#Danny is determinate to heal Jason's corruption
nelkcats · 1 year
Broken Wings
A few days before his coronation, Clockwork came looking for the boy who was staring into the void dejectedly, Danny had really thought that being a halfa would at least give him the chance to stay a little longer with his family.
However, as the ghost features were displayed in his human form and his parents suspicion increased, Danny understood that he had become too ghost for humans, it was just depressing to note that even in Infinite Realms he was too human for ghosts as well.
He loved the green freckles on him, he loved how his eyes had flashes of constellations, and even though it was a bit strange, he loved the little crystal in his right hand made of ice, he felt it made him a bit similar to Frostbite; but when he started to freeze everything with his touch he freaked out.
"Difficult times are coming" the master of time commented, caressing the halfa's hair "your coronation will increase your power and although the ghosts will be fine, you won't be able to return to the human world"
"I didn't want to be king" the halfa murmured sadly "I didn't want to leave the world so early"
"No, I guess not" Clockwork sighed "You must be careful, one of your royal duties will make you see things you wish you didn't, I'm not going to stop you but try to make the right choice"
Danny couldn't understand this until a few days after his coronation, when his consciousness expanded through the dimensions and he began to see people's deaths, their thoughts, regrets, dreams. And he could do nothing more than offer them a home in the Realms or guide them to a peaceful rest, praying that it would be enough.
With each passing day he felt more restless; It was then that the death of Jason Todd played in his head, he saw the boy who wanted to fly and he remembered himself when he had the dream of visiting space, he remembered when he learned to float like a ghost and compared it to the moment when Jason discovered Robin, he couldn't help but want to give him a better ending.
Jason Todd's soul was sad and stubborn, he flatly refused to rest, but he also refused to become a ghost; Danny couldn't help but sigh as he saw the little core forming in his hands.
It was then when he broke the rules, more or less; he waited for the moment when a catastrophe would occur in the boy's dimension and sneaked into Jason's grave, placing the small core in his living body and feeding it with his ectoplasm. He didn't know if that would be enough to make him a revenant or a halfa, but it was the best he could do.
"Please fly into the night sky for me" the halfa said sadly as he walked away. He knew he was being unfair by leaving Jason in his own grave, but what if it didn't work? Would he leave a body far from his resting place? No, he did enough, what happen next depends on Jay.
Danny hoped Jason wouldn't resent him for it if he found out in the future. He clapped with joy when Clockwork told him that it worked, but the time master frowned, telling him that he couldn't return to said dimension for a few years.
So it's understandable that Danny was upset when after a few years he decided to travel back to check on Jason and found the boy alive but with his little core surrounded by contaminated ectoplasm.
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disillusioneddanny · 1 year
The Savior, The Reaper, and The Champion
Today was a bad brain day. That was the first thing Danny had realized as he laid beside Tim and let the other man rest his head on Danny’s bicep. On the other side of the human, Conner laid down, wrapping his strong arm around the man’s waist and burying his face in between Tim’s shoulder blades. 
No one ever tells you that being a supervillain is so fucking hard. That there would be days where you struggled to even get out of bed. When they had each chosen this life, they knew it would be hard. That there would be days where they questioned if what they were doing really was for the greater good of the world–even if the Justice League didn’t see it that way. 
That was the biggest thing, Danny had mused. They weren’t really villains, not to anyone except for the Justice League and the eyes of the government. Most of the citizens in this world loved the duo.
“It’s okay, we’re here,” Danny whispered as Tim let out a sob. He ran his fingers through his hair as he and Conner held their little super genius close. Today was one of the harder days. It was the anniversary of the day Bruce Wayne had officially disowned Tim Drake. It was a bittersweet day considering how it had ended between them. On one hand, Tim had felt liberated, no longer under the thumb of Batman, the World’s Greatest Detective and Control Freak. But on the other hand, he had lost the only real father figure he had ever had. 
The day Tim had gone on his own, he had lost practically everyone. Danny wanted to hate Bruce for it, but it had also been the reason he had met Tim in the first place. It had been just five years ago now, the day that Tim had first summoned Danny. 
He pressed a kiss to Tim’s head as another sob wracked through his lithe frame and Conner’s arms tighten just a bit around Tim as the man buried his face in Danny’s chest. 
“We’re here, we love you,” Conner whispered in Tim’s ear, voice hushed, calming. 
They had met just a few days after Tim had gotten into a screaming match with Bruce–a fight that Conner and Danny still didn’t have all the details for. He had gone off on his own, determined to destroy the League of Assassins once and for all and to have Ra’s Al Ghul die by his hand. He had summoned the Ghost King to find out about the secrets of the Lazarus Waters. Upon learning about them and Ra’s, though, Danny had decided to help get rid of them for good. No one was meant to live forever, not the way Ra’s was doing it at least. It was easy to say that once Danny learned of how the assassin cult was using the corrupted ectoplasm, he was more than ready to help take them down.
Between the two of them, they had completely destroyed the League and Ra’s. Upon learning about it, Tim’s family had been horrified. Apparently they had been holding out hope that he wouldn’t go through with his plans, that he wouldn’t fall so far and fast from the pedestal he had once stood on as Red Robin. They had cut him off, decided that Tim had crossed a line and they were unwilling to forgive him for it. Surprisingly, the only one who had stayed in touch was Jason. 
“Family pariahs have to stick together,” he had said. It also hadn’t helped that Danny had managed to heal the pit rage inside of him and supplement it with a healthy ghost core. 
The others, though, had declared Tim a rogue for his actions. Dick had even gone as far as saying that Tim had hit supervillain status and was on the same level as Lex Luthor. Danny didn’t see it that way. In his opinion, all they had done was get rid of an organization that would never truly stop killing, no matter how many times Batman and co. fought them. 
“I just want to forget about it,” Tim whispered, his fingers bunched in Danny’s shirt. 
After they had destroyed the league, the couple had fallen in love, they had finally found someone who was at the same level. They were the perfect puzzle pieces for one another. And once Danny had felt close enough to Tim, he had told him his trauma, shared with him the pain he had never told another living soul. 
And Tim? Well he went out that very night and placed a few explosives in just the right spots. And they had done their jobs. The GIW and the Fentons would never harm Danny again. He had the vivisection scars to remind him of the pain that they had caused but he would never see them again. It was then that the young ghost king had decided that he would follow Tim to the ends of the earth, do whatever Tim wanted from him. 
He may have been the Ghost King but Tim was his monarch and he was prepared to worship him any time and any place, prepared to do whatever bidding he desired. And it was then that Savior and Reaper had made their names known far and wide. 
Tim had declared himself the savior, promising to destroy those that the Justice League were too cowardly to fight, and he had declared Danny his loyal right hand man, his knight to command, his reaper. 
The people saw them as heroes, finally doing what others wouldn’t. Everyone else saw them as supervllains. TIm liked to call themselves the necessary evils. Conner liked to say that they were just doing what the heroes were too cowardly to do. They were willing to darken their own souls if it meant saving others. 
They had run into Conner shortly after Reaper and Savior had killed the Joker and sent his soul to the Nightmare Realm where he would suffer for all of eternity. He had known Tim from his heroes days and knew that if anyone would help him, it would be Tim. Soon Savior, Reaper and their newest member,Champion, had made their move and Lex Luthor had become their newest target. For a man who had done so much damage, it had been laughable at how easy it was to kill him once and for all. Danny had made sure to give him a special place in the Nightmare Realms for the pain he had caused Conner.
The team had made a name for themselves, they hadn’t come up with a name but Danny had heard the whispers of stories and myths, of how others would reverently call them the world’s new furies. They had become gods of vengence. Tim had been likened to Alecto for being unceasing, Danny had been compared to Tisiphone for being avenging, and Conner had been dubbed Megaera for being grudging.
So they had taken it for themselves, the Furies of the New World they were called, or just Furies for short. 
“I know you do, baby,” Danny murmured. “But it’s a part of you, it’s who you are.”
“I miss them,” Tim said with a whimper, curling in on himself. Oh their fearless leader, Tim who had called himself Savior and swore to protect the world from injustice, who despite himself being powerless himself, kept two of the most powerful beings on tight leashes behind him, ready to unleash them into the world on his command. And yet he still was just so small, he trusted Danny and Conner so much that he allowed them to see through the facade, to force their way through the cracks and see the broken man he had become. 
Some say that you have to sell your soul to become a fighter for the people. Danny was pleased to say it wasn’t true, he saw Tim’s soul, saw his love to his bones and knew him better than anyone in the world.  
“I miss talking to Alfred, sparring with Bruce, late night Bat Burger with Dick–I miss my life. I just, was this all a mistake? Is Bruce right? Did we go too far in our mission? Did I lose my family for nothing?” Tim whispered, wracking his fingers through Danny’s hair, petting him slowly. The ghost nearly purred at his lover’s touch. 
“We can stop if you want,” Danny offered quietly. “I can get Clockwork to reset time, let us start all over, let you decide-”
“No,” Tim said sternly. “I don’t want to forget what we’ve done. We’ve helped too many people for that. I’m just being a baby,” he said softly, folding in on himself slightly. 
“We can have Danny take us to a completely different dimension,” Conner offered, his thumb rubbed along Tim’s hipbone. “We can make new lives, leave all of this behind. We’ll make you happy, Tim, happier than you can even imagine.”
“We’re still needed,” Tim said, squeezing his eyes shut tight. “We still have so much to make right, to fix. I just miss the life I had, it doesn’t mean I hate the new one. I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be,” Danny told him seriously, moving to rest his head on his hand and looked down at Tim. “We all have our days. Timmy, my parents cut me apart limb from limb and there are still days I miss them, where I miss the life I had before all of this. It’s how the world goes.”
“The two of you make life so much easier,” Tim whispered, looking between his two lovers, tears collected in the corners of his eyes. Conner swiped a thumb across both, wiping them away. “I’m glad I have both of you here with me, I feel less insane, less out of control.”
“You’re not insane or out of control,” Danny murmured before he pressed forward and kissed Tim’s pouty lips softly. 
“Yeah,” Conner murmured, pushing Tim’s shirt up slowly so that he could tweak a nipple softly. “You’re our fearless leader.”
“And we’re your strong henchmen,” Danny finished, and nipped at Tim’s nose, making his precious lover giggle.
“You aren’t henchmen, we’re partners,” Tim argued, glaring at both of them. Danny and Conner just grinned at one another before they looked at Tim. 
“Nope,” Conner said. “You’re the brains and we’re the brawn.”
“We’ll follow you anywhere,” Danny said reverently. “Why do you think I call you my Northstar?”
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soapberryspringsrpg · 6 years
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Forbidden Fruits
Hello Berries! The nights are getting longer, the air is getting crisper, the lattes are getting pumpkin spicier so you know what time it is. Time for the third ever Soapberry Springs writing prompt!
This prompt is meant to appeal to that part of many of us that once devoured cheesy romance books, thrilling over cliche after cliche so long as the right people ended up riding off into the sunset together. To play along, please choose one of the scenarios under the cut inspired by the brave harlequin romance writers and their specific books. 
You are free to change genders and names, of course; the only two things that must remain as posted are a) the title and b) the plot.
As always there is no time limit and no due date. Players are welcome to write self-paras, blurbs or novellas, poetry, chatzys or threads, to edit graphics, make playlists, etc. All creative takes on the theme are welcome and encouraged! 
Select below from prompts!
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