ciccerone · 9 months
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Average day of work in hell by Cugu
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dwtdog · 7 days
i can’t tell if this was done in a mean way or not https://x.com/cugu00/status/1781459594071486797?s=46&t=HIQyFtKxFIH5PkhmZzmVpA
uhm well,. at least dream will always be famous
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I am begging the sapphics of this site to talk about Hellscaper more. its a Helltaker Fangame that is just so fucking gay. Its about a Scientist lesbian who sells her soul to lucifier to create a 2 meter tall android GF but she dies before she could finish creating her GF and has to escape hell to finish her life's work. Aside from it being gay, the game also adds a lot of new game mechnics to the helltaker forumla, and the art is great. https://cugu00.itch.io/hellscaper
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