know. I kinda owed you for getting us kicked out of there." Arn replies.
"I don't blame you Arn. It wasn't your fault. I should've known I wouldn't be welcome." Anna tells him softly as her tears slowly begin to dry.
"Now let's go talk to that person I think will talk some sense into him."
Esmie soon spots the two and immediately hurries to Arn, "What happened niño? Why is your nose bloody?"
"I'm fine Mama, just a grumpy old ghost. I need to talk to Morgen about him in fact. Where is she?"
"On a walk with Death. They're actually nearly back from what I can see. Why don't you head back to the carriage. I suspect we'll be leaving soo.."
"Mama please, just a bit longer. Besides, it may take a while for Morgen to help us out." Arn protests to her.
Esmie sighs at him, "And what could she possibly need to help you with niño?"
"The ghost that apparently fucked up my nose. He's guarding the place we were at and is being an ass. Especially in regards to Anna. I promised I'd help her continue to be able to keep going back to her favorite place. It's really important to her Mama. Please."
Esmie thinks silently for a moment before hearing Death question her, "Why is it that Arn looks like he was hit recently?"
"Arn actually has something to tell you and Morgen. It involves the thing that did this to him." Esmie explains simply, to Arn's relief.
"Really? Well out with it then, what happened?" Death asks.
"A ghost is haunting the ruins Anna brought me to. He was pissed off and has banished Anna from ever going back. But the ruins should have significance to Miss Morgen, and the ghost knight claims he served her. So I figure maybe he'll listen to reason if Morgen talks to him." Arn tells him.
"Was he vengeful?"
"I don't think so. He only bashed me into the ground once, and I.....kinda...was a.....a dick....I deserved it." Arn admits rubbing his neck.
Death facepalms, "What did you do?"
"Charged at him because he provoked me."
He then sighs, "Of course you did."
Morgen inquires of Arn however, "You said he was a knight, correct?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Pray tell, why banish Anna when it was you who attacked?" Morgen asks calmly.
Anna then timidly steps forward, "I sometimes g-go into an old room there....it has a journal t-t-that I'm guessing is yours.....I'm so sorry for reading it. It just inspired me so much."
Morgen pulls the young girl into a hug as she begins crying, "Easy there my dear. Granted I'd not recommend reading anymore journals. But I do not mind that you read mine. In fact, I'm glad those dismal pages inspired you in some way. Is this really why he's denying further entrance?"
Anna can only nod and sniffles a bit. Causing Morgen to gently stroke her head in a Motherly way. Death can tell by the look in her eye, and on her face, that somebody is getting a stern talking to now.
"You're actually going to talk to that spirit?" Death questions her.
"Yes. For her sake and the sake of others who may go there. The only beings I don't want there, are anyone that would steal from it or cause harm to the place. We're going."
Death sighs to himself, "I suppose I better come with you then. Just in case either his spirit, or someone else's has a vengeful moment."
Morgen nods and lets Death follow her. They come along the path and Death soon begins to feel the agony of many dead beings. Clearly a battle had taken place and he sees just how right he is when he and Morgen reach the fort. Morgen walks around the bodies a bit lost looking as Death starts hearing the voices of those who died in the battle. Course he knows he wouldn't normally hear it unless the area was haunted. He then finally goes over to Morgen as she's examining a body.
"Are you alright?"
"I knew these people...all of them....they fought...and....d-died...for me that day..." Morgen tells him with a crack in her tone.
Death helps her up from the ground before gently holding her, "You don't have to be here Morgen. I'm sure Arn and the girl will understand given your connection to the tragedy here."
"It was MORE than just a tragedy. This was a MASSACRE. All because I was spending more of my time here than at home. Away from HIM." Morgen says with a bit of anger mixed into the sadness.
"You say that as if you believe it's..."
"It WAS MY FAULT!" Morgen shouts at him.
Death remains calm though, knowing full well how overwhelming a haunting can be on someone within it's radius. Mentally, physically, and even emotionally. He gently strokes Morgen's head and tells her, "This wasn't your fault. These men chose to defend you, because you were WORTH saving. Because you ARE worth saving."
Morgen looks up at him in surprise and goes to reply before someone else speaks up, "He is right my lady. I knew the risks, we all did. Even those who survived this horror knew. Only very few of us did. I and those who remain upon these grounds never doubted you. The Reaper speaks true, you are and always were worth saving to all of us."
The two look upon the ghostly knight and Morgen asks him, "Tell me...how long have you remained here? How long has it been since we last spoke....Sir Alphonse?"
"Not yet long enough for you to have forgotten me it seems." Alphonse tells her simply.
"Your voice is as distinct as I recall it to be. As are your manners with guests it seems."
"You're speaking of the boy and girl from earlier?"
"Yes, I am. I can understand you wanting to defend me and any of my things that remain here. But I cannot let you bully or harm people. Especially those under my protection. Besides, the girl Anna doesn't strike me as ill intended. She can keep coming here if she so chooses as I see it. Do I make myself clear on that?" Morgen states authoritatively.
"Transparently your highness. Forgive my transgression, I only meant to keep your secrets as just that, secrets. I remember how important privacy was to you."
Morgen only sighs, "I forgive you, but I will say that I'm at least trying to work on telling people things that need to be said."
"Good. Perhaps you'd like to see what remains here? And take what you were unable to?" Alphonse asks her.
"I suppose I can. Assuming either of us can carry it all."
"As I lived to serve you, I can aid you in this as well my fair lady. No offense to your companion of course." Alphonse states.
"Pardon?" Death questions him.
"I would assume she chose you for companionship given the way you held her a moment ago. Not to mention the way you spoke to her."
"I....uh.....fair enough." Death says awkwardly.
"It seems I'm right to assume then. Given your reaction. Anyway, just this way, and be mindful. The place is old enough to be falling apart because of more than just unrepaired, burnt wood."
"Hmm, well lead on." Death replies with Morgen following alongside him.
Morgen is amazed at how well kept her old room appears aside from a few fallen objects, "How is this room so pristine?"
"A certain....'pest' who keeps coming back. And no I don't speak of the girl."
"There have been other visitors?" Death inquires.
"Yes only a few though. Usually the villagers will leave flowers on occasion to commemorate all we did for them. It's...always a good sight everytime they hold their memorial festival too. So I don't bother the villagers usually. I only got cross with Anna because she was reading your journal and learning secrets of yours. However, there is one man I keep tryng to turn away. He always comes by every few nights hoping I'll miss him. Occasionally he does escape my notice, with some small 'trinket' or two as well."
"That explains why you were so quick to judge Anna. Even so, would I know this person?" Morgen inquires.
"You would. One of your 'suitors' from some years back."
Morgen facepalms next, "I THOUGHT I made it VERY clear as to why I called things off between us."
Death then looks at her shocked, "Wait let me get this straight, you have an ex?"
"Yes. I had hoped he got it through his head though."
"Clearly not if he's sneaking in here and making off with your property." Death expresses with a bit of sarcasm to his tone.
Morgen shakes her head in annoyance before walking out of the room for a moment. Course she hears something that annoys her even more once she's out the door. With her eye twitching, Morgen seeks out the source of the noise. Only to find a cloaked figure coming through a window down the hall.
"Aleyn, what are you doing?"
The figure freezes a bit before turning around slowly, "Morgen? Is that you?"
"Who else would I be Aleyn?"
"I don't know that ghost that hates my guts?"
"Gee I wonder why he would hate you. There a reason you keep coming here to take little things I own?"
"You never came back until now. I suspected you never would after what happened. I had hoped you wouldn't either." Aleyn tells her before freezing again.
"Excuse me?"
"Look Morgen maybe we could talk about it more in a place that isn't haunted by an angry ghost?"
Morgen eyes him suspiciously for a moment, but finally tells him, "Fine. But you're helping bring what's left of my things here to my carriage. And if you say a SINGLE WORD against my current companion, you'll be walking home instead of 'talking privately'."
Aleyn laughed nervously, "Right....heheh...wait you've moved on?"
"I have. What of it?"
"Oh eh...nothing....something to talk about in our private talk later."
Morgen gets suspicious of him all the more but lets him follow her. When he and Death see each other, Death gives a judgmental stare whilst Aleyn gulps.
"Ha-have you come to take his soul?" Aleyn asks nervously pointing at Alphonse.
Alphonse facepalms, "Can I kill him now?"
"No, he's useful for now. Besides I can't afford to make anymore enemies. Having Uther's ire is bad enough." Morgen says.
"So it's true? You ran away from home again? Is it also true that you took Arthur as well?"
Morgen nearly defends herself but Death speaks up, "Her Uncle got her and Arthur out whilst I was rescued by Barrcus. A far better Father to her than Uther ever will be. And given you seem to have sympathy for Uther, does that make me the better man of the two of us?"
"Watch your tongue you son of a whore! You don't know her like I do!"
"Says the man who probably has her underwear tucked away in his bedroom, among other little things of Morgen's. Stalker much?" Death says sarcastically.
"How DARE you? I would NEVER do something so uncouth as to take a woman's undergarments."
"Then what did you take? It had to have been small enough for your shrimpy arms to carry." Death inquires smirking a bit.
Aleyn growls before saying, "That's none of your business."
"Maybe not but it's certainly mine." Morgen tells him firmly.
"Ah....uhhhh....right....well your perfume...some of your make-up that you rarely ever wore....I NEVER WORE IT MYSELF!" Aleyn quickly replies nervously.
"Uh huh. What else?"
"I actually found the wedding dress you would've worn to our wedding and...."
"OK HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! You are NOT about to tell us you do some fucked up role-playing involving that dress are you?" Death asks sounding concerned.
"NO! Now if you DON'T MIND I shall explain. I just keep it around my home as I figure you probably won't want it. Or if you ever did, I'd have it in pristine condition for you." Aleyn admits.
"Aleyn, you've no reason to keep it. Sell it or give it away. I never liked that dress anyway. Uther picked it out and it just....didn't suit me."
"You looked like a goddess in it."
"A goddess about to raped by Zeus himself maybe." Morgen retorts sarcastically.
Death actually laughs and questions them both, "Just what did this dress look like? I must know now. Just to sate my curiosity."
"Are you sure Horseman? I remember that eyesore way too well, personally I'd rather go through my death all over again than see Morgen walk down the aisle with that HORRIBLE 'dress'." Alphonse states firmly.
Morgen reluctantly shows him with her memories and Death laughs even more, "Hahahaha! I didn't think you could refine sexuality.....Hahahahahahahaha! Seriously seeing that dress reminds me of The Great Gatsby!"
Morgen snickers at that, "Come to think of it, I think it was around the twenties when Aleyn and Uther found that dress." She can only laugh as Death nearly hits the floor.
Even Alphonse laughs with them before Aleyn defensively asks Death, "Well then BARBARIAN, what would YOU have her wear? What wedding dress could you see her in?"
"Technically it's bad luck..huff haaaah...to see one's bride before the wedding...huuuuuuh ahhhh...so I can't really imagine it...now can I?" Death says sarcastically as he catches his breath.
"Cut the sarcasm and just answer damn you!"
"Fine then if you insist that much ya creep." Death tells him a bit annoyed before answering, "If I must give an opinion, sure I could see her in a strapless. But honestly a silvery blue would absolutely make her pop with beauty. She's called the Moon Witch is she not, why not make her rival the moon itself on such an occasion? It would definitely give the saying 'I love you to the moon and back' quite the new meaning I'd say."
Morgen's eyes light up at Death's words and she shyly inquires, "So does that mean you...?"
"I didn't even fini..."
"You didn't need to. I've heard similar questions before. Trust me, I know what you were about to ask. You wanted to know if what I said means I find you as beautiful as the moon, if not more so. Am I correct?"
Morgen blushes, "As always, you're perceptive."
"Heheh..It seems I've been lacking in that department with the romance side of things though lately. If anything I say things by accident." Death admits rubbing his neck with a chuckle.
Aleyn only groaned before muttering, "At least I actually tried and KNEW what I was saying."
Death growls briefly in annoyance before saying, "At least I can learn. The question is can you?"
"If you two are quite done measuring each other's dicks, the lady will likely need help removing her things from here." Alphonse told them both in equal annoyance.
He then grabs them both by their heads and tosses them into the room, "There, now they can do it themselves."
"Gladly, once we have a list." Death expresses simply as he gets up.
Morgen comes into the room to make a list onto a crystal. She only grabs one thing from inside the room, a tiny ornate chest. She then hands the crystal to the gentlemen to collect everything. Death naturally tries to be civil about it so they can be quick about it. Only for Aleyn to volunteer to carry everything.
"Look I'm done with the whole being stupid can you just...NOT?! Like please...THINK."
"I'm not doing anything but volunteering my help." Aleyn protests.
"Genius, she gave us an inventory crystal with a list on it, to put the stuff into it. It's really not that complicated. You don't have to do any heavy lifting. You're not impressing..."
"Just SHUSH. I can handle this, I WILL handle this in fact. Now what's the first thing?"
Death sighs shaking his head, "The contents of that chest there. Again you don't have to carry...."
"Shut up damn it! I said I'll handle this."
"Ok, fine. Have fun with that. I'm going to do the practical thing in the meantime. Let me know when you're done being a moron."
"Excuse me young fellow..."
"Y-young? EhEH...ehAH! Your stupidity is obviously showing itself." Death tells him sarcastically yet again.
Aleyn grumbles to himself as he tries lifting the chest, or dragging it. Death meanwhile goes about to room to collect what he can. He starts with a few small things around the room, then moves onto the wardrobe. He collects everything in there with ease whilst using the crystal's magic. Course he does pause a moment to observe her armor set.
"I have to ask...why?" Death inquires of Morgen after coming back out from the wardrobe.
Morgen notices him pointing and comes over to see what it is this time. When realizing it's her old armor she's looks at him with her eye twitching ever so slightly, "And what exactly is wrong with it?"
Death, sensing this probably should've been saved for later cautiously responds with, "I just want to know what was going on while this was being made. It looks fine, but it's....so ornate. It looks like it belongs more in ceremonies than it does on the fields of battle."
"I am a mage more than a swordswoman admittedly."
"STILL. That's....a LOT of detail for a set used in battle. Even for a mage. Usually mages want armor that isn't heavy. I mean look at me, I don't wear heavy plate very often, if ever. I don't even wear chest plates usually. The most armor I have is my kilts, which occasionally come with plate. Either way, the way I fight and cast spells requires that I'm able to move. So I need to accommodate myself by using armor that gives me more mobility. Though I wouldn't recommend not wearing anything up top. I only do so because I can get away with it through my healing ability." Death tells her before chuckling a bit towards the end.
"Bare in mind that ONE I am a Princess, and TWO, that Uther was the among those who wanted to see my design ideas BEFORE it was ever made. You can probably imagine some things got added in."
"Right. Anyway I know a place that makes far better armor for combat and for mages. We'll have to go there later. After all this madness. For now shall I keep letting that one dig his own grave or shall I just put the chest in the crystal?" Death states.
"Please do get it into the crystal. Before he passes out due to lack of oxygen."
"Heh, may be a little late for that. His brain already lacks a little bit of it." Death says laughing a bit before Morgen's slight glare shuts him up. "Oh come on I was just kidding."
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 12: Dreams and Sin
Death and Merlin looked behind to see a strange portal. It looks like multiple strands entangling on each other and untangling all at once. It also showcased multiple colors of light, with the primary one being white. Almost like an opal burst apart. Then Nergal stepped out of it. It looked as though he was taking form as he stepped into the room. Like he'd been taken apart and was being put back together. Death noted the indeed quite strange tattoos on the man's abdomen, forehead, horns, and forearms. As well as the gold cuffs on each wrist, and a massive golden belt. His strangest feature, was a circle of jeweled skulls around his neck.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Horseman. Although I thought you'd be taller. My name is Gishkim Nergal, but just about everyone calls me Nergal or Wiseman."
Death looks at him a bit annoyed, "I'm an average for Nephilim, you should see my brother War. Secondly you seem a bit full of yourself, going by 'Wiseman'."
"Hmph if anything I should be questioning you about that. Aspen did say once that you were indeed arrogant."
Death just facepalms, "Did she now. Anyway, that's not important. We need you to help with someone."
"Lead me to them."
Death and Merlin do so, finding the bedroom they'd placed her in. Which was actually the bedroom Morgen's parents once shared. Morgen was still asleep on the old bed that somehow managed to remain comfy. She then rolled over just as the trio reentered. Death was by her side quickly and grasped her hand. Nergal actually paused for a moment when seeing Morgen. But quickly regained himself and acted as though nothing had happened. He wouldn't reveal himself as he truly was, not yet. It was too early to do so, too risky a time. Better to wait for a less risky time. For now, he'd just help where he could. And only give information that he felt mattered for the occasion. He came up to Morgen and gently moved her hair aside, upon seeing the growing horns he knew what had to be done.
"Very intriguing. Have she been in the dreams of anyone?"
"Wait what?" Death inquired.
"Some people can dream of people. Rarely do those people actually enter, or are real. Has she been in anyone's dreams?"
"Mine....apparently. Uhm...it was very disorienting. I only heard her, just saw a blinding white light. Then when it turned into dream, that's when I saw her I assumed. Looked different." Death explains.
"Ah, intriguing. How different was she by chance?"
"Moth wings, fully grown sheep horns, it was odd. Beyond that, she looked normal, to me at least. As far as I can remember, still a bit fuzzy. I remember someone else being there, looked like Morgen but wasn't her. She was similar to her but not exactly. Again I'm still a bit fuzzy memory wise." Death tells him.
"Hmm, has she had sex recently?"
"Huh? That's a little inappropriate of question don't ya think?" Death retorts.
Merlin piped up, "See? This is what I was talking about, strange."
"Said the wizard with a high charisma."
"I'll take that as a compliment, and just leave it at THAT." Merlin expressed annoyed as Death released a quick snort.
"Trust me, the question is somewhat important. It'll help me to reach my diagnosis."
Death then reluctantly said, "Yes, but it wasn't consensual. It was against her will, and I had nothing to do with that."
Nergal had meanwhile turned his head towards her, and inside his mind he uttered, "I'm so sorry." Then he sits on the bed as he begins to put together his diagnosis, "She's of the Dream Realm. If we're going to help her, we need dream fruit. But those only come from a tree of dreams. Sadly they don't exist anymore."
"Ugh. Anything else that can help her?" Death implored him.
"I can only alleviate the pain for her. For better treatment you'll have to reach me another time." Nergal states before whispering something under his breath. Runes then appear above Morgen's head and the pain ceases. The growth of her horns is also halted. "I've halted the growth of the horns, that should help some."
"Why is she growing horns in the first place? And why was it so draining to her?" Death questions.
"Like I said, she has some connections to the Dream Realm. And sheep horns tend to be a common trait."
Vortigern meanwhile is patching his face up, and the girls are hugging him in fear. Mina is of course trying to bring them away.
"Come now little lasses come on."
Vortigern finally looks down at them, "Go, I'll be fine."
They do so, but huddle Mina in their terror. Vortigern then calls up an old friend. In the Unseelie Realm, Queen Titania answers his call.
"Vortigern? Well isn't this a surprise?"
"I need your help, auh...."
She hears his pain and instantly stands, "Where are you? What's happened?"
"Uther....I'm at home. Uther's gone completely mad..."
"I'm on my way." Titania says before hanging up, she then hollers to her husband, "Oberon! Keep an eye on our home and Uther's movements while I'm gone. He's finally well and truly lost it it seems!"
"Thought he would my dear thought he would. Where are you going anyway?"
"To Vortigern's home, he sounded hurt." Titania explains simply.
"Be careful, make sure the daft bastard's alright. At least he now sees the truth."
Titania nods and opens a portal as fast as possible. She passes through it to find Mina and the girls, hugging them tightly.
"Auntie Titania Daddy's hurt!" Anna quickly yelled.
"Mmhmm....Uther even wanted to hurt us too, we heard him say it!" Elaine cries out.
"There now girls you'll be fine. Uther won't harm a damn hair on you. Not as long as I live." Titania swears to them.
"But what about Fuzzball? He tried to protect us when Uther came in. He was all red and whining." Anna tells her.
"Oh? And who is that then?"
The girls then rush Titania to their room. Fuzzball is lying there in a puddle of blood and whimpering badly. Titania gives a look of pity and quickly works to heal the little Limt. "You're a brave one, taking on such massive odds for them. Such a good boy."
She can only heal him so much unfortunately due to being in the Seelie Realm now. She then asks Mina to bandage him up the rest of the way. Mina does so as Titania spends a bit of time comforting the girls.
Once they finally stopped hugging her she told them, "I need to speak to your Father. Stay here and make sure Fuzzball is ok hmm?"
They both nod and Titania goes to finally see Vortigern. She finds him in his room and notices he's tending to his face. She walks in and sits on a chair for a time, watching him work. Course she finally asks him, "Need assistance with that?"
Vortigern didn't look up, "It would be appreciated. Luckily my eye wasn't hurt that bad."
Titania came up to him and began healing his eye, "The girls told me Uther came at them, their new friend was so brave for them hmm?"
"That little Limt actually tried to defend them? Brave one. I'll have to tell Death to....oh crap! I sent Merlin to explain what happened, why aren't they here yet?"
"Calm down old friend. Call up Morgen, ask her where she is." Titania told him calmly.
"Right...nnngh..." Vortigern says before calling Morgen. She doesn't answer which scares him more, so he calls Death. "Where is my Niece and why is she not calling?"
Death calmly informs him, "She's resting and were at this castle. Location that Barrcus recommended, what happened to him anyway. Merlin only said that he was taken. Not much information was given after that, due to current circumstances."
"After a few hours of discussion at the door, Uther left. But he came back with reinforcements, well a few men rather. Forced his way in and he took Barrcus. Said he was going to make an example to Morgen or wait for to come back...I can't recall which. Especially after the...first strike."
"What happened?!" Death shouts.
"Like I said, he forced his way in. Your little Limt is very brave, he went protect the girls when Uther went for them." Vortigern explains.
"Where's Arthur?" Death asks.
"Safe thankfully, Mina kept him hidden. By the way Fuzzball's fine, just a few scratches." Vortigern tells him.
"I healed him some and Mina is tending to him now." Titania adds on.
"Alright, should I return there by chance?"
"No, I'll send you coordinates to our next hideout so to speak." Vortigern states.
"Should I tell Morgen?"
" I'll tell her myself, it's easier to stop her once she's at Titania's." Vortigern insists.
"Stay safe, nobody else needs to be taken. What about War and Fury, Strife?"
"They're alright for the most part, a little banged up. But otherwise they're just fine." Vortigern states.
"Good, keep an eye on Fuzzball until I get there, ok?"
"I will, as long as you keep an eye on my Niece." Vortigern tells him.
"I will."
From there both parties hang up and Death heads back inside, pacing back and forth. "You could've told me that Uther attacked. Where were you anyway?"
Merlin responded simply, "I was getting your friends Puck and Harker out of there. So what exactly happened?"
"Vortigern got hurt, and obviously Uther took Barrcus. Even my Limt was injured when he tried to Vortigern's daughters. I'm told my siblings are for the most part ok. And as far as everyone else is concerned, they're traumatized. It's probably the best case scenario."
"Those poors girls are gonna have nightmares for months." Merlin sighed.
"Try years, they're still young."
Merlin then asked, "Will you tell Morgen about this?"
"No, Vortigern wanted to once we reach Titania's castle. He said he'd contact me once they were there."
"What's this about Uther?" Nergal inquires coming forward.
"Nothing that concerns you." Death expresses.
"I live in these lands, I believe it will. Besides I'm not one for Uther, not one of his loyalists."
After some explanation of events, Nergal looked concerned and yet also harshly apathetic. A strange paradox of emotions.
"The truth would hurt her. But it needs to be told, soon. I'm going over to Aspen, to keep her safe. I don't need her forest to be burned down by Uther just for you." Nergal states before leaving through another portal.
Death sighs, but decides to leave it to Vortigern to tell Morgen as he wanted. Course then he remembers, he forgot to ask about C, Gregory, Ale, and Wren.
"OH SHIT!" He shouts before calling Ale, "Ceise please tell me you're alright."
"Don't worry Atan I'm fine. Merlin managed to warn me ahead of time. Currently back at home." Ale told him calmly.
Death sighs with relief, "Oh thank goodness you're alright. How's Wren, C, Gregory? Is everybody ok?"
"Merlin asked I bring them with me. We're all safe." Ale says.
"Bout time you called by the way." Wren hollers from nearby.
"Sorry I was checking on Vortigern after he got screwed up somehow. How's C and Wren. Did you all get out before....wait nevermind...Ah I'm so panicked right now."
"I promise you Atan we're all fine. Although how are you and Morgen? Do you need anything? Have you eaten?" Ale inquires with concern.
"Have eaten anything yet. And Morgen's been doing well. Haven't told her about Barrcus and...aaaaoooooooh...shi-itaki." Death said as he tried to save himself.
"Atan!" Ale yelled.
"I said shiitaki, you know the mushroom."
"First off bullshit." Puck states before Ale smacks him upside the head, "Damn woman! *smack* Fucking hell! *smack* You bitch! *smack*"
Death then chimes in, "First off, that's my Mother, she's far more respectable than you. Second off she's a prude and very uptight."
"Obviously!" Puck yells out before sarcastically asking, "How is it that you're worse than your sister with that mouth?"
"I'm a soldier, you know how our mouth can get." Death retorts.
"Yeah just as foul as Uther's buttcrack." Puck remarks.
"Do not compare me to Uther. Especially his asscrack. Aw damn it." Death says before seeing Puck get smacked in his stead. Puck's scowl is the sort that can burn the soul with a single look. He can only giggle, tempted to say more. But doesn't want to see just how worse the scowl can get.
"Well Atan, would you like me to bring food over? Or just some supplies to make some meals?" Ale questions him.
"We're heading over to Titania's castle so, if you're going to bring food bring it there."
"Why don't I just bring you a snack at least then? Just in case?" Ale inquires using her Motherly tone on him.
"Maybe I'll require some first aid supplies." Death says relenting slightly.
"Alright Atan, I'll send some over." Ale tells him kindly.
"And please, just teleport. Don't even bother trying to walk, just teleport." Death insists.
"Very well Atan, I'll see you in a moment." Ale states sweetly.
Ale then gets a small gift basket together. On the bottom is the medical supplies Death asked for. Above that is a box of pastries. Finally she places wrapped sandwiches on the final layer with a sweet letter to top it off. Puck can't help but question her on that.
"Uh why you bringing him all the food?"
"Because I know my Atan well, enough to the point that I'm aware when he's hiding something. Besides, he needs to eat SOMETHING before the day's end preferably." Ale explains.
"Alrighty then. As long as you're not smothering him."
"Said the drug addict who's Mama clearly had her own problems." Ale remarks simply.
"I don't even what my Mother is so there." Puck retorts.
Ale actually looks like she feels awful for saying that to him. Her ears even droop in her remorse. Puck has to tell her, "She was probably a bitch anyway. At least I had a proper Dad for the most part, until he went fucking insane. I've probably heard worse anyway."
Ale perks up a little at that whilst Harker looks at Puck curiously, "You too?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"I....had to kill my Father....when he lost his mind." Harker says slowly.
"Mm, when my Father lost his mind, I threw him in a hole. Didn't climb back out. So what your Dad go nuts?"
"When my Father lost my Mother, it...messed him up. He stopped feeding, and you can probably think of what happens when a Leanan Sidhe stops feeding."
"I have an idea."
"It's one of the reasons me and my brother don't talk anymore. We had to take him out together. Still have a few old scars from...that exchange." Harker explains.
"Let me guess, you sail to be free from all of it? Problem with that, is that the sea is often deep enough to bring some old things back up." Puck states.
"I have good support, thanks to the crew. And the company I keep. So you have kids?"
"Had and have, hopefully." Puck replies a bit solemnly.
"I'm always worried about my family. Given how much danger they're often in." Ale tells him.
"I mean, you chose the Horsemen for your family. No wonder you're worried all the time." Puck replies.
"True, but I lost my eyes for my Atan. It's a small price in my opinion." Ale informs him.
"Whatever you say Cinnabun."
Ale looks at him weird but sighs, "I've heard worse admittedly."
"Anyway, let's get ourselves over to Titania's. Before Uther comes peeking into these woods."
"Do you think everything will be ok here with me gone? I'm the Elder." Ale explains nervously.
"As long as you let everybody know about Uther, and just to keep clear, they'll be alright."
Ale nods before finally getting the village together in a meeting to discuss what's going on. They're all worried naturally but understand why she's heading off. Once done she uses a portal to deliver the package. Death of course, gives her a big hug.
"Good, you're safe."
"I told you so. Now here's a care package for you. Stay safe Atan." Ale informs him.
He grunts and asks her, "How's Puck been treating you?"
"Surprisingly he's actually been on decent behavior." Ale states.
"Not decent enough from what I've heard."
"Which reminds me, *smack* enough with the swearing." Ale tells him sternly.
"Sorry yeesh. I'm a grown man but yeesh." Death says before thinking to himself, "Who would've thought such a small woman could hit like that."
"Mmhmm, perhaps you should act like it more then. Anyway, if you need anything, please call Atan."
Death nods, "I'd rather you stay nearby, in case something happens. But I know you're the Elder, with responsibilities and all."
"I'm still involving myself, I'm going off to Titania's with the others. The village also knows to avoid Uther and his city until I say otherwise. Had to ensure they'd at least be mostly safe."
"Prefer you weren't involved at all, but I understand for some parts of it. You're worried about protecting us, we're also worried about protecting you. But I am thankful that you're here." Death expresses calmly.
"Awwwww, thank you Atan. I can send a crystal to you when I get there in case you need a quick getaway. In case Uther tracks you down whilst traveling." Ale says.
"Right. Well if Merlin is as great as he says he is, we'll do just fine. Thanks anyway."
Ale smiles and hugs him again, using the vines to put herself up to his height before going off to join the others. She hopes for the best as she teleports away. Death meanwhile looked inside the basket and sighed upon seeing the food and letter.
"Typical." He says in a loving manner, then he reads the letter.
"Dear Atan,
I'm sending some food with the medical supplies so that you might not travel on an empty stomach. I just want to be sure as I know well that you can hide things like hunger easily. Please eat some, for me. It worries me when you don't eat.
-Your Ceise."
Death smiled when finishing the letter, "Yeesh, anyway....how's everybody doing right now?"
"We're fine." Nergal says to him.
Meanwhile Morgen finally wakes up and makes her way out of the room a bit groggy, "Mmm.....how long have I been out? What happened?"
"You've been out for a few hours, I can only assume a friend of the family is giving us asylum and uh...wants to see you. Titania."
"Titania? Wait....why her? What's happened that we need her help for?" Morgen inquires a bit concerned.
"Vortigern will explain, but we need to get moving. Just in case you know?" Death told her.
"I hope you know what you're doing, and that everything's ok. Have you heard anything from Barrcus?" Morgen implored as they all walked outside.
"Uhmmm...not much lately."
"There a reason for the pause?"
"No no, no reason at all. We really need to reach Titania though." Death insists as he helps Morgen onto Despair. He of course gets behind her and looks behind him, "Merlin?"
Merlin only snaps his fingers and summons a black horse with a purple lightning mane, "I'll be right behind ya."
After Merlin's teleportation of the group with his magic, he and Death rode on to Titania's home. Morgen wondered about what could've possibly happened in the meantime to require this new plan. She shakes her head as she thinks on it more though, and just hopes Barrcus can explain the reason. Upon seeing both steeds approaching, Titania's guardsmen quickly raise their defenses. The two at the gate preparing for a possible engagement.
"Hold it right there! State your business and why are you here?!"
The other guard facepalms, "That's what state your business means you twit."
"Oh.....anyway, state your..." The man begins to say.
Death stops him, "We're here to bring Morgen, well Morgana, to the Queen."
"Wait a second...you must be the Horseman roight?" The man inquires.
Morgen tilts her body off to the side, "Yes he is. And this man here is Merlin if you couldn't tell. I'm told the Queen has requested we come."
The other guard shook his head, "Sorry about him, open the gates.", then as everyone went passed him he muttered, "Damn new recruits."
Morgen wraps her arm around Death's absent-mindedly and Death pulls away on instinct, having not expected that.
Course noting Morgen's expression he at least asks, "Are you alright?"
"Fine, just....nevermind...forgive me for that." Morgen replies quickly.
"Anyway, let's get inside." Death says leading her towards the castle. Merlin follows behind them facepalming.
Merlin can only mutter, "Stupid git.", under his breath.
Upon getting inside Morgen stops Death, having thought back a moment, "Why say my real name?"
"Thought it would be appropriate, given the certain circumstances we find ourselves in. Plus it's more formal...I think."
"Ah I see. Well so you know, while I do prefer Morgen....I'll allow you to use my true name. Just don't overuse it." Morgen states a bit sullen before walking off to find Barrcus.
Death gets the impression he messed up somehow, but isn't sure how. He then feels a smack upside his head. Death then turns to kill whoever did it, only to find Strife behind him. "This close, this close Strife."
"Yeah yeah yeah, you mess up again?" Strife inquires in a cheeky tone.
"Apparently, but I don't know why."
"Dude, she was probably expecting behind you saying her real name you know." Strife informs him.
"And what might that be?"
Strife shrugged, "I dunno, I genuinely do not know. But you know who would know?"
"Morgen you dumbass son of a bitch."
"Well I mean our birth Mother is Lilith, the biggest whore of demondom so....." Death remarks.
"Well put, well put. But my point still stands, go talk to her."
Death groans, "Alright alright, I'll go do that."
Strife then hears Merlin behind him, "Damn, you're almost as stealthy as me."
"Oh believe me if you thought your brother was bad now, a little earlier ago Morgen her arm around his. His response? Quickly pulling away."
Strife facepalms and shouts towards Death, "Dude, wow! I thought War was dense but YOU are taking the cake!"
"I heard that!" War shouts from nearby.
Morgen looks around for Barrcus and sees Mina all alone. Already worried at seeing Mina so despondent, she rushed over.
"Mina, what's wrong? You're never this down."
"Oh lassie.....it was awful......it's all just awful...." Mina responds before hugging her.
"Mina.....what are you? What's happened?"
"Morgen......Barrcus got found by Uther. Uther's taken him lass!" Mina declares before breaking down, unable to hold it together much longer.
Morgen can only sob alongside her, scared shitless that Barrcus may already be dead. Death is about to turn the corner but stops upon hearing them.
"Oh no."
"How bad is it?" Vortigern asks from behind him.
Death then turns around, "Not good and OH MY...maybe you should be healed before she sees you. You know just in case?"
"Maybe, but for now I need to see her." Vortigern explains before walking into the room.
Morgen looks up at him, hearing the sound of his boots, her scream is heartwrenching for both Vortigern and Death. She barrels into her Uncle, feeling at fault for what's happened. Meanwhile, all Vortigern cares about is that she's calm and alright.
"Do I truly look that ugly?"
"This is all my fault! He wouldn't have come there if I hadn't gone with you!" Morgen shouts in anger at herself.
"Morgen, Morgen! He already came looking for a fight, he just expecting it from me. Or Barrcus. This was not fault in any way. I'm pretty sure Death and Mina would agree with me."
Mina stands, "Of course it wasn't yer fault lassie. Barrcus was the fool who went and got himself captured by trying to fight in his state. He knew what he was risking."
Death then came into the room, "I unfortunately must agree on Barrcus being an idiot in that situation. And I agree with your Uncle and Mina about this not being your fault. You can't blame yourself for what Stepfather has done and will do. You just need to calm down, and we'll figure out how to help Barrcus from there. Got it?"
Morgen nods and hugs him next. Death reciprocates it, wanting to make up for the earlier blunder. Course in comes a little bandaged up ball of fluff from a tiny kennel.
Mina spots him and quickly says, "Hey now, ye get back in there and rest ye stubborn fluff bucket."
Fuzzball gives a tired merph before wandering slowly around and bumping into Death, "What happened to you? I was told you got hurt, I was not expecting a mummy with fur sticking out."
"Ye'd have likely had at Uther with tooth and nail had ye seen Fuzzball after he got hurt. Puddle of blood was under the poor thing." Mina explains.
"And who was the one that his furry butt from bloodloss?"
"Titania." Mina says simply.
"Going to have to thank her for this. Fuzzball's been with me far too long for me to lose him." Death expresses whilst trying to pet Fuzzball, who whines, "Sorry am I hurting you?"
Fuzzball gives him a snuggle and places his head on Death's hand, indicating he wasn't in pain because of that. If anything, he just really wants pets now.
"Let me take a look, just to see how bad it is." Death tells him whilst carefully removing the bandages all over him. After unwrapping the fur mummy child, Death looks him over. He sees multiple red lines and dots. Sighing he grabs some surgical thread and a needle, only for Fuzzball to squirm and whine.
"I'm sorry but we got to get them closed before they begin to fester." Death tells him sympathetically.
Fuzzball shakes in fear but Morgen taps Death's shoulder, "The poor little thing is in enough pain. I know a method that's painless. But we'll need a healing potion of some sort."
"Hmmm.....", Death begins whilst searching in his belt pouches for one. He finds a small green one and looks back to Morgen, ".....ok so now what?"
"First, I need to close his wounds. Let me see him." Morgen explains.
"Alright, here you go." Death replies a slight bit nervously.
Morgen then asks Mina to put down a cloth on the table, which she does. From there Morgen sets Fuzzball down and starts with the dots on his little body. "You poor baby, did he bite down on you?"
She gets a small whimper in confirmation, and hears Death growl behind her. "So uncivilized. Well we can fix this for sure. Would having Death petting you keep you calm?"
Fuzzball gives a quiet bark and Death sits beside Morgen to give him to occasional stroke with his finger, "Be nice for her or else no pets, and no treat."
This gets Fuzzball to be still despite his fear. Luckily Morgen isn't using a scary needle. Instead she summons a very pretty light, sliver blue thread. Fuzzball stares at it in amazement as Morgen explains it to him, "Now Fuzzball, this is lunar thread. It will heal the outside wounds, while the potion is for your insides once I'm done. Understand?"
When he nods, Morgen sets about healing the little guy. The threads going through Fuzzball's skin seamlessly and more importantly, painlessly. Eventually Morgen finishes sewing the dots closed, and flicks the thread. From there it disappears, starting from where her hand was and healing Fuzzball as it goes. Eventually all dots and scars are healed in this manner, leaving Fuzzball happy. Course Death ensures he drinks the potion. It takes a few swigs but he soon downs it all. He then begins panting again as he normally does, a huge relief for Death.
"There's the little ball of fur I know, good boy." Death tells him before giving him a little treat and plenty of attention too.
Strife comes in curiously, having heard the commotion. Of course upon seeing Fuzzball on a tablecloth with bloodied bandages around him, he's instantly worried.
"Ok, who hurt our furry bean?"
"Uther did I assume." Morgen says looking to Vortigern.
"I did not see, but I do suspect it was Uther." Vortigern explains whilst tapping at his new facial scars.
Strife gets a shocked look, "Damn, glad I got out of there. Where's Barrcus?"
Mina begins looking depressed again, and Vortigern tells her, "Don't worry, if you need a day to yourself that's fine. Just go relax, we'll figure this out, we'll get him back."
Mina nods and bows before vacating the room. Strife overhears her sobbing down the hall, and gets confused, "Something wrong?"
"Not now, please....." Mina begs him before leaving to go to her room.
Strife looks back and inquires of everyone, "Uhm......I need a little bit of an explanation here."
"Mina and Barrcus have always been close, so close that love blossomed between them. It was only recently that Mina and Barrcus were able to truly express it without any worry that they'd be caught." Morgen tells him.
Strife sighs, "Eh that reminds of a few love novels.....wait a second.....MIRIAM!"
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 10: Bonds Old and New
Death and Wren then head inside, and ran into Morgen. Death could only think of one word as these two women looked at each other, "Aw shit."
Sighing he then looked at Wren, "This is Morgen, Morgen this is....Wren."
Morgen looked at Wren and was pleasantly surprised at the genuine smile she got, "How do you do?"
"Quite well actually, thank you. And greetings to you as well."
Death noted their civil behavior and had an inner sigh of relief, "Well I'll go about finding something....for me to do.....ladies, I'll see you later.....and please be nice to each other...."
Quickly he headed to find Ale and explained everything that had just happened. Getting a resounding squeee, which got the other three's attention.
"What the hell is going on in here?" Strife asks.
"YES!" War added.
Fury meanwhile stated, "Explain. Now."
"I'm explaining everything to Ceise, you tell them about it." Death tells Strife.
"Right I'll do that, ok guys over here. That way Ma isn't gonna make us go deaf." Strife states.
Fury then inquired, "I know why you call her Mother, but why does our brother do so?"
"A, that's for him to tell you, and B, it's something that probably piss you off." Strife vaguely tells her.
War chose to remain quiet for now, deciding to let Death be the one to explain. Meanwhile Ale was DELIGHTED over her son being a heartthrob.
"How wonderful, two ladies. And one I already know. Oh I still remember how much you used to gush about Wren."
"Ceise....please not so loud....I don't want them to come back in here." Death tried to express with his growing embarrassment.
"Oh sorry Atan, you seem a bit more flustered than I expected. I mean I can be a little embarrassing sometimes, but it seems you have reached your limit faster than usual."
"It's just....I have a problem of sorts....and I need a little help with it..." Death told her.
"I see, well what's on your mind then Atan? What troubles you?" Ale implored him.
"I noticed I've been starting to feel things for Morgen, but after seeing Wren I've begun feeling those old feelings for her. I really don't know what to do right now. It broke me finding Wren dead and I don't want to happen to her. However, I need to check with Morgen about her feelings towards me. It's all messy, and it terrifies me. Only a little bit, but still."
Ale looked at him calmly and gently brushed his back, "This is a very cliche answer Atan, but follow your heart. Only you can make that choice, only you can decide who makes you happy. I know you always spoke highly of Wren, and from what I've noticed of Morgen she seems to be a kind woman. Whoever you choose, I'll be there to support you."
"Thank you." Death says simply, trying to process what to do.
Wren meanwhile began speaking to Morgen. The two of them actually found a common ground with each other and began conversing about normal things mostly. But the conversation did ultimately come back to Death, leaving Morgen to finally ask the question she'd been dreading,
"So Wren, how do you feel towards Death?"
Wren actually took a moment to respond, "I like to believe I still love him. But lately....I've been scared that maybe I don't. Several eons alone will do that to you."
"I can't say I blame you. I do have my own feelings for him, but if you need time to figure things out I won't get in your way. Nor will I be angry if it turns out the doubts were for not." Morgen told her calmly.
"You have my thanks, really you do. I do have an idea of how to figure this out. My race, the Arcaeniens, we can only have children with those we view as equals. But on top of that, we can only feel pleasure during the act if we love our partner." Wren explains.
"So in other words, you wish to engage with Death in the bedroom to see if you still love him?"
"Yes. I just hope to make things....a little easier on his end. Extreme emotions have always been....hard for him to express. But when he does manage it, it truly is something to behold. He may not always have it easy with words, but his actions are always sweet when they shine through." Wren explained thinking back to those coveted memories of him.
"It sounds like you know him well. I promise you Wren, I'll do my best to treat him well should things end up not going the way you may be hoping for."
"Should things go well for me, and I end up being wrong in my concerns, I promise you much the same Morgen. I am a nurse after all." Wren tells her. Both women share a brief laugh together before Wren continues, "I only ask that if I do end up correct, that you'll also let us work together to find our daughter and care for her."
"I swear to you Wren, I won't interfere with your parenting or search for your child. You both deserve to have her back, or to know what happened to her." Morgen replies kindly.
With that Wren nods and the two part ways. Morgen heading off to see how Arthur is doing, among other things. Wren meanwhile goes looking for Death, hoping to speak to him about this. Believing the sooner he knows the plan the better.
Meanwhile Death had gone off with his siblings to tell them about what happened with Lilith all those eons ago. Strife decided to give Death sometime to prepare himself by bringing him into a sideroom off the main one the other two were in. Death began having a mini panic attack as he started worrying about worse case scenarios,
"Relax relax relax....just tell them what they need to know....just relax."
"Dude breathe. Remember telling me to breathe, trying doing it yourself." Strife told him.
Death does so and after a few deep breaths responded, "What do they wanna know?"
"Well first off why you call Ale Mother. Another one is Wren, which I explained the best I can but you need to explain it yourself. And Lilith, you're gonna need to them about that. Don't worry, I'll be right behind you with that stuff. If you have trouble, I'll help you out."
"Thank you for....helping me out with this. Kinda terrified of figuring out how to do this on my own, but with you in the room it may help." Death expressed simply.
Strife then inquired, "So, you good to go?"
"Yeah, let's get this over with."
War and Fury stand up as their elder brothers enter the room again. Fury seems calm but is internally freaking out. War meanwhile is just dreading what they may end up hearing.
As he remains quiet, Fury asks instead, "So, what exactly is going on? And what has happened?"
"Where do you really want to begin?" Death inquires.
"Well for starters you could tell us about Wren. As that is one of the most recent questions to come up." War states at last.
"Wren is the woman I met back during the time of the horde. After I was grievously wounded I found her and she saved my life. After that, I made frequent...house calls, well visits. Unfortunately I could never stay long, always another battlefield, always another request at Absalom's behest. And Absalom DESPISED my relationship with her, as it kept me away from my 'duties' as he would put it. 'Too much of a distraction' he'd sometimes say. I didn't care much for them, I still visited as much as I could, for as long as I could. Last I saw her was eons ago, and I was...leaving to a battle. But before I left, she asked to produce her child, so I...obliged..."
"Is that why you reacted the way you did when that message came?" War questioned.
"Yes. If said that she was pregnant. I still remember how I felt. Excited, anxious, proud, scared, all sort of things. But when I got there, a purge had happened. She'd been taken to a camp to be killed. But the childbirth killed her before they could. When I found out she was there I went on rampage through the camps. When I found her, I was broken a bit, greatly actually. But I found my daughter, she had survived, hidden from the carnage. From there I buried Wren, and set up a pyre near her home. After that is when the Hag struck. I did my best to fend her off, to rebuff her attempts. But unfortunately, she was too strong. I couldn't figure out how to stop her. After she defeated me and took Coventina I found myself back in one of our camps. Absalom had said that she was dead, the witch had killed her....back then I somewhat believed him, but I know that's true anymore. At least I hope it's not. He didn't try his damnest to find her, to save her. If she were Nephilim, he would have cared far more than he did. But then again, I never cared to mention it to him. I didn't want him to do what he did to all of you." Death explained further.
"We only helped with the memory loss thing, because you were depressed. If I knew the story behind it, I wouldn't have helped." Strife informs him.
"I still remember those few weeks. You stopped eating, rarely slept without nightmares, and Absalom was just....angry. More so than he normally was on most days." Fury says in musing.
War however remained silent again, trying to process it and figure out what to say. He did eventually motion to his brother, "There are still the other questions."
Death just nods, "I would only assume."
"First off why do you call Ale Ceise? Second off, Strife mentioned that something happened. But he did not specify any further. So what was he referring to?" War pressed him.
Death sighed deeply, "This started before any of you were created or born. I myself was created in the woods around Ale's village, specifically behind her home. From what I could surmise from her....excited ramblings...", he then looked around for Ale before moving on, "I was apparently either created in the flower, or it was used to make me, or a side effect of the Creation magic. Whatever the case I have no idea. Anyway that's not too important....even after being blinded by Absalom she still kept up some hope. After I was able to find her, she still viewed me as a son. In time though an event happened, something that showed me who my true Mother was. Before I continue, the information I say will not leave this room, and after I'm done recanting you MUST NOT go after the person in question. I do not want you to suffer a fate similar to mine."
War interjected, "It does make us question why you would ask this of us."
Death's eyes closed for a moment before he spoke up, "Getting to it. Remember how Lilith's home, I certainly remember the face you were making during that experience."
War actually shudders a bit, "I'm not even going to try to remember. Well based on what I can remember initially, it wasn't to any of the senses."
"If you think THAT was horrible, let me explain just how truly deplorable Lilith is. To begin with, Absalom was the one who....technically started the mess. He explained to me....that it was essentially my...turn to finally meet our 'Mother' alone. I was nervous about it to begin with....and went to Ale for guidance on it. She herself was...mortified, begging me not to go through with it. I ultimately felt I had no choice, and so....she gave me a way out should I need it. A small crystal that would teleport me near her home. But when I did go to Lilith's home.....I...I wasn't as prepared as I thought I was. I assumed it would be a normal meeting....but really happened was the worst three days that I ever experienced. For those three, long, agonizing days, I found myself at her mercy. I found myself...being....used.....to pleasure her.....as her toy. I lost count of how many times I begged, how many times I pled. I urged for her to stop, to let me go, to end it several times, until my voice gave out. But she never yielded, she carried on. Eventually I freed myself as no one came for me. The moment I escaped her 'abode', I ran for so long I don't even know exactly just how long. Then once I felt I was safe, I used the crystal Ale gave me to teleport close to her home. From there I ran, as far as I could. Until she found me, Ale not Lilith. She brought me into her home, and sheltered me. When Lilith came she took on the woman's wrath to protect me. And afterwards made sure I felt safe, both physically and mentally. She even got me new trousers to replace the ones Lilith tried to destroy. From that night on I knew who my real Mother was. From that moment on, I knew who I could trust, truly."
Fury's jaw had gone slack, although she was now trying to hide it with her hand, "Death.....how much....did you suffer under her?"
War however, "Explains several things for one. And thank you for making sure that situation did not befall me all those years back. As I can now see why you were so adamant that I not be in the same room as her."
"Exactly." Death responded softly.
"You good bro?" Strife asked.
"Better than I am most of the time so yeah, I guess I am."
Fury then placed a hand on his shoulder, "If you ever need it, we'll be there to support you. Be it during a, Creator forbid, flashback or if you have nightmares of the event."
"And Lilith rears her neck out far enough, I'll be sure to cut her off for you." War added on.
Death actually smiled behind the mask, glad to have this support. He actually began to chuckle a bit. Soon however, those chuckles sounded like he was trying to hide something behind them. War actually pats him on the back before giving him an awkward side hug. Death chuckled a bit more but appreciated the attempt anyway.
"Thank you.....all of you....I was...scared for the longest time.....that you wouldn't understand or that your reactions would be.....far worse than they are now."
Strife then joined in on the hug, "Ok, everybody in. You know the rules."
Death then begins to protest, "Wait no no no...."
Only for all three siblings to wrap him into a group hug. He could be heard grumbling the entire time.
"And there's Death again." Strife remarked.
"Right right right this is nice and all but get off of me." Death grumbled.
Finally they released him, but Strife asked him, "So you need a hug from Ma too?"
"No, already received that. I don't need her to get involved."
After having come by with C when they both heard a slight commotion, Gregory inquires, "Ok what's this about ye having a Mother?"
Death froze at that and quickly stood up, "None of your business Dwarf, go on."
"Nothing to see here, nothing to see here." Strife added on.
"Right, nothing to see here. Nothing to see here my ass. For one thing I just came across you lot hugging each other and all that. And you were being grumpier than I would expect." Gregory retorted.
Death would've said more, but then noticed an...interesting necklace, around C's neck. It had clay beads on it, with symbols that looked way too familiar. But he wanted to be certain, "Mind if I...take a look at that necklace?"
"Oh uh, sure. I'm used to people asking at this point, hell I'm used to their reactions too." C replies handing it over.
"You know what this is?" Death questions her.
"Beyond something that used to be around my ankle, not really."
Death examined the necklace closer and realized the symbols were actually Nephilim letters, "Where did you get this?"
Gregory stepped in, "She came to me with it. We found it as an anklet after she was rescued from Black Annis."
Death's eyes widen at the name Black Annis, "How were you saved by chance?"
"A man named Harker McCloud saved her, knew how to kill those beasts it seems. Course he didn't explain his method, only looked messed up to all he-......ehhhh....Horseman, are ye alright over there?" Gregory expressed.
Death then looked C over briefly, and noticed that not only were her eyes two separate colors, they were changing color every so often and most importantly......they were glowing like a Nephilim's, "I need to go confirm something with someone."
From there he found Wren and rushed to ask her, "Wren I need your point of view on this."
Wren then follows him back to where everyone is, and upon seeing C her own eyes widen. She's able to see the glowing line like tattoos hidden on C's body. She then asked Gregory, "How is you two met?"
"Like I was telling the Horseman over here, a man named Harker saved her."
"How old was she?" Wren pressed further.
"A baby, why?"
"Death, we need to find this Harker. Get more information." Wren states.
"I already know about Harker, he's a good friend. He's helped me out as much as I've helped him out." Death explains.
Strife adds in, "Yeah you remember the time you saves him from Leatherbeard?"
Death goes rigid and immediately says to Strife, "We agreed NEVER TO SPEAK OF HIM AGAIN. For MANY reasons."
Wren and C look at him concerned. But Gregory just groans, knowing the stories all too well from the occasional pirate come wandering into the tavern. "Ooooooi I've heard about that sadistic fuck. I always dreaded that man ever showing up at my tavern. C would probably allure that monster way too fucking easily, and he wouldn't even care about whatever her preference was. Hell he might even use it against her."
"Ok....just how bad is this man? And more importantly, who the HELL is he?" Wren inquires.
"Leatherbeard, aka Ralph Dingleberg. The most perverted, and depraved pirate I've ever had the misfortune of sharing a room with.." Death begins before eyeing Wren and War, "He reminds me of Lilith the most, out of all the most depraved, inhumane, people I've EVER MET. The MOST."
Wren gets shocked beyond belief and War just feels his skin crawl. He even nearly pukes just as Death continues further, "And apparently he can't seem to die. No matter how hard you try he KEEPS LIVING. AND LIKES WHATEVER DO TO HIM. I remember one time he shot himself out of cannon, then proceeded to maim, butcher, torture, and do far more debaucherous things to everyone on his enemy's ship."
Wren then finally says, "Well.....yet another reason why I can avoid sailing."
"Anyway, I need go by Harker's home. See if he's there and get more confirmation on....some things. Completely unrelated to that CRAZY FUCK." Death states wanting to get off the subject of Leatherbeard.
"Good luck Death, and when you return, I need to speak with you, alone." Wren expresses.
"Right, I'll see what I can do. Hopefully nothing else comes up."
Meanwhile as Death rode on to find Harker's home, Harker has found himself strung up to a mast on one of Uther's tallest ships. He was starving and in an emaciated state. Normally a few days without love wouldn't do this, but he'd been neglecting to find time to feed before being captured. Harker had originally been captured because he'd spoke highly of Death in public after seeing a wanted poster for him. Around him, a great dragon lion hybrid flew in circles. Uther's true form, greed and obsession incarnate as some might say. Uther circled around the mast for a time before settling to fly in front of Harker. The people had gathered to witness this, as was his intent.
"I will let go if you tell me the whereabouts of Death. And I may even let you have your way with some of my men, you look so famished after all."
Harker took a moment to catch his breath before responding, "Like I said before....I don't know where he is....and even if I did I wouldn't tell you. Besides....your men aren't that pretty to begin with....not my type...."
"You hold Death in great reverence. You must have some feelings for him, since you denied my men. So, to make it easier on you, I promise I won't harm him, badly. And I'll banish him from this kingdom, simple enough. And I'll give you a full pardon for raiding my privateers. So what do you say?"
Harker shut his eyes as Uther spoke to him and when it finally ended he said, "We haven't spoken in a long time....you're obviously not going to get anything from me....and there's no point in killing in me.....so just let me go please just let me go...."
Uther's hair and body go pale again as they did for Morgen that one night. He seems to come closer to Harker and almost obliges the plea. But just as suddenly, he shifts back, having caught himself in the moment. Uther grabs Harker by his head and begins to slowly tighten his grip. Hitting the soft spot that makes it all the more painful. Causing Harker to shriek in pain as Uther crushes his head.
He smiles in silence at his deed before saying, "You can make this stop, all I need is the location."
Harker's pain prevents him from speaking, and he ends up getting his head slammed into the mast. From there Uther, being highly annoyed now, begins searching Harker for a crystal. He manages to find one, and recalls how he found one on Death to call Strife with. He figures he'll lure Death to him in this way. He then makes the call, waiting for the recipient's answer.
"Harker, I'm on my way to your home. Be ready for some questioning."
Uther then hangs up the crystal, only for Death to call right back again, "Harker you there? Are you alright, you just hung up there for a second?".
Uther shoves the crystal in Harker's face, and quietly says, "Should you tell him, or should I?"
"IT'S AMBUSH, DON'T GO...!" Harker quickly shouts into it before Uther cuts him off.
He then takes over the call, "Well I was going to leave it as a surprise. But I guess we can't have nice things."
Death growls at Uther, "WHERE ARE YOU."
"Oh I'm here at port, with your dear friend. I was going to send some of my men to escort you here, but....I can assume you'll already be on your way. Besides, Harker is a bit under the weather at the moment. You may want to come get him, before he withers away."
"I would dream of that, besides, something as rare as him is worth a fortune to many people. I'm sure there's plenty of nobles who would want him, or even a particular pirate. One I've let into my waters on multiple occasions. And Leatherbeard has brought me several toys for me to use. Unless you were by chance to arrive, I don't like to be kept waiting." Uther states before going back up to Harker.
Just before he ends the call, Uther leaves a massive gash on Harker's chest. Harker's screech in pain is the last thing Death hears before the call hangs up again. He chucks the damn crystal away shouting in pure rage at the situation.
Crom then chose this as the time to speak, "Well that's not being very productive, now is it?"
"If you want to survive, listen to me." Crom presses.
Death only growls in annoyance, "Shut IT."
"I'm just saying, I could be of assistance here."
Death only grows angrier, "If you don't shut up, I'm going to knock my head into this tree. Knocking us both out."
"That would delay the rescue, and you're on a time limit remember? That, and you know that wouldn't work. I'd still be capable of picking through your head. Just because you're unconscious doesn't mean I'M unconscious. I'm in your head. So, wanna hear me out or do you want to try and cook up some scheme?"
"Anything would be better than what YOU have in store." Death retorted.
"Fine if you to wish to go on a suicide mission. Remember, he did strike you through a wall."
"And I Harvester this time, surely that would even the playing field. Besides, I killed Absalom, he hit harder this bastard does. Even I can't beat him, it'll be a good distraction for me to get Harker out of there." Death explains.
Crom shakes his head a bit, "So self sacrificial....that's why I like you.", then goes silent again.
Death sighs to himself before riding out to go get Harker. With Despair's help, he makes the distance in about three hours. He hoped he wouldn't be too late to reach Harker. Finding the port, and the mast Harker was on proved easy, too easy actually. When seeing Harker wasn't moving, he has to resist the urge to throw caution to the wind and go straight for him. Instead, Death keeps his wits whilst hoping in his mind that his friend hadn't died. He sends Dust to go check on him, and Dust does so. Not even cawing when he lands, only lightly pecking at Harker.
He jolts and actually hisses at Dust before realizing it's him, "Dust? Are you.....?"
Dust gives a light squawk before gesturing to Death. Death then puts his index to mask where his mouth would be behind it. Harker manages to nod and tries to stay awake as Death makes his way over to him. Watching as Death dove into the water and swam to the ship. From there he climbs through a gunport and then begins to take out any and all guards there. Only subduing though, leaving all alive but knocked out to high hell. He keeps an eye out for Uther as best he can, but sees nothing yet. Finally he reaches the stairs going to on deck, and slowly goes up them. He then looks around and checks for any trouble on deck. Death doesn't see Uther, but notices various guards around. Seeing he needs to find a way to knock everyone out at the same time, he summons forth mystical, incapacitating mist. From there the men above deck all pass out, dropping like flies. Once everyone is asleep, he changes it into a shadowy mist instead, to hide himself and Harker once he's got him. Sighing he turns Harvester into shuko climbing claws, although it may as well have been an after thought. Death was already quite the athlete to begin with, he just wanted to be certain in case he messed up. As extremely rare as such a case was. He begins climbing, getting even more paranoid as he got closer to Harker.
Eventually he reaches Harker, "Idiot, you....shouldn't have come..."
"And leave you behind? Don't be the moron you think I am. Now zip it." Death says simply.
Harker complies and once freed he informs Death, "I can....change into my snake form...if it makes this easier..."
"Just in case it would be great."
Harker obliges again, and wraps around Death's neck. Occasionally he coils tighter in pain, but tries not to choke him as Death climbs down.
Eventually though, Death has to tell him, "Ack...easy..."
"Sorry......still sting in a few areas." Harker whispers in hidden pain.
Death soon landed on the deck with a quiet thump of his boots. He darted his head around quickly in case anyone heard him, but still saw no sign of Uther.
Harker gave a light nudge in response, "What's wrong....?"
"He's not here. Where is he? He's not here I don't see him."
"He flew off, said he had.....other business to attend to. Retrieving his daughter...." Harker replied.
"Shit!" Death whisper-shouted before hurrying to leave the boat.
As Death rides on, heading towards Vortigern's home, Harker began to feel a small searing pain. He began breathing heavily and went limp as the pain drained him.
Death feels Harker go limp and actually panicks a bit. He pushes Despair to go faster and soon makes it there. Only for Harker be in even more pain when they arrive. To the point that as soon as Death hops from Despair's saddle, Harker falls from his neck. Death quickly catches him and hurries inside shouting for Merlin, "MERLIN I NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE HERE!"
Merlin comes from his room looking like a mess, "Aiiiiiiie.......What in the fuck are you needing me for n......oh shit."
From there Merlin goes to work aiding Harker and Death is pacing in rising panic. "What's wrong? He's..."
"Convulsing in pain I know....let me figure it out." Merlin explains as he searches for the problem. He then notices Harker's emaciated state, "Might I inquire on why he looks like this?"
"He's starving. Will that make helping him harder?"
"Hmm....dealing with someone who's currently starving tends to heighten the chance of death. What does he feed on?" Merlin questions.
"Love! He's a Leanan Sidhe." Death expresses in growing concern.
"Hmm? I may have bottled a pure version of love a long time ago. It's a long story, managed to bottle it, anyway...", Merlin tells him before pulling a bottle of red fluid. It looked like glowing liquid glitter.
Death has to ask, "And what do you intend to do with that?"
"Feed it to him, he feeds on love and this the purest and most potent concentration of it. Now hold your friends mouth open. I need to make sure he swallows it."
Death does so and tells Harker, "I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to do this."
Harker then feels the liquid pouring down his tiny throat and begins swallowing so he doesn't choke. He tastes his favorite 'normal' food ever, dark chocolate. His little tail begins swishing back and forth a bit as he drinks it. He then suddenly feels a burst of energy and begins to glow a little. Gaining a strange little pink aura around him as he begins to roll around, apparently being in a certain mood now. Death knows exactly which one too, given the sudden purr like sounds he's hearing.
Death begins to snicker and tells Merlin, "Hold him."
"No no no no no no no no....I'm going to bed, you take care of him."
"What if the pain comes back?"
"THIS SHIT CURES CURSES." Merlin shouts before walking off finally.
Death then goes to find some helping hands, and sees Puck coming back, "Puck I need you to take care of him. This is a friend of mine, go easy on him."
Puck just looks at him confused, "Uhm....why is vibrating, glowing, and making strange noises. And moving all weird like."
"He's in one of those....moods."
Puck gives him a stinkeye, "So you give him to the sex addict, to take care of it? Smart play smart play."
Death gulps and hopes for the best, then goes to get some sleep. Meanwhile Puck brings Harker to his room and questions him, "Ok...what's going on here?"
"I was in pain earlier, now I feel soooo good. They used a strange red glittery potion on me."
"Apparently it's one hell of an aphrodisiac." Puck remarks.
"Well they did say....it was essentially liquid love...."
"And you drank it anyway. Are you sure it was red? Because I've heard about little blue pills that cause these kinds of things?" Puck partially jests.
"I was starving....and Merlin said my chances of dying from the pain were higher....so I had to drink it." Harker says coiling up tightly now.
Puck facepalms, "What the hell are ya?"
"A Leanan Sidhe good sir....." Harker replies.
"Oh...that's explains a lot actually. Well I can actually help ya metabolize it. But you're gonna need to be more...humanoid for this to work."
Harker then turns into his Fae self, and DEFINITELY looks more horny than he did before. He's also still glowing like bonkers. "Well.....what do you think? My clothes aren't so presentable but....."
"Get on the bed I'll show ya a good time."
"Mind the new scar though, it's a bit sensitive." Harker implores him.
Meanwhile Death finds himself having another nightmare and begins tossing in his sleep heavily. Morgen actually senses it and gets the urge to check on him and does so. Finding him in bed tossing to and fro, she gently lays her hand on his shoulder. From there she is suddenly pulled into his nightmare. She sees him strapped down onto a rack and begging to be let go. Pleading for someone, anyone, to help him. Morgen immediately goes to do so and Death upon seeing her doesn't recognize her. As all he can see is a being encased in a light blue light, and the outline of horns on her head. He begins thrashing more at seeing that detail, but then he hears Morgen's voice telling him,
"Death be still, I'm here, I'm getting you out of here."
"What.....who are you? You're familiar, somehow." Death inquires a bit unsure.
"I'm here Death, just keep calm. I won't let her hurt you further." Morgen replies before placing her hands on the chains on his wrists.
They suddenly snap apart and Morgen quickly places her hands on his ankle chains. Once they also snap, Death quickly gets up and scurries backwards away from the rack. Morgen then calmly tells him, "Go now, run. You're free."
He does so and soon sees a white light ahead of him. When rushing into it, he finds himself in a pretty field. One that's full of colorful wildflowers with their fragrance on the breeze. It all felt so real to him. The next thing he knew, a floating white sheep suddenly bumped into his back. Turning around, he saw more floating over. Where that had once been a hallway of Lilith's home, there was only more of this beautiful field. Just then, he saw a proper glimpse of his savior. Rushing closer, he realized that it was indeed Morgen, only she had small sheep like horns. She glanced to him with a sweet smile before calmly saying, "Enjoy the peace tonight."
Death then heard a similar voice behind him, "You'll need a clear head for what's to come."
He turned again to find a woman that looked very similar to Morgen, with the same type of horns as well. Then with a sudden flash of light from both sides, Morgen and the mystery woman were gone. Death, despite his confusion, laid down upon the grass. Relaxing within the calming field. Meanwhile in the waking world, Morgen came to and slowly stood up to leave. However, she suddenly felt dizzy. She managed to make her way outside, only to collapse a ways down the hall.
Barrcus hears the thud and goes outside his room with Mina to check, "Is someone out here?", then upon looking down, "Morgen!"
He gently checked her over and rolled her onto her back in his arms. It caused him some pain to be holding her whilst crouching, but he had to be sure she was alright. He begins to stroke her head, but feels some bumps on her head. He figures she needs a bed straight away and asks for Mina's help. Mina then aids him into getting Morgen back to her bed.
"I felt two bumps Barrcus, should I check her head?"
"Yes let's."
Mina does so with Barrcus watching her closely, and when parting Morgen's hair, they found what looked like a tiny horn forming in her head. It was a blunt, miniscule thing, but still a concerning sight.
"That's a horn, must be. But why?" Mina questions in a mix of fear and worry.
"I have no idea. I'll keep an eye on her, you get some rest ok?" Barrcus states.
"Very well, just wake me if anything happens."
"I'll try." Barrcus informs her before Mina heads off.
Barrcus settles for stroking Morgen's head gently, despite the horns being there. He actually tapped one of them before Morgen made an annoyed groan in her sleep. She could clearly feel them from what he could tell. Barrcus then grasped her hand and continued to hold it through the night. Meanwhile Death got interrupted from his sleep by an extremely late visitor. He groaned and got up begrudgingly. He half expected either Puck or Harker. Instead he was met with Wren, in a simple lace nightgown. He couldn't help but think back to those nights he'd spend with her way back when.
"Uhm.....I would say this is a little unexpected but....not unwelcomed."
"I need to talk to you, and I can't wait any further. Please Death, can we speak to each other now?" Wren pleads with him.
Death sighed, "Uhm...sure."
He then lets Wren into the room, closing the door behind her. Fuzzball meanwhile yawns on a tiny bed in the corner whilst Dust is asleep on a perch. Wren then hugs Death, holding him close to her. Death isn't sure how to react for the longest time, but soon reciprocates her embrace. He can't remember readily how long it was since he'd held her like this. Admittedly it felt nice to have this sort of moment again, but he had a sinking feeling that it'd be the last one they'd have.
Once the two finally released each other, Wren told him, "I wanted to test and see if I could feel pleasure with you still. My race is rather weird about sex but essentially we can only have children with whom we view as equals. However, we also can only feel pleasure if we love the other person. Morgen and I did discuss it, and she gave me the ok to try this, in case you're wondering."
"I find this to be a bad idea, but if you want to continue on, I will be fine." Death assures her.
"If you say so. I'm only doing this because....I'm scared." Wren expresses hugging herself a bit.
"What are you scared of exactly?"
"That this test will be for not. That I've....you know...." Wren begins having a hard time saying it aloud.
"That you don't love me. Right now I wouldn't blame you. Given that I buried you alive with what were practically the living dead next to you. Among other reasons. Look, I find this to be extremely awkward, but if you want to go through with this we can. But if you're not feeling comfortable with any of this, we can just end this here. And get some needed rest. I'm certainly in desperate need of it."
Wren hugs herself tighter and thinks on it before saying, "I knew I should've waited until tomorrow before asking this.....the last thing I want to do is bother you.....I just can't sleep with this fear in my head....I'm well and truly scared that I've already lost my love for you."
"You do realize there are other forms of love? Friendship is one, family is another. But then again, it's not losing love that you're afraid of, is it? I still remember Wren, how you hated it whenever I left you alone. I was too afraid to disobey my elder brother too far. While you, you were terrified of being alone. You hated it so much that you always plead with me to stay with you. Wanting me to remain longer, or to flat out leave my kin for you. Neither of which I could ever fulfill. Hell, I even blocked the memories of you and our child because I couldn't bare it anymore after I lost both of you. How sad and pathetic is that, seriously?"
"What....what are you saying?"
Death wrapped an arm around her and sat her down beside him on the bed, "Wren, I don't think you need this test to prove anything. You're only clinging to me because for the longest time, I was all you had. I was the only person you spent your days with, and when I was gone, you rarely left the house. You told me this yourself once, so I remember it clearly. You told me I was all you had left, that I was your purpose, your reason to keep living on without your family. Wren, I don't deserve you. Not after everything I put you through. You deserve someone better. Besides, if our suspicions about C are correct, you won't be alone. You'll have someone to care for."
Wren began to sob, partially because her concerns were realized. But also out of relief, strangely enough. She hugged Death again, who obliged right away this time, sensing she needed it. Death made sure to make this final act of love count. As much as he cared for Wren, he knew she couldn't be happy with him. She needed to find herself someone who could do what he failed to do. He had to let her go, so she could be free to find herself in her own way. Wren soon calmed down but remained in his arms longer, wanting to be sure this moment would be among those happiest memories of Death.
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 24: Respite from the Night
Death came into the room with the tray and told her, "Good Morning. Wasn't sure what you'd like so....here you go."
Morgen glances and notices the mix of a full english, a small acaí bowl, and ful medames. She can't help but giggle, "This is.....quite the serving. I think I'm going to need a little help."
"Ehh uhhhhh....right..."
Then a knock comes at the door, "Morning everyone, how's it going...", Nergal then glances at the food and looks at Death, "Well Death, I'm impressed. Guess you expected me."
"Actually I made these for Morgen." Death tells him whilst rubbing his neck.
"And yet you have nothing for the lady to drink. How shameful Horseman."
"I am NOT a damn BUTLER." Death growls.
"And yet you wait on Morgen hand and foot."
Death growls some more before saying, "I'm doing this because I love her."
Then as Death realizes what he'd just said, Nergal chuckles, "Well well, isn't that a pleasant surprise. Hell just look at the dear lady now."
Death looks at her in full on embarrassment but sees her looking at him in a starry eyed way. She's caught off guard sure, and blushing a bit, but seems to have taken it very well. He then coughs to catch himself and tells her, "So uuuhhh food?"
"Oh uh...of course. Perhaps the little Acaí bowl over there? I can't wait to taste your take on it." Morgen replies warmly.
Death hands the bowl to her and watches keenly as she takes a bite of it. Her dazzled expression definitely helps ease his tension, "You like it then?"
"This is amazing. Well done. Might have to ask for more dishes in the future. Course I do want to thank you in some way."
"Oh that's not necessary...really..." Death says quickly with steam practically coming out of his ears.
"Just come here for a moment." Morgen tells him simply.
Death sighs and does so, only for her to gesture for him to come closer. He pulls up a chair and is confused now, "Uhm....there a reason you want me this close to you?"
"Have you eaten yourself yet?"
"Morgen I'm fine really. I made this for you anyway." Death quickly replies in growing embarrassment.
Nergal however sees what Morgen's trying to do and tells him, "Now now Horseman, all chefs taste test at least once don't they?"
Death gets even more flustered and gestures for Nergal to turn around in extreme discomfort. Nergal finally does so after pushing the chair closer, but neglects to warn Death about the mirror reflecting him and Morgen right now. With the knowledge that Nergal 'shouldn't' be watching, Death removed his mask. Course once he accepted a bite from the spoon he's suddenly surprised by a quick and gentle peck. Morgen sees him turn bright red and can't help but do so herself.
Nergal chuckles once more, "Never have I seen Death be filled with the colors of life so prominently."
"Very funny." Death mumbles after swallowing the bite in his mouth.
"Just figured I'd thank you for the meal. And make sure you remembered your promise the other day." Morgen expresses with a little embarrassment herself, as well as a hint of sweetness.
Death thinks back and recalls what he told her before fighting Leatherbeard, "Ah right well then ah...anyway uh...."
"Why don't I make you a smoothie Morgen. I hear they're quite the craze. And you do need your nutrients my dear." Nergal sighs out to Morgen.
Death sighs as well, "Ugh right....I'm sorry Morgen I'm just...caught off guard right now...I'll find the words to say...eventually...some time today...hopefully..."
Morgen gets a tad disheartened but tries not to let it show as she says, "I can wait. Just take it easy on yourself."
Nergal gets annoyed at this and figures he needs to fix this stat, "Why don't you aid me Death? Given that you seem to have a knack for cooking."
"Uhm yeah ok..." Death replies awkwardly before following him.
Once they're out of earshot Death gets a smack on the back of the head.
"Ow! What the hell?"
"That...was pathetic. Seriously. You had it and then you LOST it." Nergal expresses with great annoyance. The hell is wrong with you?"
"Says the man who said emotion was difficult at best and impossible to feel at worst."
"I meant at expressing it! And you weren't there for that conversation."
"Yes I was." Death points out.
"Whatever. My point still stands, you SUCK at talking to women. Let alone EXPRESSING yourself. Morgen is giving you so many signals and you JUST DON'T NOTICE THEM." Nergal states in annoyance.
"Hey I notice it believe me!"
"Did you notice how her tone changed slightly when telling you she could wait? How her body language drooped for only a second before she caught herself? She's hiding it, but if you're as keen as everyone says you are then I doubt you could've missed THAT."
"Well maybe the smoothie oughta save things." Death tells him a bit angrily.
"Maybe. For your sake you better hope so."
Morgen sighs to herself in the meantime and decides to wander around for a time. She's sort of lost in a daze before noticing Esmie making a fuss with the guards.
"You're sure you haven't seen my Niño?!"
"We haven't ma'am, I am sorry."
"Ah useless!"
"Easy now Esmie, what's troubling you?" Morgen asks her gently.
"My Niño Arn, he's missing and I can't find him! I've looked all over and asked everyone."
"Don't worry we'll find him. Just stay calm. Did you check his room?"
"Yes and all I found was a demented looking black sheep straight from hell!"
"Oh no.....I'll do my best to look for him. Just have faith and stay calm Esmie. I promise you I'll do everything I can." Morgen explains to her.
"Thank you Morgen, thank you."
Morgen nods, and then goes on her way. Searching around his room first. Course she catches something on the window. Upon closer inspection she finds scratch marks on the glass and wood. As well as the lock being broken. "Oh dear..."
She then opens the window and makes an effort to climb out without falling. Granted she could easily catch herself with her wings, but it was a matter of how fast she could do so. Luckily she manages to remain steady after kicking her shoes off. She's extremely careful whilst climbing around the building. Eventually finding signs of where he may have gone off too. Once she's on a stable enough ledge, she finally just chooses to fly onto the roof. Getting onto it easily after that, she looks around for Arn. Finally seeing him laying down on a flatter part of the roof. Carefully she approaches and asks him gently, "Are you alright Arn?"
Arn sees her and sighs before pulling his knees to his chest to rest his chin, "I just wanted somewhere to think."
"I see. Well a note would've sufficed you know. Your Mother is worried sick.", Morgen replied calmly before sitting down nearby.
"Probably right.", He says as he seems to just stare out over the treetops.
"I know I am, I saw her before tracking you down. In fact I told her I'd find you. Do you need anything by chance? Food does help with the thinking process."
"I'm fine just...", Arn starts to tell her. However he is unable to finish and Morgen can tell he's hiding something.
"Arn, what's wrong? I know the black sheep from last night was still running amok after my own experience. Did it by chance come across you?"
"I don't know if it was...but last night I had a dream I hadn't had in a long time.", Arn replies softly.
"Let me guess? More horrifying than usual, one that felt more real than any other?" Morgen inquires.
"Yeah...it was the night my parents died...I was so young, I was playing in a field chasing small animals. I never caught one no matter how hard i tried. I remember smelling smoke...and there was this glow nearby on the horizon. I ran towards it...I watched my parents die in a fire. And I was frozen with fear...I Couldn't Move, I JUST WATCHED!" He growled full of sorrow and pain.
"My own was Uther making an attempt to....well I'll spare you the details for your age's sake..." Morgen began to say a bit unsure.
Arn calms himself before asking, "I just...I just wish I could've saved them...I was just a pup...what could I have done?"
Morgen placed a calming hand on his shoulder, "Arn...there was nothing to be done. I wish I could've saved my own birth parents as well. I was a young girl when my Father died in battle, and my Mother died attacking Uther. I could do nothing in either situation."
"The worst part is...I can't remember their faces...I remember my father as tall and strong...and my mother...she was always smiling when she saw me. Her eyes were blue...just like mine...but...I can't remember anything else...there's not even a picture.", Arn tells her sadly.
"I could help you remember their faces if you wish. But it will take some time to figure out. Perhaps in the meantime you can go out on the town with your Mother? To get your mind off things."
"I'd be allowed to leave?" He asks after a few seconds.
"Of course. I did say that you could leave with my permission. However given that the house arrest is still in effect and that Uther remains a threat, it'd be in your best interest to return here. Perhaps I'll even come along. There's a village with a library we can visit. Hopefully it has books or scrolls on the Dream Realm."
"Ok...I have been getting tired of being stuck in these walls.", He explains getting up and stretching.
"Well let us be careful while getting down." Morgen states simply.
"I can climb easily. If you want you can hold onto my back." Arn tells her.
"I'm fine. I'm still a Fae all things considered. I have wings." Morgen explains before taking flight, "I was mostly telling you to be careful."
"I'll be fine.", Arn smirked as he started climbing down using his claws to dig into the spaces no fingers can find. His feet digging into the walls as he finally swings back through the window leading to his room.
Morgen meanwhile takes a moment as she notices her wings are now emanating a brilliant light. She could swear it's like moonlight. Course Arn's voice snaps her out of the slight trance.
"Hey! I'm waiting Mrs. Show off.", Arn says with slight snark.
"Right right. Very funny." Morgen replies before flying down, "Although my intent wasn't to show off. I just haven't noticed this glow. It's new to me."
"Perhaps those new parents of yours have some answers?" Arn questions with a shrug.
"I suppose. Though maybe your Mother Esmie may have some answers of her own for you. Depending on what questions you may have. Teens often have many I hear."
"I suppose so.", Arn mutters still saddened by the memories.
"Don't worry Arn, I'm sure this trip will be good for you." Morgen tells him with a hopeful tone.
Meanwhile Death and Nergal have nearly gotten the smoothie ready. Having to ask Gregory for help ultimately. Luckily he has a small hand wound blender of his own design. The only problem is that occasionally it jams. Due to not being reliable as a first draft if anything. When it jams yet again, Nergal takes the opportunity to talk to Death about Morgen again.
"So, what are your feelings towards Morgen? And I mean exactly?"
Death raises an eyebrow behind his mask, "This is not the place to be discussing these things. Nor is it the right time."
"Seems to be a more perfect time than any. So your feelings?"
Death rolls his eyes, "Why do you want to know so badly?"
"She is family to me remember? Why would I not want to know? Especially when you're fucking up this badly. Aspen and I have an amazing relationship, and that's saying a lot. Given my lack of feeling and expressing most emotions easily at least."
Death sighs and asks him, "By feelings, what do you mean exactly? As in my romantic feelings or how I feel about her in general?"
"Both would suffice."
Death's eye twitched briefly but he gathered himself regardless. Then he looked at Gregory, "Gregory, would you mind leaving the room or..."
"Lad I was married quite happily for many eons. For all ya know I have plenty of advice for ya too. So no I'm staying put. Besides I've got this confounded machine to meddle with." Gregory responded with a slight growl before continuing, "It would be better if it was AUTOMATIC."
"Yes but you know how technology works." Death states.
"Right right. Anyway carry on then." Gregory tells him as Nergal patiently waits for his questions' answers.
Death finally caves and explains himself, "If you're wondering so badly, yes there are definitely 'things'. Just a little worried to take those leaps for a few good reasons."
"Are you sure about that my friend?"
"Well first there's the Council. How do you think they'd feel about me seeing anyone? How they'd view me having another person I'm loyal to alongside them? What they'd do if they even suspected for a moment I could have children? Or hell if they found out I already have one?" Death questions him with increasing intensity.
"If they have any problems, they can take it up with me." Nergal tells him simply.
"And you think you can take the force that brought Heaven and Hell to their knees for a treaty? One that can do just about whatever they want or whatever they will in the name of the balance?"
"You do realize you're the only reason they have power? Without you, they have nothing. The Watchers? Please you can break those like twigs. Their other servants are either incapable or unwilling to get involved in their true dirty work. You were the best fit, and they know that very well."
"Hence why we're all kept on leashes like guard dogs." Death points out.
"How do they keep you on such short leashes? Idle threats? Empty promises? Last I checked, those never have any impact. Not enough to matter anyway."
"Try being tortured for disobedience. Being hit with a sudden pain whose source you cannot see. All you know is that pain." Death explains.
"That's it, pain? Horseman, they need to get creative. Because pain is all in the mind, as you so obviously know." Nergal tells him.
"I'm worried they'd threaten Morgen's life, or the lives of any children we may have. Sure I'm fairly certain I can't have children due to being a hybrid of two races, but I'm still open to the idea that it's possible." Death expresses.
"They threaten Morgen, they threaten their existence."
"These beings aren't like any in the universe. They don't seem to have a true physical presence and yet do. They're not just a group of standing stones that can talk. They're a powerful group of Creator ordained beings that keep order for him. I've even met a few Gods and Goddesses who fear them." Death tells him.
"And yet, they are not what you think they are. Ever hear of the Lord of Hollows?"
"Only that he is a traitor and one we should avoid. Any other information I did find to sate my curiosity was sparce at best. Could only look for so long before the Watchers felt I was looking too deep into it. I felt it wasn't worth putting my family at risk so I left it be." Death admits.
"You'd be interested that that 'greater' Demon, was in fact a chosen member of the Council. But one who got tired of it, or didn't see the point in it."
"You heard me Horseman. The 'divine powers' of the Council, their members, is just a bunch of Angels and Demons sitting around being bureaucratic. Trying to keep the peace as it were and failing miserably."
"CAREFUL. You have no idea how well the Council watches us with their personal slave race." Death expresses in a bit of anger.
"You know I'm right though."
"ENOUGH, the both of ya. Even I don't want to know what the Council might do if they catch us discussing this. Can we go back to Morgen now?" Gregory quickly says in a hushed tone.
"Of course. So, with this interesting revelation, why haven't you tried anything? What other reasons could you possibly have?" Nergal inquires of Death.
"LILITH....and you should know damn well why. Obviously I would NEVER want anyone I care about anywhere even remotely close to her. And I'd be DAMNED, if she EVER wanted to meet any 'Grandchildren'. However, I also know how powerful and PATIENT she is. She'll strike when I least expect it, when I'm not ready, or when I'm not even there to stop her." Death tells Nergal.
"Be glad you have me as an ally. I'll make sure she doesn't even get the idea."
"Clearly you've never met her. As one of her...victims....I can say these things with confidence. I know for a FACT that she's dangerous enough for me to worry about if I ever settle down."
"My question is how long can she take it without being able to feel pleasure from anything?" Nergal questions him.
"I...wouldn't know. I was the only one who suffered during my imprisonment by her. She ENJOYED it. EVERY. SINGLE. MOMENT."
"You don't know how effective I am. She may be masochist yes, but what if that couldn't fulfill her? You have no idea how effective my capabilities are."
"She beds with Hell's most powerful and insane demons. Lucifer being the most common name thrown around. Any damage you do, would most likely be undone. And you can't undo a mind that's already broken beyond all points of repair. His is a mind NO ONE should enter." Death states.
"Yeesh talk about being a stubborn one. Is it because Crom's inside your head?"
"How'd you..?"
"I can sense him, and I see him occasionally. In your shadow on the wall, in any reflective surfaces you pass. I know your nightmares, hell I may have constructed a few of them. But nevermind on that."
Death stutters, "I...I.."
"If you're worried about Lilith, I can make it so that she can never find you. Not unless you're standing right in front of her. And that is the only way she can find you. And before you say anything about powerful demons, I make them look like cockroaches in my true form. So how about that?"
Death actually feels Crom at the edge of his mind now and quickly vacates the area. Finding an empty room to contain himself and keep Crom at bay. Crom however isn't giving up so easily. In fact just as Nergal catches up with Gregory close behind, Death's neck suddenly twists to the side slightly. Not enough to snap, but it definitely looks painful. He starts to snicker a bit, then begins laughing maniacally. Finally Death is then turned around to face Nergal. In Death's voice Crom tells him,
"Foolish child of Dreams and Nightmare....you truly think your threats mean anything to me? I am just as in control as Death is. And he knows it. You can only contain me for so long. I am a TRUE GOD. You....are NOTHING but the misshapen thought of a deity who got bored. A MISTAKE born with no love given to you, no care g-gah!"
Nergal has grabbed Death's throat, and Crom's within Death's mind, "And you are a pathetic worm, that is pretending to be something grand. You're calling me misshapen, hmhmhmhm...then what happened to your eye? Why does your name literally mean 'twisted one'? Why is it so easy to silence you? Hahahahahaha...heeh...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! UHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Crom just tells him in a strained voice, "You....aren't just choking me...you know...."
Suddenly Death's eyes go from green to their usual firey orange and he begins actually trying to get out of the hold on his neck. Only for Nergal to drop him, leaving Death coughing on the floor.
"I...*cough*..would've..*cough* *cough*..handled it...*cough* *cough* *cough*....if you left me alone..." Death expresses to Nergal and Gregory both in the middle of his cough attack.
"For fuck's sake are ya alright lad?" Gregory asks him in concern.
"Sorry, got a bit carried away." Nergal explains simply with little care at all.
Death continues coughing for a time as he gasps for air. Gregory just looks at Nergal, "Carried away?! YA COULD'VE KILLED HIM DOING THAT!"
"Sorry, I have a very bad habit of forgetting how fragile you mortals are." Nergal states in an unamused tone.
Death is about to say something but begins retching. Gregory watches him in even more concern as he begins dry heaving as well. Finally Death pukes up what seems like water and a few worms, somehow. Nergal is only confused and looks at his hand, "I'm not THAT bad at managing my strength am I?"
Death is shaking badly after that forced vomiting, even a bit dazed. He does manage to tell Nergal however, "This....wasn't you....It's a message..."
"Of course it is, ugh. I'll go get Mina." Nergal replies in that same tone.
Gregory just brushes him off this time and helps try and get Death on his feet. Or at least off the floor. "Ok easy there lad, easy now....there."
Death leans back in the chair he's now sitting on. Working to get out of the dazed state he's in. He does however thank Gregory at least, "Thank you....and sorry for....you seeing that...."
"No problem. Now let's get this smoothie going. Once yer rested up enough I'll let ya deliver it. At least the kitchen isn't too far from this room. Just don't go off anywhere ya hear? Not with ya being in this state."
"Right....huuuuh." Death then laid his head back as Gregory left the room. As he took a brief rest, he heard Crom in his head, "This isn't over Death. Not by a long shot. I'll be sure you get 'attended' to later. When Nergal isn't around."
Death suddenly jolts forward as he wakes up, and his nausea kicks in again. Luckily Mina's already there mopping up. So she quickly gets him back in the chair. "Easy Death, nearly fell out there. And ya REALLY look like hell."
Death takes a moment to relax after that and hears a familiar voice as he comes out of dizziness again. Sure enough it's Morgen, smoothie in hand. Course she's also got another cup of what looks like water. "Who told you?"
"Nergal, who else? Are you feeling well?" Morgen inquired of him gently.
"I'm not ill...if that's what you mean. Just a bit worn out...if anything else." Death expresses.
"Here's some water, will you need assistance with the glass?"
"I should be fine, I think." Death tells her before sitting up in the chair slowly. He then takes the glass carefully before taking a drink.
"Just not too much, and not too fast either."
"I know I know. Believe me, but thank you for the water." Death replies.
"Glad I could help. Just take it easy on yourself today ok? I should be back tonight, hopefully before dark though." Morgen calmly tells him.
"Wait what? You're going out?"
"Well yes. Seems Arn had a bad experience with the Black Sheep last night. So I figured I'd make it up to him and his Mother by letting them head out today. Although I'm also going to watch them and hopefully find anything on Dream Realm magic." Morgen explains.
"What happened to wanting nothing to do with the realm?"
Morgen sighs before saying, "I meant the realm itself. I can't exactly just not use the magic. It's going to manifest in other ways I'm sure. So I better find ways to use it more effectively."
"I should go with you then."
"No, you need to rest for today after what happened." Morgen insists.
"I can't let you leave alone. I need to make sure you're safe. Besides, Barrcus would expect nothing less of me surely." Death protests.
"I'm sure he'd understand this situation."
Death groaned, "Yeah, but I don't want to risk anything. Cause if something does happen Barrcus is gonna leave me somewhere t.....nevermind. Either way, I'll recover fine and I'm going."
Morgen sighed before saying, "Very well, since you're being a stubborn mule. Don't say I didn't warn you though."
Morgen then goes off to find Arn and Esmie. Death meanwhile works to get ready as best he can. He leans against anything he can to help himself stay upright, making sure he can walk fine before going on out. Death of course is relieved when seeing Crom's leaving him be now. So he goes on as normal, continuing to drink a bit of water. Fuzzball spots and follows him a bit concerned.
Death assures him though, "I'm fine Fuzzball. Just had a troubled start to the day. Nothing more."
Fuzzball cocks his head a bit unsure but gives him a snuggle anyway.
He continues to follow Death, but he tells the furry critter, "I'll be heading out, and I want you to stay here please. I have enough to worry about today."
Fuzzball whines in protest but Death shakes his head, "Nope, not gonna cave this time."
Fuzzball then brings out the puppy eyes, only to get water poured on him, "No, you're not pulling that on me."
Fuzzball shakes off the water and stamps his little foot in a pouty matter.
"Why are you being so adamant?"
Course War then asks him, "Don't you usually take him on walks sometimes?"
"He's not a dog."
"Even you have said he acts like one."
"You also train him to be like one." War states.
"I am not taking him out on a walk."
"Mmhmm right." War tells him.
"I am AM NOT TAKING....ugh....I can't believe I'm actually doing this. Come on Fuzzball." Death grumbles out to Fuzzball's delight. War can't help but laugh when seeing Death pull out a leash and collar from his inventory crystal.
"Why am I not surprised?"
"Shut. Up." Death says to him.
"You need to learn when to say no to him."
"That's the problem, I have. In fact you were the one hinting that I should do it anyway so there." Death retorts.
Nergal actually comes across them at this moment, "Ah good to see you up again Horseman. I was hoping that earlier wasn't too drai...ning.....uhm...what's with the leash?"
"Ugh my brother War nagged me until I agreed to walk Fuzzball. Since the little bugger wants to come along today."
"Wait....where are you going today? Personally and professionally if you ask me I'd suggest you stay at rest today after...."
"I'm fine. Just need to keep an eye on Morgen whilst she's out with Arn and Esmie. Apparently the sheep from Verdak is still running around and it got ahold of the kid." Death quickly states before Nergal can finish.
"Right. Well even as sure as you are I'm still not convinced. I'm going as well. Need to go check on Aspen anyway, so what better day to do so."
Death grumbles again, "Alright. I'll meet you outside with the others."
Course War stops Nergal, "What's he hiding this time? This wouldn't be the first time he's done this."
War's eyes widen, "I had thought we taught that MISERABLE WORM a lesson last time. That he wouldn't bother Death again. Rrrgh. Please tell me what else happened."
"I may have choked out your brother."
"Let's just say Crom said a few things that put him in my crosshairs. That and he was unfortunately using Death's body to achieve this. Oh! And after Crom depossessed him, Death threw up a mixture of water and a few worms." Nergal replies nonchalantly.
War thinks back a bit, remembering just how bad the possessions could get whenever Crom would take over. The things that would be said, things Death would apologize for despite not having been the one to say them truly. How many nightmares Death had over such incidents. "Keep an eye on him. If Crom is gunning for Death again, things may only get worse from here. Crom, as impulsive as he is sometimes, can be very patient as well. Not to mention extremely devious and maddening."
"If Crom starts to throw a hissy fit..." Nergal begins as his third eye reveals itself, "...I believe I can handle it. Thoroughly. Don't worry, your brother won't be tormented easily. And certainly not without a fight."
"Thank you. I'll go alert the other two to be mindful of it as well. Strife would have my head if I didn't." War explains before walking off, hoping for the best.
"We can't have that now can we?" Nergal questions simply before walking off as well.
Death has meanwhile gotten outside and notices just how bright it is real quick. Eventually his eyes adjust and he heads over to where Morgen and the others are. Vortigern has fashioned a simple carriage together with Titania's help, but he's also unsure of the trip.
"Morgen are you certain about this?"
"I'll be fine Uncle. I'm not alone and I'll be certain to contact you if anything goes wrong. Don't worry." Morgen tells him.
"Well at least go in cloaks. That way you're at least covered in some capacity. In case Uther tries anything, or if his men should recognize you. I suggest the same for all of you in fact."
"Well thanks for the recommendation señor." Esmie tells Vortigern simply.
Arn only nods before taking cloaks for him and his Mother. They're simple, but still well made. Morgen gets hers on just as they get inside the carriage. Death comes up and helps her tie it off, not thinking too much of it.
"Here, that help?"
"A bit. Thank you." Morgen tells him before scooping up Fuzzball. She then takes him inside before Death summons a cloak of his own from his inventory. With that he enters the carriage with her. Luckily it's big enough for more than four people despite being simple on the outside.
Death actually asks Morgen about it as Nergal comes over, "So, how is it that the inside is bigger than the outside? An enchantment perhaps?"
"Yes actually. All carriages within Titania's home, even the simple ones, are built with enchantments to accommodate a larger group than just four. Fae do enjoy company, whether Seelie or Unseelie. Some just prefer it for attending parties while others just gather up and chit chat." Morgen explains to him.
"This would be amazing for me and the girls back home. You must teach me that spell Morgen." Esmie implores of her.
"Don't worry Esmie, I'll ask Titania about it for sure." Morgen promises her.
With that Nergal got in with them and figured since he wasn't known he'd be better off not bothering to hide himself in a cloak. Despite the others pointing it out to him that he probably should just in case. Nergal only points out his horns though, which shuts down further attempts to convince him. Morgen takes the time to observe out the window as a guard drives them to their destination. Death took a moment to admire Morgen's peaceful look before glancing at a map she'd marked. He noticed a token on the map was enchanted to move along the road they were traveling on. He was a bit impressed but then noticed they were heading into the Seelie Kingdom. Granted it was only a village just past the border, but it was enough to concern him. Morgen noticed how the scenery of the Unseelie Kingdom slowly began to shift into that of the Seelie Kingdom. How the wildlife began to become more noticeable as well. She enjoyed the beauty of the Seelie Kingdom, and had missed it admittedly. Course she knew she couldn't remain in the realm for long on this visit. Not with Uther or any loyalists of his lurking about. Luckily the guard was dressed as an ordinary driver for the trip. Though he was quite fidgety with his armor under the clothes. Nergal decided he'd keep his eye on him, having been watching the man for a bit. Arn's attention was to a knife of his, he was noticing it seemed a bit dull. With that he began to sharpen it, having a stone for the job. Death's concentration on the map immediately ceased upon hearing the sound of stone against a blade. Esmie's ears perked to and fro in the meanwhile as she observed Arn in his efforts. Death tries to tolerate it for a time, but knows there are far better ways to sharpen a blade than using a stone.
"Would you like me to teach you a way to sharpen a blade a bit more efficiently?" He finally asks the boy.
Nergal sighs with relief as Arn questions Death, "Why?"
"Simple, I know a way that's faster but also more effective. Not to mention not as grating on the ears. It was actually a method I learned from my friend Bardak." Death informs him.
Arn decides to let Death show him the method he knows, "Fine. But only because Bardak told you about it."
"First you take this whetstone, and you stick it in a bucket. Wait until all the bubbles in bucket cease. Once they've ceased, then you pull out you whetstone and sharpen your blade." Death tells him.
Death then shows him how to sharpen the blade. Flipping and scraping it against the back of his hand as if it were a butter knife. Granted he does point out to Arn that it's currently not sharp enough to cut him before doing that. With that Death finds a bucket for him from his inventory crystal. Morgen notices what's going on and uses her magic to gather moisture in the air where she can. With this she places it into the bucket they've got and Death has Arn place the whetstone into the bucket. The whetstone also being from his crystal. Eventually Arn sees the bubbles stop and pulls the whetstone out. Death then watches him keenly and helps where it's needed as Arn sharpens his dagger.
Eventually Arn gets it sharpened and is amazed. "Thank you."
"No problem." Death tells him.
With that Arn sheaths his blade before asking him, "Where can I find a whetstone? For sale I mean?"
"There may be one in the village. So long as there's a smith at least." Death tells him simply.
Morgen meanwhile looks inside a secret compartment of the carriage and finds little spherical capsules. She takes one of them and pops it open with a squeeze of her hand. From there magical energy forms into a bowl with some food. Simple pastries for the road. She takes one for herself and begins to partake whilst everyone is looking at her weird.
"Explain how that's possible." Death tells her.
Nergal however does just that, "Probably prepared the food ahead of time, shrunk it down, gave it a presentation spell, and placed it inside the capsule for later use. Simple as that."
"Oh...right." Death says feeling a slight bit dumb right now.
Esmie is just amazed all together whilst Arn just looks at the food.
"Well feel free to partake yourselves everyone. We may be in here for a few hours at least." Morgen tells them.
With that Arn grabs a pastry and eats up. Death does too, if mainly out of curiosity about the taste. He's pleasantly surprised, but does prefer sweets of either his own making, or his Ceise's.
"Not bad, not bad."
"Guessing you prefer your Mother's cooking when it comes to pastries?" Morgen inquires curiously.
"Not just pastries, sweets in general. She makes amazing desserts, my favorites being any pies she makes. Course I do pride myself on my own cooking too whenever I have the time. But that's a conversation for another time heheh..." Death says a bit embarrassed.
"Ah come on, you could stand to boast about knowing how to cook. Especially if it's actually good food. Some women like that you know." Nergal tells him.
Death groans a bit as Morgen states, "If it helps Death, I did enjoy the breakfast you made. Made sure to sample each dish at least once when you headed off from my room. They were delightful."
Death rubbed his neck as he became more embarrassed, "Eheheheh...glad you enjoyed it."
"Aw don't be so embarrassed, Nergal's right you know señor. Women love a man who can cook an amazing meal." Esmie pipes up.
"I'll bet though that you can do better than him Mama. Your food is always the best." Arn tells her.
"Awwwwwww, thank you niño."
"Anyway what's your favorite food Nergal?" Death inquires trying to pass the time and change the subject slightly.
"Hmmm...I don't really have a favorite."
"Ah fair enough I guess. Reminds me of Harker actually. Granted he does have a favorite food, but he doesn't necessarily use what we consider food for sustenance. If anything what we eat is all junk food for him." Death says simply.
"Ah I see. As for me, I'd say anything with a fragrant taste to it or citrus. Usually dishes involving with exotic fruits or vegetables tend to be amazing for me. Although occasionally I'll partake of meat as well." Morgen explains.
Death smirks behind his mask, "Well then, I'll keep this mind next time I cook for you."
Morgen smiles at that and says, "Awwww, how sweet of you."
Nergal was actually highly annoyed with that sudden move. At the same time though, he couldn't help but wonder if Death just ran on wild card logic. His best actions in romance coming from seemingly out of nowhere.
Arn shook his head, "Get a room already."
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 3 Quiet Masquerade
Death noticed the little scene himself but despite his concerns about the spider he said nothing of it. Rather instead he turned his thoughts onto what reasons Morgen would need to powder her hands. Obviously there had to be a reason for it. Although, could it really be something so mundane as she seemed to imply with her answer? Surely not given her royal status. While some royals did do some eccentric things, she didn't strike him as the type. If anything she seemed a bit reserved, not as much as himself, but still. Morgen also seemed to have a serenity about her, he couldn't quite place it, but a sort of peace just seemed to be emanating from her.
Morgen noticed his occasional glances before long, "Is something the matter?"
"Something as makeup on the hands just seems...a little too off for you." Death expressed simply.
"Perhaps so, but as I told you I have my reasons for it."
"Trying to hide something from someone?" Death inquired.
"Oh come now, what do I have to hide?" Morgen asked a bit coyly.
"Just seems a bit strange is all. Makeup is a good way to hide things. You would think lotion would be a better choice if you're skin is often dry. But makeup? That says something else." Death pressed.
"It is good at hiding things, so long as you're careful that is. And it's not dry hands that I have to worry about I assure you." Morgen informed him calmly.
"So what is it that you're hiding, and from whom?"
Morgen sighed and thought for a moment before glancing at the spider, as if asking permission for something. Or perhaps rather, based on Morgen's shame filled expression, that even whoever controlled the spider wasn't aware of this secret, "If I tell you, this does not leave your lips. No one else hears of it. Am I clear on that?"
"Depends. How bad's the secret?" Death asked.
"I'll show you...", Morgen whispered before revealing her hand and wrist, "...I'll need some water though."
Death pulls out a water bladder before proposing to her, "Want me to take care of the spider whilst I'm at it?"
"No. It's fine. The creature can remain, as I'm sure its master will want to hear this as well. Even though I dread his reaction." Morgen muttered whilst shivering at the thought.
"Can the master hear from the spider?" Death questioned.
"Yes he can, but he's a good man I assure you. Always looking out for me as best he can." Morgen replied.
"So do you want him to hear this?"
"He'd likely try and listen even if I didn't. So I've little choice really." Morgen stated softly.
"Well....", Death began speaking an incantation of some kind that freezes the spider after he's done, "..you do now."
"And I was fine with him hearing anyway." Morgen declares.
"Ehe...Sorry, do you wish me to remove it?"
Morgen nodded and Death thusly removed the spell. The spider then responded by showing its fangs and stridulating in agitation.
"You wanna die?" Death questioned.
Morgen then spotted a second spider coming up behind him, "Perhaps you'd best leave them alone."
"Them?" Death tendered before jumping slightly at the feeling of the second spider crawling on his back, "Eh...how venomous are they?"
"They've taken down a horse, but not killed it. Just put it out of commission for a time." Morgen explained matter-of-factly.
Death's eyes widen and he looks at the spider in hidden fear. Morgen however only snickered, "Don't worry, they can control both the potency and quantity of their venom."
"They seem to be the perfect assassins." Death expressed.
"I'll bare this in mind for another time. For now...", Morgen began as she started to manipulate the water in the flask with her magic, "...I said that I'd show you my secret."
Death watched keenly as she removed the makeup by casting the water all along her wrist and hand. Her hand had small faded scars that were clearly going to heal completely in time. Her wrist however held marks that suggested she'd been bound by rope recently. While those marks had healed, they were clearly taking longer to do so. The spiders stridulated even louder now, worrying Morgen a bit.
Death however, "Whoever did this should be fearing for his life."
Morgen looked at him surprised but also with a bit of shame, "I asked Mina to do it for me. It was...necessary."
As the spiders calmed slightly Death probed further, "Why would you ask that of her?"
"Because it was needed.....for a ritual...one that's very taboo now...", Morgen explained whilst looking around a bit paranoid.
The spiders look both interested and concerned, whilst Death shares such an expression, "What was this ritual for exactly?"
Morgen looked around again before whispering into his ear, while the spider on Death's back came to his shoulder to hear her, "It's the one that...causes an abortion."
Death's eyes widened all the more in a mix of shock and horror, "What?" Meanwhile the spider that could hear this made a strange noise akin to a demented woodpecker. Death looked at it worried, "Should I be worried about the spiders now?"
"No, I expected that reaction. Believe me. I also can't blame you for the disgust." Morgen expressed shamefully.
Death sighed, unsure of what to say ultimately. Strife however had an idea of what to ask, "What the HELL was that noise?"
"Spiders." Death explains as the spiders begin to converge to the window. Thus causing Strife to panic and shut it back.
Mina meanwhile asked the spider that was with her, "What happened?", hoping it had been shown what its fellow spiders had bore witness to. It climbs up her shoulder and whispers in her ear. Its eyes glowing as well as part of the spell to help it speak, "Why didn't you tell me?"
Mina sighed, "Please forgive me Barrcus, I was just as worried as her. That word would get out, particularly to Uther."
"It won't."
Strife looked at Mina when hearing a strange voice saying something he couldn't pick up. Then upon seeing the glowing eyes of the spider, "Is that thing talking?"
The spider's eyes cease glowing and it makes a shhhh type gesture. Mina responds to Strife by saying, "Maybe you just heard another strange noise."
The girls paid no heed to what was going on, being too focused on Fuzzball. Meanwhile Strife just sighed and went back to viewing out the window. Soon enough the company had reached the castle. The Captain of the guard was already there and trying to insist Uther send more guards out there to find Morgen. His partially dislocated leg being treated as he pled with the king.
Vortigern and Uther did agree on that, but were arguing over executing the poor man or not, "Brother he did all he could. The situation just made it so that he being dragged by his legs by his horses."
Uther rebutted however, "If he had been more COMPETENT, that wouldn't have happened."
Vortigern retorted, "He shouldn't be executed for a MISHAP!"
"I find it highly, HIGHLY difficult to believe that this man was strapped by his leg to his HORSES. And then was dragged off."
The Captain explained, "It was the bandits, they got the upper hand, I'm sorry sir."
Barrcus however told them, "Sire, it seems our problem has been taken care of.", before pointing towards the carriage.
Morgen hopped off the driver's seat and greeted everyone, "Sorry to worry you everyone."
"Ah you had me worried." Barrcus stated in relief and was about to continue before being interrupted.
"Care to explain what exactly happened? Tried to milk the information from this...imbecile, but he hasn't been so forthcoming." Uther demanded of her.
"The bandits attacked and the Captain was dragged off. The bandits converged on me when I came out to face them. I was preparing to attack when two strangers came to our aid." Morgen explained a bit fearfully.
"So what do you think we should do with the guard?" Uther questioned her.
"Just leave him be, blame the bandits if anything. They've all suffered a painful demise. Especially the leader. Whom may I add made a few advances towards me?" Morgen told him.
"Excuse me, what?" Uther growled out.
"He intended to make a ransom of me initially. But I'm sure he may have....had his way with me if things turned out poorly."
"So where are the bandits now?" Uther asked.
"Like she said, dead." Death replied.
"Where are their bodies? Or at least the leader's?"
"He may have....been turned into mush." Strife mentioned reluctantly.
Uther chuckles, "So how can I repay you?"
Death then began his request, "My brother and I would humbly request an invitation to this party."
Uther began to scan Death up and down, a full once over. He then gains a warm smile and says, "I would be grateful to have such brave heroes attend my party of sorts. Although, I do have one easy to follow request. Do not make unnecessary trouble."
"Not a problem, and I'll make sure my brother does the same." Death informs him.
"Hmm, right. Now, Barrcus shall take to where this event shall take place." Uther explained before heading off to attend to other matters.
Mina came out of the carriage as the little ones hugged their Father. Vortigern naturally had his own thanks to give as well.
"I must thank you in some way."
"Uhmm....I....", Death began a bit unsure, "...If we need your help in any way in the future. Would you lend your hand in those regards?"
Vortigern nodded, "Well if you need any help or a place to stay my doors are open."
"Thank you." Death replied simply.
Meanwhile Barrcus took the time to tell Mina as she walked inside with Morgen, "Get her ready, but I want to speak with in the kitchens later."
"I'll be there Barrcus, don't ye worry. I'll also ensure Morgen isn't....disturbed, before I can get her ready. Or while I'm at it." Mina declared before continuing to take Morgen inside.
From there Barrcus began to lead the two Horsemen throughout the castle. Death noted the mask Barrcus wore, and couldn't help but comment on it.
"May I ask about the mask? It's not one for a masquerade."
"I suffered an affliction some time back. For the most part the king doesn't like it when I show my face around. So I put it on for his AMUSEMENT." Barrcus told him coldly.
"Sorry if I brought up bad memories."
"If it makes you feel any better, I keep the mask on to revert everyone else's judgment. You would know something similar to that, wouldn't you?" Barrcus inquired cocking his head.
Death cocked his own head in a worried confusion as Strife took over talking, "Wouldn't know what you mean by that my friend. Sorry about your face though."
Barrcus just nods, "I don't mind. So, what do you think of the Princess?"
Strife spoke up first, "Pretty, nice voice, seems like a good person."
Barrcus then looked to Death, "And you?"
"Troubled, and trying her best."
Barrcus cocked his head again, "Hmm, we're almost to the chambers now."
From there they continued on and soon came upon the banquet halls.
"Will you not be joining us?" Death asked.
"No, I am not one for these festivities." Barrcus replied.
"Neither am I." Death mumbled a bit.
Barrcus chuckled again, "Be prepared for a lot of....interesting 'events'."
"Yeah! Very interesting. Now who might you be?" Puck queried of the two brothers.
"Just a really good fan of yours." Strife remarks, glad at seeing his old friend but frustrated at the disguise.
Puck only smirked a bit, "Ah really? Well why don't we have a private conversation then?"
Strife nods, "Let's man."
Death groaned and seeked out a corner as the two party animals went to go chat. He then notices he's by a veiled portrait of a woman. Looking at it but not moving the black veil he mutters under his breath,
"Who might you be?"
Barrcus heard it all the same, making Death actually jumped when he spoke, "That is a portrait of the late Queen Igraine."
After the initial moment of being spooked, Death took note of his pained tone, "What do you know of her?"
"Due to an 'ailment' caused by a certain royal, she passed away. Do you wish to see the Queen?" Barrcus muttered.
"I am bit curious."
From there Barrcus removed the veil, and Death was met with a woman who was the spitting image of Morgen. Or rather Morgen would've been the spitting image of her. The Queen only bore brown hair as opposed to the white locks Morgen sported. "Was she of the Seelie or Unseelie courts?"
"Unseelie." Barrcus stated softly.
"She was a kind woman, amazing to all who knew her. A good Mother as well, always wanting what was best for her children." Mina proclaimed coming up behind them.
"What was the ailment that afflicted her?" Death asked cautiously.
"We mustn't say." Mina explained simply.
"It was a painful time for us all, for MANY reasons." Barrcus stated whilst stridulating a bit himself.
Death noted how it sounded like a swarm, and then looked back to Mina, "And is there a reason for your vagueness?"
Mina looked at Barrcus, being unsure what to say herself, "Because it would cast a bad light on a certain someone."
"Aye, someone with a lot of power too." Mina added onto his statement.
"Is Morgen related to Uther by any chance?"
"Only through her Mother's marriage to him." Barrcus told him.
"Is there another child?" Death inquired.
"There is, little Arthur. He's only a wee bairn." Mina says warmly.
Death cocked his head as Barrcus clarified, "She means to say he's a baby."
"How long was Igraine there, alive for Arthur?"
"It's been 50 years since the incident. And she spent 25 of them with the child." Barrcus expressed quietly.
Death began to notice the pain he was feeling and questioned, "How long did you know her?"
"We were raised in the same household. Her family took me in when I was young and somewhat raised me around her. Igraine was a sister to me."
"I can understand the pain. Lost a family member sometime back myself." Death stated.
"I can only imagine."
Mina meanwhile watched the two for a time and finally asked of Barrcus, "Might we start that talk now? Morgen's being tended to by the maids under me. They'll not let Uther in lest I give em a what for."
"Yes let's....have our talk. If you will excuse us for a moment."
Death remained where he was and looked at the portrait a bit more before putting the veil back. As he went to stand in a nearby corner to avoid Puck and Strife more, Mina and Barrcus went into the gardens.
"Why didn't you talk her out of it? There are methods of dealing with that problem."
"I tried many times, believe me. But she was set on it. She felt it was the safest way. She also felt it was unfair to throw child after child out into the world. As she was worried they'd come looking for her when adulthood came about." Mina explained.
"There are OTHER METHODS for dealing with it. One I am ok with. Although it will cause me some unrest later on." Barrcus insisted.
"I know of the other methods as does she. But you try and explain that to a scared young woman who wants nothing to do with the man forcing himself on her. To the point where she fears any children from it."
"There's methods I haven't told you of. The first method is to ask for a certain Mother to hold the child. Using magic to create a surrogate by placing the seeded egg in them instead. The other is putting the child into an eggsac and hoping it survives."
"Why an eggsac?" Mina asks him.
"Because it would have enough genetic material inside to grow the child properly. And once it was born I'd give it to some....associates of mine."
"What sort of associates?" Mina questioned.
He unbuttons his shirt to show her his many scars, "The ones that healed me to the best of their abilities."
"I see. Speaking of em though, how are the scars? Any pain? I just....want ya to be ok. It worries me when yer in pain." Mina says to him whilst going to touch one of the scars gently.
Barrcus hissed in pain and twinged backwards a bit at her touch, "I wish I could feel something other than pain."
Mina grasped his hands as he went to close up his shirt, "I wish I could ease it, or even end it. If I could.....let loose....I could help ye more."
Two spindly wings began sprouting from her back but Barrcus quickly stopped her from going further with it, "No. That won't aid me. Besides, you must this hidden from him. Lest he use it against you."
Mina put her wings away again, letting them meld into her back. She then looked at him saddened, "Then how shall I help you?"
He removes his mask and tells her calmly, "Why don't we steal a moment for ourselves? Like we used to."
Mina smiled at that and held back a quiet giggle as Barrcus tried and failed to scoop her up. Ultimately he's left having to bend down to Mina's height to gain what he's after. Mina doesn't mind it though, nor does she mind the scarred tissue on his body or the spider features. She simply embraced him all the same before the two kissed in that sweet silence. The flowers' fragrances only added to sweetness in the air around them in that moment. No one else was there, just a spider and his little rose.
Barrcus sighed after they broke from each other, "Do you remember the new plan?"
"I do, just help Strife and Puck hide when things go wrong. But what is going to go wrong? Tell me that at least."
"A performance is about to show...", He starts before changing into a jester's get up with a new face to show, "...something rather foreboding."
With that Barrcus made a bow and asked for a wish of luck before heading away. Mina in turn headed to the kitchens to begin the meal preparations finally. The guests would soon be arriving after all. And she'd have to get everything ready, particularly in the servant's tunnels leading to the quarters from the ballroom. A good hiding spot for anyone wanting to avoid the party, or for anyone needing a quick getaway. Meanwhile Strife continued to converse with Puck, enjoying the time he was getting to have with him.
The two finished laughing at a shared joke before Strife grilled Puck, "Seriously man, why would you go walking in?"
"Huh I just wanted to. Besides it brought peace amongst the tribes didn't it?"
Strife noted Puck's smirk and shook his head slightly, "Man you're one crazy bastard."
Puck then looked over at Death brooding in a corner, "What do you think we should do about him?"
"Eh he's normally a broody asshole anyway. Just leave him be."
Death heard Strife all the same though, "Who you calling an asshole?"
"See what I mean man?" Strife questioned Puck.
"Easy now, no need to make your brother come kill us both." Puck remarked.
Death rolled his eyes as the two continued their conversation. Strife in particular reached quite the interesting conclusion, and walked up to his sibling to be annoying,
"You know what, I think it's because of the princess we met earlier today. I saw you staring at her."
"The only one staring and making inappropriate comments was you. And it was to her maid." Death retorted.
"I saw you when you're driving, as best I could anyway. And besides after the spider I started keeping everything to myself."
"What did you see?"
"Hmmm, looked like you two were about to walk in a field of daisies. If ya know what I mean. Until you saw her hand then you just....went all melodramatic." Strife stated.
Death gave a silent glare and pulled out a hairpin from his hair, "Do you really wanna keep testing me?"
"Sorry I think your brother has had enough for tonight. He does have a point though. Plus you do need to lighten up a bit. Given the party you're attending." Puck tried to say.
"No one's here to see me yet, and I'm probably going to be keeping to myself." Death retorted.
"What about you Strife, you gonna be hopping around the place?" Puck inquired of his friend.
"Maybe." Strife stated simply with chuckle.
"Sly bastard."
"Hey maybe when Morgen shows up Death won't be able to keep to himself huh?" Strife questioned Puck whilst patting his chest as good buds do.
Death growls as Puck nearly laughs. Puck narrowly avoids angering him further. Course another strange sight was coming on by. Fuzzball all dolled up in various little dress up bows and other such decorations. He looked like a powder puff as well with how throughly his fur had been brushed.
"What happened to you?" Death inquired upon seeing him.
Fuzzball shrugged and gave a cock of his head as Strife reminded Death, "You told the girls to watch him remember?"
"What girls?" Puck asked.
"Oh Morgen's cousins." Strife replied.
"Seriously? Vortigern's kids? You left s cute rodent with Vortigern's rascals?" Puck inquires.
Vortigern then came up behind him, "Mind yourself Satyr."
Puck froze as Death laughed, "That's what you get for not watching your tongue." Fuzzball then came up to Death all adorable and panting happily. "So did you like your manicure?"
He got a few happy yips in response to that. Death then began to pet him which knocked a few bows off, "What am I going to do with you?"
Puck then looked at Strife, "Honestly I thought you were taking the piss out of it."
"Wasn't joking, not one bit. Fuzzball is indeed a pet to my brother. Mr. gloom and doom himself."
Death shook his head embarrassed "I'm about to show you what 'gloom and doom' really looks like."
Vortigern then told both of them, "I think now would be a good time for everyone to relax a bit. Given what this party will have in store for everyone."
Death looked up at him, "Are you going to be partaking in some of the pleasantries of this?"
"A little bit too responsible for that." Vortigern explained chuckling.
Strife nodded, "Yeah yeah, you being a Dad and all."
Vortigern then got an idea, "How about some rounds of blackjack gentlemen?"
Strife nods again, "Alright but Death's the dealer. He cheats."
"I don't cheat at blackjack, you suck." Death retorted.
"Very true Horseman." Puck stated in agreement.
Vortigern however looked at both Strife and Death. Death himself facepalmed, "Way to go geniuses."
"I was expecting as much Death." Vortigern said calmly.
"Wait what?!" Death asked concerned.
"Uther can't see it, but he suspects it. I however can see it. I'm not as dense as my brother can be. That also goes for you Strife, also didn't know you were good friends with Puck here." Vortigern explains.
Strife's only response was, "Uhhhhhh....well shit I actually thought this would work."
"Your mannerisms gave you both away. Death was far too brooding, that's what made it easy for me, and probably for my Niece as well."
"What gave me away?" Strife questioned.
"Was is the hair?" Death remarked sarcastically.
"Yes actually it was, along with his stance. Whenever he gets nervous his hands go to his waist. Like any good gunslinger's hands do." Vortigern replied.
"Uh thank you, and also fuck you bro."
"Love you too brother, love you too." Death sarcastically stated.
Death then thought back on Vortigern's statements a moment ago. And realized he'd mentioned Morgen likely knew who he was as well. But how could she have known? Her staff had so little power in it, that should've meant she didn't have much either. Not to mention Barrcus' hint from earlier in regards to masks.
"How could Morgen know?" Death questioned with caution.
"She's far more powerful than you think. Don't let the staff fool you. Besides the staff is a simple gift I gave when she was still attempting to be a knight." Vortigern explained.
"That explains some things but, are you telling me she's a powerful magic caster?"
"In some cases. Given what Barrcus has taught her." Vortigern stated simply.
"Wait seriously? The guy in the mask?"
"Yes, the spider."
Death then thought a moment, and realized Barrcus did stridulate earlier. And had other spider like features to him. Being nearly as tall as war, spindly, and hairs like the setae of a spider, "Does he have uh...strange spiders for pets?"
"Define strange." Vortigern bade him.
Strife then piped up, "You mean the ones with glowing eyeballs?"
"Wait the eyes glow?" Death asked surprised.
Vortigern chuckled at them both, "Heheh, he used to be a bodyguard to Morgen before an accident crippled him. Now every move he makes, any pressure on him, causes immense pain. But he still defends my Niece to the best of his abilities, the spiders are a very good example. I have no idea how he got the spiders, but I definitely know he keeps them close by for many reasons."
Death then thought to himself, "So that's why she was fine with him hearing what she told me before."
From there he finally dealt out the cards for blackjack. The rounds were surprisingly short but very loud. Which was hilarious for Death as Strife kept losing. Puck and Vortigern are constantly neck and neck.
"Yeah keep laughing it up asshole." Strife told him.
Death only chuckled again, "Hey don't blame me, I'm a dealer not a player."
Strife groaned in anger as he tried his damnest to win at least one round.
"Maybe you'd like some....?" Puck tried to say only for Strife to shut him down.
"No. I don't need the help. I don't need the help."
Around this time everyone started to arrive at last and Death told Strife and the others, "Last round, and keep your mouths shut."
Strife looked around briefly before quickly going back to his hand, muttering to himself.
Death laughed again, "Do you want me to play in your stead or help you out?"
"Neither." Strife snapped at him.
Death shook his head and watched the trainwreck in silence. Eventually the round was won by Puck.
"For a soldier you do pretty well at cards."
Vortigern smiled, "It's because I'm soldier that I do well at card games."
Death pointed out, "My youngest brother would agree with you."
Meanwhile Strife walked off to go release the rage in privacy. Going to garden to scream into the heavens. Not expecting anyone to be there.
Death tried to warn him though, "No wait brother..."
However he was too late as Strife screamed bloody murder. Only for a hidden couple to tell him,
"Excuse me, do you mind?"
"Yes quite?"
Strife then got red faced and said, "Oh sorry....just nearly all my earnings this week. I'm gonna go now."
Death came up to him and with a mix of concern and hidden laughter he inquired, "Are you alright? Did you see anything strange?"
"I'm fine I'm fine. Just didn't know people started this early." Strife said highly embarrassed.
Death patted his back, "There there bro, there there. Now let's get to work."
Strife then went off with Puck for ideas,
"Hey Puck you got some ideas?"
"I do, just not the right kind."
"Also I'll be performing so I won't be having too much fun. Make sure you have some for me after all this."
"Yeah yeah man, don't worry. Also I'll try to find ya some tail." Strife stated before going to see the ladies.
Death only shook his head before trying to find a spot to hide out for a bit. He then felt a tap on his back,
"You alright?"
He jumped slightly before saying, "Other than you startling me a bit I'm fine.", then he noticed her dress. "Uhm...that's a..very lovely dress you have there."
"Thank you, I was hoping someone might say so. I rather enjoy the mixed shades of purple in it." Morgen says a bit shyly.
"They bring out your eyes. And the butterflies bring an elegance to you, as do the floral patterns." Death told her.
Morgen blushed a bit, "Well....thank you. Truly. You can be quite charming for a man known for killing."
"Uhm....perhaps we could take this conversation to a more 'private' area?"
"Oh of course, follow me." Morgen suggested whilst taking his hand. He noticed she wasn't powdery this time. Instead he felt how soft her hands truly were. Course he also caught a wiff of something pleasant in the air now. Though he couldn't place it just yet. Leading him on and through a hedge maze in the garden. Which Death realized was much bigger than he thought. She brought him to a clearing off to the side of the maze. Within it was a garden that had a straight path into it. A dead end if ever there was one. Along with the garden was a few fireflies and a small pagoda with a bench inside it.
"Will this do?" Morgen asked of him.
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 1: How It All Starts
Death rolled over slightly as the first signs of morning came. Well the ones outside anyway. Although this was rarely enough to wake him. In these cases, Fuzzball has to come into his room. Finding where the Elder Horsemen sleeps is easy when he usually either passes out at his desk or sleeps in a simple cot. Fuzzball found Death groaning slightly in his sleep before readying himself for a jump. Shimmying in preparation for a lunge at the cot. Finally the little limt hopped at the edge of the cot, and missed. Landing on the floor, on his face with a muffled whimper. His white fur ruffled slightly as he lay upon the floor. Wiggling his little legs normally hidden under his fluffy fur.
Death sat up briefly and asked in a grumble, "What did you do this time?"
Looking over the edge of the cot he found Fuzzball on his face, still whimpering in pain... But it was WAY too early in his opinion, so he'd deal with that when he felt like waking up truly. Suddenly, he heard a knocking at his front door. The moment he got comfy again! Groaning and throwing the blanket over his head, he waited in annoyed silence for them to give up eventually. Fuzzball meanwhile got up off his face and scurried to a side table by the front door. Hung on the side of it was a special key for unlocking the door, and it worked on either side. Fuzzball grabbed the key with a better timed hop than before, then began to scratch at the door. Signifying to the knocker that he'd be answering for Death.
Strife meanwhile backed up confused until Fuzzball hopped through the doggy door. He barked with the key in his mouth to greet his master's brother.
"Hey man, you mind letting me in?" Strife said.
Fuzzball happily handed the key to him and barked some more before rolling over for pets.
Strife chuckled, "You deserve this", before removing his gauntlet to scritch the little guy's belly some. He then put it back on his hand before unlocking the door, calling to his brother upon opening it, "Wake up sleepyhead!"
Death heard him, but gave only a grumble in response.
"You're not a dog, quit it. And you ain't cute enough to be Fuzzball's twin so..." Strife remarked to his oh-so exhausted brother.
"If you seek to patronize me...please leave me before I grab Harvester." Death threatened.
"You'd have grabbed it by now if you felt it was important."
"Speak.", Death then bid of Strife, his hand raised.
Strife looking at him a slight bit offended and stated, "Bitch please."
"Strife, I am NOT IN THE MOOD."
Strife sighed and began to explain the situation, "Council's heard some rumors that King Uther's built a weapon that can cause other weapons to appear."
"Weapon?!", Death replied tossing the pillow off his head, still sounding exhausted.
"Yeah, Council wants us to take a look into it just in case. So if these are rumors then we'd be just having a little vacation basically. And if not, then we'd actually be doing something."
Death looked at his brother before sighing deeply. Then he got up and began to pop his back, "Right."
"And hey, maybe the Fae Realm has better beds for ya." Strife offered to him.
"What is that supposed to mean exactly?"
Strife cocked his head, and then lifted his eyebrow, "Really?", then pointing at the cot he continued, "That is not a bed to be sleeping on. I mean did you hear what you sounded like? It was all like snap crackle pop there."
Death in turn raised his own eyebrow before saying, "Shut up."
"Whatever old man, I'll go make some food." Strife stated simply.
Death sighed to himself again before looking at Fuzzball happily panting on the floor, "What are you so happy about? I'm gonna be gone for a while."
"Yeah, leaving this desolate bone shack." Strife snidely said.
Death gave him an annoyed look before telling him, "Can you quit it with the snide remarks?"
As Death walked out of his room finally, Fuzzball followed him from behind happily. Meanwhile Strife replied, "Come on, you do realize this place is like 'goth heaven' right?"
"And you don't think that's the point?"
"Yeah I know that dude, but come on. This place is a little too dreary." Strife insisted.
Death retorted with, "Says the social butterfly."
Strife however came right back at him, "Says the antisocial workaholic."
The two brothers looked at each other angrily as Fuzzball hid under the table expecting another early morning fight. But was surprised when the two started laughing.
"Please tell me that you're cooking the bacon right." Death implored.
"Yeah yeah yeah, don't worry about it. Now let get to it before it burns."
Death only nodded in response before cracking some drake eggs to cook once the bacon was done. Strife in the meantime began making pancakes alongside him.
"Why add pancakes to this?" Death inquired.
"Well....I didn't exactly eat anything after my workout." Strife replied rubbing his neck.
Sighing Death asked, "Seriously?"
"I was in the middle of it when the watcher showed up!" Strife exclaimed.
Death mumbled under his breath, "And you tell me that I don't eat."
"Do you really eat though man? With the rations you bring on missions and all."
"It's still food." Death stated simply.
"Right right, crap food. Only good for keeping ya from starvation. You-you know what those rations remind me of? Those days when you used to experiment with food."
"It's still edible." Death said in another simple answer.
"Define edible. Because bitch, there ain't anything edible about those rations. I just don't see why you eat such crap, when you cook better than most Angels, and Demons."
Death exhaled a bit whilst Fuzzball whimpered and hid under the table again. Strife took a minute to observe the little critter, "Dude I think we should stop. Before we give Fuzzball a heart attack."
Death looked down under the table after plating the eggs and asked gently, "You alright little one?"
Fuzzball made a small yip and came back out to nuzzle his hand some. Death in response gave him a few small scritches before calmly saying, "It's going to be fine. We're not fighting, we're just having a minor discussion of sorts."
Fuzzball cocked his head making a 'merph' sound as if saying, 'really?'. Death raised an eyebrow again before telling him, "You need to stop learning things from Strife."
"What do you mean? I'm the smartest one in the group!"
"Right, smart." Death mumbled sarcastically.
Strife just shook his head before remembering something, "Oh! Just remembered. You know since this is reconnaissance, I heard that a party was happening down at Uther's castle. It's a Masque, so you won't have to worry about showing your face. But you're probably gonna need to change out what your mask is."
"Yeah dude, you have like the most recognizable mask ever. You built up a whole persona around it." Strife remarked.
"What about you?"
Strife shrugged, "Eh, I can change my visor easily. Just make sure you wear something fancy and not....gaudy. I still remember the highwayman outfit."
"I thought it would look better!" Death exclaimed.
"Well it didn't."
Death just shook his head and started to look through a crystal on his study desk. And found a pewter bird mask with a shortened beak. "Will this do?"
"Perfect, now onto something to wear. And no I don't mean the highwayman outfit."
"Yeah yeah." Death said embarrassed.
"Seriously what were you thinking?"
Death spoke in further embarrassment, "I may have been a little drunk at the time."
Strife just shook his head that, "You and your absinthe man."
"Hey! I do not get that drunk!"
"Riiiiiiiiight." Strife remarked snidely.
With that the two gentlemen began getting dressed for the occasion. 'Course Death couldn't help but wonder, how they'd get in without getting thrown out the minute they showed up. A plan would be needed, somehow they'd need to find a way to get invited.
"What exactly do you have planned for us to get in?"
Strife shrugged, "I dunno..."
"We are NOT announcing ourselves." Death stated assertively.
"I know I know I know. We could sneak in. We could pretend we were invited."
"And if we get caught?" Death questioned him.
"Then we make a daring escape." Strife declared.
Death facepalmed and told him, "What a brilliant 'plan'."
"Hey you gotta anything better to try?" Strife questioned him.
Death in frustration as he tried to think of a plan, began to hit his head against the wall. Strife, for lack of any better reaction, watched him. This went on for several minutes.
"How's that helping ya?" Strife inquired after a little while longer.
Death only grumbles before Strife grabs him by his back to stop him from hitting his head further. Death stopped, and looked at him annoyed as Strife simply explained,
"Since you've clearly got no more of your 'ingenius' plans, let's just push our luck. See if it works from there. Ok.", then at Death's grumbling, "Yeah yeah grumble grumble grumble. Let's just get going."
The two Horsemen then went outside, not noticing Fuzzball following them this time. As Death and Strife mounted their steeds, Fuzzball hopped into one of Despair's saddlebags. Hiding himself easily as the brothers began to ride at last. Upon them leaving, a hidden spider in the stable's rafters sent word to his master. From there Barrcus noted this information and then he went to see what Uther had chosen for Morgen to wear this time.
Barrcus went down the hall to see Uther about it and was greeted by quite the monstrosity. The dress he saw Uther tending to was a massive ivory white gown. A long train trailed behind and around it on the mannequin, and golden decals covered the chest and torso regions. The 'shawl' may as well have been poofy sleeves.
Barrcus couldn't help but comment on it, "My lord, is that really a.....'proper' dress for dancing?"
"Hmmm...I guess not." Uther stated simply.
"Yes I would think not."
Uther responded, "I thought not. But what of this one?", then gestured towards a much bigger gold dress with several layers of ruffles and an excess of glitter. Truly the amount of fabric was surely too heavy.
"I would think that would be....too gaudy...too much of eyesore. Don't you think?" Barrcus implored of him.
Uther then cocked his head saying, "I guess so, but what about this dress?", then gesturing to a pastel blue and white dress with an ice motif about it. A far prettier dress than the others. Barrcus however, still found himself unsatisfied with it.
He believed a far better dress could be given to Morgen, and that he'd found it, "How about this one here?"
He revealed a beautiful slender dress of both dark and royal purple in a gradient with rose pink off shoulder sleeves. The decals while gold, also had a flattering mix of silver as well. The waist sash was also a rose pink and hung off to the side of the skirt with gold embroidery. Uther examined the dress and found it too dark for his liking. Sure the pink color was nice, but it didn't look like a true to form Seelie dress.
This much, he informed Barrcus of, "Yes it's a very lovely dress. But it is not suitable for such an occasion. THIS ONE however is perfect, and it exemplifies her Unseelie origins."
Barrcus however was undeterred, being adamant his dress would better. "Yes while that does seem nice it's also a bit....bland. While this one however....", He began whilst gesturing to the butterfly decals on the lower part of the skirt, "...is much more lively."
Vortigern came into the room as the gentlemen began to grow angered at each other. He looked to Uther and queried, "What is going on here brother?"
"Just having a simple 'dispute' over a few dresses." Uther replied.
"A dispute hmm, and what is the problem exactly?" Vortigern questioned.
Barrcus spoke up at that, "We're having a disagreement over a dress for Morgen."
Vortigern raised an eyebrow, "Ah. And why is it you are fighting? A dress for her should be simple to find right?"
"You would think brother. But apparently both me and Barrcus have a disagreement between these two dresses here." Uther stated gesturing between both of them before continuing, "I am vying for this blue and white dress here."
"Whilst I would find it to be more appropriate for Morgen to wear this one here." Barrcus declared.
Vortigern sighed and decided to examine both dresses himself. Whilst the dress Uther picked was better than what he'd normally place her in, it still felt as though it could have something more to it. While Barrcus' pick was a truly complete work of art on fabric. Not to mention a far better choice if Uther intended for Morgen to dance with a few men like he usually wanted.
"Well yes this one is indeed good, I'll have to side with Barrcus on this one brother. For many reasons in fact. One, it's far easier to dance in. Two, it's far more vibrant than that one. Finally, it suits her more. Just imagine her in it."
"I AM imagining her in it." Uther muttered.
"So can you not agree with us Uther? That this dress would suit Morgen the best? That Barrcus chose well in this endeavor?" Vortigern inquired of him.
Uther thought for but a moment on it, "I guess I can see her wearing such a dress, and being 'appealing'."
Vortigern and Barrcus both felt their skin crawl at the choice of words, but when he left both gentlemen simply looked at each other in silence for a while.
Barrcus was the one to break it, "I'll take this up to her room. Would you like me to pass along anything for you?"
"Tell her I'll be along in a moment. There are a few things my brother and I must discuss."
"I will let her know. But she herself has a few things to attend to as well." Barrcus informed him.
"Just make sure she knows that I'm doing well." Vortigern asks of him.
"I'll try....where are the girls by chance?"
"Oh they don't need to see their Father arguing with their Uncle. Not right now at least. Can you make Morgen can keep an eye on them?" Vortigern proposed to him.
"Just send them up to her room and she'll keep a close eye on them. As will Mina." Barrcus informed him.
"Why not yourself?"
"I may have other matters come up in time." Barrcus explained.
"Ah well just make sure the girls get there." Vortigern says.
"I will, but Morgen may have other things to attend to, like I said before."
"Yes of course, and I shall make sure my discussion with my brother is...short." Vortigern stated before walking off. His two young daughters he sent off towards Barrcus after a quick but tight hug.
Both Anna and Elaine hugged Barrcus upon reaching him and greeting him in unison as well, "Hi Mr. Barrcus!"
"Hello girls, how are you doing this fine afternoon?"
"Oh we're good. We ate before we left home." Anna replied.
Barrcus nodded, "Good, now just follow me and you'll be with your cousin shortly."
They followed him closely and wondered what could be under the covered object that Barrcus was wheeling around with them. Before long they reach Morgen's room, just in time for Mina to have finished brushing her hair down for later. Both women greeted the little girls happily, but Morgen was the most happy between them.
"Hello my little sweets. How are you?" Morgen bade them.
"We're good Cousin Morgen!" Anna exclaimed.
"Yeah! Papa says there'll be a party tonight too, can we come?" Elaine begged of her.
"Yes please! We love parties too, they're not too boring! We'll behave." Anna says begging alongside her younger twin.
Morgen chuckled and held fast however, "Now girls, these parties are for adults you know. Nothing children should be seeing at all."
The girls looked at her sadly before Mina added on, "Now now little loves, you can't go to this one. These types of parties aren't child safe at all. Not with how drunk everyone may...oh shite!"
"What's it mean to be drunk?" Anna quizzed her.
"Oh well little lass you see....uhmmm...." Mina stumbled out whilst looking at Barrcus for help.
"Ever wondered what it looks like for an adult to be extremely tired, for no good reason?" Barrcus expressed to them.
The girls only shook their heads and replied together, "Uh uh."
Barrcus sighed before whispering, "I'm going to give you something. But you can't tell your Father about it, trust me."
The girls looked excitedly at him whilst Mina and Morgen looked at him worried.
"Barrcus is that really wise?" Morgen inquired.
"Barrcus if I not just seen ya last night, I'd say ye'd lost yer mind." Mina declared.
"Now this is a very 'adult drink'. See if you like it." Barrcus told them whilst handing them two baijiu shots.
Morgen and Mina both realize what it is but are too late to stop the girls from sipping. Both of them spit it out and begin complaining to Morgen about how bad the drink really was. As well as poor Anna needing comfort for trying to swallow it. "Now now little dears you're ok, you're ok."
Mina however smacked Barrcus upside the head, "WHAT WERE YA THINKING YA DAMN FOOL?!"
"Watch this..." He said rubbing his head before telling the girls, "Now these are gonna be the only drinks at the party. Do you really wish to attend them?"
Both girls shook their heads as they cuddled their elder Cousin, who gave Barrcus an annoyed look before asking, "Honestly? That was your plan?"
"It worked didn't it?" Barrcus questioned before getting smacked again. After rubbing his head again he remembers his reason for being there, "Anyway, aside from teaching a valuable lesson...."
Morgen watched him as he walked up to the covered object he'd brought into the room and asked a bit disheartened, "Is that another dress from Uther?"
"Hehe....something like that."
Barrcus then unveiled it and Morgen was left stunned. "Oh my....this is....it's....I can't believe it."
Mina looked at Barrcus again, "Did ya really get Uther to pick out a good dress for once?"
"It took some bellyaching, but it worked." Barrcus declared before Morgen hugged him tightly.
"Thank you."
Barrcus hid all the pain he could as Morgen hugged him, course before long he regrettably has to tell her, "If you'd be so kind as to....stop this...nice endeavor."
Morgen let go quickly and apologized, "I'm sorry, are you alright?"
"I'm fine, although I really do like our hugs...it's just...I'm still a bit fragile...after everything." Barrcus informed her gently.
"Right, again please forgive me Barrcus." Morgen said to him.
Barrcus placed a hand under her chin, "I'm fine. Now we start getting ready for your little trip.
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 22: Fresh With New Messes
Fury notices the two women gawking at her and snickers, "Seems I don't just turn the heads of men."
"DAMN...you must work out a LOT." C comments.
"Well any warrior does girl. Male or female, keeping in shape is integral to a battle ready body." Fury points out.
"As someone who was a knight once, I can concur with that. Nor can I blame you for your confidence Fury. You clearly have the right to be prideful." Morgen states simply.
"I wouldn't have guessed you were a knight myself Morgen. You're so lithe. Granted I know most Fae are, but to be this lean as one who wields any weapon is quite the predicament. Granted this body type is perfect for a mage, but if you wish to reenter the fray I'd advice some workouts. Perhaps Death would assist you in that."
"Uh huh. Aren't you considered the mage of the family though Fury?" Morgen asks her.
"Oh please. If anyone's the mage it's Death. Sure I use some magic, but not as much as my elder brother. He's practically a nerd around magic that he hasn't seen before too. Seriously it can be VERY adorable."
"What?" Morgen asks trying not to snicker.
C gets a skeptical look, "Death, adorable? I don't know about that Fury."
"Of course you don't. Though judging by what I overheard you lack confidence in your body. Even Morgen has some for her own, which I can respect despite what my words to her may suggest."
"Like I told Morgen, I've got a lot of scars."
"And that's completely normal in our line of work. A warrior's life is never easy, as my elder brother likes to say. So believe me, you having many scars isn't unheard of." Fury tells her.
"Ok I'll show you guys what I mean. If you show me some on you." C responds.
"I planned to anyway." Morgen replies.
"It's only fair I suppose." Fury states before standing up from the underwater bench she was sitting on.
C and Morgen see a scar around her gut, "This one I received from quite the cheeky demon. Little did he know that getting as close as he did was a mistake. I did have a healing potion luckily, among other things. But it scarred over nonetheless."
Morgen then moves her hair onto her back to reveal a small but noticeable scar just below her sternum. "I never saw who it was, all I know is that an archer got in a lucky shot during a battle. I was an older teen at the time. Mina hounded me for days on end after the arrow was removed, as did Barrcus."
"Well obviously, a few inches higher and you may not have been here to tell that story." Fury responds.
"If anyone was lucky, it was you Morgen." C tells her before taking a deep breath and dispersing the steam around her with a snap. As she stands the two older women look at her curiously.
Fury is a bit worried at the amount all over her, and how deep a few of them look. Morgen of course just wonders how painful things must be for her.
"I knew Gregory wasn't capable of much from what I saw of your 'training' yesterday, but THIS is concerning. You really need someone who can actually teach you without hinderances such as old age slowing them down."
"I agree, you need extra help clearly. Also how much pain are in on a daily basis?" Morgen questions C with worry.
"Oh it's really not that bad. Not even any stinging these days. Although...not all of them are from battle..." C begins to say before trailing off.
"What are you implying?" Morgen presses.
"Indeed, what's wrong?" Fury asks sensing something's up.
"It's nothing....don't worry about it ok?" C implores them before ducking back under the water.
Before Fury can go into detective mode, Mina comes in with Miriam as they're speaking to each other.
"And then the stupid ninnie said....OH DEAR. Uhm oops." Mina quickly says.
"Should we come at a later time?" Miriam asks.
Fury, not wanting to make C anymore uncomfortable than she already was, chooses to drop the subject of her scars for now. But makes a mental note to ask later. Morgen meanwhile tells Miriam, "Oh it's fine Miriam. A little girls' time never hurt anyone."
"Besides, I can't be the only golden girl here." Fury remarks looking at Mina.
"Excuse me?"
"Oh come on Mina I'm teasing. We're both old and we know it. At least our appearances haven't been marked by it." Fury states.
"Ugh right." Mina says before getting ready to hop in.
Miriam meanwhile already places her clothes on a drawer handle nearby and hops into the water. Surprisingly enough she's a fairly decent swimmer for her stature. "So whatcha talking about?"
"Oh just uhhhhh..." C says trying to find the words to express it.
"Trying to boost a young lady's confidence in her body." Fury states saving C on that one.
"Oh really? Well let me just say that you're not entirely alone. I've had my own days like that. Just ask Strife." Miriam tells C before paddling over to her.
"Thanks Miriam." C says with a smile.
Mina then steps in after revealing her short and stout self. "Me, I'm only short because I chose this form to hide me true self from Uther. It's not preferable, but I don't hate it. I got curves, but I know I still look good to me own man."
Fury actually asks Mina, "Your true self, what exactly does that mean?"
"Oh well I'm half Huldra." Mina states.
"Well technically she's a Skogsrå, as half of her lineage is in Sweden. You can probably tell where the other half is from." Morgen adds on.
"Oh hush Morgen."
The ladies then share a laugh together as they relax. Miriam then notices all of C's scars whilst swimming near her and asks, "Oh my....is that why you're not comfy in your body?"
"Yeah.....I've got a lot of em so..."
"It's ok. I've got some too. It's a little hard to see on this tiny form, but it is what it is." Miriam says before showing C the recent scarring from the night Leatherbeard tried having his way with her.
"Oh damn. Those probably sting like hell still huh?"
"Only at night when I'm sleeping. Although I try to not let it show. I don't want Strife to worry about me you know?" Miriam replies.
"As his sister, I believe he should know this Miriam. You'd best tell him if you're in any pain. Otherwise he may panic if he finds you randomly trying to manage the pain on your own." Fury tells her.
"Well you are his sister so I guess you have a point Fury. He does often eye me when it gets bad enough though." Miriam softly states.
"Probably because he's already worried Miriam. Try telling him when you're in pain. I'm sure he'd want to ease it where he could." Morgen tells her.
"Right of course. Although since we're on the subject, do you have any scars Mina?"
"Oh no, I'm only a mage little lassie. But being a Skogsrå I do have a hollow back." Mina responds.
"Oh now you say the proper term?" Fury inquires teasingly.
"Oh like ya wouldn't keep calling me out for using the Norwegian term ya bitch." Mina retorts to Fury's laughter.
Mina then stands up to reveal her back to them and begins to let loose. But only enough to reveal her hollow back. Once she hears the girls' surprised gasps, she goes back into the disguise. She then takes the time to catch her breath. "Well....*huff*...that took a lot outta me. But there ya are lassies. The hollow back of a Huldra."
"Skogsrå." Morgen muttered.
"I said hush."
The ladies then share another laugh together. They're then finally joined by Esmie. Who is only doing it to be a good example for Arn. And because she promised to bathe if he did. Since he's keeping his end of that Esmie will too.
"Damas de Hola."
"Hello to you too. Although did we ever catch your name?" Fury inquires.
"Name's Esmerelda, but Esmie works fine."
She then gets in and enjoys the company. Meanwhile the men are having their own moment. At first they're all fine aside from War who's hiding underwater a teenie bit. But Strife ends up breaking the ice.
"Soooooo...how's everybody doing?"
"Fine." Puck replies.
"Fine." Harker adds.
"Fine." Sygr says before eating more of the fruit.
"Just fine." Arn states simply.
"I'm good." Bardak replies.
Gregory however says all embarrassed, "I'm..doing alright.."
War just grumbles, muffled by the water as his mouth his submerged. Only the top of his head and nose are above the surface.
Strife then looks at him, "Ok grumpy head you're doing just fine."
War then lifts his head back up to comment, "I'm used to you, but NOT other people."
Then as War goes back down Puck looks at them weird, "Uuuhh what? Phrasing my gents phrasing, yer about to give Harker here a bloody nose."
"Oh ye know it and so do I shut up." Puck tells an offended Harker.
Sygr just stares on with no care, which prompts some questions, "Some men were bored in the ring. I do NOT wish to go into detail."
Arn just shudders a bit, leading Sygr to pat his back gently. "Thanks for making sure I wasn't part of that."
"And I'm sorry you witnessed it too early. Seriously a few of them were way too eager to show off."
"OK CAN WE MOVE THE HELL ON?!" War suddenly shouts in more embarrassment.
Puck nods, "I'm getting a little bit discomfort here. Although I can't really say much against it given my extracurricular activities."
"OK MOVING ON!" War shouts again.
Bardak meanwhile just chuckles, "Ya make it sound as though ya don't get sex War."
War blushes hard and sinks even deeper. Causing Strife to explain, "He's a cinnamon roll."
"Wait....what do ya mean by that?" Bardak asked a little confused.
"Strife....is yer brother...'pure'?" Puck inquires.
"As pure and uptight as an Angel. And just as dense sometimes too." Strife remarks.
"HEY!" War yells at him annoyed.
Strife then gets a call and answers it. He's expecting Miriam at first and isn't paying attention, "Hey baby?"
"Pardon Atan?"
"Oh...sorry Ma."
War starts laughing a bit in background. It coming out as little bubbles from under the water.
"Quit laughing at me." Strife demands of him.
"It's funny."
"Says the man who couldn't grasp a knock knock joke."
War then grumbles under water again as Strife tells Ale, "Ok so how are you doing? Doing good."
"Just fine....Atan...", Ale responds trying not to giggle.
"You're never gonna let this go are you?"
"No." Ale admits.
"Please don't tell Death, it'll make this worse." Strife begs before hearing strained snickering in the background, "You heard ALL OF THAT?"
Ale then looks at Death as the vines tell her to and they describe the sign language he's using. She then translates for Strife, "Yes you....ugh...bitch..I did."
Ale then smacks Death upside the head as Strife snickers a bit to himself at Ale's discomfort at saying the word bitch, "Really Ma? It's just a word."
"I'm a grown ass man." Death tries to say in an intimidating way only to end up with a crack in his tone.
He only groans as Ale tells him, "You need your rest Atan go back to sleep."
"I don't need to sleep." Death retorts before letting out a single cough.
Ale then raises her shoe, "You want one to the head?"
"You're not Spanish Ceise."
Death then gets it to the head and Llildan sticks him with a needle right as he's hit. Death then slowly begins to fall asleep, "You....cheated...."
Once he's out Strife asks Ale, "So why'd you even call me to begin with?"
"To let you know that your brother is in Russia with your Grandfather. It should be a faster process, and it's via an injection. One he needed to have injected whilst asleep." Ale explains to him.
"Ah...I really don't wanna know what that looks like. So...what else are you doing?"
"Not much else, you Atan?" Ale inquires warmly.
"Ah me and boys are soaking in some water. You know if Stormbeard were here, we'd probably be electrocuted. Not on purpose but still."
Suddenly they hear a crackle of thunder, and Harker tells Strife, "Let's not piss off a cousin of Thor, several times removed."
"Yeah yeah...what can he do?"
"Strike us with a bolt of thunder."
"We're indoors."
"Strike us with a bolt of thunder.", Harker repeats to Strife.
"What seriously?"
"Yes, he's that powerful."
War then lifts his head up again, "Strife, get out of the water."
"Wait a minute why are you saying that? Why is he saying that? I'm now paranoid why is he saying that?"
War then tries getting out himself and Strife does too before getting a tiny bolt to his ass, "OW! What the?!"
"Like I said, powerful." Harker informs him.
"Wha..a..geh...How did he do that? I didn't even see it, where'd that come from?"
Sygr chuckles, "That storm giant is more skilled than we thought."
"Wait how did he know that? Wait....you did not." Strife says immediately to Harker with an accusatory tone.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Hand it over." Strife states firmly.
"Hand what over?"
"Hand it over."
"Bitch, I said hand it over."
"Oh please why would I cave to that?"
"Come on Stormcaller hand it over."
Harker then cocks his head, "Call me that again, and you'll learn why I got the name.", his tone is surprisingly dangerous sounding.
"Come on Stormcaller, show me what you're made of."
"Are the Horsemen always so ready for battle?"
"That's Strife on a normal day." War explains.
"I thought that was usually you." Harker says.
War gets an awkward look on his face, "Fair point."
Harker then sighs before turning into his true form and telling everyone in the room, "I'd cover my ears were I you gentlemen."
They all do so and Harker lets loose a call akin to a banshee scream in volume. Sending Strife flying into the wall before he stops it.
"The heee-he-he-hell dude?!" Strife exclaims in excitement.
"You actually enjoyed that? What are you a masochist?" Harker inquires.
"What?! NO HELL NO! What the fuck dude?!"
"You're the one getting excited over me slamming you into a wall." Harker explains.
Strife then notices the crystal isn't active anymore, indicating Ale hung up during all of that. Course now Llildan is having to make sure Ale's alright as she scratches at her ears a bit.
"What's wrong Atari?"
"Oh dear....uhm pardon?" Ale asks scratching further.
Llildan finally just stops her from scratching anymore and snaps his fingers by both her ears. She has a delayed response which leaves him having to ensure she gets her hearing back to normal. He gets an ear drop from close by and gently works to get a drop or two in each ear. Ale isn't used to it and naturally flips when the first drop goes into her ear. "Easy Atari, this will help just stay still."
Ale takes a moment before finally staying still whilst Llildan gets the drops into her right ear. He then has her lay down on that side and holds her hand gently. He can't even remember the last time he did.
He sighs and says quietly, "If only you were here."
Ale holds her Ceiser's hand tighter and calls out to him, "Ceiser?"
"Steady Atari, you're fine. Just lay there until the liquid comes out. It's cleaning your ears right now, and it's fixing a few things as well to stop the swelling."
She gives a little nod and continues laying there. Death meanwhile begins groaning and Llildan gets up to prepare another bottle. Course Ale grips him all the more when he does. "Ale it's alright, you'll be fine Atari. Just lay there and I'll be close by. I need to prepare something for your Atan. It'll help his throat."
Ale finally relents for Death's sake and lets Llildan get to work. He gets a bottle similar to the eye drops but tweaked for throats instead. Death comes to just as he's done.
"Ugh....ack my throat.."
"Easy Gras Atan, just open your mouth and stay still."
"Gras Ceiser? Where's...Ceise?"
"Hush for now. Just open wide." Llildan requests simply.
Death does so reluctantly and feels a few drops go down his throat. Naturally he has the urge to cough but holds it back as best he can.
"That's it. Now let it do it's work. And coughing is a little bit required for this."
Death nods before finally letting a few coughs loose. It was akin to the feeling one gets when choking on their own saliva. He then lay there for a while as Llildan prepared the last step, a strange looking device. Death was apprehensive of course but stayed as still as he could. Llildan noticed the concern and told him, "You've nothing to worry about, this is completely safe I can assure you."
"What....is this thing?"
"Just need to get some warm liquid in here and we'll be golden? I think that's the right phrase...anyway...What sort of liquid do you drink Gras Atan?"
"Why is it important?"
"Just need to know." Llildan tells him.
Death thinks a moment and replies, "Nice warm cup of earl grey."
"Hmm, alright." Llildan responds before typing something into the A.I. system of his home.
From there Death watches as water makes it's way to a heating system before being transferred through a filter for purification purposes. After that is done Llildan takes the vessel the water lands in by hand to the machine and pours it inside. He then places a tea bag into a compartment below where the water was placed. Finally Llildan places a thin tube into Death's mouth.
"Just don't forget to swallow, and also use this remote here to either slow it down or stop it."
Death just nods and takes the remote, hoping for the best. Llildan then starts things up and soon Death sees the tea traveling down to his mouth. He's extremely confused but doesn't have much time to think on it as he's forced to focus on swallowing the tea. He's surprised it doesn't burn him, but only for a moment. Eventually he gets the hang of things and soon the machine cuts off naturally as the tea runs out.
Llildan then tells him, "Now drink up the rest if you can. Makes cleaning up this thing easier."
Death does so and finally releases the tube once he's done, "That...was weird."
"But it helped."
"Yeah it did actually. Still a bit scratchy but I can manage that with my own blends later. Where's Ceise?" Death inquires.
"Oh just over here. Your friend Harker shrieked over the crystal at Strife and Ale's ears took a bit of an unintended hit. Although she should've hung up beforehand."
"Logically, is she ok?"
"Partially deaf in both ears, tinnitus." Llildan states.
Death sighs, "Tell Ale to call me whenever she's well."
"And take it easy on yourself. You're going to need to rest frequently."
With that Death teleports back to Titania's and decides to make his own cup before resting up. Course Fuzzball sees him and is ecstatic. Hopping up and down and rolling over all cute.
"At least Ale managed to take care of you beforehand. Glad to see you're back to your usual self. Perhaps you can go find the girls, I'll need to be resting soon."
Course Death hears a door open and the sound of the ladies talking. Looking behind him he notices one of the bathing rooms' doors is open. "Uh I should probably vacate the area now. Come on Fuzzball."
Fuzzball follows him with a little bark that catches Morgen's attention. She sees Death and is glad he's doing alright. Wren then comes on down from the other end and notices the party she missed.
"Ok ladies next time invite me ok? Can't go leaving me out."
"Last I checked you were still training Wren." Fury replies.
Meanwhile as all of this had been going down, finally someone woke up. He yawned deeply as Verdak came to rest at long last. He has black wooly hair with horns the same color that held lines of magenta. They curled like those of a ram, and his eyes were also bifurcated like one's with the same magenta color of his horns. His skin was completely grey and his clothes are black silk with magenta stripes. Large moth wings suddenly dazzled his weary vision before a moth like woman landed in front of him. She bowed low as he sat up in the bed.
"Good Morning, my sweet Dream King."
"Morning, my Queen of Dreams. Must've had a doozy of a dream last night. What did I miss by chance?" The King of Dreams asked his wife whilst cracking his back.
"Well Aries my love, we have a new one. Or rather, one we've been waiting for, for so long." She says coming onto the bed with him. In her arms is a wrapped up bundle. She unwraps it to reveal a teenie tiny newborn periwinkle lamb. It lets out a cute baa, leaving the Dream King glad.
"Ilona. She's alive. I....ehhh...I...." He says in shock as the happiness hits him tenfold.
He can only laugh as his wife explains, "Yes, she's soon to come back to us. Although...she may need some convincing."
"Why is that? What happened?"
"Verdak has pushed our girl so far. She's angry and I fear she may want nothing to do with our home after the horrible things he's done." His wife replies hugging him in worry.
He growls angrily before getting up and immediately smashing something, "THAT BASTARD! ANYTIME ANYTHING GOOD IN OUR LIVES HAPPENS HE RUINS IT! HE RUINS IT HOW DOES HE?! HOW DOES HE KNOW?!"
His wife shudders a bit in fear as does the tiny lamb which huddles into her. Only then does Aries calm himself down. "I'm sorry. I'm good now. How's this little one doing?"
"Scared but otherwise fine. Just needs more nutrients. Hopefully Ilona will find more for herself soon. She's starting to grow."
"She is? I can't wait...t-to see her again. I need..that is we need...to find a way to reach...no...to find...no uhm...Ah I'm already stuttering." Aries says as his wife works to calm him down.
Nergal overhears whilst hiding nearby and leaves a message for Lunara, Aries' wife. Aries goes to prepare something, anything to reach his child. But Lunara finds the note in the meantime.
"I have a way in, meet me in the woods you left me in. I have the secrets you require. Oh and I go by Nergal now, remember that."
Lunara sighs and heads off to go see what's going on, bringing the teenie lamb with her. Course as she looks around she calls out, "Nergal? Nergal?!"
"Over here, also not so loud. I don't want Aspen hearing anything." Nergal tells her.
"Aspen? Who is she?"
"A story for another time. For now I want to help you reach Ilona. Although she is quite adamant about her name being Morgen. Her memories are also lost to her. I have tried to slow down her growing, but VERDAK KEPT INTERVENING. I could sense the raw nightmare in her the last time we spoke." Nergal explains.
"What all happened, what must I be aware of?" Lunara asked of him.
"Ilona has found interest in a mortal. A different version of the Nephilim we knew before the rise of the First Kingdom. He subjected the Horseman Death, the Nephilim in question, to one of his own nightmares. I tried to aid him, but Verdak's persistence has always been so great. He's convinced he's doing this for Morgen out of love. He's even twisted Uther. I tried to help the man, to stop the breaking of his mind. But I've already lost, and Morgen has suffered for my failures. Uther has.....'deflowered' her. The way a gardener would with an axe. And he has continued to do so." Nergal says in deep anger. Clenching his fists as his tattoos light up briefly.
"Steady Nergal. We WILL FIX THIS. For now just let me know if there's anything else I should know before speaking to her."
Nergal sighs, "She does not wish to know her lineage anymore. And I have already alluded to the relationship between Verdak and Aries. And one of our dear sisters is in her mind. That is all I know. Just...help her in the way I was unable to."
Lunara places a hand on his shoulder, "I'll do all I can for her. Both me and Aries will do all we must. Thank you Nergal. Know that you did your best, and that in itself is a good sign. I'm glad you're stepping up for a change. Hopefully one day you'll be able to do so with your..."
"DO NOT mention that. Not here. And certainly not in any worlds at all. We are NOT FAMILY, WE NEVER WERE. Good day." Nergal growls at her before walking away.
Lunara watches him sadly before whispering, "I'm sorry we didn't love you enough."
She then flies back into the Dream Realm, still sullen and depressed. The lamb nuzzles her gently, and receives a little cuddle in return.
Aries notices her though, "What's wrong my love?"
"A man named Nergal told me some troubling things. He has a way to help us reach Ilona. But he's mentioned things that trouble me in regards to her." Lunara tells him, not wanting to reveal Nergal's identity. As it would likely anger him deeply.
"What did he speak of? What's wrong?"
Lunara explains all she was told and watches as Aries grows angry. At first she's worried he realized who Nergal truly was. But she gets a twinge of relief when he speaks again.
"When I get my hands on Verdak he's going to know what my fury is. WHAT MY RAGE IS. And Uther? OOOOOOOOH. I THOUGHT WHAT HE DID TO MY FATHER WAS ONE THING, BUT THIS?! SICKENS TO MY CORE!" He growls whilst punching through a wall.
Lunara and their daughters outside give various yelps. Lunara in particular jumps as well.
"I'm sorry. I just...after what happened I can't...I'm starting to lose it. I can't handle losing anymore of our children." Aries tells Lunara whilst holding her close. Course he's suddenly hit with the secrets of how to reach Morgen and where she is. It comes so fast however that he can't tell who sent it. "What...how...uhm....ok I don't know who sent that but I think I know a way now. Was that you Lunara?"
"He did say he wanted to help, and he did." Lunara says simply.
"Oh. Give him my thanks if you ever come across him. But for now we have a family to reunite."
Lunara then helped her husband to transport to Death's mind with her. He finds it ridiculous that they need to go through Death first in order to see her. But he goes through it for her sake.
"Do we really have to ask a Nephilim for permission to see our daughter?"
"I see no other way, do you?" Lunara asks him.
Course something stops the two in their tracks, and they find Death has wards on his mind. Not to mention feeling the presence of a very old deity around for some reason.
"Well then, is it considered breaking and entering to blast through these things?" Aries inquires.
"How should I know?" Lunara questions him.
Aries then blasts through the wards like nothing. Course they're met with Crom not too long after. He doesn't speak though, rather just directs the two to a current dream of Death's. Clearly the trauma Verdak left him with has reawakened old nightmares again. Aries can see that much when he and Lunara find him.
Aries sighs, "Now what should we do with this?"
Lunara looks on in the nightmare as it finishes up for Death. He only wakes up briefly, or rather he thinks he does. Lunara and Aries both look at each other before watching further. They notice Death looks troubled by something. Course what they don't know, is that Death is hearing the cries of an infant. Part of him tells him he shouldn't recognize it, but the other is certain that it's Coventina. He begins looking around frantically for her. Wandering the darkened void for the little baby. Death suddenly stops as he hears a sickening crunch. With it the sounds of the infant's cries cease. He drops to his knees, sensing what just came about. Then he hears a familiar voice, one he's not heard in eons.
"HOOORSEMAANN...It's been such a LONG TIME...."
Death goes to respond but hears another crunching of bones. He glances up nervously to see Black Annis looking more deformed than she'd been when he battled her. Course he also sees a bloody bundle. Looking more closely, he realizes what it is. He saw a now faceless baby within the bundle, and just broke. Black Annis faded away with laughter as Crom's flames lit up all around him.
Death paid no heed to this or Crom's words, "There isssss....no hope...."
Death heard a distorted cry from in front of him and finally looked up again. Only to suddenly scurry backwards as an infant shaped pile of worms began to approach him. When he finally chose to run, he realized the flames had trapped him in there with this....thing.
"ENOUGH OF YOUR GAMES! ENOUGH OF THIS MADNESS! I've had enough for now! JUST LEAVE ME BE!" Death shouted out to Crom.
Aries chooses to wait for now, as so far nothing too dangerous has come about in his opinion. Lunara looks at him expectantly though, clearly being worried for the man they were visiting.
Crom's laughter came next, "Give in.....what do you truly have to live for...? You began alone....and so it will be when you die....so just end it....It'd be so easy...."
"FUCK OFF!!!" Death screams in pure rage.
Crom only laughs again, "I will have you someday Horseman....you can't escape me forever.....you can't be rid of me.....I will forever be a thorn in your side.....the crawling beneath your skin....everything you fear."
Death goes to take a swing, but only hits empty space and air as Crom continues to laugh at him.
"Damn you. Come out and fight me like a man!"
"Like a man? Funny....since when were you ever a man? I AM A GOD....and you are but the mindless thought of a whore...who didn't even give birth to you..." Crom inquired with chuckles.
"Shut up. SHUT. UP." Death growls at him.
"What's wrong? Did I bring up.....'painful' memories?"
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 19: Hear No Evil, See No Evil
Once Arn, Morgen, and Arthur had been put to the side allowing Leatherbeard and Death to start their duel, Arn kept himself between Morgen and the other crewmen and seemed to have an issue with the first mate.
She paid him no mind as Leatherbeard began right out of the gate turning his prosthetic into a axe. Swiping at Death who not only dodged but also parried Leatherbeard's attacks. Course Leatherbeard takes a few hits, but unfortunately he heals quicker than Death can deal them. During this fight, Leatherbeard notices Death still can't move too well due to his bad Achilles tendon. Taking this into account, Leatherbeard begins forcing Death to move on his bad leg. Leading to Leatherbeard picking him up then slamming him down to the ground, and giving him a pair of kicks to the gut. Death of course isn't about to stay down for long. As Death gets up he tries to charge at Leatherbeard, only to get an anchor to the face. As Death works to get back up yet again, his bad leg suddenly gets hit by the anchor as well. He flails in the air briefly before landing on his side, holding his ankle once he's down.
"SON OF BITCH!" Death growls in his pain.
Stormbeard gets a quizzical look and asks around, "Have I missed something? Is there something you forgot to mention? What the fuck is wrong with his leg? Because A, I can see it was fucked up somehow based on how he's moving. And B, because he's holding it!"
"Leatherbeard took out his achilles tendon last time they engaged. He may still be healing." War states worried.
"May? MAY?! Motherfucker that IS STILL HEALING!" Stormbeard shouts facepalming.
Meanwhile Death fights to stand up and begins swearing under his breath, "Aw fucking hell...real good plan Death you moron....real fucking smart."
"Came in half cocked, like always. Heheh..now let's finish this."
Suddenly Death feels a sharp pain in his gut just below his ribs. This unbelievable pain is even worse when the blade begins spinning, and his wound isn't healing, well not as fast as it should. From there Leatherbeard rips it from his gut, and stabs him in the arm. The same thing as before happens to his arm. Blood spewing as the coiled blade spins inside him like a drill. Leatherbeard continues to spin the blade on his prosthetic for a time before pulling it loose again. Had Morgen not given Death that boost he would've likely been dead right there and then. Having been partially disemboweled. Leatherbeard then displayed the spiral blade for all to see and upon tasting Death's blood began to transform.
"Is that all you got? Come on! You can do better than that. Last time I checked when you're on your doorstep you still keep fighting." Leatherbeard said as Death, through some miracle, finally got up and took another stance.
"That's it! Get up! That's what I like to see.", Leatherbeard said as he was ready to go a tad berserk.
Leatherbeard began his flurry of attacks once more and occasionally even tried to go for more stabs with his blade. Pulling it out of his prosthetic and keeping it in his good hand. His prosthetic began at his own will to form into various weapons. All to try and trip Death up all the more. Death, having become fully aware of what Leatherbeard was doing, stopped dodging and began to block or parry him. Using his spectral hands, he flat out stopped or moved some attacks away from him. Best part, it was beginning to work.
As everyone watched Leatherbeard get body slammed, Death pulled the cobalt dagger from his belt and got a lucky hit on Leatherbeard's ear. Taking the whole thing off. The cut itself leaving embers as the ear fell off and began to burn. The wound begins to cauterize as well. To Leatherbeard's surprise and anguish, it also wasn't healing nor was a new one growing. Not to mention the unbelievable stinging and pain he felt. It gave him no pleasure at all.
Arn meanwhile gets surprised when he suddenly feels someone reach out to him, "When I give the signal, be ready to protect the girl and child."
Arn at first doesn't understand but on instinct gently grabs Morgen's hand. Morgen naturally looks at him a bit concerned, "You alright lad?"
"Yes just...little eager that's all."
"Remain calm for now. Death's managed to regain an edge." Morgen responds calmly.
Unfortunately as Death begins laying the smackdown he starts losing vigor due to his injuries. Leatherbeard uses this to gain the advantage back during his angered frenzy. Capitalizing on Death's weakening state to transform, he then grabs Death by his face.
He throws Death back before turning his prosthetic back into the mount for blades. He then places the dagger back within it. Growling at Death in pure rage, "YOU BURN ME, I BURN YOU."
Death puts up as much of a defense as he can in preparation for this charge. Leatherbeard however manages to get Death on his back when he fails to have the remaining strength necessary to withstand it. Leatherbeard then gets ready to chomp down on Death's head, only for him to chuckle quietly.
"Heheheh...only...heheh...that I'm about to have...a fish fry."
"What?" Leatherbeard inquires in a moment of confusion.
With a sudden final attack, Death lands the dagger directly into Leatherbeard's eye. The dagger burns it's way into Leatherbeard's socket, nullifying his healing and spewing jets of blood from the wound. Leatherbeard recoils, taking a few steps backwards screaming in pain. It's only then, that Stormbeard chooses to step in and focus his lightning on the dagger. A single, long lasting bolt of lightning flies from the heavens striking the hilt. It travels through the blade and into his skull, burning the socket in a permanent scorched pit. His prosthetic arm explodes in a mix of heated shrapnel and flames. Leatherbeard stands motionless for a moment, but without warning falls backwards in an unresponsive seizure like episode. When his first mate comes to his side to see if he's alright, the men guarding Morgen get attacked by a large grey furred wolf. Arn then transforms as well, to take out the remaining crewmen. Leaving all but the first mate and those who retreated with her, dead. Good thing the first mate remembered to remove the dagger. With it came the charred remnants of the black eye that was now a partial jelly ball. A charred leg is also left behind, a pretty clear indication that he'd lost it.
Arn nearly feasts on a guy only for the grey beast to shout, "ARN!"
Arn stops just shy of the guy's throat, and restrains himself enough to punch the guy, shattering his nose. When the grey beast stands at his full height, everyone is left in awe at what appears to be a werewolf but far larger. Sixteen feet tall easily and covered in grey fur with white highlights. Even more impressively, they could make out the Norse tattoos covering his chest, but it looks like they flow into his shoulders and possibly his arms. They glow a brilliant, frosty blue.
"Arn...Who Is that?" Esmie asks concerned.
"He's a friend Mama." Arn tells her calmly.
"I am Sygr of Jom. A Norseman." The grey werewolf responds.
Stormbeard pipes in, "You're a fucking Jotun and you know it. Don't fucking lie to us you bloody prick."
Sygr looks at him simply, "And you're a Storm Giant. Rather short for one at that."
Stormbeard gets visibly frustrasted, but suddenly cools down, "Yeah, and you're somebody that apparently has their tail between their legs. Where we you during that mess? I have an excuse, I was waiting for the right opportunity. What about you?"
"Same here."
Meanwhile Morgen hurried over to Death on the ground. He was untouched by the lightning, but the blood loss was beginning to take him. He started losing consciousness as Morgen worked to try and heal him. Using the last bit of strength he had, he sluggishly lifted his hand up to her.
"Told ya...I'd win."
With that his vision fades as Morgen begins to panic. Grasping his hand in worry. After several hours, Death's eyes flicker open to see Morgen laying on his chest. In his groggy state he isn't thinking of any embarrassment. So he slowly goes to move his hand to stroke her. Only for a massive amount of pain to suddenly hit him.
Morgen naturally snaps awake and immediately becomes embarrassed herself, "Uhm.....I am...so sorry. Did me laying here...?"
"No...I tried moving....Now I feel EVERYTHING."
Morgen sits up and asks him, "Shall I try healing you more?"
"That...might....help..." Death croaks out in his pain.
Morgen begins to heal him, even singing to try and ease his pain as well. Death lets himself rest whilst listening to her. But his peace is interrupted by his family bursting in.
War smashes through the door, "Are you alright?! We heard screaming."
"I....hurt...everywhere..." Death expresses in a croaky tone that suggests annoyance.
Strife then came in, "How you doing bro?"
"He hurts all over." War explains simply.
Strife just kind of shrugs, "Ok."
"Is that all then?" Fury inquires coming in the doorway.
"Oh for....FUCK'S sake..." Death whispers in more annoyance.
Morgen continues singing, as if in a trance like state as she doesn't even skip a beat when the door is suddenly burst through. Nor does she cease when the others speak. Death actually gets a bit concerned when noticing that she's still singing. Little does he know, she's hearing something or someone telling her to continue.
"Uh...is there a reason you're still singing and not...distracted by them? Owwww..." Death inquires in a strained tone.
Morgen's eyes are almost glossed over as if filled with liquid glitter. Course when she suddenly comes to whilst blinking quickly, her eyes go back to her usual amethyst.
"Huh...w-what? What's going on?"
"Uh we apparently are interrupting something." Strife says in a slightly embarrassed tone.
"Apparently." War adds on.
"Let's leave our brother alone then shall we boys?" Fury asks pulling them elsewhere.
Death meanwhile notices Morgen seems a bit on the confused side, "Are you alri....argh...alright?...ow..."
"I think so. I do feel a bit dazed, but that's it..." Morgen explains sounding worn out.
Death squints his eyes whilst listening to her and sees Morgen's horns seem to be growing again. Morgen actually begins to sway a bit before she begins to fall on her side. Nearly hitting the floor as she does so. Growling in pain Death forces himself up to catch her. Only managing to grab her arm, and in his growing pain he shouts for aid.
Fury then hurries in, "Ok ok we're coming you......OK! Hang on a second there."
Fury then gets Morgen onto her shoulder and helps Death lay down. Ale then comes in behind her, "ATAN?! Atan?! Are you ok?"
"Just....as fine as I can be...ow...."
Ale then gets an idea, "I do have an idea. It's risky, but it should help with the pain Atan."
"What is it.....? Uuuggh..."
"Remember the pods in my village? They can heal anything. You'll just be asleep during the process." Ale explains.
"Ugh please tell me they do NOT put slime in those 'weird' 'uncomfortable' places."
"It's not slime, it's liquid Atan." Ale states.
"Ah....ok...I might actually consider it...nnngh."
Ale gently strokes him and Death realizes she's got a cloth in her hand, "This is to make sure you don't have a bad reaction to the liquid. The magic is within it and it'll be pumped through your body. So we need to make sure your body won't reject it."
Death sits still as Ale gently places the damp cloth along the more trivial wounds on his body.
"Nnngh ah...stings a little...but it's probably because....you're putting them on my wounds..."
"Shouldn't sting long. If anything you should start to feel a numbness there. Only enough to cease the pain though."
"And there it is...mmmgh."
Ale kept Death as still as she could. Luckily his body showed no bad reactions. This gave her comfort as she prepared to make a particular call. Unfortunately, it was going to be truly awkward. And Death could tell by the look on her face.
"Who are you about to call?"
"Your Gras Ceiser..." Ale tells him sounding slightly annoyed.
"Uuuuuugh...oh dear...why may I ask?" Death inquires in dread.
"He may have a way to transport you without any pain." Ale explains simply.
Death groans, "Ugh...great. Now we're having to deal with that sociopath again. And the possibility of you two going at it again."
"I'll try not to argue with him, for your sake. As you're in no state to just walk away from it as you normally would."
"Just keep your philosophy to yourself this time and it'll be simple Ceise. I get that you worry about him and feel he's being foolish, putting it lightly. But just try not to start something, and before you say anything, it's usually you who starts it." Death informs her.
Ale only sighs before making the call, "Hello? Ceiser?"
"Atari." A cold Russian voice responded.
"Listen, your Gras Atan is in massive pain right now. I have a treatment plan for him, but I'll need a way to transport him without pain. He's hurting all over as the injuries are that severe to him."
An unamuzed sounding sigh comes from the crystal, "And I am to help why? And how did he acquire these injuries?"
"Leatherbeard." Ale expresses.
Suddenly Death hears a tone he's NEVER heard from the man before, "What? What did you just say?"
"Leatherbeard is the one behind Death's injuries." Ale explains calmly, a bit surprised at the emotion herself.
"What happened? Tell me now, Atari."
Ale then explains the situation to him, whilst Death hears the sudden crushing of metal mixed with sounds of electricity from the crystal. He's actually somewhat worried now.
"What's going on?"
The sounds cease suddenly and his Gras Ceiser shakes his head before telling him, "Nothing Gras Atan. You just remain still. I'll be on my way shortly. Where are you two? At your Ceise's home?"
"No, in the Unseelie Realm. Queen Titania's home." Death tells him quickly with a hint of strain.
"Ah. As I said, I'll be on my way shortly."
The call ends and the gate guards suddenly are met with a portal opening near them. Out from it steps an extremely tall Male Lepus. He's lithe with features covered by various metal parts and enhancements. One of his ears is slightly torn, and flopping down halfway with an earhoop attached to its end. His hair is white and slightly shorn. The creepiest parts of him however were his eyes. While he could blink with normal eyelids, his red colored eyes dilated like a camera's apeture.
"W-w-who a-a-a-are..." One guard attempted to ask him.
"I am Grand Elder Llildan of the Lepus tribes. My Atari, Ale, is expecting me. I recommend you take me to her, immediately."
They do so in fear if anything. Course they pass by the younger three Horsemen, who all look at Llildan with equal parts suspicion and concern. Strife looks about to ready to pull his guns, and Fury isn't sure what to do ultimately. War however, chooses to confront the visitor.
"What's your business here?"
Llildan looks to War and examines him, unblinking before speaking, "You must be War. Death has mentioned you before, and your other siblings too. Strife and Fury I presume?"
War has the urge to palm Chaoseater, "Who are you? And what do you want?"
"I am Ale's Father, Llildan. She doesn't speak of me much so I am not surprised you don't know of me. Your brother Death remembers me though, as we've met a few times in the past."
"Wait...you're Ale's Dad?!" Strife asks in surprise.
"Ale's so...gentle. And you're so...whatever you call yourself." Fury states vaguely.
"Creepy, fucked up, strange, alien, otherworldly, call me what you will. Now where are Death and Ale?"
They all cautiously lead him to the room. He's actually shocked when seeing Death. And sees a visible mark on Ale's cheek. Course it's mended mostly, but he still sees it. Instantly he checks Ale over.
"What happened? What did he do to?"
"Only a slap Ceiser. It's my Atan and the girl who was with me that I'm worried about." Ale tells him.
"Girl? Ah the brown haired one, C I believe you said she was called?"
"Yes Ceiser. Course I didn't explain everything....when it comes to what happened to her she didn't want to say. But was visibly disgusted." Ale explains.
"Why am I not surprised when it comes to Ralph Dingleberg, aka Leatherbeard." Llildan says with a slight short circuit.
Death is suddenly curious about what happened to C and why his Grandfather is so angry, "Where is C? And explain why you're so pissed."
"She wasn't at breakfast this morning. So I'm not sure Atan. Why?" Ale responds.
"I need to make sure she's alright. While you look for her, Grandfather explain your relations to Leatherbeard."
Ale walks out of the room as Llildan gives her a nod, "Did Ale ever tell you about her Mother, my wife, Shel?"
"Only in passing. She always gets upset when I ask, so usually I don't anymore."
"You see, Shel was unfortunately stuck with Crom on her tail. He desperately wanted her, me and Shel existing in Shel's life didn't matter to him. I was unable to ease that part of her life. No matter what I did. Sadly...I one day lost the ability to try. Leatherbeard was sent by Crom to retrieve her, or kill her. She told me to take Ale and run. I did but when I went to aid Shel after hiding Ale...she was....she had been run through. I held her in my arms that night as she died. Everything I tried failed to save her. Leatherbeard's laugh that day still haunts me, no matter how many enhancements I make." Llildan tells him actually sounding somber. "So, do you really think he'd dead?"
"I stuck a cobalt dagger through his eye, and had him struck with lightning. It remained there a few seconds thanks to the one conjuring it....nngh...He even lost a leg and appeared to have a seizure. So yes, I'm fairly sure I got him." Death assures him.
"Good. Lets hope he stays that way hmm?" Llildan suggests.
"Yes, lets."
Meanwhile Ale had found C in a quiet state. She was actually nude in her bed, with a mirror pointed at her.
"Oh forgive me C, bad time?" Ale inquires gently.
"Huh? Oh uh.....I guess not." C replies before wrapping herself up in a blanket burrito.
"Do you want to talk?" Ale asked softly.
"Not without Gregory around. Please call him up...let him know where I am...." C tells her as some cracks slip into her voice.
Ale can tell something is wrong now and calls Gregory, "Hello Gregory."
"ALE IS THAT YOU?! Fucking hell lass when no one called it scared the daylights out of me! What's going on?! Where are you Ale?! WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER?!" Gregory quickly shouts at her.
"She's here with me, but she needs you here too. Right now."
"Well tell me where you are." Gregory asks of her.
"At Queen Titania's home. I can teleport home to bring you back here if you want Gregory."
"That'd be greatly appreciated. Also I'm going to try and bring Wren with me. She's been freaking out almost as much as I have." Gregory informs her.
"Very well, that's fine. I'll be there in a jiffy." Ale responds before using a crystal to achieve the teleportation home. Not before placing another crystal nearby and connecting it to her home crystal with a spell. The teleportation to and from is simple. Quiet as well since Wren is tired from her panic of last night, and Gregory is just wanting to get it over with. No fuss or muss, just moving on. Ale understands of course, and makes sure they're back at Titania's quickly. Gregory of course rushes to C's side, recognizing all too well what this mood from C meant. He'd seen it in the past, involving a certain female Drow Elf.
"What did they do to you?"
"Can we...talk in private, please?" C asks quietly.
"Of course lass, of course. Ale do you mind?"
"Not at all, Wren would you come along? Maybe you could help Death out a bit too." Ale replies looking at Gregory and Wren.
Wren only nods, understanding that C likely needs the space. And that privacy with Gregory makes sense as he did raise her. Course when hearing Death needs help too she hurries to his room with Ale. Gregory meanwhile closes the door behind the women and asks C,
"Ok, what happened?"
C begins to explain what all happened to her the night before. The restraining and forced removal of her clothes to put her in a tavern maid dress. How she felt Leatherbeard had watched her dress and that he'd made perverted comments. And that he even kissed her at one point, "It was all just awful...it reminded me of her....reminded me of...Zira...when she's angry..."
Gregory growled quietly before sighing, "Did he try anything? At all?"
"Only kissed me....that's it."
"Ok ok..." Gregory says before punching a wall. C jumped when he did, even letting out a yelp. Naturally Gregory looked back at her when she did, "Relax relax I'm fine. I'm fine. Sorry about that. Steam is all it was. I....I failed...I failed protect you and well....you're traumatized yet again. Zira is something I can handle, Leatherbeard is not, and yet the pain of being a failure is ever so prominent. Me being unable to protect you makes it all the worse."
C lets her arms loose of the blanket burrito and hugs Gregory tightly. Naturally he has to make sure she doesn't fall off the bed. Luckily he's able to do that.
"Easy dear yer about to fall off there."
"Sorry....I just really need this right now. I feel dirty....disgusting...and just plain sick." C admits to him.
"So basically what Leatherbeard is?"
"Yes." C responds.
"Then don't feel that way. Lass, Leatherbeard is one of the reasons why Kathryn could Mother children. He's the reason why ya were all we had. However, despite that, I have never stopped loving ya. I will never stop loving or seeing ya as my daughter C. No matter what comes. As long as we have each other, we can each go through life, and Kat can rest easy. Also, try and manage a smile C. I know it's hard right now, but at least try. If ya can't now, we'll try again later. But ya can't stay in here cooped up like this. You need something to get your mind off of it, even if for a little while."
C tries to smile but can't quite do so. However, she does at least get behind a partition to get dressed. Only to realize her original shirt was torn up a bit. "Uh Gregory, did you bring any spare shirts?"
"Course girl, got one right here."
C manages a smile at last when taking the shirt and handing the torn one to Gregory. Naturally he's concerned when seeing where the tear is on it. "Yer sure they didn't do anything to ya?"
"His first mate, was the one to try and get my shirt off. The fucking bitch." C says with a growl towards the end.
Gregory growls a bit too and tells her, "If I had just been there, I'd have wrapped my hands around their necks."
"I know, and Leatherbeard likely would've gone back on his word." C responds simply.
"Unfortunately you're right about that. But let's figure out what we can do today."
"Yeah, sure."
Gregory placed a calming hand on her shoulder once she comes out from behind the partition, "Everything will be fine C. Have ya eaten anything yet lass?"
"No, I haven't. Been in here all morning."
"Kay let's change that." Gregory tells her.
From there the two go on down to find breakfast. C naturally is a bit nervous as she watches everyone around her, but Gregory assures her she'll be fine. Finally C is brought to a small private table in the kitchens were Mina is with other servants around the castle.
"Hello there Gregory, good morning so far?"
"Eh...as far as I can tell. How's yer morning?"
"Dismal, but I'll manage like I have been. How about you C, doing well lass?" Mina asks her gently.
"Kinda....not that great. If I'm being honest." C replies quietly.
"Well, let me see if I can't make a meal that puts a spring in your step." Mina declares before getting to work on a pleasant meal. Getting together some eggs benedict with a warm, gooey cinnamon roll. C certainly enjoyed the meal, and naturally Mina made sure to ask Gregory if he wanted any.
"Ye hungry too then?"
"Eh I'm a little bit peckish. Was too worried earlier to eat anything. So yeah I'd like something." Gregory told her sheepishly.
"Here ye are then. Good thing I made an extra serving in case you wanted some."
"Thank ya. Has Wren showed up here yet?"
"No haven't seen her. If she hasn't eaten either I can send a meal her way no problem. Just need to know what she likes. I'd have asked ya two, but neither of ya seemed picky today." Mina states.
"Ok I'll see if I can find her, I'll be right back. You two have fun." Gregory says before leaving the room.
C then continues her meal in silence, finishing it easily and laying her head down. Mina knows that mood all too well thanks to Morgen, and gently strokes C's head a little. C allows it, but only because it reminds her of Kathryn a little. Course meanwhile Death had been placed in a wheelchair, much to his chagrin. He was groaning as Wren helped wheel him around with Llildan explaining he'd need a heavy meal before going into that pod. As he'd be in there until he healed.
"Seriously is this really necessary? You could've just brought the food over to the bed?"
"And who my Grandson, would've have fed you?" Llildan responds.
Wren snickers, "Probably Morgen."
Death groaned again, "That would be a bad idea, she herself is dealing with a few things."
Just as the group came across Gregory, Morgen meanwhile was having a troubling dream. She finds herself in a tavern somewhere, seeing young Uther and Vortigern celebrating after a victory together. Morgen actually seemed at ease at this but wondered why she saw it. Then she heard an all too familiar voice talking, this time he didn't speak to her.
"He will betray you, you know this."
Young Uther jolts suddenly in response and looks at Vortigern next to him.
"He...has already begun the process. Betraying your trust already, can you not see it? Can you not see them?" The voice taunts.
Uther then looks around and could've sworn he saw a man with a dagger in the background. But when checking he finds nothing. He goes to try and continue the conversation with Vortigern, but sees a similar dagger on his belt. Vortigern is acting completely normal, yet Uther can't help but be on edge. Morgen then sees a younger version of herself with her parents in the background. Being a happy family and loving towards each other. She almost walks over to them, but doesn't want to be noticed by Uther. Or the voice that's currently talking. All of a sudden Morgen's Father walks over to Uther and being as jovial to him as Vortigern was. Uther tries playing it off as he sees another dagger on his belt too. Even giving a hello gesture with his mug to the younger Morgen. Who giggled whilst sitting with her Mama and hugging her happily.
"What happened? What could've possibly happened? Is this the day where Uther changed?" Morgen asks herself quietly as she observes everything.
Morgen then notices Uther trying to be nice to her Mother. But he's drunk so it comes out in a very flirtatious way. Igraine becomes visibly uncomfortable and calls for her husband.
"Uhm...Gorlois? I believe the good King may be too drunk now ehehehe..."
"Oh forgive me my love. Just a moment. Uther try to settle down and maybe put the bottle away?"
"Ah uhhhhhh...forgive me my friend.....I just..." Uther begins to say before Gorlois and Vortigern both walk off with him. Leaving a confused Igraine with a sleepy Morgen.
Morgen wishes she could follow them but unfortunately has to follow Uther. Something in her is saying she needs to learn of what's wrong. Where everything went wrong and why. So she keeps watching Uther's side of things. Seeing her Father and Vortigern placing Uther in his bed. The man just lays there drunkenly, harmlessly in fact. Morgen is confused before hearing the voice speak up.
"You need to be alert, they're going to kill you if don't do anything. Uther don't you see it, they've poisoned you?"
Uther begins tossing and turning whilst saying, "No...it can't be...I'm not poisoned..ugh..."
"You're weak, weaker than you're supposed to be."
"It's called being drunk. I'll just...have a hangover in the morning....." Uther says in denial.
He then gets up, and lights a candle before looking at himself in a mirror. His reflection's eyes blacken and it begins to speak, "They're after you, can you not tell? Can you see them."
Uther begins to sober up as the voice continues to speak. Just as the voice becomes nearly unbearable he hears the door open. Vortigern comes in and tells him, "Hey come on brother. You're going to be late for the party."
"What the hell?" Morgen asks in concern as Uther walks out.
He's both confused and concerned. Morgen naturally keeps going down the rabbit hole. Following him deeper with each dive. She ends up back at the same party, watching it replay like a rewound tape recording. Only one thing has changed, Uther has become more nervous, and drinks more to put his mind off it. Leading to an even worse comment towards her Mother, which actually earns him a slap. Vortigern then brings Uther straight to his room on his own this time whilst apologizing for Uther's behavior. Morgen honestly isn't sure what to think at this point. But she does know this madness can't continue. She tries her best to try and call out to him, despite her gut feelings telling her deep down that he doesn't deserve her help at all.
Course her pleas fall on ears that cannot hear her. Instead she can only watch as a third loop plays out. Even worse than before as Uther is even punched in the face by her Father for his actions towards Igraine. Morgen is screaming herself hoarse the entire time. Begging Uther to see what's happening and to stop playing along with the demented loop. The third loops ends with Uther in his room and making an utter mess of everything once Vortigern leaves. He looks ashamed of Uther, extremely so in fact. Morgen tries changing things around herself in the fourth loop. Hiding bottles from Uther to prevent a drunken escapade. Doing all she can to keep him sober. But he's already pretty far gone, and in his rage he lashes out at everyone. Demanding to know where his drinks keep going. Vortigern brings him one, but it's slapped away. Uther claims he'd rather get one himself and goes to do just that. Vortigern lets him with noticeable concern. Uther then imagines a poison in the drink and pours it out declaring someone is trying to kill him. Only for the drink to suddenly have nothing in it.
Vortigern steps forward trying to calm him, "Uther, please calm down. No one's trying to kill you. You're not in a battle right now. Everything's alright."
Uther then goes to swing at him, but Morgen steps between them and grabs Uther's wrist, "Uther please stop. You're losing yourself again. Calm down."
Morgen then realizes that she ultimately just said words that don't make sense, and looks around to find her Mother is nowhere to be seen. Then Uther speaks up, "Igraine...? Is that you.....what....have I done?"
Morgen lets him go, watching in pure horror and confusion as Uther returns to his room on his own. Following him back to find him trying to sober up and clear his head. He only gets up to light a candle and clean his face. But sees the dark reflection of himself yet again, continuing to taunt him. Uther then hears Vortigern call to him again, a final loop starting now. Morgen follows and sees him looking despondent at a table. Wondering what's going wrong, why things are going badly for him. Then the eyes of everyone begin to focus on him. Suddenly as Uther glances at them, their eyes all turn red. He jumps up and when reaching for a weapon or run, he's frozen in place.
"I told you they were going to kill you." The voice from earlier taunts.
They all unsheath daggers, even Igraine. Only the younger version of Morgen doesn't. Suddenly everyone lashes out and begins stabbing Uther to death. His screams are horrid to hear for Morgen, as she begs the voice to leave him alone. Suddenly she feels another dizzy spell, and more pain in her head before collapsing. She wakes up in a cell, exhausted and still feeling the pain in her head. Luckily it's not as bad now. Morgen gets up unsteadily and shakily moves towards the door. She's tries to open the door and it's locked. A voice similar to Uther's, but more terrified resounds behind her.
"It doesn't work...never does."
She turns around, using the door to remain on her feet, "What do you mean....who are you?"
Out from the shadows comes another version of Uther. Paler, with white hair, and much thinner as well. He looked just that close to death, and that he was very much aware of it. Given the fear on his face.
"It just doesn't work. No matter how much I've tried. It doesn't open...at least not from in here."
Morgen forces herself to keep standing as she tries to force the door open. Using any spells she can think of, as she doesn't want to be here anymore than this guy does. Even putting her hands through the bars of the door window to try and search for the keyhole.
"Stop that you're going to alert him!" The other Uther tells her in panic.
"I can't be here....I have to leave...and it looks like...you should too...maybe I can fix this....fix everything...if I just try hard enough..." Morgen says as her legs begin shaking with her effort to stand.
"Don't....don't exhaust yourself...rest...just rest...don't try anything else...you'll alert him.."
"Who? The voice in your head?" Morgen inquires before suddenly being grabbed from behind.
"Who are you talking to?" Uther demands of his other version.
"Uh uh...n-n-nobody. N-no one. N-n-n-no on is h-here."
Uther turns around and finally sees Morgen behind him. Morgen then freezes in fear, recognizing the Uther she knows all too well, "I can help...I can fix this....I have to try...just let me out...let me try.."
Morgen begins screaming in pain as Uther pulls her horn. The other Uther gains a semblance of courage and quickly hops onto his back.
"Stop it, stop we've hurt her enough! Let her be, let her go!"
Uther then drops Morgen and grabs the other version of himself instead. Slamming him into the back wall of the cell. He then continues to walk over to his original self.
"What is wrong with you? Why are you trying to defend her?"
"Remember Igraine, she's all we have left of her!"
"She didn't mean to, not with everything going on. You're scaring her."
Uther then grabs his original self in a near choking manner. Holding him up from the ground as Morgen curls up by the door. Shaking and truly terrified at everything going on. She begs and pleads quietly, "Stop...please stop....stop it..."
Uther then looks at her whilst holding his other self, "You're the reason why all of this is happening. If you had just kept quiet and been a good girl none of this would've happened." Then looking at his other half again, "And if you wouldn't stop trying to take control. Just let me continue taking the lead. We wouldn't be in the mess we are now!"
"She was....a little girl...nothing more...One you corrupted...because I.."
"Because what? I took control so that we could survive. I took control so that our kingdom will thrive." Uther tells him.
"All for what?! A child born from a girl you abused her whole life?! A legacy of abuse and fear?! Igraine would be ashamed of you! In fact she was! That's why she fought back! YOU KILLED HER! YOU DID IT BECAUSE I WAS COWARD AND LET YOU DO IT! AND WORSE STILL I LET MORGEN SUFFER UNDER US BECAUSE OF MY FEAR OF YOU!" The other half shouts in sudden rage, gaining courage again. This one being a better kind, a stronger kind.
Morgen looks up at the other Uther, sobbing with fear and hopelessness as he speaks. Suddenly both men freeze as the voice from before speaks up. "What is going on?"
The original Uther loses his courage once more, "He's coming...he's coming back...he's coming back."
"Shut your rambling you fool! If you had just shut your mouth he wouldn't be here right now! Now I have to save our hides yet again." Uther tells him before grabbing Morgen by her horn again. The same one as well, which causes even more pain to her.
The door then opens, and the being from Morgen's dreams now stood before them all, "What are you two doing?"
"Having a small dispute, nothing more nothing less." Uther declares.
"It that so?" The being asks floating in and raising a six fingered hand with talons he places it on Uther's shoulder, "Then why is your hand upon her horn?"
"Intruder that's all. I can deal with it myself you don't have to..."
"Shhhh...Don't make it any worse on yourself." The being says as he tightens his grip. Causing Uther extreme pain as the talons dig into his shoulder, "Just let her go, and I'll handle her."
Uther then looks at Morgen, looks at his other self, "Get her out of here, run."
Uther stays behind to fight the being whilst the original Uther leads Morgen away. Doing his best to help her remain up. Of course as he gains his strength, he notices the shadow Uther beginning to look like he did before.
"We need to go, NOW!" He shouts to Morgen before busting through a wall to make their escape.
Morgen nearly collapses a few times, but he carries her as best he can. Morgen then glances behind them and sees the being chasing them down, "He's....gaining..."
"Can you fly?"
"I don't know.....why ask?" Morgen inquires nervously.
"Cause you're going to need to fly." The original Uther tells her before busting through another wall. This one revealing a black void. "Shit."
Suddenly he tosses Morgen into it, hoping she'll fly. Morgen manages to attempt to fly despite her growing exhaustion and pain. Unfortunately once the being catches up, he tosses the original Uther aside and grabs at Morgen.
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1stunseeliefaelass · 4 years
Darksiders Arthurian Tales Revisited
Chapter 14: Bad Moon Arising
Morgen froze at hearing Leatherbeard, but then another voice made itself known. This time, Uther was the one to speak up.
"Morgen, I need to speak with you. There's some sort of matter that needs to be addressed. What's wrong Morgen, it's a very simple thing that needs to be taken care of. Follow me."
Morgen feels herself go faint at this and collapses to her knees. Breathing frantically with each moment as Death tries to calm her down.
"Relax relax, it's not him."
"Define him." The original voice from before tells Death.
"For someone who has no business here, you seem to be taking up a lot of our time! So why don't you take whatever you refer to as your ass and FUCK OFF!" Death shouted around the space.
He only gets laughter in response, "How cute....the ant has a backbone. Although, I should've figured...given how protruding it is."
Death draws Harvester as the being taps his spine, "Enough taunts, reveal yourself!"
"If you wish to see me, merely look behind Morgen."
Death does so and sees what seems to be a mummy with ram horns. With ornate jewels that look like eyes embedded and strewn about his head. His cloak is like tattered robes but they still carry an illustrious elegance. Underneath them are black, shadowy tendrils coming out from it. His lips are peeled back, as if someone cut them off to reveal the teeth and gums. The gums themselves are decayed, and rotten, whilst the teeth are sharp and serrated like that of a shark. Just as Death begins to believe he's seen scarier, it gets worse. He looks into the 'eyes', or the sockets where they should be. It's as if he has teeth for eyes, a small mouth in both eyes. They're just as sharp as his 'normal' mouth as well.
"By the Creator." Death says in pure shock. Course he snaps out of it enough to grab Morgen as the crazed being approaches her. Pulling her close to him, Death quickly shouts at the being, "Back the hell away from us!"
Morgen takes the moment to glance back where she was, and sees the same being. Naturally her first reaction is to scream.
Death quickly holds her closer, hiding her face in his chest, "Don't look at him! Just....nngh....", he begins feeling a headache coming on as he tries so hard to find a way out of this situation.
Then he remembers he needs to shock Morgen to wake her up. So he removes his mask and quickly has her look at him before kissing her. The shock of this does in fact cause both of them to wake with an equal amount of panic. Course Death forgets momentarily about his injury. So upon standing to get to Morgen, he ends up collapsing in pain.
"Morgen! Gah!" Death begins to say before collapsing.
"Take it easy, you just fell." War tells him.
"How long was I out?"
"Like two seconds, why?" War inquires him.
"I uh....go check on Morgen."
"Alright." War simply states before doing so.
He finds her breathing heavily and rocking slightly as she hugs a pillow. She sounds almost as if she's crying as well.
"Morgen, are you alright?"
"Who's there?" Morgen asks, quickly trying to hide the fact she was crying.
"What happened?"
"Your brother Death....he should remember." Morgen tells him.
"Well I'll go ask him after I'm done picking him up off the floor." War states.
"What do you mean?! Is he alright?"
"He passed out for like two seconds. Fell face first in fact. Good thing he had protection."
"I heard that you fuckbucket!" Death shouts from a far.
"Shut your mouth Grandpa."
"Says the one armed man." Death retorts as he uses the crutches to get over there. Having been helped up by Merlin.
"At least I don't need the assistance of crutches."
"At least I can walk." Death states before realizing the target is not there, "Oh right, Strife isn't here."
"How hard did hit yourself on your head? Oh nevermind you were already forgetting things, like a Grandpa."
"Alright you whippersnapper, you want an angry Grandpa I'll give you one." Death expresses before trying to smack War with one of the crutches. Hopping on one leg to try and achieve this.
War tries kicking the good leg out from underneath him, only for Death to hop over and even spin somewhat gracefully.
"Nice try eheheh."
War gets annoyed as he gets hit on the head a few by the crutch. Finally he just dodges so that Death falls on his face again.
"You're an ass."
"And you deserved it."
The two then laughed as War helped his brother back up. Seeing the two having their brotherly moment was enough to cheer Morgen up, but Death still felt the need to talk to her.
He walked into the room and sat down on the bed beside her, "So uhm, how are you doing, after all this?"
"Better after having seen that little moment. But I do wish what happened hadn't happened. The only good thing about it really was.....how you got me out of there." Morgen explains whilst trying not to reveal what Death ended up doing.
"May I ask?" War inquired.
"No you may not."
"Thank you though, for coming for me like that." Morgen tells Death whilst her fingers gently brush around his hand a little.
"Technically it wasn't me, it wasn't exactly my choice. But I am glad that I was able to help. How long has this been happening?"
"This is only the second time. The first time I was shunted out on my own, and.......Barrcus was there to help me." Morgen responds a bit solemnly.
"What do you think he is? That 'thing'?"
"I don't know, I've not seen him until now. He keeps calling me Ilona as well. I don't know why he would." Morgen tells him.
"Hmmm....may be something to ask Merlin, or Wiseman. Our current experts on the Dream Realm."
"Maybe so. It's admittedly a bit, scary...to think about the reason as to why he calls me Ilona. I want to know....but at the same time I'm terrified to know."
Death then gently placed his hand beneath her chin, turning her head towards him, "Whatever you end up facing, you won't face it alone. You'll never be alone, ever again."
Morgen's eyes widened at that and the two slowly began inching closer to each other. That is until War immediately interrupted them,
"So when are we going to have breakfast?"
Death turned to him with a glare, "Was having a moment here, and you ruined it."
"I don't understand what you mean by that but, breakfast. And sorry for ruining whatever mood."
Once War walked outside, Morgen helped Death to stand up, "Here, let me help. You might fall again."
"Don't call me old man please."
"Wouldn't dream of it." Morgen told him simply, "Besides, you're too handsome to be called that."
Death was glad for his mask right now, but unfortunately it couldn't hide the redness on his neck. Morgen noticed it too and in a moment of either bravery or possibly a death wish, she pecked him just under his chin. Death gets a confused look, and straightens his back ever so slightly as his chest rises a bit. He spends a moment reading her face quickly, but silently. Checking her for any signs of arousal, and to his relief, that's not what he sees. Instead he sees what seems like a genuine affection in her eyes. Her smile seems to show delight, whilst her body language indicated nervousness. Death ultimately wasn't sure what to do.
"Uhm......thank you? This is honestly the first in a while...."
"I see. Well I hope it was....pleasant at least." Morgen replies a bit nervous.
"It indeed was uh.......just warn me next time...." Death implores of her as he becomes even more red. Even his shoulder are getting a slight shade of it.
Morgen nods simply and decides to get ready behind a partition, leaving Death to ponder to himself a moment.
"You want me to leave or something? As right now it's a little difficult to walk around." Death informs her.
"Oh if you need to sit feel free to head off to breakfast. I'll be fine getting ready alone." Morgen tells him.
"Thank you nnnggh." Death says as he works on making his way out the door slowly.
Death becomes lost in his own head, thinking about the situation. What his own feelings may be after all this. Why she seems to have feelings for him. Course these musings cease when he bumps into Strife by accident.
"Oooof crap."
Strife turns around, and sees just how red his brother is right now, "Glad I'm not the only one having a good morning."
"Shut up, you weren't able to move without my help."
"At least I'm moving like butter." Strife remarks with a smirk.
"Why you little!" Death says about to charge him before Strife just grabs him by the head and shoves him backwards before walking off. Picking up his pace.
Death of course started to hurry after him and in his haste his crutches slip out from under him. He's able to stop himself from falling, but his current position is awkward. He groans in pain and tries righting himself. Only to hurt himself more and finally asking,
"May I by chance get some help?"
"What's the magic word?" Strife inquiries before getting a glare, "Ok that's the magic death glare, but I'll count it."
He then helps Death right himself.
"Thank you."
"Ah you can show some decency." Strife remarks.
"You had it going, for like five seconds." Death tells him.
Death just sighs, "Nevermind."
"So, was your morning actually good? Pretty red there."
"It was...decent. And very surprising. And oddly terrifying." Death expresses.
"Has it really been that long?"
"Nothing happened, and.....ugh....." Death begins to explain before getting too embarrassed to speak further.
"So how long was it?"
"The last woman I've ever been with was Wren, and that was ages ago. You were in your late adolescentcy at the time, if that gives you any inclination." Death states.
"I've heard of plugging it for a long ass time but DAMN. Is that why you're so cranky?"
"You do realize I could kill you at any moment." Death tells him.
"Dude, I know you better, don't even try. Besides, with you all messed up, I'd like to see far you'd get."
Death just grumbles as he follows Strife to get breakfast.
Meanwhile at Uther's castle, Barrcus was doing remarkably well for his circumstances. Even with several baby nerve enders all over him, they meant nothing to him. A man suffering through physical pain everyday of his life, and nothing could ever top the emotional and mental pain of seeing Morgen suffer. He'd never voice that aloud however, in case it gave Uther ideas. As Barrcus mused to himself with Uther shouting at him for answers.
"Just tell me where Death is and I'll put an end to all this madness!"
"Yes, and replace it with another." Barrcus retorted simply.
As Uther was about to apply more pressure to the nerve enders, Leatherbeard came on down. When seeing Barrcus he actually looked shocked.
"I never thought there was anything I wouldn't eat or fuck. Guess I found it."
"Feelings mutual, too many of the stds and scabs." Barrcus stated sarcastically.
"Be that as it is, I'm here for Uther." Leatherbeard replied unphased.
Uther sighed and looked at him, "What do you require of me Leatherbeard, make it quick. I'm already in a bad mood."
"Seeing how you've been in a sour mood for some time, perhaps we should destress you. Find you a good time as it were. I know you won't have just any girl, or anyone, so a tavern won't do. But...."
"GET ON WITH IT!" Uther shouts at him.
"BUT......there's always the gladiatorial arena you put up some years ago. How long has it been since you've watched a good fight? I know you always enjoyed seeing the fights in the ring. Be it between men, or beasts, or sometimes even a mix."
Uther taps his chin as he considers the idea. Barrcus just watches him a bit curiously. After a time he finally decides on something, "Very well. I shall...humor, this idea. I need new inspiration for dealing with this traitor anyway."
"That's the spirit my liege. We'll get that zeal in your step in one way or the other. Now let's leave le fou to his current fate. Give him time to prepare for an even worse one." Leatherbeard declared with enthusiasm.
With that both men left, and Barrcus looked out the window of his cell. Thoughts of Morgen and Mina keeping him going all the while. He could only hope for the best for them both. Finally he decided to send a message to them somehow. Calling upon Merlin first through telepathy, to ask for help in the matter. Hoping one of his spiders is still there. Luckily there is one left, in Puck's scarf. It slowly crawls out and scares the crap out of poor Puck.
"What the fuck?!" He screams jumping up.
The spider only waves before laughing in Barrcus' voice and telling Puck, "Such a funny Satyr. Now I need to speak with the others."
"Ok the spider's talking. And it sounds like Barrcus, and it's talking, great." Puck groans whilst looking at the bottle of boose he'd been drinking. "I need to stop experimenting."
The spider hops up in annoyance, "Just get me to the others for fuck's sake!"
"Ok ok, calm yer......eh....legs? No that sounds stupid. Ah hmm...."
"Ok ok ok, jeez." Puck says before rushing the spider to the main hall.
Once there they both saw everyone partaking of breakfast. Course everyone looks at Puck as he nervously begins trying to explain himself.
"Talking spider, and he's really mad at me."
"Puck you need to stop experimenting. One of these days you'll make yourself go insane." Death remarks sarcastically.
That is until the spider hops onto the table and walks over to Death, "You're right about him needing to stop experimenting. But wrong about thinking he's insane, at least at this moment."
Death immediately jumps, having not expected that. Everyone else, aside from Morgen and Mina, does the same as Death grabs around his ankle. Having accidentally hit it against the chair he was in.
"Woah.....gah! The spider is actually talking what the fuck?!" Death shouts in confusion and pain.
"See I'm not crazy, I'm not crazy!" Puck yells at him.
As Death continued to hold his ankle, hissing in pain, the spider tilted itself as if confused, "May I ask what happened?"
"Leatherbeard shot a harpoon through my achilles tendon. It's taking it's sweet time healing."
"Then why not ask for assistance?" Barrcus asks him.
"I can mend it on my own. It's just taking a while."
"We don't really have much time to waste. You need to be in peak condition much sooner, preferably sometime today." Barrcus insisted.
"And how do you propose I achieve that hmm?"
"Morgen is always eager to help. Why not ask her, politely, to heal you?"
Death sighs in annoyance, "You enjoy being vexxing don't you?"
"As if you don't enjoy it yourself."
Death's eye twitched but he swallowed his pride and looked to Morgen, "Would you be so kind as to help me out with this?"
"I'll certainly do my best." Morgen tells him calmly.
"Wait a minute how are you calm right now?"
"I'm used to him doing this, as is Mina." Morgen explains.
The spider then walks over to Morgen, who lets him onto her hand, "I'm here to let you know I'm doing fine. As Uther's torture methods are very lacking."
"That's a relief for sure. But it's not entirely calming given you're still over there. If you have a plan of escape, we'd much like to hear it."
"Currently devising one. Uther is at the colosseum at this moment. He'll be away for a while, so I can try to explain where I am. Which I imagine is easy to figure out now." Barrcus explains.
"Quite, considering that I'm pretty sure you're in a cell. Likely one within Uther's dungeon as well." Death remarks.
"Correct. However, it won't be easy like last time. You'll have to be cautious. That means I DON'T WANT ANY HEROICS. From either of you." Barrcus states whilst looking at both of them before turning back to face Morgen again, "As a matter of fact I'd prefer it if you'd just stay here."
"I can fight Barrcus, you've seen it yourself." Morgen protests.
"Fighting on its own is easy, but doing so whilst using magic is harder. You're more well versed in magic than in melee. Until you can use them in tandem with each other, I'd prefer you remained somewhere safe."
Morgen sighs saying, "Barrcus, Mina and I have been worried sick. Surely there's something I can do to help. You're always helping me, protecting me to the best of your ability. I want to return the favor, to repay all my debts by making sure you're safe as well. I owe you so much Barrcus, and you know it."
"Morgana, I want you safe. More than anything right now. Knowing you and Mina are somewhere safe has been keeping my spirits up in this time. Please, just remain in safety, my little Moonbeam."
Morgen sat back and went slack in her seat as Barrcus called her that. It had been so long since he'd last done so, and she was still a little girl then. Death thought back for a moment as he looked at Morgen's reaction. He couldn't help but wonder how C was currently doing. He hadn't seen her, Wren, or Ale around lately. He decided he'd ask Titania about where they were. Course Morgen's next words caught his attention again.
"You....haven't called me that in so long. Why now?"
"Because I find it to be most appropriate now. I'll do anything to keep you safe, as I promised your Mother. You're all I have left of her, and I'm.....desperate. I don't want to lose you as I did her. Nor do I want you to risk anymore suffering just to save me. Promise me you'll stay out of it, please."
"I......I can't.......Barrcus...." Morgen struggles to say before Mina takes over.
"I'll watch her Barrcus. I'll do all I can for her and then some. I swear it."
"Good. Now, onwards to what is going on. I saw Leatherbeard in the city, he's a bit more jovial than usual. May I ask why?"
Death and Strife both groan at the same time.
"He has my blood, and Miriam's." Death then tells him.
"Who's Miriam?"
"A friend of mine and as far as I can tell, she and Strife have been seeing each other. So there's that as well."
"He got Miriam's when she broke through a window of the city library to escape him. She left a whole trail as well. He got Death's through the harpoon to his achilles tendon." Strife adds on whilst cuddling Miriam.
Miriam is naturally a bit spooked about the talking spider. She's used to being small, so spiders that can talk freaks her out more than an average one would. Course a few more then make themselves known in the room, leaving the poor thing petrified as she huddles into Strife. Course everyone else is a bit spooked themselves.
Barrcus meanwhile sighed and the spider facepalmed as he did so, "Right, of course. Ugh. So most likely Leatherbeard can still track you down. Given your complete scent is within your blood."
"Well shit." Death mutters under his breath.
"I'd advise you to handle that bayou dwelling Wereshark first. Then we can plan for a way to get me out of here. My spiders shall remain for when you're ready or if I should need to warn you." Barrcus tells them.
Meanwhile, Uther and Leatherbeard were actually enjoying themselves for the most part. Course Uther couldn't help but shake his head at the pirate's massive enthusiasm.
"Uuuugh.....your 'enthusiasm' as always, is quite appreciated." Uther told him.
Uther facepalmed at this, and then felt a tap on his shoulder. He saw a young maiden with two baskets, one with food, the other gold, "Greetings good King Uther. I have brought up only the juiciest grapes, the finest cheeses, and the best cuts of meat for you. Truly they are snacks fit for a king such as you. I also come by with our betting basket. The match coming up will be quite a showstopper, I assure you. A young feral werewolf against a few veterans of the arena. Sounds like quite the show yes, perhaps you'd be interested in betting on it?"
Leatherbeard immediately turns his head towards the basket girl, then to Uther, "You got a werewolf?"
"Yes we got one some time back." Uther states simply.
"You better switch out your contestants, I'm going in." Leatherbeard declares whilst grabbing his jacket from his chair.
"Uhm....my good Captain are you sure about this? The boy's got no control. He's truly as feral as it gets." The maiden asks him.
"Hahahah, all the better. Mon cher, feral or not, that boy will learn who da alpha is. They all do." Leatherbeard says whilst holding her chin before heading into the arena.
Uther actually smirks and decides he'll bet after all, "Ten thousand gilt on my friend here."
The maiden then bows as Uther places the gilt in through an inventory crystal and walks away. Leaving only the basket of food for him. Uther takes a bite of a grape just as the announcer comes back around.
"Nevermind on the original coming match, we apparently have a change in contestants! Our dear beloved champion ARN THE RIPPER VS CAPTAIN LEATHERBEARD!"
The crowds cheer with a pure uproar, shocked and excited to the captain. He listens to crowd and begins shouting at them, "I can't hear you! I CAN'T HEAR YOU! BRING IT UP HAHA!"
Meanwhile Arn listened to the crowd as it welcomed this new challenger into the ring of blood and dirt. He heard them chant his name again and again, "Leatherbeard, Leatherbeard, Leatherbeard", as he waited in his cell. Finally the man of the hour his "master" came in and unlocked the door.
"You're facing someone new, he's a feared man and close to the King. So at least try to last.", He says as the fat mass of a man unlocked Arn's chains from around his wrists and the silver lined collar around his neck.
"Sounds like someone important, his mother know he's about to get his ass kicked?", Arn manages to say as he's practically shoved out and towards the rack of awaiting weapons.
"I would watch my tongue boy. This man isn't the lions you killed last week, he's a fucking monster. Just give em a good show and try not to die. You're worth nothing dead.", The master says
Arn had heard those words a thousand times now, and he got sicker each time he heard it. He had plenty of daydreams of driving one of these hunks of junk into that fat-ass' neck and ripping the throat out of his lapdog, the one who enjoyed taking flesh off his bones with that whip. Sadly he had bigger fish to fry, namely this Leatherbeard. Arn took up an axe and a sword before he gave his masters an unsavory look, one they had grown accustomed to at this point. The gates creaked open finally as Arn growled to the crowd cheering his name, "Ripper, Ripper!" They shout as he enters the ring and faces his opponent, he actually snickers under his breath.
"Something funny Ripper?", Leatherbeard asks him
"Just think you need to fire your barber, clearly he took more than your beard.", Arn responds with a chuckle
Leatherbeard chuckled with him darkly, "Eheheheheh...funny."
Arn and Leatherbeard begin to circle eachother as the crowd calms a little. Arn then growls as his body starts to shift, the various bones and muscles flexing, expanding, and tearing as they take on a more beastial shape. Arn's face elongates into a snout, his teeth sharpen and grow long, followed by his eyes glowing a crimson color. His body is also covered in ebony black fur. Arn then let's out a guttural roar before snarling and baring his teeth at this guy, who doesn't seem to be phased by it. Arn is the first to strike with his sword connecting with the man's prosthetic arm but his axe follows up with an attack to his face. Leatherbeard somehow dodge the strike to his face, despite Arn clearly feeling it connecting.
Leatherbeard then turns his prosthetic into his anchor before launching it at Arn, who manages to dodge as it connects with the wall behind him. Leatherbeard retracts it, only to have Arn come up behind him and strike multiple times at his arm and body. Leatherbeard may have rough skin but he is certainly feeling the force behind each blow.
He attempts to say something witty only to feel an small twinge of pain in his shin. It takes him a while for his brain to register it as pain, but it's at that moment he realizes Arn slammed the back of his axe into his shin.
Leatherbeard in response tells him with a grunt, "Good hit."
Arn then drives his blade through his open mouth through the back of his throat, Arn gets a smirk on his muzzle as he sees a little trickle of Leatherbeard's blood run down the length of his blade.
Course aside from the cheers of the crowd Arn hears something else, laughter from his opponent. Leatherbeard laughs louder as he realizes he's in the shadow of the arena. Namely against the wall as Arn forced him there with his flurry of blows. Arn watches as Leatherbeard's mouth and body take on a more monstrous form. One with several rows of teeth and skin like a tough rubber. Arn immediately gets out of biting range as Leatherbeard snaps his jaws and breaks the blade in two. Arn snarls as Leatherbeard spits out the blade shards and droplets of his own blood.
"I'll give you this...it has been a while since I've seen, much less tasted my Blood...too bad I gotta beat yer ass. Now come on Pup, heheh!", Leatherbeard says as his blacked out eyes focus on the ebony furred Arn.
Arn simply snarls in response, before he notices Leatherbeard's arm take the form of a flintlock handgun. Arn somehow manages to dodge the gunfire and get behind a pillar but he's officially on the defensive as Leatherbeard goes on the attack. Arn manages to get an opening after dodging the mix of gunfire and even a cannon blast.
'How many guns does that fish bastard have?!'
He doesn't get his answer as he once again has to dodge the anchor as it takes out the pillar he is behind. Arn does take cover but gets an idea, he let's Leatherbeard take out the other remaining pillars kicking up a massive dust cloud. Leatherbeard is irritated by the dust and has to cover his eyes. When the dust starts to settle he notices a glimpse of movement with his electromagnetic sense. Leatherbeard exposes his head as he launches his anchor towards what he noticed. The dust settles enough that he sees it's just a pile of rubble. Arn then takes this opening and launches himself at Leatherbeard, his axe connecting with the top of his head. Arn is very surprised when the axe breaks from its haft and launches itself into Uther's box. The blade embedding itself in a post next to his seat and just above his head.
Leatherbeard let's out another laugh as Arn looks at his axe in disbelief.
Leatherbeard then kicks Arn in the gut and grabs his head before smashing him into the dirt.
Laughing as Arn lays in the dirt, "Ha! Real cute!"
Arn eventually manages to raise himself up on his hands and knees. Leatherbeard grabs Arn by his scruff and lifts him up to eye level.
"Anything to say, Ripper?", Leatherbeard asks with a sadistic smile on his face.
Arn looks at him in his blackened orbs and responds, "Die."
Leatherbeard can't react fast enough to Arn ramming a blade shard into one of his vulnerable eyes. The wound begins gushing blood as Arn drives the blade shards all the way into the socket. Leatherbeard shouts in pain, excitement, and ecstasy as Arn uses his free hand to reach and grab the exposed meat of his gills, on the left side of his neck. Leatherbeard starts feeling pain like he hasn't in a long time. It only solidifies when Arn puts both his feet into Leatherbeard's chest then kicks off his body, ripping the gills from his neck, and his hand free from Leatherbeard's eye. Thus leaving him with two grievous injuries. The pain lasts long enough that Arn can break free from Leatherbeard's grasp as he cuts his open throat. Arn is breathing heavy as that took a lot of energy, not to mention he hurts like hell. He is surprised even more when Leatherbeard's wounds heal over. The dull thud of the blade shard hitting the dirt is heard as Leatherbeard's eye is back, like it never got punctured. It is the same with the gills on his neck. Leatherbeard laughs sadistically as he readies to finish this petite merde off. His eyes completely whiting out as they rolled back. A sign that the frenzy has started. At this rate, Uther realizes his champion may be screwed.
"DINGLEBERG ENOUGH!" Uther shouts standing in his booth.
Leatherbeard snaps his head around so fast you'd think he'd have broken his neck, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!"
Arn could only laugh, "Dingleberg?! Are you serious?!", only to get slammed in the face by the anchor.
"Real professional, now get your ass up here. Your fight gave me idea, and we need to discuss it." Uther says unphased.
Leatherbeard then angrily turns his anchor back into a hand and walks off grunting. The crowd that was laughing a moment ago, is completely silent. They don't want to start a massacre by angering him further. Arn is then dragged off to the side by his 'master'.
"Ugh....at least you made it somewhat of a spectacle."
"I can't......feel anything." Arn groans as he turns back.
"Well you did get an anchor to the face so...." The fat man states shrugging a bit.
Arn groans somemore as he's dragged back to his cell. The collar and chains are replaced where they should be before the door is shut. From there Arn is forced to try and rest off the unfeeling in his body, whilst being partially suspended. He then hears the voices of his 'master' and the King.
"I...uh what brings you down here?"
Uther only responded simply, "I need to speak with your champion."
"Wasn't really much of a champion out there was he? Eheheh....." The man says before Uther gets in his face.
"That child has killed more men and beasts than half the gladiators in your repertoire. If I say he is a champion, then that is WHAT HE IS. Am I clear on that? Or shall I let Leatherbeard use you to blow off some steam? You have plenty of meat on your bones I reckon." Uther expresses in a dangerously calm tone.
The man can only gulp before he backs away in pure fear, "O-o-of c-course, your m-m-majesty. R-r-right this way, his cell is actually right next to us."
Arn smirks at the man pissing himself as he hears Uther approach his cell. Next comes a rapping upon the heavy door.
"Are you still awake by chance?"
"Nnnnnngh.....Depends on what you mean by awake." Arn manages to say.
"You speaking is a good enough sign. As that is what I need to do with you."
"What does a King want with a random nobody?"
"What I want," Uther began slightly annoyed, "is to propose a job. A task of upmost importance. I'm willing to reward you for a job well done."
"I'm listening to ya golden head." Arn states sarcastically.
The 'master' then slams his fist on the door, "Silence you! Ehehehe...sorry about that your majesty."
"Hmph, I like his spirits. Let's see how well he listens.", Uther begins before turning back towards the door to address Arn, "Now, my daughter Morgana has taken off recently. And she took my dear son with her as well. I want you to help bring them to me alive. As for the man who helped my daughter flee, I'd like him dead. Everything clear to you?"
"Loud and clear for the most part. But my question is, who the fuck is supposed to die? And why did she run away?" Arn inquired.
"That is none of your concern. For if you complete your task correctly, you will gain your freedom."
Arn's eyes widened as he imagined seeing his Mama Esmie again, "You mean....I can...go home?"
"Yes my boy, you can return home. I'll even ship you out to wherever you wish to go. I only have one caveat, Leatherbeard will be keeping an eye on you. You answer to whatever he tells you to, unless it's something I told him NOT TO DO. I will discuss it with him after we're done here. Assuming we have a deal that is."
Arn thought to himself for a moment, but one moment was all he needed, "Deal."
"Good boy. Now let's see about getting you out of this cell. And into a proper set of armor. Oh course you'll need a true weapon as well." Uther stated in a sickly sweet tone of voice.
Arn however didn't notice his tone, all he cared about was the promise of going home.
In the meantime the others had begun to discuss their plan to deal with Leatherbeard.
"We're going to need help with this 'Leatherbeard'. Given that he managed to fuck up two of us. Perhaps another werebeast?" Fury poses.
"And where do we find one?" War asks her.
"Yeah, especially one that's sane?" Strife adds on.
Death however spoke up in defense of Fury, "It's actually a good idea. In fact, it probably helps that I know a guy."
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