#DISCUSSION IS WELCOME i wanna hear anyone elses thoughts on this. if u can help me make more sense of it u are very appreciated :]
neuroticreno · 4 months
Big fan of your hc about Myron being a vault city citizen, do you wanna share more on it? No biggie if you don't wanna!
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you have no idea the beast you have unleashed, anon.
ALRIGHT FAIR WARNING HERE it is. an extremely lengthy explanation and i've been meaning to share it here anyhow :] take this doodle of him as well for a little extra
As a preface, this headcanon is entirely for funsies (and autism). Some bits may seem like a stretch of the imagination, but it's fun to give him some kind of backstory, so take it all as you will.
I use dialogue from Myron's talking head segments, as well as the floating dialogue seen when Myron is in active combat (how canonical the combat dialogue is may be up for debate, but for the sake of this…essay? we'll say it's true).
To start, let us briefly examine Myron's character. Notably, the parts that relate most to this essay.
Myron is intelligent. To give him credit where credit is due, he is smart and thoroughly understands the subjects that he talks about. The people around him know this as well, and remark on it too (mostly at how wasted his potential is). He cares little for the well-being of others, especially slaves, whom he views as objects, and mutants are worth even less to him. He also has a very high opinion of himself, often referring to himself in the third person and boasting about his intellectual capabilities (calling himself a genius, a God, etc. etc).
So, we know he has not lived in New Reno for his entire life, only being there roughly a year or so. As he puts it, he came across the Mordino's way back when, so where was he before that? Just wandering the wastes? Or perhaps coming from another settlement?
Myron, compared to any other companion in the game, mentions Vault City quite a bit. Even more than John Cassidy, who has been tending to a bar outside the Vault City walls for a presumably long time. Though he shares the same distaste that many others do for the city, he also possesses what feels like insider's knowledge that the average wastelander would not have.
A lot of this knowledge presents itself when Myron's intelligence is threatened. If the Chosen One is smart enough, they can engage in a dialogue with Myron and demonstrate to him just how much they know about Jet and its chemical compounds. He will snip at the Chosen One for asking too many questions and interrogate them, asking where they learned all of this stuff anyway. Their understanding of pharmaceuticals is on a similar level to his own, which he may take as them learning it from the same place. Makes sense, considering during combat, Myron will mention he has not been in a fight since the fifth grade. Nowhere else in the game beyond a stray tombstone in Golgotha is any school mentioned or found. One can assume that Vault City would be the only settlement nearby with an established education system, thus reinforcing his belief.
Should the Chosen One pry him about a cure for Jet and suggest endorphin blockers, when asked where they could find such a thing, Myron will suggest Vault City first. He explains they have a 'pretty good' medical warehouse, and laughs when they want to try it as an option, saying they would have more luck getting a radscorpion to part with its tail than getting Vault City to give up anything. The city is widely known for its medical advancements, but Myron could have more of an idea of just how extensive their medical know-how is, having experienced it firsthand. Myron also proclaims that he is a 'natural', 'self-taught', and possesses 'none of that bullshit Vault City 'purer-than-thou' 'tude', which is funny since he spouts off his own 'purer-than-thou' 'tude every time he opens his mouth. Of course, he may have some level of natural intellect, but the rest of it likely stems from an education.
He also remarks that the citizens are a 'Buncha "genetically pure" humans. They got their noses so high in the air they'll drown when it rains'. Again, pretty humorous regarding his own high-and-mighty sense of self.
We can look at his propensity to look down upon slaves/servants. In Vault City, slaves are integrated enough into society to call for a Servant Allocation Center. Where citizens regard them with little to no respect, Myron, having grown up in Vault City, likely followed that ideology, too. The city's negative view of mutants could also explain his own distaste for them.
Myron also makes a lot of Dungeons and Dragons references, which is really just a funny haha 90s pop culture thing at the end of it, but it is fun to imagine that, at some point, he might have had his own little group when he was younger. This bit is just speculation for the sake of entertainment.
All of this raises more questions though; why did he leave? How did he leave? And how did he make it to New Reno without dying on the way there?
As for why he left, we know that Myron does not appreciate being hindered or being told what to do. Working for the Mordino's, he will complain that they only want him to focus on Jet when he wants to make new drugs instead. He complains as well about the lack of respect, so he could have left Vault City for similar reasons. Perhaps his talents were recognized, and he was allowed to experiment more in the field of chemistry. However, Myron could have found Vault City's restrictions less than ideal, giving him the incentive to leave and find somewhere with more creative freedom (he can leave New Reno for the same reasons, anyhow).
How he left and how he got to New Reno is difficult to explain. Myron has virtually no survival skills, and it is a considerable distance from Vault City to New Reno. Hitched a ride with a caravan, maybe? Him managing to escape a settlement covered in laser turrets and guards is also unlikely, but perhaps there was some kind of weakness he was smart enough to exploit and slip through.
Any additional thoughts on this bit would be appreciated :]
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sinnergetreadymp3 · 3 years
Uhhhhh I feel like I should give this a title but I have no idea what to call so uh, nevermind !!
Anyways,I finally finished the fic I said I was writing like,a month ago lol. All my Chameron stans out there this one's for u,I rlly hope at least one person enjoys this,I rlly enjoyed writing it !! Ok sappy stuff outta the way,here it is:
As rain pounded against the window Charlie sent what was probably the thousandth crumpled ball of paper across the room.
"Jesus Charlie,is your arm not getting tired?"
Charlie smirked at that, clearly preparing to make a dirty minded joke,but a thoroughly exhausted Richard Cameron was already one step ahead.
"You know what,forget I asked, you're gross."
Getting up from the seat at his desk and ignoring an indignant retort from Charlie, Cameron thought of the rest of his friends,out for the weekend. Todd and Neil celebrating their one year anniversary, Meeks and Pitts embarking on a two day road trip,for what they still claimed to be, entirely platonic reasons (although the rest of the poets were all too aware of the almost palpable romantic tension between them). Even Knox had found something to do with himself on this miserable Friday night.
And here Cameron was,stuck in his dorm with nothing but stacks of extra homework and his obnoxious roommate to keep him company.
Speaking of that obnoxious roommate, "Oh come on Cam,you're not seriously going to bed already,it's barely eight!"
"Shut up Dalton,I'm tired."
Refusing to admit defeat, Charlie sprung from his own bed into Cameron's, attempting to wrestle the poor boy from his comfortable position.
"Charlie,get off you psycho!" Cameron managed to get out, already laughter threatening to give away just how welcome his friend's childish antics were.
After a few more minutes of "fooling around" as Charlie insisted on calling it (mostly because of how profusely it made Cameron blush),the two boys lay breathless beside each other,trying desperately to think of something else to do that would ward off impending boredom.
After a few moments of comfortable silence,Charlie suggested,looking expectantly towards the ginger, "Wanna go to the cave?"
With extreme,mind numbing boredom as motivation, it was inevitable that Cameron would say yes. It certainly helped that Charlie was gazing at him with those oh-so convincing doe eyes of his. Charlie Dalton and his stupid,gorgeous eyes. And his stupid,gorgeous smile,which Cameron was abso definitely not thinking about as he got up and grabbed his coat.
The two boys trudged through the woods,bickering lightly when Cameron complained of the cold that Charlie apparently couldnt feel at all,but always with an unusually friendly air between them. Before long they were sat together in the middle of the cave,sharing an apple that Cameron had managed to salvage from somewhere (a feat Dalton was of course impressed by),and trading stories of girls and parties galore. In Cameron's case, the stories of girls were few and the parties were from years long before even middle school,so Charlie did most of the talking.
After a while though,the boys came to discussing their friends,and the luck they all seemed to have in finding each other so easily. Charlie, ever the romantic,made no waste of his extensive vocabulary,tediously lamenting on all the opportunities of love he had missed and the everlasting loneliness he was doomed to,all because his dashing knight in shining armour would never come to find him and-
"Why dont *you* just find somebody?"
Charlie,still sprawled dramatically over a rock ,and mildly offended at the interruption,indignantly questioned "What do you mean?"
"What I said? You dont just have to wait around for somebody to come find you and fall madly in love. Why don't *you* just find somebody?"
He thought for a moment,taken aback by the ginger's harsh words,but eventually decided to humout him for a moment.
"And where exactly do you suggest I find him then, hm?"
Cameron shifted in his seat,not expecting to be taken seriously and certainly not prepared to be giving advice. Especially not *this* kind of advice. Especially not to *charlie*.
"Well,uh," he looked up to see the other boy looking at him expectantly,with that ever-present smirk on his face that, oddly enough,made Cameron feel a little more comfortable.
"Maybe,you could,I don't know, consider that the guy you're looking for has been here the whole time?"
"Wow Cam,Pittsie and Meeks' radio must've really gotten to you. All those love songs have turned you into a big softie." Charlie joked,grinning and nudging Cameron playfully.
Through a soft laugh,Cameron continued, "No I'm serious man,I think you're making this whole love thing way harder for yourself. I mean- and be honest with me, what's actually wrong with the guys at our school?"
"Other than the fact that about three quarters of them are raging heterosexuals?"
Laughing again,Cameron replied "yeah,other than that."
After about zero seconds of careful consideration,he had come to a conclusion, "Well,I guess nothing,but I dont know? Cameron, I don't see how this changes-"
"It *changes* things because clearly you don't anything about half the guys at our school. And you can't write off people you don't even know." At some point, Cameron had gotten up and started pacing around,but with the end of this triumphant speech,he finally sat down,a little closer to the other boy than he had been before.
Charlie looked across at Cameron and was suddenly met with a wave of fondness. Weird,how all it took was to sit and talk for a while before someone you thought you near hated,started to feel like your favorite person in the world. And,was he going completely crazy or Cameron at his most comfortable, without the fear of a teacher lurking nearby,without the stress of constantly trying to prove himself,was he... A little..... attractive??
All at once,Charlie made a decision,partly to try and prove himself wrong,but also because hey,if Richard Cameron was the surprise love of his life,what better time to figure it out than right now?
"So how,sir Richard Cameron,do you propose I get to know all these charming suitors?"
Cameron, completely in the dark about Dalton's recent epiphany,was still stubbornly trying to explain how much easier Charlie's love life could be,if only he would let it.
"Well,maybe by actually talking to them? Y'know,kind of like,What we're doing right now."
"So,what you're saying is,*you* could be my knight in shining armor," he said with a smirk.
"Well,that's not what-"
"No,no it's fine,as long as we're talking about this version of you. Regular Cameron is kind of a buzzkill but Cave Cam is actually a kind of.... And I can't believe I'm saying this but,in here,like this...well. You're actually a little hot."
After this, overwhelmingly romantic confession, Charlie was certain he had completely stuffed it,and sure enough,
"Gee Charlie,thanks. Really makes me wanna ride into the sunset with you." To say Cam's ego had been hit was an understatement,but before he could make a swift exit from the cave and lock himself,alone,in his dorm for the rest of the weekend,of course Dalton kept talking.
"God,I'm sorry,that was, I have no idea why I said that. I thought I was being funny but out loud- god I'm so sorry," while he had initially been mad,seeing Charlie fucking Dalton blush (and because of *him* no less) was rather funny. And sure,a little cute. So Cameron decided to hear him out.
"Can I start over? You're not saying anything so I'm gonna start over. I,uh, I really do think you're hot. Like really hot. And not just right now,all the time,like that time we were at rowing practice and I started pushing you around and we ended up on the floor and I saw like,a single sliver of skin because your sweater had ridden up,and I couldn't stop thinking about it all day,which I thought was a little weird but then-"
"Uh,I think I get it,Charlie." Now Cameron was the one blushing.
"Uh,sorry. What I meant was,that I *do* think you're hot l-"
"As you've said"
"Yeah,yeah,but it's more than that. Like,when I realized we'd basically be spending the whole weekend alone together,I was actually sorta excited for that,even though I knew I'd just be sitting by you while you did homework the whole time,I like,wanted to do that. And tonight,I haven't talked like this with anyone who isn't Neil like,ever. What I mean is,I guess,is that,I think that uh,"
Deciding to lighten the mood,Cameron tried for a little sarcasm, "Wow,Dalton, stuttering? I must be superman or something."
"I'm trying to be romantic here Carrot top," Charlie said with a grin,
"Listen,I don't really know what I'm doing here,but I think it might be kinda nice if we tried having a little romantic weekend of our own. Just to try it. If it totally sucks we can pretend it never happened and the others don't have to know about it and-"
"Relax," Cameron said with yet another laugh ,he didn't think he laughed like this since... Well,he couldn't even remember.
So with a radiant smile on his face,he said,"A romantic weekend of our own sounds amazing. Gotta warn you tho I'm not a great kisser."
"Well, lucky for you I am a great teacher," Charlie replied,with a somehow even bigger smile on his face than Cameron's,
"Why are you laughing,I *am* a great teacher!" Unfortunately for Charlie,his indignance only made Cameron laugh harder.
"I'll believe that when I see it."
"If you shut up and stop laughing,maybe you'll get to." After this was all it took to get the ginger to sober up, the look on his face pushed Charlie to make his final,but (in his opinion) most important decision of the night.It was high time he flirt with Cameron way more often (which was *very* difficult to explain to the other poets,at least the first time).
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nobodies-png · 4 years
I see some poor anon lost their best friend and I lost my mother just recently. May I request some hc's of how the organization members would (at least try to) comfort someone who has lost someone dear? It's okay tho if you don't want to ^^ - M
 awe, sorry to hear that, nonnie ! and sorry for replying to this one so late too, hope 2020 brings you a lotta joy and happiness ! 
Xemnas : 
A part of him can relate to that feeling, even if he doesn’t understand exactly why or how. Nonetheless, Xemnas would simply listen to every word you had to get out of your chest - but if none come out, he’ll gladly stay by your side in absolute comforting silence. Sometimes, peace and quiet to calm the mind can do more than endless words of encouragement. And he’d be too awkward to just go and give you a hug, so the only thing he can do is offer you his company, along with time and a safe space to get your thoughts and feelings in order.
Xigbar :
One would expect Xigbar to take you to some whacky adventures so you can distract yourself from those negative thoughts and feelings - but he’s also dealt with his fair share of loss and he’s found that facing the facts and coming to terms with them helps more than idle and mindless fun. Of course, it takes time to gather the courage and stability to do so - but if you ever need a reality check and some down to earth advice for something this serious, Xigbar’s your guy. Honor the past and cherish the good memories, but dont dwell so much on them. Don’t let them hold you back !
Xaldin : 
Hands down, Xaldin s u c k s at comforting people, specially as a Nobody and his complex relationship with f e e l i n g s. What is he supposed to say in these situations ? Hell, even giving you a pat on the back is hard for him. Like, is it okay for him to do so ? What if you start crying ? ? Because of this, he can only say he’s a good listener, maybe give you some general words of advice here and there. However, he wouldn’t be against cooking something for you - a nice warm meal followed by a good rest is usually what he does whenever he has a bad day. You’re even welcome to steal from the cookie jar and brag about it to Demyx and Axel.
Vexen :
As a scientist, it’s very easy for Vexen to detach himself from emotional situations and come up with a straightforward and cold reply to your loss. It’s the way he deals with things that require a heart, after all. Brain = good. Heart = confusing. Easy peasy. Of course, when he realizes that this method clearly doesn’t work and that you’re about to smack him, Vexen would feel a b i t guilty and offer to help in a different way. It’s very easy to let yourself go after losing someone and accidentally adapt some unhealthy habits - this is where he comes in, helping you make a schedule so you don’t end up oversleeping, skipping meals or avoid being active.
Lexaeus : 
Lexaeus is also a silent listener, it’s just kinda how he rolls. But unlike Xaldin who struggles with it, Lexaeus is good at comforting others without the need of words. Definitely one of the very few people in the organization that would hug and hold you for as long as you need, not caring if you stain his coat with tears. His aura and willingness to protect others can make anyone feel safe with him, so you’re in good hands. Lexaeus would even give you one of his little puzzle toys, in case he can’t be around. They might be small, but they sure help a lot to distract you for a while and remember that he’s got your back. 
Zexion :
Zexion might be emotionally constipated due to his status as a Nobody, but he’s no stranger to the negative emotions of the human psyche. If you reach out to him, he’d be willing to help - but you gotta keep in mind that he’s still a kid at heart and hasn’t found the proper way to cope and deal with his own feelings. Still, Zexion makes up for his lack of knowledge when it comes to comforting with his extense collection of books ! He’d recommend you things to read, both literature you two could discuss as a past time and articles about dealing with loss and grief. He’d also make use of his powers to create illusions you might enjoy if you’ve had a particulary rough day.
Saix : 
Saix doesn’t comfort, at least not so openly like other members. His approach is pretty much the aftermath of Vexen’s idea to give you a schedule - so long story short, Saix is the one who’d enforce and make sure you follow it. Which means he’s gonna be on your ass most of the time and as annoying as that might sound (Demyx feels so bad for you because of this) if you squint really really hard, you’ll notice that he does care about your wellbeing. “You have to keep on moving” he’d say, while sending you into your 6th mission of the day, which simply consists on taking care of a few heartless and some general recon. You’ll also find that most of your reports have been already filled out, but hey, don’t ask him.
Axel : 
Another awkward guy - Axel has trouble comforting friends, but damn if he’s not going to try. The way he speaks is more than enough to cheer you up, or at the very least give you back that passion you had prior your loss, it’s like he sparks a fire in you ! You just gotta go all out, ride all of this out and. Cry, scream, feel everything you gotta feel and then kick back with people you can trust, eat some ice cream with them. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and held. Axel would totally invite you to join him, Xion and Roxas to their whacky adventures around Twilight Town.
Demyx : 
Very obvious, but Demyx would encourage you write a song about it. It’s what he does to sort his feelings out, figure out what feels right in the end. And besides, learning how to play an instrument is always fun - you also got the best (and only) music teacher in the organization ! If that’s not your cup of tea, then you can try any other artistic outlet. Dancing, writing, etc etc. Demyx is fully aware that fortnite dancing at 3 am is not going to fix his problems, but it sure helps him stay grounded and remember that life is not as serious as we make it out to be.
Luxord : 
Luxord is very polite, so he won’t pry into your business - but the second he notices little changes in you like that permanent tired expression or the way you sigh a little too much on a daily basis, he’d invite you over for tea, subtly give you an excuse to talk to him and vent should you need it without being too invasive or forward. If you still can’t or refuse to open up, Luxord would take you for a walk around Wonderland or another colorful and fun world, giving you some advice in the form of his cryptid ramblings. When a door closes, another opens - and if there aren’t any, then you just have to open a window, get some fresh air and a new perspective.
Marluxia :
Marluxia can also relate to that. Surprisingly, he’d be very gentle, asking if you’d like to share some happy memories you have with that someone. Maybe even set up a small makeshift “shrine” in their honour, of course covered with their favorite flowers. He’s just happy to help you, listening to you reminisce and remember them with a smile on your face. It’s very shocking to see this side of him, given how flamboyant and eccentric he can be - but those passing encouraging smiles Marluxia gives you whenever he sees you are a great comfort.
Larxene :
Larxene is… Not the best choice if you want to be comforted. Her method is an extreme version of Xigbar’s, she’ll simply offer a quick “deal with it” and a hard “grow up and accept it”. While she might be impulsive and very emotional Larxene is actually a very logical person with a good understanding of her own feelings. What you can learn from her is that everyone needs to ultimately find their own way of coping and dealing with grief, no one else can tell you how or when to feel a certain way no matter how good their intentions might be. Take the good advice, but don’t depend on others for everything. Your way might be unconventional, but as long as it’s not hamrful for yourself and you’re aware of your limits, it’s good enough.
Roxas :
Roxas doesn’t know what to do, at all. So he’d simply ask about what YOU want to do now. How would you like to deal with these feelings and such. He’ll be there right next to you, even if you just wanna cry and sleep it off or if you want to distract yourself and never speak about it. Roxas is there, holding your hand all the way and making sure you know you’re not alone. Like Marluxia, he might also ask about the person you lost, just out of curiosity. And then maybe internally facepalm because oh shit, what if you don’t want to talk about it. The way Roxas worries about you, stuttering apologies and awkwardly explaining that he simply wants to make you feel better is so endearing that you can’t help but feel safe and sound.
Xion :
Xion would simply take you to Destiny Islands, to watch the waves, feel the sand and the sun on your skin. She wouldn’t ask at all, instead explaining that this is the place she goes to whenever she’s feeling confused, lost or just a little under the weather - and now, she wants to share this with you. You don’t have to say a thing, Xion doesn’t need to know your pain to realize that you just need a friend and a shoulder to cry on. Someone to rely on. The two of you would just spend the afternoon picking up seashells, exploring the island and relaxing. She’ll gladly listen if you have anything to say, but it’s okay, you’ve done enough. Let her take care of you now.
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padleckii · 7 years
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Request from anon: “ hi , can you write one , where Dean gets jealous about how close his girlfriend and father are “
A/N: idk if this is how you wanted it to turn out, but this is where my head took it so here u go, i still have no idea how to write jealous dean ! also i just had some good cereal and my hair is blue and life is mediocre !
Word Count: 1841
You and Dean had been dating for eleven months, and you’d been on cloud nine the whole time. He tried to act tough, but he broke that act whenever he was around you. You brought out the calm side of him, and you could tell you were one of the few people he trusted. It was only recently that he’d told you what the ‘family business’ actually was, and the world made more sense to you than it had in a long time. When you’d met, Dean had been on a solo hunt. He’d stayed longer than he should have, but that was because of you. He’d said his dad was going to be beyond pissed but he wanted you to go with him. He thought it was finally time for you to properly meet the family.
It had been a long drive, but it had given you time to learn as much as you could about Dean’s family before you actually met them. “Okay, so John is your dad. Sam is your brother, but you call him… Sammy?” You were sat in Dean’s car, facing him as best you could while he drove and quietly hummed along to the radio. “Yeah, but I wouldn’t call him that if I were you. Unless you want him to not like you from the get-go.” “Alright… and you said I shouldn’t try to make too much conversation with your dad?” Dean glanced over to you for a second, before averting his gaze back to the road. “I wouldn’t, he’s very… he was in the marines, and he’s very to-the-point, I guess.” “Okay. Tell me about Sam again?” You could feel yourself start to sweat – the thought of meeting your boyfriend’s family was intimidating, but you were terrified they were going to hate you.
The rest of the ride was filled with Dean telling you random facts about his brother and father. By the time you arrived at the motel they were staying at, you’d gone into full panic. “Hey… sweetheart, we’re here.” Dean’s hand landed on your thigh, trying to comfort you. “There’s nothing to worry about. They’ll love you.” He leaned over and kissed your cheek. “Nothing to worry about? Dean, you know these people. I haven’t even met them yet. We just drove through, like, three states and they could hate me! They could… I don’t know, ban you from ever seeing me again!” “You need to stop worrying… because you have about ten seconds before Sammy comes out the door to see me.” “Do they even know I’m here?” “They’re about to.”
Before you could say anything else, you heard the motel door open and Dean stepped out of the car. A tall man, that looked to be about your age, stepped outside closely followed by a man that looked like Dean’s dad. You let them both welcome Dean back with a hug. It lasted no longer than two seconds before both men turned their attention to you. Dean quickly made his way to your side of the car and opened your door, motioning for you to get out. “And who’s this, Dean?” The older man spoke. “This is my girlfriend, (Y/N). (Y/N), this is my dad, John.” He held out his hand and you shook it, trying your best to contain yourself. “It’s lovely to meet you, (Y/N).” He smiled and his face seemed warm and inviting. He didn’t seem like the marine type, but you decided to stay on your guard – Dean knew best when it came to his family. “It’s good to finally meet you, sir.” “Please, call me John.” After the brief introduction to John, you made your way over to Sam. “I’m (Y/N).” You held your hand out, but Sam declined. To your surprise, he hugged you. “Please, if you’ve got Dean to date I think we’re passed formalities.”
After introducing yourself, you all made your way back into the room. Sam and Dean sat on one bed, discussing a possible hunt, while you sat on a chair with John sat opposite you. “So (Y/N), how long have you and Dean been together?” He didn’t sound like he was interrogating you, it was more curiosity. His voice was warm, and it gave you piece of mind to know that he didn’t hate you right off the bat. “It’s been about eleven months.” “And is he good to you?” His tone grew more serious, but kept the warm tone. “Of course. Your son’s the best guy I’ve met.” You saw John smile at that.
You and John sat in a comfortable silence while the brothers continued their conversation that had moved on to their high school days. “I like seeing them like this, y’know? Just… being brothers, not worrying about what’s out there.” John nudged your arm with his. “I need to go on a supply run, do you want to join me?” You tore your eyes away from Dean and looked at him. “Sure. Should we tell them or…?” You trailed off, unaware of the routine. “No. Just leave them, let them feel normal for a while.”
While out with John, you discussed the one thing you both had in common: Dean. John spoke about his childhood, and his habits that he’d grown out of, while you spoke about how he was in a domestic setting. It was refreshing to hear this new side of the man you’d spent almost a year with. John also shared some pictures he carried in his wallet. He’d said Dean was about ten in one of them, and he had the biggest smile plastered on his face when talking about his boys. You’d also learnt that John enjoyed dad jokes. As soon as you figured it out, you had both spent the rest of the trip laughing.
You stumbled through the doorway laughing, unable to catch your breath at John’s last joke. It had to be the best one of the trip, and you couldn’t help yourself. When you’d finished laughing, you couldn’t help but catch the glare that Dean was sending your way. “Do you wanna keep it down over there?” There was a tone you’d never heard Dean use before, and you felt it stab your heart. You heard venom in his words, and he’d never directed it at you. “Sorry.” You muttered. John continued to talk to you, and you tried your best to participate in the conversation. Dean kept telling you to keep quiet, or leave if you were going to be so distracting. You couldn’t help but let his words get to you, and after almost an hour of the constant venom you’d had enough. You’d noticed a small park bench not far from the motel while you were out, and that’s where you’d decided you’d be best.
You excused yourself from John’s story, and made your way to the door. “If all you were going to do is beat me down, why the hell did you invite me here?” Your question was directed at Dean, ad your eyes were tearing up. You didn’t wait for an answer as you quickly left the room and found the bench. It looked too small for you, but you sat on it anyway. It wasn’t long before you heard footsteps, and before you could tell them to leave John had sat next to you.
“I know Dean can be an ass – hell, we all can. But I’m sure he has a reason, darling.” He put his arm around you and let you lean on him. It hadn’t even been a day, but you already loved this man. “I just… I don’t understand. He’s never spoken to me like that. He’s never so much as raised his voice around me, and then he does that? I just don’t get it.” He didn’t reply, but he let you find comfort in his embrace. You didn’t know how long it had been, but you knew that within that time you’d silently started to cry. It was only a few tears, but it was enough for you to feel John tense around you. “Stay here. Okay? I’ll be back in a few minutes (Y/N).” He took his arm away and you could feel how cold it really was. You didn’t say anything, but you nodded in reply.
You lost track of time when John left. You started staring at anything that would distract you. You stared at the dog the manager had brought to work, and tried to focus on the way it’s fur fell in different directions. Then you started staring at the young couple that had just pulled in – you wondered if he shouted at her, and then you started to wonder if she would defend herself, or whether she would run away, like you had.
While you were trying to focus on a tree, you heard footsteps again. You assumed it was John, and waited for his arm around you again. Instead, you smelt the distinct Dean smell. “Hey.” You stared at his feet which were kicking at the gravel of the parking lot, his hands in his pockets. His voice was small – you’d never heard him like this, either. “Look, I’m sorry. I don’t know what was going through my head.” It sounded like he was ready for you to interrupt him at any minute. “It’s not that easy.” Your voice was small too, and to Dean it sounded like you were broken. “What?” His voice was laced with confusion. “It’s not that easy.” You repeated. “You can’t just speak to me like I’m less than nothing, and then apologise and expect all to be forgiven.” You could feel the tears in your eyes again. “I know, and I’m not expecting that. I just… wanted to explain myself, I guess? It’s just that, for the past eleven months I’ve basically had you all to myself, y’know? There hasn’t been anyone else. But now, you’re not just… I don’t know, my little secret. I told my family, and you just seemed to be so comfortable with my dad I just… I guess I got jealous.” “I’m not gonna run off with your dad, if that’s what your scared about.” You tried to chuckle through your tears. “I know, I just don’t know what I was thinking.” He paused for a minute. “Can I sit?” He pointed to the bench next to you. You moved over, showing he could.
It took a while, but Dean’s arm eventually replaced John’s. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, kissing your forehead. “You ever talk to me like that again and I might run off with John.” You moved your head so you could look into his eyes. “Not funny.” He pulled you into his side again. You couldn’t place what it was, but there was something about Dean that you couldn’t help but love. That man would get away with murder, if it was up to you. He made you mad at the best of times, but you wouldn’t trade him for the world.
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