#Dame plays Valentia
damoselcastel · 7 years
Dame’s thoughts on FE15 - the Bad
While I found FE15 an enjoyable game overall, it's not perfect. The enemy unit AI is pretty wonky and dumb compared to what FE14's demonstrated, can always be broken with summons. The maps are simple, along with their objectives. Some of the best supports are behind a DLC paywall which I am not a fan of. I enjoyed SoV's plot quite a bit, right up until the Act 5 pulled some...things.
As for what I specifically disliked, detailed spoilers for the game, below the cut.
The overworld map, it's almost too free-roaming. I repeatedly skipped locations that contained recruitable units, simply cause I was unaware they were places to access. I honestly find it to be a design flaw, because players can easily miss playable units without doing something like killing them on the battlefield. Maybe I'm a stickler, but it really makes me miss the more linear/chronological FE games (along with that chapter narrator, bring that back!)
Despite the efforts in world-building, there's blatant contradictions. Finding food lying around everywhere in a supposed famine is silly. The nation struggling with low resources dedicates large tracks of land to vineyards, rather than wheat fields and making beer or something similar where you can EAT and store the crop in question. Conrad exists. How/why as the older brother doesn't he inherit the throne over younger sister Celica? Why couldn't he, as Zofian royalty, open the Sluice?
Already went into Mila and Duma’s retcon into crazy dragons here.
There's still a lot of sexism in the depiction of female characters. The epilogues across the board are almost entirely heterosexual marriage, often setting aside other occupations for that (let Delthea stay single dammit) Those CGs of Clair and Mathilda, their poses are solely for cheesecake and it's gross. Faye's entire personality isn't for her own sake (a girl preoccupied with love) but supposed to be a sort of joke centered on Alm, and she was newly created just for that. Similarly Rinea seems wholly concerned with Berkut, and is a female character added to suffer at the hands of her man. The goddess is off-screen defeated and rendered largely useless, then her body is off-handedly destroyed. The female protagonist turns into a damsel-in-distress in possibly the worst way, and isn't able to deliver a killing blow to the final boss.
A huge problem I had with the writing in Celica's route in later Acts can be summed up with three words: lack of agency. Post-Alm-argument all of a sudden men come out of the woodwork to not only tell us her decisions are wrong, but give explicit direction of what Celica should do: whether Jedah and his soul deals or Conrad and his tiara of authority. Suddenly her close childhood friends who she trusted to keep her entire identity a secret, couldn't be told about a blue-man and his bonkers plan to revive Duma (not even Mila). Heck, she trusts said blue-man to ensure the survival of said friends when there's been multiple maps he's gone out of his way to try and kill them all. Jedah suddenly becoming the crux of Celica's inner conflict and motivation when everyone and their dog know he's not to be trusted, was badly done enough that it soured the end of my playthrough. This directly contrasts with the start of Celica's journey, where she's the one who chooses to set of on her pilgrimage, bargains with a mercenary, goes out of her way to battle monsters and pirates, trusting in her friends and allies strength to help her in these mission. Even her disagreement with Alm is Celica expressing her own opinion and not simply going along with what the male protagonist wants, it's a conflict that can show agency (which unfortunately can be negated if/when she's "proven wrong"). FE2 might have all the problematic building blocks, like how all Alm's original female teammates have to be rescued. In Celica's case I could stomach her making bad decisions and suffering the consequences alongside her army, over her doing so because one dude or another told her to do it. And wow, I really would've rather never watched a scene where alone-and-cornered Celica screams "no" while the blue-man has his way with her (soul sucking) and then magically healing via penetration with a phallic object (stabbed with a sword).
Also that on-screen facial slap from Conrad. Considering FE14′s localization edited out Ryoma slapping Shiro, I can’t decide if it’s a double standard that Celica can be slapped because she’s a woman... or is 8-4 simply was more faithful to sticking to the script. Either way, hard to overlook.
I’m salty over the later points, but wasn’t nearly so disappointed with the game compared to FE14′s wasted potential. If you need a cleanser, remember the SoV stuff I did like.
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nintendotreehouse · 7 years
Of Swords and Sorcery
In an earlier post, which you can check out here, we took a peek at a few members of Alm’s army in the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game, as they’d recently appeared in a certain mobile game you might be playing to get your daily Fire Emblem fix. This time, we’re going to meet Celica and a few members of her merry band of magic-makers and mercenaries—these characters, her closest childhood confidants, boisterously volunteer to join her team when she initially embarks on her journey.
It’s hard to give a lot of information without venturing into spoiler territory, and in the interest of saving the surprises for your play through, I’ll be keeping this pretty topline. There are still a few spoilers here, though—if you are someone who wants an entirely unspoiled experience, feel free to skip ahead to the paragraph after the picture of Celica on a boat. (Are they gone? Good. Then here we go!)
Celica is a princess in hiding and close childhood friends with Alm, whom she hasn’t seen in 7 years. Raised in a priory on a far-flung island, Celica has grown into a skilled Priestess who is equally adept with both spells and swords.
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She may be distressed, but this princess certainly doesn’t need rescuing.
Celica leaves the shelter of the priory on a journey back across the sea to Mila’s Temple, which she believes holds the key to the misfortunes plaguing the Zofian people: the death of the king, the looming shadow of war, and barren croplands being invaded by undead Terrors.
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She'd probably have been safer staying hidden at the priory, but...whatever floats her boat.
Celica is a down-to-earth and approachable leader. Her willingness to help folk at even the smallest of hamlets not only fills out her army with willing recruits (from burly mercenaries, to villagers, even a knight or two…), some of whom are driven by revenge. This is also something that makes those who join her grow fiercely loyal to her and her cause.
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When magic and muscle meet pirate opponents, things get salty…from her enemies’ tears.
Like her fellow protagonist Alm, Celica is a formidable warrior in her own right. She’s somewhat less squishy than the mage friends who join her in the early part of the game and has solid stats throughout. Give her an item or weapon that lets her recover health every round (I liked the Blessed Sword, since the Angel Ring works better on Genny for me), and Celica will devastate any undead opponents she faces with her sword and her Seraphim spell.  
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Dungeons and Dames – Totally a hit!
A talented Mage from the priory located on Novis Island and one of Celica’s closest friends and confidants, Mae is the first to join Celica on her journey to Mila’s Temple. Along with Boey and Genny, Mae is one of the handful of people in the priory who is aware that Celica is a princess, not that her friend’s royal heritage phases this spell-slinger.  She has a tendency to banter with her friend and fellow Mage, Boey.
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They bicker like an old married couple.
Mae has a joie de vivre, and tends to find the fun in just about anything. In many ways, she’s the life and soul of Celica’s army. While Mae comprehends the gravity of the journey, she’s “super crazy excited” about the opportunity to journey off Novis Island and get some practice by “zapping fools.” She’s more than happy to engage in girl talk…just don’t ask her about her love life.
Celica’s army, especially early in her journey, is heavily weighted with magic users and mercenaries. Mae is a solid starter who, unlike Boey, comes out the gate with the slightly-longer-than-standard-range spell “Thunder”. Stat-wise, she has higher Attack, Speed, and Resistance than the male Mage, too. This translates into a powerful ranged unit who—like all magic users in this game—delivers attacks that ignore terrain effects. This comes in really handy when fighting among ruins in cemeteries.
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Mae is someone who is big on shock factor. She really gets a charge out of it.
The self-appointed main protector of Celica, Boey is a Mage from the priory on Novis Island. While he always assumed he would live and die without ever leaving the island, Boey is one of the first to volunteer to come on the journey (he can’t well let Mae and Celica go off on their own). He’s not too keen on undead opponents like Terrors, but he will help take them down alongside any other enemies that come his way.
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Terrors can be real creeps, a real dead crowd with no sense of humor at all.
Boey comes from a home that isn’t high in station, but his family is close-knit. Fiercely loyal to Celica, he’s determined to stay by her side to the bitter end.
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With 5 people packed in a small house, “close” may be an understatement.
Boey has higher Defense and Luck than Mae early in the game and is another strong ranged unit with attacks that ignore terrain effects. In short, Boey is a solid unit, especially in the beginning of the game. He’s not your best mage by a long-shot, but as one of the few characters who can Class Change to Sage (depending on how you spec your villagers), Boey can become a decent asset. Just make sure to equip him with a Mage Ring to raise his power and range).
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Just add marshmallows. Especially if enemies keep coming back for s’more.
A Cleric from the priory where Celica grew up, Genny is another of Celica’s first companions on her journey off Novis Island (that is, if you invite her to join you). While she has not spent long at the priory and is quite an introvert compared to her friends, Genny has become like a sister to Celica, Boey, and Mae. Unlike Boey and Mae, who are excited to leave the priory, Genny is a bit more worried about what is to come. She’s more the type to stay home and read or work on a new manuscript rather than go on adventures. But perhaps she’ll find inspiration out there in the world—as an aspiring writer, hopefully she finds that prospect appealing.  
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Everything she does is magic…whether attacking or healing.
Genny is one of your early-game healers, and while squishy, she’s your only caster who can cast the spell Invoke, which summons a number of illusory soldiers to her side. She’s very effective against undead opponents like Terrors, though you’ll want to maximize terrain advantages to keep her as safe as possible from nearby enemies. She is squishy and can only take so much damage (plus she needs that HP for her healing spells).
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Healing is easy. Let’s see you do something about that dragon skeleton in the back.
Well, now you have had a peek at a few of the loyal heroes that make up both Alm’s and Celica’s armies. Each army is filled with colorful characters to get to know at your own pace, so go meet the rest in the game. In the meantime, here’s a bit of concept art you might enjoy.
—Lindsey N.
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damoselcastel · 7 years
I'm probably just salty at this point, but I begrudge how it's ALM who gets talked up about being Valentia's first ruler, as if Celcia's not half of this power couple? Blegh. QUEEN IT UP!
Noooooooooooo, where'd Celica's grudge against her loser father go? He deserves it, and I've not been shown the character growth in her to believe this change!
Sacred trees, a retcon for FE13. I know what the Chapter 6 in this game is all about, and I'm already tired of retcons.
FINALLY NARRATOR MAN RETURNS to deliver Kaga's favorite idiom, eh? Whatever, time for those epilogues- I'm looking forward to the tragedy.
I think the romance I enjoyed most in this game was Mae/Boey. I really didn't feel much chemistry between Clair/Grey, let alone Clair/Grey/Tobin (and I went in hoping for an OT3). I definitely don't ship Alm or Celica with other people, but can see why some found their romantic subplot uncompelling (a lot of BS got in the way)
Mycen, the new chancellor (I suppose this is always what happens...but what was Conrad's position? Prime minister? That's not..period appropriate.) Speaking of, Conrad's epi only mentioned where he bit it, and I guess since no characters care about him that's it. On the other hand Clive got epi-killed cause Mathilda's dead. And Forsyth got borderland Het married while feeling empty cause Python's pushing daisies. I CAN'T BELIEVE LUTHIER’S EPI DOESN'T CHANGE WITH DEAD DELTHEA wow. Wait, was Saber's epi different cause I lacked Jesse?
Also I realize that I never recruited Jesse... I never even SAW Jesse... Where???
I'll post a better summary of my thoughts and feelings for FE15 overall later this week. Hope some of you were entertained by my first playthrough liveblogging.
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damoselcastel · 7 years
Dame’s thoughts on FE15 - the good
So I’m going to split my Shadow of Valentia review into two parts: the good and the bad. It’s all just my opinion, but unlike the liveblogging I’ll put more effort into the “whys” behind ‘em. These I’ll also be fine to discuss/debate, so feel free to reblog.
Now let’s get in on the good. I generally concur with Harblkun’s thoughts, SoV has that old-Fire-Emblem feel and with conflict bonded to the narrative rather than solely focused upon one character. The change in lead artist felt refreshing and fun. I really appreciated no desaturated hair colors or skin tones and no battle panties. The direct with character models and battle animation were really appreciated too, we’ll never get away from mountain-goat horse leaps but I’ll take what I can get. Similarly the narrative and character dialogue are usually quality (exceptions will be covered in “the bad” half), with the implementation of explorable villages with NPCs FE15 was really able to step up the worldbuilding delivered. Despite the very narrow support options, the cast held vibrant enough personalities to make an impression that lasted and those characters who reappeared really got built up for it. As a remake it was very faithful to FE2, from mechanics to map design and while it’s not the most innovative I’m glad to have genuinely experienced Valentia like the vets.
As for what I specifically liked, detailed spoilers for the game, below the cut.
Lords with converging goals - My first FE game was Blazing Sword and a large part of what charmed me was the interaction of the three main characters, FE10 was impressive on how it tried to cover multiple sides in one war. In SoV, I found myself appreciating how both lords with their separate armies were able to bring about impressions over a wider range than if they’d stuck together. While their progress through the acts were also remarked upon by NPCs and army members alike, it helped you feel the narrative progress rather than wonder if nobody’d noticed that miniboss you took about a while back. Also female protagonists, need more of this, IS.
Writing and Voice Acting - While SoV’s script hasn’t been scrutinized to death like Fates, even just the prologue establishes a style of diction that is more in touch with the faux medieval setting than the previous 3DS games have been. The characters themselves also have noticeable verbal tics and habits, Alm’s observations on surroundings differed from Celica’s. Also a lot of what sold me on characters was the voice acting, for Berkut in particular. It wasn’t just passable, it was GOOD. And while I’d rather have meaty supports rather that short, VA’d ones, SoV did a stellar job covering almost all of it.
Living Religion - Out of all the FE worlds, Valentia’s religion comes closest to actually feeling like a part of character’s lives. The incorporation of invocations and blessings as a part of everyone’s speech, open discussion between characters about the gods, the division of the kingdoms based in their patron deity, and the environmental conflict of the land itself suffering without divine intervention all help build this up. While it’s still shallow and fantastical, characters like Silque charmed me with their brand of faith. (this praise doesn’t extend to Rigel’s depiction, unfortunately)
Diversity in backgrounds - Classicism and elitism were some of Alm’s overarching conflicts, but both armies has characters from both Zofia and Rigel along with them coming from multiple social strata. The fact that characters addressed this, and were aware of that gap helped not only the narrative but the world- made things like Celica keeping her identity a secret make sense. Alm’s reveal wouldn’t be dramatic in the least if being a prince in the first place felt equal to everyone else’s role in the army.
Valentia’s magic - Multiple spells were great in being able to choose just what I needed when, without worrying about the juggling tomes that’d eventually break. Healers with Nosferatu and summoning might be the best thing ever, and I will miss them.
Valentia’s promotion and class mechanics - Quirky, but honestly really fun. I came to appreciate archers than could not only punch back but also fire waaay out there. Because there’s no point in waiting until level 20, the grinding was painless, and every unit was worth touting along.
Representation - SoV can boast a potentially asexual character (Conrad), aromantic character (python), homosexual character (Leon), with A LOT of homoerotic subtext in dialogue and epilogues, and possibly sociopath character (Lukas). Whether it was the blank canvas of most NES character personalities, or the lack of marriage system, SoV came out with quite a bit of diversity...on the men’s side. 
This is the point where I think I’ll jump off and write my review of The Bad.
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damoselcastel · 7 years
Hoo gotta say if I'm on a 3d rendered map with no 2d mini-map, I'll always get lost. I had to look up a map online to figure out how to finish Duma's Temple- no joke. So between that and the respawning random fights, I didn't really like navigating that.
Other thing I don't like- the entire Celica-as-witch subplot. It really didn't answer any sort of lore questions to do with witches, and raised a whole lot more questions (like what constitutes a soul in Valentia if one can be respawned?). Celica as the plot-demanded damsel in distress was highly disappointing, and her losing faith in mankind's strength sounds like the OPPOSITE of what little I know of FE2!Celica. It sounds like she had way more agency 20 years ago. Way to fail modern IS script writers.
And why does everyone call Alm "Alm" when they call Celica "Athiese"-- it's a secret name double standard! Call him Albein, dammit!
Also... what is this whole plot with Mila? Her "sealing the Falcion" by becoming a Wind Waker-esque pedestal. I mean...why??? Considering it made her weak enough for Jedah of all people to blow up... WHY!!! I'm getting very tired of the lore "dragons go mad" being inserted and recycled into every FE world- it didn't used to be a universal rule, and it's quickly grown into a tired trope.
The Berkut moment was good (ignoring the very end) and I’m sad a game I had so much fun with at the start, really didn’t stay that way til the end.
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damoselcastel · 7 years
Dang, grinding in SoV is PAINLESS. Took me a bit over 20 minutes to blast Lukas through two promotions. If this was FE14 and I wanted to promote/get a level 15 skill, it would've taken WAY LONGER. I really hope they keep experience this free-flowing in future FE games.
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damoselcastel · 7 years
Finally plot spoilers
Fernand's death monologue I found enjoyable. Because it doesn't try to absolve his guilt even when he realizes he was in the wrong. That and the time given for side cast reactions reminds me way more of old FE tragic deaths than anything in FE13/14. And it was a more tasteful end than...the dead forgiving beyond the grave (why do they KEEP WRITING THIS!?) Although I agreed that Alm seems strangely forgiving of this guy who was only even spiteful towards him.
Saber and Boey's bickering was also quite enjoyable. But when Celica show up again *sigh* Protesting because of the entire magical-fertility-of-the-land, okay sure. But if an evil smurf told you about this fact? I just can't reconcile this submissive Celica oh-so ready to sacrifice her with the one I played in Act 1 and 2 who denounced her despotic father and then Alm for wanting to shirk duties. The excuse that she just doesn't want people to die feels weak, considering it's easy to think many will be crushed with a sane Duma's revival.
I'm mad that Alm is the only one to tour humanity's power for hope now, boo.
And then it's show Jedah's a big fat liar- C'MON Celica, no one's unequipped in this game, stab his blue face! The amount of times character just stand around and get threatened/hurt while having the ability to counterattack is highly irritating as part of the narrative. On the Jedah scene...was Celica ever this damsel-in-distress in FE2? I mean, I'm rather doubtful she lost her soul, but... I don't know what to think.
Another gripe- got a look at Mathilda's battle sprite Gold Knight breastplate, and wow it's got boobplate going on something fierce why.
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damoselcastel · 7 years
I might turn off replies for a while, cause all of a sudden they full of SPOILERS while I’m running through my first playthrough of FE15 blind.
I guess only LoZ: Breath of the Wild will be a spoiler free, blind gaming experience in my adulthood.
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damoselcastel · 7 years
Call the fire brigade
Oh Berkut, you large ham, you've returned. Dang, Alm sure is an over-friendly puppy to get shut down. But damn Berkut's lines about strength, NOW we're in old fashioned FE villain territory, and mmmm it's good to be back. Although, wow gotta say that Rudolf should be up there with FE's worst dads, cause wow this boy's got issues.
Honestly this sort of corruption/possession, in the vein of Lyon where they went out of their way to let it happen- I vastly prefer to the hapless victim cases. The only example I find well done in the latter is Julius, because it was his father's sins and Manfroy's manipulation that doomed him-- we don't even see the victim, if he still exists he's well buried and those that knew him are either resigned or angry and the creature who replaced him.
As to the battle, it was a decent challenge (I am playing on normal) and I had to carefully use arts to take Berkut out in the same round I engaged him. Rinea costantly standing beside him was a fitting behavior for her as a unit.
However Berkut's last talk with Alm, damn I wish it had pulled a damnation a la Marlowe's Doctor Faustus rather than the Faust redemption. Rinea sounded full of BS, and sadly her character a flimsy prop to be used rather than having any agency of her own. Berkut's VA did a stellar job though.
I’m glad they didn’t localize-out Alm crying. A lot of such emotional moments were scrubbed in the past and it’s better the a male character gets to be upset and cry (even if it’s over a dude he should have very little sympathy for)
Although that line about a wedding on Alm's corpse...I'm almost shocked there hasn't been a powermad!Berkut/witch!Rinea smut fic (because nothing is sacred)
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damoselcastel · 7 years
Like fire, hellfire~
Berkut's beef with a "magical heir" showing up to snatch the crown I find rather well done. I mean, I knew it was coming a mile away, but with how they're built up Berkut's character and what he values- they've methodically destoryed it all. And Berkut's rant about how it'd be intolerable for him to live reliant on Alm's mercies and forever in his shadow I found the sort of reaction I'd expect from him. What surprised me (although I'd been spoiled for it) was how he also saw Rinea's lack of ambition as a similar betrayal- and well, spun his own version of how the world betrayed him in a very Tommy Wiseau fashion.
Away from the plot and into the mechanics- I found the "hidden" dungeon (thanks @ingrimasname) and used its water to revive my three dead units: Lukas, Python, and Mathilda. So I guess they're alive unless I get stupid again. Delthea wasn't an option, maybe since she was a dead enemy unit.
Lukas is a tiny, unpromoted baby at level 5. Wow he died early on. I think I'm going to backtrack to ge can punch some bandits (I'll have Silque and Tatiana come along to keep him alive).
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damoselcastel · 7 years
Finally had Celica's crew cut a bloody swathe to/through Duma's tower.
I'm unsure if I was supposed to complete Alm's half of Act 4 before finishing Duma's Tower. But that entire exchange with Jedah, him showing the stoned/falchioned Mila (in dragon form which no one seemed to question) didn't make any sense to me. I'm glad Mae clarified that Jedah wanted to "turn Celica into a witch" with the entire soul thing, cause I'd honestly just thought he wanted soul powah just cause. HOWEVER that entire Brand-bearer flavor is brought up again, and I'm still confused why it's significant. It doesn't seem like the Jugdrali dragon-pact sort of Brand so...what is it? How'd it get there? Why's it important? I HAVE A FEELING I'LL NEVER KNOW.
I know IS changed some of the story in Cel's end game, I wonder if it started here? Because Celica just giving up when there's no Mila does not sound like a "screw the gods, humans make their own future!" sort of reaction that I’m aware FE2 had (though vaguely, I don’t know the details and should probably try to find them out)
And hrm, would Jedah still be all "watch Alm suffer" if I'd blasted through those maps first? I wonder... (and I belated realize I can't have her go back and trade goods/upgrade gear now, d'oh)
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damoselcastel · 7 years
end battle, I guess
But before that- On the memory prism with Fernand and Clive, I can't BELIEVE they'd be so calm about the fact all Lima IV's kids are dead. I mean, talk about ripe for toppling, it's an estranged royal cousin's wet dream. The Berkut/Rinea memory prism I'm sure I'm not meant to take his "to refuse me would be most uncouth" as a threat, but... It barely hints at how it could possibly take an abuse of authority is Rinea wasn't so obliging.
Now to final battle: I am so mad about Celica's attitude on finding her crew IN THE DEATH PIT and just being dippily relieved- I want her pissed as hell at Jedah. Gah, this entire end arc makes her look to incompetent. (It's also weird how much of a savior the game crafts Mila into being...I feel like FE2's entire "we've fallen into complacency under your rule" Zofian subplot never get wrapped up)
Oh shoot double battle with the end boss... I would have picked a different team to Celica to go against the end boss with. I also would’ve grinded them up way more intensely, there’s like a 2-5 level difference between he teams! Oh well.
I'm very, very glad they finally brought back your team saying something in the last battle- it really helps amp up the loss if they then proceed to die. ...Hestia's dialogue makes little sense without Sonya there.
It was very satisfying to blow Jedah up with Mae's Seraph. But then when I mowed my way to Duma and found out he had that three-negates ability...got a little fed up. Units died cause I wanted to go fast.
R.I.P. Mathilda, Python, and Conrad. Your sacrifices were in line with earlier deaths and helped me not stay up late playing.
Will cover epilogue thoughts in another post.
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damoselcastel · 7 years
Another secret name revealed!
WHAT these random soldiers KNOWS ALM by "prince Albien" and "Rudolf II"!? How many people did Rudolf tell about this secret-son of his...and how long ago? Unless he pulled out a loudspeaker to broadcast his dying words while bleeding out.
Okay Massena seems to be the right-hand-man who knew all along. With Mycen just waiting in the wings while the patricide went down. Alm yelling seems justified, I mean, "a mercy" still doesn't seem like a good reason for all the trickery-- gotta disagree with Mycen, I think it's the perfect time for Alm to try and work through his feelings about everything.
FINALLY the Brand is talked about! Some prophecy of a savior, which apparently the smurfs wouldn't like... Okay, so Rudolf, Mycen and who knows who else plotted to kill the gods. And they just hand that over to Alm who goes alogn with it? Again, here I'm wondering how closely the remake's sticking to FE2 and whether any of this was Alm's own idea in Gaiden or if he just inherited it there too? (I don’t mind spoilers in regards to THIS specifically)
I like that in both Duma tower and Rigel castle what you mostly fins are weapons lying all over the place, in-line with the lore that this side of the continent is very militant.
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damoselcastel · 7 years
Rudolf the red crowned tyrant
The scene between Rudolf and Berkut, really establishes the fact Ru (and Rigel in general) ain't merciful and don’t have time for the unsuccessful. Berkut tried so hard to give a calm entreaty, but by the end desperately screamed after the only family he has... Since I'm guessing he won't show up on this map, he really will just watch Alm's army roll up and stomp them.
Rudolf's speech to his army is so reasonable and HUMAN, such a difference from FE13/14's villain mustache twirling. FINALLY mechanical non-attacks are back! Rudolf not attacking Alm, with the tweest I know's coming up is a great touch. (although wait...Rudolf's a surname???)
The entire reveal/death scene is pretty corny in text alone, but the voice acting does a nice job of selling it. Although I was surprised that cutscene of the Alm/Rudolf fight didn’t come back for a replay. In this playthrough Ru was roasted by Luthier.
As for the battle itself AAAAGggg archer knights are such a PAIN! I actually used up all 9 of Mila's turnwheel and people died for real. One picked off by mages (cause of my dumb placement) and the other critted by Rudolf.
RIP Python, you'd actually gotten good after a shoved a Silver bow onto you but now you're dead.
RIP Mathilda, you were an MVP taken down by the emperor.
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damoselcastel · 7 years
Got the blond with the carvat, no the other one
The NPC biased against Zofians just cause they have "the good life" is the sort of thing both Plegia and Nohr would've benefited from- rather than all villagers being fine and friendly.
That Zeke map... It feels like it's been AGES since a semi-competent green-unit army helped me out in an FE battle. Dang, those're just completely missing in FE13/14. Also his blurb before recruitment, on how since he killed his commanding officer he can't go back into the Rigelean army- that's a good reason for him to join (but then in the end it's cause of spoilers). Also not!Camus' having a full name and Zeke being a nickname, much more palatable.
Also Repeated name #? Jerome, I distinctly remember FE7 having an enemy with this name even starting with the J. Guess that's just the way it is in FE now.
I get that even in the poorest areas there will be booze, but seeing lush vineyards in the supposedly struggling Rigelean countryside was very weird. Especially with how cold everyone says it is, should be something like winter wheat to brew beer instead.
From Tatiana's base convo it seems like, other than the whole Jerome & Nuibaba debacle she's a very happy Rigelean cleric... but from what I've gleaned she never talks about Duma ever. Pity that the writers treated Duma worship like only cultist smurfs do it.
Also Forscyth and Python have hit the point of usefulness (along with Silver weapons), the latter even got his third promotion pony. Grey also hit third promote, gets the honorary title of being my first dreadfighter. I'm kinda sad cause Camus' deep Eng!VA is more in line with how Eng!Marx's should've sounded IMO.
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damoselcastel · 7 years
Alrighty, I think I’m nearing the end of this act with both Alm and Celica, so...
Right now I’m more looking forward to taking Celica to Mila’s temple than Alm to the Sluice. The plot at the moment very much feels transitional rather than a big event (yet)
Got everyone on team Alm promoted (except Lukas, he’s still dead). Only Est and Catria are unpromoted for team Celica. I recently learned precisely how leveling/accumulative levels work in this game...definitely did not optimally promote as soon as possible (which would’ve been the ideal). Units might be overleveled if the dungeon difficulty is anything to go by but I’m okay with that. Right now Celica has way more coins on her than Alm (need more coins)
Gotta say the Sage and priestess outfits are WAY BETTER than the modern dark mage’s stripperwear. I can take them much more seriously! Even the Saint’s poodle skirts I vastly prefer. Honestly I’m much happier with the class design/art in SoV (if only boobplate could go away forever).
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