#Chic Convo
thechicdaily · 1 year
Life Through Lens: Zona Music Festival 
Photos by: Johnny Corte Words by: Alexia Hill Music is an integral part of creating connections and breathing life into emotions we don’t always have the right words to express. Listening to music in your car, in headphones at the gym or on a walk is a personal experience.  Whether it be the bass beating all the way through your feet to your heart, singing all the songs you know so well or…
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taylortruther · 11 months
oh it actually just occurred to me that maybe a lot of barbie discourse is turning out the way it is because a lot of tumblr users are in their early 20s and if you didn't grow up in the 90s you might just have a blind spot to how the conversation around body image and young women's confidence formed
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hannieehaee · 3 months
Svt members types like would some prefer opposite attracts, similar
their preference in a partner
content: established relationship implied, neutral reader (not exactly a reader-insert though), etc.
wc: 818
a/n: these are just based on assumptions of mine! i dont think any of them are into one single specific type of person, so i mostly focused on personality and style!
seungcheol -
i think he'd be into a baddie lmao. he gives me the vibe that he likes someone who exudes confidence and has people falling at their feet. he'd love the immense pride he'd feel knowing that he pulled them and no one else.
jeonghan -
someone unexpected. most people would assume that he'd go for someone with an innocent and angelic look (similar to him), but i think he'd be into someone with an edgier style. he would still like someone with an innocent and sweet demeanor, but an edgier look (and ofc a similar sense of humor to his).
joshua -
im torn between thinking he'd love either a baddie or someone with a more reserved and cute style. either way, i think he would love someone who carries an air of confidence. someone who's just as charming and likable as he is. would probably want someone who seems very well put-together and just looks expensive.
jun -
i see him going for someone similar to the girl who played his love interest in the drama he was recently in (regardless of gender; just someone he can comfortably joke around with and is very comfortable with). as for style, he might be into someone who exudes an expensive and put-together vibe; someone who carries an air of confidence.
soonyoung -
i picture him going for someone very smart and well-read. he seems to be fascinated by learning new things (he's always asking carats questions and engaging in convo during lives), so i think he'd love to learn from an s/o and would be turned on by intellect. as for style, probably someone who has a similar style to his own, very chic and street-style-ish. i also think he'd love someone who's clueless about dancing or music bc he'd love to show them everything he knows.
wonwoo -
he'd probably go for someone similar to him. by this i mean that it'd be someone lowkey and calm like him. someone who shares his interest (photography, video games, editing, music, etc) and also shares a similar vibe to him. he'd look for someone who brings comfort and has a similar mindset to his own.
jihoon -
i feel like he would go for someone who's very different from him. someone who's very 'out-there' and who would try to get him out of his shell (and out of the studio lmao). style-wise, he does not give me the vibe that he has a preference, but maybe someone with a similar style to his (mostly darker colors and very relaxed).
seokmin -
i think he would be into the 'perfect ___ next door.' he would be into someone sweet and charismatic, but maybe a little shy. he would want someone who would be the perfect recipient for all his affections; likely someone a bit more introverted than him, because i think he would enjoy someone who's a bit shy to his affections (it'd make him have cuteness overload at you). as for style, i think probably that cute sorta preppy korean street style you see a lot on pinterest.
mingyu -
he'd probably go for someone who has a similar extroverted personality. someone who will flirt back with him and just exudes the same heartthrob energy he does. as for style, a mixture of a baddie and a cute/relaxed style. i dont think he bases his interest in style, though. he probably goes off the compatibility your personalities may have.
minghao -
its hard to tell with him ngl. im torn between someone with edgy style or someone who exudes poise and elegance (like him). regardless of that, i think he would want someone who is very self expressive and has a very unique style and personality. would love someone who shares his interests for the arts.
seungkwan -
i see him with someone who has a preppy and cute style, very similar to his own. he's sooo extroverted he could probably be extroverted for the both of you, so he would likely go for someone either introverted or extroverted. personality-wise, i think he'd like someone he can banter with in the way he does with his brothers.
vernon -
like jeonghan, i think he would go for someone with an edgier style. if you have a goth or edgy type of style, he's on his knees for you. would also go for someone chill and self-assured, similarly to him. he would either rlly enjoy a s/o who was equally into music and movies as him OR someone kinda clueless who he could teach about his fave movies/music.
chan -
he'd 100% want someone in his field. dance is his life, so i think he'd go for someone who understands his love for it and also shares it. this means he would likely go for someone active that could keep up with him. as for style, i think he would simp for you regardless of how you presented yourself.
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maryhadalittlehobby · 1 month
Recap of IWTV Screening and Conversation at 92stY
(Please dont repost/reupload my pics or vids from here or IG anywhere else. Sharing/linkinh is ok. Thanks!)
I started the day with a fang gang meetup hosted by Black Girl Talks Fangs. The restaurant was cute and the food great. I'm not a big wine drinker but got a blood red Chateau in honor of the occasion. After, we headed over to the event space.
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In my experience attending different events there, the actors typically come in just before the event starts or a few minutes into the screening.
In this case- it was both.
Eric strolled up super casual and had a convo with myself and a few other fans asking if we had read the books and what we were looking forward to. He gave a parting message that the season is amazing and he is not just saying that because he is part of it. I believe him. He was super personable and down to earth.
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Delainey arrived next and again kind and generous with her time. She has a very chill energy. Her outfit was more casual this day but I thought chic and the face card never declines. Her makeup artist does her right! And can we talk about that sleek ass ponytail
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She complimented my cosplay and said she thinks my beret might be the screen accurate one!
She asked to touch it and said mine was softer!
She also said Carol Cutshall gifted her the beret so she owns Claudia's.
I put this cosplay together in 3 weeks which is barely enough time. Thankfully I had the idea knocking around since October when we first saw this fit in the trailer that dropped at NYCC 23.
Myself and a few fans waited till about 15 minutes into the start of the screening before we gave up on waiting for Jam Reiderson.
While running to the screening I nearly literally ran into Rolin. I asked for a quick pic which he obliged.
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The episode was amazing. Very much on par of season 1 so far. Can't wait to see the full thing. Delainey fit into Claudia seamlessly.
The panel itself was great as well. I have a few vids in my IWTV highlight on IG and a few others in an upcoming youtube video I will make AFTER the episode drops. There are some spoiler bits plus 92Y is dropping the full panel too after the ep airs.
Highlights include watching Jam Reiderson literally communicate telepathically- what was the fun on set story?!
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Sam slapping Jacobs' lower inner thigh in front of god (Rolin) and everyone.
Working together is like putting on an old glove. An old sock?! Lol what. 'Is that dirty?'
Assad trauma dumping on main. "Armands lost...like me." "I'm intimidated by the cast" Sir please!
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Assad also being spicy saying he thinks Armands memory of Lestat is pretty accurate. Drag him king😄
Delainey and Jacob gushing about how they immediately bonded and established their father/daughter/sibling vibes.
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Eric calling Jam puppies and Jacob saying "I'm a grown man a parent"lol Sir you are a baby girl as evidenced by
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Rolin saying that's a book and this is a show. To me that said was book lovers have the book and you always will but this is a new thing that respects the source but isn't tied down to every single detail.
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Then Sam saying there are contradictions even within the series. Please lets talk about it.
And I love this new narrative everyone is spinning, even Sam, who seemed to be in the Lestat is right and Louis is lying boat last press go round. Now everyone is saying there is no right and wrong or truth and lies-the story is told by different people with different perspectives and that's all. Which yes! that's ALWAYS how I saw it! Just because Lestat became the main character and most favored doesn't mean he is infallible.
Jacob and that plushie. Who would have imagined he'd love it so much. Another fan was coming with their Lestat. I don't know if they had intentions of giving it to Sam but sadly they didn't make it.
After the panel I went back to the spot and aimed to get Jacobs signature on my Street of Immortality print which I managed.
I would have loved to get Sam's to but I also wanted to give other fans the chance to get photos and autos. I was already so lucky.
They signed for a loooong time. So long I thought our side wouldnt have a chance or only a few people would. Turns out fans were conducting mini interviews with them lol Someone needs to collect all the questions and answers.
Also they are the smallest cast you've ever seem. Pocketbsized. Everyone one of them is so unassuming.
Overall I had a super good time. The audience vibes were immaculate. The person beside me during the screening/panel was losing their shit then apologizing. But honestly I was here for it lol
Also you could 100% tell it was an audience full of the online fandom.
I ended the night checking out the Time Square ad. It was awesome to see our vamps represented. Hopefully we get a ton of new fans from all the amazing marketing this year.
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theworldofotps · 1 year
Uncle Eddie (Drabble)
Word Count: 493
Description: Eddie and your niece hang out in the backyard during a family gathering. Your niece wants to try smoking for the first time.
This is from a conversation I had with @omg-im-such-a-masochist last year sometime (I don’t remember lmao). I got the inspiration from our convo and her own Eddie series ‘Where I Belong’ (dad Eddie it’s perfect) Definitely check it out!🖤 ___________ Tag list:
@omg-im-such-a-masochist @melissahausen @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose @sjwrites22 @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @xbreezymeadowsmunsonx @rebellious-desires @thiccc-rider-mcintyre @letsgivethisonemoreshot @mcreignsera @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @auburnwrites @aews-four-pillars @whenimakeitshine1234 @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @seeingstarks @blaquekitty @ironshamelessyouth @melblacc @alliwant456 @elevennbloom @cuzimacomedian
If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. ___________
“Are you sure doing it here is a good idea?”
Your niece whispered as she stood on the other side of the shed with your fiancé. Eddie nodded his head and looked around before reaching into his pocket.
“Listen don’t tell your auntie or your mother I’m letting you try this. Your mother will hurt me and your auntie.” Eddie paused for a moment thinking before he shuddered.
“I don’t even wanna go there. But I mean come on you’re sixteen. Almost an adult it won’t hurt to try a few puffs right? And at least it’s with me and not some punk.”
“What are we supposed to say if they smell it on me?”
“That’s what the mints, cologne and perfume are for, what you think I brought this stuff for the hells of it? Nah it’s to save both our asses.”
Eddie would chuckle lifting the bag, it was nearing dusk outside. So there was less chance of getting caught, Eddie fumbles with the lighter trying to light it with the cigarette hanging out his mouth.
“This fuckin lighter is worthless, next time I’m not sending your auntie to buy one. I love that woman to death but god she can’t pick a zippo from a regular broke-ass gas station one.”
“Why didn’t you just tell her that?”
“Are you nuts? My ass would be in the dog house and I like sleeping in my bed. Besides, I wouldn’t get a piece of… you know what I’m not gonna explain the rest of it to you 'cause you don’t need to know none of that.”
After a few more attempts he finally gets the shit lit and then the two spend the next twenty minutes trying to get your niece used to it. She was practically coughing up a lung which caused Eddie to chuckle.
“Don’t inhale so sharply you aren’t used to it. Take it nice and slow there’s no rush.”
Showing her how it’s done your niece was starting to loosen up enough, she began unloading about all the pressure that she’d been feeling lately. The jerks at school, how she couldn’t find an outfit for the big dance coming up.
He’d blow a ring of smoke up looking at the sky for a minute then back at her smiled and ruffling her hair.
“So much to worry about in one so young, I get it tho. People think just cause you’re a teen that you shouldn’t have issues or things to worry about apart from school. But that’s bullshit.”
Shaking his head as he inhaled than passed the cigarette over.
“Yous teenagers got a lot of shit to stress about. Grades, peer pressure, graduating, driving, sex and all that other shit that comes with being a teen.
Just remember tho Uncle Eddie is always in your corner, each time life knocks you down. Just stand up, brush the dirt off ya shirt and flip them middle fingers up.”
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lovelikethemovies13 · 3 months
Hi there!! Words cannot describe how excited I got when I saw you we’re doing matchups. So fingers crossed that you’re taking requests for that. I’d be delighted to receive an outer banks or tsitp matchup <33 (If you have the motivation and energy for it of course!!)
Starting off, i’m an ENTP with a sun sign of taurus. I’m a straight (BUT 110% SUPPORTING) woman who goes by she/her. My hogwarts house is Slytherin. I’m 5’4 with chest length blonde hair, green bright eyes (with a brown line in the left one?) w a slim yet curvy body. I should wear glasses, but I don’t. Never. Not doin that. It doesn’t feel like me.
Describing my style will always be a touch cookie. One thing i know for sure is JEWELRY ALWAYS. Typically golden hoops. I dress in long skirts, dresses, sweaters, turtlenecks, blouses etc. Going for comfort but making it look somewhat chic. I wear pants on rare occasions (they are so uncomfortable for what?) I really don’t have a color palette - varies every day, multiple shades.. I’m not very into fashion, but I do enjoy an outfit. I used to sew, but I always fucked up five minutes into the project - so I dropped it. I dress for my own sense of pleasure and liking. Now obviously, one has constant desires to appear stylish to the public. But I do my very best to brush it off.
People tend to describe me as intelligent and observant, which I do agree on partly. The thing is that i hate bragging about myself, but secretly I consider myself better than anyone else. Talking to strangers and improving their day brings me life, but I’m also insecure about their judgemental thoughts on me. Got a special love for talking both on a shallow level, and a deep, philosophical therapy session looking ish convo. However, I do crave some solitude as a relief from the eyes of others. I’m such a fantastic friend once you’ve got to know me. I think about the small things and adore giving thoughtful gifts as well as letters. Ambition is my first name, but only if I find passion in the subject, and this is also probably the grounding sources for my anxiety ejdjsksb. My humor is definitively worth questioning. It’s just awfully dry and sarcastic (and yes, I do die laughing at my own jokes. THEY ARE FUNNY?). I assume I got this stone face frame before you crack me open as a way of not getting judged by fellow college students.. I cannot tolerate people talking shit about others. Obviously, I’m no picture perfect prize - but I have morals, respect and understanding. A lot of the times I speak & write in metaphors that are worth digging into to understand through and through.
In my free time i sometimes tend to read. Mostly classics and psychology inspired ones at the moment. Don’t worry, no collen hoover for me thank you. I have a huge interest in true crime and scary themes, and it has always been fascinating to me. Horror enthusiasts forever and always. Currently i take humanities courses, which is a lot of philosophy, history and culture. My way of handling emotions are probably by scream singing to emotional music, crying or just yelling out of the blue. I love shopping (my wallet does not agree) I play the guitar which has grown into becoming a huge part of my life!! When the environment allows it, I also sing. And write poetry. Other things I enjoy are researching stupid, unnecessary things. TAYLOR SWIFT (Folklore girly), kisses, physical letters, iced coffee, pretty nicknames, rain, people smiling at me, feeling loved and needed, thunderstorms, flowers (alive preferably, not dying)
About the things i dislike thennnn. Being excluded, people invalidating my feelings, car noises HAHA, slow walkers, not doing something perfectly at the first time, people who make fun of others, rude people who mocks others for no reason, maths… I have a strong disliking for schedules and having to be somewhere at a certain time. I cannot function properly w that on my mind.
My love language is most likely words of affirmation. There’s just something about a beautifully put together love declaration that makes me melt. Also, physical touch. This was something I used to feel awkward about but now I live for those gestures and touches. Something about the skin to skin, human to human connection. OH AND ALSO, acts of service. An act tells so much more than any word. With that said, those acts easily creates a red line with physical touch, such as making time for laying down with me. (I just realized what I just said is the polar opposite of word of affection. BUT HELLO?! I LOVE EVERYTHING HAHA)
I assume that’s pretty much it! Have a wonderful continuing day, or night - whatever time it is. Thank you dearly in advance <33
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Your OBX Match Is: Pope Heyward!
he would definitely save up to buy you flowers or a book that you've been considering
when pope sees you reading a true crime book he'll give you some random fact about rigor mortis or how the autopsy could have been preformed
you'll spend days laying out at the beach together. sometimes he'll bring a book and read to you
pope listened to folklore for you because he knows how much you like it
he tried to write a poem about you when he confessed his feelings but it didn't turn out well so the two of you ended up laughing together as he tried to read it out
pope automatically defends you whenever someone says anything remotely negative about you
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Your TSITP Match Is: Cam Cameron!
cam takes you out on the whale watching boat with him whenever he goes. he spends the entire time pointing out different sea creatures to you and telling you about them
he's a great listener and he'll listen to you talk about anything. he always gives you the best advice
he loves your sense of humor and he always laughs at your jokes
cam loves folklore too. he bought you the vinyl of it for your birthday one year (or the cd if you prefer that)
whenever you're away from each other for a longer amount of time he writes you letters at least twice a week
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thanabony · 5 months
Hey gorgeous peeps! 💖✨
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What's up? I'm Thana, your go-to Swedish babe dishing out the coolest vibes! 🇸🇪💅 I'm totally obsessed with books, makeup, and fashion, and I can't wait to sprinkle a little bit of my girly world onto your feed. 📖💄👗 And guess what? I'm that girly girl living for the ultimate 2014 Tumblr aesthetic – you feel me? 💖
Slide into my DMs if you're up for some fab convo. Let's keep it sweet, chic, and totally on point! 🌟💕💋
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neotrances · 6 months
i was gonna ask about the platform boots i have but that convo was so stupid i ain’t going back there wtf is chic i’ll kill you
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Kurt Fashion: Saturday Night Glee-ver
Link to masterpost
I know this ep isn’t about him but I do wish he got a solo. Get hype for Whitney tho. And he still had a lot of great looks
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Brief look here, been a while since light grey. I do like the scarf, nice look
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This looks very s4 Kurt with the ascot wow. Except not jeans, but these pants are fine. SOmething fluffy clipped to his belt tho... another tail?? Kurt what is your deal I just... I can’t
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So I know this was only Unique’s imaginary convo but Kurt looks v cute and I really like this bowtie with more of a tied ribbon look? Very dapper
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Ooh white boots have returned, I really like them. Very classic look. Later half of the season, I guess as Kurt is more settled, we get less over the top pieces (except for workouts). I like how his style has developed. Less hiding behind fashion, he’s okay to show more elbows/collar, wear more fitted stuff. But he’s by no means basic
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Brief shot in background.I like his blazer a lot with the pop of red, and red/beige looks really good on him. Nice look
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Classy suit, ofc. ANd... are those suspenders hanging over his shoulders? That’s such a choice Kurt like how tf do you come up with this stuff. As long as it’s not another harness lol
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Ok but I love this?? Kurt where tf did you get this?? First off: He rocks black/white the best, hands down. And the plaid is so clean? ANd that almost... smoke or cobweb effect?? Like damn this is so cool and I love it and I want him to wear it again but idk if he does... we’ll see
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Including his disco look bc it’s adorable and look at the return of s1 hair omg flashbacks
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Ooh the white bolo tie we saw all the way back in Hairography, nice to see you again. I like his poncho, classic cozy chic, and the shirt is a nice variety to all the black. Clean look
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No but actually I need Kurt to be in Newsies. Look at this bean. Look at his hat and suspenders. He would be so good in it. Can he be in Newsies pls??? This style keeps popping up out of nowhere and he rocks it and I love it. 
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origamipineapples · 1 year
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Happy New Year
Dress - A Breakfast Convo "Saytion Sheer Dress" @Mainstore
Pose - OG. "Merry" @Tres Chic Event
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temporarymoods · 8 months
almost october
i tried a quiche today, at a cafe clearly customer-ed by rich people. i couldn't quite place why the baristas were like, colder than normal, but after a couple minutes of surveying their patronage i was like oh.. yeah. :( this is not the scene i'm used to!
anyway, it's night now. and you won't believe the set-up in my room. little context first: my congestion has been crazier than normal, sinuses just all out of whack, nostrils closing and opening at will. the left nose hole was like, dry today or something, so the corresponding left back of my throat was sore this evening. idk the actual cause and effect here, but maybe someday soon i'll educate myself on the anatomy of it all. anyway, i have too many important things happening over the next couple of days and i can't get sick or have any pestulancies (made-up word)!! since i had already steam-bathed myself over a cup of tea post-homemade-fish-taco-dinner, and it was kind of nice, i had some empirical evidence supporting the idea that adding moisture to my air & sleeping in that for hours would make a kind of difference, so, time to bust out the humidifier! but then-- the air purifier. hmmm, you see i wake up and sneeze every morning because of fucking dust or something idk. mold?! so i've been living with my new baby as we know...but would it dry out my new air? has it been? all thoughts i've had in the last 20 minutes. anyway, i go to fill up my humidifier with water, bam, she's working right away. i put her next to my bed and turn to the air purifier at the foot of my bed, turn it on. WHY IS IT READING AT 100?! oh mygod she turned on and boom numbers start flying up. what?! its normally at like...1. maybe 002. but we flew past the 70s into the 90s and past 100?! (don't ask me what it's measuring, idk, but number bigger = badder) so i was shocked! i ran her last night, with really no need! steady low numbers, even with/after candle burning. then wasn't in my room all day! maybe left my door open for a moment this evening... so that's an unsolved mystery. but i think ugh maybe the humidifier is too close to my bed, i don't want to get wet dirty air. so the two machines are now both at the foot of my bed, sharing the rug <3 sisters <3 so cute <3 and i am well taken care of. thank you, machines! please keep me healthy! (lol just realized the mug of tea i made a while ago is also still quite warm because of my electronic mug hahaha. that's so chic)
that was a lot of dumbness. but it excites me. what else. i had a proper adventure today. so much was inspiring me and filling my bucket i just had to write it down at the beginning of my afternoon class. let's take a look at the notion, shall we?
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here's the translation:
i saw a young child at thinking cup newbury. we vibed. tweeted about it. go check (there's a secret passageway on here)
self-explanatory, also, i was there for a rent check
self-explanatory, 2 toast and a sauce please
first quote me staring convo, second quote dude whose smile made my day saying bye; support UFCW !! they gave me a sticker & a pin :D
just checking in...doing my rounds................garnering intel....
same thing.......let a girl be......
wanted to remember this bc it felt like i was on a streak of kindness from strangers :)
self-explanatory, second point true asf
saw a rifle for the first time in a long time! turns out i can recognize that hint of white taped wood anywhere
so that's what i did. what was i thinking tho? good question. got a list for that too.
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been watching a lot of movies recently. finished she's the man tonight, actually. weird as fuck, like straight up. if i did star ratings it would only get 2
coming soon :0
didn't yet (pay my credit card. lmao)
new wes anderson flick
also for my watchlist, thanks sapphic twitter
10 year pure heroine anniversary, was gonna tweet about it
coming soon :0
paper i want to read, taken from paper i read about south dakota native american abortion politics in 2006
god. when does she stop making lists...never.
thinking i would
got too many eggs, want sweet treats, mad scientist therapy, etc.
secret (i want a way to store my homemade salad dressings)
so i've got a lot going on, internally and externally. big woo. have to get up so early tomorrow-- i shouldnt be up right now-- to go to a catholic training about protecting god's children, mandatory for before i begin tutoring writing once a week at an in-need private school. awkwarrddd for the church! (it's about child sexual assault prevention.) curious to see how they approach the subject. but its early as fuck and a 20 minutes drive away. watching pretty little liars right now though and the two cunty moms are discussing divorce and dating again, lmfao. this show cracks me up. i told the elevator pitch version of my parents' divorces story today, only to realize i hadn't really talked about it in a while. a long while. not something i think about, those couple of months. shit was kind of...idk. don't think i have the right word.
i should get goinggg now. i know!! such a shame. isn't it so fun to read all these details?! it's fun for me to write them. i want to remember somehow.
w/ love & sustained interest in life, talk soon, about teaching, and other things, Kate
p.s. i've been taking some pretty pictures, will share soon xo
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ravenbloodshot · 1 year
Hello, I would like to participate in your game. (Because there wasn’t an ending notice, I don’t know whether it has concluded. If it is, please feel free to ignore this.) My placements are : Cancer sun/moon/mercury, Gemini Venus, Leo Mars and Saturn, Scorpio Jupiter, and Leo Ascendant. Thank you 🖤
Your energy reminds me of ice cream
You make look cold and chic, like the type people would be intimidated to approach but as soon as you open your mouth and express your bubbly side, the guard that people put up to counter your cold front completely melts.
You may not even be aware that you intimidate people. But you do try your best to protect yourself from strangers, like not truly showing your full personality until you spent a little more time with a person. But still engaging in convo's with others, I don't think you just blow ppl off.
I do think you would really appreciate those that can take the first approach with you, entertain you in fun conversations, even including you in activities that you normally wouldn't do are 3 big things that turn you on surrounding a significant other.
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charlotteswebbbbb · 2 years
What's the vibe #3
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Stamp duty and interest rates are going to mess with the rental market more until there's political intervention basically, I believe. Which could be at any time in the 2 years. But with the budget just release by the Chancellor, it's not looking good. I would say a big chunk of disposable income is going down even with the tax changes - the removal of the 45% income tax band. The pound/dollar parity is currently at (writing this on Friday, 400pm is $1.09, now Monday 1pm $1.07), even pound to euro being basically 1=1 (1.12euro) is quite worrying.
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A few economists are saying that the UK is looking like an emerging economy and what happens in "emerging economies"? Mass inequality and I would even say social unrest - the trickles of we can see in strikes right now.
Headphones as accessories is a trend I wanted to touch on last week (pre my holiday). Every few months there's a new headphones on TikTok that is the headphones to buy, whether they're the Sony WH1000XM4 or Koss Porta Pros or AirPod Maxs. The Sony headphones are so popular the tag itself has 54M views for videos combined. I think some of this has to do with the back to reality, back to work, out in the world vibe that is going on. New Yorkers and Londoners probably would be most seen with this. Commuter chic!
(See also Martine Rose FW22) :)
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sandy liang/loewe ss23
Corsets are still in - the popularity of brands like Miaou and during the fashion weeks. This connects maybe to the social restrictions of women at the moment - Roe Vs Wade, Iranian protests, misogyny in Seoul, etc
Fragility/femininity/trad Cath/purity - talked about last week but here it is in action (esp with balletcore)- Sandy Liang, MM6, Simone Rocha, Mirror Palais!
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Rave / Punk
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Realism - Back to life, back to reality
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Space as an upcoming trend - Beyonce's Alien Superstar, sunglasses, 90s kid vibes
Workwear as formalwear now for mens -
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Things to read:
The SSENSE FW22 Trend Report
Interesting thinkers:
Elijah - music wise, always gets me to think about how musicians can navigate a new music industry or just offers advice using his famous yellow posts on social media
Mat Dryhurst - music and technology, check out podcast Interdependence with partner Holly Herndon. He's done a lot of thinking about NFTs, Web3, AI - the future basically.
Jaime Brooks - super cool musician and writer has done this amazing interview with Embedded on Substack - I think Jaime's got an amazing brain and also does a column for The New Inquiry on streaming services.
I basically had this twitter convo on Thursday night with Mat Dryhurst which was in response to his response on this Guardian article and it really got me thinking about how music is a public good and how musicians especially in the UK talk about burn out and mental health issues. (See also the Music Minds Matter charity becoming a single focus charity with 30% more enquiries). And he suggested NFTs as a solution - I said that they have a high barrier to entry.
I also said that certain things need a PR redo - not that I 100% believe in web 3 but I do think it's coming aggressively, artists, creators want solutions and answers to things right now and I think if the believers and architects of bigger things in Web3 want the general public on board, it's best to do this now than later.
Which also begs the question of is this exclusive? Inclusive? Isn't crypto just luxury on a grander scale? How will social media work on web 3?
Note: 1 ETH = 1186.62 GBP
Starting points for #4:
War in Ukraine and it's effects
Still the looming idea of blackouts - candles popularity?
Next year will be the year of the eyes - eyelashes, eye brows being big, better, bold, eye shadow
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stew-chan · 2 years
pronounced chic right in a convo with a coworker (50/50 bet it was sheek or chick) so now I'm officially a cis woman
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chodhound · 2 years
France day 12 part 1
Another lovely breakfast on our little balcony - seagulls eyeing our croissants.
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Bags to the car - chatted with the gardener he liked my car but didn't like the sun - he said it makes 10 degrees difference.
Short drive to Antibes - this time on the autoroute - quite amazing road.
Hotel Eden Roc - pretty impressive - valet parked - waltzes through to the beach club. Very chic.
Eden Roc burger for me - sea bass carpaccio for Laura - really nice - lovely friendly service again and a beautiful spot.
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Mega bantz with the man in the car park - he was complaining it was too hot to be wearing his black jacket and no wind.
Then off the their sister hotel chateau St Martin up in the hills at Vence.
Lovely welcome - as I think I told them we were celebrating our wedding anniversary - everybody seemed to come out and introduce themselves. Lovely entrance with sculptures. Really nice room looking out over the courtyard. Then down to the pool for a relax. 20 lengths of the pool - very refreshing. Lovely bar by the pool and really friendly. We stayed really late in the pool after it had got much quieter - the only other people left were a jet lagged couple from LA who were drinking rose in the pool which is a pretty great look!
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Predinner drinks in the courtyard. Mine was called a Billy!
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Really tasty nuts - truffled cashews and sun-dried tomato cashew too!
The lady next to us was sitting a bit too close to a ants nest that had decided it was flying ant day!
We got a great seat for dinner - right by the edge and the food was really nice and the wine waiter was especially enthusiastic!
Funny US couple and UK couple having dinner together - they had clearly just met - maybe on a cruise or tour? UK lady was a doctor and US man was something in business.
"well when I meet people I always like to look them up on the internet - I think it's only polite - it means you can dispense with that awkward chit chat and ask some really interesting questions like on the apprentice" (UK lady)
"you shouldn't believe what it says about chucks net worth though they always exaggerate - it's probably more like 36 million" (us lady)
People behind us had a terrible convo with the wine people - "have you got any of this wine (shows the sommelier a picture)?" "Sorry Madame we don't have any haut brion but we can recommend something similar" "well this is the wine I want - can't you get some? What kind of place is this?"
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sericate · 3 years
hear me out
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