lovecinnatwist · 1 year
I'm half alive. Send me horny omegaverse thoughts so I might feel again. The burnout it real.
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cinna-latte · 10 months
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tumblr sure is a place
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If anyone's been on this blog long enough, in June 2020 I brought in a scrawny old, grey cat and had made a post about them. I don't think I made any follow up posts, but this last November she had died. It felt sudden and out of place. I didn't even get to say goodbye because I came home to her already passed.
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I still ache for her and part of me still expects her in the closet where she liked to sleep in the corner if she wanted quiet. This isn't a post to go "woe is me", this is one where I can share pictures of my little old lady and to show how weird and funky she was.
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Unfortunately, the phone I had for most of her time with me was busted beyond repair last July, and I don't have nearly as many memories of her as I would have liked. Still, I loved her to death, and would literally give my soul for her to come back
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beloveofprince · 5 years
I scream, you scream, everybody screams for memes.
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cinnasbooks · 7 years
Honest Thoughts On June Iparis?
So i'm around half way through Champion by Marie Lu and I have mixed emotions on June. I mean she's a good person but I feel like she's a bit narrow minded?
Don't get me wrong, my opinion on her is 99% positive but I want to know what you guys think
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spoiledcinnamon · 4 years
Kinda want to make another blog for my art
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lovecinnatwist · 25 days
Do you have a ao3
I most certainly do!
Promise I'm still alive and writing everyone.
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cinna-latte · 10 months
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lovecinnatwist · 10 months
Hi, I was wondering if 'Sex Addicts Anonymous' was abandoned? I recently reread it and forgot how much I loved it!
Hi! I'm so glad you enjoy SAA, thank you for reading and rereading. None of my posted stories are abandoned, more coming eventually.
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lovecinnatwist · 2 years
For the WIP game, can you tell us about Best Kept Secret? :)
It's so so gooood. Excuse me while I reread eleventeen more times! 😍😍😍😍😍
But yes- Best kept secrets came to life in the capes and coffee discord server! Kieran_Granola shared an idea where omega!Jason has a magic pussy and it basically spiraled from there?
Basically Jason knows he can heal people through sex but never tells anyone about it. After he and Tim are trapped while alpha!Tim is bleeding out, he ends up riding a delirious Tim to save his life. From there Tim ends up seeking Jason's ahem- supernatural healing abilities again.
Here's a little excerpt!
“My arm is broken.” Tim offers bluntly. Jason looks back with an upwards eyebrow. The alpha’s gaze cuts back to his, calculating and patient. 
Jason pauses to sip his tea, the scent of peach rooibos floods his senses. 
“Your arm is broken.”
He repeats to make sure. Tim gives him a look. It’s meaningful enough that Jason’s heart rate starts to sky rocket. Oh. His arm is broken. Blissful ignorance comes crashing down and Jason realizes what Tim is asking for. 
“And you’re telling me this why?” The denial is effortless but Tim’s roll of the eyes spells out the fight before it even starts. 
“Really- Is this this route you really want to take?”
Jason frowns and brings the tea up to his lips. He isn’t wearing scent blockers. This is his private apartment and he’s been slowly scenting it for the last week to get ready for his heat. He locks down the part of his scent that all omega- that wants to roll over in the half done nest and bare his cunt. Jason didn't get to where he is by giving into his instincts, so instead he doubles down and Tim sighs rather dramatically. 
A stack of files get taken out of the large sweat shit pocket. Some how still crisp despite the journey. There’s no time to consider what’s in there. Soon the clean kitchen counter is a mess of Tim’s injuries. 
“ I catalog every injury I obtain every single night. I take pictures with my remote cameras at the nest and perform x-rays when there's even a chance of internal damage.”
Jason curses eyes growing tight. There’s side by sides dated before and after the incident. Wounds that would be fresh and bright already healing. As well as cuts and scraps that should be open already scabing over. It’s obvious to any meticulous person that some kind of healing element had been at play.
While Tim gave off disaster energy- it appears that spoke more to his lack of self preservation and actively ignoring injuries instead of not knowing about them.
“ Ok- so you get healed and you’re assuming it was me. You had a pretty bad concussion Baby Bird not the best recollection of memories to pull from. “ 
A mistake has been made. It’s obvious the way the alpha smirks like he’s won something. 
“But these pictures aren’t from the nest. Sure some of them are but Bruce took these pictures himself he just didn’t have anything to compare it too. It matches Alfred’s report in the Batcave, between the fall and rescue you were the only person I had contact with.”
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lovecinnatwist · 2 years
As you well know, sex addicts anonymous is my favorite fic, but in the recent wip-a-thon game thingy I spied a title called beau and the beast?👀
Haha! Beau and the Beast is a very old wip that has been half done in my drafts for a while. The setting is a world where people are either dominant or submissive. While submissive are split into belles or beaus, dominants are split into master and mistresses with the derogatory for a 'wild's or 'low class' dom being a beast.
Dick has gone through a breakup and is looking to drown his sorrows with a beast from the slums. He ends up finding diamond in the rough Jason Todd!
If I'm honest it's one of my best wips. Everytime I reread it I get excited to finish and post it.
Here's a little snippet. Maybe you'll be excited too!
Jason’s one moment away from biting into his chilli dog when someone pulls his arm. The motion is sharp enough to make him stumble, his delicious lunch hitting the floor as he does. God, there goes his last couple of bucks. He wants to curse but the moment he looks at the person, gorgeous blue eyes stare back at him. 
His mouth goes dry. He had no idea a man could have such long thick eyelashes. His gaze flicks down to where they're touching. He can feel the warmth despite the fact he’s wearing a long sleeve and the man has a full coat and gloves on. He doesn’t get to say a word however because two large burly doms are stomping towards them. 
He brings the shorter figure against him by pure instinct. A tiny part of him is thrilled as his hand presses against the small of a firm back. He rolls his shoulders and stands up straight, both men immediately having second thoughts. 
Jason knows he’s huge. He towers over most men and he’s just as wide. It’s a build that would have easily taken him to the top in wrestling or American football. Instead, he uses it for menial labour and whatever task the unemployment office gives him. 
It’s never for very much money but at least he has some semblance of food and shelter. It’s the best an undesirable like him can hope for. 
They stay in a standoff for what feels like a minute. Then, the rougher of the two men speaks.
“ He yours? “
Jason fights the flush that wants to crawl up his face. He hadn’t gotten a good look at the man. Besides the striking eyes, and long lashes. He wants to take another peek but doesn’t want to take his eyes away from the two adversaries. Instead, he fixes them both with an unimpressed stare. He crosses his arms for good measure, making sure to tense his muscles. 
“ Yea, is there a problem?”
It does nothing to discourage either of them. If anything the malice in their expression’s increases. He’s fairly certain he can take both of them in a fight. Though the last thing he needs is a run-in with the law. 
“ How’d a beast like you get a beau like that? “
It’s the smaller of the two that asks. Jason doesn’t flinch. He’s not one to bring up nature. Not when he’s spent his life with the worst label of them all. The man clinging to his arm tightens his grip. Jason can’t help letting his gaze flutter down. Like this, the submissive nature of the man is all too clear. Golden warm skin, perfectly rounded face, plump lips- all signs of a perfectly stunning beau.
Jason cuts his gaze away and hardens at the two men. With an appearance like that, of course, these two bozos were bothering him. He glowers at the figures, scowl dropping into something horrible. 
“ Dumb luck. “
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lovecinnatwist · 2 years
Got any smutty Omegaverse BruJay thoughts? 👀
Forever and always anon.
I cry at night wishing for an au where omega!Jason's plan in under the Red Hood goes up in smokes because he an Bruce end up hooking up after a run with poison ivy.
I feel like Bruce is too weak to sexy morally gray villains for it not to happen. Jason keeps his helmet on and they just rip off just enough clothing to fuck and take the edge off.
Jason tries to pretend it doesnt mean anything but Bruce thinks about the Red hood every night.
Cue Jason getting pregnant because plan B what? The lazarus pit spits it out. So change of plans he settles down and plans to raise the baby until he can get back to crime lording. Meanwhile the pregnancy hormones melt the pit influence slowly slowly away.
Cue Bruce fucking the rest of the influence out of him when he finds Jason had his pup.
Identity porn is just my favourite. Hue hue.
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cinna-latte · 8 months
show rehearsal today
it was... yeah
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lovecinnatwist · 1 year
Hey guys. I’m trying to get back into writing but i’m so rusty. Please bare with me. Hopefully I’ll have something new out soon! I need to figure out a way to shake this rust off because it’s stuck pretty good.
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lovecinnatwist · 2 years
Wip Game
Alright here we go. Yall already know I have like hundreds of wips so I'll only present the ones closest to being complete.
Thank you @submarinerwrites for the tag!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!
JayDick - Blood Ties
JayDick - Ten Seasons
JayTim - Vixen
JayDick - What a Man, What a Man
JayDick - Beau and the Beast
JayTim - Magic feather
JayDick - Dying is easy, living is harder
JayTim - Best kept secret
JayTim - Foolhearted
JayDick - After Freedom
I tag- @elwon @wellthatjusthappend @cherrymiko-art @daemoninwhiteround2 @garpie64 @dexdefyingstunts @caramelmachete @c0njidraws @chibinightowl @bionerd2point0
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lovecinnatwist · 1 year
Sorry this is so random but the red tag on Jason's collar on your jaytim a/b/o au art has a striking resemblance to the anaheim ducks logo and I couldn't resist bringing it to your attention 😆
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Lolololol I didn't even know this is hilarious. I literally love this.
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