ahithorrorau · 5 years
H u n t e r ‘ s P o r t . D E A D E N D
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Play with dolls? Let them do the work? NEVER!
With all the courage she could muster, the girl gets up from the ground, turning to the hunter and gritting her teeth. With a weak battle cry, she soon threw a fist at him, causing quite a bit of damage!
...To her.
She bounced back the moment her fist made contact, tears welling up in her eyes as the pain coursed through her hand. She even stomped her feet a little to try and make the pain focus on something else, but it all failed, leaving her with a sore hand and the man laughing at her.
“Poor little child. She does not know how to punch.”  After saying that, the man soon took a hold of her hurting hand, almost as if he was trying to be gentle.  A loud CRUNCH would prove that wrong, though, as he breaks her hand within his hold, resulting in her screaming in pain while being held up. 
“L-let go, it hurts, it huuuuurts!!”
“Here, let hunter show you how to REALLY punch!”
“Wait, no, no no no NO NO-”
Her pleas were ignored, and soon enough, a fist of metaphorical steel would soon slam into her face, her head hitting the wall and knocking sense out of her. The pleas were quieted into small cries before another punch was given, his fist covered with blood and her cries now mere whimpers.
Even when her voice began to die down, his fist continued to punch the girl’s face, leaving it in bruises as the back of her head soon began to bleed from the back. With one last laugh, he pulls his fist, delivering one final punch;
One strong enough to bust her head open and render her into a coma like state.
After that, he tosses her body to the side, dusting his hands off and walking away, laughing the entire time.
Death number: 1 Area of death: Hunter’s Port Cause of death: Extreme head trauma
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sickdaysofficial · 7 years
Sickdays #3: Snowed in
Fandom: My OCs
Characters: Asher, Felix, Lucas, and David
A/N: all my posts this week come with an illustration. All the illustrations will also be posted separately on my blog so they’re easier to find.
A/N 2: so I’m using this prompt to fulfill several asks I’ve gotten on my blog. They are the following: Anonymous said: Would love a sick Lucas with Asher doing his best to look after him? Anonymous said: Me: *packs up thirst for appendicitis fics and the di roma brothers in a box**places on you doorstep**runs away* Anonymous said: One word: appendicitis.
The door of the Di Roma house had been flying open and closed all morning. The three younger brothers, Lucas, Felix, and Asher, had been playing in the snow on and off since a bit after sunrise. They didn’t always live in places that got snow, and often when they did, various extenuating circumstances (ASHER) prevented them from having time to enjoy it, so they were savoring it now. However, as it got to be about noon, the weather took a bitter turn for the worst, and their oldest brother, David, called them all inside before they could freeze.
Gathering around the kitchen table, the boys munched on the huge pile of chicken nuggets David had heated up while his siblings were outside. Having been running around playing all morning, they were all pretty hungry, except for Lucas, who seemed intensely disinterested with his food.
“You okay, Luke?” David asked.
The blond boy shrugged, blinking some snowflakes out of his thick lashes. “I dunno. My stomach is kinda aching… I’m just not really hungry.”
David frowned a bit. “Maybe you should lie down.”
“Yeah, good idea.” Lucas shed his cold-resistant outer layers, trading them for a fluffy blanket and curling up on the couch. He picked up the TV remote and went about picking a trilogy of movies to occupy himself. As they finished eating, the younger boys joined Lucas in the living room, and David made a huge bowl of popcorn before coming to sit with them.
They were halfway through the first film when Lucas started complaining. “Ugh… my stomach really hurts.” He whined.
Asher seemed worried but had no solutions to offer. Felix looked apprehensive. David was the only one being useful. “I’ll go get painkillers.”
He got up and walked off down the hall, returning with water and pills for Lucas. The younger boy gave a small grateful smile and downed both before going back to watching the movie.
A few minutes later, the curly-haired blond started to really stir, clutching at his stomach and looking intensely uncomfortable. David paused the movie this time.
“You doing alright over there?”
The younger boy shook his head. “My stomach still hurts, and I’m starting to feel sick…”
On that note, Felix climbed to his feet and vanished down the hall, wanting no part of any of this. David sighed and tried to think.
“I’ll get you some ginger ale. Try and give a little warning if you think you’re gonna hurl, alright?”
Lucas nodded quietly. “Alright.”
As he got up, David glared out the window, where snow and wind were audibly assaulting the glass. “Shit, man. I hope we don’t need toilet paper or anything. That weather looks like fucking murder.” He grumbled, retrieving a ginger ale from the fridge. He cracked the can open and handed it to Lucas.
Giving a small smile, the blond boy sipped at the soda. It seemed to help a little, or at the very least, reduce his complaining. The movie continued on in silence
As the credits began to roll, David glanced out the window again. “Jesus fucking shit that’s a lot of snow… wait. Shit. It better not… oh fuck.” The eldest brother jumped to his feet and went to the front door. He swung it open just to find the screen door barricaded shut by four feet of still-growing snow.
“What’s the matter?” Lucas frowned. He attempted to sit up, but grimaced and laid back down, wrapping his arms around his aching abdomen.
“We’re snowed in.” There was an edge of horror in David’s voice. He was intensely claustrophobic, and though the house wasn’t that tiny, the idea of being completely trapped was freaking him out a little.
“Oh…” Lucas didn’t seem thrilled.
“Fuck.” Asher scowled.
David gave a shaky sigh. “Let’s… let’s not freak out yet, okay? We can still… still have a good night. We’ve got two more movies to watch. Let’s do it.”
The two blond brothers seemed skeptical but didn’t object. To their surprise, David’s plan worked out… for all of twenty minutes. At that point, Lucas started squirming uncomfortably, and after a minute piped up, his voice slightly strained.
“Davey? I feel real… urgh… really queasy.”
David, who was already on edge, now looked notably more anxious. He frowned a little, looking around for something Lucas could be sick into. Asher nudged him, holding out the empty popcorn bowl as a suggestion. It was plenty big enough, and not holding anything anymore. David gave a terse nod and set the bowl next to Lucas.
“Good idea. Thanks, Ash.”
“Mmhm.” Asher nodded, seemingly preoccupied by concern for Lucas.
The older of the two blonds was looking increasingly ill, clutching his miserable belly and looking warily at the empty bowl sitting in front of him. His stomach turned, sending a surge of undigested food up his esophagus. For a minute he thought he might be able to swallow it back down and relax. A second heave proved him intensely wrong, and he leaned over the bowl just in time for a mess of vomit to splatter into the bottom.
Frowning in concern, David moved closer to keep an eye on Lucas. The younger boy gagged and heaved a few more times, bringing up a bit more sick before laying back on the couch with a whimper.
“Daveyyyy…. my stomach really huuuuurts….” He whined.
“I know. I’m sorry, Luke.” David sat by Lucas, brushing the younger boy’s hair out of his face. Upon feeling how hot his brother’s forehead was, David’s frown deepened. “Shit… kid, you’re really sick.”
Lucas whimpered again, sniffling and rubbing at his eyes. “Well, w-what do we do?”
“I… I don’t know. Normally I’d take you to the doctor, but we’re snowed in and even if the snow in the doorway could be moved the roads would probably be undriveable and if by some miracle we got to the clinic at this hour, would there even be anyone there?” David trailed off as his breathing grew more uneven and panicked. He was shaking violently and looked scared half to death. Lucas frowned, gently rubbing his brother’s arm to try and soothe him.
“Hey, it… it’ll be okay. I can wait. Don’t freak out.” The younger boy ventured timidly.
“Don’t freak out? Why are you not freaking out?! You’re sick as fuck, and it’ll be hours or maybe even days before we can take you to a doctor and we’re fucking trapped in here and we’re gonna fucking die!”
“Hey!” Asher slapped David upside the head, annoyed because the eldest boy’s panicking was just scaring Lucas more. “If you’re gonna be a useless bitch, go whine in your room.” He roughly shoved David down the hall, completely done with his brother’s bullshit. Returning to the living room, Asher took a seat next to Lucas, patting the older boy’s shoulder. “Hey, It’s gonna be okay. Just ignore David, he’s an idiot.”
Lucas sniffled and nodded faintly. “Ash…. I’m scared.”
“I know.” Asher’s hand moved in gentle circles over his older brother’s back. “It’s okay, though. We’re gonna be okay. I promise.”
Though he didn’t seem entirely convinced, Lucas gave a tiny nod, snuggling closer to Asher with a nervous whine. Asher continued to rub the older boy’s back, after a moment asking, “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“I don’t know… I don’t think taking more medicine will do much good… my stomach hurts really bad, though.”
Asher frowned, trying to think what he might be able to offer. “I could rub your stomach?” He suggested tentatively.
Lucas shook his head. “Too sore.”
“Get you a glass of water?”
“Sure, I guess.”
The younger boy quickly scuttled off to find a cup. His brain was so scattered by anxiety that it took a while, but he eventually grabbed a glass and returned to Lucas with cool water. Upon handing it to his brother, he picked up the popcorn bowl. “I’m gonna go clean this out.” Though he had to ignore the smell to keep from being sick himself, Asher returned after a bit with a relatively clean bowl. He set it down back next to Lucas and turned the movie back on in hopes of distracting the older boy.
To Asher’s relief, Lucas slowly started to settle down, cuddling against him and seeming relatively calm for now. Their peace lasted for perhaps forty or so minutes, before Lucas curled in on himself with a whimper. His stomach was cramping and churning, and a hiccup slipped past his lips, causing him to clutch at his belly.
“Oh god, that really hurts.”
Asher looked anxious. “A… are you okay? What should I do? Do you need something?”
“B… bowl.” Lucas stammered, clamping a hand over his mouth.
Asher frowned but nodded, holding the bowl up just in time for the older boy to be sick into it. Lucas gagged, bringing up a mess of thin, watery vomit. He didn’t even seem to register his brother nervously rubbing his back as a deep burp brought up another wave of bitter sick.
“Oh god…” He whimpered, clutching at the bowl to keep it steady.
It took several more painful heaves for his stomach to empty. He gagged over the bowl a while after that, the smell making his nausea worse despite there being nothing left to throw up. Asher continued to pat and rub his back, not sure what else to do. When Lucas was done, the younger boy shuffled off to empty out the bowl again, looking more anxious than ever.
“Do… do you think you can drink a little water?” Asher asked.
Lucas didn’t look excited, but he gave a hesitant “I can try…” His gold eyes were still glistening with tears from the last round of vomiting, and his arms were wrapped around his aching belly.
Asher held the glass of water up to his trembling brother’s lips, and the older blond took a few tentative sips. He managed to down about a quarter of the glass before his stomach cramped with a displeased gurgle. Without any further warning, the water surged back up his throat and past his lips, and he barely leaned over the bowl in time to get half of it in there.
“Shit.” Asher cursed under his breath, going back to trying to soothe Lucas. He could feel the heat radiating off his brother even through his shirt, and frowned a little. Lucas retched painfully, bringing up little more than a mouthful of watery bile. His face was whiter than a ghost, and glistening with sweat and tears. A few dry heaves wracked his aching stomach before it finally settled again.
Once the older boy was finally finished, Asher simply set the bowl aside, not wanting to leave Lucas’s side again just yet. “We really need to try and get your fever down…” He remarked quietly. Lucas just gave a faint nod. After a moment’s thought, Asher came up with an idea, climbing to his feet and heading for the bathroom “I’ll be right back.”
The tiny blond returned a few minutes later with several cool damp washcloths. “This should help.” Asher used the first one to gently clean off Lucas’s face, wiping away the sweat and residual vomit. He also dabbed at the spot on the couch, grateful that it was mostly water. Then he brushed Lucas’s loose blond curls aside, setting the second washcloth on his forehead. The third was wrapped gently around the back of the neck. Lucas sighed softly, somewhat soothed by the cool touch.
“Is there anything else I can do to help?” Asher asked nervously.
“Lay with me.” Lucas held out his arms for cuddles.
Without hesitation, the smaller boy climbed under the blanket, snuggling up against his older brother. He was shaking faintly from nerves, but figured Lucas would be too sick to notice. The curly-haired boy was completely aware, but didn’t want to bother Asher with the observation, instead just hugging his little brother as tightly as he could.
In the familiar embrace of his favorite brother, Asher found himself relaxing. Exhausted from a stressful day, his eyelids started to droop. Despite his desire to stay up and keep an eye on Lucas, his body was betraying him, and he started to drift off. He tried to sit up to wake himself, only to hear soft snoring. Lucas was already asleep, trapping Asher in his grasp. The younger boy sighed. All he could do now was sleep, so he closed his eyes, praying the weather would clear up before they woke.
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aila-reads-stuff · 3 years
i just finished crooked kingdom and i am severely devastated. i knew what i was going into when i decided to read this book but i didn't thought that this was going to huuuuurt sOO bad
anyway i cannot gather my thoughts but the scene that really broke me (aside from a million others) was Matthias being dead
I read the chapter of him being shot by the 14 year old druskelle but I didn't mind it. They were a strong group that always seem to slip away from death, so when I read the words that he was shot, I was unfazed.
Then, he managed to be with Nina and I thought that, yep, knew it he wouldn't die. Then Nina noticed the blood and he just -dshflks hd
And to think that all he wanted before he die was to see and kiss Nina for the last time? HEARTBREAKING
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