#Chris Brown and Usher Fight
pdiariesmag · 1 year
Chris Brown Jumped Usher At His Birthday Party? King's Coronation Coverage + Met Gala Best & Worst Dressed
Your round up of the hottest news this week - King's Coronation Coverage, Chris Brown and Usher Allegedly Fight at Over Teyana Taylor and The Met Gala Best and Worst Dressed!
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elaytv · 1 year
Usher Chris Brown and Teyana Taylor Confrontation at Las Vegas Skate Rock City Roller Rink 😬
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7s3ven · 4 months
ATHENA’S GIRL. luke (pjo) / pt 2
trailer > part 1 > part 2
( masterlist )
IN WHICH… Chaos endures on the trio’s trip to Camp Half-Blood and Luke learns that Y/N isn’t as tough as she projects herself to be. Upon finally arriving at camp, Y/N is met with a pleasant surprise when Athena claims her on the spot.
“Have you forgotten to turn off your heart? This is not you. I see you changing from how I've designed you. Have you forgotten your purpose?"
Warning : LONG chapter
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Athena had one goal in life; to create a dazzling warrior who would be worthy of calling themselves her golden child. She moulded her kids into the people she wanted them to be but they often strayed from her ideals, only disappointing her. Perhaps her biggest success in life was designing Y/N.
She was such a brilliantly bright teenager with a natural knack for fighting, using her prior learnt skills from numerous sports classes (all compulsory at her school). Athena liked to call Y/N her pride and joy. Or, she would’ve if she didn’t notice the fondness forming between Y/N and a certain Hermes son.
Y/N lay asleep on the train, resting her head in a pillow she had found in one of the compartments. Luke and Chris sat across from her, impatiently tapping their feet.
“Psst.” Luke whispered, nudging his friend, “You wanna check out the food cart?” Chris turned to stare at Luke, slight frowning.
“She told us to stick together.” He muttered back, gesturing over to Y/N who was quietly murmuring in her sleep.
“She’ll be fine. We’ll be quick anyway. By the time she wakes up, we’ll be back.” Luke reassured Chris, ushering him towards the door. The two Hermes boys silently shuffled out of the small room and walked down the hallway, following the smell of food.
Y/N turned on her side, resting her head against the back of the plush seat. She groaned, half conscious yet still half asleep. Everything was a blurred daze as she slipped back into an unconscious state, ending up in a barren desert.
The H/C-haired girl looked around, confused and a little shaken. She quickly pinched her arm and winced when she felt a twinge of pain. “Where am I?” She whispered to herself, yet her voice echoed.
The sand beneath her feet rumbled and twirled around her, forming a hurricane. Y/N panted in panic as grains of debris threatened to hit her eyes. She turned her head to shield her face until the sand finally dropped to the ground again, revealing a beautiful and grand hall.
The walls were pure white with delicate golden details. If Y/N didn’t know any better, she’d think this was what first class would have looked on the Titanic ship. Or what was portrayed in the movies, at least.
“Do you like it, my dear?”
Y/N spun around at the sound of a silky, feminine voice. A tall woman sat on a marble carved throne, resting her elbows on the sides. She smiled at Y/N. Her skin was pale, almost ghostly looking, and her brown eyes held warmth within them. She brushed a lock of long, shiny raven hair aside.
“I know how much you wanted to see the inside of the Titanic.” She spoke again, crossing one leg over the other. “Come closer, don’t be shy, my love.” She beckoned Y/N forward.
The H/C-nette slowly stepped towards the goddess. “Who… are you?” She asked when she finally stood not a meter away.
“I’m your mother, dear.”
The more Y/N looked at the woman, the more she saw their similarities. Although Y/N’s hair wasn’t as glossy as her’s, their sharp facial features still held the same stony gaze and their heights reflected one another.
“Why am I here?” Y/N carefully asked, her eyes darting around to stare the crystal chandelier.
“I’ve been watching you, my love. You’re a wonderfully talented girl gifted with such academic skill.” The deity let a small laugh slip past her red lips, “But I must warn you, do be careful on what you choose in life. Not everything is as it seems.”
Y/N sent her mother a confused look. She could decode complicated English written in her beloved books but she couldn’t understand what the goddess was telling her.
“You are still a young girl, Y/N.” Finally, Athena rose. She stood before Y/N in all her beautiful glory. “I understand that the topic of love may plague your mind and hide your true goals from you. But is it worth choosing a boy over high education and your academic studies?”
Y/N was slowly piecing everything together. “Is this…” She spoke softly as she trailed off, “Is this about Luke? Because I don’t like him. Not at all.”
“I didn’t mention a name, dear. You came up with that one on your own. Don’t let a boy cloud your judgment, especially not a Hermes son. They are as tricky as they are mischievous.”
Athena pulled Y/N into a sudden hug that seemed a little too tight to be friendly. Y/N struggled to breathe while Athena rested her chin on her daughter’s shoulder. “Don’t forget the lessons I’ve taught you.” She whispered, “I designed you to be perfect and I’ll be damned if I let a Hermes boy of all people ruin my greatest achievement.”
She spoke so gently but there was a dark edge to her voice; a twisted and wicked side to her beauty that Y/N had failed to notice before. “If you ever forget your purpose, I’ll be sure to remind you.”
Her voice faded as Y/N’s dream began to disappear. Her surroundings floated away like watercolour paint bleeding into thick paper until Y/N found herself sprawled on the couch and Luke and Chris nowhere to be seen.
She groaned as she sat up, her groggy eyes stinging from the bright sun. “Ugh, where did they go?” She muttered to herself as she peeked through the door. She yelped when something suddenly crashed. The floor shook and the train came to an abrupt halt.
“Attention passengers, we seem to be having a few problems with the engine. It’ll be up and running again in at least an hour.” The conductor chimed through the speaker.
Y/N cautiously opened the door, coming face to face with Luke. She frowned as she pulled the pair of demigods inside. “You can’t sneak off like that!” She hissed, “We’re not in vacation, you know that, right?”
“Relax, writer. We were just getting by food.” Luke handed her a squished sandwich, “Besides, I don’t think there’s any monsters on this train.”
“Yeah, but they’ll be close to catching up. We have to keep moving.” Y/N locked the door and closed the blinds, concealing what she was about to do next. She picked up her spear, which seemed to take the form of a weapon at the most convenient times, and smashed it into the window.
The plastic glass broke away in shards, falling to the ground. Luke and Chris gaped at her. “Let’s go.” She demanded, picking up all her stuff.
“Remind me never to mess with her.” Chris mumbled to Luke as they jumped out the window. They stayed low but everybody on the train was too busy gossiping about the engine to notice a trio of teens run into a forest.
“It feels like we’re walking in circles.” Luke groaned while Y/N huffed in annoyance.
“That’s because you are. You’ve been walking around that tree stump for the past ten minutes.” She snapped. The group had sat down to rest and Luke took it as his chance to get on Y/N’s nerves again. He chuckled.
"Camp shouldn't be too far." Chris said, looking around. Though, he wasn't too sure. He was merely saying that to calm Y/N's nerves.
"We should keep moving. Better safe than sorry." Y/N stood up, forcing Luke to finally stop circling around the stump.
"But I'm so tired." Luke complained, whining like a man child.
"Well, I guess you'll have to accept being a dragon's snack then." Y/N snapped, furrowing her brows in frustration. Luke and Chris shared a look.
"She's in charge." Chris exclaimed, not wanting to be the tiebreaker. Luke groaned but begrudgingly followed after Y/N.
“As long as we follow the train tracks, we should be fine.” Y/N piped up.
“That’s going to be hard then.” Luke pointed up ahead where the tracks mysteriously disappeared. All that was left was a singular stick of wood. “The monsters are becoming smarter.”
As if on a cue, a shrill laugh cut through the tense forest. Y/N’s head darted up to see a woman with large, eagle-like wings. Her sharp eyes landed on Y/N first. “Just who I’ve been looking for.” She uttered with a piercing voice. She dove below the trees, outstretching a clawed hand to grasp Y/N. Luke quickly stepped in front, swinging his sword at the harpy.
“Give me the girl and I’ll let you be on your way.” The harpy chittered, clumsily landing and circling around Y/N. Luke followed the actions of the monster, narrowing his eyes.
“Why her? If anything, I’m the most valuable member here.” Luke quickly replied. On the sidelines, Chris brandished his sharp sword, watching the harpy carefully.
“Oh, you don’t know what you have in your possession, my dear boy. She’s not merely a girl. She’s valuable.” An unsettled grin pulled at the harpy’s lips. “Just give her to me and I’ll”- The creature was cut off by Chris slicing one of her wings. Luke leapt forward as well, expertly cutting her in places he knew wouldn’t kill her solely to torture her.
“I’m finishing my quest so unfortunately, I can’t give you her.” Luke spat as the harpy tried to dodge his swift attacks.
“What if I told you Hermes would finally see you again?” Her words made Luke freeze. He stared at her in shock, lips parted like he wanted to say something.
Chris was shoving everything into his bag, getting ready to make a run for it as soon as Luke was snapped out of his trance. He grabbed Y/N. “We have to go.” He said but Y/N was stubborn.
“You want me?” She asked, stepping forward with only her glowing spear in hand. The harpy’s eyes flickered to her and she harshly pushed Luke aside.
“Your confidence will be your undoing, girl.” The harpy hissed. “Can you even use that weapon?”
Y/N mockingly shrugged, “I don’t know. I mean, I took down a dragon but maybe that was a lucky shot.” The harpy wasn’t able to react before the spear stabbed through her stomach. Realising she had made a terrible mistake of underestimating Y/N, all the monster could do was scream as she faded away.
“Are you okay?” Y/N asked Luke, who was still kneeled on the floor.
He scoffed. “I’m fine. I didn’t need you to save me.”
Y/N stared at him in disbelief, “What? I was trying to help!”
“Yeah? Well, stop showing off. For the record, I’m easily capable of taking down a dragon and harpy too. You aren’t special.” Luke glared into Y/N’s eyes and she returned his harsh gaze, “Don’t let your arrogance cloud your mind.” The Hermes boy was so close that Y/N could smell his fading cologne.
She was the first to look away in annoyance. “I never said you couldn’t slay those monsters.”
“Yeah, well you thought it then!” Luke exclaimed as Y/N walked off, getting a head start.
“Dude.” Chris finally spoke, “I thought you were like a chick magnet.”
“I believe in being nice to women but her even breathing air annoys me.” Luke grumbled before he jogged after Y/N.
“Haven’t we already passed that rock?” Y/N questioned after an hour of walking.
“I’ve never seen that rock in my life.” Luke snapped back. Somewhere along the dull trip, he had gotten to the front and was now leading the group.
“We passed it on the train.” Y/N uttered as Luke’s gaze began to wander and landed on a nearby building. “And if the train passed it, then that means”- Luke cut Y/N off.
“We’re going the wrong way.” Luke finished. Y/N took a deep breath to calm her agitation. “The harpy must’ve been sent to confuse us.” Luke quickly turned to Y/N.
“You went the wrong way!” They shouted in unison, pointing and pinning the blame on each other. Y/N scoffed, rolling her eyes.
“Don’t blame me!” She exclaimed, slapping his shoulder.
“This is your fault! You walked off first!”
“And you kept walking! You idiot!”
“Don’t call me an idiot! You… you… manipulative, psycho bitch!”
“Are you sure you’re yelling that at the right person?!”
“No! I got it off Gossip Girl! Percy watches it!”
“Who is Percy?!”
Chris pushed his way between Y/N and Luke, shoving them apart. “Guys! It’s only an hour setback! We can get back on the train!”
“The train tracks are missing, genius!” Y/N turned on him.
“We’ll take another train.” Chris replied.
“The next train is in an hour!” Luke added.
“You guys fight and back each other up like a married couple! Make up your mind!” When Chris was getting frustrated now. Y/N groaned to blow off some steam.
“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do.” She said once she calmed down, “We’re going to catch the next train and we stay low until it arrives. Once we’re on the train, we go to our compartment as quickly as possible and we don’t leave until the train stops. Got it?” Y/N sternly stared at the two boys. They silently nodded.
“Don’t make eye contact with anyone.” Y/N warned, fiddling with the tickets.
“You’re going to rip them. Give them here.” Luke snatched the tickets from her, safely shoving it into his pocket.
“So, what about food?” Chris questioned, “We have to eat something on the train.”
“I preordered our meals. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”
“And you didn’t ask us? What if we don’t like it?” It seemed like Luke’s goal in life was to frustrate Y/N. And it worked every time.
“Train food is better than plane food.” She grumbled, “If you don’t like it then suck it up, you big baby. Nobody cares about your opinion.”
“You wound me, writer.” Luke quietly chuckled to himself, clasping his hands together.
“Train’s in forty minutes. We shouldn’t be out in the open.” Y/N dragged the two boys back into the shade, away from the burning sun. “We wait here. Don’t move.” Luke tried to walk off but Y/N was quick to grab him.
“What if we need to go to the bathroom?”
“Then be quick. Obviously I’m not going to follow you into the bathroom.” Y/N exhaled in agitation before grabbing her bag, pulling out a book.
“Is this really a good time to read, writer?” Luke asked, peeking over her shoulder. Y/N didn’t reply, which only provoked Luke to annoy her further. Chris was wildly shaking his head but the brunette swordsman only grinned.
“Hey, writer.” He poked her, “Moby Dick is a stupid author.”
Finally, Y/N looked at him again, giving Luke the attention he so desperately craved. “Moby Dick was the whale. The author was Herman Melville.” Luke’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment but he tried to sheepishly play his mistake off.
“I know. I was just tryna get your attention.”
Y/N turned back to her book, silently flipping the page. Chris held back muffled laughs and Luke subtly flipped him off.
The minutes passed like slow hours and eventually, Chris walked off to find a bathroom. Luke was left sitting next to Y/N, his knee bumping her’s occasionally. He clicked his tongue to a random quiet beat to entertain himself.
“Stop that.” Y/N demanded.
“Stop what? I ain’t doing anything, writer.” Luke innocently played it off.
“Stop existing!”
“Woah, I don’t wanna kill myself. Otherwise the girls at camp would be doomed with my charming looks.”
“Yes, well they’d be fine without your so-called wits. You thought Moby Dick was the author. Ha! A whale writing. That’d be something, Castellan.” Y/N laughed, shaking her head in amusement.
“You’re really mean, do you know that?”
“And you’re insufferable. Though, I doubt you know what that word means. It means annoying.”
“I’m not dumb, writer.”
“Moby Dick was a whale.” Y/N tauntingly reminded him with a pointed look which had Luke’s cheeks turning red once more.
“Stop bringing up the whale!” Luke exclaimed, groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Y/N looked away, victoriously smirking.
“The train is ahead of time.” Chris uttered as soon as he returned from the bathroom, “It’ll be here in ten minutes. Let’s get ready to board.”
As Y/N stood on the platform, letting the scorching sun beat down on her, she could feel a pair of eyes stare daggers into her back. She slowly turned her head, locking eyes with a tall Russian man. Almost too tall to be human. He grinned at her, showing off his sharp and pointed teeth.
Luke took notice of the slender man as well. “They know we’re here.” He whispered, subconsciously stepping forward to block Y/N from the man’s view.
“Are we sure he’s a monster or just a little creepy looking?” Chris butted in.
“Let’s get into our compartment as soon as possible. I booked one near the end so it’d be easier for us to get out if anything goes wrong.” Y/N muttered as she stepped onto the steel stairs. She handed the conductor her ticket and he examined it before letting her pass.
“This one.” She mumbled to the two boys. She shoved the door open and once all of them were tucked safely inside, she slammed it shut and locked it.
Luke and Chris watched in confusion as she searched the wall for something they couldn’t see. “What are you doing?” Luke questioned, a little confused.
“Compartments like these often have a door leading to the next one.” Y/N exclaimed, “These doors are able to be locked and unlocked but I don’t doubt a monster’s ability on being able to acquire a key. Oh, and close the curtains, will you?”
Chris was quick to do as Y/N said, grasping onto the velvet fabric and yanking it to conceal the window.
“You seem to know what you’re doing. Are you sure you haven’t run away before?” Luke said that in a joking tone but Y/N’s frantic actions to find the lock paused.
“I… uh… tried running away when I was ten. The orphanage wasn’t exactly the best place to live. But after spending what little savings I had, I returned because there was nowhere else I could go.” Y/N cleared her throat and shook her head. “But that’s in the past. I don’t regret it because I was able to see parts of the world that nobody in the orphanage could. And it was beautiful.”
“So how’d you end up in that private school?” Luke pressed on further.
“The school has a deal with the orphanage. Every year, one child is picked to study at the school. It’s like a scholarship, if you will. All costs, even lunch, are covered. And I knew I wanted out because I couldn’t stand being in a cramped room any longer. So I worked harder than everybody else and I studied overtime because I don’t accept defeat. I get what I want and that scholarship was no different.”
Luke let out a low whistle. “Impressive, writer. But I didn’t expect anything less from you.”
“I found the lock.” Y/N announced, “Do either of you have a key or a pocket knife or anything I can jam in there?” Luke handed Y/N a small pocket knife and she slightly smiled before harshly shoving the blade into the lock. “That’ll hold it.”
She collapsed on a squeaky mattress, her legs dangling off the bed. Luke could hear the faint sound of her back clicking.
“How long will this train take?” He asked as he sat down across from Y/N. Chris had already dozed off, sleep-deprived and exhausted. Y/N subtly shrugged.
“Maybe a day? I want to get off as soon as possible because that man creeped me out. Check the other wall, will you?”
Luke had no choice but to stand again and search the smooth barrier for a lock, running his hands over the wall and furrowing his eyebrows.
“Nothing.” He concluded. Y/N hummed, seemingly pleased.
“Meals will be delivered to us. In the mean time, avoid making interaction with anyone.” She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. Luke hesitated for a moment before he spoke again.
“So… why’d you run away?” Luke was met with silence before he heard Y/N quietly sigh.
“The orphanage didn’t treat us as humans but rather as pests they had to get rid of. They were so happy to see me go to school because it meant they had to spend less time on keeping me in line. I was… a troubled kid. Now I know why. It’s the godly blood, isn’t it?” Y/N cracked open one eye to look at Luke, who nodded.
“You didn’t regret running away?” Luke questioned, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He heard Y/N lightly laugh.
“I’ll never regret it because those were the best weeks of my life. I met people I had never seen before and I found comfort in knowing I’d never see them again. There was one girl who was like me, troubled and a little angry. We became best friends for the few nights we spent together until she had to move on.”
“What was she like?”
“Beautiful… and dangerous. She enjoyed starting fights. She was a little younger than me… with brown curled hair and pretty hazel eyes. Her name was…” Y/N trailed off, “Oh… well, I don’t remember now. That’s a shame.”
“Clarisse.” Luke piped up, “That was her name, right? Clarisse?”
Y/N stared at him with her lips parted. “Yes… that was her name. How do you know her?”
“She’s a demigod too. A daughter of Ares. She’s actually at camp as we speak, waiting for new kids to arrive so she can torment them.” Luke chuckled, turning his gaze to stare at the floor.
“You know, you aren’t as mean as you try to be.” He uttered after a full minute of awkward silence. Y/N’s eyes darted to look at him, an eyebrow raised in confusion. “I’ve met girls like you, writer. Girls who do everything to block people out because they don’t see themselves as someone a person could ever like. Those types of girls suffer a lot… don’t be like them, writer. Bring down your walls for even just a few hours.”
Y/N opened her mouth to reply but a shrill scream interrupted her.
“Hey! What happened to the rule of no one leaving?!” Luke shouted as Y/N rushed to the door.
“That doesn’t apply to this situation!” Y/N loudly retorted. Luke spared Chris a glance before he darted after the H/C-haired girl. She was already kneeled beside a woman, frantically shaking her and checking her pulse.
“What happened?” One of the train workers rushed over to see the commotion, his face paling at the sight of the woman’s blood staining the lush carpet below.
“She screamed and ran out of her cabin.” An onlooker explained.
“No pulse… she’s already dead.” Y/N whispered.
“Everyone, to your compartments. Do not move until we give the all clear!” The worker yelled, blowing his whistle harshly. Y/N fumbled around with something in the body’s pocket and Luke was quick to drag her away.
“Someone killed her, Castellan… a swift stab to her chest. Was it a monster?” Y/N breathed as Luke led her to a quiet corner. He shook his head.
“Monsters shouldn’t affect mortals. The mist covers them. This might be actually murder.”
Y/N shuddered. “Warn Chris.” She demanded while Luke furrowed his eyebrows.
“What are you going to do?” He questioned.
“I’m going to search for evidence.” Y/N up a large stolen key, “I wasn’t up until three in the morning solving true crime stories for nothing.”
Y/N carefully slipped into the woman’s cabin, her eyes searching for anything out of the ordinary. She crouched down, looking underneath the messy bed. Below the rickety wooden frame lay a single pipette. Y/N reached out her arm, grasping onto it.
“Why would someone need this? Unless this lady was an arts and craft kind of person.” Everywhere Y/N looked, all she found were scraps of paper and an occasional book. “Oh, you deserved to be stabbed for reading this. What a monstrosity.”
Y/N wrinkled up her face as she pulled out a copy of Lolita. She threw it aside but a quiet clang caught her attention. A small brooch had fallen out of the novel and rolled across the floor, hitting Y/N’s shoe.
She crouched down and examined it, running her thumb over the letter H that was engraved in the rusty metal.
“What was this woman’s name?” Y/N grabbed the bags, looking for any kind of name. “Mia… not starting with H. This was left behind… and this pipette… it’s used for cleaning smoking pipes but I see nothing. She wasn’t a smoker.” Y/N shoved the two items into her pocket and quickly exited the compartment, coming face to face with the unusually tall man from before.
“It’s not safe to be lurking around.” He grinned, which gave Y/N no comfort.
“I was just leaving.” She muttered, letting him brush past her. He tipped his hat.
“As you were, miss.” He slinked away and something white fell out of his pocket. Y/N was quick to rush over and pick it up. “A pipette…” The man didn’t smell like the strong scent of tobacco that always seemed to trail after smokers. Y/N narrowed her eyes.
“Where have you been?” Luke stood in front of the door like an angry mom waiting for her kid to arrive home. “The workers called a mandatory meeting. They didn’t know you were missing, luckily.”
“Was there anyone who smoked a pipe?” Y/N asked, ignoring Luke’s previous statement.
“Uh, yeah. A male doctor. Why?”
“Did you get his name?” Y/N was relentless with her inquires.
“The worker called the doctor Harvard Armstrong.”
“Harvard? Like the university? Who names their kid that? That’s just sad.” Y/N scoffed her herself. “But it works.”
“What works?” Luke was sick of being left out of whatever Y/N was planning. He could practically see the cogs turning in her head.
“I found these in the woman’s cabin. Her name’s Mia.” Y/N threw her sad evidence onto her bed, “A brooch with an H on it and a pipette. This pipette is specifically for cleaning pipe cigarettes and Harvard and H match up.”
Chris lifted his brows. “Are we seriously solving this murder crime right now?”
Y/N tuned out his words. “There’s not many people who use a pipe these days. It’s rare to come across. And it was a stupid clue to leave, even under a bed. Is it safe to walk around the train?”
“Yes, but it isn’t advised- Woah, where are you going?!” Luke grabbed Y/N’s arm before she could walk away again. “Look, you may be half god but you’re also half human. You can die just as easily! Don’t go off and risk your life for some Mia lady you didn’t even know!”
“Then come with me, Castellan. What’re you afraid of?” Y/N shoved him aside while Luke glanced at Chris for help.
“Just go, dude. I’ll lock the door. Knock three times when you come back.”
That’s how Luke ended up trailing after Y/N in the deserted corridor.
“I can assure you, Mister Norman, that we are doing everything in our power to catch the culprit.”
As Y/N walked around a corner, she spotted the same sharp-toothed man talking with another staff member.
“Bullshit.” Norman spat and scoffed.
“Are you sure you aren’t the culprit, Mister Norman?” Y/N spoke up. Luke glared at her, trying to shush her.
“Miss L/N, this is a private conversation.” The worker uttered, “You shouldn’t even be out.”
“You’re Russian, right?” Y/N stepped forward, much to Luke’s dismay. “H… I found it in a book written by a Russian author. Isn’t H in the Russian Alphabet pronounced as N? Harvard… Norman. That was a tricky one you left. And the pipette. Very cunning to try and blame someone else. But Harvard Armstrong, the man you tried accusing, was in the room next to us and he never left until after.”
“You’re a nosy girl.” Norman grumbled.
“Yeah… and I just don’t like your vibe altogether. This is your’s, right? Your next reaction will confirm it.” Y/N tossed the brooch high into the air and smiled as it neared the floor. Norman was quick to catch it, holding it close to his chest as if it were a sacred treasure.
Y/N winked, “Bingo.”
Norman quickly turned tail and tried to run but the train worker was faster, practically tackling him to the ground.
“You just solved a fucking murder crime in under an hour.” Luke said, astounded. “How did you know it was even him?"
“As I said, I didn’t like his vibe… and it was a gamble anyway. I took a lucky guess.”
“I can’t believe she solved a murder with only two pieces of evidence.” Chris whispered to Luke as they strolled through the woods towards camp.
“Again, I can hear you.” Y/N turned to glare at the boys, “I haven’t disappeared or suddenly gone deaf.”
“Dealing with a deaf you probably would’ve been easier.” Luke cheekily smiled as he spoke his mind.
“Ugh.” Y/N groaned, rolling her eyes. “I can’t stand you.”
“Then sit on my face.” Luke mumbled but it was loud enough for the other two to hear.
Chris choked on air while Y/N spun around bewilderment. "What?" She seethed in shock. Luke battered his lashes like he had done no wrong.
"What? I didn't say anything." He played along, much to Y/N's annoyance.
"You weirdo." She muttered, "How far is camp? It's getting dark and I don't really want to be a harpy's midnight snack."
Chris pointed at a tree on top of a hill that stood not too far away. “At least two more minutes.” He said. Y/N was relieved to finally step past the tree and into the temporary shade it gave her.
“It seems people are already waiting for you.” Luke mumbled under his breath as he spotted the small crowd of demigods standing behind Chiron, trying to catch a glimpse of the girl the oracle wanted Luke and Chris to retrieve.
“She doesn’t look like anything special.” A pretty blond with glossy lips whispered to the equally stunning group surrounding her.
A golden haze began to form the moment Y/N paused in front of Chiron. The golden mist swirled like the sand in Y/N’s dream, forming a majestic looking owl that loudly cooed and flew high into the sky. It dived back down, exploding into golden glitter that rained down on Y/N like heavy pieces of hail.
“Welcome Y/N, daughter of Athena, to Camp Half-Blood.”
PJO TAG LIST : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @outerbanks-stuff @jennapancake @csifandom @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @annispamz @justanotherkpopstanlol @soraya-09 @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @uniquely-her @imafrkinsimp @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @8812-342 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @ch16rles @lizziesliz @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @julielightwood @crybabysbakery @jsbabyyy @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @froggiesstalks @happy-jj @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @csifandom @mashiromochi @kamiliora @yorksyree @mqg125 @jamesmackreideswife @2hiigh2cry @user021099 @living-in-my-imagination88 @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @randomgurl2326 @niktwazny303 @inlovewithcarsthatrunreallyfast @luvvfromme @y0urm0m12 @mochi-lover26 @annispamz
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einsteinsugly · 1 year
The Kids' Music Tastes, In My Verse.
Adrian Forman: Loves Alien Ant Farm, Papa Roach, Daft Punk, and Linkin Park. The kids make fun of him for liking Coldplay, until "Viva La Vida" comes out and James likes it. Is introduced to old school jazz via the Fallout series, and definitely takes a liking to it.
Ashley Tate: Is a huge fan of The Cheetah Girls, Destiny's Child, B2K, Usher, Christina Milian, Ciara, and Ashanti as a tween/in her early teens. As an older teen, she loves Ne Yo, Rihanna, Jazmine Sullivan, and Chris Brown (until he shows his true colors). Is the biggest Beyonce stan you will ever meet.
Becca Hyde: Is the biggest Zeppelin fan out of the kids, and is also a big fan of Blondie, Heart, and Fleetwood Mac. Loves 90s grunge, like Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Smashing Pumpkins, and other 90s staples like No Doubt, Alanis Morissette, and Garbage. Loves "quirky" pop like Billie Eilish, Lorde, Marina and the Diamonds, Lana Del Rey, Lily Allen, and The Veronicas.
Betsy Kelso: Loves Pink Floyd, The Doors, and AC/DC. Was a big fan of New Kids on the Block as a kid. She still likes REM, the Barenaked Ladies, and Smash Mouth.
Hannah Kelso: Was a huge Backstreet Boys fan as a tween, and liked(s) One Direction as an adult. Is the devout Swiftie of the group, and loves country music, too.
James Hyde: A big fan of The Black Keys, Muse, Queens of the Stone Age, Eminem, Fort Minor, Gorillaz, Arctic Monkeys, Hozier, and The Killers. Gets Leah to like The 1975, and Leah gets him to like Franz Ferdinand. He has a soft spot for Mumford and Sons and Of Monsters and Men, but he can't get into The Lumineers and Bleachers (*stares at Leah*).
In terms of older stuff, he's a big fan of Zeppelin, The Stones, The Who, The Doors, The Eagles, Steely Dan, and the Allman Brothers Band. He has a soft spot for Elton John and James Taylor. Isn't a fan of the harder stuff, like Jethro Tull, the Ramones, and the Sex Pistols, amongst others.
Kate Forman: Has a mix of her mother's love for singer/songwriter stuff and her father's love for soft rock.
Old stuff: Simon and Garfunkel, Carole King, James Taylor, Fleetwood Mac, Joni Mitchell, Joan Baez, Bread, America, Elton John, Wings, and The Beatles.
Newer stuff: Adele, Lewis Capaldi, Alicia Keys, John Mayer, Five for Fighting, Coldplay, Sara Bareilles, Sheryl Crow, Jewel, Sixpence None The Richer, Norah Jones, Michelle Branch, KT Tunstall, Corinne Bailey Rae, and Vanessa Carlton. Has a soft spot for Natasha Bedingfield.
Leah Forman: Is a huge Parawhore. Also loves Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, The Cab, Vampire Weekend, MGMT, The All American Rejects, Franz Ferdinand, and Blink 182. Loved Avril Lavigne and Pink, before they sold out, around 07/08. She has loved The Beatles, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Weezer, and Green Day since she was little. Also enjoys Muse and The Killers.
Later on, she's a fan of Neon Trees, Bleachers, The Lumineers, Of Monsters and Men, Two Door Cinema Club, Walk the Moon, and Mumford and Sons.
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rebeleden · 11 months
Watch "Chris Brown Seen Arguing with Usher on Video Amid Reports of Fight | TMZ" on YouTube
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nikologyindia · 1 year
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hiphopnewsonline · 1 year
Chris Brown and Usher Perform Sets at ‘Lovers & Friends’ Fest Following Rumors of Fight
Chris Brown and Usher Perform Sets at ‘Lovers & Friends’ Fest Following Rumors of Fight
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ninunfire · 1 year
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elaytv · 1 year
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itemizee · 1 year
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
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Chris Brown has a HISTORY of being violent. When someone brings it up, y’all say the Rihanna fight was so long ago & he was a kid.
But, the FACTS are, he’s had MANY instances of violent behavior throughout the years - IF this Usher situation is true, it wouldn’t surprise me.
He’s been given chance after chance and he’s still hasn’t changed
Y’all not tired, not even a little bit?!?
And you bet on it those ashies after seeing the video of the altercation with usher will be like “NOW I know he’s a violent man who hasn’t repented from his violent ways” biiiiitch please, I been knew
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Chris Brown Involved in Another Confrontation at Festival After Alleged Fight With Usher
Chris Brown was reportedly involved in another confrontation in Las Vegas last night.According to a TMZ report, published on Sunday (May 7), Chris Brown was in another skirmish one day after his alleged fight with Usher at his 34th birthday party. In a video shared by the media outlet, Brown is aggressively approaching someone in front of him but is being held back by several people. When the…
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rebeleden · 11 months
Watch "Chris Brown & Usher Allegedly Fight, Taylor Swift's Rumored Boyfriend | TMZ Live Full Ep - 5/8/23" on YouTube
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misstia777 · 1 year
Usher and Chris Brown Fight at the Skating Ring!
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hiphopnewsonline · 1 year
Teyana Taylor Seen Dancing to Chris Brown Track During Usher Performance After Alleged Fight
Teyana Taylor Seen Dancing to Chris Brown Track During Usher Performance After Alleged Fight
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