#Commuter lines
isjasz · 7 months
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[Day 123]
Uh I got possessed what happened
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bitwein · 4 months
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Sometimes I blackout and the spirit of vashwood like posses me and wake up to stuff like this in my commonplace that I carry…. It just really digs up old quotes and stuff I’ve read before
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malewifestation · 5 months
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South Station Amtrak & Commuter rail
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shoku-and-awe · 8 months
It’s almost that time of year again! Otaguro Park is doing their annual bamboo lanterns and autumn foliage illumination from October 27 to 29! Looking out my window now, I'm not confident the leaves will be in full color yet, but if it's anything like it was a few years ago, it will be beautiful and otherworldly, especially where they reflect on the pond.
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Saw my new favorite reddit post this morning:
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ropertplant · 6 months
2019 production of a midsommer night's dream ft gwendoline christie viewing experience summed up
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soldier-poet-king · 10 months
pf session tonight joy and laughing for the first time in eons vs stress bc I have to drive to work for the next 3 weeks and haven't really done that since I once again failed the advanced permanent test in June and have sorta just sworn off this whole thing out of anxiety and self loathing vs bg3 release week is upon us and I have a long weekend to play it vs I have been SO desperately sad and empty lately ????
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bright-and-burning · 6 months
it’s actually a good thing that i have like twelve docs with vague rambling notes on fic ideas and a few pieces of prose . no really it’s definitely a good thing that i keep waking up w new ideas to write when im unmedicated and can’t do one task for long enough to do anything abt them
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khargaotte · 2 months
I had a bunch of sewing to do these past two weeks, so I was finally able to get some listening time and start @breakerwhiskey
And I was expecting it to be good because I have utmost trust in the compatibility of Lauren Shippen's writing with my tastes in stories (plus even years after finishing the Bright Sessions main series her voice still feels like home in a very comforting way)
But it's just..... It's so good. It's so so good. I'm about halfway through with what's been released so far (about to start episode 86 after posting this) and I love all of it. I love Whiskey and I love the mistery and the small crumbs we've been starting to get (especially the past ten episodes)
The narrative device (woman talking in the void of her CB radio and eventually getting some response while on a roadtrip across America with weird/veeery low-key horror-y vibes) is reminding me of what it was like to listen to Alice isn't Dead for the first time, and I mean that as a very high compliment
So idk. If you like audio drama take this as me heartily recommending this one, and if not thanks for letting /me/ ramble in the void
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Now, I'm not saying the doctor I'm seeing today has a reputation for eye-watering long waitibg room times. Or that Germany has very odd ideas about what efficient rail plans are once you leave any given metropolis.
I'm not saying any of that.
I'm just saying, this felt like the right book to start reading today.
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thatscarletflycatcher · 8 months
"Why don't we read more critical theory, I feel the environment of this college oppressive" says dude who is paying hard money he hasn't earned to study humanities at a private university, minutes before picking a taxi to go home at rush hour, 100 dead, 400 injured.
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whoatemyshoe · 3 months
"just google it" "do your own homework" "google is free" "find it yourself the information is out there"
but they are. they are asking people who have that information, for the information. they are doing their homework by reaching out and asking people questions. just because it's not typed on a search bar, doesn't mean it's any less of putting an effort to finding things out.
like i'm sorry people in the past refused/ridiculed you when you asked them for help. doesn't mean you have to be like them tho. why is learning through human interaction rejected in favour of isolated learning?
#my posts#rants#im part of the organising team for the women's march in my city#and someone interested to join the march was asking public transport directions to the march#the immediately response from the social media team in our group chat was to berate that person for being lazy/not doing their homework#like sure the transit map is available on the website#but anyone who takes public transport in my city KNOWS that the trains and maps are unreliable in so many ways#i was exploring a different line yesterday and got on the wrong train despite being on the correct platform#and i take public transport regularly and have a good sense of direction but the public transport here isnt designed to be user friendly#if they had to ask which line they should interchange at you KNOW they are clueless and probably terrified of the public transportation her#and yet as organisers they refuse to make it easier for people to participate at a march no one owes us to attend#they just gave them a link and asked them to figure it out themselves#i am very familiar with that route and i just KNOW the interchange is confusing and large enough that beginner commuters will get lost#and you know what could happen if someone struggles to navigate public transport? they probably would just go home instead#they blame the education system for producing youngsters who are spoon fed#girl the older generation said the exact same thing about your generation pls#your misdirected anger is being projected at the victim of this system instead of at the actual problem#which is what i've been observing from career activists around me and more#you claim to fight for the people#but the very people you're fighting for are asking you for help#yet you refuse to help them unless it's through significant policies or drastic systemic changes#your fight is conditional and only convenient for you but you refuse to admit it and then pretend the opposite#the moment they decided that they would 'teach them a lesson' indirectly by forcing them to figure out their own routes#they've already fallen into that activist trap of thinking they are above everyone else and that they are here to teach people how to#be a better person according to their standards because they know better by being more involved in activism and are better educated#instead of putting themselves in the girl's shoes and not assuming the worst of people as the default#maybe that girl is new in town and is unfamiliar with public transport here#maybe they had a bad experience getting lost before and wanted someone experienced to share some commuting tips to avoid getting lost#maybe she would rather pull her teeth out than try to figure out the route with unreliable mountains of information online#maybe she has executive dysfunction that makes filtering through tons of information to find that ONE route very daunting
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glompcat · 1 year
We’re Number 2!
...for cities with bad air quality on Earth.
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stonerzelda · 11 months
I try not to be a person who believes in signs n shit much anymore but man. Kinda wish the universe would be a little less vague abt my life path rn lol
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artemisbarnowl · 5 months
If you hate Skyrail you're a moron. You've never been a Commuter. Carrum station is one of the most beautiful in the whole network. You have all these other concrete bunker ass stations in the ditch under the road, bentleigh, armadale, cheltenham, which are all bare minimum concrete walls, piping, the only colour coming from the aluminium wall panelling that stops you trying to boulder on the spray on concrete walls. You're open to the sky except where the intersecting road passes overhead. There's no phone reception coz you in a ditch. And THEN you ascend into the sky. You arrive at Carrum. Up in the sky, this station is bare minimum in that there are no walls, only a roof to shelter you from the rain and the sun and you look out over the houses to the bay. The few walls that hold up the roof have maps and try their best not to interrupt the view are a warm sandy colour. The sea always beautiful no matter the weather. Peace grows in your heart when you arrive at Carrum Station, jewel of the Frankston line.
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idk-my-aesthetic · 1 month
Respectfully if you are on a train and take up a table seat and don’t even use it I am eating your phone
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