#Child Kidney Specialist In India
Child Kidney Specialist in Delhi
Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
Kidney & Urology Institute
He was trained as a Fellow (International Pediatric Nephrology Association Fellowship) and Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. He has been actively involved in the care of children with all kinds of complex renal disorders, including nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation.
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He has been a part of 8-member writing committee for the guidelines of Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome and Expert committee involved in the formulation of guidelines of Pediatric Renal Disorders including Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and urinary tract infections. He has more than 30 indexed publications in Pediatric Nephrology and chapters in reputed textbooks including Essential Pediatrics (Editors O.P. Ghai) and “Pediatric Nephrology” (Editors A Bagga, RN Srivastava). He is a part of Editorial Board of “World Journal of Nephrology” and “eAJKD- Web version of American Journal of Kidney Diseases”. He is a reviewer for Pediatric Nephrology related content for various Pediatric and Nephrology journals.
Call Now: 0124-4141414 Visit: www.pediatricnephrologyindia.com
You can also search for: Child Kidney Specialist in India Child Kidney Doctor in IndiaBest Pediatric Nephrologist in India Nephrotic syndrome Specialist in Delhi
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Sharing the ‘Research Letter’ published this week in ‘KI Reports’ on an attempt to find cut off scores for STARZ Neonatal AKI Risk Stratification Score from the TINKER group (a sub-section of PCRRT-ICONIC Group). There are multiple studies ongoing across the world to validate it in individual centres.
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Dr. Sidharth is one of the best Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatric Kidney Transplant, Nephrotic syndrome and Child Kidney Specialist in Gurgaon, Delhi, India. With his years of experience he gives expert advice for Pediatric Surgery treatment.
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marciadbanas21 · 7 days
Discover the Expertise of Dr. Vikas Dua: Fortis Hospital's Pediatric Oncology Extraordinaire in Delhi
Cancer in children can develop in any part of the body, including the blood and lymphatic system, brain and spinal cord, kidneys, and other organs and tissues. Cancer begins when healthy cells change and grow uncontrollably. In most cancers, these cells form a mass called a tumor, which can be either cancerous or benign. A cancerous tumor is malignant, meaning it can grow and spread to other parts of the body. A benign tumor can grow but will not spread to distant parts of the body.
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Types of childhood cancers:
Although cancer is the most deadly disease of childhood and adolescence, it affects nearly 15,500 children each year, compared to about 1.2 million adults. Nine out of ten adult cancers are carcinomas, malignancies that develop in the cells lining the inner or outer surfaces of organs such as the lungs, breast, prostate, colon, and bladder. In contrast, cancers in children and adolescents primarily fall into four other categories: leukemias, lymphomas, sarcomas, and gliomas.
Dr. Vikas Dua- Translating Discovery in to Cures for Children with Cancer
A diagnosis of cancer can be devastating for a child and their family. However, there is hope. Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncology specialist Fortis hospital Delhi has made significant advances that have greatly improved outcomes over the years. He offers the ideal setting, utilizing internationally recognized cancer expertise and renowned pediatric care. Patient can book Dr. Vikas Dua oncologist appointments as his experience provides patients with cutting-edge, compassionate care, including diagnostic evaluations, treatment plans, and extensive mental and social support.
Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncology specialist Fortis hospital Delhi also runs a clinic for long-term follow-up of pediatric cancer patients, attacking cancer from every angle. Patient can book Dr. Vikas Dua oncologist appointments as he is a pediatric hemato-oncologist and bone marrow transplant specialist of his generation. His results in pediatric hematology, oncology, and BMT are among the best. He and his team have performed over 200 pediatric transplants. Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncology specialist Fortis hospital Delhi is known for his outstanding outcomes in stem cell transplants, particularly in pediatric haploidentical transplants, and has conducted some of the rarest transplants ever done in India.
Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncologists in India who provide excellent care for children
Patient can book Dr. Vikas Dua oncologist appointments as he understands that a cancer diagnosis affects the entire family, not just the child. He is dedicated to offering effective and meaningful support to each family member throughout the treatment process and beyond. Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncology specialist Fortis hospital Delhi specializes in caring for newborns up to age 25 with hematologic and oncologic concerns. He prioritizes family-centered care and maintains clear communication with referring providers.
Patient can book Dr. Vikas Dua oncologist appointments as his mission is to provide comprehensive, expert care to children with cancer and blood diseases, from diagnosis to recovery. His holistic approach integrates patient and family counseling, as well as support groups, into each child's personalized treatment plan. With tailored pediatric patient care, Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncology specialist Fortis hospital Delhi ensures that your family's unique needs are accommodated. Patient can book Dr. Vikas Dua oncologist appointments as he works with patients of all ages and is available to provide healthcare intervention and support for a wide range of psychosocial issues and concerns surrounding childhood cancer illnesses.
India cancer surgery service benefits
Upon reaching out to India cancer surgery service, you will be assigned a dedicated patient care manager who will address all your inquiries and guide you through your options with personalized assistance at every step of your journey, from arranging consultations to treatment. We prioritize understanding you, your health needs, and the best healthcare plans for your situation. Dr. Vikas Dua pediatric oncology specialist Fortis hospital Delhi ensure you receive top-quality medical care. We handle all logistical aspects of your care, including scheduling, billing, and insurance, so you can focus solely on your path to improved health. We eagerly anticipate contributing to the success of your cancer treatment journey!
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drpriya · 3 months
Pediatric cancers encompass a range of malignancies that occur in children and adolescents. Some common types include:
Leukemia: The most common type of cancer in children, leukemia affects the blood and bone marrow, leading to abnormal production of white blood cells.
Brain and Central Nervous System (CNS) Tumors: These tumors can develop in different parts of the brain and spinal cord, impacting functions controlled by these areas.
Neuroblastoma: Arising from immature nerve cells, neuroblastoma usually occurs in infants and young children and can develop in various parts of the body, often the adrenal glands.
Wilms Tumor: A kidney cancer primarily affecting young children, Wilms tumor typically presents as a mass or swelling in the abdomen.
Lymphoma: Both Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas can occur in children, affecting the lymphatic system.
Rhabdomyosarcoma: This type of cancer forms in soft tissues, such as muscles, and commonly occurs in the head and neck area, genitourinary tract, or extremities.
Retinoblastoma: A rare eye cancer that usually affects young children, retinoblastoma originates in the retina.
Osteosarcoma: The most common type of bone cancer in children and adolescents, osteosarcoma develops in the bones, often around the knee or in the upper arm.
Ewing Sarcoma: Another type of bone cancer, Ewing sarcoma typically arises in the bones or soft tissues around them, such as the pelvis, legs, or arms.
Hepatoblastoma: A rare liver cancer primarily affecting infants and young children.
These are just a few examples, and pediatric cancers can manifest in various other forms. Treatment approaches depend on the type, stage, and location of the cancer, as well as the child's overall health and other factors.
The dosage of radiation therapy given to pediatric patients with cancer depends on various factors, including the type of cancer, its stage, location, the child's age, overall health, and individual treatment plan. Pediatric radiation oncologists carefully consider these factors to determine the optimal dosage that effectively targets cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy tissues and organs.
Radiation therapy doses for pediatric patients are typically measured in Gray (Gy), which represents the amount of radiation energy absorbed by tissues. The total dose and the fractionation schedule (the number of treatments and their frequency) are tailored to achieve the best treatment outcomes with the least possible long-term side effects.
Pediatric radiation therapy often employs techniques to minimize radiation exposure to healthy tissues, such as intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), proton therapy, and image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT). These technologies help deliver precise radiation doses to the tumor while sparing surrounding healthy tissues.
The specific dosage and treatment regimen are determined by the pediatric radiation oncologist in collaboration with the multidisciplinary care team, which may include pediatric oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, and other specialists, based on the child's individual circumstances and the goals of treatment. Close monitoring and follow-up care are essential to assess treatment response and manage any side effects that may arise during and after radiation therapy.
Treatment approaches are often tailored to each child's individual condition and may involve a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals to optimize outcomes and minimize long-term side effects. Close monitoring and follow-up care are crucial to assess treatment response and address any emerging issues during and after treatment.
Get the best treatment for cancer and full body health checkup at the best hospitals in India.
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helpfulcontent · 4 months
Navigating Healthcare Excellence: Discovering the Best Hospital and Specialists in Gurgaon
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Gurgaon, a bustling metropolis in India, is home to a plethora of healthcare institutions and specialists renowned for their excellence. In this blog, we embark on a journey to uncover the finest in healthcare, from the Best hospital in Gurgaon to top specialists in various fields, ensuring residents have access to world-class medical care right in their city.
1. Excellence Personified: Best Hospital in Gurgaon
Experience unparalleled healthcare at the best hospital in Gurgaon, where cutting-edge technology meets compassionate care. Discover a sanctuary of healing that prioritizes patient well-being above all else.
2. Ear, Nose, Throat Care: Best ENT Specialist in Gurgaon
For issues related to the ear, nose, and throat, trust the expertise of the Best ENT specialist in Gurgaon. Whether it's hearing loss, sinusitis, or throat infections, receive personalized care that restores comfort and functionality.
3. Visionary Care: Best Eye Hospital in Gurgaon
Your vision is precious, and at the Best eye hospital in Gurgaon, it's in capable hands. From routine eye exams to complex surgeries, entrust your ocular health to specialists dedicated to preserving and enhancing your sight.
4. Kidney Health Matters: Kidney Specialist in Gurgaon
When it comes to kidney health, consult with the Best kidney specialist in Gurgaon for expert diagnosis and treatment. Receive comprehensive care for kidney diseases, including management of renal conditions and kidney transplants.
5. Orthopedic Excellence: Best Orthopedics in Gurgaon
Regain mobility and conquer musculoskeletal ailments with the expertise of the Best orthopedics in Gurgaon. From fractures to joint replacements, receive personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific needs.
6. Maternal Care Redefined: Top Maternity Hospitals in Gurgaon
Welcoming a new life into the world is a cherished experience, and Gurgaon's top maternity hospitals ensure it's a safe and memorable journey. From prenatal care to delivery and beyond, entrust your maternal health to compassionate experts.
7. Restful Sleep Awaits: Snoring Clinic in Gurgaon
Put an end to disruptive snoring and sleep apnea with specialized care at the snoring clinic in Gurgaon. Discover effective solutions that ensure restful sleep and improved overall health.
8. Pediatric Excellence: Best Pediatrician in Gurgaon
Your child's health is paramount, and the Best pediatrician in Gurgaon provides comprehensive care from infancy through adolescence. Trust in expertise that nurtures your child's growth and development.
9. Clear Vision, Clear Path: Best Eye Specialist in Gurgaon
For all your eye care needs, rely on the expertise of the best eye specialist in Gurgaon. Whether it's routine check-ups or complex procedures, experience clarity of vision and peace of mind.
10. Minimally Invasive Solutions: Laparoscopic Surgery in Gurgaon
Embrace advanced surgical techniques with laparoscopic surgery in Gurgaon, where precision and minimal invasiveness converge for faster recovery and superior outcomes.
11. Respiratory Wellness: Best Pulmonologist in Gurgaon
Breathe easier with expert care from the Best pulmonologist in Gurgaon, specializing in respiratory conditions and diseases. Receive personalized treatment plans that optimize lung health and improve quality of life.
In Gurgaon's vibrant healthcare landscape, excellence is not just a standard—it's a way of life. From the best hospital to specialized clinics and top-notch specialists, residents have access to a comprehensive network of healthcare providers dedicated to their well-being. Trust in expertise, embrace compassion, and embark on a journey to optimal health right here in Gurgaon.
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themicrotiatrust · 6 months
Microtia/Anotia: Ear Problems in Children
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Microtia and anotia are medical terms for ear problems that describe either under or no development of the outer ears in children. When a child is born with this condition, and it does not show with antenatal ultrasound, it is undoubtedly a significant concern for the family. One needs to understand that this condition occurs in 7-23 out of 10000 births. When the baby is born with this disorder, it is vital to note that in 99% of the cases, you did nothing wrong as a mother. Before any procedure that corrects the outer ear is considered, the most important thing is to establish the child's hearing ability. To do this, one should contact an ear specialist, as restoring hearing ability is of utmost priority in such situations. 
To provide readers with an in-depth understanding of microtia/anotia in children, we have taken insights from expert plastic surgeons like Dr. Parag Telang, the best ear surgeon in India who is also the founder of The Microtia Trust. Read on to learn more. 
What is Microtia and Anotia? 
Microtia and anotia are congenital disabilities in the ears of a baby. Anotia happens when the external ears, i.e., the visible part of the ear, are not there or are missing. Microtia occurs if the external ear is small in size and is not developed completely. 
Microtia/anotia most commonly happens in the first week of pregnancy, and these defects vary from being barely noticeable to being a major concern with how the ear forms. 
Usually, microtia/anotia affects how the ears of the baby appear, but usually, the part of the inner ears does not get affected. A few babies with this defect also have a narrow or missing ear canal. 
Children with this condition often experience hearing loss in the affected ear, which can make it difficult for them to learn to speak. However, surgery can help to improve the look of the ear. 
What are the Grades of Microtia? 
Microtia can be classified into four grades: 
Grade 1: The ear usually looks normal but is small in size. 
Grade 2: The outer is partly formed and is 50% -60% smaller than the outer ear. The ear canal, which runs from the outer ear to the middle of the ear, is narrow or closed. 
Grade 3: The outer side of the ear is a tiny piece of cartilage that is shaped like a peanut. There is no ear canal which sends sound to the middle ear. 
Grade 4: Anotia i.e. the outer ear is completely missing. 
If one’s child is experiencing either microtia or anotia and they are looking for a renowned ear surgeon in India to get an effective treatment, they can schedule a consultation with Dr. Parag Telang at The Microtia Trust. 
What are the Causes of Microtia? 
Most of the time, doctors are unable to find the cause of microtia. However, the condition is most likely to affect boys. Sometimes, this condition also runs in families and occurs as a result of a change to the genes. Microtia can also be a component of different syndromes, such as: 
Hemifacial Microsomia: It is a condition where the lower half of the face does not grow correctly on one side. 
Goldenhar Syndrome: It is a condition where the ear, lip and jaw does not form completely. 
Treacher Collins Syndrome: It is a condition where the development of the jaw, chin or cheek bone gets affected. 
How is Microtia Diagnosed? 
If the baby has microtia, the doctor sees the condition when they give the baby a physical exam after their birth. In very rare situations, the provider may see that the baby has microtia before birth during an ultrasound. 
An ultrasound is a prenatal test which uses sound waves and a computer screen which depicts the picture of the baby inside a womb. 
If the baby has microtia, the doctor also checks other birth defects. For example, the baby might get an ultrasound to check any birth defects of the kidneys. This happens because the urinary tract forms at the same time as the ear when the baby is in the womb.
The urinary tract is the system of the organs, such as the bladder and kidneys, which eliminates waste and extra fluid from the body. 
How are Microtia and Hearing Loss Associated With Each Other? 
If the child has hearing loss because of microtia, it is usually called a conductive hearing loss. Sound becomes difficult to travel from the outer ear to the inner ear in this condition. Some children also experience a condition of hearing loss, i.e. sensorineural, which is permanent.
How is Microtia Treated? 
The treatment for children experiencing microtia/anotia depends on their severity of condition. The ear doctor will test the baby’s hearing ability to determine if there is any hearing loss in the ear with any defects. If the hearing loss is there, this can also create problems for the child. 
All the treatment options should be discussed, and an early action should provide better results. Hearing aids could be used to improve a child’s hearing ability that help with speech development as well. The surgeon then performs a surgery to reconstruct the external ear. 
The best material for reconstructing a new ear is the soft portion of the rib, which is also called cartilage. 
The cartilage is obtained from the child’s own rib cartilage and is used to create a new outer ear. The use of a child’s own tissue reduces the risk of infection. Also, the skin graft is placed over the implants which results in a natural-looking ear. 
The timing of the surgery depends on the severity of the detect and the age of children too. 
The surgeon performs the surgery between the ages of 4 and 10 years. The treatment may be recommended if the child has any other birth defects. 
If there is no other condition, children with microtia/anotia can lead normal lives. However, some children with this condition may have issues with self-esteem. Nevertheless, parents need to provide support during this phase. 
Final Takeaway
Through this post, we have understood what anotia/microtia is and how it can be treated in children. If one’s child is experiencing the same condition, they must seek help from an ear doctor right away. 
They can consult Dr. Parag Telang who is a renowned microtia surgeon in India and an expert in treating all grades of Microtia. He practices at The Microtia Trust, which is a world-class ear reconstruction surgery clinic that is located in Mumbai (India). 
The Microtia Trust has treated a wide range of patients all over the world such as from countries like the US, UK (England), UAE, etc. For more details on microtia/anotia treatment, visit Microtia Trust today!
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mymedtrips · 1 year
Best Bone Marrow Transplant Hospitals in India
A bone transplant is a medical treatment that helps you to replace your bone marrow with the healthiest cells. The bone marrow transplant is otherwise called the stem cells and most of the time it is said to be hematopoietic stem cell transplant and it is also called the stem mobile transplant. It is the main type of way to cure a few types of cancer diseases. The transplant can be used to treat a few types of cancer like leukemia, myeloma, lymphoma, and also the other types of blood and also the immune systems that majorly affect the bone marrow. 
At present the stem cells are more typically amassed from the blood. The bone marrow transplant is mostly done either by using cells from your own body. It can also be used by another donor who is willing to donate by his willingness.
Bone Marrow Transplant cost in India:
The bone marrow transplant cost in India is from 15,00,000 to 40,00,000 as per the recent updates. There are 2 common bone marrow transplant whereas Autologous and allogeneic. The proceedings and the bone marrow transplant costs are prescribed well to treat blood disorders and cancer diseases.
The allogeneic bone marrow transplant will cost a starting rate of Rs. 25,00,000 in India. It will be varied based on the transplants done to the patients. 
The cost of a bone marrow transplant for the operation of thalassemia in India is around 15,00,000 to 30,00,000 in recent times.
Best Bone Marrow Transplant Hospitals in India:
The BMT unit is at that MSCC that means mazumdar shaw cancer center is located at the Narayana Health City in Bengaluru city which has been in a way coming together for both national and will also come for international patients and clients. The hospital has cord blood facilities to been collected cord blood units for public banking and also for the usage of cord blood transplants.
SRCC Children’s Hospital, which is being Managed by Narayana Health in Haji Ali Park, Mumbai, state of a art Multi-speciality Tertiary Care Hospital dedicated to treating infants, children, and adolescents the units of BMT/ HSCT at the NH SRCC is also a 4-bed facility with the art HEPA filters the rooms, isolated facility, laminar flow and also given for the BMT trained physicians and nurses. The unit is also being supported by a child-centric multidisciplinary team the super specialists.
The bone Marrow Transplant unit at the Narayana super specialty Hospital, Kolkata has around 7 dedicated beds with HEPA filter facilities and has the expertise for performing both autologus stem cell transplants and also allogenic stem cell transplants as the curative option for various blood-related disorders.
My Med Trip is a leading healthcare and medical tourism company in India. We provide complete medical and healthcare services with consulting in India for patients from all over the world including South African countries like Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, etc. We help you in finding the best hospitals, doctors, and good accommodations at affordable costs in India. We offer Kidney, liver, lung, heart, and bone marrow transplants and treatment; shoulder replacement surgery cost in India, knee replacement surgeries, brain tumor surgery cost in India, knee replacement, best Kidney transplant hospital in India and so on.
Source: https://mymedtrips.blogspot.com/2023/06/best-bone-marrow-transplant-hospitals.html
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deepikashomeopathy · 1 year
Homeopathy Kidney Specialist in Delhi | Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy
Dr. Deepika's Homeopathy is India's best homeopathic clinical chain, Where we restore your health naturally. we have experienced doctors with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness and fitness industry. Our Expertise in Kidney Stones, GallStones, PCOS/PCOD, Thyroid, Fatty Liver, Skin issues, Warts, Piles, Infertility, Child Health, and Male/Female Sexual issues.
Visit Us:- https://drdeepikashomeopathy.com/
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Child Kidney Doctor in India
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Child Kidney Doctor in India
Dr Sethi at Medanta, The Medicity is the leading Pediatric Nephrologist providing diagnostic and treatment services for children with conditions of the kidney, especially Nephrotic syndrome, Glomerular disorders, rare tubular disorders and Chronic Kidney disease. Our team is the leading dialysis and renal transplant service center for children.
Dr Sethi & team believes in personalized care that focuses on individual patient and family needs. Our team understands the challenges many of our families face when trying to access the care they need. Our caring goes beyond diagnostics and treatment. Our team is nationally recognized for their innovation, experience, dedication and expertise. We have the newest dialysis technology and provides comprehensive kidney transplant care to children of all ages.
To schedule an appointment With Child Kidney Doctor in India, please contact: Name: Pediatric Nephrology India Address: Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Kidney Institute, Medanta, The Medicity, Gurgaon, Haryana, India, 122001 Phone: 0124–4141414 Website: www.pediatricnephrologyindia.com
You can also search for these treatments Pediatric Nephrology India, Best Pediatric Nephrologist In India, Best Pediatric Nephrologist In Gurgaon, Best Pediatric Nephrologist In Delhi, Child Kidney Specialist In Delhi, Child Kidney Specialist In Gurgaon, Child Kidney Specialist In India, Child Kidney Doctor In India, Child Kidney Doctor In Delhi, Child Kidney Doctor In Gurgaon, Pediatric Dialysis Specialist In India, Pediatric Dialysis Specialist In Delhi, Pediatric Kidney Transplant Specialist In Delhi, Nephrotic Syndrome Specialist In India, Nephrotic Syndrome Specialist In Delhi, Pediatric Nephrologist In Delhi, Best Pediatric Nephrology Doctor In India, Pediatric Kidney Doctor In India, Best Child Kidney Specialist In Delhi, Best Pediatric Nephrologist In Delhi, Best Paediatric Kidney Nephrologist In India, Best Child Kidney Doctor In India, Best Child Kidney Care In Delhi, Pediatric Nephrology,
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Best Pediatric Nephrologist in Delhi
Child Kidney Specialist in India
A Glimpse On Chronic Kidney Disease
CKD (chronic kidney disease) is a lifelong condition in which the kidney function slowly declines over many years. It is common in adults but extremely rare in children. It can be caused by a number of conditions affecting the kidney and can present at birth or later on during childhood. All kidney conditions do not cause CKD and all kids with CKD do not always progress to the end stage. It is a complicated disease with a wide spectrum from which full recovery is not possible but timely specialist care can help your child live a long, healthy and wholesome life.
How Severe Is My Child’s Disease?
CKD is divided into 5 stages based on GFR [glomerular filtration rate- tells how well the tiny filters (glomeruli) inside your child’s kidney are cleaning the blood].
How Would My Child Be Treated?
Your child will require specialized medical care from a pediatric nephrologist. It is important that you regularly visit the clinic for follow-up appointments even if your child feels well. At each of these visits, the growth(height,weight) and kidney function of your child would be monitored to avoid any future complications. The medical treatment aims at-
Reducing blood pressure [by low salt diet and medicines]
Slowing protein loss in the urine [by medicines like ACE-I(angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor) or ARB(angiotensin receptor blocker)]
Avoiding bone disease [by calcium and vitamin D supplements] 
Controlling anemia [by erythropoietin supplements or blood transfusion]
Healthful living-
Ensure that your child eats at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Cut down on his/her sugar and fat intake.
Get him/her plenty of exercise.
Avoid taking common medicines like ibuprofen/diclofenac without higher supervision as they cause further kidney damage.
Many children with progressive disease who develop ESRD would ultimately need dialysis, which uses special equipment to remove waste products and extra water from their body. The best treatment is a kidney transplant, in which a healthy kidney from another person is transplanted into the child. After a successful kidney transplant, the child can live a healthy life, but will need to take medicines to look after the new kidney.
What To Anticipate About My Kid’s Future?
CKD can take a heavy emotional toll not just on the kid but the entire household. Speaking with families of other children with CKD can be a huge support. Your child will need to take care of his or her health throughout life. As an adult, he/she will be supported by a new team. Due to the current medical advancements, children with CKD can reach their adulthood with better kidney outcomes. They should be encouraged to live a full and fulfilling life, pursue higher education, work and have a family.For any queries or concerns, please visit this website/contact Dr. Sethi today.
TAG : Child Kidney Specialist in Delhi, Child Kidney Doctor in Gurgaon, Pediatric Nephrology India
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Sharing the ‘Research Letter’ published this week in ‘KI Reports’ on an attempt to find cut off scores for STARZ Neonatal AKI Risk Stratification Score from the TINKER group (a sub-section of PCRRT-ICONIC Group). There are multiple studies ongoing across the world to validate it in individual centres.
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Child Kidney Specialist in India, Child Kidney Doctor in India - Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
Dr. Sidharth Kumar sethi - Child Kidney Specialist in India 
He was trained as a Fellow (International Pediatric Nephrology Association Fellowship) and Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. He has been actively involved in the care of children with all kinds of complex renal disorders, including nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation. He has been a part of 8-member writing committee for the guidelines of Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome and Expert committee involved in the formulation of guidelines of Pediatric Renal Disorders including Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and urinary tract infections. He has more than 30 indexed publications in Pediatric Nephrology and chapters in reputed textbooks including Essential Pediatrics (Editors O.P. Ghai) and “Pediatric Nephrology” (Editors A Bagga, RN Srivastava). He is a part of Editorial Board of “World Journal of Nephrology” and “eAJKD- Web version of American Journal of Kidney Diseases”. He is a reviewer for Pediatric Nephrology related content for various Pediatric and Nephrology journals
Tags - Pediatric Nephrology India, Child Kidney Specialist in India, Child Kidney Doctor in India For more infomation link - www.pediatricnephrologyindia.com
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narmada11 · 2 years
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For Narmada Health Group “Saving Lives” is the main objective for its existence. Narmada Health Group is driven by a committed and thoroughly prepared group of professionals of around 450 doctors, specialists, paramedical and managerial staff whose guiding principle depend on goals of furnishing medical care with sympathy. Our responsibility towards moral practices and greatness in the medical care administrations has guaranteed that best medical care at a reasonable cost which is given to the people of all kind. Narmada's modest beginnings from a 6 slept with rural medical services office keep our group's focus on rural areas of Madhya Pradesh to a more extent and this is what make Narmada stand as best healthcare provider in Bhopal.
Narmada Health Group was established by Dr. Rajesh Sharma, the renowned  Orthopedics and traumatologist in India who has an immense encounter of working in both rural and urban settings. The trust reposed by our patients has been an extraordinary propelling factor in the growth of Narmada Health Group.
Our drive to "Saving Lives" drove us to give state of the art nonstop crisis medication and basic administrations alongside cutting edge poly injury the executives administrations at Narmada Hospitals across Madhya Pradesh. In this excursion Narmada Trauma Center was begun in March 2006 at Bhopal with a dream to give Advance Trauma and Life support care to survivors of mishaps. Till date it has treated and saved existences of more than    1.5 lac Accident/Trauma casualties. Our experience and clinical results in Emergency Medicine and Critical consideration as well as Poly Trauma Management are unequaled by any emergency clinic in Madhya Pradesh.
Narmada Health Group endeavors to give quality and available medical care in Madhya Pradesh . Our emphasis on Emergency Medicine and Critical Care administrations as well as Poly Trauma Management supported by Orthopedics, Spine Surgery, Neurosurgery, General and Laparoscopic Surgery, Gynecology, Pediatric Care, Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, ENT, Plastic and Micro Vascular Surgery, and Joint Replacement Surgery is pointed toward giving top quality tertiary medical services to the people who need them around here.
Saving Lives, subsequently, giving comfort to the people who are in medical care trouble and giving moral tertiary medical care in a reasonable way in both provincial and metropolitan settings is the Narmada method of Service to mankind.
Narmada Health Group works on 3 main factors-
⦁ Pre Hospital Care ⦁ Hospital Care ⦁ Post Hospital Care
Narmada Health Group is the pioneer in bringing healthcare technologies in Madhya Pradesh. More to it what special services can one get from the best healthcare provider in Madhya Pradesh.
⦁ Regular Health Check Up-
Get the most varied health check-up packages from Narmada Health Group in the best affordable price. Family health packages, Comprehensive Health Package, Executive Cardiac Health Check Up, Child Health Package, Kidney Check Up, Obesity Check Up, Live Screening, Pre-Marital Check Up, Cancer Screening Check Up and Senior Citizen Check Up – these are the multiple health check-up packages available for any one and best accomplished under expert guidance.
⦁ Home Collection Sample-
The Niramaya Package which is the complete Home Collection Sample facility available at your door step. Right from CBC Lipid Profile, Kidney Function, Live Function and Thyroid Test all sorts of home sample collection for any test you want is available for our patients.
⦁ Pharmacy (Home Delivery)-
You need not have to login to any app or website. If you are a resident of Bhopal , just share your prescription online and the required medicines will be reaching at your door step. The fastest and reliable home delivery medicines means to get your medicines available. So if you are not there with your family and busy at work, you just need to share the details with our staff and there ends your problem.
⦁ Geriatric ( Old Age Care)-
This specialty segment focuses on elderly and aims to promote health by preventing and treating their diseases or any other disabilities with older adults , primarily giving a home like feeling.
⦁ Mental Health Counselor-
Talk , resolve and heal with the best mental health counselors in Bhopal.  Choose a help now with counseling therapy sessions for Stress & Anxiety, Relationship  Issues, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Grief & Loss & Trauma.
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Disparities in dialysis in children | Dr. Sidharth Kumar Sethi
Disparities In Dialysis In Children
HYPOTHESIS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with a pediatric incidence ranging from 19.3% to 24.1%. Treatment of pediatric AKI is a source of debate in varying geographical regions. Currently CRRT is the treatment for pediatric AKI, but limitations due to cost and accessibility force use of adult equipment and other therapeutic options such as peritoneal dialysis (PD) and hemodialysis (HD). It was hypothesized that more cost-effective measures would likely be used in developing countries due to lesser resource availability.
METHODS: A 26-question internet-based survey was distributed to 650 pediatric Nephrologists. There was a response rate of 34.3% (223 responses). The survey was distributed via pedneph and pcrrt email servers, inquiring about demographics, technology, resources, pediatric-specific supplies, and preference in renal replacement therapy (RRT) in pediatric AKI. The main method of analysis was to compare responses about treatments between nephrologists in developed countries and nephrologists in developing countries using difference-of-proportions tests.
RESULTS: PD was available in all centers surveyed, while HD was available in 85.1% and 54.1% (p = 0.00), CRRT was available in 60% and 33.3% (p = 0.001), and SLED was available in 20% and 25% (p = 0.45) centers of developed and developing world respectively. In developing countries, 68.5% (p = 0.000) of physicians preferred PD to costlier therapies, while in developed countries it was found that physicians favored HD (72%, p = 0.00) or CRRT (24%, p = 0.041) in infants.
CONCLUSIONS: Lack of availability of resources, trained physicians and funds often preclude standards of care in developing countries, and there is much development needed in terms of meeting higher global standards for treating pediatric AKI patients. PD remains the main modality of choice for treatment of AKI in infants in developing world.
About Dr.
Dr. Sidharth Kumar SethiKidney & Urology Institute
He was trained as a Fellow (International Pediatric Nephrology Association Fellowship) and Senior Resident in Pediatric Nephrology at All India Institute of Medical Sciences and Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplant Immunology, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, California. He has been actively involved in the care of children with all kinds of complex renal disorders, including nephrotic syndrome, tubular disorders, urinary tract infections, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, and renal transplantation. He has been a part of 8-member writing committee for the guidelines of Steroid Sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome and Expert committee involved in the formulation of guidelines of Pediatric Renal Disorders including Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome and urinary tract infections. He has more than 30 indexed publications in Pediatric Nephrology and chapters in reputed textbooks including Essential Pediatrics (Editors O.P. Ghai) and “Pediatric Nephrology” (Editors A Bagga, RN Srivastava). He is a part of Editorial Board of “World Journal of Nephrology” and “eAJKD- Web version of American Journal of Kidney Diseases”. He is a reviewer for Pediatric Nephrology related content for various Pediatric and Nephrology journals
Tags = Pediatric Dialysis Specialist in India, Pediatric Dialysis Specialist in delhi, Pediatric Nephrology India, Best Pediatric Nephrologist in Delhi
For more information = http://www.pediatricnephrologyindia.com/
See more blogs = https://child-kidney-specialist-in-delhi.blogspot.com/2022/06/what-is-nephrotic-syndrome-and-what.html
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