#Dany Arya Cat Cersei and Brienne being the quintet of well developed female characters that fandom loves to ignore
fromtheseventhhell · 7 months
It’s almost 2024 and Lannister posts are still like:
Cersei is a drunk, stupid, lazy, crazy, fat, ugly bitch who is exactly like her rapist and abuser 😡 (but did Bobby B really raped and abused that whore ??)
Poor Jaime everyone is so mean to him cause he killed Aerys and saved everyone and his bitch sister won’t break her back to accommodate his every whim 😥 But I know brienne will 😁
There are no Lannister stans, only male centered Jaime stans.
Misogyny is so crazy cause Cersei is one of the best-written characters in the books and genuinely has the complexity + nuance that Jaime stans (*cough*dick-riders*cough*) swear he has but since she's a female character, she gets reduced to a prop in his story. Minimally satisfying is the fact that even when they demonize her to hell and back, they can't find any way to make him seem interesting without bringing her up. His "redemption arc" is just his stans going "Doesn't he look so much better in comparison to Cersei?" and pretending that being in Brienne's proximity will magically purify him. The irony of people (i.e. his misogynistic stans) largely reducing him to his relationships with two female characters isn't lost on me. If they didn't hate women so much they could just enjoy Cersei's character, but I guess they like settling for crumbs of character development.
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