#Danny pranks villains throughout time with clockwork
thebubblesareevil · 1 year
School’s Haunted
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Danny watched students swarm around the front entrance to Gateway High. They were all over the place, way more than Casper High. Danny took a deep breath, only to have it knocked out of him as a Travis smacked him on the back.
“What’s up man, exited for your first day?” Danny scoffed.
“Excited isn’t exactly the word I’d use. Dread, despair, devastated, some other word that begins with D.” Danny shrugged. “ I don’t know man, my last first day of high school didn’t go too well.”
“Oh come on, it couldn’t have been too bad.”
“A few days before, I got electrocuted which kinda fried my nerves for a bit. I ended up getting a lifetime ban from holding anything made of glass.” Danny quirked an eyebrow “Plus my old bully ended up in the same class as me. Not Fun.” He replied.
“Sheesh, we’ll it’s not like this time can be any worse.” Danny’s jaw dropped.
“I’m sorry, did you just jinx my first day, Dude!” Travis laughed.
“If it makes you feel better, I could ask some of my buds on the football team to keep an eye out. Bullies are a pretty big no go around here.” Danny laughed.
“That’s what they all say. There’s always one.” Travis shook his head.
“Fair enough, but we’re pretty tight knit here. Trust me and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” He said pushing Danny forward. “Now hurry up, you don’t wanna be late on your first day.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll talk to you later.” Danny made his way through the crowd of teens, using the makeshift map to try to find his class.
“Are you lost?” Danny turned around to see a girl wearing her gym clothes. She looked almost surprised he heard her.
“Yeah, I’m looking for Mr.Graham’s class.” She gave him a huge grin.
“Down the hall, take a left and it’s the first door to the right.” He smiled.
“Thanks you’re a lifesaver.”
“Don’t mention it!” She said as she walked the other way.
With newfound direction, Danny made his way to his home room. When he walked in he saw Matt sitting near the middle of the room, there was an empty seat next to him. He was just about to make his way over when he was stopped.
“You must be our new student, why don’t you come up here and introduce yourself.” Danny froze with dread. ‘Why me?!’
“Come on now! Don’t be shy!” Danny gave up, making his way to the front of the class as Matt gave him a look of sympathy.
“Hi, my name’s Danny Prince, not Daniel, not Dan, not Dano, Danny.”
“We’ll let me be the first to welcome you to our class Danny! So what made decide to come to our wonderful school?” He prompted joyfully. Danny had a dark look of glee in his eye. One Matt recognized from the one, and only, time Danny was invited to join his and Travis’ D&D campaign.
The DM hasn’t been the same since.
“Well sir, I just couldn’t resist sunny California. What with the the beaches and rich history here in Gateway city.” The teacher puffed up his chest in pride. “After my parents died in that car accident I just couldn’t say no when my cousin invited me to live here!” He said cheerily. Mr.Graham paled.
“I’m so sorry for your loss.” He hastily responded.
“You’re fine. Figured it was best to get it out now. I’d hate to have to keep repeating it over and over again.” Danny said with wide eyes. The teacher coughed.
“Why don’t you take a seat by Mr. Miller?” He suggested, gesturing towards Matt.
“Probably for the best.” He continued his journey to his seat uninhibited.
“That was cruel.” Matt claimed
“No, cruel is making a teenager stand in front of his class on his first day. That was revenge.” He said with a grin. He heard a giggle from behind him, he turned.
“He’s not wrong you know, it’s practically inhumane.” a girl commented. “The names Simone. Sorry about your parents.”
“Nice to meet you Simone.”
“Likewise, how are you liking Gateway?” Danny smiled.
“It’s great, all things considered. I got a job over at the museum, at the space exhibit!” Danny announced, practically glowing. Simone blushed.
“Oh? Do you like it?” She asked. Matt groaned from Danny’s other side.
“I love it! Dr. Scott even let’s me use the telescope sometimes!” His smiled widened. Simone’s blush got darker. The bell rang.
“What” Simone cleared her throat “what class do you have first?” Danny took his schedule out of his pocket.
“Looks like history first. Shouldn’t be too hard.” He shrugged. Simone pouted.
“I’ve got math first. Maybe I’ll catch you later?” She asked. "Maybe we could sit together at lunch?"
“That’d be awesome! Hey all four of us can sit together!” She stopped as he left in search of his next class. She felt a hand on her shoulder.
“I know your pain.” Matt sighed watching Danny make his way down the hall. He handed Simone a pamphlet, before he too headed to his next class.
She looked down at the paper and read in bold letters
So you’ve got a crush on Danny Prince. Here’s everything you need to know.
At the back of the pamphlet was a museum schedule for space shows.
The bell rang.
She kept the pamphlet.
There are many benefits to being the honorary grandson of the Master of all Time. One of which is the ability to go back in time to study for history.
This has caused Danny many issues. History is written by the victors, and not many of them were interested in historical accuracy. Which is why Danny ended up completely derailing his entire history by starting a debate on Julius Caesar. By the end of class Mrs. Beatle was practically vibrating with excitement. There was not a single silent voice as they questioned what was written in their books. Everyone booed when the bell rang, including Mrs. Beatle, but she promised they could continue the debate the next class.
Most of Danny’s classes ended much the same. Chemistry was especially exciting, they were meant to be doing a simple experiment to show a chemical reaction that would change the color of some paper. Danny’s glowed.
Mr. Thorne spent the rest of the class trying to figure out how.
Danny made his way through math, surprised at how much he enjoyed it.
And that brings him to where he is now.
Gym class.
The class met in the gym only to be led out to the field, for a soccer game to start off the new year. He couldn’t really be mad at Coach Cooper, she was actually pretty cool. But facts are we’re facts, and the fact is Danny hates gym.
Sure he can show off a little, but it was way too easy to forget what was okay and what wasn’t. Way to easy to slip up. He slowly followed the rest of the class.
“Why the long face?” Danny shrugged.
“Not really a big sports fan, plus no doubt Coach is gonna make me take off my hoodie. I really just don’t want anyone staring at my scars."
“Scars?” She looked at him concerned.
“Yeah, fighting ghosts is pretty dangerous. You don’t always walk away unscathed .” He replied with a shrug. The girl froze.
“I’m not gonna fight you.” He watched as everyone started to congregate on the field. “I didn’t mean to intrude on your haunt, but I kinda gotta go to school. You know how it is.” He kept walking, joining the rest of his class.
“Uh, yeah. I do.” She muttered under her breath.
Vanessa watched the strange boy for the rest of the day. He was right about the sweatshirt, however he made up a story about a car accident and no one questioned it.
Since the moment he entered the school, she felt compelled to follow him. She hadn’t been a ghost long, but he felt different than anyone else. He felt powerful, terrifyingly strong…and safe.
Everyday she was surrounded by unfamiliar faces, she walked through the halls, watching them go about their day unseen. But this year things were different this year there was Danny.
Vanessa smiled as she watched him leave the school from her perch on the roof. He stopped after crossing the street, turning around he looked right at her and waved. Her smile grew brighter.
This was going to be a fun year indeed.
Danny quickly made his way back home, excited to tell Diana all about his first day. Travis was right, though Danny would never admit it, and most of the students were pretty cool. He hadn't expected to meet a ghost, luckily she seemed pretty unaggressive. Last thing he wanted was to fight a ghost in the cafeteria...again.
Racing up the stairs he barged through the front door, Diana spun around from where she was sitting at her computer.
"How was school? Make any friends?" She smiled.
"It was great! Sure the teachers were no Mr. Lancer, but they were pretty cool. I made a few new friends, but get this! The school is haunted!" Danny grinned like a maniac.
"Don't you think its a little early in the year to start spooking you classmates?" Danny scoffed, heading towards the kitchen for a snack.
"Cousin mine, its never to early for a good spook. But I'm not talking about me, there's another ghost. I'm pretty sure she was a student there when she died." That got Diana's attention.
"Danny, promise me you won't join forces with the school ghost to reek havoc." Danny gave her the fakest offended look she had ever seen, she raised a single brow.
"Okay, fine. I won't haunt the school, except on Halloween, Frighty would disown me if I didn't scare some teens." He declared dropping the act as he grabbed a thermos filled with ectoplasm.
"Actually, the museum might be doing a temporary exhibit on the history of Halloween. The whole tour is meant to be haunted." she grinned. "I was thinking we could team up and give the Ancient Egyptian crew a run for their money." Diana grinned as her cousin practically started to vibrate from excitement.
"Are you kidding?!?!? That would be awesome!" His feet left the ground as he flew over to the table. "I learned this trick awhile back that I've been DYING to try out!" She smiled as Danny started mapping out plans for a perfect haunted museum.
"We have plenty of time to plan things out," she said laying a hand on his shoulder "tonight however we are celebrating your first day of school in this world so I was thinking we would go out to eat tonight." Danny grinned. "They just opened a new burger place down the street and-" She was cut off by the sound of her communicator. She stepped away from the table as she picked up the communicator, Danny zipped his lips as she answered the call.
It didn't take long, but from the look on her face Danny could tell they would not be going out tonight. Diana sighed after she ended the call.
"I'm sorry Danny, I have to go. Batman has an emergency meeting to discuss some things."
"Is everything okay?" She hesitated before shaking her head.
"Many of the higher priority villains have become increasingly quiet, while weaker villains have been more active than ever. We have been keeping an eye on the situation, however there have been some unexpected developments." Danny nodded.
"Don't worry about dinner, I'll go hang out with gramps tonight and we can do something tomorrow. Just be careful, last time Plasmius went quiet for too long I ended up fighting Pariah Dark."
"You'll have to tell me about that sometime." She smiled "I'll call when I get out of the meeting, hopefully we'll have some time for a movie and ice cream when I get back. Your pick."
"Awesome! There's a new movie that just came out called the Evil Dead that I've been wanting to check out." Diana ruffled his hair.
"Have fun with Grandfather." she said as she headed out.
Diana was frustrated, she was meant to have dinner with Danny, instead she was called to an emergency League meeting. The Team found evidence of alien technology being used in the Bialyian desert. The criminal behind the project appeared to be Psimon, a powerful psychic who wiped the memories of the young heroes and put them in extreme danger.
Luckily the Team made it out in one piece, though not completely unscathed.
For the 3 hours they had been going over intelligence by the Team, going over any changes in the conflict, and reviewing other villains recent movements. The more they talked, the more Diana was sure something greater was at play.
To many people were staying far too quiet.
When the meeting finally ended, Batman approached once more.
"Batman, to what do I owe the pleasure?" she smiled congenially.
"What is your opinion of Superboy?" he asked in his usual blunt tone.
"He shows great potential. He needs to work on directing his strength and keeping his temper under control." Diana was quite proud of her new student.
"He's a loose cannon as things stand. We need to keep him under tight supervision." Her smile dropped.
"He may have trouble controlling his temper, but considering everything he's been through in the past months he's doing remarkably well. He listens well and, while stubborn at first, he was an attentive student. Until such a time when Superman decides to train him, I intend to continue with our training." She left no room for argument. Batman nodded.
"If you notice anything-"
"I will handle it personally." She interrupted him, her mood now sour. "And he prefers the name Conner."
"Noted. I won't keep you any longer." He grunted with a nod.
Diana made her way to the Zeta tubes, nodding to her fellow heroes as she passed though her mind was busy. Something was bothering the Bat, and that never boded well for anyone.
She said her farewells and left the base. Once she made it back to the apartment, she changed into her pajamas and pulled out her phone to call Danny. Smiling as she saw messages from her cousin, she tapped the screen to see the pictures.
She choked.
There on the screen, was none other than Vandal Savage, the ruthless warrior who fought against the Justice Society...with neon pink hair trying his very best to look serious in the middle of a meeting. She clicked on the next picture.
It was Vandal again though this time he seemed visibly furious as he stood against the Justice Society... covered from head to toe in glitter. The next message was a video.
Vandal was standing before a group of villains, clearly making some kind of presentation, as Danny and their Grandfather danced in the background. Colorful lights flashing as though they were at a party. From Vandal's twitching eye and the lack of reaction from the other villains... he was the only one who could see or hear them. Upon closer inspection, Danny appeared to be singing along to something. Diana was already at her limit as she unmuted her phone and pressing play, the moment the music came blasting through her phone she had to brace herself against the couch to stop herself from falling from the force of her laughter. She dropped her phone on the floor as the apartment was filled with the sound of-
@a-salty-sal@impulsiveasshole@meira-3919@alcorbearson@cute6troll@samgirl98@skulld3mort-1fan@addie-lover-of-stories@amercurio@chronicallyonline-fandomwh0r3 @heirxofxtime @gin2212 @thegatorsgoose@wanderer-of-worlds@terzatheunderscorerima@bright-shade@satanicrutialspecialist@mur-ururu@birdie-24-05@ascetic-orange@cyber-geist@thatrandomsarahchick@dr-syko-pharm-4@observerblock23@addie-lover-of-stories@rainybyday@berseid@pastalavistamf@ae-vixrose@sunflowershine03@theauthorandtheartist@ruelukas22@krzys2000@onlyhereforthechaos@stargirl1331@apointlessbox@mewzaque@distractedducky@cutelittlebeanie@unorthodoxdreamers @universallytacowolfbakery @joseph557@ver-444@icedbluesoul@shark-time@milo-l-l @spookytragedyshark@nutcase8691@idfk-man10 @s1eepyreader @all-eyes-no-dragon@demented-trashcan@avelnfear@tuhguo@genuine-muse@mentalcarebear@britcision@v-inari@redhoneysugarorange@kayekate244@litlecameron@magic-pincushion@mutable-manifestation@@kyrianclawraith@potatoeofwisdom@fisticuffsatapplebees@akikkobara@spooky-fm
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